Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multi criteria essessment"" "subject:"multi criteria bioassessment""
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L'évaluation des performances des universités au regard du développement durable : une perspective internationale / Assessing university performances toward sustainable development : an international perspectiveBouckaert, Mathias 09 November 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la transition des sociétés vers le développement durable, le rôle des universités est de plus en plus mis en évidence. A cet égard, l’évaluation, en tant qu’outil d’accompagnement des organisations pour l’amélioration de leurs performances, peut s’avérer d’une aide précieuse.Le potentiel d’application de l’évaluation reste toutefois limité. L’université et la durabilité apparaissent comme des objets normatifs dont la définition du contenu est source de nombreuses oppositions. En outre, leur réalité est évolutive et sujette à d’importants degrés d’incertitude et de complexité paradoxale.Le présent travail vise à déterminer les conditions à travers lesquelles l’évaluation peut apporter un avantage, sinon constituer un frein, à l’amélioration des performances des universités en matière de durabilité. Il se présente en deux grandes parties.La première porte sur la construction théorique de la norme d’évaluation des « performances durables de l’université». Elle repose sur l’examen approfondi des spécificités de l’université et de la durabilité ainsi que sur une analyse empirique de plusieurs cas pratiques relevés à l’international.La deuxième partie confronte et consolide les enseignements de la première en se concentrant sur le développement d’une méthodologie opérationnelle d’évaluation. Pour ce faire, un processus participatif multi-parties prenantes a été mis en œuvre et a conduit à la construction d'un dispositif multidimensionnel regroupant plus de 50 indicateurs. Cet outil se veut être une contribution à l’édification de systèmes d’évaluation mis à disposition des acteurs académiques pour l’identification de pistes d’amélioration de leurs performances au regard du développement durable. / In the context of the transition of societies towards sustainable development, the role of universities is increasingly highlighted. In this respect, assessment, as a support tool for organizations whishing to improve their performance, can be of great assistance. Opportunities for the application of assessment remains however limited. The university and sustainability are normative objects and their definition is subject to considerable opposition. In addition, their reality is progressive and characterized by high levels of uncertainty and paradoxical complexity.This work aims to determine the conditions under which assessment practices can support, or otherwise hinder, the performances of universities toward sustainability. It comes in two parts.The first part focuses on the theoretical construction of an evaluation norm for the "sustainable performances of universities". It is based on a comprehensive review of the specific features of the university and sustainability, as well as on an analysis of several best practices identified internationally. The second part compares and strengthens those findings by focussing on the design of an operational assessment methodology. This research was conducted through a multi- stakeholder participatory process that led to the building of a multidimensional framework comprising more than 50 indicators. This tool aims to be a contribution to the development of assessment methods for academic actors willing to identify ways of improving their performances with respect to sustainability.
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Zhodnocení běžných účtů metodami operačního výzkumu / Comparison of current accounts by methods of the operational researchKánová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a selection of the best current account. This thesis describes how the bank system functions in the Czech Republic. The characteristics of the banking institutions which provide current accounts and the characteristics of the compared current accounts are presented in this thesis. The Monte Carlo method and the methods multi-criteria assessment of variants are described theoretically. The selection is based on the methods of the operational research. The first part of the practical chapter focuses on the Monte Carlo method which selects the best account by charges for different types of clients. The methods of multi-criteria assessment of variants, specifically methods TOPSIS and PROMETHEE, are also applied. The calculations are carried out by add-in SANNA for MS Excel. In conclusion, both approaches to solution are compared and the current account according to the preferences of each client type is recommended.
