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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of the kappa agonist U-50,488 on morphine-induced place preference conditioning and Fos immunoreactivity in the preweanling and periadolescent rat

Balaños Guzman, Carlos Alberto 01 January 1995 (has links)
The effects of the kappa opioid agonist U-50,488 on morphine-induced condtioned place preference (CPP), locomotor activity and Fos immunoreactivity and assessed in 10-, 17- and 35-day old rats. It was predicted that kappa agonist treatment would block the unconditioned and conditioned behaviors produced by morhine (a mu opioid receptor agonist).

Short-Term Plasticity at the Schaffer Collateral: A New Model with Implications for Hippocampal Processing

Toland, Andrew Hamilton 01 January 2012 (has links)
A new mathematical model of short-term synaptic plasticity (STP) at the Schaffer collateral is introduced. Like other models of STP, the new model relates short-term synaptic plasticity to an interaction between facilitative and depressive dynamic influences. Unlike previous models, the new model successfully simulates facilitative and depressive dynamics within the framework of the synaptic vesicle cycle. The novelty of the model lies in the description of a competitive interaction between calcium-sensitive proteins for binding sites on the vesicle release machinery. By attributing specific molecular causes to observable presynaptic effects, the new model of STP can predict the effects of specific alterations to the presynaptic neurotransmitter release mechanism. This understanding will guide further experiments into presynaptic functionality, and may contribute insights into the development of pharmaceuticals that target illnesses manifesting aberrant synaptic dynamics, such as Fragile-X syndrome and schizophrenia. The new model of STP will also add realism to brain circuit models that simulate cognitive processes such as attention and memory. The hippocampal processing loop is an example of a brain circuit involved in memory formation. The hippocampus filters and organizes large amounts of spatio-temporal data in real time according to contextual significance. The role of synaptic dynamics in the hippocampal system is speculated to help keep the system close to a region of instability that increases encoding capacity and discriminating capability. In particular, synaptic dynamics at the Schaffer collateral are proposed to coordinate the output of the highly dynamic CA3 region of the hippocampus with the phase-code in the CA1 that modulates communication between the hippocampus and the neocortex.

Functional relationship between forebrain cholinergic projections and somatostatin neurons in the rat

Perry, Theresa Fried 14 March 2009 (has links)
The two neuron types that initially degenerate with Alzheimer's Disease are the cholinergic projections from the septum to the hippocampus and from the substantia innominata to the cortex, and the somatostatinergic neurons in the hippocampus and cortex. The functional relationship between these two types of neurons was investigated using folic acid, a neuro-excitant, and cysteamine, a somatostatin depleter. Folic acid causes a neuron to fire at a much higher rate than normal (Spector, 1971). Folic acid was injected into either the septum or the substantia innominata, and the long-term effect of the resulting acute hyperactivity of the cholinergic neurons on somatostatin neurons was measured as somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in the hippocampus and cortex. Glutamic acid decarboxylase activity, a marker for gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) neurons, was also measured because it has been shown to decrease in the cortex after injection of folic acid into the substantia innominata. The administration of folic acid to the cholinergic neurons did not have a significant long-term effect on somatostatin-like immunoreactivity nor glutamic acid decarboxylase activity; therefore, a hyperactivity of the cholinergic neurons did not result in degeneration of GABAergic nor somatostatinergic neurons. Cysteamine causes a short-term depletion of somatostatin. Cysteamine was injected subcutaneously and the effect of an acute decrease of brain somatostatin on the cholinergic neurons was studied by measuring high affinity choline uptake, an indicator of cholinergic activity. Administration of cysteamine had no measured effect on high affinity choline uptake in the hippocampus or frontal cortex; therefore, a depletion of somatostatin did not effect cholinergic activity. The assay for high affinity choline uptake was tested by injection of pentobarbital, a drug known to decrease high affinity choline uptake. We detected a decrease in high affinity choline uptake after pentobarbital administration, indicating that if cysteamine were decreasing high affinity choline uptake, the assay would have detected it. / Master of Science

Etude fonctionnelle de la neurotransmission glutamatergique cortico-striatale et GABAergique striatale dans la physiologie normale et pathologique

