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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det individuella samlandet : från längtan till begär / The phenomenon of the individual collecting : from desire to greed

Lexmark Weber, Frida January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay deals with the individual collecting of four individuals with different backgrounds and lives. The essay investigates what, how and why people collect. It provides a stepping-stone in moving closer to understanding one, in human nature, deeply rooted phenomenon - collecting.</p><p>The essay is based on a list of questions made by the Nordic Museum in Stockholm. It also includes in-depth examinations of four person’s passion of collecting, in which four individuals were interviewed: a pig collector, a collector of Mickey Mouse items, a multi-collector of objects from other cultures and one collector of items related to the artist Madonna. All of the collectors were driven by different factors, of which some were rooted far back in their childhood, and for some the urge to collect had increased because of difficulties in adult life.</p><p>The investigation is based on the thesis that the market and the personal emotional feelings are the two main driving factors when it comes to collecting. This study and the people who participated in it, makes it clear that no market is strong enough to overcome the human mind and its will to decide what and how to collect. Although the market to some extent affect, for example by creating the availability or not, it is ultimately the emotional sense that decides how the collection would look like.</p><p>This essay is meant to fill a gap of knowledge in the area of the individual collecting, and provide a better understanding of the driving forces that are deeply embedded in the soul of a collector.</p>

Det individuella samlandet : från längtan till begär / The phenomenon of the individual collecting : from desire to greed

Lexmark Weber, Frida January 2010 (has links)
This essay deals with the individual collecting of four individuals with different backgrounds and lives. The essay investigates what, how and why people collect. It provides a stepping-stone in moving closer to understanding one, in human nature, deeply rooted phenomenon - collecting. The essay is based on a list of questions made by the Nordic Museum in Stockholm. It also includes in-depth examinations of four person’s passion of collecting, in which four individuals were interviewed: a pig collector, a collector of Mickey Mouse items, a multi-collector of objects from other cultures and one collector of items related to the artist Madonna. All of the collectors were driven by different factors, of which some were rooted far back in their childhood, and for some the urge to collect had increased because of difficulties in adult life. The investigation is based on the thesis that the market and the personal emotional feelings are the two main driving factors when it comes to collecting. This study and the people who participated in it, makes it clear that no market is strong enough to overcome the human mind and its will to decide what and how to collect. Although the market to some extent affect, for example by creating the availability or not, it is ultimately the emotional sense that decides how the collection would look like. This essay is meant to fill a gap of knowledge in the area of the individual collecting, and provide a better understanding of the driving forces that are deeply embedded in the soul of a collector.

Bakom varje framgångsrik kvinna står en förvånad man : Fyra kvinnor om utbildning och jämställdhet

Kjellgren, Magdalena January 2011 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i FN:s Millenniemål om att stärka kvinnors position och öka jämställdheten har jag undersökt hur detta kan appliceras på det svenska samhället. Denna uppsatsen handlar om fyra kvinnor på universitetet. Fokus ligger på dessa kvinnors syn på utbildning, stereotyper, val av partner och yrkeslivet, detta diskuteras sedan utifrån olika genus- och jämställdhetsteorier.

Lesbian Lives : Sexuality, Space and Subculture in Moscow

Sarajeva, Katja January 2011 (has links)
This study is an exploration of the lesbian subculture in Russia focusing in particular on the subculture as a unique heterogeneous space of social interaction and cultural production that is not self contained or isolated from mainstream society, but incorporates a variety of cultural flows and traditions that are a part of Russian mainstream culture, other Russian subcultures, or global cultural flows. Some of these cultural flows and traditions are more compatible than other ones. The increasingly globalized images and ideas of what a gay and lesbian community is, or perhaps should be like, are only partially compatible with contemporary reality in Russia. The high value placed on visibility and explicitly political, even radical activism, in gay and lesbian subcultures in the West, must in Russia be reconciled not only with the totalitarian past, and the increasingly authoritarian present, but also with the traditions and practices that developed as a response to the repressive regime and enabled people to live and even thrive within it. Using private spaces as public space, and public space as private space established a practice of multilayered spaces that are continuously maintained through social inclusion and exclusion, visibility and invisibility. However, the subculture is not only an intersection of external cultural flows and traditions, it also has it’s own unique traditions, knowledges and practices. Poetry, music, literature and art form the backbone of the flow of activities within the subculture. Visual and grammatical cues, styles, jokes and lesbian genders are integral aspects of the subculture as it is continuously renegotiated by its participants also on an individual level.. The study is based on fieldwork, participant observation and interviews, mainly in Moscow, and to some extent in St Petersburg, during 2005 with recurring visits during 2006 and 2007.

