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The implications of early village architectures : the sensuous geographies and social experience of the Near Eastern PPNA and PPNB built environmentsHemsley, Samantha January 2008 (has links)
Between the Pre-Pottery Neolithic A and Pre-Pottery Neolithic B, settlements witnessed increasing longevity and there was a region wide shift from circular, purportedly single room to relatively large rectangular multi-room domestic structures. At the same time many non-domestic structures appeared. A number of regional vernacular traditions in domestic architecture have been identified, with rather differently structured uses of space. However it is the broad similarities in formal characteristics of domestic structures over the Near East that tends to be highlighted by researchers, especially those working on the Southern Levantine record that therefore forms the focus of this study.
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Sustainable assumptions : modelling the ecological impacts of pre-pottery Neolithic farming communities in the LevantCampbell, Dana January 2009 (has links)
During the Pre-Pottery Neolithic - Pottery Neolithic transition in the Levant, several centuries after the widespread adoption of agriculture and shortly after the adoption of mixed farming, a number of large, formerly successful communities seem to have been abandoned. These apparent settlement transformations are reported to have occurred alongside changes in technology and production, ideological behaviour and the treatment of the dead, and subsistence economy. Whether one views these purported changes as evidence of 'collapse' or not, particular transformations do seem to have taken place and require explanation. Several proposed models attempt to explain why these changes may have occurred, but the anthropogenically induced ecological degradation argument is the most pervasive. While this model has already been tested in a preliminary manner, detailed evaluation of the degradation argument partly based on agronomic research on the ecological impacts of mixed farming is still due.
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A study of activity at Neolithic causewayed enclosures within the British IslesAlbrecht, Brian Glenn January 2011 (has links)
Since the first explorations of causewayed enclosures, archaeologists have attempted to define these early Neolithic monuments in relation to territorial patterns, pottery typologies, and ultimately though the concept of structured deposition. While these concepts have been important in advancing our knowledge of causewayed enclosures, the interpretations of the material from the enclosures ditch segments and other areas of these sites have failed to take into account the importance of how objects and materials came to be at the sites, were produced and used there, preceding deposition. This thesis argues that activities at enclosures should not be categorically separated from the everyday activities of those who visited the enclosures. I argue that by looking in detail at the spatial and temporal distribution of objects in association with chronology that the practical activities people engaged in at enclosures have been overshadowed by interpretations stressing the ritual nature of structured deposits. These activities had a direct relationship with enclosures and local landscapes. This argues that perhaps more deposits within causewayed enclosures were the result of everyday activities which occurred while people gathered at these sites and not necessarily the result of a ‘ritual’ act. A re-interpretation of the detail from nine causewayed enclosures within three ‘regions’ of the British Isles (East Anglia, Sussex and Wessex) will be examined. It will be shown that this theoretical approach to activity goes beyond the deposition of objects and also includes enclosure construction, object modification such as flint knapping, animal butchery, and the use of pottery and wood. On a micro scale this indicates that each community who constructed an enclosure deposited objects in a unique and ‘personal’ manner which was acceptable within their defined social system. On a macro scale, this indicates that although all British causewayed enclosures seem to ‘function’ in the same way, the individual sites were constructed, modified and used in distinctive ways. Some enclosures seem to have existed quite independently from their neighbours while other enclosures within close proximity to each other had a specialised role to play. These specialised roles indicate that some enclosures may have been constructed and used by groups who primarily came to them in order to carry out a specific set of activities which were then defined through deposition.
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Social change along the Middle Yangzi river : re-configurations of late Neolithic societyPriewe, Sascha January 2012 (has links)
Through the case study of the Shijiahe site, Tianmen, Hubei, this thesis investigates the dynamics of enclosures along the Middle Yangzi River during the third millennium BC. During the early third millennium over a dozen of enclosures were constructed in this region, earlier than elsewhere in China during this millennium. All were abandoned and some re-settled around 2000 BC, followed by another episode of abandonment. The major theoretical paradigms dominating the field are culture history and social complexity. The thesis argues that these are insufficient to fully appreciate the actual details and dynamics of the developments at the Middle Yangzi sites. As an alternative, this thesis employs a combination of approaches. A detailed practice-based analysis of the biography of Shijiahe reveals dynamics of identity formation and changes to tradition not observed before. The techniques of enclosure construction, reasons for their construction and abandonment will also be discussed. The thesis acknowledges the central importance of religion and interaction as two essential underlying currents of prehistoric lives that, in the case of China, have largely been ignored. From this angle a series of objects, such as red pottery cups, pottery pointed-bottom vessels and jade ornaments, from Shijiahe are investigated and their religious significance established. They and the practices they were used in are also mapped according to their find spots, which show the connection of Shijiahe with regions even beyond the Middle Yangzi, such as the Yellow and Huai river regions. These interactions were probably also stimulated by religious practices. The northward connections are of particular importance, as they confirm that the Yangzi, and the giant swamp of the Yunmengze in the Jianghan Plain, were formidable barriers southwards. The usually posited direction of movements from the Yellow River into the south must be challenged on the basis of this thesis, which argues for multiple directions of interaction and transmission of objects and ideas.
