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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspekte van uitbranding by predikante van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

05 September 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / This research focuses on aspects of burnout amongst ministers of religion in the Dutch • Reformed Church ("NG Kerk") Synod of Southern Transvaal. Burnout is a common metaphor for a state of mental exhaustion, usually work-related. It is described as a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment that can occur among individuals who do 'people work' of some kind. Research literature describes the general symptomatology of the syndrome, its preconditions, as well as the domain in which it occurs. From the literature it becomes apparent that burnout is a persistent, negative, work-related state of mind in 'normal' individuals that is primarily characterised by exhaustion, which is accompanied by distress, a sense of reduced effectiveness, decreased motivation, and the development of dysfunctional attitudes and behaviours at work. This psychological condition develops gradually but may remain unnoticed for a long time by the individual involved. It results from a misfit between intentions and reality at the job. Often burnout is selfperpetuating because of inadequate coping strategies that are associated with the syndrome. The research design can be typified as exploratory, descriptive and quantitative. The central hypothesis of this study is that burnout is the product of specific factors in the person-work environment interaction of ministers in the Dutch Reformed Church. With the aim of the study in mind, the following research process was followed: A literature review as theoretical grounding for burnout in general, as well as the analysis of literature specifically on burnout amongst ministers of religion. The development of a questionnaire, based on the review of literature, as self-report measure for burnout amongst ministers. After a field investigation, with the questionnaire as a method of data collection (on two occasions, 20 months apart), the data were analysed, consolidated, displayed and interpreted. The consolidated data were also interpreted in the broader perspective of the theoretical framework and recommendations were made about aspects of burnout amongst ministers in the Dutch Reformed Church. Possible causes, negative outcomes, ways of coping, interventions and support were explicated. The most important findings on aspects of burnout amongst ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church, as shown in this study, are: low horizontal mobility, quantitative work overload, time pressure, negative personal experience of the work situation, a negative evaluation of training and the negative evaluation of personal well-being because of the work situation. It can be concluded that ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church are at risk of burnout, caused by unique stressors in their work environment.

Die bestuur van uitbranding by predikante van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Swart, Theo 04 September 2012 (has links)
D.Phil. / This study investigates the management of burnout among ministers of religion in the Dutch Reformed Church ("NG Kerk") Synod of Southern Transvaal. Burnout is a common metaphor for a state of mental exhaustion, usually work-related. The traditional, and most frequently used definition describes burnout as "a syndrome of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that can occur among individuals who do 'people work' of some kind" (Maslach & Jackson, 1986: 1). Research literature describes the general symptomatology of the syndrome, its preconditions, and the domain in which it occurs. From the literature it becomes apparent that burnout is a persistent, negative, work-related state of mind in 'normal' individuals that is primarily characterised by exhaustion, which is accompanied by distress, a sense of reduced effectiveness, decreased motivation, and the development of dysfunctional attitudes and behaviours at work. This psychological condition develops gradually but may remain unnoticed for a long time by the individual involved. Often burnout is self-perpetuating because of inadequate coping strategies associated with the syndrome. The more recent multidimensional theory describes burnout as an individual's stress experience embedded in a context of social relationships involving the person's conception of both the self and others. According to this view burnout is a psychological syndrome of emotional exhaustion (stress component), depersonalization (otherevaluation component), and reduced personal accomplishment (self-evaluation component), the product of a major mismatch between the nature of the job and of the person who does the job, and the index of the dislocation between what people are and what they have to do. Six areas of organizational life are identified which can cause the imbalance, mismatch or misfit between the person and work: Workload, control, reward, sense of community, fairness and values. According to the multidimensional view burnout is also seen as a syndrome of exhaustion, negativity, hostility, cynicism and distance, and inefficiency on one side of a continuum, while the opposite and positive side of the continuum is represented by a state of engagement, characterised by energy, positive and supportive involvement and a sense of efficacy and accomplishment. Burnout is not a trivial problem but an important barometer of a major social dysfunction in the workplace that says more about the conditions of their job than it does about the workers. It is therefore not only a problem of the individual worker, but involves the complex interaction between organization and employees, on personal and interpersonal level, and also of specific working conditions and the context in which the work is being done. This interaction shapes the way people see and do their work, and impacts on the well-being of the workers and the organization. Burnout is therefore not only related to negative outcomes for the individual, including depression, a sense of failure, fatigue, and loss of motivation, but also to negative outcomes for the organization, including absenteeism, turnover rates, and lowered productivity.

