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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El agua como servicio público y la defensa de los derechos laborales : análisis de los materiales de comunicación elaborados por la FENTAP entre los años 2005 y 2014

Espinoza Celis, María Steffanie 05 October 2015 (has links)
Esta tesis es una investigación analítica con enfoque de comunicación para el desarrollo que está estructurada en cinco capítulos. En el primer capítulo se presenta el planteamiento y delimitación del tema, se propone como objetivo de la investigación identificar y analizar los materiales de comunicación elaborados por la Federación de Trabajadores del agua potable y alcantarillado del Perú (FENTAP) desde el 2005 hasta el 2014, orientados a defender el derecho al acceso al agua potable y que apuestan por un servicio de agua público, para identificar los cambios que se generaron y el propósito de los mismos. Específicamente una selección de las historietas, canciones, pegatinas, la Revista Agua, el boletín electrónico Hidroboletín, la pagina web y la página de facebook institucional. Asimismo, la pregunta que esta investigación pretende responder es: ¿Hubo un cambio en los materiales de comunicación que elaboró la FENTAP entre los años 2005 y 2014 y por qué los eligió como sus nuevos canales de comunicación? Tratando de dar respuesta a esta pregunta la hipótesis principal que la tesis plantea es que la FENTAP sí cambio sus canales de comunicación y lo hizo para difundir su discurso a nuevos públicos y así contribuir al logro de los fines que pretende. En el segundo capítulo de la tesis se presenta el marco teórico y contextual que consta de cuatro partes. La primera resalta la importancia de la comunicación como estrategia y el buen uso de los medios de comunicación como herramientas que promocionan el desarrollo y que buscan colocar en la agenda pública los problemas de la sociedad y a los actores involucrados en los mismos. Esto contribuye a que un grupo de personas con un objetivo, como las federaciones, se organicen, planifiquen y tengan un propósito de comunicación claro. Algo que finalmente se reflejará en el logro de sus objetivos como organización. II En la segunda parte se desarrolla la historia del movimiento sindical como base de las federaciones y los sindicatos. Asimismo, se desarrolla como diseñan y utilizan sus materiales de comunicación en sus estrategias comunicativas. En la tercera parte se describe y se plantea la importancia del agua, como recurso y como derecho para la humanidad. Así como también se señalan los intentos de privatizar el servicio público de agua en el Perú y se explica cómo y por qué se generaron movilizaciones sociales alrededor de este tema. Finalmente en la cuarta parte se presenta a la Federación de Trabajadores del Agua Potable y Alcantarillado del Perú como objeto de estudio de esta investigación. El tercer capítulo de la tesis consta de la metodología; para verificar la hipótesis se seleccionó una metodología cualitativa que se basa en la realización de una entrevista a profundidad a uno de los principales dirigentes y fundador de la FENTAP. Y se desarrolla un análisis de diseño y de discurso de los materiales de comunicación de la FENTAP seleccionados. En el capítulo cuatro se describen los hallazgos de la entrevista a profundidad realizada al Secretario General de la FENTAP sobre las acciones de comunicación que fueron base de la organización de la FENTAP como foros, capacitaciones, asambleas con el fin de mostrar las ideas que fomentaban y la visión de la FENTAP. Así como la dinámica y experiencias a través de las cuales se generaron los nuevos materiales de comunicación, para establecer las diferencias entre ambas formas de comunicación. En el capítulo cinco se presenta el análisis y los hallazgos de los materiales de comunicación elaborados por la FENTAP que se seleccionaron para la investigación que se encuentran dentro del periodo 2005 -2014. En el capítulo seis de la tesis se desarrollan las conclusiones sobre lo analizado.

