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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manejo de lianas em bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual e de cerradão, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP / Management of lianas in semideciduous forest and cerradão edges, Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP

Jordão, Sônia Maria Schaefer 03 February 2010 (has links)
No Estado de São Paulo, dentro de uma mesma zona climática, a floresta estacional semidecidual e o cerradão são comumente encontrados dividindo o espaço. Atualmente, essas duas formações encontram-se reduzidas a pequenos fragmentos florestais, em estágio avançado de perturbação. Com a fragmentação da floresta, há um aumento da luminosidade nas bordas dos remanescentes florestais e lianas heliófitas podem aumentar suas populações e competir vigorosamente com as espécies arbustivo-arbóreas. O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito do manejo das lianas sobre o processo de restauração florestal em bordas perturbadas de floresta estacional semidecidual e de cerradão. Também foi analisada a influência do tipo de vizinhança sobre a borda florestal e sobre os resultados do manejo. O experimento foi instalado na região de Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, em bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual, com vizinhanças de cana-de-açúcar e rodovia e em bordas de cerradão, com vizinhanças de eucalipto, cana-deaçúcar e rodovia. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, com parcelas de 100m2 e 3 repetições. Nas bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual foram testadas 3 técnicas de manejo: corte de lianas (C), corte de lianas + revolvimento do solo (CR) e corte de lianas + plantio de espécies arbóreas nativas (CP). Nas bordas de cerradão foram testadas 2 técnicas de manejo: corte de lianas (C) e corte de lianas + revolvimento do solo (CR). Para análise do processo de restauração florestal, foram avaliados o crescimento médio em altura e diâmetro das espécies arbustivoarbóreas, a mortalidade média e o número médio de indivíduos ingressantes no estrato arbustivoarbóreo, a chuva de sementes e a mortalidade média e o número médio de indivíduos ingressantes no estrato da regeneração. Nas duas formações florestais, verificou-se uma diminuição na riqueza de espécies arbustivo-arbóreas e no número de árvores de maior porte, no sentido das bordas com vizinhança de eucalipto, para as bordas com vizinhanças de cana-de-açúcar e rodovia, respectivamente. Tanto nas bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual, quanto de cerradão, os resultados do manejo das lianas foram influenciados pelo grau de infestação por lianas, pela estrutura da vegetação recém manejada, pelas espécies presentes e pela vizinhança do fragmento florestal. Embora na maioria dos casos as diferenças não tenham sido significativas, efeitos positivos do corte das lianas foram observados para o crescimento médio em altura ou diâmetro dos indivíduos, principalmente nas áreas mais infestadas. No entanto, nas bordas com vizinhança de rodovia, o corte das lianas pode intensificar os efeitos de borda, a ponto de prejudicar o ingresso das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas no estrato da regeneração. Nas bordas de floresta estacional semidecidual, o corte das lianas não será suficiente para promover a recuperação da fisionomia florestal, pois os indivíduos presentes sob as lianas correspondem a espécies de subbosque, sendo necessário o enriquecimento das bordas com espécies de dossel. Nas duas formações florestais, o revolvimento superficial do solo não favoreceu a regeneração das espécies arbustivo-arbóreas. / In São Paulo state, throughout the same climatic zone, semideciduous forests and cerradão patches commonly share the same geographic area. Currently, these two formations are reduced to small fragments, in advanced stage of disturbance. Along with the fragmentation of the forest, there is an increase in ligth incidence at the edges and lianas generally increase their populations, competing vigorously with trees and shrubs species. The objective of this study was to verify the effect of management of lianas on the processe of restoration of forest physionomy in disturbed edges of semideciduous forest and cerradão. It was also analyzed the influence of matrix on the edge of forests and the results of liana removal management. The experiment was installed in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, SP, on the edges of semideciduous forest fragments surrounded by sugar cane and roads, and cerradão fragments bordered by eucalyptus plantations, sugar cane and roads. The experimental design was randomized with blocks of plots of 100m2 and 3 replications. At the edges of semideciduous forest three techniques of management were tested: cutting of lianas (C), cutting of lianas + revolving surface soil (CR) and cutting of lianas + planting of native tree species (CP). On the edges of cerradão two management alternatives were tested: cutting of lianas (C) and cutting of lianas + revolving surface soil (CR). To analyze the process of restoration of forest physionomy, we assessed the average growth in height and diameter of tree and shrub species, the average mortality and average number of individuals entering the tree stratum, the rain seed, the average mortality and the average number of individuals entering the stratum of regeneration. In both forests, there was a decrease in the richness of tree and shrub species and the number of larger trees from areas surrounded by eucalyptus to areas in a matrix of sugar cane and road. The results of lianas management, both on semideciduous forest and cerradão, were influenced by the degree of infestation, by the structure of vegetation recently managed, by the species composition and by the nature of surrounding matrix. Although in most cases the differences were not significant, positive effects of cutting lianas were observed on the average growth in height or diameter of the individual, mainly in the most infested areas. However, when the edges are contiguous to roads, lianas removal may intensify edge effects, as to disturb the number of individuals entering the stratum of regeneration. On semideciduous forests, cutting the lianas on the edges alone will not be enough to promote the recovery of the forest structure, because individuals providing support for lianas are understory species, being necessary the enrichment of the edges with the tree canopy species. In both forests, the revolving surface soil did not favor the regeneration of arbustive-arboreal species.