Verbi divini minister : 'n teologiese analise en evaluering van die diens van die predikant soos verwoord in die Kerkorde (1998) van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Dicks, Nico Samuel,1957- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The problem investigated in this thesis entails ordinance articles of the Dutch Reformed Church (1998) pertaining to the relevance of offices in the church in the modern world, and more specifically the office of the minister of the Gospel. During the past 30 years several authors doubted and questioned the authenticity of these offices as far as relevance, origin and content are concerned. Questions concerning the offices and especially the office of the minister of the Gospel, are posed because the Dutch Reformed Church ordinance is, allegedly, not based on the Scriptures and the ordinance also is accused of not providing explicit answers to these problems. The literature review clearly reveals that this questioning of the offices and more specifically the office of the minister of the Gospel, is not new in overseas literature.This tendency is also lately encountered in South Africa. The literature review also reveals that these questions are mainly driven by the authority crisis and ideologies such as pragmatism, functionalism, secularism, and post-modernism that leads to secularisation and democratisation. This fact emphasises the urgent need for the Church offices to be accounted for and investigated afresh in order to measure (test) its relation to the Biblical principles as found in the Scriptures, in the articles of faith and as they are formulated in the Dutch Reformed Church Ordinance. A large part of the study is dedicated to the investigation of the principles underlying the Church Ordinance and in chapter two an account is also given of the Scripture readings that are relevant to and justify the institution of the church offices according to the New and Old Testament. The ordinance articles pertaining to church offices, are analysed and evaluated in historical context to establish validity and to account for the natural historical development of the ordinance articles. The articles of faith to which the Dutch Reformed Church subscribes, are also scrutunized for evidence of basic Biblical principles in order to determine the extent to which these articles of faith support and are reflected in the rulings contained in the Church Ordinance. A critical, analytical, theological and historical investigation of the ordinance articles and the articles of faith reveals that they abundantly account for Christian principles and that the Dutch Reformed Church ordinance is based solidly on the Scriptures. in accepting and declaring that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Master of his church on earth, that He instituted and still maintains the church offices as instruments through which he, himself rules. Attention is also given to the need for reformulation of redundant or ambiguous articles on the order in the church regarding the clergymen preaching the Word of God. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsprobleem van hierdie proefskrif is die vraag na die Skrifmatige, belydenismatige en historiese agtergronde van daardie artikels in die Kerl<orde(1998) van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk wat handel oor die bedienaar van die Woord. Die probleem het aanleiding gegee daartoe dat tersaaklike kerkorde artikels in die verband Skrifmatig, belydenismatig en histories nagegaan en geevalueer is. In die afgelope meer as dertig jaar het daar verskeie werke verskyn wat vrae vra oor die ampte in die algemeen en in die besonder oor die van bedienaar van die Woord. In die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk het ook vrae ontstaan as gevolg van die Kerkorde wat sogenaamd nie voldoende uitsluitsel oor die amp van bedienaar van die Woord gee nie. Uit die literatuur oor die saak is dit duidelik dat die bevraagtekening van die ampte nie 'n nuwe tendens in die teologiese wereld is nie. Hierdie tendens het ook na Suid-Afrika versprei. Die literatuurstudie wat in hoofstuk een gedoen word, toon verder dat die vrae met betrekking tot die ampte nie geIsoleerd staan van die gesagskrisis en van ideoloqiee SOOS, pragmatisme, funksionalisme, sekularisme, sekularisering, demokratisering, en postmodernisme nie. Dit het dus noodsaaklik g8\Nord dat die ampte en in besonder die amp van bedienaar van die Woord, teen In historiese agtergrond opnuut vanuit die beginsels van die Skrif, belydenis en Kerl<ordebekyk en beoordeel word om sodoende ook rekening te hou met natuurlike historiese ontwikkeling. In hoofstuk twee word aan Skrifduidinge oor ampte in die kerk vanuit teologiese en kerl<regtelike vertrekpunte aandag gegee. In Eksegetiese studie van die Skrifgedeeltes wat betrekking het op die amp van bedienaar van die Woord, word onder meer in hoofstuk twee gedoen. Veral qeqewens uit die Nuwe Testament word bestudeer. Die Ou Testament word egter nie buite rekening gelaat nie. Die belydenisskrifte, veral die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis, word in hoofstuk drie ondersoek om te bepaal wat die belydenisskrifte oor die oorsprong en inhoud van die amp van bedienaar van die Woord, en ook oor die amp in die algemeen 58. In hoofstuk vier word 'n beskrywing gegee van hoe die amp histories in Gereformeerde Kerkordes verwoord is en ontwikkel het. In hoofstuk vyf volg dan 'n kritiese evaluering van die voorafgaande werk ten einde te kan beoordeel of dit wat tans in die Kerkorde van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk staan voldoen aan Skrif en belydenis, en in Iyn is met die historiese ontwikkeling van gereformeerde kerl<regeringen of dit voldoende is om antwoorde te kan bied op kontekstuele vrae. Voorts word aandag gegee aan herformulering van artikels in die Kerkorde (1998) wat betrekking het op die bedienaar van die Woord. Aspekte vir verdere navorsing word ge'identifiseeren 'n samevatting word gegee.

