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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réponse excitable et propriétés neuromimétiques de micropiliers lasers à absorbant saturable / Excitable response and neuronlike properties in micropillar lasers with saturable absorber

Selmi, Foued 07 September 2015 (has links)
L'excitabilité est une propriété bien connue des neurones biologiques. Il s'agit d'une réponse de type tout-ou-rien à une perturbation au delà d'un seuil caractéristique appelé seuil excitable. D'autres propriétés importantes existent dans les neurones comme les périodes réfractaires et la sommation temporelle ou spatiale de stimuli d'entrée.L'excitabilité a été étudiée dans certains composants actifs à semiconducteur et notamment les composants à semiconducteurs III-V. Leurs propriétés neuro-mimétiques pourraient permettre de traiter l'information de façon tout-optique avec une grande bande passante et une faible consommation.Grâce aux nouvelles techniques de micro-nano fabrication, il est devenu possible de fabriquer des micropiliers lasers à absorbant saturable. Ces micropiliers pourraient permettre la réalisation de réseaux de micropiliers couplés excitables analogues à des réseaux de neurones photoniques.Dans cette thèse j'ai étudié les propriétés neuro-mimétiques de micropiliers lasers à absorbant saturable intégré. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse sont les suivants : 1) la technique de fabrication des micropiliers a été améliorée conduisant à une augmentation de leur durée de vie et une diminution du seuil laser. 2) des propriétés de base des neurones biologiques, comme l'excitabilité, l'existence des périodes réfractaires, la sommation temporelle, ont été mises en évidence expérimentalement et analysées à l'aide du modèle de Yamada. 3) des effets de propagation d'excitations ont été démontrés dans des structures unidimensionnelles : des lasers ligne et des chaînes de micropiliers couplés.La démonstration des propriétés neuromimétiques de micropiliers lasers à absorbant saturable et la mise en évidence de la propagation d'excitations ouvrent la voie à la réalisation de réseaux de micropiliers couplés pour les traitements neuromimétiques des signaux qui pourront être exploités pour de la logique codée à l'aide de pics excitables ainsi que pour du stockage d'information dans des circuits mémoires tout-optiques. / Excitability is a well known property of biological neurons. In excitable systems, the response to a perturbation above the excitable threshold is of all-or-none type. Other properties exist in neurons such as the refractory periods and temporal or spatial summation of input stimuli.Excitability has been demonstrated in many III-V semiconductor material devices. Thanks to their nonlinear properties it could be possible to realize neuromimetic and all-optical signal processing with high speed and low energy consumption. Thanks to progress in fabrication techniques it is possible to fabricate high quality micropillar laser with saturable absorber. Thus, using micropillars it could be possible to realize neural photonic networks analog to neural networks.In this thesis work, I studied neuron-like properties of a micropillar laser with a saturable absorber. My main results are : 1) fabrication of micropillars has been improved leading to an increase of their robustness and a reduction of the laser threshold. 2) well known properties of biological neurons, such as excitability, existence of refractory periods, temporal summation, have been demonstrated experimentally and have been numerically analyzed with the Yamada model. 3) propagation effects of excitations have been demonstrated in one-dimensional structures : wire lasers and chains of coupled micropillars.The demonstration of neuromimetic properties in micropillar lasers with saturable absorber and the evidence of propagation of excitations pave the way to neuromorphic networks based on coupled micropillars for neuromimetic signal processing like information encoding with excitable pulses and realization of optical memories.

