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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ceramics and regionality in the Highlands and Northern Isles of Scotland, 2500-1800 BC

Scholma-Mason, Owain David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis considers the nature of pottery and its wider roles in the Highlands and Northern Isles of Scotland from 2500-1800 BC. The period under study represents a key moment in British prehistory with the introduction of metallurgy and wide-ranging changes in society. Since the inception of early Bronze Age studies pottery has played an important role in examinations of identity and chronology. As identified by several scholars there has been a recurrent emphasis on a select number of interpretive themes and regions such as Wessex and Aberdeenshire. This has marginalised certain areas creating an imbalance in our understanding of the tempo and dynamics of change during the period. Recent reviews have begun to address this issue, highlighting the importance of regional studies to our overall understanding of change in the later 3rd millennium. At present, there is no synthesis of ceramic material from the Highlands and Northern Isles that considers the diverse array of pot types and the contexts in which they are found. In response, this thesis aims to characterise the range of ceramic types, their contexts and associations. Through the course of this thesis a series of detailed regional datasets and interpretations are constructed. This is coupled with a review of the longer-term ceramic sequence across the study area, situating the advent of novel pot types within the existing ceramic repertoire. Secondly, this thesis examines the dynamics of ceramic similarity and difference, and what this reveals about regional preferences and identities alongside broader intra and supra regional networks. Drawing on recent relational approaches this thesis explores how ceramic categories came into being, persisted and dissipated at a range of scales. These approaches highlight the fluid nature of change and the need to consider pots as elements of wider assemblages. Through this examination it is possible to detect distinct trends in regional ceramics, allowing for the construction of narratives that extend beyond defining visual similarities, contributing towards understanding the wider significance of similarity and difference.

A burning question : structural and isotopic analysis of cremated bone in archaeological contexts

Snoeck, Christophe January 2014 (has links)
Cremated bone occurs in many archaeological sites as small grey and white fragments. The high temperatures reached during heating induce structural, chemical and isotopic changes to bone apatite (the inorganic fraction of bone). These changes are investigated here by infrared spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (d13C, d18O and 87Sr/86Sr) in both modern heated bone and archaeological cremated specimens. The results of various heating experiments (in laboratory and natural conditions) highlight the significant carbon and oxygen exchanges with the fuel used as well as with bone organic matter (mainly collagen). While not informing on dietary practice and hydrology as is the case with unburned bone, the d13C and d18O values of calcined samples together with infrared results provide information on the conditions in which the bone was heated (e.g. presence of fuel, size of the pyre, temperatures reached, dry or fresh bone, etc.). In parallel, the effect of heat on the strontium present in bone is minimal, if not undetectable. Furthermore, as observed through artificial contamination experiments, post-burial alterations also appear to be extremely limited, which is to be expected due to the higher crystallinity of calcined bone apatite compared to tooth enamel and unburned bone. These experiments demonstrate that calcined bone provides a reliable substrate for mobility studies using its strontium isotope composition. The application of these results to the study of six Neolithic and one Bronze Age sites from Ireland showed the possibility of discriminating cremated individuals that ate food originating from different regions, as well as highlighting possible variations in cremation practices between different sites. The results of this thesis greatly extend the application of strontium isotopes to places and periods in which cremation was the dominant mortuary practice, or where unburned bone and enamel do not survive. They also provide insights into the reconstruction of ancient cremation practices.

Placera ut de döda : En arkeologisk analys av kroppsposition och begravningsritual inom gropkeramisk kultur på Gotland

