Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nonnarcotic"" "subject:"narcotic""
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從指令型國家走向監管型國家: 基於中國藥品安全管理體制變遷的案例研究. / From commanding state towards regulatory state: a case study on China's drug safety regulation regime transformation / Case study on China's drug safety regulation regime transformation / 基於中國藥品安全管理體制變遷的案例研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Cong zhi ling xing guo jia zou xiang jian guan xing guo jia: ji yu Zhongguo yao pin an quan guan li ti zhi bian qian de an li yan jiu. / Ji yu Zhongguo yao pin an quan guan li ti zhi bian qian de an li yan jiuJanuary 2008 (has links)
劉鵬. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 450-498). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liu Peng.
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The assessment of Ethiopian Federal Police illicit drug trafficking prevention measuresAyele, Moges Chekole 05 1900 (has links)
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa and bound on the northeast by Eritrea and Djibouti, on the east and southeast by Somalia, on the south-west by Kenya and on the west and north-west by Sudan. In a 2003 report, the Ethiopia Central Statistical Authority (2003:24) estimated the population of Ethiopia to be 71,066,000. The Ethiopian economy is mainly based on agriculture, which contributes 47% to GNP and more than 80% of exports and employs 85% of the population. Ethiopia nowadays governs under a federal system and due to the governance system there are nine regional states in the country, which are composed of specific ethnic groups.
The regional states, which have a significant degree of autonomy, are Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somalia, Benshangul-Gumaz, Gambela, Harar and the Southern Nations, nationalities and peoples, which comprise about 41 ethnic groups. Hence, the structure of the police service in the country follows the characteristics of the federal system. Accordingly, the regional states have their own police service, which is responsible to the regional states and at the federal government level, the Federal Police Service (FPS) is responsible to federal government. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)
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Farmakološki efekti etarskog ulja ruzmarina Rosmarinus officinalis, L. (Lamiaceae), na miševima soja NMRI-Haan i pacovima soja Wistar / Pharmacological effects of rosemary essential oil Rosmarinus officinalis, L. (Lamiaceae), on mice of strain NMRI-Haan and rats of strain WistarMilanović Isidora 09 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Ruzmarin Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) je biljka koja se u tradicionalnoj medicini na našem području koristi za postizanje analgetičkog, holeretičkog i hepatoprotektivnog delovanja. Prema Evropskoj agenciji za lekove (2010 godine), indikacije za sistemsku primenu etarskog ulja ruzmarina su lečenje dispepsije i spazama gastrointestinalnog trakta, a za spoljašnju primenu se preporučuje u lečenju umereno jakih bolova u zglobovima i mišićima i u lečenju poremećaja periferne cirkulacije. Imajući u vidu da komponente etarskog ulja ruzmarina ispoljavaju i druga, potencijalno korisna farmakološka svojstva, postoji potreba da se ova delovanja detaljnije ispitaju. Ciljevi ispitivanja su bili da se utvrdi: 1) analgetički efekat etarskog ulja ruzmarina i njegov uticaj na farmakodinamske osobine paracetamola, kodeina, diazepama i pentobarbitala kao i na farmakokinetske osobine paracetamola; 2) antioksidativni i hepatoprotektivni efekat u uslovima hemijski izazvanog oksidativnog stresa. Metodom gasne hromatografije (GC/MS i GC/FID) utvrđen je kvantitativni sastav etarskog ulja. Najzastupljenije komponente ulja koje je korišćeno u našem ispitivanju su oksidovani monoterpeni 1,8-cineol (43.77%) i kamfor (12.53%) i monoterpenski ugljovodonik α-pinen (11.51%). Suspenzija etarskog ulja ruzmarina primenjivana je miševima u dozama 10 i 20 mg/kg tm tokom sedam dana i jednokratno u farmakodinamskim testovima: test vrele ploče, test „uvijanja“ (posle intraperitonealne primene sirćetne kiseline), test za procenu motorne koordinacije životinja na rotirajućem štapu i test merenja vremena trajanja spavanja. Za ispitivanje uticaja etarskog ulja ruzmarina na farmakokinetske osobine paracetamola i za biohemijska i toksikološka ispitivanja, korišćeni su pacovi koji su tokom sedam dana tretirani suspenzijom etarskog ulja ruzmarina u dozi 5 i 10 mg/kg tm, a sedmog dana su primili paracetamol i.v. ili p.o.. Za praćenje farmakokinetskih parametara korišćeni su uzorci krvi dobijeni iz repne vene pacova u kojima su HPLC metodom merene koncentracije paracetamola, na osnovu kojih su potom određeni farmakokinetski parametri ovog leka. Antioksidativna aktivnost etarskog ulja ruzmarina je određivana in vitro (DPPH i Folin-Ciocaulteu testovima) i in vivo. Nakon žrtvovanja životinja iz prikupljenih uzoraka krvi određivani su iz seruma biohemijski parametri, pokazatelji bubrežne i jetrene funkcije, a u homogenatu tkiva jetre određivani su parametri oksidativnog stresa. Samo etarsko ulje ruzmarina ispoljava analgetičko delovanje i smanjuje visceralnu bol izazvanu sirćetnom kiselinom. Pored toga, potencira analgetički efekat kodeina i paracetamola. Etarsko ulje ruzmarina značajno smanjuje hipnotičko delovanje pentobarbitala i sprečava poremećaj motorne koordinacije nakon primene diazepama. Etarsko ulje ruzmarina ne utiče značajnije na oralnu biološku raspoloživost paracetamola. Višekratna primena različitih doza etarskog ulja ruzmarina ne izaziva toksične promene u krvi i jetri ispitivanih životinja. Primena etarskog ulja ruzmarina štiti životinje od reaktivnih kiseoničnih vrsta, umanjuje posledice izloženosti oksidativnom stresu i ispoljava značajno hepatoprotektivno delovanje.</p> / <p>Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis, L.