Detailed morphological study of layer 2 and layer 3 pyramidal neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex of the rhesus monkey

Wang, Jingyi 22 January 2016 (has links)
The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) can influence emotional and motivational states in primates by its dense connections with many neocortical and subcortical regions. Pyramidal neurons serve as the basic building blocks of these neocortical circuits, which have been extensively studied in other brain regions, but their morphological and electrophysiological properties in the primate ACC are not well understood. In this study, we used whole-cell patch clamp and high-resolution laser scanning confocal microscopy to reveal the general electrophysiological properties and detailed morphological features of layer 2 and 3 pyramidal neurons in ACC (area 24/32) of the rhesus monkey. Neurons from both layers had similar passive membrane properties and action potential properties. Morphologically, dendrites of layer 3 ACC neurons were more complex than those of layer 2 neurons, by having dendrites with longer total dendritic lengths, more branch points and dendritic segments, spanning larger convex hull volumes. This difference in total dendritic morphology was mainly due to the apical dendrites. In contrast, the basal dendrites displayed mostly similar features between the two groups of neurons. However, while apical dendrites extend to the same layer (layer 1), the basal dendrites of layer 3 extended into deeper layers than layer 2 because of the difference in soma-pia distance. Thus, basal dendrites of the two groups of neurons receive different laminar inputs. Analysis of spines showed that more spines were found in neurons of layer 3 apical dendritic arbors than layer 2 neurons. However, the apical spine densities were similar between neurons in the two layers. Thus, while higher spine number suggests that layer 3 neurons receive more excitatory input than layer 2 neurons, the similar spine density suggests similar spatial and temporal summation of these inputs. The combined effects of increased number of excitatory input and higher dendritic complexity in layer 3 than in layer 2 ACC neurons suggest the additional information received by layer 3 neurons, especially in the apical dendrites, might undergo more complex integration.

Mecanismos biofísicos que afetam a resistência de entrada e a constante de tempo da membrana de neurônios: estudos experimentais e de simulação computacional / Biophysical mechanisms that affect the membrane input resistance and time constant of neurons: experimental and computational studies

Ceballos, Cesar Augusto Celis 24 October 2017 (has links)
As correntes subliminares determinam propriedades da membrana neuronal, tais como a resistência de entrada (Rin) e a constante de tempo (tm). Nesta tese, estudamos mecanismos pelos quais duas correntes subliminares (corrente ativada por hiperpolarização, Ih, e corrente de sódio persistente, INaP) determinam Rin e tm em dois tipos de neurônio: neurônio fusiforme do núcleo coclear dorsal e célula piramidal da região CA1 do hipocampo. A tese está dividida em três partes: a primeira estuda como a Ih atua concomitantemente com a corrente de potássio retificadora de entrada (IKIR) para manter Rin estacionária entre neurônios fusiformes com heterogeneidade de disparo (silenciosos, sem disparos espontâneos, e ativos, com disparos espontâneos regulares). Na segunda parte, usa-se uma combinação de modelagem computacional com a técnica experimental de dynamic-clamp em neurônios piramidais de fatias hipocampais para mostrar que a criação de uma região de inclinação negativa na curva I/V (condutância de inclinação negativa) pela ativação rápida da INaP é responsável pelo aumento de Rin e tm e pela amplificação e prolongamento dos potenciais pós-sinápticos das células. Finalmente, a terceira parte estabelece o mecanismo pelo qual a INaP e Ih controlam a tm da célula. Para isso, propomos um novo conceito denominado \"condutância de inclinação dinâmica\" que leva em consideração a cinética das correntes e explica os efeitos observados das cinéticas de Ih e INaP sobre tm. Com base nos resultados, prevemos que uma Ih com cinética rápida atenua e encurta os potenciais pós-sinápticos excitatórios muito mais que uma Ih com cinética lenta. / Subthreshold currents determine the neuronal membrane properties, such as the input resistance (Rin) and the membrane time constant (tm). In this thesis, we studied the mechanisms by which two subthreshold currents (the hyperpolarization-activated current, Ih, and the persistent sodium current, INaP) determine Rin and tm in two types of neurons: the fusiform neuron of the dorsal cochlear nucleus and the pyramidal cell of the CA1 region of the hippocampus. The thesis is divided in three parts: the first part studies how Ih acts concomitantly with the inwardly rectifying potassium current (IKIR) to equalize Rin among fusiform neurons with firing heterogeneity (quiet, without spontaneous firing and active, with regular spontaneous firing). In the second part, we used a combination of computational modeling with the experimental technique dynamic-clamp in pyramidal cells of hippocampal slices to show that the creation of a negative slope region in the I/V curve (negative slope conductance) by the fast activation of the INaP is responsible for the increase of Rin and tm, and for the amplification and prolongation of postsynaptic potentials in these cells. Finally, the third part establishes the mechanism whereby INaP and Ih control tm in the cell. For this, we propose a new concept called \"dynamic slope conductance\", which takes into consideration the current kinetics and explains the observed effects of Ih and INaP kinetics on tm. Based on the results, we predict that an Ih current with fast kinetics attenuates and shortens excitatory postsynaptic potentials strongly than an Ih current with slower kinetics.