Aplicação de turfa na recuperação de solos degradados pela mineração de areia. / Environmental recuperation of sand mining disturbed soils by peat utilization.

Franchi, José Guilherme 21 August 2000 (has links)
A recuperação ambiental de áreas exploradas pela mineração de areia na região do Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo, constitui anseio popular, obrigação constitucional e fator de diferenciação dentro da mais moderna visão empresarial. Este trabalho estuda a aplicação de turfa como um melhorador de solos na etapa final do processo de recuperação destas áreas: o restabelecimento da vegetação nativa. O interesse surgiu da experiência de trabalho do autor com pesquisa mineral e tecnológica desta substância, além da observação e acompanhamento de alguns projetos de revegetação nestas áreas, tidas como ambientalmente sensíveis e onde os solos apresentam-se, via de regra, improdutivos; sua utilização representou, nestes casos, a diferença entre o sucesso e a necessidade de replantio. Apresenta-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre turfa e suas propriedades agronômicas, bem como acerca da utilização de matéria orgânica na revegetação de áreas degradadas. O estudo constituiu um comparativo entre resultados de ensaios efetuados em amostras de solo provenientes de área abandonada pela mineração de areia, homogeneizadas em laboratório em seu estado original (branco), de um lado, e com adição de turfa em diferentes proporções, de outro, visando aferir se alguma delas poderia adequar-se mais satisfatoriamente à melhoria das condições gerais do solo em questão. Foram analisadas variações em propriedades químicas e físicas como retenção de cátions, efeito tampão, densidade aparente, condutividade hidráulica e porosidade. Abre-se a possibilidade de os resultados deste projeto não se limitarem apenas à Indústria Mineral mas estenderem-se a outros setores onde haja a necessidade de recuperação de solos, fornecendo subsídios a eventuais modificações no manejo de solos agricultáveis, com perspectivas de geração de economia de recursos em irrigação, fertilizantes e defensivos agrícolas. / The environmental recuperation of areas explored by sand mining in the Vale do Paraíba region, in the State of São Paulo, is a popular aspiration, a constitutional obligation and constitutes a differentiating factor in the visions of modern enterprise. This work studies the utilization of peat as a soil conditioner in the final stage of the recuperation process for these areas: the revival of indigenous vegetation. This idea arose from the author's experience in technological and mineral research into peat, coupled with the observation and monitoring of these environmentally sensitive areas, whose soils were, from an agricultural stance, generally unproductive. The utilization of peat, in these cases, represented the difference between success and the necessity for a replantation process. This study presents a review of the agronomic properties of peat as well as the application of organic matter in the revegetation of damaged land. It is a comparative study between laboratory assay results from soil samples in their original state, and those where the soil has variable peat contents, seeking to ascertain which, if any, results in better general conditions for that particular soil. Both physical and chemical properties were analyzed, with an emphasis on cation exchange capacity, buffering, bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and porosity. There is a possibility that the results of this project can extended beyond the Mineral Industry to other sectors, where there are needs for soil recuperation, leading to cost savings for irrigation, fertilizers and agrotoxic compounds in food production areas.

