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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiculturalism and the church in Acts.

Varathan, Paul R. January 2004 (has links)
This research on Multiculturalism has basically a three-pronged or a multidimensional approach. Firstly, the definitions of culture and multiculturalism are discussed. Secondly, multiculturalism in relevance to the book of Acts, and how the early church was able to deal with the phenomenon of multiculturalism. Thirdly, multiculturalism and the Church in South Africa, in context with the book of Acts are discussed. The 'definitions of multiculturalism', is included, in order that the reader may fully comprehend the aspect of multiculturalism in the early church, and the church of the present day. Without first understanding what is culture is all about, one will not be able to fully understand the nature of multiculturalism as related to the church. Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 deals with some the questions like, cultural diversity, problems and challenges of multiculturalism, race and ethnicity, cultural change, language, and religion. The early church from the time of the apostles, and the church past and present, have all experienced some or most of the challenges with regards to multiculturalism. Thus, in the light of the definitions of multiculturalism and its different challenges, the phenomenon of multiculturalism and the church is hereby discussed. I have not done an empirical research on the phenomenon of multiculturalism, but a literature survey of what other scholars have written on the subject. Hopefully, in the Doctoral thesis, I shall go to the next level in my research to determine the viewpoint of others, on the phenomenon of multiculturalism, its problems, especially in the 'post-apartheid' South Africa and the Church. I want to place on record my sincere a thanks and appreciation to Dr. S.K. Moran, my supervisor, for his assistance in acquiring a bursary in connection with this research. To the National Research Foundation (NRF), for the bursary; for without which, this research would not have been possible. To Dr. J.A. Smit, for his input, guidance, critical evaluation, and helpful suggestions in completing this research. To my wife, Grace, for her patience and tolerance during the time of doing this research. My prayer is that we in South Africa, as a multicultural, multiracial, and multiethnic society, will begin to understand our 'rainbow nation' a little better. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Durban-Westville, 2004.

The changing face of South Africa : the challenge of multiculturalism in the local churches and the early church.

Mphaphuli, Ntshengedzeni John. January 2006 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (Ph.D)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2006.

The role of churches in rebuilding community relations in south Kivu between 1996 and 2006.

Kabati, Jean-Daniel. January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to predict and evaluate whether the participation of the churches in the South Kivu region during the period 1996-2006 in rebuilding broken intercommunity relations and addressing problems of conflict has made any tangible contribution to final outcomes of the political crisis that led to the elections in the DRC in 2006 elections. The study submits the collected data composed of religious, archival documents drawn from the church participation in armed-conflict problem resolution, religious essays and interview response data to careful analysis in order to distil an appropriate practical theological framework methodology for the investigation. A qualitative approach was used in collecting data because the practical theological methodology applied by previous studies in this field endorses this approach as the most appropriate methodology for this type of research study. In its application of the practical theological framework, the study adopted a collaborative approach as opposed to participation involving only churches. The following findings and conclusions have emerged from the analysis of the data collected for the five subtopics - regional politics, social responsibility, peace and reconciliation, insecurity, and cultural transformation - which constitute Chapter Five: Findings and Conclusion. 1. Regional politics The churches' response to the political bungling that characterised the period 1996-2006 was initially confined to verbal criticism devoid of concrete efforts which finally matured into practical theological implementation measures that addressed the intercommunity relations rebuilding and reconstruction of collapsed socio-economic and political structures 2. Social responsibility The churches' successful collaboration with local and human rights international bodies led to resolution of many conflict problems and the provision of many social services for the victims of the conflicts. 3. Peace and reconciliation The study reveals that the churches' efforts towards peace and reconciliation through various church functions in disseminating their moral messages proved very effective in addressing problems and encouraging peace between conflicting political platfonns. 4. Insecurity Church organisations, particularly the Catholic Church, cooperated with the Security Council to enhance security measures in the areas affected by the anned conflicts and the churches became places of refuge for internally displaced persons, where the traumatized received spiritual support. The churches' messages of peace influenced some soldiers to renounce anned violence and to become re-integrated into civilian life. 5. Cultural transfonnation. The church's messages on morality and peace were instrumental in shaping the cultural direction of the inhabitants of South Kivu and succeeded in creating the culture of nonviolent resistance advocated by Ghandi. The study reveals that the churches' efforts towards peace and reconciliation through various church functions in disseminating their moral messages proved very effective in addressing problems and encouraging peace between conflicting political platfonns. resistance advocated by Ghandi. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.

