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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Základnová stanice pro agentní platformu WSageNt s využitím GSM modulu / Basestation for WSageNt Agent Platform with Using GSM Module

Molák, Josef January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis describes the software and hardware extension of multiagent platform WSageNt to ensure communication between basestation and web interface Control Panel using GSM network. Sensor node FITmote is used as a basestation and modem Teltonika is used as a interface to GSM. The physical interconnection of the devices implementing the newly created bridge to connect different logic voltage levels of their serial interface. Application for basestation was extended to serial communication with modem. This extend provide communication over GSM network to Internet. Application on control server also was modified for TCP/IP communication.

Použití inteligentních agentů v bezdrátových senzorových sítích / Usage of Intelligent Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks

Žídek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused on wireless sensor networks and implementation tools for creation and simulation of applications. It describes WSnageNt project, which is intended to support agents in wireless sensor networks. The main objective of this thesis is to extend the WSageNt project with new features that will allow to create agents with more capabilities. These features will be then used to extend the WSageNt project with network node movement tracking capability.

Platforma pro mobilní agenty v bezdrátových senzorových sítích / Platform for Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks

Horáček, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with implementation of an agent platform, which is able to run agent code in wireless sensor networks. Implementation has been done for MICAz platform, which uses TinyOS operating system for developing applications. This work contains list of chosen TinyOS parts and illustrates, how such a platform can be used for our purposes. We will describe main features of ALLL language and we will also demonstrate some examples of agents.

A TinyOS Testbed for CC2420 Transceivers

Jamal, Muhammad Asif January 2013 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained significant consideration these days, as opposed to wired sensor networks, by introducing multi-functional wireless nodes, which are smaller in size. The main advan-tage is that its wireless, so it costs less to install, maintain and reconfig-ure. These sensor nodes are used in various application areas. For ex-ample: residential, industrial, environmental and military application areas. However WSNs communication is prone to negative influences from the physical environment, such as physical obstacles and interfer-ence. Algorithms must be developed for handling these problems and also to investigate the channel properties. The purpose of this work is to design a testbed, which enables the communication of wireless sensor nodes, to capture the properties of the channel, which will, in the long run, enable better solutions to be designed which are, more appropriate to the errors in the channel. In this testbed, one channel, from the IEEE 802.15.4 channels spectrum, is dedicated as an emergency channel, which is used for handshaking and to handle channel/external interfer-ence or hardware failure between the communication of Transmitter (TX) and Receiver (RX) nodes. The remaining 15 channels are called data channels and are used for actual data transmission and control signals. Peer to Peer transmission of a transmitter-receiver pair is achieved with the introducing of beacons and acknowledgment (ACK) packets. The testbed also has the property of dual reception and data logging on a single PC by maeans of two RX nodes simultaneously from a single TX node. The dependency of the packet on the “Frame Length” byte(in the Frame header) during the reception is eliminated so that if the “Frame Length” byte is compromised, it will replace the programmer defined value with the “Frame Length” byte which helps to investigate the actual packets byte sent from the TX. Also, the Received Signal Strength (RSS) is calculated at the maximum sample rate of the channel. Power consumption is not considered in this testbed. The work is conducted on both the IEEE 802.15.4 physical and the application layers. Linux based TinyOS-2.x is used as an operating system for low power sensor devices. New algorithms are designed for each step in the development of the testbed. MICAz motes are used as nodes and an MIB520 programming board is used for burning the codes and for the purpose of gateways.

Monitorování budovy pomocí bezdrátové senzorové sítě s částečně dynamickou topologií / Wireless Sensor Network for Building Monitoring with Partially Dynamic Topology

Urbanovský, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the possibilities of wireless sensor networks in monitoring buildings and summarizes the most common use of wireless sensor networks in practice. There are also described communication protocols needed for communication between each node and properties of topology of created network. Importance is lay on implementation of fully dynamic network with automatic network topology establishment. The application is designed for the TinyOS operating system and hardware platforms MICAz and IRIS, and its task is to establish the topology and send the data obtained from sensors to base station. The implemented protocol is based on the Collection Tree Protocol protocol and using best effort delivery is able to establish a dynamic topology. Further there is described  the method of storage and subsequent graphical and textual representation of data collected.