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Re-thinking diffusion 'in-between' : cultural encounters, time and the formation of hybrid identitiesGarcia Rovira, Irene January 2012 (has links)
For some time now, social scientists, literary critics and others who have examined socio-political developments characterised by intercultural interaction (e.g. colonialism or globalisation), have emphasised the creative, transformative and hybrid character of the space 'in-between' (e.g. Bhabha 1994; Young 1995). Even though 'hybridity discourses' have principally explored spheres of intercultural interaction in order to dismantle traditional binary oppositions used in colonial studies, or to describe the subtleties of our contemporary globalised environment, they have also raised awareness of the need to integrate such insights into accounts that explore and theorise a range of social phenomena (e.g. Nederveen Pieterse 2009). Whilst this integration has taken place in the wider context of the social sciences, scant attention has been given within the reflective arena of post-processualism to devising theoretical approaches which allow for analyses either of the space 'in-between' or the 'multivoicedness' (Bakhtin 1981) of material culture (for an exception see Fahlander 2007). This thesis seeks to define the theoretical as well as methodological strategies needed to incorporate the notion of 'hybridity' into the post-processual discourse. Although the effects of hybridity can take various forms (e.g. linguistics, culture, politics, religion) (Ashcroft et al. 1998), our possibilities for exploring this concept in archaeology amount to identifying the effects of hybridity on the realm of material culture. This research focuses on developing a theoretical and methodological approach that allows intercultural interaction to be examined through the identification of material patterning. To do so, the notion of 'diffusion' is reconsidered as an analytical concept in archaeology. This thesis then draws upon this approach to explore developments within the Orcadian Neolithic during the later fourth millennium BC. As a period of structural change in the islands, it has been the breeding ground for the development of various differing approaches to interpretation (e.g. Renfrew 1979b, Hodder 1982a; Sharples 1985). On this occasion, I will argue that this period represented a classic example of the formation of hybrid identities. Whilst a self-unified image of society was sought in these islands during this period, it is suggested that the cultural expressions used to depict identity reflected intercultural interaction with the Boyne Valley (Ireland).
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Les piémonts du Zagros au Bronze ancien : une étude céramique / The Zagros foothills during the Early Bronze Age : a pottery studyVerdellet, Cécile 07 July 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude des populations des piémonts ouest du Zagros au Bronze ancien (IIIe millénaire av. J.-C.). Il s'appuie sur des données céramiques inédites issues de missions archéologiques récentes travaillant dans le gouvernorat de Soulaimaniyeh (Kurdistan, Irak) depuis 2011 : Kunara (haute vallée du Tanjaro) dont l'occupation principale date de la fin du IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. et les prospections de la haute vallée du Tanjaro et des régions de Raniah, Peshdar et Bingird. Le IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. est une période complexe composée de plusieurs phases historiques pour lesquelles des assemblages céramiques purent être identifiés. Pour le début du millénaire, l'attestation de céramique Ninive V ou de « Scarlet Ware » dans les corpus de prospection fut déterminante pour localiser les implantations. Pour la fin du millénaire, l'étude du corpus céramique stratifié permit d'établir une typologie locale. Après avoir été comparé aux assemblages céramiques des régions environnantes (Mésopotamie du Nord, Mésopotamie Centrale et Zagros iranien), notre corpus révéla une affinité culturelle plus marquée avec la Mésopotamie Centrale mais également un contact évident avec la Mésopotamie du Nord. La réflexion sur la répartition des populations et l'évolution de l'organisation régionale au cours du millénaire à partir des corpus de prospection permit de développer trois thèmes que sont les particularismes locaux perceptibles dans la tradition potière, les degrés d'intégration de la région étudiée dans les modèles politiques et sociaux de la période et enfin la place des piémonts irakiens du Zagros dans les échanges à longue distance attestés au Bronze ancien. / This thesis concerns the people of the western Zagros foothills during the Early Bronze Age (3rd millennium B.C.). It is based on new data from recent archaeological missions, in the Suleimaniyeh governorate (Kurdistan, Iraq) since 2011: Kunara (upper Tanjaro valley) mainly dated to the end of the 3rd millennium B.C. and the surveys of the upper Tanjaro valley and the areas of Raniah, Peshdar and Bingird. The 3rd millennium B.C. is a complex period divided into different historical phases, for which ceramic assemblages were defined. For the beginning of the millennium, the presence of Ninevite V pottery and Scarlet Ware in the surveys' corpuses was decisive to localise the occupations. For the end of the millennium, a local typology was established from the stratified pottery. This was compared to the assemblages of the surrounding areas (North Mesopotamia, Central Mesopotamia and lranian Zagros). The corpus has revealed an affinity more evident with Central Mesopotamia but also a link with North Mesopotamia. Thoughts on the organisation of occupations and the regional evolution through time according to the survey's corpuses allowed me to develop three themes: the local particularities seen through the pottery tradition, the degrees of integration of the studied area in the political and social models of the period, and the place of the lraqi Zagros' foothills in the long-distance trade of the Earl y Bronze Age.