Chuva de sementes em ambientes perturbados e não-perturbados na Floresta de Mata Atlântica do sul da Bahia, Brasil / Seed rain on disturbed and undisturbed environments at the Atlantic Forest of south Bahia, Brazil

Joyce Tatiane Rodrigues da Silva 17 June 2008 (has links)
O nível de perturbação a que um ambiente está sujeito pode afetar profundamente o processo de regeneração natural, através de modificações nas fontes de regeneração. Os principais mecanismos de regeneração natural das florestas são a chuva de sementes (dispersão), o banco de sementes do solo e o estabelecimento de plântulas. O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar uma das principais etapas da regeneração, a chuva de sementes, em áreas de perturbações naturais (clareiras) e antrópicas (área queimada) e áreas sem indícios de perturbação recente na Mata Atlântica do sul da Bahia. Para a amostragem, foram instalados coletores de sementes em ambientes de sub-bosque, de clareiras naturais e de uma área perturbada por fogo, num total de 144 coletores de 0,50 x 0,50 m, amostrados mensalmente. A chuva de sementes da Floresta Ombrófila Densa analisada foi contínua ao longo dos dois anos amostrados, mas apresentou flutuações entre períodos do ano e variações entre os ambientes analisados. Foram amostradas 41.910 sementes, pertencentes a 198 morfoespécies, sendo que as 120 que puderam ser identificadas foram distribuídas em 31 famílias e 57 gêneros. As 78 espécies indeterminadas representam apenas 256 sementes ou 0,6% do total de sementes amostradas. A menor quantidade total de sementes nesses dois anos foi observada no ambiente de clareiras (7.555, representando 1,25 sementes/m²/dia), enquanto o maior número de sementes foi observado na área queimada (13.656, ou seja, 2,17 sementes/m²/dia). Não foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre a proporção de espécies anemocóricas para os ambientes de clareiras e sub-bosque em nenhum dos anos analisados. Os ambientes mais similares foram o sub-bosque próximo à área queimada (MP) e o subbosque adjacente às clareiras (SB), seguido pelas clareiras (C) e pelo sub-bosque próximo à área queimada (MP). Os períodos de maior taxa de deposição de sementes estiveram concentrados principalmente no meio de ano para praticamente todos os ambientes. A chuva de sementes foi dominada por um pequeno número de espécies produzindo cerca de 98% do total de sementes amostradas, e com muitas espécies sendo representadas por poucas sementes ao longo do período de estudo. Essa dominância foi representada principalmente por três espécies arbóreas pioneiras nativas: Miconia mirabilis, Cecropia pachystachya e Henriettea succosa. Em análise mais detalhada da chuva de sementes destas espécies foi observado que as espécies Miconia mirabilis e Cecropia pachystachya mostraram um padrão anual de deposição de suas sementes, sugerindo que estas espécies possuem uma fenologia definida com longos períodos de deposição de sementes durante o ano. Henriettea succosa foi a espécie que obteve uma distribuição mais homogênea entre os quatros ambientes observados, porém sua maior deposição de sementes ocorreu exclusivamente no mês de abril de 1999. / The disturbance level to which a forest is exposed to may affect its dynamics, modifying the recruits sources. The main mechanisms of forest natural regeneration is seed rain (dispersion), soil seed bank and seedlings establishment. This study aims to analyze seed rain within fire and natural (gaps) disturbed areas and sites with no sign of recent disturb at Atlantic Forests of South Bahia. Sampling was taken monthly through seed rain collectors located under gaps, understorey and fire disturbed areas, in a total of 144 0,5x0,5 m collectors. Although seed rain sampling was continuous, fluctuations were noticed for distinct seasonal periods and environments. A total of 41.910 seeds were sampled, representing 198 morfo-species; 120 were identified and classified into 31 botanical families and 57 genera. The remaining 78 morfo-species were represented by 256 seeds or 0,6% of total sampled seeds. The lower quantities of seeds were observed within gaps environments (7.555 seeds, representing 1,25 seeds/m²/day), while the higher amounts were observed for the fire disturbed areas (13.656 seeds or 2,17 seeds/m²/day). No significant differences were found regarding anemochoric species occurrence between gaps and understorey environments. Similarities were found between fire disturbed areas (MP) and their surrounding understorey environments (SB) and also between gaps (C) and understorey close to fire disturbed areas (SB). The periods of seeds deposition higher rate had been mainly concentrated in the middle of the year for practically all environments. Seed rain was characterized by few species that produced around 98% of the total amount of sampled seeds, with most of the species being represented by few seeds during this study. The dominant species were represented by three native pioneer tree species: Miconia mirabilis, Cecropia pachystachya and Henriettea succosa. A more detailed analysis of the seed rain revealed that Miconia mirabilis and Cecropia pachystachya have an annual deposition pattern, suggesting that these species have a defined phenology, with long periods of seeds deposition along a year. Henriettea succosa presented the most homogeneous distribution among the observed environments, with higher levels of deposition during April 1999. Further studies are needed to understand the observed patterns of this study, especially on M. mirabilis and C. pachystachya phenology.