Monitorování stavu bezdrátových senzorových sítích agenty / Agent-Based Monitoring of Wireless Sensor Networks

Houšť, Marek January 2011 (has links)
The reader is first introduced with history and possible applications for wireless sensor networks. The thesis then describes the problems of wireless sensor networks and implementation tools for wireless sensor networks. The thesis also presents the system WSageNt and its client web interface. Practical part is based on the design of agent elements. Describes gradual implementation, testing and practical realization of these agent elements in the system WSageNt. The final part discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the project and identifies possible future expansion of the system.

Embedded Wireless Sensor Network for Aircraft/Automobile Tire Structural Health Monitoring

Gondal, Farrukh Mehmood 17 August 2007 (has links)
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of automobile tires has been an active area of research in the last few years. Within this area, the monitoring of strain on tires using wireless devices and networks is gaining prominence because these techniques do not require any wired connections. Various tire manufacturers are looking into SHM of automobile tires due to the Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability and Documentation (TREAD) act which demands installation of tire pressure monitoring devices within the tire. Besides measuring tire pressures, tire manufactures are also examining ways to measure strain and temperature as well to enhance overall safety of an automobile. A sensor system that can measure the overall strain of a tire is known as a centralized strain sensing system. However, a centralized strain sensing system cannot find the location and severity of the damage on the tire, which is a basic requirement. Various sensors such as acceleration and optical sensors have also been proposed to be used together to get more local damage information on the tire. In this thesis we have developed a strain sensing system that performs local strain measurements on the tire and transmits them to a console inside the vehicle wirelessly. Our sensing system utilizes a new sensing material called Metal RubberTM which is shown to be conductive like metal, and flexible as rubber. Also, we have also developed a reliable and an energy efficient geographic routing protocol for transporting strain data wirelessly from a tire surface to the driver of the automobile. / Master of Science

A Unifying Interface Abstraction for Accelerated Computing in Sensor Nodes

Iyer, Srikrishna 31 August 2011 (has links)
Hardware-software co-design techniques are very suitable to develop the next generation of sensornet applications, which have high computational demands. By making use of a low power FPGA, the peak computational performance of a sensor node can be improved without significant degradation of the standby power dissipation. In this contribution, we present a methodology and tool to enable hardware/software co-design for sensor node application development. We present the integration of nesC, a sensornet programming language, with GEZEL, an easy-to-use hardware description language. We describe the hardware/software interface at different levels of abstraction: at the level of the design language, at the level of the co-simulator, and in the hardware implementation. We use a layered, uniform approach that is particularly suited to deal with the heterogeneous interfaces typically found on small embedded processors. We illustrate the strengths of our approach by means of a prototype application: the integration of a hardware-accelerated crypto-application in a nesC application. / Master of Science

Υλοποίηση της βαθμίδας middleware σε wireless sensor networks με έμφαση στον ασύρματο προγραμματισμό των motes / Implementation of middleware layer in wireless sensor networks laying emphasis on wireless programming of motes

