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Obnovitelné zdroje energie jako námět pro fyzikální experimenty / Renewable Energy Sources as Inspiration for Physics ExperimentsKopřiva, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
Title: Renewable Energy Sources as Inspiration for Physics Experiments Author: Bc. Tomáš Kopřiva Department: Department of Physics Education Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Kácovský, Ph.D. Abstrakt: This thesis deals with a current issue of renewable resources of energy. It focuses on the Sun, wind and hydrogen as energy resources.The first part of the thesis provides a theoretical explanation to these resources and is followed by a practical part with the aim to explain this issue to students by using experiments included in worksheets. The theoretical part is focused on the minimal knowledge that is needed for completing the worksheets. This part also describes suitability of these resources in the context of the Czech Republic. The second part of the thesis is exclusively experimental. It describes educational kits that can be used to demonstrate renewable resources of energy. It also includes instructions to create worksheets. The attachment, which is part of the thesis, contains a set of worksheets and a CD which, among others, contains other worksheets filled in by students. Key words: renewable resources, worksheet, experiment, solar cell, fuel cell, wind turbine, efficiency
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Thiol−ene Coupling of Renewable Monomers : at the forefront of bio-based polymeric materialsClaudino, Mauro January 2011 (has links)
Plant derived oils bear intrinsic double-bond functionality that can be utilized directly for the thiol–ene reaction. Although terminal unsaturations are far more reactive than internal ones, studies on the reversible addition of thiyl radicals to 1,2-disubstituted alkenes show that this is an important reaction. To investigate the thiol–ene coupling reaction involving these enes, stoichiometric mixtures of a trifunctional propionate thiol with monounsaturated fatty acid methyl esters (methyl oleate or methyl elaidate) supplemented with 2.0 wt.% Irgacure 184 were subjected to 365-nm UV-irradiation and the chemical changes monitored. Continuous (RT– FTIR) and discontinuous (NMR and FT–Raman) techniques were used to follow the progress of the reaction and reveal details of the products formed. Experimental results supported by numerical kinetic simulations of the system confirm the reaction mechanism showing a very fast cis/trans-isomerization of the alkene monomers (<1.0 min) when compared to the total disappearance of double-bonds, indicating that the rate-limiting step controlling the overall reaction is the hydrogen transfer from the thiol involved in the formation of final product. The loss of total unsaturations equals thiol consumption throughout the entire reaction; although product formation is strongly favoured directly from the trans-ene. This indicates that initial cis/trans-isomer structures affect the kinetics. High thiol–ene conversions could be easily obtained at reasonable rates without major influence of side-reactions demonstrating the suitability of this reaction for network forming purposes from 1,2-disubstituted alkenes. To further illustrate the validity of this concept in the formation of cross-linked thiol–ene films a series of globalide/caprolactone based copolyesters differing in degree of unsaturations along the backbone were photopolymerized in the melt with the same trithiol giving amorphous elastomeric materials with different thermal and viscoelastic properties. High thiol–ene conversions (>80%) were easily attained for all cases at reasonable reaction rates, while maintaining the cure behaviour and independent of functionality. Parallel chain-growth ene homopolymerization was considered negligible when compared with the main coupling route. However, the comonomer feed ratio had impact on the thermoset properties with high ene-density copolymers giving networks with higher glass transition temperature values (Tg) and a narrower distribution of cross-links than films with lower ene composition. The thiol–ene systems evaluated in this study serve as model example for the sustainable use of naturally-occurring 1,2-disubstituted alkenes at making semi-synthetic polymeric materials in high conversions with a range of properties in an environment-friendly way. / Vegetabiliska oljor som innehåller dubbelbindningar kan användas direkt för thiolene reaktioner. Trots att terminala dubbelbindningar är mycket mer reaktiva än interna visar dessa studier att den reversibla additionen av thiyl radikaler till 1,2-disubstituerade alkener är en viktig reaktion. För att undersöka tiol–ene reaktionerna, som ivolverar dessa alkener förbereddes stökiometriska blandningar av en trifunktionell propionat tiol och enkelomättade fettsyrametylestrar (metyloleat eller metyl elaidat) samt 2.0 vikt.