Die verhaal van die Samaritaanse vrou in Johannes 4:1-30, binne die konteks van die Ou Nabye Oosterse kulturele verwagtinge en die simboliese gebruik van water as 'n goue stroom wat vloei deur die vierde evangelie

Du Plessis, Carika 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDiv (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The post-Apartheid South African community is still recognized by dualisms between white and black, rich and poor, public and private, men and women. In this study specific focus has been placed on John 4 which tells the story about the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman with the aim to create a lens through which we can address and breach modern dualism. The focus of the study is the symbolic use of water in the text where it is literary-theologically broken up in order for John to use Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman, to firstly indicate and secondly expose gender, social, political and cultural boundaries in the Ancient-Near East.

Towards heterogeneous faith communities : understanding transitional processes in Seventh-day Adventist Churches in South Africa

Parker, Alan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation examines racial transition toward heterogeneity in three Seventh-day Adventist congregations in South Africa. This dissertation aims to uncover social factors involved in this change as well as to set forth a theological direction with application to the local faith community. The first section examines recent studies and literature on multiracial congregations, indicating a possible breakdown between theory and practice. Using insights from Kuhn, Gadamer, Habermas, and Geertz, a critical correlational approach is proposed using narrative, community-based praxis, dialectical thinking, and eschatological vision. The theological methods of Groome and Browning are combined to suggest a four-phase approach to practical theological research. The second section undertakes an ethnographic study of three Seventh-day Adventist congregations on the outskirts of Durban, Cape Town and Johannesburg. Congregations are examined through the fourfold lens of history, identity, process and program. All three congregations are then compared and analysed from both an etic and emic perspective. Differences between various racial groups are examined and congregational challenges and resources identified. It is shown that while positive racial attitudes exist, underlying black distrust, white fears and other reconciliation issues need to be addressed. Common challenges include continuing racial change, mission and identity issues, evangelism issues, leadership issues and worship issues. Helpful resources in the congregations include an accepting culture, a common language, strong leadership, members with previous multicultural experience and an attractive worship service. Cultural adaptation is analysed through a psychological model ('W-Model') and a congregational model, both of which indicated tensions between assimilationist and integrationist patterns. The third section critiques the sociological approach through a theological hermeneutic. Hospitality to the stranger is proposed as an alternative narrative for handling transition to diversity, and is compared with existing narratives of difference and unity. The witness of Scripture shows both the need to embrace otherness as well as how central hospitality is to God‘s mode of interaction with His created order. The implications of this embrace are explored in terms of other theological models of identity and otherness, reconciliation, the missio Dei and the kingdom of God. In the final section a model of showing hospitality to the stranger is examined in terms of the following movements: (a) the invitation or welcome, (b) providing the gift, (c) feasting at the table, (d) sharing stories, (e) providing a room, and (f) becoming part of the household. The goal is to show how to grow in intimacy without destroying