Westerberg, Felicia January 2018 (has links)
In this paper, I analyze body position and orientation based on material from nine grave fields belonging to the Pitted ware culture (3300-2400 BC) on Gotland, Sweden. The archeological sites consist of Ajvide, Fridtorp, Grausne, Gullrum, Hemmor, Ire, Visby, Västerbjers and Västerbys. The aim of the thesis is to generate information, through the use of Correspondence Analysis, about the individuals and similarities and differences in an attempt to discern possible structures in ritual practice. The subject of the thesis is discussed with a focus on ritual based on Pierre Bourdieu's (1977) theories relating to practice and habitus. The analysis shows that specific body positions were preferred, which expressed minor variations between the archaeological sites. At the same time, it was possible to discern specific practices that were more frequent in certain areas. The dead were most often arranged either in a supine position or on their sides with knees straight or flexed, in a crouched position. The placement of the body in flexed position expressed a distinct differentiation linked to the degree of contraction of the knee- and hip joint, which show that there existed guidelines or standards in the practice of body position. The result also indicated age and gender differentiations expressed through skeletal position and orientation, which were expressed differently within some of the populations. The study has identified both regional and local patterns in ritual practice in relation to body position and orientation. Possible interpretations relating to similarities and differences in the material are further discussed in the thesis in order to identify a ritual context.

Neolitický sídelní areál Hrdlovka: analýza keramického materiálu / The Neolithic settlement area Hrdlovka: analysis of ceramic material

VONDROVSKÝ, Václav January 2015 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis aims primarily to the analysis of ceramic material obtained from the Neolithic settlement area Hrdlovka excavated during salvage terrain excavation since the year 1987 to 1990. For the purposes of processing of finds and excavation situations the complex database and digitalised site plan were created in the GIS interface. The analysis of ceramics was targeted particularly to the establishing of settlement area relative chronology and separating of individual settlement phases. Current description system of Czech Neolithic pottery was modified and replenished with regard to Hrdlovka´s finding situation specifics. The process of chronological analysis comprising also spatial data was divided into several steps. Resulting sequence comprises 10 settlement horizons (Hrdlovka A - J), which correspond to nearly uninterrupted development since the early stage of the Linear Pottery culture to the late stage of the Stroked Pottery culture. Important pieces of knowledge were obtained mainly about the transitional phase between the both cultures, which was in Hrdlovka documented by two settlement horizons. The analysis of ceramics spatial distribution and some architecture characteristics are also presented in limited range.

Mobilita lidských populací na konci doby kamenné / Mobility of human populations at the end of the Stone Age

ČERVINKA, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The presented work entitled "Mobility of Human Populations at the End of the Stone Age" describes, generalizes, summarizes and subsequently evaluates the factors of migratory tendencies in prehistory - for the period of Neolithic over Eneolithic to Early Bronze Age. Emphasis is placed on the clarification of all interdisciplinary issues. Further on a detailed description of individual processes and archaeological approaches to them. As a basis for my own research, a database of data impacted by articles based on the study of strontium isotopes was created. In the next steps, the database was processed using statistical tools and its outputs were contingency tabletables and charts. Spatial assessment and their contexts were conducted in the GIS (Geographic Information System).

Styles céramiques et groupes régionaux dans le Néolithique ancien danubien occidental (bassins du Rhin, de la Meuse et de la Seine) : une approche systémique / The decorated pottery of the early Danubian Neolithic (Lbk) in the basins of the Rhine, the Meuse and the Seine (western Lbk) : a systemic approach

