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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre soufisme et savoir islamique : l'oeuvre de ῾Abd al-Karīm al-Qushayrī (376-465 / 986-1072) / Between Islamic Knowledge and Sufisme : The Work of ῾Abd al-Karīm al-Qushayrī (376-465/ 986-1072)

Chiabotti, Francesco 12 December 2014 (has links)
La présente étude veut représenter un essai de synthèse des aspects les plus remarquables de la production littéraire et du rôle dans l'histoire du soufisme du maître soufi et théologien khorassanien Abū l-Qāsim ῾Abd al-Karīm b. Hawāzin al-Qushayrī (376-465/ 986-1072). Trois axes principaux sont développés : la vie de Qushayrī et la dynamique de diffusion de son oeuvre, l'analyse du corpus qushayrien (étude des manuscrits et état de l'édition), les aspects les plus remarquables de sa doctrine. L'idée principale qui guide ce travail est la saisie de la relation qu'on aperçoit, dans l'oeuvre de Qushayrī, entre le soufisme et les différents savoirs islamiques. Quelle est la véritable nature de cet « effet miroir » que Qushayrī opère entre le savoir exotérique et la connaissance ésotérique propre au soufisme ? Dans quelle mesure Qushayrī innove et dans quelle mesure peut-on le considérer comme un « transmetteur fidèle » d'un patrimoine à la fois spirituel et savant dont il se veut l'héritier ? Après la redéfinition de la relation soufisme-savoir, notre deuxième objectif est de jeter une nouvelle lumière sur «Qushayrī le maître», un maître que les sources plus anciennes appellent ustādh imām, savant et religieux à la fois. Par delà le souci normatif qui traverse l'oeuvre qushayrienne, n'en demeure pas moins un appel au voyage et au dépassement vers la connaissance de Dieu. Comme le dit le maître soufi Dhū l-Nūn l'Egyptien d'après la Risāla de Qushayrī, « tout ce que tu peux concevoir dans ton imagination, Dieu est différent de cela ». / This dissertation is the first monograph on the life and work of the immensely influential Nishapuri Sufi and theologian ʿAbd al-Karīm b. Hawāzim al-Qushayrī (376-465/986-1072). On the basis of unpublished manuscripts and textual marginalia (isnāds, ijāzas and colophons) as well as recently published critical editions, the present study has three primary research nodes: 1) Qushayrī's formation as a thinker and the dynamics that made for the successful diffusion of his work; 2) the Qushayrian corpus (a survey of extant manuscripts, editions and secondary scholarship); and 3) the most important aspects of Qushayrī's project. A number of important questions will be pursued, including: How should we understand the interplay between exoteric and esoteric knowledge that pervades Qushayrī's writings? To what extent does Qushayrī redefine the spiritual and scholarly traditions he inherited, and how does he conceive of his role as transmitter? Finally, this study addresses the role of Qushayrī as a spiritual master. Questioning previous assumptions as to the ways in which Qushayrī's spiritual influence was propagated, I demonstrate that Qushayrī emerged as a charismatic spiritual master in his own lifetime, directly establishing a Sufi-scholarly tradition that our sources term Qushayriyya.

Louis Massignon et la mystique musulmane : analyse historiographique, méthodologique et réflexive d’une contribution à l’islamologie

Ollivry, Florence 07 1900 (has links)
Née d’un questionnement épistémologique sur la manière dont les concepts véhiculés par la recherche découpent le réel et sur la place de la subjectivité en sciences des religions, cette thèse analyse la vision de la mystique musulmane selon Louis Massignon (1883-1962). Elle met en lumière la posture herméneutique de ce chercheur qui, après avoir démontré l’origine qur’ānique du soufisme, fait de la figure d’al-Ḥallāj (m. 309/922), le paradigme de la sainteté en islām. L’analyse montre que sa vision de la réalité étudiée est tributaire de sa propre spiritualité : il perçoit la mystique authentique comme une voie d’ascèse, de purification par la souffrance. Au cœur de l’union mystique, le mystique devient le témoin de Dieu. A cette voie, il oppose celle d’Ibn ʿArabī (m. 638/1240) et perçoit l’influence du néoplatonisme comme une altération de la pureté ascétique primitive. La voie la plus pure est une mystique de l’annihilation (fanā’) au sein de laquelle l’être humain serait indigne d’endosser les attributs divins et de connaître l’état de subsistance (baqā’). Sa quête, mue par des questionnements existentiels, illustre la difficile conciliation entre la quête du vrai et la quête de la Vérité. Cette étude montre combien la subjectivité du ou de la chercheur.e sert la recherche et l’entrave à la fois. Elle suggère, afin de construire les conditions du comprendre qu’il importe de prendre conscience de la particularité de sa posture herméneutique, d’énoncer son intention, d’interroger ses catégories conceptuelles, de maintenir une distance critique à son sujet, de réfléchir sur sa pratique, afin que la subjectivité ne déforme pas le réel, mais l’éclaire et le révèle. / Born from epistemological questions about the way in which the concepts conveyed by research cut out the real and about the place of subjectivity in the academic study of religion, this thesis analyzes Louis Massignon’s (1883-1962) vision of Muslim mysticism and provides the following key results: In a context in which mysticism is attracting increasing interest and in which the study of religion and of Islam more specifically are becoming institutionalized, this orientalist thinker, contemporary of both French and British colonial expansion, experimented with various tensions between scholarly and political logics, between academism and civilizing mission. Biographical sources make it possible to trace an itinerary that originated in Paris, continued in Cairo, and led him to Baghdad, the city where Ḥusayn b. Manṣūr al-Ḥallāj, to whom Massignon dedicated his doctoral dissertation, had died in 309/922. Interesting himself particularly in the lexical dimension of Sufism, he demonstrated, by means of an interiorist method of reading texts, its Qur’anic origin and its fundamentally Islamic character. These contextual and biographical analyses shed light on the specificity of Massignon’s hermeneutic posture vis-à-vis Muslim mysticism. It is as an interpreter inspired by a Christian vision of holiness that he approaches the figure of al-Ḥallāj and makes the latter the paradigm of holiness in Islām. This research brings to light how this Christian scholar’s spirituality influenced his vision of his field of study. The ḥallājian mystic - the purest in his eyes - is conceived as on a path of asceticism, of purification through suffering. At the heart of the transforming and personalizing union, this mystic becomes the witness of God. The mystic can only join with God in atonement, love, and sacrifice. Massignon’s vision thus opposes that of Ibn ʿArabī (d. 638/1240), which he reproaches for suppressing the radicality of transcendence. The Islām of theophanies is, in his eyes, pantheism; he refuses all mediation and perceives the influence of Neoplatonism as an alteration of primitive ascetic purity. If authentic mysticism is, in according to him, a mystique of aridity, of annihilation (fanā’) , it is because in his eyes, the absolute smallness of the human being is matched only by divine omnipotence: the inconsistency of the human being makes them unworthy to endorse the divine attributes and to know the state of subsistence (baqā’ ). This study analyzes, finally, how Massignon’s existential questions affect the way he looks at the reality he is studying. His effort illustrates the difficult reconciliation between the (scientific) quest for the true and the (metaphysical) quest for the Truth. Through this case study, this research demonstrates how the subjectivity of the researcher supports research and hinders it at the same time. The study ultimately establishes why it is important to become aware of the peculiarity of one’s hermeneutical situation, to state one’s intention, to question one’s conceptual categories, to maintain a critical distance from one’s work, and to wonder about one’s practice in a reflexive way: these precautions help build the condition of a more just understanding, so that subjectivity no longer deforms reality, but illuminates and reveals it.

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