Βασιλόπουλος, Βασίλειος 08 July 2011 (has links)
Τα ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων αποτελούν μία πρωτοποριακή τεχνολογία που ήρθε στο προσκήνιο πριν από μία περίπου δεκαετία. Η καινοτομία της τεχνολογίας αυτής έγκειται στη συνεργασία μεγάλου αριθμού κόμβων περιορισμένων πόρων χαμηλής κατανάλωσης ισχύος σε μία μόνο εφαρμογή. Η εργασία αυτή ασχολείται με θέματα ενδιάμεσου λογισμικού σε ασύρματα δίκτυα αισθητήρων. Συγκεκριμένα, μελετάται το πρωτόκολλο Deluge που αποτελεί τη βασική επιλογή για ασύρματο προγραμματισμό δικτύων αισθητήρων που «τρέχουν» το λειτουργικό σύστημα πραγματικού χρόνου TinyOS. Παρέχοντας έναν αξιόπιστο και αποδοτικό μηχανισμό διάδοσης δεδομένων μέσω της δυαδικής εικόνας του κώδικα, το Deluge κατέχει ρόλο-κλειδί στη βαθμίδα ενδιάμεσου λογισμικού των ασύρματων δικτύων αισθητήρων. Η μελέτη και κατανόηση του πρωτοκόλλου αυτού επέτρεψε την υλοποίηση σε nesC ενός απλούστερου πρωτοκόλλου που αξιοποιεί τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά του μηχανισμού μετάδοσης δεδομένων του Deluge. Σε συνέχεια αυτής της υλοποίησης, αξιολογήθηκε εκ νέου η διαδικασία μετάδοσης πραγματοποιώντας δοκιμές τόσο σε πραγματικές τοπολογίες κόμβων αισθητήρων (motes) που υποστηρίζουν το πρότυπο ασύρματης επικοινωνίας IEEE 802.15.4 όσο και σε περιβάλλον προσομοίωσης (TOSSIM). Τα προκύπτοντα αποτελέσματα επιβεβαιώνουν την αποδοτική μετάδοση δεδομένων σε δίκτυα αισθητήρων αξιοποιώντας το πρωτόκολλο Deluge. Η παρούσα εργασία αποτελείται από έξι κεφάλαια. Το πρώτο κεφάλαιο παρέχει πληροφορίες για το γνωστικό αντικείμενο της εργασίας. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται μία μελέτη στην ερευνητική περιοχή των ασύρματων δικτύων αισθητήρων και στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο εξετάζονται τα βασικά χαρακτηριστικά ενός κόμβου αισθητήρων που υποστηρίζει το πρότυπο IEEE 802.15.4. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται η έννοια του ασύρματου προγραμματισμού στα δίκτυα αισθητήρων και μελετάται εκτενώς το πρωτόκολλο Deluge. Στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο περιγράφεται η υλοποίηση που έλαβε χώρα και η αξιολόγηση αυτής με τους μηχανισμούς που αναφέρθηκαν παραπάνω. Τέλος, στο έκτο κεφάλαιο παρατίθενται τα συμπεράσματα που εξήχθησαν από την εκπόνηση της εν λόγω εργασίας και δίνονται ορισμένες κατευθύνσεις για μελλοντική ενασχόληση με το Deluge και με το ενδιάμεσο λογισμικό στα δίκτυα αισθητήρων γενικότερα. / Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) emerged about a decade ago, representing a new class of computing with large numbers of resource-constrained computing nodes cooperating on a single application. This thesis deals with middleware issues in wireless sensor networks. Specifically, we study Deluge that suggests the de facto over-the-air programming protocol for WSNs working under TinyOS. Providing a reliable and efficient data dissemination mechanism via the binary image of the program code, Deluge plays a key role in the middleware layer of WSNs. Gaining insight into Deluge, we implemented in the nesC programming language a simplified protocol that incorporates the main features of Deluge data dissemination mechanism. This implementation allowed us to evaluate further the propagation procedure of Deluge using a two-mechanism evaluation framework. Carrying out experiments both in real-world deployments being compatible with IEEE 802.15.4 radio and in a simulation environment (TOSSIM), we verified the efficient data propagation in WSNs, using Deluge. This dissertation follows a structure of six chapters. In the first chapter, we give a piece of information about the subject field of this thesis. In the second chapter, we present an overall survey of the research area of WSNs and in the third chapter we examine the basic features of a sensor node (mote) whose wireless communication is based on an IEEE 802.15.4 compliant radio. In the fourth chapter, we discuss network programming in WSNs and we analyze the data dissemination mechanism of Deluge. In the fifth chapter, we discuss our implementation and its evaluation. Finally, in the sixth chapter, we conclude the thesis emphasizing the experience derived from that and we give some directions for future work with Deluge and middleware in WSNs generally.

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