Spelling suggestions: "subject:"buclear magnetic resonance."" "subject:"cuclear magnetic resonance.""
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Solid state NMR studies of transition metal compoundsSmith, Deborah Jane January 1986 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with a systematic study of phosphine-containing transition metal complexes and cluster compounds by high resolution solid state nmr spectroscopy, using the techniques of magic angle spinning and cross polarisation. Previous work has indicated the potential of the solid state nmr technique to investigate a variety of materials: this is considered in the introduction to this thesis, and the reasons for choosing to study transition metal phosphine compounds are discussed. The analysis of spinning sidebands to obtain the principle values of the shielding tensor is examined to determine how well the calculated values represent the true values. Simulations of slow MAS spectra are proposed as a means of testing and refining the calculated tensor components before attempting to correlate the shielding with structural parameters. The results of a study of a series of crystalline phosphine-containing complexes and clusters are presented. The spectra are interpreted on the basis of the known crystal structures: in some cases separate resonances can be resolved in the solid state spectra from the distinct phosphine environments of a cluster framework, and from inequivalent sites in the unit cell. Information is obtained from the isotropic shifts, scalar couplings and the chemical shift anisotropy. Many of the compounds are fluxional in solution, some even at low temperature: whereas a number of these are found to be rigid in the solid state at room temperature, some of the crystalline compounds retain their fluxionality. Investigations of the species formed when transition metal carbonyl clusters are anchored to oxide supports were carried out. These show the presence of several distinct phosphorus-containing species, some of which are not consistent with the simple attachment of the cluster to the surface. The unique importance of the solid state technique is demonstrated in the study of these supported species.
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A comparative study of the NMR spectra of parallel potencies of Sulphur with reference to similarities of concentration and dynamisationn.Malan, Johannes Francios January 2002 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Masters Degree in Technology: Homoeopathy, Durban Institute of Technology, 2002. / The purpose of this study was to analyse and compare the NMR spectra of homoeopathic Sulphur (the most well-known and often tested homoeopathic remedy) in two commonly used potencies, namely the centesimal (CH) and decimal (DH) potencies. Both potencies were prepared according to the Hahnemannian method. In order to assess the differences and similarities between these two potency scales, remedies with the same levels of deconcentration, and remedies with the same numbers of succussions were tested. The Control substance used was Water-Ethanol 87% without lactose or Sulphur. The Control substance was prepared in the same way as the Sulphur i.e. potentised as the Sulphur. Chemical shift and relative integration values of the H20, OH and CH2 peaks were recorded, calculated and compared. The investigation was designed as a scientific experiment. Firstly, the Sulphur remedies were compared to the Controls. Secondly, Sulphur remedies were compared to Sulphur remedies, and Controls to Controls. The following criteria were used: o Equal deconcentrations of the centesimal scale were compared to their equivalent decimal scale. o Equal numbers of succussions of the centesimal scale were compared to their equivalent decimal scale. The following potencies were assessed for both Sulphur and Control (Water-Ethanol): / M
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Investigations of protein structure : lysozyme in the crystalline and solution statesCassels, Robert January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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Uso de ressonância magnética nuclear na análise metabolômica de biofluidos de animais tratados com ivermectina / Use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in metabolomic analysis of biofluids from animails trated with IvermectinPostigo, Matheus Pereira 11 May 2012 (has links)