% Irgacure 184. Dessa blandningar utsattes för 365-nm UV strålning och de kemiska förändringarna studerades. De kemiska förändringarna analyserades med olika kemiska analysmetoder; realtid RT–FTIR, NMR och FT–Raman. Dessa användes för att analysera de kemiska reaktionerna i realtid och följa bildandet av produkterna. Reaktionsmekanismen bekräftades med hjälp av experimentella data och beräkningar av numeriska och kinetiska simuleringar för systemet. Resultaten visar en mycket snabb cis/trans-isomerisering av alkenmonomeren (<1.0 min) jämfört med den totala förbrukningen av dubbelbindningarna, vilket indikerar att det hastighetsbegränsande steget kontrolleras av väteförflyttningen från tiolen till slutprodukten. Förbrukningen av den totala omättade kolkedjan är lika med tiolförbrukningen under hela reaktionen, även om bildandet av produkten gynnas från trans-enen. Detta indikerar att den första cis/trans-isomerstrukturen påverkar kinetiken. Höga tiol-ene utbyten kan enkelt erhållas relativt snabbt utan inverkan av sidoreaktioner. Detta innebär att denna reaktion kan användas som nätverksbildande reaktion för flerfunktionella 1,2-disubstituted alkenmonomerer. Vidare användes fotopolymerisation i smälta på en serie globalid/kaprolaktonbaserade sampolyestrar med varierad grad av omättnad med samma tritiol vilket resulterade i bildandet av amorfa elastomeriska material med olika termiska och viskoelastiska egenskaper. Hög omsättning (>80%) uppnåddes relativt enkelt för samtliga blandningar oberoende av den initiala funktionaliteten. Homopolymerisation av alkenen var försumbar i jämförelse med den tiol–en-reaktionen. Mängden alkengrupper har inverkan på härdplastsegenskaperna där en hög andel alken ger en nätstruktur med högre glastransitionstemperatur (Tg). Tiol–ene reaktionen utvärderades i modellsystem baserade på naturlig förekommande 1,2-disubstituterade alkener för att demonstrera konceptet med tiol-förnätade halvsyntetiska material. / QC 20110915
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Moderní energie a snížení energetické náročnosti budov / Modern energy and decreasing the energy intensiveness of buildingsKučera, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with possible energy-savings in the municipal buildings of Spytihněv. Moreover, it discusses the possible improvements of heating features and making use of renewable resources. This is meant to be achieved by a wrapper which is less demanding on energy consumption than those which have been used until now. Attention is also paid to a more efficient system of energy distribution. Both energetic and financial points of view are taken into consideration. The thesis consists of a few parts. Introduction, the first part, deals with renewable resources issues on a theoretical level. The second part is divided according to each individual analysed premise/building. At this point energy-saving proposal, choice of a heating system, a heating pump, a solar collector as well as energy-saving and financial calculation are included.
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Investigating New Guaiazulenes and Diketopyrropyrroles for Photonic ApplicationsGhazvini Zadeh, Ebrahim 01 January 2015 (has links)
?-Conjugated systems have been the focus of study in recent years in order to understand their charge transport and optical properties for use in organic electronic devices, fluorescence bioimaging, sensors, and 3D optical data storage (ODS), among others. As a result, several molecular building blocks have been designed, allowing new frontiers to be realized. While various successful building blocks have been fine-tuned at both the electronic and molecular structure level to provide advanced photophysical and optoelectronic characteristics, the azulene framework has been under-appreciated despite its unique electronic and optical properties. Among several attributes, azulenes are vibrant blue naturally occurring hydrocarbons that exhibit large dipolar character, coupled with stimuli-responsive behavior in acidic environments. Additionally, the non-toxic nature and the accompanying eco-friendly feature of some azulenes, namely guaiazulene, may set the stage to further explore a more "green" route towards photonic and conductive materials. The first part of this dissertation focuses on exploiting guaiazulene as a natural building block for the synthesis of chromophores with varying stimuli-responsiveness. Results described in Chapter 1 show that extending the conjugation of guaiazulene through its seven-membered ring methyl group with aromatic substituents dramatically impacts the optical properties of the guaiazulenium carbocation. Study of these ?–stabilized tropilium ions enabled establishing photophysical structure-property trends for guaiazulene-terminated ?-conjugated analogs under acidic conditions, including absorption, emission, quantum yield, and optical band gap patterns. These results were exploited in the design of a photosensitive polymeric system with potential application in the field of three dimensional (3D) optical data storage (ODS). Chapter 2 describes the use of guaiazulene reactive sites (C-3 and C-4 methyl group) to generate a series of cyclopenta[ef]heptalenes that exhibit strong stimuli-responsive behavior. The approach presents a versatile route that allows for various substrates to be incorporated into the resulting cyclopenta[ef]heptalenes, especially after optimization that led to devising a one-pot reaction toward such tricyclic systems. Examining the UV-vis absorption profiles in neutral and acidic media showed that the extension of conjugation at C(4) of the cyclopenta[ef]heptalene skeleton results in longer absorption maxima and smaller optical energy gaps. Additionally, it was concluded that these systems act as sensitizers of a UV-activated (< 300 nm) photoacid generator (PAG), via intermolecular photoinduced electron transfer (PeT), upon which the PAG undergoes photodecomposition resulting in the generation of acid. In a related study, the guaiazulene methyl group at C-4 was employed to study the linear and nonlinear optical properties of 4-styrylguaiazulenes, having the same ?