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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Margins of Prevention : - On Older Adolescents' Positive and Negative Beliefs about Illicit Drug Use

Karlsson, Patrik January 2006 (has links)
This study explores older adolescents’ positive and negative beliefs about illicit drug use from a preventive perspective. By positive beliefs is meant positive expectancies and benefit perceptions. By negative beliefs is meant negative expectancies and risk perceptions. The choice of studying beliefs originates from the assumption that there is much to gain for prevention in considering the target audience’s starting point. An appraisal of the extent to which positive and negative beliefs are held suggests the margins for change. The data used for the study derive from a survey conducted among a sample of third-year students in upper secondary school in the greater Stockholm area (n=2104). Overall, findings demonstrate that high negative beliefs are held and that positive beliefs to some extent are held. While this being the general trend, marked differences emerge between individuals who have used illicit drugs and individuals who have not. By and large, experienced individuals rate the negative sides as lower and the positive sides as higher than the other group. Substantial differences are found among lifetime users of illicit drugs as well. Those who have used illicit drugs more frequently during the last 12 months differ in particular from those who have refrained during this period. The differences are dramatic in some cases. In addition, consistent differences are documented between the sexes. Males are found to hold lower negative beliefs and higher positive beliefs across most measures employed. Few systematic relationships are found between other variables and outcomes. Plausible explanations for the findings are discussed theoretically and potential implications for drug prevention are highlighted. A saturation hypothesis is introduced in order to accentuate that the overall room for change in negative beliefs probably is limited. Conversely, the fact that positive beliefs are held to a certain degree suggests a belief domain with change potential.

Food choice in fallow deer – experimental studies of selectivity

Alm Bergvall, Ulrika January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, I experimentally investigate feeding selectivity in fallow deer (Dama dama), with respect to plant secondary compounds, especially tannins, which can decrease the quality of foods. I found that fallow deer avoided foods with higher amounts of tannic acid and Quebracho tannin, even though the deer ate some high-tannin food. The food choice was strongly dependent on the context in which the food was presented, so that the food choice in relation to tannin content was relative rather than absolute. When high-tannin food occurred at low frequency, the deer ate proportionally less from this type of food, at least when the difference in tannin content between the two foods was large. A basic implication is that an unpalatable plant type could benefit from its unpalatability, especially when occurring at low frequency. In experiments with two patches, the finding of a stronger within- than between-patch selectivity was mirrored in associational effects. First, low-tannin, palatable food was more eaten when occurring in a high-tannin patch, which corresponds to neighbour contrast susceptibility. Second, high-tannin, unpalatable food in a less defended patch was less eaten, which corresponds to neighbour contrast defence. A proximate cause of the associational effects can be the presence of a simultaneous negative contrast, which was experimentally demonstrated in an additional study. Individual differences in selectivity were present early in life and were consistent over five years, and selectivity was correlated with foraging exploratory behaviour. The results from this thesis suggest that fallow deer are selective in their food choice with respect to tannins from the beginning, and that the frequency of occurrence of different foods, but also the distance between foods and the complexity of presentation, influence the food choice. It is also suggested that a foraging behavioural syndrome is present in mammalian herbivores.

Clinical and Experimental Studies in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia : Studies of Treatment Outcome, In Vitro Cellular Drug Resistance and Gene Expression

Olsson-Strömberg, Ulla January 2007 (has links)
The aims of the studies described in the thesis were to investigate different treatment strategies in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients. Furthermore, activity of imatinib was investigated by in vitro cytotoxicity assay, and the gene expression pattern in interferon treated patients. In a randomized prospective national study, we examined the influence of busulphan (n=89) versus hydroxyurea (n=90) treatment on time to blast crisis, and survival. There was no significant difference in survival between hydroxyurea and busulphan treated patients; median survival was 3.5 and 3.2 years, respectively. The 26 patients who underwent allogeneic stem cell transplantation had a significantly longer median survival (4.7 years) than those who were not transplanted. We investigated the feasibility of mobilizing Philadelphia chromosome negative blood stem cells with intensive chemotherapy and lenograstim in CML patients. Twenty-three patients (62%) were successfully mobilized. Twenty-one of these patients underwent autologous stem cell transplantation later on, with a 5-year overall survival at 68%. Fluorometric Microculture Cytotoxicity Assay was used to analyze 32 tumor cell samples from CML patients, (26 chronic phase and 6 blast crisis). Imatinib showed a higher in vitro activity and more positive drug interactions in cells from blast crisis than from chronic phase. Interferon, daunorubicin and arsenic trioxide had the greatest benefit from a combination with imatinib. Microarray-based gene expression analyses were performed on diagnostic CML samples prior to interferon treatment. We identified six genes that were differentially expressed in responders and non-responders to interferon. It might prove possible to use gene expression analysis to predict future response to interferon.