A pesquisa bioquímica no campo da Metabolômica/Metabonômica tem se intensificado consideravelmente nos últimos anos, por sua capacidade de adquirir uma grande quantidade de informação a respeito do comportamento de um organismo através de seu metabolismo. Para isso, frequentemente faz uso da aplicação das mais diversas técnicas analíticas, como a Ressonância Magnética Nuclear. A Ivermectina é um fármaco de amplo uso no Brasil, dada a sua eficiência no controle de verminoses e pragas em gado (e humanos) e está aqui inserida no contexto metabolômico/metabonômico dadas as inúmeras violações ocorridas na carne brasileira exportada. A não observância dos períodos adequados de carência para abate dos animais tratados pode refletir seriamente na qualidade destes produtos. Assim, utilizou-se a Ivermectina como forma de provocar mudanças no metabolismo de bovinos e camundongos, procurando-se correlacionar as variações encontradas à dose aplicada. Através de ferramentas auxiliares, como RMN-2D e ferramentas quimiométricas exploratórias, fez-se a avaliação de amostras de plasma sanguíneo e urina bovinos, e plasma sanguíneo de camundongos Balb-C, após administração de Ivermectina. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a Ivermectina tem influência no balanço energético do organismo, interferindo nos níveis de lactato e β-hidróxibutirato, podendo estar ligada ao aparecimento de uma condição metabólica crítica em mamíferos, relacionada à alta concentração de corpos cetônicos na corrente sanguínea dos mesmos. / The biochemical research in the field of Metabolomics/ Metabonomics has grown considerably in recent years because its capability of acquiring a large amount of information about the behavior of an organism through its metabolism. For this, it often applies several analytical techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Ivermectin is a drug widely used in Brazil, for its effectiveness in controlling verminosis and pests in livestock (and humans) and is here inserted in the metabolomic/metabonomic context because of the numerous breaches occurred in brazilian beef exports. Failures to comply with the appropriate withdrawal periods for slaughtering treated animals may reflect seriously on the quality of these products. Thus, we used Ivermectin as a metabolism change inducer in cattle and mice, trying to correlate these variations to the applied dose. Through auxiliary tools such as 2D-NMR and chemometric exploratory tools, we evaluated samples of bovine blood plasma and urine, and blood plasma of Balb-C mice, after Ivermectin administration. The results show that Ivermectin has influence on the organism\'s energy balance, interfering with lactate and β-hydroxybutyrate which can be connected to the onset of a critical metabolic condition in mammals, related to the high concentration of ketone bodies in their blood stream.
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"Metodologia de imagens de NMR que utiliza um único pulso adiabático de inversão." / "NMR imaging methodology using a single adiabatic inversion pulse."Paiva, Fernando Fernandes 01 April 2004 (has links)
Baseado em uma seqüência já conhecida de Multislice Spin Echo convencional, implementamos uma seqüência do tipo Modified Driven Equilibrium Fourier Transform (MDEFT) adiabática multislice em um sistema de 2T e um de microimagens (9.4T). Essa metodologia utiliza, como pulso de inversão, um pulso de RF com modulação em amplitude e freqüência, conhecido por pulso adiabático. Dessa forma, os tempos de inversão são iguais para todos os planos selecionados, resultando num contraste por T1 uniformemente distribuído ao longo dos mesmos. O uso de um único e longo pulso adiabático de inversão tem, ainda, a vantagem de utilizar uma potência de pico menor para operar da mesma forma que um grupo de m pulsos convencionais. Utilizamos pulsos cujas modulações correspondentes de fase e freqüência foram calculadas com base nas condições de Offset Independent Adiabaticity" (OIA) e a real eficiência dos mesmos foi avaliada através de simulações e experimentalmente. Para realização dos testes da metodologia desenvolvemos e caracterizamos dois phantoms", cujas imagens demonstram a aplicabilidade da metodologia nos dois sistemas utilizados. / Based on the conventional Multislice Spin Echo pulse sequence, we implemented an adiabatic multislice Modified Driven Equilibrium Fourier Transform (MDEFT) pulse sequence on a 2T and a 9.4T microimaging system. This methodology uses, as inversion pulse, an amplitude and frequency modulated RF pulse, known as adiabatic pulse. In that way, the inversion times are the same for all slices, resulting in an evenly distributed T1 contrast. A single and long adiabatic inversion pulse has in addition the advantage of using a reduced peak power to perform in the same way as the group of m conventional pulses. We used pulses whose corresponding phase and frequency modulations were based on Offset Independent Adiabaticity and their real efficiency were evaluated both through simulations and experimentally. To test the methodology, we developed and characterized two phantoms, whose images demonstrate the applicability of the methodology in the two mentioned systems.