Interdependencia y vulnerabilidad de las infraestructuras críticas en la ciudad de Lima

Cárdenas Mamani, Ursula Crisy 01 May 2018 (has links)
Las ciudades y las zonas urbanas son centros de aglomeración de recursos, energía y riqueza económica. Asimismo, se encuentran expuestos a impactos que pueden tener origen aleatorio o provocado por el hombre, y su recuperación dependerá de su capacidad de reaccionar a estos impactos. Las infraestructuras críticas (IC), son elementos esenciales para el desarrollo próspero de la sociedad. Asimismo, previos estudios demuestran que son sistemas complejos, están interconectados y son interdependientes. El estudio de su vulnerabilidad frente a fenómenos naturales, por ejemplo, sismos; es fundamental para evaluar su operatividad y su capacidad funcional ante impactos. El propósito de esta investigación es entender la interdependencia entre infraestructuras de la ciudad de Lima y cómo esta afecta el desempeño de los sistemas. Lima es la ciudad más importante del país. No solo porque posee la mayor concentración demográfica en todo Perú, sino porque también se encuentra más de la mitad del Producto Bruto Interno del país. Por otro lado, es vulnerable a impactos debido a su ubicación en una región altamente sísmica y cercana al mar. Para lograr los objetivos de esta investigación, se realizó un análisis de sistemas en red, basado en la teoría de redes, y se clasificó el tipo de relación tres infraestructuras críticas seleccionadas por el autor (Red de Agua Potable, Red de Gas Natural y Red de Electricidad). Asimismo, a través de escenarios de impacto, que comprenden eventos naturales y aleatorios, se analizó el comportamiento del sistema y sus elementos. Los resultados indican que existen ciertos elementos importantes en cada red que afectan el desempeño de otro sistema. Asimismo, la configuración topológica de las redes físicas determina que tan fácil es capaz un sistema de ser conectado o de redistribuir flujos. / Tesis

Diseño de la instalación de servicios de agua caliente en un hotel *****

Novoa Piedra, José Abelardo 16 April 2016 (has links)
El presente proyecto plantea el diseño de un sistema de agua caliente para un hotel, categoría cinco estrellas, ubicado en la ciudad de Lima. Dicho hotel posee trece pisos y dos sótanos, dentro de él hay ciento setenta y cuatro habitaciones simples, cinco habitaciones deluxe, doce suites senior, siete suite junior, cinco ariones, dos cocinas, cinco salas (lounge), seis servicios higiénicos independientes y cuatro vestidores. El objetivo es diseñar un sistema de producción y distribución de agua caliente sanitaria que cumpla con producir agua caliente a la temperatura y caudal requeridos en el hotel. Para ello, en un primer capítulo se establecen las definiciones relacionadas con los sistemas de producción y distribución de agua caliente sanitaria, componentes y accesorios. En un segundo capítulo se presenta lo relacionado al diseño del sistema el cual comprende tres partes: hidráulico, térmico y mecánico. El diseño hidráulico incluye los cálculos de potencia de bombas y diámetro de tuberías, así como la selección de los mismos. El diseño térmico abarca el cálculo del equipo de producción de agua caliente y el dimensionamiento del tanque de almacenamiento de agua caliente. El diseño mecánico incluye la selección del sistema de apoyos que garantizará que el sistema de distribución sea confiable, así como la verificación de las tuberías por resistencia. En un tercer capítulo se establece el presupuesto del proyecto que incluye costo de asesor y tesista, costo de equipos y accesorios, y costo de instalación. Finalmente, se obtienen los planos del sistema que muestran la distribución de los equipos y de las tuberías. Como resultado se tiene una caldera de 200 HP que produce 1 l/s de agua a 50 °C, un tanque de almacenamiento de 5000 litros, tres bombas de 0.21, 4 y 0.13 HP que garantizan que el agua caliente llegue a 150 kPa a los puntos de consumo. Las tuberías del sistema de distribución son de cobre con diámetros de 1”, 1 ¼”, 2”, 2 ½” y espesores de 0.89, 1.07, 1.47 y 2.03 mm, respectivamente. Finalmente el presupuesto del proyecto asciende a S/. 1, 362,739.05 que incluye costo de asesor y tesista, costo de equipos y materiales, y costo de instalación.