(Lamiaceae) is traditionally used in folk medicine for its analgetic, choleretic and hepatoprotective properties. According to the recommendation of European Medicines Agency from 2010, rosemary essential oil can be used for treating dyspepsia and mild spasmodic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and also externally as an adjuvant in the relief of minor muscular and articular pain and minor peripheral circulatory disorders. Different studies conducted with rosemary essential oil show other pharmacological effects of main components of the oil. The aim of this study was to examine: 1) analgetic effects of rosemary essential oil and its influence on the pharmacodynamic properties of paracetamol, codeine, diazepam and pentobarbital, and also its influence on the pharmacokinetic properties of paracetamol; 2) antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects on the parameters of chemicaly induced oxidative stress. The quantification of chemical constituents of the essential oil was carried out by gas chromatography (GC/FID and GC/MS). The major compounds that were identified and quantitated by GC-FID and GC-MS were oxygenated monoterpens 1,8-cineole (43.77%), camphor (12.53%) and monoterpene hydrocarbon α-pinene (11.51%). The suspension of rosemary essential oil was applied to mice orally (doses: 10 and 20 mg/kg b.w.) for seven days and in single dose for the pharmacodynamic tests: hot plate, writhing, rotharod and sleeping time. Rats treated with suspension of rosemary essential oil for seven days orally (doses: 5 and 10 mg/kg b.w.) were used for the examination of influence of essential oil on the pharmacokinetic properties of paracetamol. Then on the 7th day the paracetamol was applied to them p.o. or i.v.. The parameters of pharmacokinetic were analyzed in blood samples obtained from rats tail veins. The HPLC method was used for measurement of concentration of paracetamol in blood samples. Those concentrations were used for calculation of the pharmacokinetic parameters. The antioxidant activity of the rosemary essential oil was evaluated in vitro (with DPPH and Folin-Ciocaulteu tests) and in vivo. The animals were sacrificed and the samples of blood and liver were taken. The obtained serum was used for determination of standard biochemical parameters and the parameters of oxidative stress were analyzed in obtained liver homogenates. The essential oil of rosemary shows analgetic properties and it decreases visceral pain induced with intraperitoneally injected acetic acid. The rosemary essential oil increases pharmacological effects of codeine and paracetamol. Also, this oil reduces pentobarbital-induced sleeping time and diminishes diazepam-induced disorder of psychomotor coordination. The essential oil of rosemary does not change paracetamol bioavailability. The rosemary essential oil applied in multiple doses does not induce toxic changes in blood and liver samples obtained from animals. The use of rosemary essential oil protects animals from reactive oxygen species, decreases the effects caused by oxidative stress and shows significant hepatoprotective effect.</p>
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Uticaj lokalnog anestetika na bol posle laparoskopske holecistektomije / The influence of local anesthetic on pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomyJovanović Dejan 28 June 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD. Bilijarna kalkuloza je najčešće oboljenje hepatobilijarnog sistema, a holecistektomija predstavlja jedan od najčešće izvođenih operativnih zahvata. Laparoskopska holecistektomija je danas zlatni standard lečenja holelitijaze. Laparoskopska holecistektomija je pokazala poboljšanje u klinički značajnim ishodima kao što su skraćenje operativnog vremena, kraća hospitalizacija, smanjenje jačine i trajanja postoperativnog bola i brži povratak dnevnim i radnim aktivnostima. Postoperativna bol i vreme potpunog oporavka ostaju dva glavna problema posle nekomplikovane laparoskopske holecistektomije koje bi trebalo poboljšati. Bol koji je povezan sa laparoskopskom holecistektomijom je kompleksan i multifaktorijalan. On nastaje oštećenjem tkiva, disekcijom i uklanjanjem žučne kesice iz svoje lože, stimulacijom periportalnih nerava, iritacijom dijafragme, mehaničkim i hemijskim interakcijama gasa i pneumoperitoneuma, incizijama portova. Istraživanja su označila parijetalni i visceralni bol kao dva glavna mehanizma nastanka bola kod laparoskopske holecistektomije. Bol se ne može meriti nego proceniti jer je subjektivni osećaj. Pokazalo se potrebnim da se na čvršćim naučnim osnovama da odgovor na pitanje da li je moguće blokirati parijetalni i visceralni bol posle laparoskopske holecistektomije u akutnoj fazi. CILJEVI. Cilj studije je da uporedi standardnu analgeziju (ne-opioidnu) (grupa O) sa davanjem parijetalne blokade (grupa P), ili davanjem visceralne blokade (grupa V), ili sa obe date blokade (grupa P+V). Primarni ishodi studije su bolesnikov procenjeni bol pre operacije i posle operacije na 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 sati i 7. dana. Sekundarni ishodi studije su bolesnikova procenjena mučnina na 1,2,4,6,12 sati i bolesnikova procenjena mobilnost 1. 2. i 7. dan. HIPOTEZA. Blokada postoperativnog visceralnog bola i blokada postoperativnog parijetalnog bola posle laparoskopske holecistektomije putem intraperitonealne lokalne infiltracije anestetikom i putem lokalne infiltracije anestetikom pristupnih laparoskopskih portova može značajno smanjiti rani postoperativni bol. MATERIJAL I METODE. Ova prospektivna, randomizirana jednostruko slepa studija je započela septembra 2014. godine i trajala je do januara 2016. godine. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za abdominalnu, endokrinu i transplantacionu hirurgiju i Urgentnom centru Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu kod bolesnika operisanih metodom laparoskopske holecistektomije. Rad je podeljen u nekoliko celina. 1. Procena veličine uzorka; 2. Procena podobnosti za studiju; 3. Anketiranje i uključivanje u studiju; 4. Razvrstavanje u grupe i operativni rad; 5. Period postoperativnog praćenja; 6. Statistička obrada i pisanje rada.