–donor with varying ?-spacer. It was realized that the conjugation length correlates with the extent of bathochromic shift of the protonated species. On the other hand, a trend of decreasing quantum yield was established for this set of 4-styrylguaiazulenes, which can be explained by the increasingly higher degree of flexibility. The second part of this dissertation presents a comprehensive investigation of the linear photophysical, photochemical, and nonlinear optical properties of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based derivatives, including two-photon absorption (2PA), femtosecond transient absorption, stimulated emission spectroscopy, and superfluorescence phenomena. The synthetic feasibility, ease of modification, outstanding robustness, and attractive spectroscopic properties of DPPs have motivated their study for fluorescence microscopy applications, concluding that the prepared DPP's are potentially suitable chromophores for high resolution stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy.
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Operation planning for power grids with high instalment of dynamically rated components in liberalised electricity marketsLundquist, Frida January 2022 (has links)
The power grid is a complex system that requires detailed planning and operation of the power sources. As renewable resources are increasing their share of the power mix, there are new criterion and aspects to take into account. Renewable resources such as wind and solar power are intermittent and challenge the planning and operation further. Simultaneously, the power demand increases and will continue to increase in the future. As the power resources and demand are changing in the power system, the power grid needs to adapt and be more flexible. A flexibility tool for the power system is Dynamic Rating which can dynamically increase the capacity in the power grid components depending on the environmental conditions. This can enable for higher transmission in overhead lines which facilitates the operation planning of power units. Dynamic rating can be applied to various power system components, but the focus in this project is Dynamic Line Rating (DLR). It is interesting to study the implementation of dynamic rating in the realtime market. The real-time market optimal power flow can be done in singleinterval or multi-interval. In this project, dynamic rating is implemented into multi-interval real-time market optimal power flow to investigate the effect on the generation costs. The results indicate that DLR can reduce the generation costs in power grids that are sometimes congested. / Kraftnätet är ett komplext system som kräver detaljerad planering och verksamhet av energikällor. Allt eftersom andelen förnybara energikällor ökar tillkommer nya aspekter att ta hänsyn till. Förnybara energikällor såsom vindkraft och solenergi har en mer ojämn produktion då de är beroende av vädret, vilket utmanar drift och planering av elproduktion mer än tidigare samtidigt som elbehovet ökar och kommer att fortsätta öka i framtiden. Det växande elbehovet och utökningen av förnybara energikällor kräver att elnätet kan anpassas och vara flexibelt. Ett sätt att öka flexibiliteten är att värdera kapaciten i transmissionsledningar dynamiskt (DLR) istället för statiskt där kapaciteten beräknas efter värsta tänkbara scenario. Dynamisk värdering kan därför möjliggöra högre kraftöverföring i ledningarna under gynsamma väderförhållanden vilket underlättar driften och planeringen av kraftkomponenterna. I detta examensarbete studeras dynamisk värdering av transmissionsledningar i realtidselmarknaden med flera intervall (MIRTM) där driftplaneringen optimeras så att driftkostnaderna minimeras under bivillor för kraftsystemet. Målet är att undersöka hur driftkostnaderna påverkas då bivillkoret för kraftflödet i transmissionsledningarna är mer flexibelt med DLR. Resultaten från detta projekt visar att DLR kan minska kostnaderna i elnät som är överbelastade.
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The economics of gold mining taxationMangondo, Kismore 30 June 2006 (has links)
Currently the gold mining industry is taxed differently to other industries. It is taxed on a two-tier system. The nature of the gold mining tax formula encourages the mining of marginal gold ores. Firms that are involved in the mining of gold are subjected to a "tax tunnel", which is a tax free revenue portion. This is against the equity principle of taxation because it separates companies on the basis of what they produce and not on the basis of income generated. The South African government is in the process of implementing a revenue-based royalty system. The majority of firms in the gold mining industry feel that for the benefit of economic growth the government must consider implementing a profit-based royalty system. This study analyses the gold mining tax formula in comparison to the flat rate tax. It also analyses the reasons for the differential treatment of the gold mining industry. / Economics / M.Comm.