Investigation of High Prandtl Number Scalar Transfer in Fully Developed and Disturbed Turbulent Flow

Andrew Purchase Unknown Date (has links)
Scalar (heat or mass) transfer plays an important role in many industrial and engineering applications. Difficulties in experimental measurements means that there is limited detailed information available, especially in the near-wall region. Prediction in simple flows is well documented and the basis for development of many Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models. This is, however, not the case for scalar transfer, especially when the Prandtl (Pr) or Schmidt number (Sc) is much greater than unity. In complex flows that involve separation and reattachment, the scalar transfer coefficient is significantly different to that of fully developed turbulent flow. The purpose of this Thesis is to investigate high Prandtl number (Pr ≥ 10) scalar transfer in fully developed (pipe) and disturbed (sudden pipe expansion) turbulent flow using CFD. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) is the most straight-forward approach to the solution of turbulent flows with scalar transfer. However, this technique is computationally intensive because all turbulent scales need to be resolved by the simulation. Large eddy simulation (LES) is a compromise compared to DNS. Instead of resolving all spatial scales, LES resolves only the large-scales with the small-scales being accounted for by a subgrid-scale model. Chapter 2 details the mathematical, numerical and computational details of LES with scalar transfer. From this, an optimized and highly scalable parallel LES solver was developed based on state-of-the-art LES subgrid-scale models and numerical techniques. Chapter 3 provides a verification of the LES solver for fully developed turbulent pipe flow. Reynolds numbers between Re = 180 and 1050 were simulated with a single Prandtl number of Pr = 0.71. Detailed turbulent statistics are provided for Re = 180, 395 and 590 with varying grid resolution for each Reynolds number. The results from these simulations were compared to established experimental and numerical databases of fully developed turbulent pipe and channel flows. The LES solver was shown to be in good agreement with the prior work with most discrepancies being accounted for by only reporting the resolved (large-scale) component directly reported from the LES results. For a Prandtl number close to unity, the mechanisms of turbulent transport and scalar transfer are similar. The near-wall region was shown to be dominated by large-scale sweeping structures that bring high momentum and scalar concentrations to the near-wall region. These are convected parallel to the wall as diffusion mechanisms act to transfer this to the wall where dissipation takes effect. An ejection structure then acts to transport the resultant low momentum, scalar depleted fluid back to the bulk to be replenished and continue the cycle. As the Prandtl number increases, molecular diffusivity decreases relative to viscosity, and the mechanisms of scalar transfer differ to those at Pr = 0.71. This is investigated in Chapter 4 using simulations at Re = 180, 395 and 590, with detailed statistics at Re = 395 for Pr = 0.71, 5, 10, 100 and 200. Where possible the results are compared to other numerical work and the LES solver was shown to accurately resolve the higher Prandtl number flows. There are marked variations in the scalar transfer with increasing Prandtl number as the turbulent scalar transfer becomes concentrated closer to the wall and dominated by large-scale turbulent structures. Sweeping structures are still responsible for bringing the high scalar concentrations towards the wall, however, high Prandtl number scalars are unable to completely diffuse to the wall in the time that the structure is convected parallel to the wall adjacent to the diffusive sublayer. Therefore, most of the high Prandtl number scalar is returned to the bulk via the ejection structure rather than being dissipated at the wall. Chapter 5 uses the sudden pipe expansion (SPE) to investigate disturbed turbulent flow for an inlet Reynolds numbers of Reb = 15600 and a diameter ratio of E = 1.6. These simulation parameters were chosen to match the experimental LDA measurements of Stieglmeier et al. (1989). The LES results for a range of grid resolutions were shown to be in very good agreement with the experimental work. From the LES results it was determined that the fluctuations in the wall shear stress are important in the near-wall turbulent transport. These are the result of eddies originating from the free shear layer down-washing and impinging upon the wall. This is a more effective sweeping mechanism than that observed for the fully developed turbulent pipe flow. Despite the down-wash structures impinging upon the wall, a viscous sublayer still exists in the reattachment region, albeit much thinner than the fully developed turbulent pipe flow further downstream. Using the same Reynolds number and diameter ratio, scalar transfer simulations were also undertaken in the SPE with Prandtl numbers of Pr = 0.71, 5, 10, 100 and 200. An applied scalar flux was used to heat the expanded pipe wall. The LES results are in agreement with experimental Nusselt numbers from Baughn et al. (1984) for Pr = 0.71. The disturbed turbulent flow enhances the scalar transfer and this is the result of down wash events transporting low (cold) scalar from the inlet pipe to the near-wall of the expanded pipe. This cools the heated wall and enhances localized scalar transfer downstream of the expansion. A diffusive sublayer still exists in the reattachment region within the viscous sublayer for Prandtl numbers greater than unity. As the Prandtl number increases the diffusivity decreases relative to viscosity and near-wall scalar transfer enhancement decreases as the diffusion time-scales increase.