Houbre, Aurélie 27 September 2012 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à la céramique décorée du Néolithique ancien danubien des bassins du Rhin, de la Meuse et de la Seine. L’application de la méthode systémique à l’ensemble des décors archéologiquement reconstituables découverts dans cette zone a permis d’élaborer une grammaire décorative du Rubané de la zone occidentale. L’analyse grammaticale ainsi appliquée à chaque groupe régional constitue un travail inédit.Au cœur de notre recherche se situe la question du morcellement du territoire. Dès le Rubané moyen, un bloc septentrional s’étend de l’Escaut jusqu’au Neckar, tandis qu’au sud, le Rubané Moyen de Haute-Alsace se développe de la vallée de la Marne au Hegau, en passant par l’extrémité sud de la plaine du Rhin supérieur. Seule la Basse-Alsace occupe, lors du Rubané moyen, une place isolée au sein de la zone occidentale. Dans la seconde moitié du Rubané (étapes IV et V), la zone occidentale est morcelée en trois complexes : le Rubané du Nord-Ouest qui s’étend de l’Escaut au Main, le Rubané du Centre qui regroupe les zones du Palatinat et du Neckar et le Rubané du Sud qui englobe le sud de la plaine du Rhin supérieur (Basse- et Haute-Alsace) et le Bassin parisien. / This work is dedicated to the analysis of the decorated pottery of the early Danubian Neolithic (Lbk) in the basins of the Rhine, the Meuse and the Seine (western Lbk). The application of a systemic approach to all the reconstructible decorations discovered in this area permitteded the elaboration of a decorative grammar for the western Lbk area. This grammatical analysis, which was applied to all the regional groups of this area, constitutes a totally new work.The center of our research focuses with the regionalisation process. In the middle Lbk phase, a northern block spreads over the Escaut to the Neckar, whereas in the south the “middle Lbk from Haute-Alsace” goes from the valley of the Marne to the Hegau via the southern part of the higher Rhine plain. Only the Basse-Alsace region occupies an isolated place within the western Lbk. In the second half of the Lbk (steps IV and V) this area is divided into three complexes: the Northwest Lbk, from the Escaut to the Main, the central Lbk, comprising the Palatinat and the Neckar regions and the southern Lbk, which includes the south of the higher Rhine plain (Basse- and Haute-Alsace) and the Paris basin.

Neolithic Anatolia and Central Europe : disentangling enviromental impacts from diet isotope studies

Budd, Chelsea January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to reconstruct dietary choices for Neolithic populations in Anatolia and Poland using stable isotope analysis, and to examine the extent to which local environmental factors in these regions affected the isotope values recorded from skeletal collagen. In total 278 new δ13C and δ15N values were obtained from human and animal bone collagen for this project (161 from the site of Oslonki 1, 59 from Barçin Höyük, and 58 from the site of Aktopraklik). From an environmental perspective, the multi-level statistical modelling highlighted a clear relationship with δ13C and δ15N and moisture availability, which was most evident through the proxy of mean annual precipitation (MAP). The modelling highlighted a 0.4‰ decrease in d13C for every 100mm decrease of MAP, and a 0.5‰ decrease in d15N for every 100mm decrease between sites. The δ13C and δ15N values for the North-West Anatolian sites are the first dietary isotopic studies for the Neolithic period in the region. The values are largely commensurate with the dietary isotope studies from Neolithic sites located on the Central Anatolian plateau, with the caveat that the North-West sites perhaps had a greater reliance on herbivore protein (instead of plant protein) than their plateau counterparts. The dietary reconstruction of Oslonki 1 uncovered a rather unexpected outcome - namely that status exerted a degree of control over human diet. If this is indeed true it will be the earliest evidence in Europe of a distinct relationship between the socioeconomic status and diet of an individual.

Les bitumes archéologiques : exploitation et façonnage en Mésopotamie, au Khuzestân et en Arabie orientale du Néolithique à l'âge du Bronze ancien (du milieu du VIè au IIIè millénaires av. J.-C.) / Archaeological bitumen : exploitation and technological modalities in Mesopotamia, Khusistan and Eastern Arabia from the neolithic to the early bronze age (mid VIe/IIIe millennia B.C.)