Electronic Mail and its Possible Negative Aspects in Organizational Contexts

Sjöqvist, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Electronic mail has become the medium of choice in most organizations because of some of its special features. E-mail, like all computer-mediated communication, changes the way we interact and has therefore an impact on working conditions, sometimes in a negative direction. Research findings so far show divergent opinions about how e-mail has influenced work. The main purpose of this thesis is to understand and explain if and why there are possible negative outcomes of e-mail usage in organizations, and to use the findings to develop a guiding model for organizational e-mail use. In order to meet the goals set, earlier research in the area Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) that focus on the effects on the social system was used. This research is mainly based on theories of media choice and communication theories, which offer a valuable contribution for understanding why e-mail might be used in improper ways in organizations. Empirical data was collected in several steps using different techniques. The target group was managers in different kinds of organizations, but also administrative staff and teachers. The result shows that there are several reasons why e-mail usage might be a problem in organizations like expectations of fast feedback and being constantly updated, post absence backlog, too much information in e-mail, too many incoming e-mails, irrelevant information, decreased personal contact, a more sedentary work environment and e-mail splitting the respondents' time. The contribution of this thesis is that possible negative aspects of e-mail use in organizations are due to a combination of factors. To overcome any organizational disadvantages of e-mail it is vital to consider the e-mail users' behaviors, feelings and attitudes in a specific organizational context in combination with e-mail's special features. A number of guidelines are presented to help organizations and individuals make e-mail use more efficient and satisfying.

Den konfessionslösa skolan - en teoretisk realitet men praktisk omöjlighet? : En kvalitativ studie av normerande företeelser i svenskt religionsundervisningsmaterial

Olsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Can commitment save companies from negative publicity? : The tempering effect of commitment and corporate response on negative publicity / Kan lojalitet rädda företag från negativ publicitet? : Den dämpande effekten av 'lojalitet' och 'företagsrespons' på negativ publicitet