identity. Tensions in the practice of hospitality to the stranger are examined: risk is balanced against opportunity, identity against otherness; boundaries are worked out in a context of sacrifice. Nevertheless, in spite of these paradoxical tensions, it is seen that in this narrative there is potential for bringing diverse communities together based on an ethic of self-giving and mutual acceptance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif ondersoek die transformasieproses van homogene na heterogene gemeentes ten opsigte van ras in drie Sewendedag Adventiste gemeentes in Suid-Afrika. Die tesis beoog om sosiale faktore wat die transformasieproses beïnvloed te bespreek sowel as om in die verband teologies rigting te gee aan plaaslike geloofsgemeenskappe. Die eerste afdeling ondersoek onlangse studies en literatuur in verband met veelrassige gemeentes en toon 'n moontlike uiteensetting van teorie en praktyk. Deur gebruik te maak van die insig van Kuhn, Gadamer, Habermas, en Geertz word 'n kritiese korrelatiewe benadering voorgestel wat gebruik maak van narratiewe, gemeenskap gebaseerde praxis, dialektiese denke, en eskatologiese visie. Die teologiese metodes van Groome en Browning word gekombineer ten einde 'n vier-fase benadering tot praktiese teologiese navorsing voor te stel. Die tweede afdeling onderneem 'n etnografiese studie van drie Sewendedag Adventiste gemeentes aan die buitewyke van Durban, Kaapstad en Johannesburg. Gemeentes word bestudeer onder die viervoudige lens van geskiedenis, identiteit, proses en program. Al drie die gemeentes word dan vergelyk en ontleed van beide 'n lokale en globale (etic en emic) perspektief. Verskille tussen rasse word ondersoek en gemeenskaplike uitdagings en hulpbronne word geïdentifiseer. Hierdie ondersoek toon aan dat alhoewel positiewe rassehoudings bestaan, onderliggende Swart wantroue, Blanke vrese en ander versoeningskwessies aangespreek behoort te word. Algemene uitdagings sluit die hantering van voordurende verandering, missie- en identiteitsproblematiek, evangelisasie problematiek, leierskap problematiek en aanbiddingsproblematiek in. Nuttige benaderings tot die problematiek behels 'n kultuur van aanvaarding, gemeenskaplike taal, sterk leierskap, lidmate met multikulturele ervaring en besielende eredienste. Kulturele aanpassing word ontleed met behulp van 'n sielkundige model ('W-Model') en 'n gemeentelike model. Beide modelle toon spanning tussen assimilasie- en integrasiepatrone. Die derde afdeling kritiseer die sosiologiese benadering deur middel van 'n teologiese hermeneutiek. Gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling word voorgestel as 'n alternatiewe narratief in die plek van bestaande narratiewe van verskil en eenheid om die transisie na diversiteit te verwerk. Die getuienis van die Skrif wys op die noodsaaklikheid om die verskille tussen mense te versoen binne die konteks van God se 'gasvryheid' wat sentraal staan in Sy interaksie met Sy skepping. Die implikasies van hierdie versoening word ondersoek in terme van die aanvullende teologiese modelle van identiteit en andersheid, versoening, die missio Dei en die koninkryk van God. In die laaste afdeling word 'n model van gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling ondersoek in terme van die volgende bewegings: (a) uitnodiging of verwelkoming, (b) bereidheid tot opoffering, (c) viering rondom die tafel, (d) deel van verhale, (e) verskaffing van eie ruimtes, f) eenwording van die huishouding. Die doel is om aan te toon hoe om in intimiteit te groei sonder om identiteit prys te gee. Spanning in die praktiese beoefening van gasvryheid teenoor die vreemdeling word ondersoek: risiko moet gebalanseer word met geleentheid, identiteit met verskil en grense word in die konteks van opoffering uitgewerk. Ten spyte van hierdie paradoksale spannings, het die narratief van die vreemdeling en gasvryheid die potensiaal is om diverse gemeenskappe bymekaar te bring deur middel van 'n etiek van opofferende en gemeenskaplike aanvaarding.