Livet i en global familj : - Innebörden av att leva i ett transnationellt släktskap för unga vuxna - / Life in a global family : The meaning of living in a transnational kinship for young adults

Ågren, Axel January 2010 (has links)
<p>I denna etnografiska studie kommer fokus att ligga på hur unga vuxna ser på livet i en transnationell familjekonstellation. Genom data från fem kvalitativa intervjuer och användning av tidigare forskning kommer olika aspekter av globalisering och dess inverkan på familjer att lyftas fram. Hur identitetsprocessen går till när man har släkt i olika länder kommer också att belysas. En viktig del av studien är även hur man kommunicerar och upprätthåller ett transnationellt släktskap.</p>

Livet i en global familj : - Innebörden av att leva i ett transnationellt släktskap för unga vuxna - / Life in a global family : The meaning of living in a transnational kinship for young adults

Ågren, Axel January 2010 (has links)
I denna etnografiska studie kommer fokus att ligga på hur unga vuxna ser på livet i en transnationell familjekonstellation. Genom data från fem kvalitativa intervjuer och användning av tidigare forskning kommer olika aspekter av globalisering och dess inverkan på familjer att lyftas fram. Hur identitetsprocessen går till när man har släkt i olika länder kommer också att belysas. En viktig del av studien är även hur man kommunicerar och upprätthåller ett transnationellt släktskap.

Improving maternal healthcare : A fieldwork-based research of a collaborative project between Sweden and India / Förbättra mödrahälsovården : En fältstudiebaserad undersökning av ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Sverige och Indien

Brown, Nathalie January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to explore a collaborative project between Sweden and India, a project that is working with improving maternal health care in India. I focused on investigating how the project worked in practice, how they worked for improving the situation for Indian midwives and for pregnant women. This investigation was performed during a two month fieldwork in India where I got the opportunity to meet and interview several people connected to the project. The focus has been primarily on the “Master Trainers”, i.e. Indian midwives who have taken part in a training program in Sweden and in India, and who will function as teachers to other Indian midwives, regarding their perceptions about the project and its achievements. / Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka ett samarbetsprojekt mellan Sverige och Indien, ett projekt som arbetar med att förbättra mödrahälsovården i Indien. Jag fokuserade på att undersöka hur projektet fungerat i praktiken, hur de arbetar för att förbättra situationen för indiska barnmorskor och för gravida kvinnor. Denna undersökning utfördes under ett två månaders fältarbete i Indien där jag fick tillfället att träffa och intervjua flera personer knutna till projektet. Fokus har främst varit på "Master Trainers”, dvs indiska barnmorskor som har deltagit i ett utbildningsprogram i Sverige och i Indien och som kommer att fungera som lärare till andra indiska barnmorskor, om deras uppfattningar kring projektet och dess insatser.

Att bryta mot stereotypen : Fyra icke-stereotyper på arbetsplatsen berättar / How to break the stereotype : Four perspectives

Westman, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att utifrån kvalitativ data synliggöra perspektiv på genus och könsstereotyper, i kombination med organisation. Empirin utgår från fyra informanters perspektiv på dessa frågor, med utgångspunkt från deras egen arbetssituation. Grunden i intervjuerna har varit hur informanterna ställer sig till det faktum att de befinner sig i minoritet könsmässigt på arbetsplatsen och hur detta påverkar arbetssituationen, samt vad som gjort att de valt att bryta könsmönstret i ett annars segregerat arbetsliv. Teorin tar sin utgångspunkt i skapandet av kön och genus i kombination med organisation. Samt lyfts en diskussion kring avvikelse som utgår från Erving Goffmans begrepp stigma. Resultaten visar att informanterna varit medvetna om sin minoritetssituation, både i positiv och också i negativ bemärkelse. Mestadels anser de dock att de kunnat ingå som en del av gruppgemenskapen. De har dock alla vid olika tillfällen tvingats ta ställning till den könsstruktur som finns på arbetsplatsen. / The purpose of this paper, which is based on qualitative data, is to highlight the perspectives of gender and gender stereotypes, in combination to organization. The empirical data is based on four individuals’ perspectives on these issues, based on their work situation. The basis of the interviews has been to understand the informants' attitudes, to the fact that they are in gender minority at the workplace, and how this affects the work situation. And also what made them chose to break the gender pattern in an otherwise segregated working life. The theory is based on the creation of sex and gender in combination to organization. And also a discussion on difference is raised, based on Erving Goffman's definition of stigma. The results show that the informants have been aware of their gender minority position, both in positive and also in a negative sense. They have all at various times been forced to consider the gender structure at the workplace. Though, mostly they believe that they can be a part of the group, despite their minority situation.

Risk och fosterdiagnostik : En antropologisk studie inom mödrahälsovården

Brown, Nathalie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka uppfattningar om risk inom mödrahälsovården. Den behandlar hur barnmorskor och deras patienter uppfattar risk i samband med och runt en graviditet och hur de hanterar denna. En av metoderna för att hantera risk är fosterdiagnostik, vilket syftar till att finna riskgraviditeter. Fokus har främst varit på barnmorskor med frågeställningar kring hur de informerar om risk och fosterdiagnostik, hur de ger råd och hur de uppfattar den inverkan detta har på deras patienter och hur dessa reagerar.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to explore perceptions of risk within the maternal health care. It deals with how midwives and their patients understand risks associated with and around a pregnancy and how they handle it. One of the methods to manage risk is to use prenatal diagnosis, which aim is to identify risk pregnancies. The focus has been primarily on midwives regarding how they transfer their knowledge about risk and prenatal diagnosis to their patients, how they give advice and how they perceive the impact it has on their patients and their reactions.</p>

Shoot-fighting, bodies in emotional pain : a translocal study in masculine gendering of violence, aggression and control

Stenius, Magnus January 2007 (has links)
Betyg VG / SIDA

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