Kasto, Nanci, Sargezi, Elina, Tärnhamn, Micaela January 2009 (has links)
According to Faircloth, Capella & Alford, (2001), a brand is one of the most important assets a company can possess. A brand is what the consumers relate to when differentiating one com-pany from another and therefore plays a vital role for determining competitive advantage. How-ever, in the modern world, with the increasing technology advances, companies are losing more and more control of what is said and spread about their brands. What takes companies years to build can nowadays be destroyed in just a short amount of time. When dealing with negative publicity, a company‟s actions have a crucial role in determining the outcome of the negative publicity. The theoretical literature suggests that strong respective weak corporate response, will decide whether the consumers‟ brand attitude will be improved or wors-ened. Furthermore, it is also argued that consumers‟ commitment level can temper the effects of negative publicity in the sense that the more committed a consumer is, the more he/she will re-sist a change in brand attitude. Therefore, the purpose of this study is "to examine if consumers’ atti-tude towards a brand is changed depending on strong or weak corporate response to the negative publicity. A significant aspect is to investigate and further associate the commitment variable to the outcome of change in attitudes as a result of the negative publicity." In order to determine the cause-and-effect relationship between corporate response and brand attitude, an experiment was conducted where corporate response was the independent variable and brand attitude was the dependent variable. Furthermore, the commitment variable was in-cluded as a covariate; an independent variable not manipulated by the experimenter but still ex-pected to affect the outcome. Three different questionnaires were created: 1) Negative publicity with weak corporate response, 2) Negative publicity with strong corporate response, and 3) Negative publicity only. The experiment was conducted on consumers in Jönköping. The results indicate that whether a company decides to reply with a strong or weak corporate re-sponse to negative publicity, it will in the end have an effect on the consumers‟ brand attitude. Furthermore, the results also reveal that a consumer‟s level of commitment reinforces the effect of corporate response on his/her attitude towards a brand. In other words, the degree of the consumers‟ commitment towards a brand can temper the effect of negative publicity, ultimately saving companies from the consequences of negative publicity. / Ett varumärke är enligt Faircloth, Capella & Alford (2001), företagets viktigaste tillgång. Varu-märket spelar en viktig roll i att avgöra ett företags konkurrensfördel, då konsumenter relaterar till ett varumärke för att kunna differentiera mellan olika företag. I takt med de ökande teknolo-giska framryckningar i den moderna världen, har företag däremot börjat förlora alltmer kontroll över det som sägs och sprids om företagets varumärke. Det som tar företag åratal att bygga upp kan numera förgöras under en kort tidsperiod. När det gäller att handskas med negativ publicitet har företagets handlingar en stor inverkan på konsekvensen av den negativa publicitet som företaget har utsatts för. Den teoretiska litteraturen föreslår att stark respektive svag företagsrespons kommer att avgöra om konsumenternas attityd gentemot varumärket kommer förbättras eller försämras. Dessutom menar man att konsumen-tens lojalitetsnivå har en dämpande effekt på negativ publicitet. Ju lojalare en konsument är, des-to mer kommer han/hon att motstå en ändring i attityd gentemot varumärket i fråga trots den negativa publiciteten. Därmed är syftet med denna uppsats att ”undersöka om konsumenters attityd gentemot ett varumärke ändras beroende på stark eller svag företagsrespons i förhållande till den negativa publici-teten. En betydelsefull aspekt är att utreda och associera den kompletterande variabeln, lojalitet, med de utfallande ändringarna i attityd till följd av negativ publicitet”. I avsikt att utröna orsak-och-verkan relationen mellan företagsrespons och varumärkesattityd, ut-fördes ett experiment där företagsrespons var den oberoende variabeln och varumärkesattityd var den beroende variabeln. Därutöver, var lojalitetsvariabeln inkluderad som en covariate, dvs. en oberoende variabel som inte var manipulerad av forskarna men som ändå förväntades påver-ka resultatet. Tre olika enkäter var utformade: 1) Negativ publicitet med svag företagsrespons, 2) Negativ publicitet med stark företagsrespons, och 3) Endast negativ publicitet. Experimentet ut-fördes på konsumenter i Jönköping. Resultaten påvisar att vare sig ett företag väljer att hantera negativ publicitet genom stark eller svag företagsrespons, kommer resultatet att ha en inverkan på konsumenternas varumärkesatti-tyd. För övrigt visar resultaten att nivån av konsumentens lojalitet gentemot ett varumärk kom-mer att förstärka effekten av företagsresponsen på kundens varumärkesattityd. Med andra ord, graden av konsumenters lojalitet mot ett varumärke kan dämpa effekten av negativ publicitet och därmed rädda företag från degeneration av varumärket till följd av negativ publicitet. / Grade: VG, (ECTS) A

Gender Specific Features of Language : Their Representation in a Popular TV Show

Boström Eriksson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study was to find out how features that have been found to be typical of women’s language, such as hedges, tag questions and a high level of talkativeness etc., are represented in a popular TV series. Five cross-sex conversations from one episode of the sitcom The New Adventures of Old Christine were analyzed, and the results show that many of the features of interest, as for instance tag questions, minimal responses and indirect style, are unexpectedly used more frequently by men in this small investigation. In fact, the only feature that was used more frequently by the female main character was hedges. Several factors affect the results of the study, as for instance the fact that the conversations are fictional. The special characteristics of the speakers also affect the results, as well as the tone and the topic of the chosen conversations. Many of the features of interest were used to a very small extent, which is probably a result of the fact that the language in a sitcom is to be entertaining and rather quick, which leaves little or no room for the features studied.

