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Interfacing comprehensive rotorcraft analysis with advanced aeromechanics and vortex wake modelsLiu, Haiying 12 December 2007 (has links)
This dissertation describes three aspects of the comprehensive rotorcraft analysis. First, a physics-based methodology for the modeling of hydraulic devices within multibody-based comprehensive models of rotorcraft systems is developed. This newly proposed approach can predict the fully nonlinear behavior of hydraulic devices, and pressure levels in the hydraulic chambers are coupled with the dynamic response of the system. The proposed model evaluates relevant hydraulic quantities such as chamber pressures, orifice flow rates, and pressure relief valve displacements. This model could be used to design lead-lag dampers with desirable force and damping characteristics.
The second part of this research is in the area of computational aeroelasticity, in which an interface between computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational structural dynamics (CSD) is established. This interface enables data exchange between CFD and CSD with the goal of achieving accurate airloads predictions. In this work, a loose coupling approach based on the delta-airload method is developed in a finite-element method based multibody dynamics formulation, DYMORE. A loose coupling analysis between a CFD code, OVERFLOW-2, and a CSD program, DYMORE, is performed to validate this aerodynamic interface.
The ability to accurately capture the wake structure around a helicopter rotor is crucial for rotorcraft performance analysis. In the third part of this thesis, a new representation of the wake vortex structure based on Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces is proposed to develop an efficient model for prescribed and free wakes. The proposed formulation has the potential to reduce the computational cost associated with the use of the Helmholtz¡¯s law and the Biot-Savart law when calculating the induced flow field around the rotor. An efficient free wake analysis will considerably decrease the computational cost of comprehensive rotorcraft analysis, making the approach more attractive to routine use in industrial settings.
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Optimisation de la navigation robotique / Optimization of robotic navigationJalel, Sawssen 16 December 2016 (has links)
La robotique mobile autonome est un axe de recherche qui vise à donner à une machine la capacité de se mouvoir dans un environnement sans assistance ni intervention humaine. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la partie décisionnelle de la navigation robotique à savoir la planification de mouvement pour un robot mobile non-holonome, pour lequel, la prise en compte des contraintes cinématiques et non-holonomes est primordiale. Aussi, la nécessité de considérer la géométrie propre du robot et la bonne maîtrise de l’environnement dans lequel il évolue constituent des contraintes à assurer. En effet la planification de mouvement consiste à calculer un mouvement réalisable que doit accomplir le robot entre une position initiale et une position finale données. Selon la nature de l’environnement, notamment les obstacles qui s’y présentent, deux instances du problème se distinguent : la planification de chemin et la planification de trajectoire. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer de nouveaux algorithmes pour contribuer aux deux instances du problème de planification de mouvement. La méthodologie suivie repose sur des solutions génériques qui s’appliquent à une classe de systèmes robotiques plutôt qu’à une architecture particulière. Les approches proposées intègrent les B-splines Rationnelles non uniformes (NURBS) dans le processus de modélisation des solutions générées tout en s’appuyant sur la propriété de contrôle local, et utilisent les algorithmes génétiques pour une meilleure exploration de l’espace de recherche. / The mobile robotics is an area of research that aims to give a machine the ability to move in an environment without assistance or human intervention. This thesis focuses on the decisional part of robotic navigation, namely motion planning for a non-holonomic mobile robot, for which, the consideration of kinematic and non-holonomic constraints is paramount. Also, the need to consider the specific geometry of the robot and the good control of the environment in which it operates are constraints to insure. Indeed, motion planning is to calculate a feasible movement to be performed by the robot between an initial and a final given position. Depending on the nature of the environment, two instances of the problem stand out: the path planning and the trajectory planning. The objective of this thesis is to propose new algorithms to contribute to the two instances of motion planning problem. The followed methodology is based on generic solutions that are applicable to a class of robotic systems rather than a particular architecture. The proposed approaches include the Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) in the modeling process of the generated solutions while relying on the local control property. Also, they use genetic algorithms for better exploration of the search space.