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Industrial Ecology and Development of Production Systems : Analysis of the CO2 Footprint of CementFeiz, Roozbeh January 2014 (has links)
This research is an attempt to create a comprehensive assessment framework for identifying and assessing potential improvement options of cement production systems. From an environmental systems analysis perspective, this study provides both an empirical account and a methodological approach for quantifying the CO2 footprint of a cement production system. An attributional Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is performed to analyze the CO2 footprint of several products of a cement production system in Germany which consists of three dierent plants. Based on the results of the LCA study, six key performance indicators are dened as the basis for a simplied LCA model. This model is used to quantify the CO2 footprint of dierent versions of the cement production system. In order to identify potential improvement options, a framework for Multi-Criteria Assessment (MCA) is developed. The search and classication guideline of this framework is based on the concepts of Cleaner Production, Industrial Ecology, and Industrial Symbiosis. It allows systematic identication and classication of potential improvement options. In addition, it can be used for feasibility and applicability evaluation of dierent options. This MCA is applied both on a generic level, reecting the future landscape of the industry, and on a production organization level re ecting the most applicable possibilities for change. Based on this assessment a few appropriate futureoriented scenarios for the studied cement production system are constructed. The simplied LCA model is used to quantify the CO2 footprint of the production system for each scenario. By integrating Life Cycle Assessment and Multi-Criteria Assessment approaches, this study provides a comprehensive assessment method for identifying suitable industrial developments and quantifying the CO2 footprint improvements that might be achieved by their implementation. The results of this study emphasis, although by utilizing alternative fuels and more ecient production facility, it is possible to improve the CO2 footprint of clinker, radical improvements can be achieved on the portfolio level. Compared to Portland cement, very high reduction of CO2 footprint can be achieved if clinker is replaced with low carbon alternatives, such as Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) which are the by-products of other industrial production. Benchmarking a cement production system by its portfolio product is therefore a more reasonable approach, compared to focusing on the performance of its clinker production. This study showed that Industrial Symbiosis, that is, over the fence initiatives for material and energy exchanges and collaboration with nontraditional partners, are relevant to cement industry. However, the contingent nature of these strategies should always be noted, because the mere exercise of such activities may not lead to a more resource ecient production system. Therefore, in search for potential improvements, it is important to keep the search horizon as wide as possible, however, assess the potential improvements in each particular case. The comprehensive framework developed and applied in this research is an attempt in this direction.
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Systematisk bedömning av våtmarksväxter som substrat för biogasproduktionHaglund, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Två miljöproblem idag är ökade koncentrationer av växthusgaser i atmosfären och övergödning. Därför är två utmaningar att reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser och flöden av näringsämnen. Ytterligare en utmaning är att trygga energiförsörjningen i en värld där efterfrågan på energi ökar. Nya förnybara energikällor behöver utvecklas både för att trygga energiförsörjningen men även för att minska användandet av fossil energi. En förnybar energikälla är biogas som kan användas till el, värme och fordonsgas. Det förutspås att substrat för biogasproduktion kommer vara en bristvara i framtiden, därför behöver nya substrat utvärderas. Våtmarksväxter är ett alternativt substrat för biogasproduktion och utvärderades i den här studien. Våtmarker och dess växter är intressanta att studera eftersom de kan reducera koncentrationen näringsämnen som når sjöar och hav och kan därför bidra till att minska problemen med övergödning. Studien genomfördes inom ett projekt vid Biogas Research Center och var en litteraturstudie med studie av ett fall. Metoden som användes har arbetats fram i projektet och är en multikriteriaanalys, (MCA), vilket innebär att det är flera olika områden som studeras. Områdena tar hänsyn till biologiska, ekonomiska, kemiska, miljömässiga och tekniska aspekter. För att strukturera upp informationen användes en matris som bestod av de olika huvudområdena som studerades. För att tydliggöra möjligheter och hinder gjordes en semi-kvalitativ bedömning av varje huvudområde. Fallet som studerades var en våtmark i odlingslandskapet. Våtmarken är 5 ha och återskapades för några år sedan för att fungera som kväve- och fosforkälla. Det finns ingen växtlighet i våtmarken eftersom den är relativt ny. De växter som studerades under studien var