α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the glutamatergic synapse

Hammond, Victoria January 2014 (has links)
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) activation is neuroprotective and nicotine is a cognitive enhancer. Loss of nAChRs, deposition of tau neurofibrillary tangles, cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) and inflammation are well documented in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Sequential cleavage of APP by β- and γ-secretase enzymes generates soluble Aβ peptides, with oligomeric forms of Aβ implicated in both the control of synaptic excitability and dysregulation of synaptic transmission and induction of neuronal death in AD. Aβ production is inhibited by calcium-dependent recruitment of α-secretase, as exemplified by activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDAR). All neurodegenerative diseases are associated with inflammation, arising from altered homeostasis of the innate immune system, resulting in heightened activation of immune cells and induction of a pro-inflammatory environment. Stimulation of the α7 subtype of nAChR is anti-inflammatory and also enhances cognition and promotes neuronal survival. This work addressed the hypotheses that stimulation of highly calcium-permeable α7nAChR inhibits Aβ production by promoting α-secretase-mediated processing of APP and also modulates inflammatory cellular behaviour of microglia. Thus, this study assessed the role of α7nAChR at glutamatergic synapses, through probing effects on APP processing and phagocytosis in primary cortical neurons and microglia, respectively. Primary cortical neurons expressed functional α7nAChR and glutamate receptors, and through a number of experimental approaches, including immunoblotting and a cleavage reporter assay, results indicated α7nAChR activation with the α7nAChR-selective agonist PNU-282987 and positive allosteric modulator PNU-120596 had no effect on APP and Tau, in contrast to NMDAR activation that significantly modulated these proteins. Data suggest low expression of α7nAChR, coupled with distinct localisation of presynaptic α7nAChR and postsynaptic APP could explain the lack of effect. In addition, primary microglia were highly responsive to lipopolysaccharide and possessed functional α7nAChR that coupled to ERK phosphorylation. Microglial α7nAChR activation promoted neuroprotective phagocytic behaviour, in agreement with the ‘cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway’. This study supports the hypothesis that α7nAChR are modulators of anti-inflammatory behaviour, thus α7nAChR-selective ligands are viable candidates for the treatment of AD and promoting cognitive enhancement.

Regulatory mechanisms driving motor neuron functional diversification

Khan, Mudassar Nazar 24 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular mechanisms and functions of mitochondrial calcium transport in neurons

Rysted, Jacob Eugene 01 December 2018 (has links)
During neuronal activity mitochondria alter cytosolic Ca2+ signaling by buffering then releasing Ca2+ in the cytosol. This calcium transport by mitochondria affects the amplitude, duration, and spacial profile of the Ca2+ signal in the cytosol of neurons. This buffering by mitochondria has been shown to affect a variety of neuronal functions including: neurotransmission, gene expression, cell excitability, and cell death. Recently, researchers discovered that the protein CCDC109A (mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter) was the protein responsible for mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake. Using a genetic knockout (KO) mouse model for the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) my research investigated the role of MCU in neuronal function. In cultured central and peripheral neurons, MCU-KO significantly reduced mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake while significantly increasing the amplitude of the cytosolic Ca2+ signal amplitude. Behaviorally, MCU-KO mice show a small but significant impairment in memory tasks: fear conditioning and Barnes maze. Using a maximal electroshock seizure threshold model of in vivo seizure activity my research found that MCU-KO significantly increases the threshold for maximal seizure activity in mice and significantly reduces seizure severity. In addition to mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, my research also investigated the mechanisms involved in mitochondrial Ca2+ extrusion. The protein SLC8B1 (SLC24A6, NCLX) is the putative transporter responsible for the Na+/Ca2+ exchange, mitochondrial calcium extrusion. Using genetic NCLX-KO mice, our research found that in neurons NCLX contributes to cytosolic Ca2+ extrusion, but does seem to directly affect mitochondrial Ca2+ extrusion.

