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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Vita industria : une socio-histoire des origines intellectuelles de l'écologie politique

Chaunu, Simon 25 March 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 7 août 2023) / Cette thèse propose d'explorer un courant d'idée informel et marginal du XXᵉ siècle qui, selon son hypothèse de départ, aurait assuré la transition entre les premières contestations contre la révolution industrielle et certains mouvements environnementalistes contemporains. Ce courant peut ainsi se caractériser comme une écologie politique révolutionnaire, se fondant sur une critique radicale de la civilisation industrielle et de son facteur principal, la technique moderne. Le but de cette étude est d'en évaluer la cohérence et la pertinence : a-t-on affaire à un ensemble dispersé d'idées et d'auteurs, ou bien à un diagnostic commun ? Est-ce que ces idées ont toujours un intérêt face à la crise écologique actuelle ? Un certain nombre d'intellectuels peuvent être rattachés à cette perspective technocritique ; néanmoins, cette étude se concentre sur les œuvres de quatre d'entre eux : l'urbaniste américain Lewis Mumford (1895-1990), le philosophe allemand Günther Anders (1902-1992), le sociologue français Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) et l'historien nomade Ivan Illich (1926-2002). Dans un premier temps, ce travail présente la méthode qui a guidé l'étude de ces textes : une socio-histoire des idées qui emprunte tout autant à la discipline historique qu'à la discipline sociologique. Les enjeux de l'étude des pensées environnementalistes et écologistes sont également exposés, afin de souligner les spécificités de cet objet de recherche. Ce qui amène à la formulation de la problématique de cette thèse : ce courant d'idées écologiste peut-il être défini comme un langage, au sens que l'histoire des idées politiques donne à ce concept ? La principale assertion de cette étude est qu'il doit plutôt être compris comme une matrice intellectuelle, un ensemble cohérent de leitmotivs visant la connaissance social-historique, et pouvant servir de base à des langages davantage tournés vers l'action politique. Ce qui contraste avec les polémiques romantiques contre le machinisme au XIXᵉ siècle, qui exprimaient une sensibilité anti-industrielle plus diffuse. Par la suite, les cinq principaux chapitres de cette étude fournissent un contre-récit du XXᵉ siècle, à travers la lecture profonde des textes des auteurs retenus. Ce récit débute avec l'examen des ouvrages pionniers de Lewis Mumford durant l'entre-deux-guerres. À la suite à la Grande Guerre, celui-ci chercha à édifier une perspective alternative à la fois au libéralisme, au conservatisme et au marxisme. En parallèle, il se lança dans une étude historique de fond de ce qu'il nommait « l'Âge de la Machine », et en tira une critique de la civilisation de la puissance. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et les bombardements nucléaires d'Hiroshima et de Nagasaki, Günther Anders et Jacques Ellul élaborèrent, de manière convergente, un diagnostic critique de la société technicienne et conformiste de l'après-guerre. Ils décrivirent le type d'individu qu'elle produit, un homme médial ayant perdu le contrôle sur les techniques qu'il a lâché dans son monde - qui ne serait alors justement plus le sien. De plus, ils s'interrogèrent sur la possibilité d'une extinction de l'humanité, avant tout par un ultime conflit atomique. Mumford, Anders et Ellul réitérèrent leurs analyses dans les années 1960 et 1970, alors que l'Occident était marqué par une vague multiforme de contestations et de révoltes. Prenant leurs distances face à ces mouvements, ces trois intellectuels estimaient qu'en réalité un système mégatechnique venait de triompher. Celui-ci se déploierait de manière purement causale, dans le seul but d'accroître sa taille et sa puissance. Par conséquent, la Révolution et l'Histoire semblaient être devenues obsolètes. Ivan Illich fit sienne cette critique de la démesure et de la déraison technologiques, en l'étendant au secteur des services. Il étudia également les sources profondes de cette civilisation industrielle, qu'il situa dans le passé chrétien de l'Occident. Finalement, en s'appuyant sur les travaux de ses homologues, Illich traça les grandes lignes de ce que pourrait être une société conviviale. Cependant, le mouvement écologiste contemporain échoua à intégrer ces idées, et manqua sa propre révolution. Se pose alors la question de savoir quelle attitude il est possible d'adopter face au « Temps de la Fin ». La matrice intellectuelle de cette écologie politique révolutionnaire reste active de nos jours, à travers les langages du néo-luddisme, de l'écosocialisme et de la décroissance. Des recherches futures sont nécessaires pour bien saisir cette filiation, et pour rattacher d'autres auteurs à cette matrice d'idées. / This thesis proposes to explore an informal and marginal current of thought of the 20ᵗʰ century which, according to its initial hypothesis, would have ensured the transition between the first protests against the industrial revolution and certain contemporary environmentalist movements. This current can thus be characterized as a revolutionary political ecology, based on a radical critique of industrial civilization and its main factor, modern technics. The purpose of this study is to assess its coherence and pertinency: are we dealing with a dispersed set of ideas and authors, or a common diagnosis? Do these ideas still have relevance in the face of the current ecological crisis? A number of intellectuals can relate to this technocritical perspective; nevertheless, this study focuses on the works of four of them: the American urban planner Lewis Mumford (1895-1990), the German philosopher Günther Anders (1902-1992), the French sociologist Jacques Ellul (1912-1994) and the nomadic historian Ivan Illich (1926-2002). First, this work presents the method that guided the study of these texts: a socio-history of ideas that borrows as much from the historical discipline as from the sociological discipline. The stakes of the study of environmentalist and ecological ideas are also exposed, in order to underline the specificity of this research object. Which leads to the formulation of the problematic of this thesis: can this current of ecological ideas be defined as a language, in the sense that the history of political ideas gives to this concept? The main assertion of this study is that it should rather be understood as an intellectual matrix, a coherent set of leitmotifs aimed at social-historical knowledge, and which can serve as a basis for languages more oriented towards political action. This contrasts with the romantic polemics against mechanization in the 19ᵗʰ century, which expressed a more diffuse anti-industrial sensibility. Subsequently, the five main chapters of this study provide a counter-narrative of the 20ᵗʰ century, through a deep reading of the texts of the selected authors. This account begins with an examination of the pioneering works of Lewis Mumford during the interwar period. Following the Great War, he sought to build an alternative perspective to both liberalism, conservatism and Marxism. At the same time, he embarked on an in-depth historical study of what he called the "Machine Age", and drew from it a critique of the power civilization. After the Second World War and the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Günther Anders and Jacques Ellul elaborated, in a convergent way, a critical diagnosis of the technical and conformist society of the post-war period. They described the type of individual it produces, a medial man who has lost control over the technics he has unleashed on his world - which would then no longer be his own. Moreover, they wondered about the possibility of an extinction of humanity, above all by an ultimate atomic conflict. Mumford, Anders and Ellul reiterated their analyzes in the 1960s and 1970s, when the West was marked by a multifaceted wave of protests and revolts. Taking their distance from these movements, these three intellectuals believed that in reality a megatechnical system had just triumphed. This system would deploy in a purely causal way, with the sole purpose of increasing its size and power. Consequently, Revolution and History seemed to have become obsolete. Ivan Illich made this criticism of technological excess and unreason his own, extending it to the service sector. He also studied the deep sources of this industrial civilization, which he located in the Christian past of the West. Eventually, building on the work of his counterparts, Illich outlined what a society of conviviality might be. However, the contemporary environmental movement didn't integrate these ideas, and failed its own revolution. The question then arises as to what attitude one should adopt in the face of the "Time of the End". The intellectual matrix of this revolutionary political ecology remains active today, through the languages of neo-Luddism, ecosocialism and degrowth. Future research is needed to fully understand this filiation, and to link other authors to this matrix of ideas.