<br />1. Procena veličine uzorka. Studija je realizovana podelom bolesnika u 4 grupe. Neophodni broj bolesnika je izračunat uzimajući podatke iz pilot istraživanja slične studije iz 2012. godine. Veličina uzorka je računata za primarni ishod studije (bolesnikov procenjen bol sa NAS) na pretpostavci da treba biti 20% smanjenja bola u prvom postoperativnom satu, uz verovatnoću Tip 1 greške α=0.05 i Tipa 2 greške β=0.10 da postigne adekvatnu statističku snagu oko 80% i da otkrije 20% razlike u srednjoj vrednosti procenjenog bola jedan sat nakon laparoskopske holecistektomije. Procenjeni broj ispitanika po grupama prema zadatim kriterijumima je bio (P+V=65; P=68; V=68; O=65). Studija je započela uključivanjem prvog bolesnika u studiju a završena ispunjenim periodom praćenja sve dok poslednji bolesnik nije doneo upitnike o bolu, mučnini i kretanju. 2. Procena podobnosti za studiju. U periodu studije ukupan broj holecistektomiranih bolesnika je bio 1024 (440 klasično i 584 laparoskopski). Samo pogodni bolesnici su anketirani (584) i pročitali su informacioni list o istraživanju. Uključivanje ili procena podobnosti bolesnika za studiju sprovedena je na osnovu uključnih i isključnih kriterijuma. U studiju nije uključeno ukupno 226 bolesnika. Od tog broja 82 bolesnika je odbilo učestvovati u studiji a 144 bolesnika nije ispunilo uključne postavljene kriterijume. Svojim potpisom potvrdilo je učešće u studiji 358 bolesnika. 3. Anketiranje i uključivanje u studiju. Nakon prijema bolesnika u bolnicu ispitivači su uzimali anamnezu i bolesnicima je ponuđen informacioni list i informisani pristanak. Nakon čitanja informacije, potpisivanja informisanog pristanka i zadovoljavanja uključnih i isključnih kriterijuma 358 bolesnika je uključeno u studiju. Obavljena je preoperativna priprema i ispitivači su popunili deo podataka u individualnom listu. 4. Razvrstavanje u grupe i operativni rad. Neposredno preoperativno od strane nezavisne osobe neuključene u studiju napravljena je randomizacija izabranih (n=358) u studijske grupe tablicama slučajnog izbora, tako da bolesnici nisu znali kojoj grupi pripadaju, dok su operater i osoblje to znali na početku operacije (jednostruko slepa studija). Nakon randomizacije i operacije bolesnici pripadaju jednoj od sledeće 4 grupe: Kontrolna grupa O=89, u kojoj su bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom holecistektomijom bez visceralne blokade anestetikom i bez parijetalne blokade anestetikom. Eksperimentalna grupa P=88, u kojoj su bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom holecistektomijom bez visceralne blokade anestetikom i sa parijetalnom blokadom anestetikom. Eksperimentalna grupa V=92, u kojoj su bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom holecistektomijom sa visceralnom blokadom anestetikom i bez parijetalne blokade anestetikom. Eksperimentalna grupa P+V=89, u kojoj će biti bolesnici sa urađenom laparoskopskom holecistektomijom sa visceralnom blokadom anestetikom i sa parijetalnom blokadom anestetikom. Primenjivan je uobičajni, standardni protokol anestezije za laparoskopske operacije kod svih ispitanika. Svim bolesnicima plasirana je orogastrična sonda koja se nakon operacije odstranjivala. Kod bolesnika kod kojih je primenjivan lokalni anestetik neposredno pre početka operacije pravio se rastvor lokalnog anestetika (Marcaine® 0,25%). Bolesnici su otpušteni sa bolničkog lečenja prvog postoperativnog dana, pod uslovom da nisu imali komplikacija. 5. Postoperativno praćenje i ispunjavanje upitnika. Po dolasku na odeljenje bolesnicima je odmah uključivana ista analgezija. Tokom ispunjavanja informisanog pristanka, bolesnici su dobili upitnik na kojoj će sami procenjivati nivo bola, mučnine i kretanja tokom ležanja u bolnici i vremena praćenja od 7 dana kući. Bolesnici su dolazili na unapred zakazane postoperativne kontrole 7 do 10 dana posle operacije i donosili ispunjene upitnike. Otpušteno je i za praćenje ostalo n=302 laparoskopski operisanih bolesnika a isključeno iz studije n=20 bolesnika. 6. Statistička obrada i pisanje rada. Ukupno je analizirano 274 listića operisanih bolesnika: u Grupi P+V =67; u Grupi P =70; u Grupi V =70 i u Grupi O =67. Od osnovnih deskriptivnih statističkih parametara za kvalitativnu i kvantitativnu procenu dobijenih rezultata su korišćeni apsolutni brojevi, relativni brojevi, mediana, mod, aritmetička sredina i standardna devijacija (SD). Obrada podataka se vršila osnovnim i naprednim statističkim metodama i programima. Rezultati su prikazani tabelarno i grafički. REZULTATI. Demografski podaci. Ukupno je bilo 188 žena i 86 muškaraca, u odnosu 2,2 : 1. Prosečna starost cele grupe je bila 52,1 ± 15,72 godine. Ukupno je bilo 179 zaposlenih i 95 nezaposlenih. Ukupno je bilo 45 ispitanika sa osnovnim obrazovanjem, 153 ispitanika sa srednjim obrazovanjem i 76 ispitanika sa visokim obrazovanjem. Ukupno je bilo 186 nepušača i 88 pušača. Prosečna vrednost BMI cele grupe je bila 27,24 ± 4,21 kg/m2. Prosečna vrednost ASA u celoj grupi je bila 2,03 (mediana=2, mod=2). Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa u odnosu na posmatrane parametre. Laboratorijski podaci. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u vrednosti leukocita između posmatranih grupa (p=0,039), u vrednosti uree između posmatranih grupa (p=0,040). Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u vrednosti eritrocita, trombocita, hemoglobina, ŠUK-a, kreatinina i bilirubina posmatranih grupa. Operativni i postoperativni podaci. Ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u količini upotrebljenog Fentanila između posmatranih grupa. Postoji statistički značajna razlika u dužini trajanja operacije između posmatranih grupa (p=0,003), u trajanju postavljenog abdominalnog drena između posmatranih grupa (p=0,024), u trajanju hospitalizacije između posmatranih grupa (p=0,027), u broju dana do povratka uobičajenim aktivnostima između posmatranih grupa (p=0,000), u broju uzetih tableta između posmatranih grupa (p=0,000). Prosečna ocena zadovoljstva bolesnika posle operacije u celoj grupi je bila 8,80 (mediana=9; mod=10). Najbolju ocenu zadovoljstva bolesnika posle operacije je imala grupa P+V. Procena bola, mučnine i kretanja. Postoji statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa u proceni jačine bola pre operacije (p=0,003). Postoji statistički značajna razlika između posmatranih grupa u proceni jačine bola 1h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 2h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 4h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P); u proceni jačine bola 6h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 12h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 24h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P+V); u proceni jačine bola 48h posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P) i u proceni jačine bola 7 dana posle operacije (najbolju procenu bola je imala grupa P). Procenjena bol se pojačava otprilike 2,5 sata posle operacije sa vrhom 3 sata posle operacije, a smanjuje se na istu vrednost kao 2. sata posle operacije, otprilike 5. sata posle operacije. U vremenskim intervalima 1, 2. i 7. postoperativni dan postoji značajno poboljšanje u postoperativnoj mobilnosti bolesnika. U vremenskim intervalima 1, 2, 4, 6 i 12 sati postoji značajno poboljšanje u procenjenoj vrednosti mučnine bolesnika. Korelacije. Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija ocene bola posle 1. sata, posle 2. sata, posle 6. sata, posle 12. sata je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,000), kao i procene mučnine (p=0,000). Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija procene bola posle 4. sata je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,006), kao i aktivnosti (p=0,014). Statistički značajna korelacija procene bola posle 24. sata je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,000; pozitivna) i trajanjem operacije (p=0,028; negativna). Statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija procene bola posle 48. sata i posle 7 dana je utvrđena sa brojem uzetih tableta (p=0,000). ZAKLJUČCI: Primena lokalnog anestetika datog na bilo koji način značajno smanjuje bol posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Primena lokalnog anestetika datog i portalno i visceralno (P+V) značajno smanjuje bol u odnosu na samo portalnu (P) ili visceralnu (V) primenu u vremenskim intervalima 2, 6, 12 sat posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Portalna (P) primena sa ili bez visceralne (V) primene lokalnog anestetika značajno smanjuje bol u vremenskim intervalima 1, 4, 24, 48 sati i 7 dana posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Najbolje kretanje je bilo u grupi P+V posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Najbolje smanjenje procenjene mučnine je bilo u grupi P posle laparoskopske holecistektomije. Najraniji povratak uobičajenim aktivnostima zabeležen je u grupi P+V. Najbolja ocena zadovoljstva bolesnika hirurškim lečenjem bila je u grupi P+V. Postoperativna bol ima najznačajniju pozitivnu korelaciju sa procenjenom mučninom i brojem tableta uzetih od momenta otpusta do prve kontrole bolesnika.</p> / <p>INTRODUCTION: Biliary calculosis is the most frequent disease of the hepatobiliary system, and cholecystectomy is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures. Today laparoscopic cholecystectomy represents the golden standard in treating cholelithiasis. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy showed improvement in the clinically significant outcomes, such as: reducing the duration of the surgery, shorter hospital stay, reducing the intensity and duration of postoperative pain and faster return to normal daily and working activities. Postoperative pain and the time of full recovery remain the two major problems after a non-complicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy and they should be improved. The pain related to laparoscopic cholecystectomy is complex and multi-factorial in origin. The pain occurs due to damaged tissues, dissection and removal of gallbladder from its cavity, stimulation of periportal nerves, irritation of the diaphragm, mechanical and chemical interaction of gases and pneumoperitoneum and port incisions. Researches have denoted parietal and visceral pains as two major mechanisms in occurrence of pain in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Pain cannot be measured, but estimated, as it is a subjective feeling. It was considered necessary to find the answer, based on solid scientific evidence, if it was possible to block parietal and visceral pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy in its acute phase. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to compare standard, non-opioid, analgesia (group O) with applying parietal blockade (group P), or visceral blockade (group V), or compare with both applied blockades (group P+V). The primary outcomes of the study are the patient´s estimated pain before surgery and 1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 24, 48 hours and 7th day after the surgery. The secondary outcomes of this study are the patient´s estimated nausea level during 1, 2, 4, 6, 12 hours, along with the patient´s estimated mobility 1st, 2nd and 7th day, postoperatively. HYPOTHESIS. Blockade of postoperative visceral pain and blockade of postoperative parietal pain following laparoscopic cholecystectomy, applying intraperitoneal local infiltration with anesthetic and also by local infiltration with anesthetic through accessible laparoscopic ports, can significantly reduce early postoperative pain. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospectively randomized single-blinded study started in September 2014 and lasted up to January 2016. The research was carried out at the Clinic for Abdominal, Endocrine and Transplantation Surgery and Emergency Center, Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad and it involved patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This study has been divided into several units. 