A Decision Support System for Indirect Potable Reuse Based on Integrated Modeling

Lodhi, Adnan Ghaffar 01 July 2019 (has links)
Optimal operation of water reclamation facilities (WRFs) is critical for an indirect potable reuse (IPR) system, especially when the reclaimed water constitutes a major portion of the reservoir's safe yield. It requires timely and informed decision-making in response to the fluctuating operational conditions, e.g., weather patterns, plant performance, water demand, etc. Advanced integrated modeling techniques can be used to develop reliable operational strategies to mitigate future risks associated with water quality without needing high levels of financial investment. The Upper Occoquan Service Authority (UOSA) WRF, located in northern Virginia, discharges nitrified reclaimed water directly into a tributary of the Occoquan Reservoir, one of the major water supply sources for Fairfax County. Among the many operational challenges at UOSA, one is to regulate the nitrate concentration in its reclaimed water based on the denitrifying capacity of the reservoir. This study presents an integrated model that is used to predict future reservoir conditions based on the weather and streamflow forecasts obtained from the Climate Forecast System and the National Water Model. The application captures the dynamic transformations of the pollutant loadings in the streams, withdrawals by the water treatment plant, WRF effluent flows, and plant operations to manage the WRF performance. It provides plant operators with useful feedback for correctly targeting the effluent nitrates using an intelligent process simulator called IViewOps. The platform is powered by URUNME, a new software that fully automates the operation of the reservoir and process models integrating forecasting products, and data sources. URUNME was developed in C#.NET to provide out-of-the-box functionality for model coupling, data storage, analysis, visualization, scenario management, and decision support systems. The software automatically runs the entire integrated model and outputs data on user-friendly dashboards, displaying historical and forecasting trends, on a periodic basis. This decision support system can provide stakeholders with a holistic view for the design, planning, risk assessments, and potential improvements in various components of the water supply chain, not just for the Occoquan but for any reservoir augmentation type IPR system. / Doctor of Philosophy / In an indirect potable reuse (IPR) system, reclaimed water from an advanced wastewater treatment facility is blended with a natural water source, such as a reservoir, to augment drinking water supply. Reliable operation of such a system is critical, especially when the reclaimed water constitutes a major portion of the withdrawals from the reservoir for treatment and distribution. One example of such an IPR system is the Upper Occoquan Service Authority (UOSA) water reclamation facility (WRF) which discharges its reclaimed water into the Occoquan Reservoir, a key water resource for Fairfax County. Integrated environmental modeling (IEM) provides a comprehensive approach towards the design and operation of water resource systems in which water supply, drainage, and sanitation are simulated as a single entity rather than independent units. In IEM, different standalone models, each representing a single subsystem, are linked together to analyze the complex interactions between various components of the system. This approach can be used for developing operational support tools for an IPR system to ensure timely and informed decision-making in response to the fluctuating conditions, e.g., weather patterns, plant performance, water demand, etc. The overarching goal of this research was to integrate different models and the data sources and develop a decision support system (DSS) to manage the UOSA-WRF performance. This resulting integrated model is used to predict future reservoir conditions based on the weather and streamflow forecasts obtained from the National Weather Service. The application runs various future scenarios to capture the possible variations of the pollutant loadings in the streams, withdrawals by the water treatment plant, WRF effluent flows, and plant operations and provide feedback to plant operators. The entire integrated model is operated periodically to output data on user-friendly dashboards, displaying historical and forecasting trends. The DSS provides stakeholders with a holistic view for the design, planning, risk assessments, and potential improvements in various components of the water supply chain, not just for the Occoquan but for any reservoir augmentation type IPR system.

Planeamiento estratégico de la empresa prestadora de servicios de saneamiento Cajamarca S.A.