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Estudo de interações entre o átomo de enxofre e o grupo carbonila, em tiacetonas, pelo emprego do método de ressonância magnética nuclear / Study interactions between the sulfur atom and carbanila group, tiacetonas, by use of nuclear magnetic resonance methodTrufem Filho, Constantino 17 May 1976 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga as interações entre o átomo de enxofre e o grupo carbonila nos seguintes compostos: 3-tiaciclopentanona (II), 3-tiaciclohexanona (IV), 4-tiaciclohexanona (V), 3-tiacicloheptanona (VII), 4-tiacicloheptanona(VIII), 5-tiaciclooctanona (X), metiltioacetona (XV), etiltioacetona (XVI), 4-etiltio-2-butanona (XVII), 5-etiltio-2-pentanona(XVIII) e 6-etiltio-2-hexanona (XIX). São apresentados: Revisão bibliográfica sobre interações eletrôinicas intramoleculares. As sínteses dos seguintes compostos: 3-tiaciclohexanona (IV), cicloheptanona (VI), 3-tiacicloheptanona(VII), 4-tiacicloheptanona (VIII), ciclooctanona (IX), 5-tiaciclooctanona (X), 4-etiltio-2-butanona (XVII), 5-etiltio-2-pentanona (XVIII), 6-etiltio-2-hexanona (XIX), 3-oxaciclopentanona(XX), 3-ciclohexenona (XXII) e 9-tiabiciclo(3,3,1)-2-nonanona(XXIII), A 6-etiltio-2-hexanona (XIX), composto ainda não descrito na literatura, foi por nós caracterizado. Os dados de basicidades relativas (Δv) de cetonas cíclicas e aciclicas (I-XXII), pelo emprego do método de ressonância magnética nuclear. Estes dados foram obtidos através de medidas dos deslocamentos das posições dos sinais dos prótons ácidos de fenol e de p-clorofenol associados, em complexo 1:1, com aceptores de prótons, em tetracloreto de carbono. As constantes de equilíbrio (kass) dos complexos doador-aceptor de próton, associados por pontes de hidrogênio, em tetracloreto de carbono. A presente tese permite apresentar as seguintes sugestões e conclusões: A comparação das basicidades da ciclopentanona (I), e tetrahidrotiofeno (XXIV), isoladamente e em mistura, com a basicidade da 3-tiaciclopentanona (II), indica que os valores de Δv e de kass para tiacetonas são medidas de basicidade do oxigênio carbonílico e não do enxofre. As tiacetonas contendo o átomo de enxofre ligado ao carbono α ou β são menos básicas do que as cetonas análogas não substituídas, tanto na série cíclica, como na acíclica. As diminuições de basicidade das tiacetonas cíclicas não são devidas nem ao impedimento estérico para a aproximação do doador de próton e nem, pelo menos exclusivamente, a uma tensão que poderia ser causada pela introdução do átomo de enxofre no anel. As oxacetonas contendo o átomo de oxigênio ligado ao carbono α (XX) e (XXI) são mais básicas do que as tia-análogas (II) e (XV), entretanto, menos básicas do que as cetonas correspondentes não substituídas (I) e (XI). Esta ordem é contraria à esperada dos efeitos indutivos dos dois heteroátomos. Eliminados o impedimento estérico, a tensão do anel e os efeitos indutivos, apresenta-se a possibilidade de uma interação no espaço entre os orbitais n do oxigênio carbonílico e n do enxofre como responsável pela diminuição de basicidade do grupo carbonila, através de considerações de potenciais de ionização e de resultado de correlação entre kass e de σ* de Taft de grupos substituintes. A 5-tiaciclooctanona (X) e a 3-ciclohexenona (XXII) apresentam, em solução de tetracloreto de carbono, aumentos anômalos de basicidade com o aumento da concentração de cetona, quando comparados com as outras cetonas estudadas. A explicação que se poderia fornecer para este comportamento é que ambas as cetonas (X, XXII) existem, em solução, como misturas de conformações, de não interação (menos polar) e de interação (mais polar), sendo que a concentração desta última aumenta com o aumento da concentração de cetona. Os nossos resultados apoiam a hipótese sugerida na literatura da existência,na 5-tiaciclooctanona (X), de uma transferência de