därför växter som är tänkbara att växa i våtmarken i framtiden. Växterna som studerades var vass, rörflen och bredkaveldun. I våtmarken finns möjlighet att reglera vattennivån och därmed tömma den på vatten för att underlätta skörd. Resultatet visade att den teknik som finns idag för skörd och sönderdelning behöver utvecklas eftersom den inte motsvarar de krav som ställs. Det finns olika tekniker för rötning och eftersom växterna har hög torrsubstanshalt är torrötning att föredra eller ett tvåstegssystem där första steget är torrötning. En våtmark ger en relativt liten mängd biomassa och därför passar det bättre att röta växterna tillsammans med andra substrat till exempel på en gårdsbiogasanläggning. Våtmarksväxter är inte godkända substrat för certifiering av biogödsel, vilket kan vara ett hinder. Biogödseln har även ett lågt värde eftersom växterna innehåller låg halt näringsämnen. Våtmarker reducerar mängden näringsämnen och skörd kan bidra till att retentionen av fosfor ökar. Samtidigt avger våtmarker metan och lustgas som påverkar växthuseffekten. Idag finns det ingen ekonomisk lönsamhet att skörda våtmarker. Ett system där ersättning fås för miljönyttan som skörd ger är ett alternativ för att öka lönsamheten. / Two environmental problems today are the increased concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and eutrophication. Therefore, two challenges are reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fluxes of nutrients. Another challenge is to secure the energy supply in a world where energy demand is increasing. New renewable energy sources need to be developed both to secure the energy supply, but also to reduce the use of fossil energy. A renewable energy source is biogas that can be used for electricity, heating and as vehicle fuel. It is predicted that substrate for biogas production will be a limitation in the future, therefore, new substrate need to be evaluated. Wetland plants are an alternative substrate for biogas production and evaluated in this study. Wetlands and it is plants are interesting to study because they can reduce the concentration of nutrients and therefore help to reduce the problem of eutrophication. The study was performed within a project at Biogas Research Center and was a literature study with the study of a case. The method used has been developed in the project and is a Multi Criteria Assessment (MCA), which means that there are several different areas being studied. Areas taking into account the biological, economic, chemical, environmental and technological aspects. In order to structure the data, a matrix consisting of the different key areas was used. To clarify the opportunities and obstacles a semi-qualitative assessment was done for each key area. The case studied was a wetland in an agricultural landscape. The wetland is 5 ha and was constructed a few years ago to work as nitrogen and phosphorous trap. There is no vegetation in the wetland because it is relatively new. The plants that were studied during the study was therefore plants that are potential to grow in the wetland in the future. The studied plants were reed, reed canary grass and cattail. In the wetland it is possible to regulate the water and thereby drain the water to facilitate harvesting. The results showed that the technology available today for the harvesting and chopping needs to be developed because it does not meet the required standards. There are various techniques for digestion, but since the dry matter is high for the plants dry fermentation is preferable, or a two-stage system in which the first step is dry digestion. A wetland provides a relatively small amount of biomass and therefore it is better to co-digest the plants on a farm biogas plant. Wetland plants are not approved substrates for certification of bio fertilizer, which can be an obstacle. The bio fertilizer also has a low value because the plants contain low levels of nutrients.Wetlands reduce the amount of nutrients and harvest of wetland plants contributes to the retention of phosphorus increases. Wetlands emit methane and nitrous oxide that affect global warming.Today, there is no economic viability of harvesting wetlands. A system in which compensation is obtained for the environmental benefit that harvest provides is an option to increase profitability.
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Obvodní oddělení Policie ČR v Kyjově / District police department of the Czech Republic in KyjovŠibalová, Lenka Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is multi-criteria assessment SBToolCZ of the building district department for Czech police in Kyjov. The building has a basement with underground garages, shooting range and technical facilities (boiler room, air conditioning room, storage, archives, cleaning room), and a ground floor with offices covered by a flat roof. The load-bearing structure of the basement is designed from watertight reinforced concrete. The ground floor has ceramic block walls. The floor and roof structure are designed from pre-stressed Spiroll. The building envelope is insulated with ETICS. The thesis also contains project documentation of building and HVAC design. The project was carried out in the AutoCad programme. Project documentation was prepared according to valid legal and technical regulations.
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