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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Weltanschauung thomasienne : une tentative de réévaluation / Aquinas’ Weltanschauung : A Reappraisal

Laporte, Pierre-Aymeric 30 January 2015 (has links)
Extraite du milieu naturel dans lequel elle se déploie, la pensée de Thomas d’Aquin a été souvent déformée. Persuadé que le Réel –et, en particulier le Réel par excellence qu’est Dieu– n’est qu’imparfaitement embrassé par l’esprit humain, l’Aquinate multiplie les perspectives et les types de discours. La dialectique et la rhétorique s’adjoignent au discours proprement scientifique pour en combler les lacunes et tenter une impossible, sinon difficile synthèse entre les quatre sources auxquelles s’alimente sa pensée, à savoir: le muthos de la foi, le logos la philosophia perennis et les perceptions du sens commun. Confronté à la complexité du Réel et à des objets de foi qui s’écartent des normes du logos, l’utilisation de ce triplex modus dicurrendi s’avère une nécessité spéculative pour accumuler le plus possible de certitudes sur des objets qui se dérobent pour partie à la saisie d’un esprit fini. Rien d’étonnant à ce que l’Ousia, l’Unitas, la Forma et le schème néoplatonicien monè-proodos-epistrophè occupent une place tout aussi importante dans la synthèse thomasienne que la notion-clé d’Esse. / The thought of Thomas Aquinas is often misinterpreted. Its complexity, especially the plurality of modes of discourse, is neglected by the commentators. This plurality permits to resolve, although imperfectly, the tensions between the muthos of faith, the logos, the philosophy and the common sense. Thomas also uses a plurality of key concepts in the domain of metaphysics. Thus, he describes better the complexity of the Real. Ousia, Forma, Unitas and Neoplatonic’s scheme monè-proodos-epistrophè are structural notions as important as Esse in the Aquinas’ synthesis. The scientific discourse doesn’t exclude the others, but imperfect, modalities that are dialectic and rhetoric. It’s a requirement of the science itself. For Reality comprehends under its extension the particulars and paradoxical objects of faith.

The Sea in the Hebrew Bible: Myth, Metaphor, and Muthos

Cho, Paul Kang-Kul 06 June 2014 (has links)
The dissertation recounts the variegated journey of the sea in the Hebrew Bible through the lens of myth, metaphor, and muthos. The journey begins outside the Bible in ancient Near Eastern sea myths exemplified by the Ugaritic Baal Cycle and the Mesopotamian Enuma Elish, which tell the story of a sea deity whose defeat in cosmic battle against a protagonist god precedes three goodly consequences: creation, kingship, and temple. The story continues with the analysis of the biblical presentation of creation, kingship, and temple with emphasis on the constellation of themes and characters of the sea myth. The dissertation next analyzes the use of the sea myth as a metaphor for three events on the plane of history: the exodus (Exodus 14-15), the Babylonian exile (Isaiah 40-55), and the eschaton (Isaiah 24-27 and Daniel 7). Finally, the discussion moves from the analysis of the ways in which the sea muthos functions as a metaphor for the biblical presentation of individual events to the examination of the role of the sea muthos as a metaphor for a biblical view of historical reality in toto. In sum, the dissertation extends the study of sea imagery in the Hebrew Bible from mythology to metaphorology and narratology to argue for the deep, enduring, and transformative place of the sea myth within biblical tradition. / Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations

A hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur: da poética à teoria da narrativa e à identidade narrativa / The hermeneuthical theory of Paul Ricoeur: from Aristoteles\' Poetics to narrativity and narrative indentity