1. Assessment of sample size; 2. Assessment of eligibility for the study; 3. Survey and inclusion in the study; 4. Group formation and operational work; 5. Period of postoperative follow-up; 6. Statistical processing and writing the paper.1. Assessment of sample size. The study was realized by dividing the patients into 4 groups. The number of patients necessary was determined based on the data taken as pilot study from a similar study from 2012. Sample size was calculated for the primary outcome of the study (patient´s estimated pain with NAS) based on the assumption that a pain reduction of 20% should occur during the first postoperative hour, with the probability of Type 1 error α=0.05 and Type 2 error β=0.10 to reach the adequate statistical power of about 80%, and to reveal 20% difference in the average value of the estimated pain one hour after the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The assessed number of respondents in groups according to the set criteria was (P+V =65;P =68;V =68; O =65). The study started when the first patient was included and it ended with the complete follow-up period when the last patient handed in the survey about pain, nausea and mobility. 2. Assessment of eligibility for the study. During the study the number of patients undergoing surgery applying the method of cholecystectomy was 1024 (440 classical and 584 laparoscopic). Only the suitable patients were surveyed (584) and given to read the information leaflet about the study. Inclusion and assessment of patients´ eligibility was performed on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 226 patients was not included in the study. Out of that number 82 patients refused to participate in the study and 144 did not fulfill the inclusive criteria set. By signing 358 patients confirmed their participation in the study. 3. Survey and inclusion in the study. After admitting the patients to hospital the surveyors took their anamnesis and the patients were offered an information leaflet and informed consent. Following the reading of the information leaflet, signing the informed consent and satisfying the criteria for inclusion and exclusion, 358 patients were included in the study. Preoperative preparations were performed and the surveyors filled in some of the data on the individual list. 4. Group formation and operational work. Prior to the surgery an independent person not included in the study carried out the randomisation of the patients chosen (n=358) into study groups by random selection tables. The patients did not know which group they belonged to, while it became known to the surgeon and the operation stuff at the beginning of the surgery (singleblinded study). After randomization and surgery the patients belonged to one of the following groups: Control group O=89 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy without visceral blockade by anesthetic and without parietal blockade by anesthetic. Experimental group P=88 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy without visceral blockade by anesthetic but with parietal blockade by anesthetic. Experimental group V=92 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy with visceral blockade by anesthetic but without parietal blockade by anesthetic. Experimental group P+V=89 of patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy with visceral blockade by anesthetic and with parietal blockade by anesthetic. The standard protocol of anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy was applied to all patients. An orogastric tube used during the surgery, was removed after it. In patients with applied local anesthetic immediately before surgery a solution of local anesthetic was made (Marcaine® 0,25%). The patients were discharged from hospital the first postoperative day, provided that no complications occurred. 5. Postoperative follow-up and completing the questionnaire. When admitted to the ward the patients were given the same kind of analgesia. While completing the informed consent the patients were given a questionnaire for estimating their pain level, nausea and mobility during their stay in hospital and during the 7-day follow-up period at home. The patients were required to come for 7 and 10-day postoperative check-ups by appointment and then they handed in the questionnaires. n=302 patients with performed laparoscopic cholecystectomy were released and designated for follow-up, and n=20 patients were excluded from the study. 6. Statistical processing and writing the paper. In total 274 operated patients´ slips were analysed, by groups as follows: in Group P+V =67; in Group P =70; in Group V =70 and in Group O =67. From the basic descriptive statistical parametres for qualitative and quantitative assessment of results obtained, absolute numbers, relative numbers, the median, mode, arithmetic mean and standard deviation (SD) were used. Data processing was carried out using basic and advanced statistical methods and programmes. The results are presented in tabular and graphical manner. RESULTS. Demographic data. In total there were 188 women and 86 men, in proportion 2,2 : 1. The average age of the whole group was 52,1 ± 15,72 years. In total there were 179 employed and 95 unemployed persons. In total there were 45 surveyed patients with primary education, 153 surveyed patients with secondary education and 76 surveyed patients with higher education. In total there were 186 nonsmokers and 88 smokers. The mean BMI value of the whole group was 27,24 ± 4,21 kg/m2. The mean value of ASA of the whole group was 2,03 (the median=2, mode=2). There is no significant difference among the groups observed considering the observed parametres. Laboratory data. There is a statistically significant difference in the value of leukocytes among the observed groups (p=0,039), and in the value of urea among the observed groups (p=0,040). There is no statistically significant difference in the value of the erythrocyte, platelets, hemoglobin, blood