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De la fabrication à la fonction des figurines néolithiques de la Thessalie / From fabrication to function of the neolithic figurinesof ThessalyFassoulas, Argyris 18 December 2017 (has links)
Les figurines néolithiques de la Thessalie est un sujet très débattu. Dans le cadre d'une recherche fortement focalisée sur les qualités morphologiques des figurines, nous considérons indispensable d'aborder un aspect constamment négligé, à savoir leur fabrication. Fondée sur les principes de la technologie culturelle, notre étude vise non seulement à reconstituer les processus techniques de la fabrication des figurines néolithiques depuis la préparation des matières premières, jusqu'au produit fini, mais aussi de repenser les connotations imaginaires du déroulement de ces procédés et de considérer leurs implications culturelles multiples. En utilisant l'outil analytique de la chaîne opératoire, nous avons entrepris une étude technologique des figurines provenant de différents sites en Thessalie, afin de reconstituer le processus de leur fabrication. L'identification des chaînes opératoires particulières nous a permis de circonscrire la physionomie de la production idoloplastique et d'aborder, dans un deuxième temps, la fonction des figurines. Considérant que la fabrication fait partie intégrante de la fonction, nous avons jugé indispensable de nous tourner vers l'ethnologie, afin de nous procurer des exemples qui pourraient servir de références susceptibles d'éclairer nos données archéologiques. Deux enquêtes ethnographiques dans l'Anti-Atlas marocain et le recours à l'expérience anthropologique nous ont permis d'éclairer l'organisation de la production des figurines néolithiques de la Thessalie et leurs fonctions possibles. / The neolithic figurines of Thessaly is a subject that has sparkled many debates. In the context of a research strongly focused on the morphological qualities of the figurines we consider it essential, to address a constantly neglected aspect, their manufacture. Based on the principles of cultural technology, our aim is not only to identify the technical processes involved in the manufacture of neolithic figurines, from the preparation of the raw materials to the finished product, but also to rethink the imaginary connotations of these processes and to consider their multiple cultural implications. Using the analytical tool of the chaîne opératoire, we undertook a technological study of figurines from different sites in Thessaly, in order to reconstruct the processes of manufacture. The identification of the particular chaînes opératoires allowed us to circumscribe the physiognomy of idoloplastic production and then to address the question of the function of the figurines. Considering that manufacturing is an integral part of the function, we considered it indispensable to turn to ethnology, in order to obtain examples that could serve as references and thus help us to interpret the archaeological data. Two ethnographic surveys in the Moroccan Anti-Atlas and the appeal to the anthropological experience, have allowed us to reconstruct the organization of the production of neolithic figurines of Thessaly and their possible functions.