Badel, Émilie 19 December 2017 (has links)
Des matériaux hydrocarbonés façonnés par l'homme ont abondamment été découverts sur les sites du Proche-Orient ancien. Ces matériaux incluent du bitume visqueux suintant le long des rivières ou sur les falaises, des calcaires bitumineux, des sables bitumineux et des asphaltites. Le champ d'utilisation est vaste et regroupe plusieurs qualités physicochimiques mises à profit : adhésivité, imperméabilisant, conservation, poids, couleur noire, matière malléable ou sculptable. L'étude des modes d'exploitation et du cadre technique, menée sur un cadre chronologique couvrant le milieu du 6e au 3e millénaires av. J.-C. en Mésopotamie, au Khuzestân et en Arabie orientale, a permis d'apporter de nouvelles données sur la dynamique culturelle des sociétés proche-orientales. Cette approche axée sur l'homme et la matière n'avait jamais été entreprise auparavant sur ce matériau. Cette recherche est fondée sur un corpus de 4021 bitumes répartis sur 101 sites archéologiques. Les objets et fragments ont été classés suivant leur domaine d'utilisation permettant ainsi d'identifier plusieurs aires techniques. L'étude technologique, réalisée grâce à une approche pluridisciplinaire (archéométrie, ethnographie, épigraphie, expérimentation), restitue des chaînes opératoires pour l'exploitation des bitumes visqueux ou solides. Les textes cunéiformes de la fin du 3e millénaire témoignent de métiers dédiés au façonnage des bitumes, de leur prix et d'une hiérarchisation des sites au sein de leur exploitation. Les modèles de diffusion des techniques identifiés dans cette recherche mettent en évidence l'existence de foyers d'invention dans presque tout l'ensemble du Proche-Orient ancien. / Man-shaped hydrocarbonated materials have been widely discovered in ancient Near East archaeological sites. These materials include viscous bitumen seeping along rivers and cliffs, bituminous limestones, bituminous sands and asphaltites. Adhesiveness, impermeability, conservation, weight, dark color, ductility or sculptability are among the variety of physico-chemical characteristics which allow for a large scope of use. Research on bitumen exploitation methods and corresponding technical framework covers a timeframe from mid 6th to 3rd millennia B.C. over Mesopotamia, Khuzistan and Eastern Arabia. This study, focusing on man and bitumen materials, was never performed before and provides new valuable insights in relation to Near East societies cultural dynamics. We gathered and brought together a comprehensive and organized database composed of 4021 bitumen items from 101 different archaeological sites. The bitumen pieces, artifacts and fragments are presented following their scope of use thus allowing the identification of technical fields. The technological study was based on a pluridisciplinary approach including archeometry, ethnography, epigraphy and experimentation; it brings to light viscous or solid bitumen exploitation operational chains. Cuneiform texts from end of 3rd millennium testify bitumen professions and occupations, bitumen prices and a hierarchy of sites within their exploitation. The techniques spreading models identified in our research highlight the existence of invention spots in almost all ancient Near East.

Du sol à la reconstitution de l'espace habité : géoarchéologie des modes d'occupation de la fin du Néolitique (3600-2250 av. n.-è.) dans le Sud-Ouest du Bassin parisien / From the floor to the reconstruction of inhabited space : geoarchaeology of the settlement patterns of the Late Neolithic (3600-2250 BC) in the Southwestern Paris basin

Onfray, Marylise 05 July 2017 (has links)
Considéré comme la matérialité de l’espace, le sol est un élément déterminant en archéologie pour la compréhension de l’habitat. Au regard « de l’absence » des sols néolithiques, les recherches sur l’habitat dans le Nord de la France sont basées sur les structures en creux. Pour la fin du Néolithique, ceci est un problème puisque seuls quelques plans de bâtiments sont connus et les fréquents sites peu stratifiés à concentrations de mobilier sont peu documentés. Dans trois quarts des cas, les attributs du mobilier (à plat, domestique…) suggèreraient des sols d’occupation préservés, et donc des habitats potentiels. En questionnant la relation Société-Sol, la démarche géoarchéologique, fondée sur la micromorphologie, vise à déterminer les processus de formation de ces couches pour interroger le caractère préservé des sols d’occupation ainsi que la nature des activités humaines enregistrées. Ces recherches s’assoient sur l’étude de cinq sites à concentrations de mobilier (Gas, Sours, Poupry, Pussigny et Maillé), découverts en Beauce et en Touraine par l’archéologie préventive. L’élaboration d’un modèle qualitatif du sol néolithique, exprimé par une classification de micro-ethnofaciès, a permis d’identifier sa nature, de confirmer le statut d’habitat de ces sites et de discuter des modes d’occupation des sols. La pratique des terrassements pour l’implantation des habitats semble généralisée, tout comme l’emploi de la terre crue pour la construction des sols et des bases de murs. Si des variations semblent apparaitre dans les espaces intérieurs, les résultats pour les sols extérieurs permettent de proposer un modèle théorique de l’organisation spatiale de l’espace de cour. / Considered as the materiality of space, floor is a crucial element in archaeology to understand the settlement. Regarding the “lack” of neolithic floors, the researches of settlements in North of France, are established from negative features. For the end of Neolithic, this is truly a problem because only few plans of buildings are discovered and the sites with very thin and massive anthropogenic layers are common, but not well documented. In three-quarters of cases, the characteristics of materials (flat, domestic…) would suggest preserved floors, and so, potential settlements. Answering the relation Society-Soil, the geoarchaeological approach, based on micromorphology of soil, pursue to characterise the processes of formation of thin layers to question the preserved aspect of floors and the nature of human activities recorded. The searches are seated on the study of five sites à thin layer with concentrations of materials, discovered in Beauce and Touraine by survey archaeology. The elaboration of qualitative models of neolithic floor, expressed by a classification of micro-ethnofaciès, leads to identify its nature, to confirm the status of the settlement of its type of sites. The earthwork practice of the implantation of a settlement seems extensive, as well as, the use of earthen materials to the construction of floors and walls. If spatial organisation of interior space remains difficult to approach, the results lead to propose a theoretical model of courtyard spaces.