Restrained Eating : Development and Models of Prediction in Girls

Lunner, Katarina January 2003 (has links)
<p>Body image concerns and dieting emerge at an early age among girls and become more pronounced with increasing age. Knowledge about risk factors for disturbed eating is crucial in order to develop theoretical models and to suggest new paths for preventive efforts. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the development of disturbed eating and to evaluate a conceptual model of predictors of body dissatisfaction and disturbed eating in girls. The included studies are part of a seven-year longitudinal project employing an accelerated multi-cohort design, including several age groups (7, 9, 11, 13, 15 years at inclusion). </p><p>Study I demonstrated a marked increase in the wish to be thinner and dieting attempts between the ages 10–14 and 9–13 years, respectively. In Study II, the Body Mass Index (BMI) predicted weight-related teasing and body dissatisfaction, and body dissatisfaction predicted restrained eating among Swedish girls in Grade 8 and Australian girls in Grades 7 and 8. Weight-related teasing partially mediated between BMI and body dissatisfaction in all three samples. Study III partially supported a conceptual model implying that BMI, weight-related teasing, and body dissatisfaction at 7–11 years predicted restrained eating among girls 12–14 years old. Study IV provided support for a conceptual model positing that BMI, body esteem, and to some extent weight-related teasing, predict body dissatisfaction and restrained eating during adolescence and young adulthood. </p><p>In conclusion, there was partial support for a conceptual model including these risk factors for disturbed eating among girls.</p>

Restrained Eating : Development and Models of Prediction in Girls

Lunner, Katarina January 2003 (has links)
Body image concerns and dieting emerge at an early age among girls and become more pronounced with increasing age. Knowledge about risk factors for disturbed eating is crucial in order to develop theoretical models and to suggest new paths for preventive efforts. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the development of disturbed eating and to evaluate a conceptual model of predictors of body dissatisfaction and disturbed eating in girls. The included studies are part of a seven-year longitudinal project employing an accelerated multi-cohort design, including several age groups (7, 9, 11, 13, 15 years at inclusion). Study I demonstrated a marked increase in the wish to be thinner and dieting attempts between the ages 10–14 and 9–13 years, respectively. In Study II, the Body Mass Index (BMI) predicted weight-related teasing and body dissatisfaction, and body dissatisfaction predicted restrained eating among Swedish girls in Grade 8 and Australian girls in Grades 7 and 8. Weight-related teasing partially mediated between BMI and body dissatisfaction in all three samples. Study III partially supported a conceptual model implying that BMI, weight-related teasing, and body dissatisfaction at 7–11 years predicted restrained eating among girls 12–14 years old. Study IV provided support for a conceptual model positing that BMI, body esteem, and to some extent weight-related teasing, predict body dissatisfaction and restrained eating during adolescence and young adulthood. In conclusion, there was partial support for a conceptual model including these risk factors for disturbed eating among girls.