Carranza Corcuera, Juan Carlos, Chojeda Dayer, Lesly Carol, Linares Fuentes, Edgar, Yopla Vergara, José Luis 06 October 2019 (has links)
El acceso al agua potable es considerado un derecho fundamental de todas las personas en la mayoría de países del mundo, de igual modo es considerado base para el desarrollo de toda sociedad; particularmente, la provincia de Cajamarca posee grandes reservas hídricas que no se están siendo aprovechadas eficientemente, lo que ha traído como consecuencia la falta de este servicio de saneamiento para aproximadamente el 14% de la población de las localidades de Cajamarca, San Miguel y Contumazá. La empresa prestadora de servicios de saneamiento SEDACAJ S.A. es la encargada de la gestión y prestación de tales servicios en las localidades indicadas, los principales problemas que afectan a la organización son (a) la injerencia política bajo la cual se encuentra, debido a que los propietarios son las Municipalidades Provinciales de Cajamarca, San Miguel y Contumazá; y (b) la poca eficiencia como organización debido a que su fuerza laboral no está preparada para hacer frente a los retos actuales; problemas que deberían solucionarse para que la empresa pueda cumplir con sus objetivos organizacionales. Los últimos gobiernos peruanos han establecido como política de Estado, lograr el acceso universal a los servicios de saneamiento hasta el año 2030, y gracias a la estabilidad económica que el Perú está viviendo, se están destinando importantes recursos financieros para el logro de este objetivo; sin embargo, por falta de capacidad de gestión de la empresa prestadora de servicios de saneamiento SEDACAJ S.A. no se han podido llevar adelante proyectos de impacto que solucionen de manera sostenible la falta de los servicios de saneamiento. Las estrategias propuestas se enfocan en ampliar y mejorar la capacidad operativa de la empresa y de esta manera aprovechar el recurso hídrico con el que se cuenta, para esto es necesario que la organización tenga la capacidad de desarrollar proyectos de impacto y luego, lógicamente operarlos de manera eficiente, la organización debe aprovechar que el Perú tiene un buen momento económico y puede financiar este tipo de proyectos. / Access to drinking water is considered a fundamental right of all people in most countries of the world. In the same way, it is considered the basis for the development of every society. Particularly, the province of Cajamarca has large water reserves that are not being used efficiently. The result of this is a lack of proper water and sanitation services for approximately 14% of the population of the districts of Cajamarca, San Miguel and Contumaza. The company that provides this sanitation services -SEDACAJ S.A.- is responsible for the management and supply of such services in the indicated locations. The main problems that affect SEDACAJ are (a) the political interference by the owners that are the Provincial Municipalities of Cajamarca, San Miguel and Contumaza, and (b) poor efficiency since its workforce is not duly prepared to face the actual challenges; these are problems that should be solved in order to have SEDACAJ fulfilling its organizational goals. The last Peruvian governments have established as a priority to achieve universal access to sanitation services for the people towards 2030. Thanks to the economic stability that Peru is experiencing nowadays, important financial resources are being allocated to achieve this objective. However, due to inadequate administration of SEDACAJ it has not been possible to carry out impact projects that could sustainably solve the problems on local sanitation services. The proposed strategies in this document are focused on expanding and improving the operational capacity of this entity and to take advantage of the available water resource. For this, it is necessary for SEDACAJ to have the capacity to develop impact projects and operate them efficiently. SEDACAJ should take advantage of the fact that Peru has a good economic moment and can finance these types of projects.

Instalaciones sanitarias utilizando sistemas de recirculación del agua potable

Contreras Talledo, Joseluis Alberto, Contreras Quesquen, Blas Paolo, Peredo Rodríguez, Iván Joel, Quintana Vera, Jerry, Quinto Muñoz, Víctor Jean Pierre, Quispe Romero, Axcel Roland 20 February 2022 (has links)
La norma de instalaciones sanitarias I.S. 010 (2006) no impide la instalación de elementos que puedan ahorrar energía y agua para el caso de agua caliente, solo presenta indicaciones con respecto al uso de los sistemas de agua, desagüe y de las conexiones a utilizar dentro de una edificación, así como las dimensiones y las herramientas adecuadas según el consumo para el cual se diseñará el edificio. Con base en estos datos mencionados, la investigación presentada tiene como núcleo la aplicación de elementos que permitan la recirculación del agua potable en una vivienda, de tal manera que se evite el desperdicio de agua, puesto que, en la actualidad, el mundo pasa por un grave problema con respecto a los recursos hidrológicos. Asimismo, según estudios realizados por la ONU y presentados por la BBC News: “el aumento de la población anual es cada vez mayor en el mundo y asimismo es un indicativo del aumento del consumo de agua y se prevé que para el año 2050 la mitad del mundo estaría pasando por una gran escasez de agua”. En la actualidad, el sistema de agua caliente en las edificaciones genera pérdidas de agua potable debido a que cuando se abre el grifo de agua, debe pasar un tiempo pronunciado para que el agua alcance el nivel de temperatura requerido por el consumidor. En consecuencia, se genera un desperdicio de agua fría, es así que se tiene planeado implementar este sistema, el cual permitirá ahorrar en agua potable y evitar futuras pérdidas, que medidos anualmente conforman una cantidad en metros cúbicos que no es despreciable. Para la aplicación de estos elementos se plantea presentar los beneficios que implicaría su instalación en edificaciones peruanas. Finalmente, se presenta la instalación de este sistema de recirculación de agua potable aplicable en agua caliente para una edificación denominada PROYECTO CUSCO, ubicada en la ciudad de Cusco, distrito de Wánchaq. En la que se presenta la distribución de este nuevo sistema en el proyecto y se cumple con los requisitos impuestos por la norma I.S. 010 (2006) correspondiente a instalaciones sanitarias del reglamento nacional de edificaciones. Como conclusión, se demuestra que es aplicable la utilización de sistemas de recirculación y que benefician no solo al consumidor sino también al planeta, teniendo más opciones de proteger nuestro entorno para las generaciones futuras.