Lambot, Laurie 19 August 2015 (has links)
Apprendre de nouvelles séquences d'actions est l'une des fonctions cruciales du système nerveux central. Cet apprentissage est notamment assuré par les ganglions de la base ;ceux-ci jouent un rôle critique dans la sélection d'actions ou la prise de décisions en permettant l'apprentissage et la sélection des programmes moteurs les plus appropriés. Comprendre la physiologie de cette circuiterie neuronale hautement complexe et particulièrement celle du striatum - structure d'entrée des ganglions de la base - est donc d'une importance capitale dans l'amélioration de notre compréhension de ce système neuronal. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle fonctionnel du récepteur NMDA (NMDA-R) dans une sous-population des neurones de projection, les neurones striatopallidaux. Ces récepteurs sont impliqués dans les modifications de l'efficacité synaptique à long terme et jouent donc un rôle central dans le mécanisme d'apprentissage. Notre travail démontre que le NMDA-R des neurones striatopallidaux est un élément essentiel de l'apprentissage au niveau des ganglions de la base. En effet, nous observons que des souris transgéniques, déficientes en NMDA-R spécifiquement dans les neurones striatopallidaux, disposent d'une capacité d'adaptation réduite aux modifications de leur environnement. De plus, nous démontrons que ces souris transgéniques présentent des connexions neuronales affaiblies susceptibles d'expliquer les altérations comportementales observées. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons également développé une stratégie expérimentale reposant sur l'utilisation d'outils optogénétiques afin de déterminer le rôle d'une population d'interneurones inhibiteurs du striatum, les "fast spiking interneurons" (FSI). Cette technique a été mise en oeuvre avec succès et nous avons validé son efficacité in vitro. Nous démontrons que cette approche permet un contrôle l'activité électrique des FSI à l'échelle de la milliseconde. Son application in vivo, combinée avec des paradigmes comportementaux, nous permettra d'élucider le rôle spécifique de cette sous-population neuronale, tant au niveau du contrôle moteur que de la prise de décisions, dans des situations physiologiques ou pathologiques. Dans son ensemble, le présent travail ouvre les portes vers une meilleure compréhension de l'orchestration de la microcircuiterie striatale. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Role of ryanodine receptors in neuronal calcium signalling and growth control

Bose, Diptiman Dipen 01 January 2002 (has links)
The versatility of Ca2+ as a messenger regulating a myriad of signalling events requires that the concentration of Ca2+ ions in the cytoplasm be highly regulated. Capacitative Ca2+ entry (CCE) or store-operated Ca2+ (SOC) entry, whereby the depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores induces the influx of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane, plays a crucial role in Ca2+ signalling. Despite the recent advances in elucidating the entry pathway, its molecular identity, biophysical properties and store-depletion signal remains undefined. Thapsigargin (TG), a sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ A TPase pump (SERCA), inhibitor induces passive depletion of the internal Ca2+ stores and triggers CCE. The universality of this signal has been widely accepted and TG has proven to be a valuable tool in studying CCE. The neuronal cell line NG 115 -401 L lacks the TG activated Ca2+ influx pathway. Agonists of the ryanodine receptor (RyR); chlorom- cresol (CMC), polychlorinated biphenyl 95 (PCB), ryanodine, caffeine, and that of the inositol-1 ,4 ,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R), bradykinin, effectively couple to the activation of Ca2+ influx in these cells. The Ca2+ influx signal due to these agonists can be inhibited by SOC blockers such as La3+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and SF&F 96365. Thapsigargin, CMC and PCB95 share the same Ca2+ releasable pools in the 401 L cells. Our data thus suggests that the channels present in the 401 L cells are likely to be receptor-activated channels rather than the store-depletion activated channels. Cell viability studies show that thapsigargin (25 nM) can decrease viability by 75% within 24 hrs and the RyR agonist caffeine decreased viability to <60% within 24hrs. CMC, PCB95 and ryanodine also were cytotoxic at higher doses. Nuclear fragmentation patterns and activation of caspase-3 in thapsigargin and caffeine-treated cells suggest the induction of apoptosis within 12 hrs of treatment. The treated cells were shown to generate nitric oxide, a potential apoptosis inducing agent.