Nonparametric Bayesian Dictionary Learning and Count and Mixture Modeling

Zhou, Mingyuan January 2013 (has links)
<p>Analyzing the ever-increasing data of unprecedented scale, dimensionality, diversity, and complexity poses considerable challenges to conventional approaches of statistical modeling. Bayesian nonparametrics constitute a promising research direction, in that such techniques can fit the data with a model that can grow with complexity to match the data. In this dissertation we consider nonparametric Bayesian modeling with completely random measures, a family of pure-jump stochastic processes with nonnegative increments. In particular, we study dictionary learning for sparse image representation using the beta process and the dependent hierarchical beta process, and we present the negative binomial process, a novel nonparametric Bayesian prior that unites the seemingly disjoint problems of count and mixture modeling. We show a wide variety of successful applications of our nonparametric Bayesian latent variable models to real problems in science and engineering, including count modeling, text analysis, image processing, compressive sensing, and computer vision.</p> / Dissertation

Growth and Biofilm Formation by Staphylococcus Epidermidis and Other Relevant Contaminant Bacteria During Storage of Platelet Concentrates

Greco, Carey Anne 28 September 2011 (has links)
Coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) are the most prevalent bacterial contaminants of platelet concentrates (PCs), and have been implicated in severe and fatal transfusion reactions. Of this group, Staphylococcus epidermidis is most frequently identified. The preliminary objective of this thesis was to confirm that S. epidermidis could form biofilms under platelet storage conditions. This was achieved using a modified crystal violet staining assay to detect plastic-adherent bacterial cells and examination of attachment processes by scanning electron microscopy. A collection of CoNS isolated from PCs obtained from reportedly healthy donors was then assessed for biofilm-forming potential at the genetic and phenotypic level. Despite the presumable commensal origin of these isolates, a high proportion of S. epidermidis strains displayed a biofilm positive phenotype. The threat of S. epidermidis biofilm formation during platelet storage identified herein signifies that any alterations made to platelet storage protocols should be evaluated with consideration of this risk. The advent of platelet additive solutions (PASs) as an alternative to plasma for PC storage provides a relevant example, since little is known about the effect of PAS on contaminant bacteria, and vice versa. Growth and biofilm formation by S. epidermidis and the Gram-negative bacterium Serratia liquefaciens were measured in PAS- or plasma-PCs over 5 days, simulating standard platelet storage conditions, after initial inoculation with low, clinically relevant bacterial concentrations. Assays for platelet quality were performed simultaneously. Only S. liquefaciens exhibited a slower doubling time in plasma-PCs than in PAS-PCs. Biofilm formation by both species was reduced during storage in PAS-PCs, increasing bacteria availability for detection. Although S. liquefaciens adversely affected platelet quality in both media, S. epidermidis contamination did not. Ultimately, culture-based detection remains the earliest indicator of bacterial presence in PAS-PCs. Lastly, since formation of platelet-bacteria aggregates is largely based on receptor-ligand interactions, it was postulated that biofilm formation by contaminant bacteria could be abrogated by receptor shielding. Methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) was applied to covalently modify the platelet surface using a process termed ‘PEGylation’. It is herein demonstrated that PEGylation of PCs inoculated with S. epidermidis results in significantly reduced bacterial binding and biofilm formation during platelet storage.

Dangerousness and Difference: The Representation of Muslims within Canada's Security Discourses

Slonowsky, Deborah 23 November 2012 (has links)
This paper presents the results of a critical discourse analysis of a selection of Canada’s security texts and argues that the country’s security discourses construct Muslims as dangerous and different from the normative Canadian. The research relies on a social constructionist understanding of discourse and the recognition that our state’s representatives and agents, operating from positions of discursive power, wield disproportionate influence in directing the national conversation and managing the signals that shape our social attitudes and imaginaries. By persistently qualifying terrorism with Islam, portraying the terrorist figure as a religiously and ideologically-motivated actor opposed to ‘Western values’ and by casting suspicion on the ordinary behaviour of Muslims, Canada’s security discourses produce a mental model in which Islam and its followers are associated with a propensity for terrorist violence. The discourses also naturalize the idea that Muslims are in need of surveillance, not only by the state’s agents, but by the public itself. When examined alongside a body of research illustrating Canada’s ‘visible minority’ population continues to be negatively affected by dominant group discrimination, the results of the study raise questions about the culpability of state representatives in the reproduction of ideas of difference which continue to inform the country’s social imaginary and hinder the equality and inclusivity of minority groups within the national collective.

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