Die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief

Terblanche, Sarel Stefanus. 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English And Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / The biography focused on the life and work of Evert Philippus Groenewald in church historical perspective within the context of the twentieth century. It endeavoured to make a contribution to a period in the history of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) against the background of strife in matters related to the church, politics and other areas. Groenewald taught New Testament subjects as professor at the Faculty of Theology (Section 8 - DRC) at the University of Pretoria for 33 years. As one of the first four professors of the new Faculty of Theology he helped to lay a sound foundation. He served as dean of the Faculty for 21 years (1948 - 1969). As administrator and lecturer he played an important role in the establishment, recognition and development of the Faculty. He was a born exegete, the Nestor of New Testament science in SA. He is regarded as a great theologian and the doyen of New Testament research and exegesis in SA. As writer of Afrikaans theological literature Groenewald undeniably fulfilled the role of a pioneer. This was recognised by the award of the Stals-prize for Theology to him, the first time in history. Apart from this he received four honourary doctorates and various other important awards. He made an important contribution to Bible translation and translatory science. As church and cultural leader he strove to find solutions for the problems of his church and people. He made a significant contribution in the ecumenical field. Apartheid was given its biblical foundation by Groenewald during the forties. His intention was to stimulate thought in the search for a solution to the serious racial problem. Further facets of Groenewald's work await research in order to paint a representative theological portrait of him. / Die studie fokus op die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief binne die konteks van die twintigste eeu. Die klem het op die periode tussen die dertiger- en tagtigerjare geval. Daar is gepoog om 'n bydrae te lewer tot 'n tydperk in die geskiedenis van die NGK teen die agtergrond van die stryd wat op vele gebiede gevoer is. Die invloed van vroom ouers, 'n aantal ingrypende gebeurtenisse in sy lewe en die eise van die tyd het hom ge·inspireer. Hy was kind en teoloog van sy tyd, egter ook van sy kerk. Wat hy verwoord het was deel van die NGK se Calvinistiese en gereformeerde historiese erfenis en die NGK se beleid. Hy het sy eie teologiese stempel egter ongetwyfeld daarop afgedruk. Hy onderrig vir 33 jaar (1938 tot 1970) Nuwe Testamentiese vakke as professor aan die Teofogiese Fakulteit (Afd 8) van UP. As een van die eerste vier professore help hy om 'n stewige grondslag te le. Hy was vir 21 jaar (1948-1969) dekaan van die Fakulteit. In 1970 het hy geemeriteer. Hy het nie die akademie as sy enigste roeping beskou nie. Hy het sy kerk, volk en die gemeenskap gedien. Na sy aftrede lewer hy sy belangrikste bydraes tot Bybelvertaling, die NAV (gepubliseer in 1983), en die vertaalwetenskap. Hy het wat sy lewenstaak betref sy belangrikste bydrae as dosent gelewer. As administrateur het hy die Fakulteit help vestig en uitbou. Hy was 'n gebore eksegeet, die Nestor van die Nuwe Testamentiese wetenskap in SA. Hy word beskou as 'n belangrike teoloog, die doyen van die Nuwe Testamentiese navorsing en eksegese in SA. Die tradisie van die N T eksegese wat hy in die beoefening van die teologie gevestig het, kan as sy heel belangrikste bydrae beskou word. Hy word ook as volksteoloog getipeer. As skrywer het Groenewald 'n pioniersrol vervul vanwee sy groot bydrae tot die ontluikende Afrikaanse teologiese literatuur. Hy het die prestasie behaal dat die Stals-prys vir Teologie, die eerste keer in die geskiedenis, aan horn toegeken is. Hy is met vier eredoktorsgrade en verskeie ander belangrike toekennings vereer. As kerk- en kultuurleier het Groenewald se bekwaamhede sterk na vore gekom. Hy het die behoeftes van sy kerk en volk raakgesien en horn beywer om oplossings vir die ingewikkelde vraagstukke te vind. Die NGK, UP, vele instansies en die Staat het gebruik gemaak van sy talente. Apartheid is in die veertigerjare deur hom Bybels fundeer. Sy bedoeling was om teologiese denke te stimuleer in die soeke na 'n oplossing vir die ernstige rassevraagstuk. Hy het apartheid as teologies-praktiese oplossing aangebied. Hy het na 'n eerlike oplossing binne die destydse konteks gesoek wat regverdig teenoor die nieblanke sou wees en van die blanke groot offers sou vra. Die wyse waarop apartheid algaande toegepas is, het meegebring dat daar afgewyk is van wat Groenewald in 1947 beoog het. Dit het in 'n ideologiese monster ontaard wat groot pyn en lyding veroorsaak het. Groenewald was een van 'n klein aantal kerkfigure wat met hul dade in die twintigste eeu van stryd en worsteling die Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis verryk het. Sy bydrae is deur hierdie proefskrif slegs ten dele ontgin en verdere fasette van sy werk wag om nagevors te word ten einde uiteindelik 'n omvattende teologiese portret van hom te skilder. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. D. (Church History)