Gestörtes Essverhalten im familialen Kontext : Welche Rolle spielen mütterliche gewichts- und essstörungsrelevante Merkmale bei der Ausprägung gestörten Essverhaltens im Kindesalter? / Disturbed eating behaviors in the familial context : What is the role of maternal weight and disordered eating characteristics in the occurrence of disturbed eating behaviors in childhood?

Jahnke, Dörte January 2013 (has links)
Gewichts- und essstörungsrelevante Auffälligkeiten sind bereits im Kindesalter verbreitet. Neben genetischen Faktoren kommt auch die familiale Vermittlung gestörten Essverhaltens als Genesefaktor in Betracht. Ab dem Alter von zehn Jahren gibt es eine breite empirische Basis für die Verknüpfung gestörten Essverhaltens zwischen Müttern und ihren Kindern. Für das Alter unter zehn Jahren existiert bislang wenig gesichertes Wissen. Die Erforschung der spezifischen Wirkung des mütterlichen auf kindliches gestörtes Essverhalten ist jedoch im Hinblick auf Ansätze zur Prävention kindlicher Gewichts- und Essstörungen für dieses Alter von Bedeutung. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde gestörtes Essverhalten von Müttern und Kindern im Alter zwischen einem und zehn Jahren sowie die Beziehung gestörten Essverhaltens von Müttern und ihren Kindern in zwei Studien analysiert. Die erste Studie verfolgte das Ziel, gestörtes Essverhalten von Müttern und Kindern sowie deren Beziehung im Kontext mütterlichen Übergewichts zu analysieren. Es wurden 219 Mütter von Kindern im Alter von drei bis sechs Jahren befragt. In der zweiten Studie wurde neben mütterlichem Übergewicht die Rolle mütterlicher Essstörungssymptomatik fokussiert und in den Analysen des gestörten Essverhaltens von Kindern im Alter von einem bis zehn Jahren berücksichtigt. In die Untersuchung ging eine Stichprobe von 506 Müttern und deren Kindern ein. In beiden Studien beantworteten Mütter ein Fragebogenpaket, welches Instrumente zum gestörten Essverhalten der Mütter (emotionales, externales und gezügeltes Essverhalten) und gestörten Essverhalten des Kindes (emotionales und externales Essverhalten sowie Verlangen nach Essen) umfasste. In der zweiten Studie wurden darüber hinaus Primärsymptomatik einer Essstörung der Mutter (Schlankheitsstreben, Körperunzufriedenheit und bulimisches Essverhalten) und pathologisches Essverhalten der Kinder erfragt. Übergewichtige Mütter berichteten nicht nur höhere Ausprägungen emotionalen und externalen Essverhaltens, sondern auch mehr Schlankheitsstreben, Körperunzufriedenheit und bulimisches Essverhalten als normal- und untergewichtige Mütter. Insgesamt 26% der befragten Mütter der zweiten Studie berichteten eine relevante Essstörungssymptomatik, davon waren 62% übergewichtig. Für die Kinder konnten keine Geschlechtsunterschiede hinsichtlich des Essverhaltens nachgewiesen werden. Im Grundschulalter waren emotionales und pathologisches Essverhalten höher ausgeprägt als bei jüngeren Kindern. Kindliches Übergewicht war mit mehr emotionalem und externalem Essverhalten, Verlangen nach Essen sowie pathologischem Essverhalten verbunden. Das Vorliegen mütterlichen Übergewichts sowie einer mütterlichen Essstörungssymptomatik war mit höheren Ausprägungen v.a. emotionalen Essverhaltens des Kindes assoziiert. Die höchsten Ausprägungen emotionalen Essverhaltens zeigten Kinder, deren Mütter Übergewicht und eine komorbide Essstörungssymptomatik berichtet hatten. Darüber hinaus leisteten gestörte Essverhaltensweisen der Mutter über allgemeine und gewichtsspezifische Aspekte hinaus einen relevanten Beitrag zur Varianzaufklärung emotionalen und externalen Essverhaltens des Kindes. Dabei war emotionales und externales Essverhalten von Mutter und Kind spezifisch miteinander verknüpft. In der ersten Studie ließ sich im Rahmen eines Mediatormodells zeigen, dass die Beziehung zwischen mütterlichem BMI und emotionalem Essverhalten des Kindes vollständig durch das emotionale Essverhalten der Mutter vermittelt wurde. In der zweiten Studie moderierte das Alter des Kindes die Beziehung zwischen emotionalem Essverhalten von Müttern und ihren Kindern in Richtung einer signifikanten Assoziation ab dem Alter von 5,4 Jahren des Kindes. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert deutliche Hinweise auf die Verknüpfung zwischen mütterlichen gewichts- und essstörungsrelevanten Merkmalen und kindlichem gestörtem Essverhalten. Die Befunde legen nahe, dass emotionales Essverhalten als spezifischer Übertragungsweg gewichts- und essbezogener Störungen zwischen Müttern und Kindern in Betracht kommt und in Präventionsansätzen berücksichtigt werden sollte. / Overweight and eating-related disturbances are common problems already in childhood. In addition to genetic factors, the familial transmission of disturbed eating behaviors is discussed to contribute to these problems. Several studies found a significant relationship of disturbed eating behaviors between mothers and their children in preadolescence. Little is known about the age younger than ten years. With regard to activities to prevent overweight and eating disorders in this age group, examining the specific association of disturbed eating behaviors between mothers and children is of particular interest. The aim of the presented work was to analyze disturbed eating of mothers and children aged one to ten years, as well as the association of disturbed eating behaviors between mothers and their children, within two studies. The aim of the first study was to analyze disturbed eating behaviors in mothers and children and their relationship in the context of maternal overweight. 219 mothers of children aged three to six years participated. The focus of the second study was the role of maternal disordered eating beyond maternal overweight in disturbed eating behaviors of children aged one to ten years. 506 mothers and their children participated. In both studies, mothers were asked to fill in a set of questionnaires concerning their own disturbed eating (emotional, external and restraint eating) and disturbed eating of their children (emotional and external eating as well as food responsiveness). Furthermore, the second study included measures to evaluate disordered eating in mothers (drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction und bulimia) and disordered eating in children. Overweight mothers scored higher in emotional and external eating behavior, as well as in drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction and bulimia, than normal- and underweight mothers. In the second study, 26% of mothers reported relevant eating disorders, 62% of these mothers were also overweight. In children, no sex differences were found in disturbed eating behaviors. School-aged children scored higher in emotional and disordered eating than younger children. Overweight in children was associated with higher emotional and external eating, higher food responsiveness as well as higher disordered eating. Maternal overweight and maternal eating disorders were above all connected to higher emotional eating in children. The highest emotional eating showed children of mothers who reported overweight and eating disorders as well. In addition, after controlling for general and weight parameters, disturbed eating behaviors of mothers were able to account for an additional variance of emotional and external eating of their children. Emotional and external eating of mother and child were specifically associated. In the first study, maternal emotional eating completely mediated the relation between maternal BMI and emotional eating of children. In the second study, child’s age moderated the relation between maternal emotional eating and child’s emotional eating towards a significant association at the age of 5.4. The presented work highlights the relationship between characteristics of maternal weight and disordered eating and child’s disturbed eating. The findings suggest emotional eating as a specific transmission path of weight- and eating-related disturbances between mothers and their children, and therefore emotional eating should be integrated in prevention programs.

Heavy metal hermeneutics The Biblical themes of the problem of evil, fate, and anthropology in heavy metal music /

Ulrich, Nicholas Lynch, Gordon, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Cincinnati Christian University, 2009. / Includes abstract and vita. Bibliography: l. 134-140.