carga do enxofre para o grupo carbonila. Semelhantemente, uma transferência de carga da dupla olefínica para o grupo carbonila é por nós proposta para a 3-ciclohexenona (XXII). O nosso método de medida de basicidade relativa mostrou-se útil para a identificação de estruturas com transferência de carga em equilíbrios conformacionais. / This thesis investigates the interactions between the sulphur atom and the carbonyl group in the following compounds: 3-thiacyclopentanone (II), 3-thiacyclohexanone (IV) 4-thiacyclohexanone (V), 3-thiacycloheptanone (VII), 4-thiacycloheptanone (VIII), 5-thiacyclooctanone (X), 4-thiapentan-2-one (XV), 4-thiahexan-2-one (XVI), 5-thiaheptan-2-one (XVII), 6-thiaoctan-2-one (XVIII) and 7-thianonan-2-one (XIX). It contains: A review on the intramolecular electronic interaction described in the literature. The syntheses of the following compounds: 3-thiacyclohexanone (IV), cycloheptanone (VI), 3-thiacycloheptanone (VII), 4-thiacycloheptanone (VIII), cyclooctanone (IX), 5-thiacyclooctanone (X), 5-thiaheptan-2-one (XVII), 6-thiaoctan-2-one (XVIII), 7-thianonan-2-one (XIX), 3-oxacyclopentanone (XX), cyclohex-3-enone (XXII) and 9-thiabicyclo(3,3,1)nonan-2-one (XXIII). The thianonan-2-one (XIX), not yet reported in the literature, was characterized. The data of relative basicities (Δv) for cyclic and open-chain ketones (I-XXII), obtained from the measurements of chemical shifts of hydroxylic proton of phenol and p-chlorophenol associated to the ketones (1:1), in carbon tetrachloride. The equilibrium constants (kas) for the same complexes. The following conclusions and suggestions are presented: The Δv and kas values for thiaketones express the basicity of carbonyl oxygen and not that of the sulphur, as indicated by the comparative basicities measurements for cyclopentanone (I), tetrahydrothiophene (XXIV) and 3-thiacyclopentanone (II). Thiaketones, wich sulphur atom and carbonyl group apart by one or two methylene groups, in cyclic as well as in the open-chain series, show a decrease of basicity in comparison to the corresponding unsubstituted ketones. The decrease of basicity of the cyclic thiaketones cannot be attributed either to the steric hindrance to hydrogen bonding with phenol and p-chlorophenol or to some strain due to the introduction of sulphur atom into the ring. The oxaketones (XX) and (XXI), in which the oxygen atom is separated from the carbonyl group by one methylene group, though of lower basicity than the corresponding unsubstituted ketones, show an increased basicity when compared to the thia-analogues (II) and (XV). The basicity order -CH2-CH2-CO- > -O-CH2-CO- > -S-CH2-CO- is contrary to that expected from the inductive effect of the heteroatoms envolved. Therefore, the inductive effect of sulphur cannot be responsible for the decrease in basicity of the thiaketones. The data of the ionization potentials and the result of the correlation between kas and σ* Taft for the substituents suggest through-space interaction as responsible for the decrease of the carbonyl-group basicity. The 5-thiacyclooctanone (X) and cyclohex-3-enone (XXII) show an abnormal raise of basicity with increased concentration in carbon tetrachloride solution, when compared to the other ketones studied. The existence of a mixture of conformations, the non-interacted (less polar) and interacted (more polar), is proposed to be responsible for these data, as the increase of concentration would lead to an increase of the more polar conformation. Our results give a support to the existence of charge-transfer from sulphur to the carbonyl group in the 5-thiacyclooctanone (X) suggested in the literature.Similarly, a charge-transfer from the πC=C to the πC=O system is now proposed for the cyclohex-3-enone (XXII). Our method of relative basicity measurements show to be useful for the identification of the structures, in which a charge-transfer occurs.