Evaluation of Contaminant Removal Through Soil Aquifer Treatment by a Lab Scale Soil Column Experiment Including a Trace Contaminant Spike Test

Dziura, Thomas Michael 28 May 2020 (has links)
Soil aquifer treatment (SAT), the removal of contaminants during percolation through soil, is a strategy employed in managed aquifer recharge (MAR), one method of indirect potable water reuse. As part of Hampton Roads Sanitation District's (HRSD) MAR project, The Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow (SWIFT), a soil column study was performed using four columns filled with sand taken from the Potomac Aquifer System (PAS) as well as water from various stages in SWIFT's 1MGD demonstration facility. Two pairs of two columns were operated in series, simulating 3 days and 1 month of travel time through aerobic to anaerobic conditions. During Phase 1 of testing, each pair of columns was fed from different stages in the SWIFT treatment process. During Phase 2 of testing, one set of columns was spiked with a conservative tracer bromide, and several contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). The contaminants monitored during both phases included total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen species, and the disinfection byproducts bromate and NDMA. During Phase 2 of testing, CECs, iron, arsenic, bromide, and sulfate were monitored in addition to those monitored during Phase 1. About 50% of the TOC was removed within 3 days of travel time, with no additional removal observed in 1 month. Nitrate was conserved in the 3-day columns, but completely removed after 1 month, indicating denitrification. Bromate and NDMA were reduced significantly in the 3-day columns and mostly non-detect in the 1-month effluent. Many of the spiked CECs were reduced significantly in the 3-day column indicating degradation. Three compounds exhibited some retardation through both columns but were not degraded. A few compounds, notably perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), showed no retardation or degradation. / Master of Science / In order to continue to meet the water demands of the future, potable reuse is a necessary and effective solution. HRSD's SWIFT project aims to create a sustainable source of drinking water through advanced treatment of its wastewater effluent and subsequent recharge of the Potomac Aquifer in a process known as managed aquifer recharge (MAR). During MAR, chemical and biological contaminants are attenuated or removed through a process known as soil aquifer treatment (SAT). HRSD installed pilot-scale soil columns at their 1MGD SWIFT demonstration facility to evaluate the potential removal of contaminants. During the study, removal of contaminants, both regulated and unregulated, was observed. This study demonstrated that SAT provides an effective environmental barrier against many contaminants and helped to inform the level of treatment necessary to protect public health during MAR potable reuse projects.

Advanced Biofilm and Aerobic Granulation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment

Sun, Yewei 10 April 2020 (has links)
Attached growth biological processes offer advantages over traditional water purification technologies through high biomass retention, easy sludge-water separation, multiple multispecies synergies in proximity, resilience to shock loading, low space requirements, and reactor operational flexibility. Traditionally, attached growth refers to biofilms that require abiotic carrying media for bacteria to attach and grow on. While biofilms have been broadly applied in wastewater treatment, its potential for potable reuse or stormwater treatment has not been well studied. The treatment trains of pre-ozonation followed by biologically active filtration (ozone- BAF) is an advanced biofilm technology for potable reuse that can generate high-quality potable water at reduced energy and chemical demands by removing pollutant through three different pathways: oxidation, adsorption, and biodegradation. However, these pathways can result in both desirable and undesirable effects, and the mechanism behind it is still unclear. To understand the mechanisms of various pollutant removal, parallel performance comparisons of ozone-BAF treatment trains with spent and regenerated granular activated carbon (GAC), along with a range of pre-oxidant ozone doses were performed. Another common issue of BAF is the headloss buildup during its operation, which has become a significant energy and maintenance burden at many utilities. Thus, a mathematical model was developed to predict BAF headloss buildup in response to organic removal and nitrification. For stormwater treatment, the feasibility of using biofilms for stormwater biological nitrogen removal (BNR) is still largely unknown, as very limited research effort has been dedicated to this aspect. Thus, a mathematical model was developed to evaluate the potential of using BNR techniques for stormwater nitrogen removal. Aerobic granules are an even more advanced attached growth process, which eliminates the need for abiotic carrying media. So far, aerobic granular sludge is only formed in sequential batch reactors but not in a continuous flow system. Therefore, continuous flow aerobic granulation from traditional activated sludge was investigated and, for the first time, successfully achieved in continuous flow plug-flow bioreactors fed with real municipal wastewater. Besides, the role and critical value of an essential operational parameter, feast/famine ratio, for continuous flow aerobic granulation were determined. / Doctor of Philosophy / Water scarcity and increasing water demand caused by urban population growth and climate change is a reality throughout the world. Thus, process intensification of the current water and wastewater technologies is gaining increasing attention globally. Comparing to traditional water purification technologies, attached growth biological processes offers advantages such as high biomass retention, easy sludge-water separation, multiple multispecies synergies in proximity, resilience to shock loading, small footprint requirement, and reactor operational flexibility. Traditionally, attached growth refers to biofilms that require abiotic carrying media for bacteria to attach and grow on. While biofilms have been broadly applied in wastewater treatment, its potential for potable reuse or stormwater treatment has not been well studied. For potable reuse, the treatment trains of pre-ozonation followed by biologically active filtration (ozone-BAF) is an advanced biofilm technology that can generate high-quality potable water at reduced energy and chemical demands by removing pollutant through different pathways. However, the mechanism behind it is still unclear. To understand the mechanisms of various pollutant removal, parallel performance comparisons of ozone-BAF treatment trains operated with different operational conditions were performed in this dissertation. Another common issue of BAF is the headloss buildup during its operation, which has become a significant energy and maintenance burden at many utilities. Thus, a mathematical model was developed to predict the headloss buildup during BAF operation. For stormwater treatment, the feasibility of using biofilms for stormwater biological nitrogen removal (BNR) is still largely unknown, as very limited research effort has been dedicated to this aspect. Thus, a mathematical model was developed to evaluate the potential of using BNR technique for stormwater. Aerobic granules are an even more advanced attached growth process. However, aerobic granular sludge is so far only formed in sequential batch reactors which are incompatible with the continuous flow nature of most wastewater treatment plants. Therefore, aerobic granulation from traditional activated sludge was investigated and, for the first time, successfully achieved in continuous flow plug-flow bioreactors fed with real municipal wastewater. Besides, the role of an essential operational parameter, feast/famine ratio, for continuous flow aerobic granulation was determined.

Evaluation of Soil Aquifer Treatment in a Lab Scale Soil Column Experiment

Pradhan, Prarthana 12 December 2018 (has links)
Soil aquifer treatment (SAT) during managed aquifer recharge has been studied as a method of providing additional environmental barriers to pathogens and contaminants in indirect potable reuse (IPR) applications. A soil column study was conducted by Hampton Roads Sanitation District in order to evaluate the effectiveness of SAT, as a component of its IPR project involving the replenishment of the Potomac Aquifer System (PAS), in providing a sustainable source of drinking water. Four packed soil columns were constructed with sand from the PAS and were designed to simulate the travel time of 3 days and 30 days. The tests conducted aimed at evaluating pathogen removal (MS2, E. coli and Cryptosporidium oocysts); evaluating attenuation of regulated (nitrate, nitrite, bromate, trihalomethane (THM), haloacetic acids (HAA), organic carbon) and unregulated contaminants of concern that affect drinking water quality. Effective pathogen removal was observed with 6 to 7-log removals of MS2 and E. coli and 3 to 5-log removals of microbeads, used as a surrogate for Cryptosporidium. Removal across 3 day columns was comparable to 30-day columns but the potential to achieve higher removal with longer retention time was acknowledged. Nitrate, bromate, THMs and HAAs were completely reduced in 30-day columns. Total organic carbon was removed at 25 – 35% in all four columns. Seven out of the 106 contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) tested were consistently detected in the column feed and effluent at concentrations greater than 100 ng/L; some compounds showed potential for removal while no conclusive results were drawn for the remaining compounds. / MS / Potable reuse is a sustainable solution to the increasing water demands of the present and more so the future. Hampton Road Sanitation District (HRSD) aims to treat effluent from its wastewater treatment plants using advanced treatment process for direct recharge of the Potomac aquifer system. This is a method of indirect potable reuse termed as managed aquifer recharge (MAR). MAR can provide additional environmental barriers to contaminants present in water through a process of natural attenuation called soil aquifer treatment (SAT). A soil column study was conducted at HRSD’s pilot scale facility in order to asses SAT under controlled conditions at a meaningful scale. Attenuation of pathogens; regulated contaminants (nitrate, nitrite, bromate, etc.) and contaminants of emerging concern was evaluated through the soil columns. The results showed effective removal of most contaminants of interest which demonstrated that SAT potentially improves water quality and meets public health standards in potable reuse applications.