Multicultural living in the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception: a prophetic witness

Moyo, Thandi Elsie 28 February 2004 (has links)
Globalization has turned the world into one ”huge village”. Various nations and cultures have integrated during this process and multiculturalism has resulted. Yet, many people are struggling to accept one another as members of one ”global village”. The difference in culture, race and ethnicity are creating barriers amongst the various nations. These hurdles prevent many communities from living in peace and harmony. Religious community are also facing similar struggles. The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FIC) and other international congregations are called by the Bible and the church to give hope of unity in a diverse cultural context. These congregations are challenged on a continuous basis to search for processes that will assist them to take up their prophetic dimension in witnessing the possibility of living multicultural life in unity. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

Interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag

Maasdorp, David Isak 07 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die hoofdoel van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n studie te maak van die interkulturele bediening in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SuidAfrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Die benadering wat in hierdie studie gevolg word, is om die historiese pad van politieke stryd van deelnemende magte in die SANW te volg tot en met die historiese integrasie proses wat sy aanvang in 1994 geneem het. Hierdie samestelling van weermagte wat bestaan uit die SAW (Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian's People Liberation Army), TBVC state, het elkeen respektiewelik sy eie militere- politieke ideologiese pad geloop. Om die verskille verder te aksentueer bestaan hierdie magte uit verskillende kulturele-, etniese-, en godsdienstige agtergronde. Die grootste verskil setel daarin dat hierdie magte aardsvyande van mekaar was. Die verdere verloop van hierdie verhandeling is om 'n blik te werp op hierdie diversiteit en die samehangende vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die integrasie van magte waarin diepgewortelde verskille setel. Teneinde samehorigheid en 'n gees van vreedsame naasbestaan te ontketen,word daar 'n indringende soeke geloods om effektief oor kultuurgrense heen te kommunikeer. Hierdie soeke om sinvol en effektief te kommunikeer geskied ook langs die weg van refleksie vanuit die Skrif. In die lig daarvan dat hierdie verhandeling vanuit die Sendingwetenskap bedryf word, word vraagstukke vanuit die Skrif benader, met antler woorde, watter leiding vind ons vanuit die Woord van God op die problematiek in die SANW. W anneer daar 'n introspeksie gehou word, oor die vraagstukke en problematiek wat voortspruit uit die proses van transformasie in die SANW, dan word daar indringend besin oor die rol wat die kapelaansdiens in die kultureel-diverse konteks van die SANW vertolk, gegee die vraagstukke en problematiek waarin die organisasie gewikkel is. Hierdie navorsing het tot die een slotsom gekom, tewete, dat die kapelaan die rol as fasiliteerder van versoening moet vertolk. Hy doen dit langs die weg van identifisering met die uitdagings waarmee lede worstel en begelei hulle pastoral om die visie van'n verenigde weermag vir die Republiek van Suid-Afrika te intemaliseer. Sy pastoraat bereik sy diepste wese wanneer koninkryksbeginsels soos vrede, geregtigheig, naaste liefde, vergewingsgesindheid en versoening in die konteks van die SANW as uitkomste verkondig word. / The main objective of this thesis is to make a study of the intercultural ministry in the cultural-diverse context of the South African National Defence Force. The approach of this study was to follow the political struggle of participating forces in the SANDF, up to the point of integration in 1994. These forces consists out of the SADF (South African Defence Forces), MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), APLA (Azanian People's Liberation Army), TBVC States, who travelled their own military, politically and ideological routes. They also differ culturally, ethnically and religiously in their make-up. The thesis focuses on the problems and challenges which were caused by the integration of forces in which deep-seated differences are entrenched. In order to maintain a peaceful co-existence an urgent search was lodged to find ways of effective intercultural communication. Being a missiological study, the focus was on Scripture to find guidance that can overcome problems and challenges in the SANDF. This brings the role of the Chaplain in sharp focus in his ministry to the SANDF. The research came to one conclusion that the Chaplain must fulfill the role of facilitator of reconciliation. He is doing it by way of identification with the challenges with which the members struggle and guide them pastorally to internalize the vision of a United Defence Force for the Republic of South Africa. His pastorate reaches its depths when Kingdom principles, such as peace, righteousness, neighbourly love, forgiveness and reconciliation are proclaimed as outcomes within the context of the SANDF. / Theology / D.Th. (Theology)