glucose, creatinine and bilirubin of the observed groups. Operative and postoperative data. There is no statistically significant difference in the amount of Fentanyl® applied among the observed groups. There is statistically significant difference in the length of the surgery among the observed groups (p=0,003), in the duration of the positioning of abdominal drainage among the observed groups (p=0,024), in the duration of hospital stay among the observed groups (p=0,027), in the number of days until getting back to regular activities among the observed groups (p=0,000), in the number of taken pills among the observed groups (p=0,000). The patients´ average satisfaction grade after surgery in the whole group was 8,80 (the median=9; mode=10). Group P+V had the best patient‘s satisfaction grade after the surgery. Assessment of pain, nausea and mobility. There is statistically significant difference in the estimation of pain intensity before surgery among the observed groups (p=0,003). There is statistically significant difference in the estimation of pain intensity 1 hour after surgery among the observed groups (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 2 hours after surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 4 hours after surgery (P having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 6 hours after surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 12 hours after surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 24 hours after surgery (P+V having the best estimated pain); in the estimation of pain intensity 48 hours after surgery (P having the best estimated pain) also in the estimation of pain intensity 7 days after surgery (P having the best estimated pain). The estimated pain intensifies at about 2,5 hours after surgery and peaks 3 hours after surgery, and decreases to the same level as it was during 2nd hour after surgery approximately during 5th hour after surgery. There is considerable improvement in mobility of patients in the time interval 1st, 2nd and 7th postoperative days. There is considerable improvement in estimated nausea level of patients in the time interval 1, 2, 4, 6 and 12 hours. Correlations. Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 1st hour, after 2nd hour, after 6th hour and after 12th hour was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,000), just like the estimated nausea level (p=0,000). Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 4th hour was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,006), just like the activities (p=0,014). Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 24th hour was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,000; positive), and by the duration of the surgery (p=0,028; negative). Statistically significant positive correlation in estimated pain after 48th hour and after 7 days was determined by the number of tablets taken (p=0,000). CONCLUSIONS: The application of local anesthetic, regardless of how it was applied, considerably reduces pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The application of local anesthetic by port or viscerally (P+V) considerably reduces pain compared to only by port (P) or only visceral (V) application in the time intervals of 2, 6, and 12 hours after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The application of local anesthetic by port (P), with or without visceral (V), considerably reduces pain in the time intervals of 1, 4, 24, and 48 hours and 7 days after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The best mobility was shown by group P+V after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Estimated nausea was most reduced in group P after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Group P+V presented the earliest return to regular activities. The best patients´ satisfaction grade with surgical treatment was shown by group P+V. Postoperative pain is most considerably positively correlated with the estimated nausea and pills taken, from the moment of patient´s release from hospital to the first check-up.<br /> </p>
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Sociální adaptace osob závislých na omamných a psychotropních látkách a jedech / Social adaptation of the persons dependent on narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and poisonsKopecká, Klára January 2019 (has links)
Besides describing a brief history of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and poisons including definitions of selected addictive substances, the thesis focuses on addictive behaviour, medical treatment and social assistance for persons addicted to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and poison-dependent people. An essential part of these people's treatment is their follow-up adaptation back to normal life, which is often very important. The chapters describe the particular service (medical and social), including examples that help individuals with their problem and also to adapt socially, or adapt to something. In the practical part it is due to the respondents and their life stories clearly shown, what is the way back from the survival of individuals with drug addiction to everyday life.
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The assessment of Ethiopian Federal Police illicit drug trafficking prevention measuresAyele, Moges Chekole 05 1900 (has links)
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa and bound on the northeast by Eritrea and Djibouti, on the east and southeast by Somalia, on the south-west by Kenya and on the west and north-west by Sudan. In a 2003 report, the Ethiopia Central Statistical Authority (2003:24) estimated the population of Ethiopia to be 71,066,000. The Ethiopian economy is mainly based on agriculture, which contributes 47% to GNP and more than 80% of exports and employs 85% of the population. Ethiopia nowadays governs under a federal system and due to the governance system there are nine regional states in the country, which are composed of specific ethnic groups.