Impact of Indirect Potable Reuse on Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in the Potomac River Basin

Flanery, Amelia Lynn 17 June 2020 (has links)
The Potomac River Basin is significant for both public and ecological health as it flows directly into the ecologically-sensitive Chesapeake Bay. It is a drinking water source for about 5 million people living in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. The discovery of intersex fish, an indicator of poor ecological health, in the Chesapeake Bay occurred in the 2000s, and has led to a series of studies in the watershed to determine the sources and magnitude of endocrine disruption. Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are exogenous chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system and can cause detrimental health effects at low concentrations. This study aims to understand a best management practice referred to as planned indirect potable reuse (IPR) and its impacts on EDCs. The Occoquan Watershed is a planned IPR subwatershed of the Potomac River Basin. Water samples were collected at the water reclamation plant discharge (Upper Occoquan Service Authority), up- and downstream of that location along Bull Run, and at the water treatment plant intake (Frederick P. Griffith WTP) in the Occoquan Watershed to assess planned IPR. Samples were also collected at a water treatment plant (James J. Corbalis WTP) along the Potomac River for comparison as an unplanned IPR location. These two groups of samples were analyzed for EDCs (categorized into two groups: estrogen hormones and other synthetic organic compounds (SOCs)), nutrients, and other water quality parameters. The infrequency of estrogen hormones and SOC patterns indicate planned and unplanned IPR are both viable approaches to provide safe drinking water / Master of Science / Our river systems are important to maintain both for human and environmental health. The Potomac River Basin is the area of land drained by the Potomac River and its tributaries. The Potomac River Basin is significant for both public and ecological health as it flows directly into the ecologically-sensitive Chesapeake Bay. It is a drinking water source for about 5 million people living in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington D.C. The discovery of intersex fish, or when a single fish has both male and female characteristics, occurred in the Chesapeake Bay in the 2000s. Fish health is often an indicator of poor environmental health, and in this case endocrine disruption. This discovery led to a series of studies in the watershed to determine the sources and magnitude of endocrine disruption. Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) are external chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system once they enter the body of a human or another organism, and can cause detrimental health effects even at low concentrations. This study aims to understand a best management practice, or a type of water pollution control, referred to as planned indirect potable reuse (IPR) and its impacts on EDCs. IPR occurs when wastewater from a community is discharged into to a river or a reservoir, and then downstream it is withdrawn from that same source for drinking water purposes. This can be either planned or unplanned. Planned IPR is becoming more common as population, especially in urban areas, increases. The Occoquan Watershed is a planned IPR subwatershed of the Potomac River Basin. Water samples were collected at the water reclamation plant discharge (Upper Occoquan Service Authority), up- and downstream of that location along Bull Run, and at the water treatment plant intake (Frederick P. Griffith WTP) in the Occoquan Watershed to assess planned IPR. Samples were also collected at a water treatment plant (James J. Corbalis WTP) along the Potomac River for comparison as an unplanned IPR location. These two groups of samples were analyzed for EDCs (categorized into two groups: estrogen hormones and other synthetic organic compounds (SOCs)), nutrients, and other water quality parameters. The infrequency of estrogen hormones and SOC patterns indicate planned and unplanned IPR are both viable approaches to provide safe drinking water.

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