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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effect of In-Chain Impurities on 1D Antiferromagnets: An NMR Study on Doped Cuprate Spin Chains

Utz, Yannic 16 January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the study of in-chain impurities in spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains (S=1/2 aHC's)---a model which accompanies the research on magnetism since the early days of quantum theory and which is one of the few integrable spin systems. With respect to impurities it is special insofar as an impurity perturbs the system strongly due to its topology: there is no way around the defect. To what extend the one-dimensional picture stays a good basis for the description of real materials even if the chains are disturbed by in-chain impurities is an interesting question which is addressed in this work. For this purpose, Cu Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements on the cuprate spin chain compounds SrCuO2 and Sr2CuO3 intentionally doped with nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn) and palladium (Pd) are presented. These materials are well known to be among the best realizations of the S=1/2 aHC model and their large exchange coupling constants allow the investigation of the low-energy dynamics within experimentally easily feasible temperatures. NMR provides the unique ability to study the static and dynamic magnetic properties of the spin chains locally which is important since randomly placed impurities break the translational invariance. Because copper is the magnetically active ion in those materials and the copper nuclear spin is most directly coupled to its electron spin, the NMR measurements have been performed on the copper site. The measurements show in all cases that there are changes in the results of these measurements as compared to the pure compounds which indicate the opening of gaps in the excitation spectra of the spin chains and the emergence of oscillations of the local susceptibility close to the impurities. These experimental observations are compared to theoretical predictions to clarify if and to what extend the already proposed model for these doped systems---the finite spin chain---is suitable to predict the behavior of real materials. Thereby, each impurity shows peculiarities. While Zn and Pd are know to be spin 0 impurities, it is not clear if Ni carries spin 1. To shed some light on this issue is another scope of this work. For Zn impurities, there are indications that they avoid to occupy copper sites, other than in the layered cuprate compounds. Also this matter is considered.

Stavební bloky supramolekulárních polymerů založených na vodíkové vazbě / Building blocks of hydrogen-bonded supramolecular polymers

Roudná, Štěpánka January 2011 (has links)
The connection of molecular monomers through non-covalent interaction (e.g. hydrogen bonding, π-π interaction, coordination bonding) enables the formation of supramolecular polymers. The major advantage of these bonds is their reversibility and consequently their ability to self-assembly or to disconnect depending on given conditions. This thesis examines the self-assembly through quadruple hydrogen bonding, which is strong and the resulting structures stable. Ureidopyrimidinon A and aromatic amines were always used as the starting compound for the preparation of monofunctional and bifunctional ureidopyrimidinones.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Rare Earth co-doped Lanthanum Cuprates