The regional states, which have a significant degree of autonomy, are Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somalia, Benshangul-Gumaz, Gambela, Harar and the Southern Nations, nationalities and peoples, which comprise about 41 ethnic groups. Hence, the structure of the police service in the country follows the characteristics of the federal system. Accordingly, the regional states have their own police service, which is responsible to the regional states and at the federal government level, the Federal Police Service (FPS) is responsible to federal government. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)
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Microstructural elucidation of self-emulsifying system: effect of chemical structurePatil, S.S., Venugopal, E., Bhat, S., Mahadik, K.R., Paradkar, Anant R January 2012 (has links)
No / PURPOSE: Self-emulsifying systems (SES) emulsify spontaneously to produce fine oil-in-water emulsion when introduced into aqueous phase. The self-emulsification process plays an important role during formation of emulsion. The objective of current work was to understand and explore the inner structuration of SES through controlled hydration and further to study the influence of additive on the same which ultimately governs performance of final formulation in terms of droplet size. METHODS: Droplet size of final formulations containing structural analogues of ibuprofen was determined. Microstructural properties of intermediate hydrated regimes of SES were investigated using techniques such as small angle X-ray scattering, differential scanning calorimetry and rheology. RESULTS: The current work established inverse relationship between droplet size of the formulations containing structural analogues of ibuprofen and their Log P values. Microstructural analysis of intermediate hydrated regimes of the prepared samples showed formation of local lamellar structure. Structural analogues of ibuprofen significantly altered microstructure of lamellae which was well correlated with the droplet size of final formulations. In vitro drug release study showed increase in dissolution rate of lipophillic drugs when formulated as SES. CONCLUSION: The current work emphasizes the fact that tailor-made formulations can be prepared by controlling the properties of intermediate regimes.
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Trestná činnost související se zneužíváním návykových látek / Crime relating to the abuse of addictive substancesMořkovský, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into nine chapters. The introductory chapters are focused mainly on currently highly discussed issues concerning criminal acts connected with drug abuse and historical roots and development of contemporary Czech legal regulation. The main part of this diploma thesis consists of the description of every single crime regulated by sections 283-287 of Act No. 40/2009, Criminal Code. The last chapter of this diploma thesis afterwards presents the description of the other crimes which are according to the author the most drug abuse related.
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O caminho das pedras : conhecendo melhor os usuários de crack do município do Recife-PE / O caminho das pedras : conhecendo melhor os usuários de crack do município do Recife-PERenata Barreto Fernandes de Almeida 01 March 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral cartografar a experiência de usuários de crack no município de Recife. Este estudo foi desenvolvid o nos CAPSad e Instituto RAID. Os
entrevistados foram usuários de crack do sexo masculino e feminino, com idade a partir dos 18 anos, que estavam em tratamento em decorrência desta substância nas instituições acima citadas durante a coleta de dados. Em cada CAPSad, foi entrevistado um usuário de crack indicado pela equipe técnica que tivesse uma boa organização nas ideias para descrever a sua experiência com o crack, e que se disponibilizou a contribuir com a pesquisa através de
entrevista semi-estruturadas. No Instituto RAID foram entrevistados seis usuários escolhidos pelos mesmos critérios. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi qualitativa de inspiração
fenomenológica pautada no pensamento de Husserl e no método proposto por A. Giorgi. Este método inclui, basicamente, os seguintes passos: O sentido do todo, a partir da leitura do depoimento do sujeito; Discriminação do depoimento em Unidades de Significados; Compreensão psicológica de cada Unidade de Significado; Síntese de cada depoimento expressa como estrutura da experiência; e a Composição de uma síntese geral que apresenta a essência do fenômeno para todos os sujeitos investigados. A identificação dessas Unidades de Significado nas experiências dos usuários apontou aspectos diversos sobre o tema tais como: A experiência de ser dependente do crack; o que levou os usuários a consumirem essa substância; qual o significado do crack na vida desses usuários; quais as sensações vividas no consumo desta droga; o prazer da morte pela pedra; a culpa sentida por ceder à compulsão; as perdas diante da pedra; a família como fator importante na busca
por um tratamento; o crack e a violência; as dificuldades e sucessos no tratamento; o estigma do usuário de crack e o descontrole vivenciado por alguns usuários. Diante da
complexidade das questões trazidas nas experiências dos usuários entrevistados, grandes desafios estão postos para as equipes que trabalham no tratamento dos usuários de crack.
