Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nåbarhet"" "subject:"spåbarhet""
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Graph-based Visualization of Sensor DataSandelius, Tim January 2021 (has links)
Att visualisera rörelsedata är ett kraftigt undersökt område och en komplex uppgift. I det här projektet har jag använt rörelsedata insamlad av sensorer från Akademiska hus utplacerade på Örebro Universitetscampus. Datan är använd för att visualisera rörelser gjorda inuti byggnaderna genom en webapplikation skriven med enbart Python. Anslutbarhet mellan sensorer är undersökt huruvida det är möjligt att generera anslutbarhetsgrafer med informationen kopplad till specifika sensorer automatiskt eller för hand. I projektet så undersöks även huruvida rörelseflöden är möjliga att visualisera via den datan tillgängliggjord av Akademiska hus. / Visualizing movement data is a heavily researched area and complex task. In this project I have used movement data collected by sensors from Akademiska hus placed on campus of Örebro University. The data is used to visualize movement made inside the buildings through a developed webapp written entirely in Python. Connectivity between sensors is studied whether it is possible to generate connectivity graphs with the information associated to specific sensors automatically or done by hand. The project also researches whether movement flows are possible to visualize with the data available from Akademiska hus.
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“If I Want to I Can Always Turn It Off” : A Study on the Social Impacts of Mobile Phones / ”Om jag vill så kan jag ju alltid stänga av den” : en studie av sociala följder av mobiltelefonerMathiesen, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this study I have looked at social impacts of mobile telephone usage in Sweden in the Spring of 2001. Through observations and interviews have I tried to outline how social relations and concepts of time have changed and are still in a process of change alongside with the high percentage of mobile phone users today.</p><p>The conclusions I have made from my research is that mobile phone usage affects society and how people interact and that people want to reach others, but want to control their own reachability. Communication via mobile phone differs from face-to-face communication and communication on stationary phones, but mobile phones seem to be used as means to facilitate face-to-face interaction. There seem to be some commonly shared notions among my informants of what appropriate mobile phone behavior is, but people seem to not always abide to this. People tend to create their own private zones in public places when using their mobile phones and through their usage send social messages to others. I have also found that the use of time is an important aspect connected to mobile phones. People seem not to make as many plans ahead any longer, but instead make up plans as they go. Many seem to have forgotten how life was before there where mobile phones!</p>
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“If I Want to I Can Always Turn It Off” : A Study on the Social Impacts of Mobile Phones / ”Om jag vill så kan jag ju alltid stänga av den” : en studie av sociala följder av mobiltelefonerMathiesen, Susanna January 2008 (has links)
In this study I have looked at social impacts of mobile telephone usage in Sweden in the Spring of 2001. Through observations and interviews have I tried to outline how social relations and concepts of time have changed and are still in a process of change alongside with the high percentage of mobile phone users today. The conclusions I have made from my research is that mobile phone usage affects society and how people interact and that people want to reach others, but want to control their own reachability. Communication via mobile phone differs from face-to-face communication and communication on stationary phones, but mobile phones seem to be used as means to facilitate face-to-face interaction. There seem to be some commonly shared notions among my informants of what appropriate mobile phone behavior is, but people seem to not always abide to this. People tend to create their own private zones in public places when using their mobile phones and through their usage send social messages to others. I have also found that the use of time is an important aspect connected to mobile phones. People seem not to make as many plans ahead any longer, but instead make up plans as they go. Many seem to have forgotten how life was before there where mobile phones!
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