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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The durability of natural sisal fibre reinforced cement-based composites

De Klerk, Marthinus David 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The building industry is responsible for a substantial contribution to pollution. The production of building materials, as well as the operation and maintenance of structures leads to large amounts of carbon-dioxide (CO2) being release in the atmosphere. The use of renewable resources and construction materials is just one of the ways in which the carbon footprint of the building industry can be reduced. Sisal fibre is one such renewable material. Sisal fibre is a natural fibre from the Agave Sisalana plant. The possibility of incorporating sisal fibre in a cement-based matrix to replace conventional steel and synthetic fibres has been brought to the attention of researchers. Sisal fibre has a high tensile strength in excess of polypropylene fibre and comparable to PVA fibre. Sisal fibre consists mainly of cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin. The disadvantage of incorporating sisal fibre in a cement-based matrix is the degradation of the composite. Sisal fibres tend to degrade in an alkaline environment due to changes in the morphology of the fibre. The pore water in a cement base matrix is highly alkaline which leads to the degradation of the fibres and reduced strength of the composite over time. Sisal fibre reinforced cement-based composites (SFRCC) were investigated to evaluate the durability of the composites. Two chemical treatments, alkaline treatment and acetylation, were performed on the fibre at different concentrations to improve the resistance of the fibre to alkaline attack. Alkaline treatment was performed by using sodium hydroxide (NaOH), while acetylation was performed by using acetic acid or acetic anhydride. Single fibre pull-out (SFP) tests were performed to evaluate the influence of chemical treatment on fibre strength, to study the fibre-matrix interaction and to determine a critical fibre length. A matrix consisting of ordinary Portland cement (OPC), sand and water were used for the SFP tests. This matrix, as well as alternative matrices containing fly ash (FA) and condensed silica fume (CSF) as supplementary cementitious material, were reinforced with 1% sisal fibre (by volume) cut to a length of 20 mm. The OPC matrix was reinforced with untreated- and treated fibre while the alternative matrices were reinforced with untreated fibre. Alternative matrices containing varying fibre volumes and lengths were also produced. Three-point bending- (indirect), direct tensile- and compression tests were performed on specimens at an age of 28 days to determine the strength of the matrix. The remainder of the specimens were subjected to ageing by extended curing in water at 24˚C and 70˚C respectively and by alternate cycles of wetting and drying, after which it was tested at an age of 90 days from production to evaluate the durability of the fibre. An increase in fibre volume led to a decrease in compressive strength and peak tensile strength. The optimum fibre length at a volume of 1% was 20 mm for which the highest compression strength was recorded. The combination of alkali treatment and acetylation was the most effective treatment condition, followed by alkali treatment at low concentrations of sodium hydroxide. At higher concentrations of sodium hydroxide, a significant reduction in strength was recorded. The addition of supplementary cementitious materials also proved to be effective in mitigating degradation, especially in the cases where CSF was used. FA proved to be less effective in reducing the alkalinity of the matrix. However, the use of FA as fine filler resulted in higher strengths. Specimens manufactured by extrusion did not have superior mechanical properties to cast specimens. The conclusion was made that the use of sisal fibre in a cement-based matrix is effective in providing ductile failure. Chemical treatment and the addition of supplementary cementitious materials did improve the durability of the specimens, although degradation still took place. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die boubedryf is verantwoordelik vir 'n aansienlike bydrae tot besoedeling. Die produksie van boumateriale, sowel as die bedryf en instandhouding van strukture lei tot groot hoeveelhede koolstof dioksied (CO2) wat in die atmosfeer vrygestel word. Die gebruik van hernubare hulpbronne en boumateriale is maar net een van die maniere waarop die koolstof voetspoor van die boubedryf verminder kan word. Sisal vesels is 'n voorbeeld van 'n hernubare materiaal. Sisal vesel is 'n natuurlike vesel afkomstig vanaf die Agave Sisalana plant. Die moontlikheid om sisal vesels in 'n sement gebasseerde matriks te gebruik om konvensionele staal en sintetiese vesels te vervang, is tot die aandag van navorsers gebring. Sisal vesel het 'n hoër treksterkte as polipropileen vesels en die treksterkte vergelyk goed met die van PVA vesels. Sisal vesel bestaan hoofsaaklik uit sellulose, hemi-sellulose en lignien. Die nadeel verbonde aan die gebruik van sisal vesels in 'n sement gebasseerde matriks is die degradasie van die komposiet. Sisal vesels is geneig om af te breek in 'n alkaliese omgewing as gevolg van veranderinge wat in die morfologie van die vesel plaasvind. Die water in die porieë van 'n sement gebasseerde matriks is hoogs alkalies wat lei daartoe dat die vesel afgebreek word en die sterkte van die komposiet afneem oor tyd. Sisal vesel versterkte sement gebasseerde komposiete is ondersoek om die duursaamheid van die komposiete te evalueer. Twee chemiese behandelings, alkaliese behandeling en asetilering, is uitgevoer op die vesels teen verskillende konsentrasies om die weerstand van die vesels teen alkaliese aanslag te verbeter. Alkaliese behandeling was uitgevoer met natrium-hidroksied (NaOH) terwyl asetilering met asynsuur en asynsuurhidried uitgevoer is. Enkel vesel uittrek toetse is uitgevoer om die invloed van chemiese behandeling op veselsterkte te evalueer, om die vesel/matriks interaksie te bestudeer en om die kritiese vesellengte te bepaal. 'n Matriks wat uit gewone Portland sement (OPC), sand en water bestaan, is gebruik vir die enkel vesel uittrek toetse. Dieselfde matriks, sowel as alternatiewe matrikse wat vliegas (FA) en gekondenseerde silika dampe (CSF) as aanvullende sementagtige materiaal bevat, is versterk met 1% vesel (by volume) wat 20 mm lank gesny is. Die OPC matriks was versterk met onbehandelde- en behandelde vesels, terwyl die alternatiewe matrikse met onbehandelde vesels versterk is. Matrikse wat wisselende vesel volumes en lengtes bevat het is ook vervaardig. Drie-punt buigtoetse (indirek), direkte trek toetse en druktoetse is uitgevoer op proefstukke teen 'n ouderdom van 28 dae om die sterkte van die matriks te bepaal. Die oorblywende proefstukke is onderwerp aan veroudering deur verlengde nabehandeling in water teen 24˚C en 70˚C onderskeidelik en deur afwissilende siklusse van nat- en droogmaak waarna dit op 'n ouderdom van 90 dae vanaf vervaardiging getoets is om die duursaamheid van die matriks te evalueer. 'n Toename in vesel volume het tot 'n afname in druksterkte en piek treksterkte gelei. Die optimum vesel lengte teen 'n volume van 1% was 20 mm, waarvoor die hoogste druksterkte opgeteken is. Die kombinasie van alkaliese behandeling en asetilering was die mees effektiewe behandeling, gevolg deur alkaliese behandeling by lae konsentrasies natrium-hidroksied. Vir hoë konsentrasies natrium-hidroksied is 'n aansienlike afname in sterkte opgeteken. Die toevoeging van aanvullende sementagtige materiale was ook effektief om die degradadering van die vesels te verminder, veral in die gevalle waar CSF gebruik is. FA was minder effektief om die alkaliniteit van die matriks te verminder. Die gebruik van FA as fyn vuller het nietemin hoër sterkte tot gevolg gehad. Proefstukke wat deur ekstrusie vervaardig is, het nie beter meganiese eienskappe gehad as proefstukke wat gegiet is nie. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat sisal vesel in 'n sement gebasseerde matriks wel effektief is om 'n duktiele falingsmode te voorsien. Chemiese behandeling en die toevoeging van aanvullende sementagtige materiale het die duursaamheid van die proefstukke verbeter, alhoewel degradering steeds plaasgevind het.

