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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance Seismic Design of the Retrofit of a University Library using Non-Conventional Methods

Chavez, B., Chavez, B., Matias, C., Huaco, G. 07 February 2020 (has links)
This research proposes a structural retrofit of a reinforced concrete building older than 50 years. The structural system is dual using frames and walls, having an area of 1980 m2 and 4 levels with a total height of 15.50 m. There are three unconventional methods to retrofit this infrastructure. The first is to install steel jackets with bolt anchors. The second methodology is through the use of jackets and anchors of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP). The third alternative is through reinforcement of walls with 2 diagonal struts made with CFRP sheets as struts, also installing CFRP anchors at each end of both struts to ensure that these sheets work up to their high levels of tension. These anchors together with the diagonal plates contribute to give ductility to the wall and in turn resist the effects of sliding at the base, a fault that is very common in rigid structures such as walls. Each unconventional reinforcement methodology used in this research is validated using laboratory tests results of reinforced columns and walls retrofitted with every of the three innovative methods. Nonlinear static analysis - Pushover of each alternative was performed and compared with the demand for the 1974 earthquake in Lima, scaling 3 seismic records to a PGA of 0.45g, which is the acceleration of design in Lima. It is shown that these proposals are effective in providing levels of shear base and displacement capacity in the inelastic design. For the 0.40mx0.80m columns, the results show that both reinforcements increase ductility by more than 10%; on the other hand, the proposal of reinforcement in the walls of 40cm thick, produced even better results increasing ductility by 100% and shear base by 100%.

Nekonvenční metody měření proudu a napětí / Non-standard methods of current and voltage measurements

Talába, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This work brings a study about non-conventional methods of voltage and current measurement, followed by a creation of magneto-resistive material based current sensor prototype, suitable for medium voltage switchgear from ABB. Outcome of the study is description of physical principle and the measurement principle of non-conventional methods. Outcome of the experimental part is a current sensor based on magneto-resistive component, which can measure magnetic field generated around a wire with flowing primary current. Through the magnetic field, the sensor can measure primary current flowing in the wire. Sensor was measured in range 0 – 1000 A, and its accuracy and linearity was approximately 6%. The main contribution of this work is the confirmation that this non-conventional method works for measurement of high currents. Based on the outcome, ABB can decide whether is this technology suitable for its product portfolio.

Larvterapi versus konventionella metoder i modern sårläkning av svårläkta sår. Effekter och upplevelse. //LARVA THERAPY VERSUS CONVENTIONAL METHODS IN MODERN WOUND HEALING OF ULCERS. EFFECTIVENESS AND EXPERIENCE

Borglund, Marina, Helldén, Christine January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att jämföra larvterapi och konventionella metoder vid behandling av svårläkta sår utifrån följande perspektiv: upprensning av sår, duration av sårläkning och patienternas upplevelse. Polit & Becks (2006) modell användes vid arbete med denna litteraturstudie. Sökning av relevant litteratur gjordes i tre databas: PubMed, CINAHL och The Cochrane Library. Relevanta artiklar granskades med hjälp av granskningsprotokollerna modifierade av författarna efter Willman (2006). Nio olika studier har undersökts i denna litteraturstudie. Studierna utreder dels larvterapins effektivitet i upprensning av sår samt larvernas läkningsförmåga och dels hur patienterna upplever larvterapi. Detta sattes i relation till konventionella behandlingsmetoder. Resultaten är positiva i larvterapins favör. Larvterapi är ett effektivt sätt att rensa upp nekrotisk och inflammerad vävnad i svårläkta sår. Såren rensas och läker fortare med få biverkningar jämfört med konventionella behandlingar. Dessutom bildas granulationsvävnad snabbare, vilket är en förutsättning för sårets läkning. Korrekt information och involvering av patienten skapar en positiv attityd i denna behandlingsform. Ett stort behov finns för detta i sårläkningens område pga ökade restriktioner av antibiotikaanvändning och ett önskat minskat lidande hos patienter med svårläkta sår. Det finns stora möjligheter för larvterapin om den fortsätter att utforskas. / The aim of this literature study is to compare larva therapy and conventional methods in treatment of ulcers on the basis of the following perspective: debridement of ulcers, duration of wound healing and patients´ experience. Polit & Becks (2006) model was used when working with this literature study. Search of relevant literature was done in three databases: PubMed, CINAHL and The Cochrane Library. Relevant articles were checked with the help of checklists modified of authors after Willman (2006). Nine different studies have been examined. The studies partly investigate the larva therapy’s effectiveness in debridement of ulcers and maggots´ capability in healing and partly how patients experience the larva therapy. This was set in relation to conventional treatment methods. The results are positive in larva therapy’s favour. Ulcers are debrided and healed quicker with few secondary effects compared to conventional treatments. Larva therapy is an effective way to debride necrotic and inflamed tissue in ulcers. Moreover new granulation tissue forms faster which is a condition for wound healing. Correct information and patients´ participation creates a positive attitude for this treatment. There is a big need for this in wound healing because of increased restrictions of use of antibiotics and desired decreased suffering for patients with ulcers. There are many possibilities with larva therapy if it continues to be researched.