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The economics of gold mining taxationMangondo, Kismore 30 June 2006 (has links)
Currently the gold mining industry is taxed differently to other industries. It is taxed on a two-tier system. The nature of the gold mining tax formula encourages the mining of marginal gold ores. Firms that are involved in the mining of gold are subjected to a "tax tunnel", which is a tax free revenue portion. This is against the equity principle of taxation because it separates companies on the basis of what they produce and not on the basis of income generated. The South African government is in the process of implementing a revenue-based royalty system. The majority of firms in the gold mining industry feel that for the benefit of economic growth the government must consider implementing a profit-based royalty system. This study analyses the gold mining tax formula in comparison to the flat rate tax. It also analyses the reasons for the differential treatment of the gold mining industry. / Economics / M.Comm.
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Learning-by-modeling : Novel Computational Approaches for Exploring the Dynamics of Learning and Self-governance in Social-ecological SystemsLindkvist, Emilie January 2016 (has links)
As a consequence of global environmental change, sustainable management and governance of natural resources face critical challenges, such as dealing with non-linear dynamics, increased resource variability, and uncertainty. This thesis seeks to address some of these challenges by using simulation models. The first line of research focuses on the use of learning-by-doing (LBD) for managing a renewable resource, exemplified by a fish stock, and explores LBD in a theoretical model using artificial intelligence (Paper I and II). The second line of research focuses on the emergence of different forms of self-governance and their interrelation with the dynamics of trust among fishers when harvesting a shared resource, using an agent-based model. This model is informed by qualitative data based on small-scale fisheries in Mexico (Paper III and IV). Paper I and II find that the most sustainable harvesting strategy requires that the actor values current and future yields equally, cautiously experiments around what is perceived as the best harvest action, and rapidly updates its ‘mental model’ to any perceived change in catch. More specifically, Paper II reveals that understanding these aspects in relation to the type of change can yield not only increased performance, but also, and more importantly, increased robustness to both fast and slow changes in resource dynamics. However, when resource dynamics include the possibility of a more fundamental shift in system characteristics (a regime shift), LBD is problematic due to the potential for crossing a threshold, resulting in possible persistent reductions in harvests (Paper I). In Paper III, results indicate that cooperative forms of self-governance are more likely to establish and persist in communities where fishers’ have prior cooperative experience, fishers’ trustworthiness is more or less equal, and that this likelihood increases when resource availability fluctuates seasonally. Finally, to achieve a transformation toward more cooperative forms of self-governance, interventions are required that can strengthen both financial capital and trust among the members of the cooperatives (Paper IV). The unique contribution of this thesis lies in the method for ‘quantitatively’ studying LBD, the stylized model of a small-scale fishery, and the analysis of the two models to advance our understanding of processes of learning and self-governance in uncertain and variable social-ecological environments. Together, the results shed light on how social and ecological factors and processes co-evolve to shape social-ecological outcomes, as well as contributing to the development of novel methods within the emerging field of sustainability science. / I vårt antropocena tidevarv är ett långsiktigt förvaltarskap av naturresurser inom social-ekologiska