Structure and function of a mitochondrial PP2A holoenzyme that regulates neuronal survival

Dagda, Ruben Karim 01 January 2006 (has links)
Serine/threonine phosphatase 2A (PP2A) consists of an AC core dimer composed of catalytic (C), structural (A) subunits complexed to a variable regulatory subunit derived from three gene families (B, B', B"). My dissertation work characterized the structure and function of a neuron-specific splice variant of the Bbeta regulatory gene termed Bbeta2. I found that the divergent N-terminus of Bbeta2 does not affect phosphatase activity or holoenzyme association but encodes a mitochondrial targeting signal. Moreover, transient and stable expression of wild-type Bbeta2 but not Bbeta1, Bbeta2 mutants defective in mitochondrial targeting or a monomeric mutant unable to associate with the holoenzyme, promotes apoptosis in neurons while knock-down of endogenous Bbeta2 is neuroprotective. Furthermore, I identified the mechanisms by which Bbeta2 incorporates the PP2A holoenzyme. By performing charge reversal mutagenesis in Bgamma as a model for B family regulatory subunits, I found that holoenzyme association requires multiple electrostatic charges clustered in WD repeats 3 and 4 of the beta-propeller. To identify residues in Bbeta2 important for mitochondrial association, I performed mutagenesis of the divergent N-terminus of Bbeta2 and identified basic and hydrophobic residues that are critical for mitochondrial association. The variable N-terminal tail of Bbeta2 is a cryptic mitochondrial import sequence that promotes import of GFP, but not full-length Bbeta2, because its beta-propeller domain resists the partial unfolding step necessary for translocation. Lastly, I addressed the mechanism by which Bbeta2 promotes apoptosis in neurons. I found that overexpressing Bbeta2 fragments mitochondria while RNAi of the endogenous protein promotes mitochondrial fusion in neurons. Conversely, targeting PKA, a well characterized prosurvival kinase, to the OMM by overexpressing A kinase anchoring protein 121 (AKAP121) opposes the effects of the phosphatase by elongating mitochondria. Furthermore, downregulating the endogenous AKAP121 by RNAi, or inhibiting PKA at the OMM by overexpressing an inhibitor of PKA (OMM-PKI) fragments mitochondria. The effects of OMM-targeted PP2A or PKA on survival require remodeling of mitochondria, since blocking mitochondrial fission reversed the proapoptotic effects of Bbeta2 and OMM-PKI. My dissertation provides a novel mechanism by which kinase/phosphatase signaling determines neuronal survival.

The pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Vucic, Ostoja Steve, School of Medicine, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the pathophysiology of motor neurone dysfunction, along with site of disease onset, in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The rationale for this thesis is the "dying forward" hypothesis, which suggests that corticomotoneurons cause anterograde excitotoxic degeneration of motor neurons in ALS. Initially, axonal excitability studies were applied to ALS patients and revealed widespread axonal ion channel dysfunction, with increases in persistent Na+ conductances and reduction in K+ currents. Such changes result in axonal hyperexcitability, thereby resulting in generation of fasciculations and cramps. Subsequently, axonal excitability studies were applied to Kennedy's disease (KD) patients, a pathological control group, revealing similar changes to ALS and suggesting that upregulation of persistent Na+ conductances was responsible for generation of fasciculations. To better understand the mechanisms underlying fatigability and to assess whether Na+/K+ pump dysfunction contributes to neurodegeneration in ALS, activity-dependent changes in axonal excitability were measured after a maximal voluntary contraction. The increase in threshold was more pronounced in ALS patients with predominantly lower motor neuron involvement, suggesting that peripheral factors were responsible for fatigue in ALS and that Na+/K+ pump function was preserved. Having documented abnormalities of axonal excitability, a novel threshold tracking transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) technique was developed for assessment of cortical excitability. This technique overcomes the marked variability in the motor evoked potential with consecutive stimuli, a major limitation of the previous "constant stimulus" technique. After establishing normative data, threshold tracking TMS established that cortical hyperexcitability was an early and prominent feature in ALS. Similar changes were found in flail-arm variant ALS, a pure lower motor neuron form of ALS. In KD patients, cortical excitability was normal, thereby suggesting that cortical hyperexcitability is a primary event in ALS rather than a down-regulation of inhibitory control over the motor cortex in order to compensate for anterior horn cell loss. In order to determine whether cortical hyperexcitability underlies motor neurodegeneration, longitudinal studies were undertaken in familial ALS subjects with the copper/zinc superoxide-dismutase-1 gene mutation. These studies established that cortical hyperexcitability precedes the development of clinical ALS, thereby suggesting that cortical hyperexcitability underlies the basis of motor neurodegeneration in familial ALS.

Regulation of p75NTR Trafficking by Neurotrophins in the NSC-34 Motor Neuron Cell Line

Matusica, Dusan, matu0012@flinders.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
Neurotrophins are a family of growth factors necessary for the development and maintenance of the nervous system. They produce their effects through receptor mediated signaling mechanisms that are highly regulated by sophisticated intracellular transport networks. The impairment of intracellular trafficking of neurotrophins in motor neurons has been identified as one possible factor in the development of motor neuron diseases, but remains inadequately studied. Aided by advances in imaging technology and the development of more powerful and sensitive detection tools for in-vitro studies, the dynamics of intracellular transport of neurotrophins are beginning to be unraveled. However, a primary limiting factor in the study of neurotrophin-transport dynamics in motor neurons has been the lack of alternative and easily available in-vitro systems able to substitute the often difficult and costly primary motor neuron cultures. The aim of this project was to develop a suitable motor neuron model using the NSC-34 cell line for the study of receptor mediated trafficking events through endosomal transport pathways. Successful evaluation and characterization of NSC-34 cells for motor neuron specific markers would result in the investigation of the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) trafficking pathways in the presence of exogenous neurotrophins, with a variety of confocal imaging techniques. Chapter 3 describes the optimisation of NSC-34 cell culture conditions through media modification and the development of a suitable growth substrate matrix, which significantly improved cell adhesion, differentiation and the ability to culture the cells for extended time periods in serum free conditions. Quantitative measurements of cell proliferation, culture viability, cell-body size and neurite length are described to highlight the increased value of the cell line for long-term culture and experiments examining a broad range of issues relevant to motor neurons. In Chapter 4, multiple experimental approaches were used to extensively screen the NSC-34 cell line for the presence of motor neuron-specific markers, neurotrophin receptors and proteins involved in regulation of endosomal transport. This characterization established the presence of a developing motor neuron-like neurotrophin receptor profile (p75NTR, TrkB and TrkC), a genetic marker of developing motor neurons, cholinergic markers, proteins regulating transport within the endosomal pathway, and additional proteins previously shown to directly interact with neurotrophin receptors, including sortilin, and the lipid raft associated ganglioside GT1b. Furthermore, evidence is provided that NSC-34 cells undergo apoptosis in response to exogenous nerve growth factor (NGF) or neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), but not brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) or neurotrophin-4 (NT-4). In addition characterization of mouse specific p75NTR antibodies is presented to establish their suitability for internalization studies without altering the binding of exogenous neurotrophins to the receptor. Subsequent confocal microscopy examination focusing on p75NTR trafficking in Chapter 5 revealed that internalization and intracellular transport of this receptor is regulated by exogenous neurotrophins at the cell surface where ligand binding and internalization occur, and in endosomal compartments where the bulk of receptors and ligands are targeted to their specific destinations. Evidence is provided showing that p75NTR internalization is altered in the presence of NGF, NT-3, or NT-4, but not BDNF, and the receptor is diverted into non-clathrin mediated endosomal pathways in response to NGF but not BDNF. Immunofluorescence confocal microscopy suggests that p75NTR recycles to the plasma membrane in a Rab4 GTPase dependent manner in the absence of neurotrophins. Addition of neurotrophins diverted p75NTR from the recycling Rab4 positive pathway, into EEA-1 positive sorting endosomes in the presence of NGF or NT-3, or lysosomal degradation in the presence of BDNF or NT-4. This study clearly demonstrates the suitability of the NSC-34 cell line as an alternate in-vitro system for the study of motor neuron biology, particularly the study of neurotrophin receptor trafficking. Taken together the results represented in this study suggest for the first time, that the fate of the p75NTR receptor depends on which neurotrophin is bound. These findings have important implications for understanding the dynamic mechanisms of action of p75NTR in normal neuronal function, and may also offer further insight into the potential role of neurotrophins in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