Kinetics Of Polymerization And Degradation By Non-Conventional Techniques

Karmore, Vishal K 02 1900 (has links)
Non-conventional techniques for polymerization and depolymerization were investigated. The rates of polymerization were enhanced higher in ultrasonic, supercritical fluids and microwaves. However in these system under certain conditions, simultaneous degradation also occurred. Depolymerization was studied by various methods like thermal degradation in supercritical fluids and in presence of oxidizers, Lewis acid and other organic acids. Degradation by ultrasound and thermal degradation of polymer mixtures were also investigated. The scission of the polymer backbone is random for thermal degradation while the scission occurs at the midpoint for ultrasonic degradation. The degradation rates in all the investigated techniques were higher than the degradation rates observed for pyrolysis. Degradation was possible at low temperature (< 50°C) for oxidative and ultrasound degradation while the degradation rates were two orders of magnitude higher in supercritical conditions. The molecular weight distribution was obtained by GPC analysis and the continuous distribution models were used to obtain the rate coefficients. The activation energies were calculated from the temperature dependence of the rate coefficients.

Radar Target detection using Cell Evaluation Method for Industrial Safety

Sambath, Praanesh January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of using radars in industrial safety system is to detect the presence of target accurately. The conventional methods of radar target detection algorithm such as the Cell averaging constant false alarm rate method (CA-CFAR), Greatest of constant false alarm method (GO-CFAR) and the Smallest of constant false alarm rate method (SO-CFAR) has their own disadvantage when it comes to precise target detection which is a key factor for a safety system. This thesis investigates the above mentioned conventional CFAR algorithms for its pros and cons in target detection and proposes a new and improved method called Cell Evaluation target detection method. The proposed method is shown to mitigate the limitations present and the assumptions made in the conventional target detection method. Further more angular estimation is performed to determine the precise location of the target and the artifacts due to the angular estimation is eliminated by aggregating the detected points from multiple radar modules by linear translation. This gives a better visualization of the target. / Radarteknik kan användas inom maskinsäkerhet (MS) för att detektera skyddsvärda objekt, typiskt människor i arbete nära maskiner. Konventionella metoder för detektering med given frekvens falsk alarm (eng. Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR)) som baseras på medelvärden, har dock betydande brister. Främst beträffande precision och tillförlitlighet, vilket är centralt för MS. Exempel som studerats i detta examensarbete är “Cell-averaging CFAR” (CA-CFAR), “Greatest of CFAR” (GO-CFAR) samt “Smallest of CFAR” (SO-CFAR). Med målet att förbättra detektionen föreslås även en ny CFAR-metod, vilken benämns ”Cell Evaluation target detection”. I detta arbete visas denna metod undertrycka begränsningar med konventionella tekniker. Den undviker även en del antaganden som inte alltid stämmer i praktiken. Studien inkluderar även skattning av riktning. Det visas hur visualisering av skyddsobjekt kan förbättras, genom att felaktigheter elimineras efter sammanläggning av detektioner från flera radarmoduler efter koordinattransformation.

Mise au point de mélanges collants écologiques à partir des écorces d’Acacia mollissima du Maroc / Elaboration of ecological adhesives from Moroccan bark of Acacia mollissima