Characterization of natural fibre reinforced biodegradable composities

Talimi, Maryam 01 August 2011 (has links)
Low cost, light weight, recyclability, and high specific strength of natural fibres make them a good replacement for synthetic fibre such as glass in fibre reinforced plastics (FRP). Green and ecofriendly source of these fibres offer less reliance on oil sources. However, their moisture uptake ability, low thermal stability and quality variations are some disadvantages that restrict their use. Biodegradable polymers or biopolymers such as polylactic acid polymers (PLA) are polyesters of lactic acid, and originally made from renewable agricultural raw materials e.g. corn starch. Development of new composite products from the existing renewable resources has a strong potential to bring a new biodegradable composite material suitable for the automotive and packaging industry to replace non-renewable petroleum based plastics. These biodegradable composites could degrade completely in soil or by composting process and do not emit any toxic or harmful components. The purpose of this work is to investigate the effects of increasing natural fibre content, and also adding Biomax modifier on the mechanical properties of poly lactic acid. PLA was reinforced with two different kinds of sustainable natural fibres, cotton, and jute fibres respectively. Biomax strong 120 was used as modifier for PLA/natural fibre composites in order to improve the impact strength and toughness properties. Mixtures of different fibre mass proportions as reinforcement, and PLA as a base resin with modifier additive were compounded in a twin-screw extruder. The extruded materials were processed in a novel compression moulding system to produce test samples. Composites without any modifier content were also produced under the same conditions and used as reference materials. iv Addition of plant fibres to the PLA reduces the composites flexural strength, while improves the elastic modulus significantly, compared to neat PLA. PLA 3001D based composites containing 40% jute fibre exhibited the highest stiffness (5.9 GPa) amongst the composites. Investigation of the impact properties of the composites showed that increasing fibre mass proportion leads to an increase in the impact strength of the composites. The impact strength of the PLA/cotton composite is more promising than PLA/Jute composites. The most significant result is that addition of even 3% Biomax Strong 120 had a positive effect on the impact properties of the specimens. Analysis of the rheological properties of the composites demonstrates that the cotton fibre reinforced PLA has higher complex viscosity than Jute fibre reinforced PLA composites. The DSC results explain that the crystallization temperature increases with increasing the jute fibre content. Furthermore composite‟s microstructure was monitored using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). A better adhesion between the cotton fibres and the PLA matrix than jute fibres and PLA was observed in the SEM images. / UOIT

Developing and Characterizing New Materials Based on Natural Fibres and Waste Plastic

Thamae, THIMOTHY 03 December 2008 (has links)
Natural Fibre Composites (NFCs) offer new opportunities to mitigate negative impact of engineering activities on the environment. Due to their lost cost, light weight and environmental benefits, they find applications in building, furniture and automotive industry. This study seeks to improve mechanical properties of composites made from waste recyclable plastics and natural fibres from agricultural byproduct sources such as Agave americana leaves, corn, wheat and seed flax straws. The approach used is a holistic one which includes investigating the availability and properties of natural fibres and their composites with waste plastic for use in Canada and Lesotho, a small country in Southern Africa. The social and environmental implications of using these materials are also investigated. In both Lesotho and Canada, there are enough raw materials which can be used in NFCs if the necessary environment is developed. The unique microstructural and interfacial behaviour of Agave americana fibres were investigated and their possible impact on the composites forecasted. Composites made with a variety of underutilized natural fibres: Agave americana, corn, seed flax and wheat were also manufactured and tested. The addition of natural fibres and milled straw to the waste plastic improved mainly the tensile and flexural moduli of the composites. The environmental properties of NFCs were also analyzed through a case study using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as tool. The results suggest that NFCs could be seen as a more environmentally friendly alternative than conventional composites. / Thesis (Ph.D, Chemical Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2008-12-03 12:32:23.095

Comportement en fatigue avant et après impact de composites tissés chanvre/époxy / Fatigue behaviour before and after impact of woven hemp/epoxy composite