Multiple B-Class Ephrins and EPH Receptors Regulate Midline Axon Guidance in the Developing Mouse Forebrain

Mendes, Shannon 16 May 2006 (has links)
Ephrins and Eph receptors have been implicated in a number of developmental processes including axon growth and guidance. One important guidepost is the central nervous system midline, where ephrins and Eph receptors have been implicated. At the embryonic midline, axons either cross into the contralateral central nervous system (CNS) targeting appropriate partners on the opposite side or remain ipsilateral extending either rostrally or caudally. In these studies, we examine a major forebrain commissure called the corpus callosum (CC). Agenesis of the CC is a rare birth defect that occurs in isolated conditions and in combination with other developmental cerebral abnormalities. Recent identification of families of growth and guidance molecules has generated interest in the mechanisms that regulate callosal growth. One family, ephrins and Eph receptors, has been implicated in mediating midline pathfinding decisions; however, the complexity of these interactions has yet to be unraveled. This dissertation sheds light on which B-class ephrins and Eph receptors function to regulate CC midline growth, and how these molecules interact with important guideposts during development. We also show that multiple Eph receptors (B1, B2, B3, and A4) and B-class ephrins (B1, B2, and B3) are present and function in developing forebrain callosal fibers based on both spatial and temporal expression patterns and analysis of gene-targeted knockout mice. Defects are most pronounced in the combination double knockout mice, suggesting that compensatory mechanisms exist for several of these family members. Furthermore, these CC defects range from mild hypoplasia to complete agenesis and Probst's bundle formation. Further analysis of the ephrinB3 gene revealed that Probst's bundle formation may reflect aberrant glial formations which alter the normal architecture of midline glia resulting in one potential mechanism of this abnormal phenotype. Another potential mechanism we discovered is a role for EphB1 receptor in the altered sensitivity of CC axons to midline guidance cues. Removal of this receptor resulted in cortical axons responding to GW guidepost cells with increased sensitivity. Our results support a significant role for ephrins and Eph receptors in CC development and may provide insight to possible mechanisms involved in axon midline crossing as well how failed molecular and genetic mechanisms may contribute to human CC disorders. Lastly, we show that one fiber tract that remains ipsilateral in the forebrain may use distinct midline guideposts to regulate proper growth and guidance. These findings implicate additional ephrins and Eph receptors in CC midline guidance than previously known and reveal novel mechanisms in mice, which may be pertinent to human disease states that result in agenesis of the CC.

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