Rhazi, Naima 29 December 2015 (has links)
Cette étude présente une dimension économique, sociale et environnementale très importante. Elle rentre dans le cadre du projet Franco-Marocain PHC Toubkal (Ecopama, Volubilis 2012). Son objectif majeur est de valoriser les écorces Marocaine d’Acacia mollissima par une extraction verte permettant l’obtention des produits réactifs, des tanins condensés, qui seront utilisés dans le collage des panneaux de contreplaqués. Trois méthodes d’extraction ont été étudiées. Deux sont conventionnelles, une macération et une infusion ; ces deux techniques d’extraction sont simples, peu coûteuses. La troisième est une extraction assistée par micro-ondes ; c’est une technique innovante, rapide et peu consommatrice en solvant. La méthodologie des plans d’expériences est utilisée dans cette étude pour déterminer les facteurs les plus significatifs pour l’amélioration du rendement d’extraction des tanins condensés, optimiser les conditions d’extractions, réduire la proportion de solvant utilisé ainsi que le temps d’extraction. L’impact des conditions d’extraction et des méthodes d’extraction sur la teneur des tanins condensés sont étudiés pour la première fois pour les écorces d’Acacia mollissima du Maroc. Les extraits ont été caractérisés par des dosages colorimétriques, par des analyses structurales et thermiques. Les trois méthodes d’extraction ont été comparées. La teneur des extractibles est affectée par la proportion de solvant utilisé et le temps d’extraction. L’extraction assistée par micro-onde présente des teneurs en tanins condensés supérieure à l’extraction par des méthodes conventionnelles mais la teneur en sucre extraits est aussi élevée. Des formulations de colles à base de tanin et de lignosulfonate ont été élaborées en utilisant l’hexamine comme durcisseur. La colle biosourcée et ses constituants ont été caractérisés par analyse thermogravimétrique (ATG), et par calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC). Les propriétés thermomécaniques et mécaniques des colles élaborées sont évaluées. L’optimisation des conditions de pressage des panneaux de contreplaqués, ainsi que le ratio tanin-lignosulfonate glyoxalé, ont été réalisées. La résistance des panneaux à l’eau froide et chaude est améliorée par l’addition de la résine époxy aux formulations de colle. Les propriétés mécaniques des panneaux de contreplaqués encollés ont été évalués par des tests normatifs et ont été comparés à celle des résines synthétiques commerciales (urée formaldéhyde et phénol formaldéhyde). La qualité de collage des panneaux élaborés a été évaluée. Les différentes colles présentent des caractéristiques physiques et thermiques satisfaisantes et acceptables pour les industries de collage des panneaux de bois. Des panneaux de contreplaqués avec de bonnes performances mécaniques et une excellente résistance à l’eau froide et bouillante ont été fabriqués. Ces colles présentent une qualité de collage qui se rapproche de celle des résines phénol-formaldéhyde, et peuvent être utilisées avec succès, pour une application industrielle des panneaux de contreplaqués, en milieu sec, humide et extérieur. / This study has an important economical, social and environmental dimension. It was conducted within the framework Franco-Moroccan PHC Toubkal "Ecopama, Volubilis 2012". The desire to enhance Moroccan bark of Acacia mollissima by the use of green extraction and also to obtain reagent products, condensed tannins, was the main objective of this study. These tannins will be used in the bonding of plywood panels. Three extraction methods were studied. Two are conventional, maceration and infusion; witch is simple and cheap extraction method. The third is microwave assisted extraction which is a fast, innovative method using a small amount of solvent. The experimental design methodology was used to identify the significant factors to improve yield extraction of condensed tannins, to optimize extraction process, to reduce solvent proportion and time extraction. The impact of extraction conditions and extraction process were studied for the first time on condensed tannins contents extracted from Moroccan bark of Acacia mollissima. The extracts were characterized using colorimetric assays, structural and thermal analysis.The three types of extraction were compared. The extractibles contents were affected by solvent proportion and also time extraction. Microwave assisted extraction produced a higher condensed tannins than the conventional method but in the other hand the sugars extracted is more important. Tannin-lignosulfonate adhesives were produced using hexamine as a hardener. The biobased adhesive formulations and their compounds were compared using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and by determining the thermal and mechanical proprieties of the adhesives. Optimal tannin-glyoxalated lignosulfonates ratio and pressing conditions of plywood panels were measured. The resistance of plywood panels to the cold and hot water was improved by the addition of epoxy resin in adhesive formulations. Mechanical properties of plywood panels made with tannin-lignosulfonates-epoxy adhesives were evaluated using normative standard and compared to those of panels made with a commercial resins (urea formaldehyde and phenol formaldehyde). The bonding quality of plywood panels elaborated was evaluated. The various adhesives elaborated have satisfactory and acceptable physical and thermal characteristics for bonding panels used in wood industries. Plywood panels with good mechanical performance, good resistance to cold water and to boiling water, were produced. The bonding quality of the adhesives elaborated in laboratory scale presented approximate proprieties than the phenol-formaldehyde resins which can use with successfully in dry, wet and exterior industrial application of plywood panels.

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