Torna-se fundamental uma reflexão contínua sobre essa prática / This research had as its main aim to portrait crack-cocaine users experience in the city of Recife. Subjects were crack-cocaine users, males and females, from 18 years old,
undertaking treatment at drug addiction health services in Recife (CAPSad and Instituto RAID) during data collection. One subject from each CAPSad (06 in a whole) was interviewed and 06 subjects from Instituto RAID were interviewed. All designated by the health professional teams and with organized thoughts to describe their crack-cocaine use experiences, as well as with willingness to respond to a semi-structured interview. The research was qualitative with phenomenological background inspired by Husserls theory and Giorgis method. Basically, this method includes these steps: 1) reading the entire
description of one subject in order to get a sense of the whole; 2) reading through the data a second time and marking those places in the description where a transition in meaning occurred from a psychological perspective (the meanings between transitions are called meaning units); 3) reading all of the meaning units and interrogating them from what they reveal about the phenomenon of interest, in this case, the crack-cocaine use experience, in order to grasp the relevance of the subjects own words for the phenomenon of using crack-cocaine in as direct a manner as possible (this step is called the transformation of the subjects lived experience into direct psychological expression); 4) presenting a situated or general structure of the experience (synthesis of each report expressed as structure of experience); and, 5) comprehending the general synthesis which represents the essence of the phenomenon to all subjects investigated. The identification of
crack-cocaine users experience in meaning units pointed out to several themes such as: the experience of being a crack-cocaine user; what took them to use this drug; the meaning of crack-cocaine in their lives; crack-cocaine use sensations; crack-cocaine death pleasure; compulsion guiltiness; losses related to the drug; family as an important factor to seek treatment; crack-cocaine and violence; treatment challenges; crack-cocaine use stigma; and, loss of control experienced by users. These complex issues expressed by research subjects set great challenges to health professional teams treating crack-cocaine users and draw attention to the need of permanent reflection of their practices
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O caminho das pedras : conhecendo melhor os usuários de crack do município do Recife-PE / O caminho das pedras : conhecendo melhor os usuários de crack do município do Recife-PEAlmeida, Renata Barreto Fernandes de 01 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-01 / This research had as its main aim to portrait crack-cocaine users experience in the city of Recife. Subjects were crack-cocaine users, males and females, from 18 years old,
undertaking treatment at drug addiction health services in Recife ( CAPSad and Instituto RAID ) during data collection. One subject from each CAPSad (06 in a whole) was interviewed and 06 subjects from Instituto RAID were interviewed. All designated by the health professional teams and with organized thoughts to describe their crack-cocaine use experiences, as well as with willingness to respond to a semi-structured interview. The research was qualitative with phenomenological background inspired by Husserl s theory and Giorgi s method. Basically, this method includes these steps: 1) reading the entire
description of one subject in order to get a sense of the whole; 2) reading through the data a second time and marking those places in the description where a transition in meaning occurred from a psychological perspective (the meanings between transitions are called meaning units ); 3) reading all of the meaning units and interrogating them from what they reveal about the phenomenon of interest, in this case, the crack-cocaine use experience, in order to grasp the relevance of the subject s own words for the phenomenon of using crack-cocaine in as direct a manner as possible (this step is called the transformation of the subject s lived experience into direct psychological expression); 4) presenting a situated or general structure of the experience (synthesis of each report expressed as structure of experience); and, 5) comprehending the general synthesis which represents the essence of the phenomenon to all subjects investigated. The identification of
crack-cocaine users experience in meaning units pointed out to several themes such as: the experience of being a crack-cocaine user; what took them to use this drug; the meaning of crack-cocaine in their lives; crack-cocaine use sensations; crack-cocaine death pleasure; compulsion guiltiness; losses related to the drug; family as an important factor to seek treatment; crack-cocaine and violence; treatment challenges; crack-cocaine use stigma; and, loss of control experienced by users. These complex issues expressed by research subjects set great challenges to health professional teams treating crack-cocaine users and draw attention to the need of permanent reflection of their practices / Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral cartografar a experiência de usuários de crack no município de Recife. Este estudo foi desenvolvid o nos CAPSad e Instituto RAID. Os
entrevistados foram usuários de crack do sexo masculino e feminino, com idade a partir dos 18 anos, que estavam em tratamento em decorrência desta substância nas instituições acima citadas durante a coleta de dados. Em cada CAPSad, foi entrevistado um usuário de crack indicado pela equipe técnica que tivesse uma boa organização nas ideias para descrever a sua experiência com o crack, e que se disponibilizou a contribuir com a pesquisa através de
entrevista semi-estruturadas. No Instituto RAID foram entrevistados seis usuários escolhidos pelos mesmos critérios. A pesquisa desenvolvida foi qualitativa de inspiração
fenomenológica pautada no pensamento de Husserl e no método proposto por A. Giorgi. Este método inclui, basicamente, os seguintes passos: O sentido do todo, a partir da leitura do depoimento do sujeito; Discriminação do depoimento em Unidades de Significados; Compreensão psicológica de cada Unidade de Significado; Síntese de cada depoimento expressa como estrutura da experiência; e a Composição de uma síntese geral que apresenta a essência do fenômeno para todos os sujeitos investigados. A identificação dessas Unidades de Significado nas experiências dos usuários apontou aspectos diversos sobre o tema tais como: A experiência de ser dependente do crack; o que levou os usuários a consumirem essa substância; qual o significado do crack na vida desses usuários; quais as sensações vividas no consumo desta droga; o prazer da morte pela pedra; a culpa sentida por ceder à compulsão; as perdas diante da pedra; a família como fator importante na busca
por um tratamento; o crack e a violência; as dificuldades e sucessos no tratamento; o estigma do usuário de crack e o descontrole vivenciado por alguns usuários. Diante da
complexidade das questões trazidas nas experiências dos usuários entrevistados, grandes desafios estão postos para as equipes que trabalham no tratamento dos usuários de crack.
Torna-se fundamental uma reflexão contínua sobre essa prática
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