Grafe, Hans-Joachim 13 October 2005 (has links)
The work described in this thesis uses oxygen NMR to probe the electronic system of rare earth co-doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, the prototypical high temperature superconducting cuprate (HTSC). Oxygen NMR turns out to be a powerful tool for this purpose. The nucleus is located directly inside the CuO_2 planes. It has a spin of 5/2 and a quadrupole moment and therefore can probe both, interactions with the magnetic hyperfine field as well as interactions through the electric field gradient of the crystal. Furthermore, the spin lattice relaxation time T_1 and the spin spin relaxation time T_2 contain information about the dynamics of these interactions. Such a link between the spin and charge structures in high temperature superconductors has been elusive until today. Instead, there are magnetic probes such as neutron scattering and muSR that provide evidence for a modulation of the spin structure and static magnetic moments, respectively, and charge probes like STM that reveal inhomogeneous doping distributions in the CuO_2 planes. In either case, inhomogeneities in the spin and charge system seem to be typical for HTSCs. Whereas the spin and charge modulations are believed to be dynamic in the superconducting compounds, they become static at low temperatures in Eu doped La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, where superconductivity is suppressed. As could be demonstrated here, evidence for such a spin and charge separation, that often revealed stunning similarities to the spin ladder compounds, is apparent in almost all measured NMR parameters. / In dieser Arbeit werden Sauerstoff NMR Untersuchungen der elektronischen Struktur von Selten-Erd dotiertem La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4, dem prototypischen Hochtemperatursupraleiter (HTSL), vorgestellt. Sauerstoff NMR ist zu diesem Zweck besonders gut geeignet. Der Kern befindet sich innerhalb der Kupferoxid-Ebenen. Er hat einen Spin von 5/2 und ein Quadrupolmoment. Damit lassen sich Wechselwirkungen mit dem magnetischen Hyperfeinfeld der Cu-Atome sowie Wechselwirkungen mit dem elektrischen Feldgradienten des Kristalls untersuchen. Des Weiteren geben die Spin-Gitter-Relaxationszeit T_1 sowie die Spin-Spin-Relaxationszeit T_2 Aufschluss über die Dynamik dieser beiden Wechselwirkungen. Eine Verbindung zwischen der Spin- und Ladungsordnung gibt es in den HTSL bisher nicht. Statt dessen haben magnetische Messmethoden wie Neutronenstreuung oder muSR Aussagen über die magnetische Ordnung geliefert. Unabhängig davon liefern Messmethoden wie STM nur Informationen über eine Ladungsordnung oder inhomogene Ladungsverteilungen. Inhomogenitäten der Spins und Ladungen scheinen aber typisch für die HTSL zu sein. Man vermutet, dass diese Inhomogenitäten dynamisch in den supraleitenden Verbindungen sind, während sie in Eu dotiertem La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 bei tiefen Temperaturen statisch werden und die Supraleitung unterdrücken. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass sich diese Ladungs- und Spininhomogenitäten in vielen Parametern der NMR Spektren bemerkbar machen.

Développement d’aimant bas champ pour RMN Portable : Conception et construction / Development of portable low field NMR magnet : Design and construction

Dang Phuc, Hung 29 January 2015 (has links)
Les travaux menés au cours de cette thèse porté sur le développement d’un aimant pour système de RMN portable. Une homogénéité élevée a été recherchée tout en maintenant le champ magnétique statique B0 aussi élevé que possible (100ppm, 0.12T). Les dimensions de l’aimant sont prédéfinies ainsi que celles de la zone d'intérêt fonction de la taille des aimants permanents utilisés. Ce type de système est dédié à la recherche biomédicale et agroalimentaire. Les travaux présentés ont consisté, à discuter dans un premier temps un certain nombre des paramètres des matériaux magnétiques essentiels à la construction d’aimants de RMN portables. Plus particulièrement le choix des aimants permanents, utilisant un matériau tels que le NdFeB a été justifié. Une combinaison entre portabilité, prix et sensibilité a abouti à la conception d’un prototype d’aimant portable pour appareil RMN à partir d’un système simple d’arrangement de 24 aimants permanents. Le champ magnétique et l'homogénéité de ce système ont été calculés et simulés à l’aide du logiciel Ansys puis les résultats obtenus ont été vérifiés avec le logiciel Radia. Une nouvelle méthode de shim pour augmenter l'homogénéité et corriger les imperfections du champ B0 a été aussi introduite. La position des aimants de shim a fait l’objet d’une optimisation avec le logiciel Radia. Sur la base de ces résultats, un prototype a été réalisé. Les résultats des mesures de champ magnétique et de l'homogénéité sont en bonne corrélation avec les résultats obtenus par simulation. Les erreurs de mesure ont été estimées et une précision suffisante a été atteinte compte tenu des tolérances portant à la fois sur les caractéristiques et sur la fabrication des aimants. Un autre aimant basé sur la configuration Mandhalas (Magnet Arrangement for Novel Discrete Halbach Layout) a fait l’objet d’une étude comparative, portant sur deux configurations utilisant des aimants de formes circulaires et de formes carrés, a été effectuée par simulation 2D (sur la base de trois critères : la masse, l'homogénéité et l'intensité du champ magnétique). Les Mandhalas fabriqués à partir d’aimants circulaires permettent d’avoir de meilleurs résultats (0.32T, 178ppm). D’autre part, la simulation 3D a été faite afin d’évaluer la totalité du système. A partir des résultats obtenus, un système de shim passif a été aussi utilisé dans ce cas et a permis l’augmentation de la zone d'homogénéité de manière significative. / This thesis focuses on the development of a magnet system for NMR applications with high homogeneity while maintaining the static magnetic field B0 as high as possible (100 ppm, 0.12T). Due to the application goals, the magnet dimensions are predefined as well as those of the region of interest according to the size of the used permanent magnets. Such system is dedicated to biomedical and agroalimentary applications. The goal of this research has been firstly, the discussion of parameters of magnetic materials which are essential to the construction of portable NMR magnets, and then the choice of the permanent magnet material the “NdFeB” that was explained. A compromise between the portability, price and the sensitivity has led to the design of a prototype of portable NMR magnet with a simple system of arrangement of 24 permanent magnets. The magnetic field and the homogeneity of the system were calculated and simulated by using ANSYS software and these results were correlated to those obtained by the Radia software. A new shim method has been used to increase the homogeneity and correct the field B0 imperfection. Based on these results, a prototype was realized. The results of the magnetic field strength and homogeneity obtained by measurements are in good correlation with the results obtained by simulation. Sufficient accuracy was reached to take into account and correct errors due to manufacturing tolerances of the magnets. Another magnet system based on Mandhalas configuration (Magnet Arrangement for Novel Discrete Halbach Layout) was studied. The comparison between two configurations made from circle and square magnets was performed by 2D simulation (using three criteria: mass, homogeneity and the magnetic field strength). The Mandhalas made from circle magnets give better results (0.32 T, 178 ppm). The 3D simulation was carried out to evaluate the total system. From these results, a passive shim system was also used in this case and the homogeneity significantly increases.

