Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dew space"" "subject:"dew apace""
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La route des étoiles et autres nouvelles, suivi de Présence du réalisme magique dans deux nouvelles québécoises et deux nouvelles sud-américaines, essaiProvost, Catherine January 2015 (has links)
La première partie de ce mémoire présente La route des étoiles et autres nouvelles, recueil de quatre nouvelles réalistes magiques mettant en scène des glissements du réel vers le surnaturel, lesquels sont acceptés par les personnages. Ces derniers, après avoir été en contact avec le côté magique des choses, perçoivent différemment le monde. Suit la seconde partie, intitulée Présence du réalisme magique dans deux nouvelles québécoises et deux nouvelles sud-américaines. Le chapitre 1 offre un bref aperçu des origines du réalisme magique, puis aborde les différentes théories et définitions qui lui sont rattachées. Dans le chapitre 2, une analyse de deux nouvelles québécoises (« La clé des océans » de Nicolas Dickner et « Apte au travail » de Michel Dufour) et de deux nouvelles sud-américaines (« La maison en sucre » de Silvina Ocampo et « Le noyé le plus beau du monde » de Gabriel García Márquez) a pour but d’identifier des traces du sous-genre qu’est le réalisme magique. Ce dernier s’incarne différemment en fonction de l’origine des auteurs. Ainsi, bien que la subversion soit présente tant chez les auteurs sud-américains que chez les auteurs québécois, on trouve chez ces derniers davantage d’humour et d’ironie. En outre, les textes québécois étudiés ici s’apparentent davantage à la poétique de la nouvelle, tandis que ceux sud-américains semblent plus près du conte. Enfin, le chapitre 3 consiste en un retour sur La routes des étoiles et autres nouvelles et clôt le mémoire en présentant les intentions tant thématiques que poétiques derrière chacune des nouvelles du recueil. Une mise en parallèle de ces textes avec ceux de Dickner, Dufour, Ocampo et García Márquez permet d’effectuer un retour réflexif sur l’écriture réaliste magique.
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Inter-Satellite Link Design for Nanosatellites in New SpaceFredmer, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
New Space is a phrase used to describe the expanding commercialization into the areas of space, for instance the Low Earth Orbit at approximately 500 km altitude. This is due to the decrease in cost as the satellites are becoming smaller and the transport vehicles cheaper. This reduction of cost provide the opportunity for industry and researchers tosend up customized equipment to orbit with standardized smaller satellites, such as the nanosatellites. Many parts of the nanosatellites system are commercially available but some subsystems are dependent on the situation. One of which is the satellite to satellite communication, referred to as Inter-Satellite Link (ISL). This thesis aims To evaluate the feasibility of asystem that allow for ISL capability and the basic operations of a satellite. Two hypothetical mission designs, Earth Observation and Global Coverage, were used to simulate the restrictions and requirements of the subsystems together with Commercial Of the Shelf (COTS) equipment to consider the satellite system as a whole. The major principles of the Radio Frequency (RF) communication system and their low level components are investigated and discussed. The scope of this thesis were to present and evaluate the high system level of the satellite. Thus the results and discussion describe a theoretical system performance that could be achieved with suggestions of low level components and system configuration. Besides from the communication subsystem this thesis also includes theory of mission design, the satellite subsystems and external interactions to describe how it all affects the design work of the communication system. Conclusion of this work offers a versatile preliminary system design that is theoretically capable of limited ISL communications. Furthermore this thesis include the fundamental principles of the satellite system that can be used for further work or alternative mission designs.