Vasconcellos, Davi Silva de 19 December 2013 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur un composite de tissu de chanvre et matrice époxy. Des essais ont d’abord été réalisés sur les constituants. Ils ont montré que le comportement des fils imprégnés par de la résine est plus représentatif du comportement dans le composite que celui des fils secs. Ces essais ont aussi permis de déterminer les paramètres matériaux nécessaires pour l’élaboration d’un modèle par éléments finis d’un pli du composite. Ce modèle est basé sur une simplification de la représentation du tissu. La variabilité des propriétés des constituants a été prise en compte. Les champs de déformation ont été comparés avec ceux mesurés par la technique de DIC à la surface des composites. Des essais de fatigue ont été réalisés sur les composites [0°/90°]7 et [±45°]7. L’échauffement a été mesuré par caméra IR, les endommagements ont été suivis par EA et par une caméra haute résolution. Des observations ont été effectuées par microscopie et par microtomographie X. Une analyse approfondie des mécanismes d’endommagement a été réalisée. Un modèle de courbe SN de fatigue a été adapté aux composites chanvre/époxy étudiés. La tenue à l’impact et le comportement mécanique postimpact du composite chanvre/époxy [0°/90°]7 ont été étudiés. Les résultats ont montré l’influence d’un impact non destructif sur la durée de vie en fatigue de ce composite, et l’évolution de l’endommagement a été analysée. Il a été montré que le modèle des courbes S-N de fatigue peut s’appliquer aux éprouvettes impactées. Il est ainsi possible de prédire la durée de vie en fatigue du composite impacté à partir de sa contrainte à rupture en traction et du comportement en fatigue du matériau sain. / This study focuses on a woven hemp/epoxy composite. Tests were first conducted on its components. They showed that the behaviour of resin impregnated yarn is more representative of the yarn behaviour in the composite than the dry yarn usually studied. These tests were also used to determine the material parameters necessary for the development of a finite element model of a composite ply. This model is based on a simplified representation of the fabric. Variability of properties of the components was taken into account. Strain fields were compared with those measured by the DIC technique on the surface of the composites. Fatigue tests were conducted on composites [0°/90°]7 and [±45°]7. Heating was measured by IR camera; the damage was followed by AE and high resolution camera. Observations were made by microscopy and X-ray microtomography. A detailed analysis of damage mechanisms was performed. A model of S-N fatigue curve was adapted to the studied hemp/epoxy composite. The resistance to impact and the post-impact mechanical behaviour of the [0°/90°]7 hemp/epoxy composite were studied. The results showed the influence of a non-destructive impact on the fatigue life of the composite, and the evolution of the damage was analyzed. It has been shown that the model of S-N fatigue curve can be applied to impacted specimens. It is thus possible to predict the fatigue life of the impacted composite from the tensile strength and fatigue behaviour of the non-impacted material.

A Study of Fibre-matrix Interactions in Biodegradable Kraft Pulp Fibre-reinforced Polylactic Acid Composites

Fazl, Mandana 22 November 2012 (has links)
As the plastics sector moves towards sustainable growth and development, natural fibres start to play an important role as constituents in composite materials in several industries including automotives. However, drawbacks such as fibre-matrix incompatibility and poor fibre dispersion still exist. In this thesis, Kraft pulp fibre (KF)-Polylactic Acid (PLA) composites were prepared using thermal compounding and aqueous blending to study fibre-matrix interactions. Fibre surfaces were also modified to improve fibre dispersion and water absorption properties. A biorefinery lignin was added to PLA and high density polyethylene (HDPE) as a biofiller and potential interface modifier. Aqueous blended composites showed better mechanical and dynamic mechanical performance than the thermally compounded materials. The fibre surface modification improved dispersion and material properties at higher fibre content. Furthermore, the addition of lignin to polymers resulted in improved mechanical properties in both PLA and HDPE; however, lignin failed to improve interface bonding between KF and PLA.