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People and Plant Interaction in Central Anatolian Early Neolithic Communities : plant consumption and agriculture at A¸sıklı Höyük / L'interaction entre les humains et les plantes dans les communautés du Néolithique ancien en Anatolie centrale : la consommation des plantes et l'agriculture à Asikli HöyükErgun, Müge 29 October 2016 (has links)
Durant la période préhistorique où les gens vivaient en chasseurs-cueilleurs et nomades l'interaction entre les humains et les plantes a connu à long terme diverses modifications. L'agriculture en est une et probablement la plus importante. L'intervention directe de l'homme au cycle vital de différentes plantes l'a conduit aussi à s'installer un nouvel ordre et s'y adapter. Les bases de cette interaction d'une profonde influence sur les deux parties a été jetées séparément dans les différentes contrées du monde au début et au milieu de l'Holocène. Les données les plus anciennes datent environ de 12 000 ans et proviennent de différentes régions de l'Asie du Sud-Ouest. Dans ce processus où la vie Néolithique commence à se former avec ses divers éléments, l'Anatolie centrale est une région spécifique qui se différencie par ses particularités dans le cadre du Néolithique de l'Asie du Sud-Ouest. Dans cette région où le savoir sur la consommation des plantes et les activités agricoles de l'Epipaléolithique et du Néolithique est restreint, Asikli Höjük qui date du Néolithique ancien (9e et 8e millénaires av..1.-C. cal.) est l'un des plus anciens sites. Depuis sa première sédentarisation la communauté d'Asikli connaît l'agriculture et la pratique. Sous un régime où les plantes sauvages et domestiques sont cultivées d'une façon mixte et où la cueillette des plantes sauvages garde son importance la communauté se concentre de plus en plus aux activités agricoles ; la production alimentaire devient une partie importante de la vie. Avec ses 1000 ans d'habitation Asikli est un site privilégié pour comprendre du point de vue local et régional le processus d'appropriation de l'agriculture. / The interaction between people and plants experiences various and long-term changes throughout prehistory, in which people mostly lived a hunter-gatherer and nomadic way of life. In this rooted relationship, agriculture represents one of the phases, may be the most important one. With this new behavioural pattern including different plant species and the complete people intervention to the life-cycle of the plants, people toohad to establish new arrangements in their life and harmonize with them. The foundation of this relationship effecting deeply both populations, was laid out independently in different parts of the world during Early and Middle Holocene. The earliest finds,though, come approximately 12.000 years ago from South-west Asia. In this period, the Neolithic way of life emerges with its various aspects, and CentralAnatolia represents a distinct region within South-west Asian Neolithic with its local characters and developments. In this area where our knowledge on Epipaleolithic and Neolithic plant consumption and agricultural practices is limited, A¸sıklı Höyük (9th-8th mill. cal. BC) is one of the earliest sites experiencing the changes on people and plant interaction, and the agricultural way of life. The inhabitants of A¸sıklı hadthe knowledge and practice of agriculture since the earliest occupation phases, andin this life style including cultivation of a mixture of wild and domestic crops and also the importance of gathered wild plants, they focused more and more on the agricultural practices throughout the occupation and made the food production an important part of their life. A¸sıklı community also experienced transformations in different life aspects during its 1.000 years of occupation; therefore, it is a privileged site to understand the process of agricultural adoption both in the local and regional context.
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Émergence et développement des sociétés agricoles au Néolithique acéramique (Xe-VIIIe millénaires av. n. ère) : étude archéobotanique de Dja'de El-Mughara et Tell Aswad, Syrie / Emergence and development of farming communities during the aceramic neolithic (Xe-VIIIe millenium B. C.) : archaeobotanical study of Dja'de El-Mughara and Tell Aswad (Syria)Douché, Carolyne 15 January 2018 (has links)
Au Proche-Orient, le Néolithique acéramique (12200-8400 cal BP) correspond à une période de changements sociétaux qui se caractérisent principalement par le mode de vie sédentaire et la mise en place de nouvelles stratégies de subsistance. Bien que les pratiques agricoles et l’élevage aient probablement été initiées en parallèle, les indices de l’agriculture sont les premiers à se manifester, notamment à travers le développement d’un cortège de plantes adventices et la perte progressive de la déhiscence chez l’orge et les blés vêtus. L’objectif de ce travail est de mieux cerner cette période fondamentale de changements, à travers l’étude archéobotanique de deux sites emblématiques. Dja’de el-mughara (10700-10200 cal BP) et Tell Aswad (9800-8400 cal BP), respectivement localisés au nord et au sud de la Syrie, sur le Moyen Euphrate et en Damascène. Les deux sites ont déjà fait l’objet d’analyses mais la présente étude porte sur un nombre beaucoup plus important d’échantillons, issus de fouilles récentes, ayant bénéficié de nouvelles recherches et datations. Elle permet ainsi de revoir certaines interprétations, de comparer le processus d’émergence de l’agriculture dans les deux régions et de restituer les pratiques associées à l’échelle locale, grâce à la nature et la composition des assemblages ainsi que leur distribution sur les sites. / In southwest Asia, the Aceramic Neolithic (12200-8400 cal BP) coincides with a period of social changes characterized by a new sedentary way of life and new subsistence strategies. Plant cultivation and animal husbandry developed together during this period to form a mixed agricultural economy. Evidence for plant husbandry was the irst to manifest itself as seen by the development of arable weeds and the loss of the dispersal mechanism in wheat and barley. This research seeks to better understand this crucial period in human history by examining the charred plant remains recovered from two key sites for this period. Dja’de el-mughara (10700-10200 cal BP) situated in the Euphrates valley in northern Syria and Tell Aswad (9800-8400 cal BP) situated in the Damascus basin in southern Syria. Both sites had already been the subject of archaeobotanical studies. The present study includes a much larger and more representative number of samples thanks to additional excavation and more complete archaeological data not least the dating. These new results presented here allows us to reassess earlier interpretations, better compare the development of agricultural practices in the northern and southern Levant and better understand crop processing and crop management on a local level through spatial analyses and an assessment of potential arable weeds.