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Reliable On Board Data Processing System for the ICEYE- 1 satelliteKorczyk, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Recent development in electronics for mobile devices has led to the decrease in sizes and cost of autonomous complex embedded systems such as satellites. It is now possible to build a satellite quicker and only for a fraction of previous costs by using Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) components. Yet, there are some obstacles that need to be overcome before a successful small satellite can be designed. Among these are the radiation environment, thermal issues, the overall system complexity and tight schedules. This thesis addresses these issues and proposes an overall approach for designing small satellites’ electronics. This approach can be summarised in 6 recommendations: Keep it simple Use fast hardware iterations Do not use space grade components Use a single string design on the system level (no redundancy) Design with limited trust in the software Use simple, accessible and easy updatable documentation With respect to those recommendations an on board data processing system, the Processing Board, has been designed for the ICEYE-1 satellite. The ICEYE-1 satellite is a fully commercial Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite that will be launched in December 2017. The designed board has been manufactured and verified during airborne test campaigns. / Nya elektronikutvecklingar för mobiltelefoner har lett till en minskning av storlek och kostnader för andra autonoma komplexa inbyggda system som t.ex. satelliter. Så kallade småsatelliter kan numera byggas snabbare och för endast en bråkdel av tidigare kostnader med hjälp av Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) komponenter. Det finns dock vissa hinder som måste övervinnas om man vill designa en pålitligt fungerande småsatellit. Till dessa kan räknas strålningsmiljön, väl fungerande värmeledning, det totala systemets komplexitet samt snäva tidtabeller. Detta examensarbete behandlar dessa frågor och föreslår en övergripande strategi för att designa elektronik för småsatelliter. Detta tillvägagångssätt kan sammanfattas i 6 rekommendationer: Håll det enkelt Implementera snabba hårdvaruiterationer Använd inte rymdklassade komponenter Använd ingen redundans på systemnivå Designa med en begränsad tilltro på mjukvaran Dokumentera på ett enkelt, tillgängligt och lätt uppdateringsbart sätt Dessa rekommendationer har använts till att utveckla ett databehandlingssystem, kallat "Processing Board", till småsatelliten ICEYE-1. ICEYE-1 är en kommersiell Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellit som kommer att skjutas i omloppsbana i december 2017. Databehandlingssystemet i fråga har utvecklats och verifierats i samband med flygplansburna testkampanjer.
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Learning in New Space : Knowledge Sourcing for Innovation in Northern Swedish New Space Companies / Lärande i rymdindustrin : Kunskapskällor för innovation i nordsvenska rymdbolagFilip Nikitas, Metallinos Log, Sandra Lipic, Persson January 2020 (has links)
The New Space industry is a novel branch of the space industry focusing on innovation and commercialization. It experiences very swift growth, although only a fraction of this growth has taken place in Sweden. In order to change this, policymakers are investing funds and efforts into developing the Swedish New Space industry, including the Kvarken Space Center project, aimed at developing the Northern Swedish New Space industry. Here, we see public support in developing a high-tech innovation ecosystem in a peripheral area. This is a topic offering multiple research streams on the most efficient development methods, two of which juxtapose the knowledge ecosystem and intercompany collaborations respectively. With that in mind, we formulated the following research question: How are collaborations and the knowledge ecosystem used to source knowledge for the innovation process? To approach to the subject, we gathered literature on innovation systems and ecosystems in order to analyze the importance of the knowledge ecosystem and the various shapes the industry can assume. This information is linked to theory on knowledge types and sourcing methods considering tacit and codified knowledge, which through different constellations form different needs of knowledge sources. Our empirical approach investigated how the companies used different knowledge sources, namely collaborations, the knowledge ecosystem, and other sources, including networks, monitoring, and mobility. Thereafter, we considered the effects of outstanding factors, including funding and the peripheral region, on knowledge input in innovation. We identified that companies in the upstream industry node, i.e. those related to launch activities and vehicles, and companies in the downstream node, i.e. those extracting data from space, both use engineering knowledge. Engineering knowledge requires both tacit and some codified knowledge, suggesting similar knowledge inputs for both nodes. However, different node traits lead to different inputs. Upstream companies see low degrees of knowledge transfer, especially from the knowledge ecosystem and from collaborations due to NDAs and intellectual property regards, and tacit knowledge input from external sources is particularly lacking. Downstream actors see few constraints to using the investigated knowledge sources, although collaborations saw difficulties due to complexities in structuring them. However, many unilateral complementarities are seen from the knowledge ecosystem, leading to higher knowledge input particularly from networks, while also boosting collaborations to some extent. This was also partly observed in upstream companies. Thus, the knowledge ecosystem sees significant use, although much is indirect, while collaborations see less use. Our main findings are that policymakers and the knowledge ecosystem should focus more on sources of tacit knowledge, such as students, while investing in network-boosting activities as industry events. Companies, especially upstream ones, should utilize collaborations more. Upstream companies should also utilize the local knowledge ecosystem more, as the rights to intellectual property produced by private actors in universities belong to the producer. Regarding future research, we warrant studies on knowledge sourcing in New Space companies and other knowledge sources, such as networks as a compensatory knowledge source.