Siqueira, Paula Frassinete de Queiros 02 June 2009 (has links)
Essa tese realiza, em um primeiro momento, uma investigação sobre a vinculação e o diálogo que pensamento de Paul Ricoeur estabelece com outras tendências filosóficas, em especial aquelas formuladas por Wilhelm Dilthey, Martin Heidegger e Hans-Georg Gadamaer e com a fenomenologia de Edmund Husserl, com ênfase em seu método fenomenológico. Nesse momento, também apresenta o diálogo que Paul Ricoeur mantém com a filosofia reflexiva de Nabert e as críticas que faz às chamadas filosofias do sujeito, em especial ao Cogito cartesiano. Apresenta dessa forma, os principais conceitos da filosofia hermenêutica, desde Friedrich Shcleiermacher, seu principal precursor, até Hans- Georg Gadamer, com ênfase na contribuição que Paul Ricoeur oferece para esse campo. Em um segundo momento, este trabalho examina a aplicação, por Paul Ricoeur, dos conceitos de sua hermenêutica na exegese que faz da Poética de Aristóteles, precisamente do ternário mimesis, muthos e katharsis. Apresenta, em seguida, a reinscrição que Ricoeur promove de seus resultados em uma teoria da narratividade, que ele chama de metagênero do narrativo. Este trabalho faz um recorte nesse metagênero, passando a acompanhar apenas o desenvolvimento promovido por Ricoeur que dá lugar à narrativa de ficção. Em seguida, examina esses conceitos, que se endereçam para a constituição da hermenêutica do si e tem na noção de identidade narrativa seu principal núcleo. No último momento, este trabalho realiza uma apropriação, no sentido gadameriano, dessa noção promovendo uma aproximação dela com o universo ficcional de Grande sertão:veredas, de João Guimarães Rosa. Por último, de forma muito breve, apresenta uma síntese das principais decorrências éticas, no sentido aristotélico, dessa noção. / This argument holds, in a first moment, a research on the linkage and dialogue that Paul Ricoeur establishes with other philosophical trends, especially those made by Wilhelm Dilthey, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamaer and Edmund Husserl, with emphasis on the phenomenological method. At that time, it also shows the dialogue that Paul Ricoeur maintains with Naberts reflective philosophy and the critics made to the philosophies of the self, in particular the Cartesian Cogito. Thus presents the main concepts of hermeneutic philosophy, since Friedrich Shcleiermacher, its principal precursor, until Hans-Georg Gadamer, with emphasis on the contribution that Paul Ricoeur offers for this field. Later, this work examines the application done by Paul Ricoeur of the concepts of his hermeneutic at the exegesis done at Aristotles Poetics, precisely the mimesis ternary, Muthos and katharsis. Then it shows the reinscription that Ricoeur promotes of his results on a theory of narrative, which he calls \"narrative meta-category. This work highlights this meta-category, monitoring only the development promoted by Ricoeur giving rise to the fiction narrative. Then examines these concepts, which address for the establishment of the \"hermeneutics of self\" and the core is the narrative identity notion. After that, this work takes ownership, in a gadamerian sense, of notion promoting an approach with the fictional universe of Grande Sertão Veredas, from João Guimarães Rosa. Finally, very briefly, presents a summary of the main ethical consequences, the Aristotelian sense, of that notion.

A hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur: da poética à teoria da narrativa e à identidade narrativa / The hermeneuthical theory of Paul Ricoeur: from Aristoteles\' Poetics to narrativity and narrative indentity

Paula Frassinete de Queiros Siqueira 02 June 2009 (has links)
Essa tese realiza, em um primeiro momento, uma investigação sobre a vinculação e o diálogo que pensamento de Paul Ricoeur estabelece com outras tendências filosóficas, em especial aquelas formuladas por Wilhelm Dilthey, Martin Heidegger e Hans-Georg Gadamaer e com a fenomenologia de Edmund Husserl, com ênfase em seu método fenomenológico. Nesse momento, também apresenta o diálogo que Paul Ricoeur mantém com a filosofia reflexiva de Nabert e as críticas que faz às chamadas filosofias do sujeito, em especial ao Cogito cartesiano. Apresenta dessa forma, os principais conceitos da filosofia hermenêutica, desde Friedrich Shcleiermacher, seu principal precursor, até Hans- Georg Gadamer, com ênfase na contribuição que Paul Ricoeur oferece para esse campo. Em um segundo momento, este trabalho examina a aplicação, por Paul Ricoeur, dos conceitos de sua hermenêutica na exegese que faz da Poética de Aristóteles, precisamente do ternário mimesis, muthos e katharsis. Apresenta, em seguida, a reinscrição que Ricoeur promove de seus resultados em uma teoria da narratividade, que ele chama de metagênero do narrativo. Este trabalho faz um recorte nesse metagênero, passando a acompanhar apenas o desenvolvimento promovido por Ricoeur que dá lugar à narrativa de ficção. Em seguida, examina esses conceitos, que se endereçam para a constituição da hermenêutica do si e tem na noção de identidade narrativa seu principal núcleo. No último momento, este trabalho realiza uma apropriação, no sentido gadameriano, dessa noção promovendo uma aproximação dela com o universo ficcional de Grande sertão:veredas, de João Guimarães Rosa. Por último, de forma muito breve, apresenta uma síntese das principais decorrências éticas, no sentido aristotélico, dessa noção. / This argument holds, in a first moment, a research on the linkage and dialogue that Paul Ricoeur establishes with other philosophical trends, especially those made by Wilhelm Dilthey, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamaer and Edmund Husserl, with emphasis on the phenomenological method. At that time, it also shows the dialogue that Paul Ricoeur maintains with Naberts reflective philosophy and the critics made to the philosophies of the self, in particular the Cartesian Cogito. Thus presents the main concepts of hermeneutic philosophy, since Friedrich Shcleiermacher, its principal precursor, until Hans-Georg Gadamer, with emphasis on the contribution that Paul Ricoeur offers for this field. Later, this work examines the application done by Paul Ricoeur of the concepts of his hermeneutic at the exegesis done at Aristotles Poetics, precisely the mimesis ternary, Muthos and katharsis. Then it shows the reinscription that Ricoeur promotes of his results on a theory of narrative, which he calls \"narrative meta-category. This work highlights this meta-category, monitoring only the development promoted by Ricoeur giving rise to the fiction narrative. Then examines these concepts, which address for the establishment of the \"hermeneutics of self\" and the core is the narrative identity notion. After that, this work takes ownership, in a gadamerian sense, of notion promoting an approach with the fictional universe of Grande Sertão Veredas, from João Guimarães Rosa. Finally, very briefly, presents a summary of the main ethical consequences, the Aristotelian sense, of that notion.