Modélisation inverse du système neuromusculosquelettique : application au doigt majeur / Inverse modeling of neuro-musculo-skeletal system : application to the middle finger

Allouch, Samar 18 September 2014 (has links)
Avec le besoin de développer un organe artificiel remplaçant le doigt humain dans le cas d'un déficit et la nécessité de comprendre le fonctionnement de ce système physiologique, un modèle physique inverse du système doigt, permettant de chercher les activations neuronales à partir du mouvement, est nécessaire. Malgré le grand nombre d'études dans la modélisation de la main humaine, presque il n'existe aucun modèle physique inverse du système doigt majeur qui s'intéresse à chercher les activations neuronales. Presque tous les modèles existants se sont intéressés à la recherche des forces et des activations musculaires. L'objectif de la thèse est de présenter un modèle neuromusculo-squelettique du système doigt majeur humain permettant d'obtenir les activations neuronales, les activations musculaires et les forces musculaires des tous les muscles agissants sur le système doigt d'après l'analyse du mouvement. Le but de ce type des modèles est de représenter les caractéristiques essentielles du mouvement avec le plus de réalisme possible. Notre travail consiste à étudier, modéliser et à simuler le mouvement du doigt humain. L'innovation du modèle proposé est le couplage entre la biomécanique et les aspects neurophysiologiques afin de simuler la chaine inverse complet du mouvement en allant des données dynamiques du doigt aux intentions neuronales qui contrôlent les activations musculaires. L'autre innovation est la conception d'un protocole expérimental spécifique qui traite à la fois les données sEMG multicanal et les données cinématiques d'après une procédure de capture de mouvement. / With the need to develop an artificial organ replacing the human finger in the case of a deficiency and the need to understand how this physiological system works, an inverse physical model of the finger system for estimating neuronal activations from the movement, is necessary. Despite the large number of studies in the human hand modeling, almost there is no inverse physical model of the middle finger system that focuses on search neuronal activations. Al most all existing models have focused on the research of the muscle forces and muscle activations. The purpose of the manuscript is to present a neuromusculoskeletal model of the human middle finger system for estimating neuronal activations, muscle activations and muscle forces of all the acting muscles after movement analysis. The aim of such models is to represent the essential characteristics of the movement with the best possible realism. Our job is to study, model and simulate the movement of the human finger. The innovation of the proposed model is the coupling between the biomechanical and neurophysiological aspects to simulate the complete inverse movement chain from dynamic finger data to neuronal intents that control muscle activations. Another innovation is the design of a specific experimental protocol that treats both the multichannel sEMG and kinematic data from a data capture procedure of the movement.

The effects of CaMKII signaling on neuronal viability

Ashpole, Nicole M. 10 December 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). / Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) is a critical modulator of synaptic function, plasticity, and learning and memory. In neurons and astrocytes, CaMKII regulates cellular excitability, cytoskeletal structure, and cell metabolism. A rapid increase in CaMKII activity is observed within the first few minutes of ischemic stroke in vivo; this calcium-dependent process is also observed following glutamate stimulation in vitro. Activation of CaMKII during pathological conditions is immediately followed by inactivation and aggregation of the kinase. The extent of CaMKII inactivation is directly correlated with the extent of neuronal damage. The studies presented here show that these fluctuations in CaMKII activity are not correlated with neuronal death; rather, they play a causal role in neuronal death. Pharmacological inhibition of CaMKII in the time immediately surrounding glutamate insult protects cultured cortical neurons from excitotoxicity. Interestingly, pharmacological inhibition of CaMKII during excitotoxic insult also prevents the aggregation and prolonged inactivation of the kinase, suggesting that CaMKII activity during excitotoxic glutamate signaling is detrimental to neuronal viability because it leads to a prolonged loss of CaMKII activity, culminating in neuronal death. In support of this, CaMKII inhibition in the absence of excitotoxic insult induces cortical neuron apoptosis by dysregulating intracellular calcium homeostasis and increasing excitatory glutamate signaling. Blockade of the NMDA-receptors and enzymatic degradation of the extracellular glutamate signal affords neuroprotection from CaMKII inhibition-induced toxicity. Co-cultures of neurons and glutamate-buffering astrocytes also exhibit this slow-induced excitotoxicity, as CaMKII inhibitors reduce glutamate uptake within the astrocytes. CaMKII inhibition also dysregulates calcium homeostasis in astrocytes and leads to increased ATP release, which was neurotoxic when applied to naïve cortical neurons. Together, these findings indicate that during aberrant calcium signaling, the activation of CaMKII is toxic because it supports aggregation and prolonged inactivation of the kinase. Without CaMKII activity, neurons and astrocytes release stores of transmitters that further exacerbate neuronal toxicity.