Les tumulus à couloir et enclos de la Tassili du Fadnoun (Tassili Azger, Algérie) : architecture, contextes géographique et funéraire : apports des Systèmes d'Information Géographique (SIG) et de l'imagerie satellitaire dans l'étude des monuments funéraires sahariens / The corridor and enclosures tumulus in the Fadnoun region (Tassili Azger, Algeria) : architecture, geographical and funerary contexts : contributions of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and satellite imagery in the study of Saharan funerary monuments

Berkani, Hayette 20 November 2017 (has links)
Cette étude s'organise autour d'une réflexion sur l'occupation humaine de la Tassili du Fadnoun (sud-est algérien) à travers l'analyse architecturale des tumulus à couloir et enclos et de leurs contextes géographique et funéraire. La position géographique de ce grand massif, à proximité de Tanget, de la Tassedjebest, de la Tamelghiq et des autres massifs situés au sud-est, lui confère un rôle de carrefour où s'échangeaient les productions culturelles parmi lesquelles figurent l'art rupestre et l'architecture funéraire. Depuis la publication de Jean Pierre Savary qui date du début des années soixante, l'étude des monuments funéraires du Fadnoun n'a pas connu d'évolution importante. L'objectif majeur de notre recherche est de réexaminer les données anciennes concernant les tumulus à couloir et enclos et de donner une impulsion à de nouvelles recherches introduisant les systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) et l'imagerie satellitaire à une échelle et un contexte régional plus large. Le complément d’étude que nous apportons dans le cadre de cette thèse s'inscrit clairement dans la continuité des travaux antérieurs. Ces premiers résultats obtenus sont un point de départ pour des recherches ultérieures dans la Tassili du Fadnoun, restée longtemps marginalisée en raison des difficultés d'accès. Il ressort de cette étude, malgré une distribution géographique très étendue à l’échelle des massifs du Sahara centro-méridional que les monuments de type à couloir et enclos présentent plusieurs caractéristiques communes notamment en matière d'architecture, de mode d'inhumation et de datation. / This study focuses the human occupation of the Tassili of Fadnoun (south-east Algeria) through the architectural analysis of the corridor and enclosures tumuli and their geographical and funerary contexts. The geographical position of this great massif, near Tanget, Tassedjebest, Tamelghiq and the other massifs situated in the south-east, gives it a role of crossroads where cultural productions including rock art and funerary architecture were exchanged. Since the publication of Jean Pierre Savary, which dates from the early sixties, the study of funerary monuments of the Fadnoun has not undergone significant evolution. The main objective of our research is to re-examine the old data concerning corridor and enclosure tumuli and to give impetus to new research introducing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and satellite imagery to a wider scale and regional context. The complementary study carried out in this thesis is clearly in line with the previous work. These initial results are a starting point for further research in the Tassili of Fadnoun, which has long been marginalized because of difficulties of access. This study shows that corridor and enclosure type monuments have several common characteristics, notably in architecture, burial mode and dating, in spite of a very wide geographical distribution all over of the central Saharan massifs.

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