Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multiculturalism -- eligious aspects"" "subject:"multiculturalism -- deligious aspects""
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Interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale WeermagMaasdorp, David Isak 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die hoofdoel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n studie te maak van die
interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SuidAfrikaanse
Nasionale Weermag.
Die benadering wat in hierdie studie gevolg word, is om die historiese pad van
politieke stryd van deelnemende magte in die SANW te volg tot en met die
historiese integrasie proses wat sy aanvang in 1994 geneem het. Hierdie
samestelling van weermagte wat bestaan uit die SAW (Suid-Afrikaanse
Weermag), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian's People Liberation
Army), TBVC state, het elkeen respektiewelik sy eie militere- politieke
ideologiese pad geloop. Om die verskille verder te aksentueer bestaan hierdie
magte uit verskillende kulturele-, etniese-, en godsdienstige agtergronde. Die
grootste verskil setel daarin dat hierdie magte aardsvyande van mekaar was.
Die verdere verloop van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n blik te werp op hierdie
diversiteit en die samehangende vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit
die integrasie van magte waarin diepgewortelde verskille setel.
Teneinde samehorigheid en 'n gees van vreedsame naasbestaan te
ontketen,word daar 'n indringende soeke geloods om effektief oor kultuurgrense
heen te kommunikeer.
Hierdie soeke om sinvol en effektief te kommunikeer geskied ook langs die weg
van refleksie vanuit die Skrif. In die lig daarvan dat hierdie verhandeling vanuit
die Sendingwetenskap bedryf word, word vraagstukke vanuit die Skrif benader,
met antler woorde, watter leiding vind ons vanuit die Woord van God op die
problematiek in die SANW.
W anneer daar 'n introspeksie gehou word, oor die vraagstukke en problematiek
wat voortspruit uit die proses van transformasie in die SANW, dan word daar
indringend besin oor die rol wat die kapelaansdiens in die kultureel-diverse
konteks van die SANW vertolk, gegee die vraagstukke en problematiek waarin
die organisasie gewikkel is.
Hierdie navorsing het tot die een slotsom gekom, tewete, dat die kapelaan die rol
as fasiliteerder van versoening moet vertolk. Hy doen dit langs die weg van identifisering met die uitdagings waarmee lede worstel en begelei hulle pastoral
om die visie van'n verenigde weermag vir die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te
intemaliseer. Sy pastoraat bereik sy diepste wese wanneer koninkryksbeginsels
soos vrede, geregtigheig, naaste liefde, vergewingsgesindheid en versoening in
die konteks van die SANW as uitkomste verkondig word. / The main objective of this thesis is to make a study of the intercultural
ministry in the cultural-diverse context of the South African National
Defence Force.
The approach of this study was to follow the political struggle of
participating forces in the SANDF, up to the point of integration in 1994.
These forces consists out of the SADF (South African Defence Forces), MK
(Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian People's Liberation Army), TBVC
States, who travelled their own military, politically and ideological routes.
They also differ culturally, ethnically and religiously in their make-up.
The thesis focuses on the problems and challenges which were caused by the
integration of forces in which deep-seated differences are entrenched.
In order to maintain a peaceful co-existence an urgent search was lodged to
find ways of effective intercultural communication. Being a missiological
study, the focus was on Scripture to find guidance that can overcome
problems and challenges in the SANDF. This brings the role of the Chaplain
in sharp focus in his ministry to the SANDF.
The research came to one conclusion that the Chaplain must fulfill the role of
facilitator of reconciliation. He is doing it by way of identification with the
challenges with which the members struggle and guide them pastorally to
internalize the vision of a United Defence Force for the Republic of South
Africa. His pastorate reaches its depths when Kingdom principles, such as
peace, righteousness, neighbourly love, forgiveness and reconciliation are
proclaimed as outcomes within the context of the SANDF. / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)
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Toward reestablishing a Christian worldview in a postmodern ageMathews, Ned Lee, 1934- 11 1900 (has links)
This work is comprised of an Introduction and two Parts. Part One treats, by way of
historical review and evaluation, the disestablishment of the Christian worldview in a postmodern
age. Part Two proposes the means by whichthe Christian worldview might be reestablished. The
reestablishment includes the use of some of the benefits of postmodernism by Christians as well as
a return to the responsible reading of texts, especially the biblical text.
Part One, The Disestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is composed ofthree chapters.
Chapter 1chronicles the change that has occurred in Western culture because of the ascendency of
postmodernism. It isbest described as a change in authorityfrom the logocentric metanarrative which
has characterized Christianity to the deconstructionist rejection of worldviews by postmodern
literary critics. Chapter 2 reviews the paradigm shifts that have occurred in belief
systemsthat have occurred in the West as a result of this change,and Chapter 3 shows the effects of
all this in the culture's principal institutions.
Part Two, The Reestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is also composed of three chapters.
Chapter 4 shows the impact that postmodernity has had on the efforts now being made on behalf of
reestablishing the Christian worldview as a viable intellectual position in Western culture.
Chapter 5 is occupied with the negative and positive responses of certain Christian
scholars to the challenge of postmodernism, and Chapter 6 closes the study with an extended
treatment of the factors that must be in play for a reestablishment of the Christian worldview to
occur in Western civilization. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Theology)
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Reverse mission? : Einführung in afrikanische Perspektiven und die Rezeption in Deutschland / Reverse mission? : introduction to African perspectives and the reception in GermanyEhmann, Matthias 02 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in German and English / Die Arbeit beschreibt und reflektiert aus missionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive das häufig mit „reverse mission“ bezeichnete Phänomen afrikanischer Mission in Europa. Dafür beschreibt und vergleicht sie drei relevante Perspektiven afrikanischen Ursprungs, um das noch wenig untersuchte Phänomen wissenschaftlich zu fassen. Anschließend wer-den die Ergebnisse missionswissenschaftlich gedeutet und die Rezeption des Phänomens in der deutschsprachigen Theologie und in der deutschen kirchlichen Landschaft unter-sucht. So wird identifiziert, welche Aspekte des internationalen Diskurses in Deutschland besondere Beachtung finden und welche missionstheologischen Positionen dazu vertre-ten werden. Davon ausgehend werden Perspektiven und Desiderate auf dem Weg zu einer multikulturellen Missionsbewegung benannt. / The study describes and reflects a phenomenon of African Missions to Europe, which is often called “reverse mission”, from a missiological perspective. For this purpose it describes and compares three relevant Africanrooted perspectives in order to catch this not jet well researched phenomenon. The results are interpreted missiological and the reception of the phenomenon in German speaking theology and in German churches is researched in order to identify, which aspects of the international discourse are attracting special interest in Germany and which missiological views are advanced. On that basis perspectives and desiderata for the future discourse on the way to a multicultural mission movement are named. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)
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