Vliv odlišných komunikačních schopností na výkon žáka ve škole / Influence of different communication skills to student performance in school

BÖHMOVÁ, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on different communication skills of elementary school children. Fundamental concepts refer to communication disorders; the disturbed and limited communication ability. The theoretical resource defines the communication from different points of view, namely, how the other branches of science (sociology, linguistics, pedagogy and logopedics) deal with the term of communication. Furthermore, the concept of the disturbed and limited communication abilities are closely specified in this part. The conclusion of the theoretical part includes characteristics of Framework Education Programme for Elementary Education, considered to be a pillar of the Czech education system, and its main goals in terms of fulfilling the key competencies in relation to the integration of learners with special educational needs into a mainstream class. The practical analysis was conducted on the basis of survey questionnaire. The collected data from the pedagogical staff members reflect their experinence with the issue of different communicaton skills. The aim is to describe the relationship between teachers and a pupils with the disturbed or limited communication ability and how they are perceived. In addition, it particularly investigates which language and communication difficulties occur and if they have an impact on learners' achievement.

Aplicação de turfa na recuperação de solos degradados pela mineração de areia. / Environmental recuperation of sand mining disturbed soils by peat utilization.

José Guilherme Franchi 21 August 2000 (has links)
A recuperação ambiental de áreas exploradas pela mineração de areia na região do Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo, constitui anseio popular, obrigação constitucional e fator de diferenciação dentro da mais moderna visão empresarial. Este trabalho estuda a aplicação de turfa como um melhorador de solos na etapa final do processo de recuperação destas áreas: o restabelecimento da vegetação nativa. O interesse surgiu da experiência de trabalho do autor com pesquisa mineral e tecnológica desta substância, além da observação e acompanhamento de alguns projetos de revegetação nestas áreas, tidas como ambientalmente sensíveis e onde os solos apresentam-se, via de regra, improdutivos; sua utilização representou, nestes casos, a diferença entre o sucesso e a necessidade de replantio. Apresenta-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre turfa e suas propriedades agronômicas, bem como acerca da utilização de matéria orgânica na revegetação de áreas degradadas. O estudo constituiu um comparativo entre resultados de ensaios efetuados em amostras de solo provenientes de área abandonada pela mineração de areia, homogeneizadas em laboratório em seu estado original (branco), de um lado, e com adição de turfa em diferentes proporções, de outro, visando aferir se alguma delas poderia adequar-se mais satisfatoriamente à melhoria das condições gerais do solo em questão. Foram analisadas variações em propriedades químicas e físicas como retenção de cátions, efeito tampão, densidade aparente, condutividade hidráulica e porosidade. Abre-se a possibilidade de os resultados deste projeto não se limitarem apenas à Indústria Mineral mas estenderem-se a outros setores onde haja a necessidade de recuperação de solos, fornecendo subsídios a eventuais modificações no manejo de solos agricultáveis, com perspectivas de geração de economia de recursos em irrigação, fertilizantes e defensivos agrícolas. / The environmental recuperation of areas explored by sand mining in the Vale do Paraíba region, in the State of São Paulo, is a popular aspiration, a constitutional obligation and constitutes a differentiating factor in the visions of modern enterprise. This work studies the utilization of peat as a soil conditioner in the final stage of the recuperation process for these areas: the revival of indigenous vegetation. This idea arose from the author's experience in technological and mineral research into peat, coupled with the observation and monitoring of these environmentally sensitive areas, whose soils were, from an agricultural stance, generally unproductive. The utilization of peat, in these cases, represented the difference between success and the necessity for a replantation process. This study presents a review of the agronomic properties of peat as well as the application of organic matter in the revegetation of damaged land. It is a comparative study between laboratory assay results from soil samples in their original state, and those where the soil has variable peat contents, seeking to ascertain which, if any, results in better general conditions for that particular soil. Both physical and chemical properties were analyzed, with an emphasis on cation exchange capacity, buffering, bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and porosity. There is a possibility that the results of this project can extended beyond the Mineral Industry to other sectors, where there are needs for soil recuperation, leading to cost savings for irrigation, fertilizers and agrotoxic compounds in food production areas.

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