A Study of Fibre-matrix Interactions in Biodegradable Kraft Pulp Fibre-reinforced Polylactic Acid Composites

Fazl, Mandana 22 November 2012 (has links)
As the plastics sector moves towards sustainable growth and development, natural fibres start to play an important role as constituents in composite materials in several industries including automotives. However, drawbacks such as fibre-matrix incompatibility and poor fibre dispersion still exist. In this thesis, Kraft pulp fibre (KF)-Polylactic Acid (PLA) composites were prepared using thermal compounding and aqueous blending to study fibre-matrix interactions. Fibre surfaces were also modified to improve fibre dispersion and water absorption properties. A biorefinery lignin was added to PLA and high density polyethylene (HDPE) as a biofiller and potential interface modifier. Aqueous blended composites showed better mechanical and dynamic mechanical performance than the thermally compounded materials. The fibre surface modification improved dispersion and material properties at higher fibre content. Furthermore, the addition of lignin to polymers resulted in improved mechanical properties in both PLA and HDPE; however, lignin failed to improve interface bonding between KF and PLA.

The mechanical and volumetric behaviour of sisal fibre reinforced concrete blocks

Coetzee, Gerrit 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Natural fibre reinforced concrete (NFRC) is a type of concrete that has become of particular interest in recent years, due to its potential for being used as a sustainable and economically viable building material. Natural fibres are often cheap and widely available in developing nations. Sisal is one such fibre predominantly grown in Brazil and has been identified as having the potential to be commercially cultivated in Southern Africa. The durability of sisal fibres in a cementitious environment tends to be adversely affected due to the high alkalinity of pore water and the presence of calcium hydroxide. This research dealt with the use of sisal fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) blocks. It focused on the mechanical and volumetric properties of blocks with varying fibre and condensed silica fume content (CSF). Two different SFRC blocks were produced (solid and hollow) using an average fibre length of 10 mm. Two matrix types were used: one using a 70:30 cement:fly-ash ratio and another using a 60:30:10 cement:fly-ash:CSF ratio by weight. Samples of each matrix type were prepared with 0, 0.5 and 1% fibre content by volume. Hollow blocks were tested for compressive strength and capillary water absorption, while solid blocks were tested for compressive strength, flexural strength, capillary water absorption, dimensional stability, drying shrinkage, density, total water absorption and void content. All tests were performed on samples with an age of 28 days. Solid block compressive tests were also performed on samples with an age of 7 days. The hollow blocks had significantly lower average compression strength than the solids, but an increase in fibre content caused a slight increase in strength. For solid blocks, it was found that the addition of natural fibres decreases the strength, although a partial substitution of cement with CSF, in conjunction with fibres, did increase the strength relative to blocks without CSF. The flexure strength was also lowered somewhat by the addition of fibres, but an increase in ductility was noted, although not quantified. The addition of CSF to fibre-containing blocks led to an increase in capillary water absorption, but a decrease in absorption through immersion. This shows that the addition of CSF does significantly alter the pore system of a cementitious matrix reinforced with natural fibres. Also, the dimensional stability increased with the addition of CSF and fibres. The same can be said for drying shrinkage. Even though an increase in fibre and CSF caused samples to shrink more under drying, they were more stable under cycles of wetting and drying. It was concluded that the addition of fibres to a matrix had a detrimental effect on strength, although ductility did increase. The volumetric properties of concrete were also adversely affected by the addition of fibres, although dimensional stability was improved. The partial substitution of cement with CSF did improve many of the mechanical and volumetric properties of samples containing sisal fibre. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Natuurlike vesel bewapende beton (NVBB) is ’n tipe beton wat onlangs heelwat belangstelling ontlok het weens die potensiaal om gebruik te word as ‘n volhoubare en ekonomiese haalbare boumateriaal. Natuurlike vesels is dikwels baie goedkoop en wyd beskikbaar in ontwikkelende lande. Sisal is een so ‘n vesel wat verkry word vanaf die blare van ’n garingboom. Die plant word hoofsaaklik in Brasilië verbou en is al uitgewys weens sy potensiaal om op kommersiële skaal in Suidelike Afrika verbou te word. Die duursaamheid van sisal vesels is geneig om nadelig geaffekteer te word in die teenwoordigheid van kalsium hidroksied en ’n hoë-alkali omgewing, soos gevind in die porie-water van beton. Hierdie navorsing handel oor die gebruik van sisal vesel bewapende beton (SVBB) boublokke. Dit fokus op die meganiese- en duursaamheids eienskappe van blokke met verkillende inhoude van vesel en gekondenseerde silika dampe (GSD). Twee verskillende SVBB blokke is geproduseer (solied en hol) deur gebruik te maak van 10 mm vesels. Twee matriks tipes is gebruik: een met ’n 70:30 sement:vliegas verhouding en een met ’n 60:30:10 sement:vliegas:GSD verhouding, volgens gewig. Blokke van elke matriks tipe is geproduseer met 0, 0.5 en 1% vesel inhoud, volgens volume. Hol blokke is getoets vir druksterkte en kapillêre water absorpsie, terwyl soliede blokke getoets is vir druksterkte, buigsterkte, kapillêre water absorpsie, dimensionele stabiliteit, krimp onder uitdroging, digtheid, totale water absorpsie en luginhoud. Alle toetse is gedoen op blokke met ’n ouderdom van 28 dae. Druktoetse is ook gedoen op soliede blokke met ’n ouderdom van 7 dae. Die hol blokke het ’n aansienlike laer gemiddelde druksterkte as die soliede blokke gehad, maar ’n toename in veselinhoud het gelei tot ’n effense verhoging in druksterkte. ’n Toename in veselinhoud van soliede blokke het gelei tot ’n afname in druksterkte, alhoewel ’n gedeeltelike vervanging van sement met GSD gelei het tot ’n hoër druksterkte vir blokke met vesels. Die buigsterkte van soliede blokke het ook afgeneem met ’n verhoging in veselinhoud. ’n Verhoging in duktiliteit is waargeneem met ’n toename in veselinhoud, alhoewel dit nie gekwantifiseer is nie. Die toevoeging van GSD tot blokke bevattende vesels het gelei tot ’n verhoging in kapillêre water absorpsie, maar ’n verlaging in totale water absorpsie. Dit kan daarop wys dat die toevoeging van GSD die poriestelsel van NVBB noemenswaardig verander. Beide die dimensionele stabiliteit en krimp onder uitdroging het toegeneem met die toevoeging van GSD en vesels tot die blokke. Dus, die toevoeging het gelei tot ’n hoër krimpvervorming tydens uitdroging en ’n hoër stabiliteit tydens nat/droog siklusse. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die toevoeging van sisal vesels tot ’n beton blok oor die algemeen ’n negatiewe effek het op sterkte, alhoewel duktiliteit toeneem. Die volumetriese eienskappe van beton word ook negatief geaffekteer met die toevoeging van sisal vesels, alhoewel dimensionele stabiliteit verbeter. Die gedeeltelike vervanging van sement met GSD lei tot die verbetering van beide meganiese en volumetriese eienskappe van beton blokke wat sisal vesels bevat.


Kukadia, Umesh January 2008 (has links)
In today’s world the significance of bio-based materials are increasing rapidly because ofthe environmental concern. Material scientists are nowadays engaged in development ofsuch materials which have natural origin and degrade in its environment. Several workshave already been reported in area of thermoplastic biocomposites. However biocompositesbased on thermosets is comparatively new area of research. In this work biobasedcomposites have been developed from two different bio-based thermoset resins.The main objective of the work was room temperature curing of poly lactic acid basedresin (POLLIT™) and AESO, acrylated epoxidized soy-bean oil (TRIBEST®). These tworesin systems were impregnated with different natural fibre mats. Cure behavior wascharacterized by means of DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter) and results showsthat the resins have been cured at room temperature. The mechanical properties ofprepared composites were assessed by the means of flexural testing and charpy impacttesting. The viability of using these composites in structural applications are also beendiscussed. / Uppsatsnivå: D