Die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief

Terblanche, Sarel Stefanus. 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English And Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / The biography focused on the life and work of Evert Philippus Groenewald in church historical perspective within the context of the twentieth century. It endeavoured to make a contribution to a period in the history of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) against the background of strife in matters related to the church, politics and other areas. Groenewald taught New Testament subjects as professor at the Faculty of Theology (Section 8 - DRC) at the University of Pretoria for 33 years. As one of the first four professors of the new Faculty of Theology he helped to lay a sound foundation. He served as dean of the Faculty for 21 years (1948 - 1969). As administrator and lecturer he played an important role in the establishment, recognition and development of the Faculty. He was a born exegete, the Nestor of New Testament science in SA. He is regarded as a great theologian and the doyen of New Testament research and exegesis in SA. As writer of Afrikaans theological literature Groenewald undeniably fulfilled the role of a pioneer. This was recognised by the award of the Stals-prize for Theology to him, the first time in history. Apart from this he received four honourary doctorates and various other important awards. He made an important contribution to Bible translation and translatory science. As church and cultural leader he strove to find solutions for the problems of his church and people. He made a significant contribution in the ecumenical field. Apartheid was given its biblical foundation by Groenewald during the forties. His intention was to stimulate thought in the search for a solution to the serious racial problem. Further facets of Groenewald's work await research in order to paint a representative theological portrait of him. / Die studie fokus op die lewe en werk van Evert Philippus Groenewald in kerkhistoriese perspektief binne die konteks van die twintigste eeu. Die klem het op die periode tussen die dertiger- en tagtigerjare geval. Daar is gepoog om 'n bydrae te lewer tot 'n tydperk in die geskiedenis van die NGK teen die agtergrond van die stryd wat op vele gebiede gevoer is. Die invloed van vroom ouers, 'n aantal ingrypende gebeurtenisse in sy lewe en die eise van die tyd het hom ge·inspireer. Hy was kind en teoloog van sy tyd, egter ook van sy kerk. Wat hy verwoord het was deel van die NGK se Calvinistiese en gereformeerde historiese erfenis en die NGK se beleid. Hy het sy eie teologiese stempel egter ongetwyfeld daarop afgedruk. Hy onderrig vir 33 jaar (1938 tot 1970) Nuwe Testamentiese vakke as professor aan die Teofogiese Fakulteit (Afd 8) van UP. As een van die eerste vier professore help hy om 'n stewige grondslag te le. Hy was vir 21 jaar (1948-1969) dekaan van die Fakulteit. In 1970 het hy geemeriteer. Hy het nie die akademie as sy enigste roeping beskou nie. Hy het sy kerk, volk en die gemeenskap gedien. Na sy aftrede lewer hy sy belangrikste bydraes tot Bybelvertaling, die NAV (gepubliseer in 1983), en die vertaalwetenskap. Hy het wat sy lewenstaak betref sy belangrikste bydrae as dosent gelewer. As administrateur het hy die Fakulteit help vestig en uitbou. Hy was 'n gebore eksegeet, die Nestor van die Nuwe Testamentiese wetenskap in SA. Hy word beskou as 'n belangrike teoloog, die doyen van die Nuwe Testamentiese navorsing en eksegese in SA. Die tradisie van die N T eksegese wat hy in die beoefening van die teologie gevestig het, kan as sy heel belangrikste bydrae beskou word. Hy word ook as volksteoloog getipeer. As skrywer het Groenewald 'n pioniersrol vervul vanwee sy groot bydrae tot die ontluikende Afrikaanse teologiese literatuur. Hy het die prestasie behaal dat die Stals-prys vir Teologie, die eerste keer in die geskiedenis, aan horn toegeken is. Hy is met vier eredoktorsgrade en verskeie ander belangrike toekennings vereer. As kerk- en kultuurleier het Groenewald se bekwaamhede sterk na vore gekom. Hy het die behoeftes van sy kerk en volk raakgesien en horn beywer om oplossings vir die ingewikkelde vraagstukke te vind. Die NGK, UP, vele instansies en die Staat het gebruik gemaak van sy talente. Apartheid is in die veertigerjare deur hom Bybels fundeer. Sy bedoeling was om teologiese denke te stimuleer in die soeke na 'n oplossing vir die ernstige rassevraagstuk. Hy het apartheid as teologies-praktiese oplossing aangebied. Hy het na 'n eerlike oplossing binne die destydse konteks gesoek wat regverdig teenoor die nieblanke sou wees en van die blanke groot offers sou vra. Die wyse waarop apartheid algaande toegepas is, het meegebring dat daar afgewyk is van wat Groenewald in 1947 beoog het. Dit het in 'n ideologiese monster ontaard wat groot pyn en lyding veroorsaak het. Groenewald was een van 'n klein aantal kerkfigure wat met hul dade in die twintigste eeu van stryd en worsteling die Suid-Afrikaanse kerkgeskiedenis verryk het. Sy bydrae is deur hierdie proefskrif slegs ten dele ontgin en verdere fasette van sy werk wag om nagevors te word ten einde uiteindelik 'n omvattende teologiese portret van hom te skilder. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. D. (Church History)