system av yttersta vikt. Detta kräver en djup förståelse av människan, ekologin, interaktionerna sinsemellan och deras utveckling över tid. Syftet med denna avhandling är att nå en djupare och mer nyanserad förståelse kring två av grundpelarna inom forskningen av hållbar förvaltning av naturresurser–kontinuerligt lärande genom learning-by-doing (LBD) för att förstå naturresursens dynamik, samt vad som kan kallas socialt kapital, i detta sammanhang i betydelsen tillit mellan individer, som naturligtvis ligger till grund för framgångsrik gemensam förvaltning. Denna föresats operationaliseras genom att använda två olika simuleringsmodeller. Den ena modellen undersöker hur en hållbar förvaltning av en förnyelsebar resurs, i denna avhandling exemplifierad av en fiskepopulation, kan uppnås genom LBD. Den andra modellen söker blottlägga det komplexa sociala samspel som krävs för att praktisera gemensam förvaltning genom att använda ett fiskesamhälle som fallstudie. Tidigare forskning på båda dessa två områden är relativt omfattade. Emellertid har den forskning som specialiserat sig på LBD i huvudsak inskränkt sig till empiriska fallstudier. Vad som bryter ny mark i denna avhandling är att vi konstruerar en simuleringsmodell av LBD där vi kan studera lärandeprocessen i detalj för att uppnå en mer hållbar förvaltning över tid. Beträffande modellen som behandlar socialt kapital så har tidigare forskning fokuserat på hur en organisation, eller grupp, kan uppnå hållbar förvaltning. Dock saknas ett helhetsgrepp där som tar hänsyn till alla nivåer; från individnivå (mikro), via gruppnivå (meso), till samhällsnivå (makro). Detta är något som denna avhandling försöker avhjälpa genom att undersöka betydelsen av individers egenskaper, uppbyggnaden av socialt kapital, samt hur detta påverkar emergens av ett samhälle dominerat av mer kooperativa förvaltningsformer respektive mer hierarkiska diton. I papper I and II studeras kärnan av LBD som återkoppling mellan en aktör och en resurs, där aktören lär sig genom upprepade interaktioner med en resurs. Resultaten visar att LBD är av avgörande betydelse för en hållbar förvaltning, speciellt då naturresursens dynamik är stadd i förändring. I den mest hållbara strategin bör aktören värdera nuvarande och framtida fångster lika högt, försiktigt experimentera kring vad aktören upplever som bästa strategi, för att sedan anpassa sin mentala modell till upplevda förändringar i fångst relativt dess insats någorlunda kraftigt. I papper III och IV behandlas uppbyggnaden av förtroende mellan individer och grupp, samt själv-organiserat styre. Genom att använda småskaligt fiske i Mexiko som en illustrativ fallstudie, utvecklades en agent-baserad modell av ett arketypiskt småskaligt fiskesamhälle. Resultaten indikerar att kooperativa förvaltningsformer är mer dominanta i samhällen där de som utför fisket har liknande pålitlighet, starkt gemensamt socialt kapital vid kooperativets start, och då resursen fluktuerar säsongsmässigt (papper III). Papper IV visar att för att uppnå en transformation från hierarkiska förvaltningsformer till kooperativa diton krävs interventioner som inriktar sig på både socialt och finansiellt kapital. Denna avhandling bidrar således till en djupare förståelse kring hur socialt kapital växer fram, samt hur mer strategiska LBD processer bör utformas när abrupta och osäkra förändringar i ekosystemen blir allt vanligare på grund av människans ökade tryck på planeten. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Hidrelétricas de acumulação por bombeamento associadas a aerogeradores para o aumento da oferta de energia no horário de ponta: estudo de caso na Bacia do Rio Paraíba do Sul / Pumped storage powerplant integrated with wind farm to increase the energy generation at peak-demand period: case study on the Paraiba do Sul BasinFlores, Alessandro Thiesen 03 December 2018 (has links)
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Na Figura 4
Incorreto: Fonte: IBRAHIM; ILINCA; PERRON (2008)
Correto: Fonte: Ibrahim; Ilinca; Perron (2008)
Incorreto: Fonte: AGÊNCIA NACIONAL DE ÁGUAS (2017b).