George Tsutakawa's fountain sculptures of the 1960s: fluidity and balance in postwar public art.

Cuthbert, Nancy Marie 20 August 2012 (has links)
Between 1960 and 1992, American artist George Tsutakawa (1910 – 1997) created more than sixty fountain sculptures for publicly accessible sites in the U.S., Canada, and Japan. The vast majority were made by shaping sheet bronze into geometric and organically inspired abstract forms, often arranged around a vertical axis. Though postwar modernist artistic production and the issues it raises have been widely interrogated since the 1970s, and public art has been a major area of study since about 1980, Tsutakawa's fountains present a major intervention in North America's urban fabric that is not well-documented and remains almost completely untheorized. In addition to playing a key role in Seattle's development as an internationally recognized leader in public art, my dissertation argues that these works provide early evidence of a linked concern with nature and spirituality that has come to be understood as characteristic of the Pacific Northwest. Tsutakawa was born in Seattle, but raised and educated primarily in Japan prior to training as an artist at the University of Washington, then teaching in UW's Schools of Art and Architecture. His complicated personal history, which in World War II included being drafted into the U.S. army, while family members were interned and their property confiscated, led art historian Gervais Reed to declare that Tsutakawa was aligned with neither Japan nor America – that he and his art existed somewhere in-between. There is much truth in Reed's statement; however, artistically, such dualistic assessments deny the rich interplay of cultural allusions in Tsutakawa's fountains. Major inspirations included the Cubist sculpture of Alexander Archipenko, Himalayan stone cairns, Japanese heraldic emblems, First Nations carvings, and Bauhaus theory. Focusing on the early commissions, completed during the 1960s, my study examines the artist's debts to intercultural networks of artistic exchange – between North America, Asia, and Europe – operative in the early and mid-twentieth century, and in some cases before. I argue that, with his fountain sculptures, this Japanese American artist sought to integrate and balance such binaries as nature/culture, intuition/reason, and spiritual/material, which have long served to support the construction of East and West as opposed conceptual categories. / Graduate

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