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Techniques de conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) pour la caractérisation de l'espace de travail de robots manipulateurs parallèles / Computer Aided Design (CAD) technics for characterizing the workspace of parallel manipulatorsArrouk, Khaled 12 July 2012 (has links)
Les environnements CAO fournissent des outils puissants pour la programmation graphique et la manipulation d’entités géométriques complexes. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’exploiter ce potentiel dans le domaine de la conception de robots parallèles. Ces robots sont considérés comme une alternative intéressante vis-à-vis de leurs homologues sériels dans différentes applications comme le « pick and place » et l’usinage. Cependant, leur utilisation industrielle est encore restreinte en raison d’un espace de travail limité, de modèles géométriques difficiles à résoudre et l’existence de configurations singulières délimitant leur domaine d’exploitation. L’analyse et la caractérisation de l’espace de travail jouent alors un rôle fondamental dans la phase de conception de robots manipulateurs parallèles. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous proposons des approches géométriques originales donnant lieu à un ensemble de méthodes et techniques basées CAO pour l’analyse et la caractérisation de l’espace de travail de robots parallèles plans et spatiaux. L’espace de travail est généré comme un solide dans l’environnement CAO à partir d’un paramétrage géométrique, d’esquisses et d’opérations élémentaires telles que le balayage hélicoïdal et l’intersection. Nous avons montré que ces méthodes constituent des outils pertinents et efficaces d’aide à la conception des mécanismes parallèles. Ils permettent également la résolution du problème géométrique direct et la génération de trajectoires libres de singularités. Plusieurs types de manipulateurs ont été considérés dans ce travail pour mettre en avant et illustrer les techniques CAO / Géométriques proposées : robots parallèles plans à 3 degrés de mobilité de type 3-RPR, 3-RRR, 3-PPR et 3-PRR, robots parallèles spatiaux à 6 degrés de mobilité de type ou 3-CRS ou 3-PRRS. / CAD environments provide very powerful tools for graphical programming and manipulation of complex geometric entities. In this thesis, we propose to exploit such potential in the design of parallel robots. These robots are considered an attractive and important alternative towards their serials counterparts in various applications, like “pick and place” and machining. However, their industrial applications are restricted due to limited workspace, complexity related to resolution of the direct geometric model, and in addition the existence of the singular configurations which bound their application field. The analysis and the characterization of the workspace therefore play an essential role in the design phase of parallel robotic manipulators. In this thesis, we suggest original geometric approaches giving rise to a set of methodologies and techniques based on the use of CAD in order to analyze and characterize the workspace of planar and spatial parallel robotic manipulators. Workspace is generated as a solid in CAD environment by using a parametric geometric model, sketches, and elementary operations such as helical scanning and performing then Boolean intersection operation. We have shown in this thesis, that the proposed methodologies represent relevant and efficient tools which assist designers of parallel mechanisms. Moreover, they allow us to solve the direct geometric problem and to plan singularity-free trajectories. Several types of robotic manipulators have been considered in this work to highlight and illustrate the proposed CAD / Geometric techniques : planar parallel manipulators having three degree of freedom such as 3-RPR, 3-RRR, 3-PPR, and 3-PRR, and spatial parallel robotic manipulators having six degree of freedom 3-CRS-type.
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Modelování NURBS křivek a ploch v projektivním prostoru / Modelling of NURBS curves and surfaces in the projective spaceOndroušková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
In the first part I discuss ancestors of NURBS curves and surfaces, rather Ferguson, Beziere, Coons and B-spline curves and surfaces and furthermore B-spline functions. In the second part I devote to NURBS curves and surfaces, their description as a linear combination of B-spline functions in the projective space. I specify conical arcs more detailed, their submit in the projective space and NURBS surfasec given as tensor product of NURBS curves. Last part is devote to describtion programs for modeling conicals and NURBS surface.
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