Correto: Fonte: Agência Nacional de Águas (2017b)
Verificar o 2017a, não localizado
Incorreto: Fonte: IBGE (2018)
Correto: Fonte: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (2018)
Figura 20
Incorreto: Fonte: GOOGLE EARTH (2018),
Correto: Fonte: Google (2018)
Na lista de referência ficará assim:
GOOGLE. Google Earth. Versão. Local: editora, ano. Disponível em: <site dowload>. Acesso em: (data que foi acessado) 20 ago. 2011
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on 2019-01-29T11:47:01Z (GMT) / Submitted by Alessandro Thiesen Flores (alessandro.thiesen@gmail.com) on 2019-01-31T03:01:46Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-12-03 / Sistemas híbridos de geração de energia, que combinam a geração eólica com a geração hidráulica, são um modo de melhorar o aproveitamento da energia gerada pelos inconstantes e aleatórios ventos, e supri-la quando houver a demanda de energia por parte dos consumidores. A presente pesquisa analisa a possibilidade de conversão de centrais hidrelétricas convencionais em centrais de acumulação por bombeamento associadas a centrais eólicas, visando o aumento da oferta de energia elétrica no horário de ponta do Sistema Elétrico Brasileiro. Esta pode ser uma ser uma alternativa sustentável de adaptação do sistema hidrotérmico brasileiro às mudanças climáticas e a períodos de escassez hídrica. A pesquisa é desenvolvida através de um estudo de caso na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba do Sul, mais especificamente, nas Usinas Hidrelétricas de Paraibuna e Santa Branca. A análise consiste em fazer simulações de operação de uma Central Hidrelétrica de Acumulação por Bombeamento (CHAB) para bombear água no horário fora de ponta e gerar a energia acumulada no horário de ponta, associado a um parque eólico para alimentar as bombas e assim sincronizar a geração de energia eólica com o pico de demanda energética. São realizadas simulações com três objetivos diferentes (melhoria do uso da água, maximização da geração da energia no horário de ponta e a maximização da variação total de energia gerada e consumida). Em termos de variação de energia gerada, conclui-se que a CHAB propicia um aumento de aproximadamente 12,5% (em relação ao total gerado anualmente pela usina de Paraibuna) ou 41,8 GWh/ano na energia gerada no horário de ponta, atendendo assim o pico de demanda e consequentemente dando maior estabilidade ao sistema elétrico. Como esperado, o balanço energético de Paraibuna é negativo, uma vez que há perdas adicionais das operações de bombeamento, totalizando aproximadamente uma redução de 7,8% (em relação ao total gerado anualmente pela usina de Paraibuna). Além da maior oferta de energia no horário de ponta, conclui-se que a CHAB contribui para a regularização hídrica, uma vez que diminui a variabilidade do nível de montante tanto nos períodos de cheias e principalmente nos períodos de crise hídrica. / Hybrid systems for power generation that combine wind with hydroelectric generation are a way to synchronize the power demand from grid and the power generated by the wind power generation. The research project analyses the adaptation of existing hydro powerplants, changing them into Power Storage Powerplants, combined with wind farms to increase the energy generation in the peak-demand period in Brazilian Electrical System. It can be a sustainable solution to adapt the Brazilian Hydro-Thermal System to climate changes and drought periods. The research project has been developed in a system proposed in the Paraiba do Sul Basin, specifically, in the Paraibuna and Santa Branca Power Plants. The analysis consists in simulating the daily operation of Pumped Storage Powerplant (PSP) to pump the water in the off-peak period and generate the storage energy in the peak period, linked to a wind farm to feed the pumps to synchronize the energy generated by wind farm with peak-demand period. Three goals (improve the water usage, maximization of power generated in the peakdemand period and maximization of overall power generated) has been simulated. Regarding the addition of power generated, PSPs can increase by 12.5% approximately (in relation to the total amount generated annually by the Paraibuna Powerplant) or 41.8 GWh/year during peakdemand period, fulfilling the peak power demand and consequently improve the stability of overall electric system. The energy balance of Paraibuna Power Plant and PSP is negative as expected, since there are additional losses from pumping mode, resulting 7.8% reduction (in relation to the total amount generated annually by the Paraibuna Powerplant). In addition to increase energy availability in the peak period, one concludes that PSP helps to stabilize the generation system, since it reduces the variability of upstream level either on flood periods and mainly on drought periods.
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Legislativní prostředí obnovitelných zdrojů energie a jeho dopady na subjekty zapojené do tohoto odvětví / The legislative environment of the renewable resources and its impact on the subjects in this sectorPRŮKOVÁ, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Within the literature review the diploma thesis deals with the definition of renewable resources, subjects of electricity market and the system of payments for the support of renewable energy. The aim of this diploma thesis is the analysis of the legislative environment before 2013 and in 2013. The practical part of my diploma thesis is focused on the development of energy legislation, relating to renewable resources in the Czech Republic but it also deals with foreign suggestions for energy legislation in this field. Considering the legislative change of the payments for the support of renewable energy, the reporting of electricity production resources and evidence of electricity production, which is based on the law 165/2012 legal code, the diploma thesis describes new information and data flows between subjects of electricity market and the way of payment for invoices for supported production of electricity as well. The diploma thesis characterizes the impact of legislative changes on the producers of electricity from the renewable resources. The diploma thesis is concerned with significantly discussed topics in the field of renewable resources. These topics are related to producers of electricity from the renewable resources and to consumers of electricity as well. The topics are especially about the amount of the payments for the support of solar energy and about establishment of the duty on solar energy. This diploma thesis can make the orientation in the legislative changes in 2013 for producers of electricity from the renewable resources easier. The diploma thesis can also help the electricity producers from the renewable resources in the necessary activities for the payment of supported production of electricity.
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