Nouvelles architectures de nano-systèmes polymères conducteurs à base de mélanges de nanocharges conductrices / New architectures of conductive polymer nanocomposites based on conductive nanoparticles

Jouni, Mohammad 09 December 2013 (has links)
Le domaine de nanocomposites polymères conducteurs a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux et recherches, vu que ces matériaux présentent un fort potentiel pour de nombreuses applications concernant différents secteurs. Toutefois, malgré les progrès et les résultats obtenus pour l’instant, les performances de ce type des matériaux restent insuffisantes pour certaines applications qui peuvent requérir l’association de diverses propriétés (électriques, thermiques, blindage électromagnétique…). Dans cette thèse, on détaille l’élaboration et la caractérisation de nanocomposites polymères conducteurs. Deux types de nanocharges conductrices (nanotubes de carbone (MWCNTs) et nanoparticules d’argent (Ag-NPs)) ont été dispersées soit dans un polymère thermoplastique (polyéthylène PE), soit dans une matrice thermodurcissable (résine époxy amine). Les nanocomposites polymères conducteurs obtenus ont présenté de bonnes propriétés électriques et thermiques ainsi qu’une bonne tenue mécanique favorisée par des taux de charges relativement faibles. La thèse a non seulement étudié des propriétés fondamentales d’un point de vue expérimental mais aussi plus théorique avec de la modélisation. Entre autres, on a pu analyser les mécanismes de conduction à très basses température dans ce type de composites. Les propriétés en termes de conductivité thermique se sont révélées cohérentes avec celles obtenues en conductivité électrique. Des propriétés de blindage électromagnétique de nos composites à base de PE ont été mis en évidence par résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN). / Conductive polymer nanocomposites have been the object of intense researches and investigations recently. In fact, these materials have shown a great potential to be useful for many applications including different sectors. However, despite the promising results reported at the moment in this area, there is still a lack in the performance which can be improved by synchronization of their properties. In this PhD work, we present the preparation and full characterization of conductive polymer nanocomposites. Two kinds of conductive nanofillers (carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs)) have been dispersed either in a thermoplastic polymer (polyethylene PE), or in a thermoset matrix (epoxy amine). The conductive polymer nanocomposites obtained exhibit good electrical and/or thermal properties with conserving the mechanical properties ensured by low fillers fraction. The study was not only based on experimental characterizations but also on modulation to analyze the charge carrier transport at very low temperature in these systems to provide successful understanding to some basic properties which are still actually not fully investigated. Electrical properties are in good agreement with thermal properties. Electromagnetic shielding of our PE based nanocomposites have been studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).

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