Toward reestablishing a Christian worldview in a postmodern age

Mathews, Ned Lee, 1934- 11 1900 (has links)
This work is comprised of an Introduction and two Parts. Part One treats, by way of historical review and evaluation, the disestablishment of the Christian worldview in a postmodern age. Part Two proposes the means by whichthe Christian worldview might be reestablished. The reestablishment includes the use of some of the benefits of postmodernism by Christians as well as a return to the responsible reading of texts, especially the biblical text. Part One, The Disestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is composed ofthree chapters. Chapter 1chronicles the change that has occurred in Western culture because of the ascendency of postmodernism. It isbest described as a change in authorityfrom the logocentric metanarrative which has characterized Christianity to the deconstructionist rejection of worldviews by postmodern literary critics. Chapter 2 reviews the paradigm shifts that have occurred in belief systemsthat have occurred in the West as a result of this change,and Chapter 3 shows the effects of all this in the culture's principal institutions. Part Two, The Reestablishment of the Christian Worldview, is also composed of three chapters. Chapter 4 shows the impact that postmodernity has had on the efforts now being made on behalf of reestablishing the Christian worldview as a viable intellectual position in Western culture. Chapter 5 is occupied with the negative and positive responses of certain Christian scholars to the challenge of postmodernism, and Chapter 6 closes the study with an extended treatment of the factors that must be in play for a reestablishment of the Christian worldview to occur in Western civilization. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Theology)

A critical analysis of Byang Kato’s demonology and its theological relevance for an evangelical demonology

MacDonald, Scott Douglas 02 1900 (has links)
What composes an Evangelical demonology? This dissertation aims to provide a fresh Evangelical demonology, reflecting and systematizing the biblical material on the demonic. To begin the process, Byang Kato’s background and demonology is examined, since Kato himself has a unique relationship to demonic practices by virtue of his upbringing. His demonological efforts are headlined by a booklet on the spirits, and throughout the rest of Kato’s theological output, Satan and his wicked comrades are frequently mentioned. Overall, Kato’s work presents timely contributions for our demonological goals, especially considering the multicultural context. In an increasingly intermingled world, with many backgrounds being represented in multicultural Christian communities, Kato’s demonology is a superior model. Human perceptions concerning the demonic are often inseparable from prevailing cultural attitudes, and the temptation to exalt one’s own culture must be avoided, especially due to the new norm of multicultural churches, para-church organizations, and seminaries. Kato’s demonology gravitates to the biblical material, and thus it delivers both challenges and affirmations to every party. Furthermore, Kato’s writings on the demonic are inherently linked to soteriology. After discerning some of the major themes of Kato’s soteriology, his exclusivism (and how it relates to demonology) is specifically discussed. Since Kato views the world outside of Christ as the dominion of Satan and the demonic, he advocates that one must turn to Christ for redemption. Then an Evangelical demonology itself is constructed. After highlighting particular contributions from Kato, criteria are outlined for the project before launching into the primary content. Demonic activity throughout the Bible is surveyed, and the argument is offered that demons do act as malevolent personal beings intent on instigating evil in the created order. Through this study of the demonic, the assertion that “demonology matters” is presented, as the doctrine of the demonic relates to the reliability of the Bible and the quality of our salvation. A biblical, Evangelical demonology also rises to modern challenges, including skepticism and speculation. Christians are planted on the sure ground of the Scriptures, prepared for the spiritual realities of the world in which we live. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Multicultural living in the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception: a prophetic witness

Moyo, Thandi Elsie 28 February 2004 (has links)
Globalization has turned the world into one ”huge village”. Various nations and cultures have integrated during this process and multiculturalism has resulted. Yet, many people are struggling to accept one another as members of one ”global village”. The difference in culture, race and ethnicity are creating barriers amongst the various nations. These hurdles prevent many communities from living in peace and harmony. Religious community are also facing similar struggles. The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FIC) and other international congregations are called by the Bible and the church to give hope of unity in a diverse cultural context. These congregations are challenged on a continuous basis to search for processes that will assist them to take up their prophetic dimension in witnessing the possibility of living multicultural life in unity. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M.Th. (Missiology)

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