Involvement of Collapsin Response Mediator Protein 2 in Posttraumatic Sprouting in Acquired Epilepsy

Wilson, Sarah Marie January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Posttraumatic epilepsy, the development of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) following traumatic brain injury, accounts for 20% of symptomatic epilepsy. Reorganization of mossy fibers within the hippocampus is a common pathological finding of TLE. Normal mossy fibers project into the CA3 region of the hippocampus where they form synapses with pyramidal cells. During TLE, mossy fibers are observed to innervate the inner molecular layer where they synapse onto the dendrites of other dentate granule cells, leading to the formation of recurrent excitatory circuits. To date, the molecular mechanisms contributing to mossy fiber sprouting are relatively unknown. Recent focus has centered on the involvement of tropomycin-related kinase receptor B (TrkB), which culminates in glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) inactivation. As the neurite outgrowth promoting collapsin response mediator protein 2 (CRMP2) is rendered inactive by GSK3β phosphorylation, events leading to inactivation of GSK3β should therefore increase CRMP2 activity. To determine the involvement of CRMP2 in mossy fiber sprouting, I developed a novel tool ((S)-LCM) for selectively targeting the ability of CRMP2 to enhance tubulin polymerization. Using (S)-LCM, it was demonstrated that increased neurite outgrowth following GSK3β inactivation is CRMP2 dependent. Importantly, TBI led to a decrease in GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 within 24 hours which was secondary to the inactivation of GSK3β. The loss of GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 was maintained even at 4 weeks post-injury, despite the transience of GSK3β-inactivation. Based on previous work, it was hypothesized that activity-dependent mechanisms may be responsible for the sustained loss of CRMP2 phosphorylation. Activity-dependent regulation of GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 levels was observed that was attributed to a loss of priming by cyclin dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), which is required for subsequent phosphorylation by GSK3β. It was confirmed that the loss of GSK3β-phosphorylated CRMP2 at 4 weeks post-injury was likely due to decreased phosphorylation by CDK5. As TBI resulted in a sustained increase in CRMP2 activity, I attempted to prevent mossy fiber sprouting by targeting CRMP2 in vivo following TBI. While (S)-LCM treatment dramatically reduced mossy fiber sprouting following TBI, it did not differ significantly from vehicle-treated animals. Therefore, the necessity of CRMP2 in mossy fiber sprouting following TBI remains unknown.

Sphingosine 1-phosphate enhances excitability of sensory neurons through sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors 1 and/or 3

Li, Chao January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a bioactive sphingolipid that has proven to be an important signaling molecule both as an extracellular primary messenger and as an intracellular second messenger. Extracellular S1P acts through a family of five S1P receptors, S1PR1-5, all of which are G protein-coupled receptors associated with different G proteins. Previous work from our laboratory shows that externally applied S1P increases the excitability of small-diameter sensory neurons by enhancing the action potential firing. The increased neuronal excitability is mediated primarily, but not exclusively, through S1PR1. This raises the question as to which other S1PRs mediate the enhanced excitability in sensory neurons. To address this question, the expression of different S1PR subtypes in small-diameter sensory neurons was examined by single-cell quantitative PCR. The results show that sensory neurons express the mRNAs for all five S1PRs, with S1PR1 mRNA level significantly greater than the other subtypes. To investigate the functional contribution of other S1PRs in augmenting excitability, sensory neurons were treated with a pool of three individual siRNAs targeted to S1PR1, R2 and R3. This treatment prevented S1P from augmenting excitability, indicating that S1PR1, R2 and/or R3 are essential in mediating S1P-induced sensitization. To study the role of S1PR2 in S1P-induced sensitization, JTE-013, a selective antagonist at S1PR2, was used. Surprisingly, JTE-013 by itself enhanced neuronal excitability. Alternatively, sensory neurons were pretreated with FTY720, which is an agonist at S1PR1/R3/R4/R5 and presumably downregulates these receptors. FTY720 pretreatment prevented S1P from increasing neuronal excitability, suggesting that S1PR2 does not mediate the S1P-induced sensitization. To test the hypothesis that S1PR1 and R3 mediate S1P-induced sensitization, sensory neurons were pretreated with specific antagonists for S1PR1 and R3, or with siRNAs targeted to S1PR1 and R3. Both treatments blocked the capacity of S1P to enhance neuronal excitability. Therefore my results demonstrate that the enhanced excitability produced by S1P is mediated by S1PR1 and/or S1PR3. Additionally, my results indicate that S1P/S1PR1 elevates neuronal excitability through the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase. The data from antagonism at S1PR1 to regulate neuronal excitability provides insight into the importance of S1P/S1PR1 axis in modulating pain signal transduction.

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