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Innovation in Swedish Space Industry : A case study on how to attract new actors in the space sectorSakr, Mohamed, Åkesson, Martin January 2022 (has links)
Abstract Space has always pushed humanity further to acknowledge its existence and what was once mere speculation through observation, today we have reached a climax in fully understanding its reach and its potential for society. Through the utilization of technological advancements, people, countries, and organizations are starting to understand the capacity in utilizing our resources to create and develop fundamental applications that can create positive effects in our environment, society, and economy. The space industry is continuously evolving pushing forth a new age in space technology, a revolutionary space race. This transitory phase from old space and new space has furthered global competition and has created a new path for innovative practices that demand progression to remain sustainable and competitive in the present global environment. Which made us interested in exploring the following research question: How do new entrants in the high-technology space industry navigate the transition from old space to new space? Our thesis aims in understanding this transitory phase from old space and new space. To satisfactory answer our research question we selectively focus on Sweden’s space industry and its relative organizations and businesses. Through the evaluation of smalland medium sized organizations that exist in Sweden’s current space ecosystem, we aim to understand this evolutionary shift in innovative practices, collaborative efforts, and which factors contribute to increasing new entrants in what was once deemed a closed system. Therefore, fulfilling a research gap in academic literature by shedding light on new practices from a stakeholder’s perspective in the creation and diffusion of knowledge, networks, and motivational factors that form opportunities within existing platforms in the space industry that are essential and fundamental to the creation of progressive innovation ecosystems. To conclude, this thesis contributes with an understanding of the historic, current and future possibilities for small and medium sized organisations within the space sector in Sweden. We explore the current ecosystem by interviewing SMEs that have embraced the opportunities that exist and with industry experts who have valuable insights to offer. We hope that with this thesis more individuals gain insight in the current restraints that new entrants are met with and how to effectively reduce those. Key words: New space, Old space, Innovation, Ecosystem, Motivation, Platforms, Stakeholder, Opportunity forming / Business Administration
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A feasibility study for a satellite VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) / En förstudie för ett satellit väldigt högfrekvent datautbytessystem (VDES)Grujicic, Julian January 2019 (has links)
Transportation across the globe's oceans increases every year and is expected to keep increasing in the following decades. Consequently, there is a need to establish communication over the horizon through the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and the Very High Frequency (VHF) Data Exchange System (VDES), still in development, to track and communicate with vessels all over the globe regardless of the distance from shore. In this Master thesis a feasibility study for the development of a system that fulfils that need is proposed consisting of a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellation providing VDES communication continuously all over the globe. A system engineering approach has been followed, identifying stakeholders and producing system requirements setting up a framework for the system. The key stakeholders were found to be the customers/users, the satellite provider, the satellite operator, the service provider and the payload provider. Furthermore, possible use-cases were presented and a system architecture was defined to outline the system, dividing the system into three segments: the space segment, the ground segment and the launch segment. In addition, design proposals for a satellite constellation and a typical satellite in such a constellation were implemented. The satellite constellation was proposed to consist of 91 satellites at an orbit altitude of around 550 km in polar orbits of common inclination, this was regarding a minimum elevation angle of 10 degrees. The satellite is recommended to consist of a 6 U CubeSat using as payload the existing airborne transponder R5A from Saab TransponderTech, it builds on the Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology and is to be further developed for VDES applications. Moreover, a link- and a data budget were implemented. Different launch options were addressed concluding that launching as secondary payload on a ride-share mission or as primary payload on a small satellite launch vehicle are the preferable options. A market analysis has been made providing details on how many AIS/VDES satellites that have been launched into LEO and by