The effect of plasma treatment on flax fibres

Oraji, Rahim 02 December 2008
In recent years, interest in using composites with natural fibres as reinforcement and/or filler has increased because of the advantages of natural fibres, such as low density, low cost, high mechanical properties, and biodegradability. Unmodified-hydrophilic natural fibres show poor compatibility with polymer matrix when they are used as reinforcement in polymer composites. <p> Several methods of modifications of natural fibres, such as chemical and plasma modification of natural fibres have been performed to improve the interfacial compatibility of natural fibre and matrix, and also to decrease water absorption of fibres. <p> The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of plasma treatment on Saskatchewan-grown oilseed flax fibre that can be used in biocomposites. For comparison, the fibres have also been chemically modified using sodium hydroxide and silane. A comparison has been made between the results from both cases.<p> In this thesis, both plasma and chemically modified flax fibre are characterized to understand its crystallinity, color changes, mechanical properties, morphological changes, and thermal properties. Techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), color test, tensile test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and soft X - ray spectromicroscopy are used to study the structural changes of flax fibre after physical and chemical modifications. A fitting method with four Gaussian functions was used to determine crystallinity of cellulose. <p> Results showed that the crystallinity of cellulose in modified (physical or chemical) fibres decreased. Chemical treatment did not improve the tensile strength nor the stiffness of the fibres. Morphological studies showed that the fibre surface changes in both treatments were significant, however, the surfaces of flax fibres exposed to the plasma were modified in the near-surface regions. There was no trace of lignin before and after chemical treatment except in the one-hour chemically treated fibres. The color of the fibres became lighter after chemical treatment. Chemical bonding between resin and fibre was observed in the untreated fibres, the one-hour chemically modified fibres and two-hour chemically modified fibres.<p> Results of this research also showed that plasma treatment can be used as a surface modifying method for flax fibres, however there were some restrictions of utilizing the plasma modification method, e.g. sample size and non-uniformity of plasma gas.

The effect of plasma treatment on flax fibres

Oraji, Rahim 02 December 2008 (has links)
In recent years, interest in using composites with natural fibres as reinforcement and/or filler has increased because of the advantages of natural fibres, such as low density, low cost, high mechanical properties, and biodegradability. Unmodified-hydrophilic natural fibres show poor compatibility with polymer matrix when they are used as reinforcement in polymer composites. <p> Several methods of modifications of natural fibres, such as chemical and plasma modification of natural fibres have been performed to improve the interfacial compatibility of natural fibre and matrix, and also to decrease water absorption of fibres. <p> The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of plasma treatment on Saskatchewan-grown oilseed flax fibre that can be used in biocomposites. For comparison, the fibres have also been chemically modified using sodium hydroxide and silane. A comparison has been made between the results from both cases.<p> In this thesis, both plasma and chemically modified flax fibre are characterized to understand its crystallinity, color changes, mechanical properties, morphological changes, and thermal properties. Techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), color test, tensile test, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and soft X - ray spectromicroscopy are used to study the structural changes of flax fibre after physical and chemical modifications. A fitting method with four Gaussian functions was used to determine crystallinity of cellulose. <p> Results showed that the crystallinity of cellulose in modified (physical or chemical) fibres decreased. Chemical treatment did not improve the tensile strength nor the stiffness of the fibres. Morphological studies showed that the fibre surface changes in both treatments were significant, however, the surfaces of flax fibres exposed to the plasma were modified in the near-surface regions. There was no trace of lignin before and after chemical treatment except in the one-hour chemically treated fibres. The color of the fibres became lighter after chemical treatment. Chemical bonding between resin and fibre was observed in the untreated fibres, the one-hour chemically modified fibres and two-hour chemically modified fibres.<p> Results of this research also showed that plasma treatment can be used as a surface modifying method for flax fibres, however there were some restrictions of utilizing the plasma modification method, e.g. sample size and non-uniformity of plasma gas.

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