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Competições magnéticas no sistema Fe xCo 1-xTa 2 O 6Kinast, Eder Julio January 2003 (has links)
São apresentados resultados obtidos a partir de difração de raios-X (DRX), difração de nêutrons (DN), susceptibilidade magnética (X(T)), magnetização (M(H)), espectroscopia Mõssbauer (EM) e calor específico (Cp) de amostras do sistema FexCo1-x Ta206. Difratogramas de DRX e de DN e as curvas M(H) indicam que as amostras estão bem cristalizadas e homogêneas, e que o sistema é uma solução sólida para toda faixa de substituição Fe -> Co. Os ajustes de DN revelam fases magnéticas com dois vetores de propagação (::I::~~ ~) para o CoTa206 e (~ O ~) e (O ~ ~) para o FeTa206' A segunda configuração permanece a mesma para as amostras ricas em Fe (0,46 :S x < 1,00), enquanto que as amostras ricas em Co (0,09 :S x < 0,46) apresentam configuração magnética indexada pelos vetores de propagação (::I::~~ O). O diagrama de fase temperatura vs. x exibe um ponto bicrítico em torno de T = 4,9 K e x = 0,46. A temperatura de Néel máxima das região rica em Fe é 9,5 K, e 7,1 K para a região rica em Co. No ponto bicrítico, o sistema mostra coexistência de ambas estruturas magnéticas. Esse comportamento bicrítico é interpretado como sendo induzido pelas competições entre as diferentes fases magnéticas e pela variação das propriedades cristalográficas.
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Frequency-Domain Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy (FD-FRS) for Functionalized Particle and Biomolecule CharacterizationMurdock, Richard 01 May 2015 (has links)
In this study, the magnetically-induced vibrations of functionalized magnetic particle suspensions were probed for the development of a novel optical spectroscopy technique. Through this work (1) the frequency-dependence of the faraday rotation in ferrofluids and (2) the extension of this system to elucidating particle size and conformation as an alternative immunossay to costly and labor/time intensive Western Blotting and ELISA has been shown. With its sensitivity and specificity, this method has proven to be a promising multi-functional tool in biosensing, diagnostic, and therapeutic nanomedicine efforts. Due to its ubiquitous nature in all optically-transparent materials, the farady rotation, or circular birefringence, was developed as a robust and sensitive nanoscale biomolecule characterization technique through Brownian relaxation studies of particle suspensions. Current efforts have shown the applicability of this phenomenon in solid, pure liquid, and colloidal samples as well as simultaneous advancements of magnetic nanoparticle research in the magnetometric and magneto-optical regimes. By merging these two fields, a clinically relevant spectroscopy (fd-FRS, Frequency Domain Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy) was developed based on a newly revised model stemming from Debye relazation theory. Through this work, an optical bench with a variable permeability core electromagnet and a frequency-domain lock-in amplifier setup (DC to 20 kHz) have been used to distinguish between Fe3O4-core nanoparticles with functionalization layers of PEG4/PEG8 polymer with future applications involving the Anti-BSA/BSA antibody/antigen couple. Particle concentrations down to 500 nM (magnetic nanoparticles) and 0.01 Volume % (magnetic beads) were studied with diameters ranging from 200 nm to 1μm. currently, the characteristic peak corresponding to the out-of-phase relazation of the suspended particles has been elusive, despite a wide particle size distribution and the use of a balanced photodetector. Future work will involved highly monodisperse samples, faster scan times, and thermal characterization applications of fs-FRS.
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Phase formation and structural transformation of strontium ferrite SrFeOxSchmidt, Marek, Wojciech, Marek.Schmidt@rl.ac.uk January 2001 (has links)
Non-stoichiometric strontium iron oxide is described by an abbreviated formula SrFeOx (2.5 ≤ x ≤ 3.0) exhibits a variety of interesting physical and chemical properties over a broad range of temperatures and in different
gaseous environments. The oxide contains a mixture of iron in the trivalent and the rare tetravalent state. The material at elevated temperature is a mixed oxygen conductor and it, or its derivatives,can have practical
applications in oxygen conducting devices such as pressure driven oxygen
generators, partial oxidation reactors in electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells
This thesis examines the behaviour of the material at ambient and elevated temperatures using a broad spectrum of solid state experimental
techniques such as: x-ray and neutron powder diffraction,thermogravimetric and calorimetric methods,scanning electron microscopy and Mossbauer
spectroscopy. Changes in the oxide were induced using conventional thermal
treatment in various atmospheres as well as mechanical energy (ball milling).
The first experimental chapter examines the formation of the ferrite from
a mixture of reactants.It describes the chemical reactions and phase transitions that lead to the formation of the oxide. Ball milling of the reactants prior to annealing was found to eliminate transient phases from the reaction route and to increase the kinetics of
the reaction at lower temperatures.
Examination of the thermodynamics of iron oxide (hematite) used for the
reactions led to a new route of synthesis of the ferrite frommagnetite and
strontium carbonate.This chapter also explores the possibility of synthesis
of the material at room temperature using ball milling.
The ferrite strongly interacts with the gas phase so its behaviour was studied under different pressures of oxygen and in carbon dioxide.The changes in ferrite composition have an equilibrium character and depend on temperature and oxygen concentration in the
atmosphere. Variations of the oxygen
content x were described as a function of temperature and oxygen partial
pressure, the results were used to plot an equilibrium composition diagram.
The heat of oxidation was also measured as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure.
Interaction of the ferrite with carbon dioxide below a critical temperature
causes decomposition of the material to strontium carbonate and SrFe12O19 .
The critical temperature depends on the partial pressure of CO2 and above
the critical temperature the carbonate and SrFe12O19 are converted back into
the ferrite.The resulting SrFe12O19 is very resistant towards carbonation and
the thermal carbonation reaction does not lead to a complete decomposition
of SrFeOx to hematite and strontium carbonate.
The thermally induced oxidation and carbonation reactions cease at room
temperature due to sluggish kinetics however,they can be carried out at ambient temperature using ball milling.The reaction routes for these processes are different from the thermal routes.The mechanical oxidation induces two
or more concurrent reactions which lead to samples containing two or more
phases. The mechanical carbonation on the other hand produces an unknown
metastable iron carbonate and leads a complete decomposition of the ferrite
to strontiumcarbonate and hematite.
Thermally and mechanically oxidized samples were studied using Mossbauer
spectroscopy. The author proposes a new interpretation of the Sr4Fe4O11
(x=2.75) and Sr8Fe8O23 (x=2.875)spectra.The interpretation is based
on the chemistry of the compounds and provides a simpler explanation of
the observed absorption lines.The Mossbauer results froma range of compositions
revealed the roomtemperature phase behaviour of the ferrite also
examined using x-ray diffraction.
The high-temperature crystal structure of the ferrite was examined using
neutron powder diffraction.The measurements were done at temperatures
up to 1273K in argon and air atmospheres.The former atmosphere protects
Sr2Fe2O5 (x=2.5) against oxidation and the measurements in air allowed
variation of the composition of the oxide in the range 2.56 ≤ x ≤ 2.81.
Sr2Fe2O5 is an antiferromagnet and undergoes phase transitions to the paramagnetic
state at 692K and from the orthorhombic to the cubic structure
around 1140K.The oxidized formof the ferrite also undergoes a transition
to the high-temperature cubic form.The author proposes a new structural
model for the cubic phase based on a unit cell with the Fm3c symmetry.
The new model allows a description of the high-temperature cubic form of
the ferrite as a solid solution of the composition end members.The results
were used to draw a phase diagramfor the SrFeOx system.
The last chapter summarizes the findings and suggests directions for further research.
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