which service provider, as well as further details on small/nano satellites of extra interest to this work. A short risk evaluation was also done, identifying the most evident risks with developing, operating and disposing the system. In addition, Saab's potential role in the development of satellite VDES is discussed. In conclusion to this work it has been shown that it is possible to build a global continuous satellite constellation in LEO utilising as payload an SDR-platform to provide VDES services to vessels at open seas. / Transport globalt till havs ökar varje år och förväntas fortsätta att öka de följande årtiondena. Följaktligen finns ett behov av att etablera över horisonten kommunikation genom det automatiska identifieringssystemet (AIS) och det väldigt högfrekventa datautbytessystemet (VDES), under utveckling, för att spåra och kommunicera med fartyg över hela världen oberoende av avståndet från land. I detta examensarbete har en förstudie utförts för utvecklingen av ett system som uppfyller detta behov. Systemet föreslås bestå av en låg jordbana satellitkonstellation som kontinuerligt tillhandahåller VDES-kommunikation över hela världen. Ett systemtekniskt tillvägagångssätt har följts, intressenter har identifierats och utifrån dessa har systemkrav tagits fram. De viktigaste intressenterna befanns vara användare/kunder, satellitleverantören, satellitoperatören, tjänsteleverantören och nyttolastleverantören. Vidare lyftes olika möjliga användningsområden för systemet fram och en systemarkitektur framställdes vari systemet delades in i tre segment: rymdsegmentet, marksegmentet och uppskjutningssegmentet. Dessutom genomfördes designförslag för en satellitkonstellation samt en typisk satellit i en sådan konstellation. Satellitkonstellationen föreslogs bestå av 91 satelliter på en altitud på omkring 550 km i polära banor med gemensam inklination, detta var gällande för en minimum elevationsvinkel på 10 grader. Satelliten rekommenderades bestå av en 6 U CubeSat med den befintliga luftburna transpondern R5A från Saab TransponderTech som nyttolast, vilken bygger på mjukvaruradioteknik och är tänkt att vidareutvecklas för VDES-applikationer. Vidare, implementerades en länk- och data budget. Olika uppskjutningsmöjligheter undersöktes, varav slutsatsen att uppskjutning som sekundär nyttolast på ett delningsuppdrag eller som primär nyttolast medhjälp av ett mindre uppskjutningsfordon anpassat för små satelliter var de föredragna alternativen. Även en marknadsanalys har genomförts, där det redogjorts för hur många AIS / VDES - satelliter som har uppskjutits i LEO och av vilken tjänsteleverantör, samt ytterligare detaljer om små / nano satelliter av extra intresse för arbetet. En kort riskbedömning har också gjorts, där de mest uppenbara riskerna med utveckling, drift och undanröjande av systemet identifierats. Dessutom diskuteras Saabs möjliga roll i utvecklingen av satellit VDES. Slutsatsen av detta arbete har visat att det är möjligt att bygga en global kontinuerlig satellitkonstellation i låg jordbana med en mjukvaruradio som nyttolast som tillhandahåller VDES-tjänster till fartyg på öppna hav.
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Inter-Satellite Links for an Earth-Observation Constellation (AlertSat) / Inter-Satellitlänkar för en Jordobservationkonstellation (AlertSat)Söderman, Emil January 2024 (has links)
Satellite constellations are becoming more common as the prices for satellite launches drops. These constellations have different purposes such as communications, navigation or Earth-observation. Earth-observation constellations can be used to detect natural disasters such as wildfires, floods and landslides. Many of these events occur in remote areas that are hard to reach. This means that detecting that they have occurred can take a long time and the delayed response can have serious consequences for the area. Forest wildfires for example spread quickly and a delayed response can lead to the fire growing out of control. These events can be detected using satellite imagery from Earth-Observation satellites. One issue is that even if it’s detected, satellites orbit Earth approximately once every 90 minutes in low Earth orbit, which for fast spreading disasters might not be fast enough. Another issue is that downlinking large amounts of data in the form of images often requires large, powerful and expensive satellites. The processing on the ground also takes time. This means that by the time the event has been detected it can already be to late. Combining the satellite sensors with software that can detect the critical events in-orbit, eliminates the need to downlink all images and only send the needed information. Instead it can be processed on-board the satellites, enabling smaller, less expensive satellites. When a satellite detect an event there is no certainty that it is above a ground station. The information can’t be sent to until it has line of sight of one. Having many ground stations spread across the world would increase cost and is limited by the availability of antennas. The information can instead be shared with the other satellites in the constellation via Inter-Satellite Links to reduce the latency