L’allégorie dans la pensée grecque : de Théagène de Rhégium à Héraclite l’allégoriste

Auger, Romane F. 04 1900 (has links)
On considère traditionnellement l'interprétation allégorique comme une défense face aux critiques que les premiers philosophes Ioniens ont adressées aux poètes pour leur représentation de la divinité. Ainsi, l'allégorie grecque aurait été au coeur d'une polémique théologique entre les poètes et les philosophes ou plus largement au coeur de l’opposition de la philosophie au mythe. Il est pourtant désormais admis que la relation entre le logos et le muthos ne peut se réduire à une telle antinomie. Il est donc essentiel de redéfinir à son tour le rôle de l’allégorie afin de nuancer son caractère apologétique et son cadre polémique. L’entreprise a déjà été entamée par la recherche des deux dernières décennies et c’est dans cette actualisation historiographique que souhaite s’inscrire ce mémoire. L’organisation du développement est à la fois chronologique et thématique. L’examen de la réception des mythes à l’époque archaïque, celle du premier commentaire allégorique met en avant un aspect négligé de la critique philosophique : la réécriture du mythe théogonique en cosmologie philosophique. Cette réécriture n’est pas sans effet sur l’allégorie qui peut être conçue dès le Vème av. J.-C. comme un outil de réappropriation du mythe, à la fois dans sa matière et dans sa forme discursive, par la philosophie désormais affirmée. Enfin, la mise en perspective de l’allégorie avec les traditions discursives qui entourent sa naissance révèle que l’allégorie est certes le reflet d’une relation co-évolutive du logos et du muthos mais surtout la conséquence d’une conception du langage complexe dans la pensée grecque. / Allegorical interpretation is traditionally seen as a defence against the criticism that the early Ionian philosophers levelled at the poets for their depiction of the deity. Thus, Greek allegory would have been at the heart of a theological polemic between poets and philosophers and more broadly at the heart of the opposition of philosophy to myth. It is now accepted, however, that the relationship between logos and muthos cannot be reduced to such an antinomy. It is therefore essential to redefine the role of allegory in order to nuance its apologetic character and its polemical framework. This undertaking has already been initiated by the research of the last two decades and it is in this historiographic update that this thesis wishes to be inscribed. The organisation of the development is both chronological and thematic. The examination of the reception of the myths in the archaic period, that of the first allegorical commentary, brings out a neglected aspect of the philosophical criticism: the rewriting of the theogonic myth in philosophical cosmology. This rewriting is not without effect on allegory, which can be conceived from the 5th century BC onwards as a tool for the reappropriation of myth, both in its subject and in its discursive form, by the philosophical discourse. Finally, putting allegory into perspective with the discursive traditions surrounding its birth reveals that allegory is the reflection of a co-evolutionary relationship between logos and muthos and above all the consequence of the idea of a complex language.

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