Caring with women married to Dutch Reformed clergymen: narratives of pain, survival and hope

Swart, Chené 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this research journey was twofold: (1) to investigate the ways in which the lives of women married to clergymen have been influenced by their position in the Dutch Reformed Church and (2) to collaboratively present ways of caring and supporting these women living within this reality. Discourse analysis explored the taken-for-granted truths and power relationships that inform these women's daily lives. Fifteen women embarked on this feminist narrative participatory action research journey, not only to tell their stories but also to negotiate for change in current practices as well as their own contexts. This research journey challenges the institutional structure of the Church through narratives of hope, survival and pain, as storied in a book (Lamentations and Butterflies, 2003), that were collaboratively constructed by the women living these realities. This book and research journey offers a deeper understanding of the experience of being a clergyman's wife in the Dutch Reformed Church. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

Ondersoek na die volhoubaarheid van jeugwerk as professie in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Swartz, Liezl 30 November 2003 (has links)
An applied study was undertaken to describe the current position of youth work as profession in the Dutch Reformed Church and to identify factors influencing the sustainability. A review of relevant literature, as well as an empirical survey were conducted to investigate pertinent factors such as the working conditions, the person and the training of the youth worker. In the empirical research respondents completing questionnaires consisted of former students of the Huguenot College currently employed as church youth workers, and those who left the ministry. Interviews were conducted with congregations currently employing or having employed youth workers. It is evident from this study that the youth work profession is not yet satisfactorily established and thus contributes to youth workers leaving the ministry. In the interest of youth ministry, it is essential for the Dutch Reformed Church to acknowledge these factors influencing the sustainability of youth work as profession, in order to get this occupation properly established. / Practical Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk-rigting)

Ondersoek na die volhoubaarheid van jeugwerk as professie in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Swartz, Liezl 30 November 2003 (has links)
An applied study was undertaken to describe the current position of youth work as profession in the Dutch Reformed Church and to identify factors influencing the sustainability. A review of relevant literature, as well as an empirical survey were conducted to investigate pertinent factors such as the working conditions, the person and the training of the youth worker. In the empirical research respondents completing questionnaires consisted of former students of the Huguenot College currently employed as church youth workers, and those who left the ministry. Interviews were conducted with congregations currently employing or having employed youth workers. It is evident from this study that the youth work profession is not yet satisfactorily established and thus contributes to youth workers leaving the ministry. In the interest of youth ministry, it is essential for the Dutch Reformed Church to acknowledge these factors influencing the sustainability of youth work as profession, in order to get this occupation properly established. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Diac. (Jeugwerk-rigting)

Caring with women married to Dutch Reformed clergymen: narratives of pain, survival and hope

Swart, Chené 30 November 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this research journey was twofold: (1) to investigate the ways in which the lives of women married to clergymen have been influenced by their position in the Dutch Reformed Church and (2) to collaboratively present ways of caring and supporting these women living within this reality. Discourse analysis explored the taken-for-granted truths and power relationships that inform these women's daily lives. Fifteen women embarked on this feminist narrative participatory action research journey, not only to tell their stories but also to negotiate for change in current practices as well as their own contexts. This research journey challenges the institutional structure of the Church through narratives of hope, survival and pain, as storied in a book (Lamentations and Butterflies, 2003), that were collaboratively constructed by the women living these realities. This book and research journey offers a deeper understanding of the experience of being a clergyman's wife in the Dutch Reformed Church. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Practical Theology)

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