of the information. The AlertSat constellation from the Swedish company PandionAI aims to do this. With it’s twin concept constellation design it will be able to do autonomous tasking, change detection and decision control using small, specialized satellites. When for example a wildfire is detected an Alert will be generated and quickly be sent through the constellation to a satellite within line of sight of a ground station so that it reaches the end user who can respond. This thesis aims to answer the question of how Inter-Satellite Links can be used ii | to reduce latency for the AlertSat constellation. It will identify the parameters, limits and trade offs that the communication has. Inter-Satellite Links have limits due to the distance that the satellites in orbit have to each other. The satellites are also limited in size and power which needs to be quantified for us to be able to see how much data that can be sent, while the link can still be closed. / Satellitkonstellationer blir ett mer vanligt fenomen då priset för satellit uppskjutningar sjunker. Dessa konstellationer har olika syften så som kommunikation, navigation och jordobservation. Jordobservationkonstellationer kan användas för att upptäcka naturkatastrofer så som skogsbränder, översvämmningar och jordskred. Många av dessa naturkatastrofer händer i avlägsna områden som är svåråtkomliga. Det betyder att upptäckten av de kan ta lång tid och den försenade responsen kan få allvarliga konsekvenser för området. Skogsbränder till exempel sprider sig snabbt och en sen respons kan leda till att branden sprider sig utom kontroll. Dessa händelser kan upptäckas genom att använda satellitbilder från jordobservationssatelliter. Ett problem är dock att även när en händelse observaras så är tiden för en satellit i låg omloppsbana runt jorden ungefär 90 minuter, vilket för vissa naturkatastrofer inte är snabbt nog. Ett annat problem är att nedlänka stora mängder data i formen av bilder vilket ofta kräver stora, kraftfulla och dyra satelliter. Att processera den här mängden data på jorden tar också tid. Det betyder att när en händelse blir upptäckt är det redan försent. Genom att kombinera satellitsensorer med mjukvara för att upptäcka dessa kritiska händelser i omloppsbanan kan man ta bort behövet att nedlänka alla bilder utan bara skicka den allra nödvändigaste informationen. Bilderna analyseras istället ombord själva satelliterna vilket möjliggör mindre, billigare satelliter. När en satellit upptäcker en händelse finns det ingen garanti för att den befinner sig ovanför en markstation. Informationen kan därför inte skickas förrens markstationen och satelliten har siktlinje av varandra. Att ha flera markstationer spridda över världen skulle öka kostnaden och är dessutom begränsad av antennernas tillgänglighet. Informationen kan istället delas med de andra satelliterna i konstellationen via inter-satellit länkar för att reducera latenstiden för informationen. AlertSat konstellationen från det svenska bolaget PandionAI har som mål att göra detta. Med sitt tvillingkoncept på konstellationen kommer den kunna utföra autonoma uppgifter, förändringsdetektering och beslutskontroll med hjälp av små, specialiserade satelliter. När till exempel en skogsbrand upptäcks kommer en varning bli genererad och snabbt skickas genom konstellationen till en satellit ovanför en markstation så att den kan nå den slutgiltiga användaren som kan agera. Den här uppsatsen har som mål att svara på hur inter-satellitlänkar kan användas för att reducera latensetiden för AlertSat konstellationen. Den ska också identifiera vilka parametrar, begränsningar och avvägningar som den här kommunikationen har. Eftersom satelliterna är begränsade i storlek och kraft behöver dessa kvantifieras så att det går att se hur mycket data som kan skickas medans länken fortfarande kan stängas.
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Multifunkční kulturní centrum "Creative City" Brno / Multi-function Cultural Centre "Creative City" in BrnoMazurová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the Master thesis project is a reconstruction of former prison in Soudní street in Brno. The current building is a historical construction from 18th century and contains chapel. This building has an extension, which closes the block from the Bratislavská street. The prison has square layout with two inside yards and one yards between prison and the extension. The design contains new usage of the current spaces with extension of new floors on the prison building, demolition of the current extension from the Cejl street and construction of new building on created new space. On the current building is designed two floor structure from the Soudní street, the rest of the building has one floor. New administrative construction is connected with the old building by a bridge. The main purpose of new creative centre are spaces for artists, painters, architects, alternative actors, newspaper publishers, starting businessmen and other functions that relates to operation of the building. Other functions are living, permanent and temporary, atelier for public and cooking institute.
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