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Les sépultures de la Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus (Vallès occidental) : éclairage sur les pratiques funéraires du nord-est de la péninsule ibérique à la fin du Ve et au début du IVe millénaire / The Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus burial site (Vallès occidental) : perspectives on the funary practices of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula at the end of the 5th and the beginning of the 4eh millenium BCAllièse, Florence 07 July 2016 (has links)
A la fin du Ve et au début du IVe millénaire, les communautés du nord-est de la péninsule Ibérique ont inhumé leurs morts dans des tombes élaborées, connues sous l'expression «Sepulcres de fossa ». Le complexe de la Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus rassemble un tiers des sépultures attribuées à cet horizon. L'échelonnement des découvertes de 1921 à 2004 a abouti à un corpus inégal à la fois au niveau des squelettes et de la documentation. Les 169 tombes et les 197 individus répertoriés dans ce travail sont répartis en trois secteurs principaux d'effectif et de densité variables. Les analyses intra-sites montrent des différences au niveau de l'implantation des sépultures, de l'identité biologique des défunts et des modalités de dépôt du corps et du mobilier. Néanmoins, les trois secteurs ne peuvent être considérés indépendamment. Les datations Carbone 14 attestant de leur contemporanéité, il est probable que le fait d'avoir été inhumé dans l'un ou l'autre des secteurs soit lié à des différences sociales, au moins l'âge et peut-être les activités quotidiennes, voire la hiérarchie. Si le complexe de la Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus est exceptionnel par la concentration de tombes, les mêmes gestes se retrouvent à l'échelle du littoral catalan. Inversement, les pratiques funéraires identifiées dans les cistes pyrénéennes sont distinctes. Parfois confondues avec les Sepulcres de fossa, les sépultures en fosse de l'horizon antérieur (Postcardial) appartiennent à un système funéraire différent. Plus largement, les Sepulcres de fossa détonnent dans le paysage funéraire néolithique ouest-européen et la Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus en représente paradoxalement le site emblématique et un cas unique. / In the late 5th and early 4th millennium BC, the communities of the northeastern lberian Peninsula interred their dead within elaborate burial structures known as "Sepulcres de fossa". The Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus burial site alone yielded a third of all graves assigned to this horizon. The site's long history of research, reaching from 1921 to 2004 resulted in an uneven corpus of both osteological material and documentation. This work comprises a total of 169 graves, including 197 individuals, which can be attributed to three main clusters of variable size and density. Intra-site analyses have shown differences in terms of burial distribution, biological identity of the deceased, body treatment and grave good depositional practices. However, the three clusters cannot be considered independently. As radiocarbon data attests for the contemporaneity of burial events, social criteria (age, perhaps daily activities or even hierarchy) likely directed the attribution of individuals to one cluster or the other. If the burial site of Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus stands out by its remarkable number of graves, analogous features are also found alongside the Catalan coast. By contrast, the funerary practices identified in the Pyrenean cists are distinct. Also, incidentally thought to have functioned similar ly to the Sepulcres de fossa, the pit graves of the prior (Postcardial) horizon can now be considered as part of a different funerary system. The Sepulcres de fossa, of which the burial site of Bobila Madurell-Can Gambus is paradoxically both representative and exceptional, finally represent an unusual phenomenon within the general Neolithic burial landscape of Western Europe.
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