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Estudo por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear do Condutor Protônico HPb2Nb3O10. nH2O. / Nuclear magnetic resonance study of proton conductor HPb2Nb3O10. nH2O.Tambelli, Caio Eduardo de Campos 18 September 1998 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi estudado o condutor protônico HPb2Nb3O10. nH2O , por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear pulsada do próton \'ANTPOT.1H\'. Tanto o estudo da forma de linha como a relaxação spin-rede, em função da temperatura, refletem a mobilidade das espécies protônicas neste material. O início dos movimentos iônicos e moleculares produzem um forte estreitamento da largura de linha acima de 130 K. Os dados da taxa de relaxação spin-rede (1/T1) mostra um máximo entre 253 K e 273 K que depende da hidratação (n). As energias de ativação obtidas dos resultados de relaxação e largura de linha variam entre 0,14eV e 0,4eV, dependendo da hidratação. Os resultados de condutividade e RMN são consistente com um mecanismo de condução do tipo Grotthus, que consiste numa sucessão de movimentos reorientacionais e saltos de prótons. O coeficiente de difusão protônica foi estimado dos parâmetros obtidos de RMN sendo da ordem de 10-8 cm2/s. Este valor leva a uma condutividade da ordem de 10-3 S/ cm. / The protonic conductor HPb2Nb3O10. nH2O , was studied by pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of \'ANTPOT.1H\'. The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/\'T IND.1\') and line width, reflect the mobility of the protonic species present in this material. The onset of ionic and molecular motions produces a strong narrowing of the line at temperatures above 130 K. The spin-lattice relaxation data, obtained above 200 K, shows a maximum in 1/\'T IND.1\', peaking in the range 253 K to 273 K, depending on the value of n. Activation energies of protonic motions, measured from line width and relaxation data, are n dependent and lies in the range of 0,14 eV to 0,4 eV. Results of NMR and conductivity are consistent with the Grotthus conduction mechanism, consisting of a succession of molecular re-orientations and proton jumps. The protonic diffusion coefficient was estimated from the parameters obtained from NMR relaxation and found to be of the order of 10-8 cm2/s, leading to a conductivity of about 10-3 S/ cm.
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Seleção de planos em tomografia por ressonância magnética nuclear / Slice selection for nuclear magnetic resonanceBonagamba, Tito Jose 03 March 1986 (has links)
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o propósito de se obter imagens tomográficas por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN). Ele foi elaborado em duas partes distintas. Uma delas foi a análise das técnicas de seleção de planos por excitação seletiva, já propostas por outros autores. Para isto desenvolvemos um conjunto de programas computacionais que simulam o comportamento do sistema de spins a partir das soluções da equação de Bloch. A outra foi a adaptação de um espectrômetro de RMN já existente no Laboratório do IFQSC para obtenção de imagens tomográficas. Os resultados mostraram que no protótipo desenvolvido pode-se obter imagens com planos tomográficos de espessura inferior a 1 cm. / This work was developed with the purpose of obtaining Tomoqraphic Images by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). It was elaborated in two distinct ways. One of them was the analysis of slice selection by selective excitation, already proposed by other authors. To do this, we developed a package of computer programs that simulates the behavior of a spin system from the Bloch Equation solution. The other was the adaptation of a NMR spectrometer already existing in our laboratory to obtain tomographic imaqes. The results show that our prototype can produce imaqes tomographics slices with width less than 1 cm.
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Estudo por RMN de condutores iônicos poliméricos formados por blendas de POE:PEG / Study by NMR of polymeric electrolytes, based on blends of PEO:PEGBloise Junior, Antonio Carlos 01 June 1998 (has links)
Eletrólitos poliméricos formados à partir de PIE e um sal de metal alcalino (LiBF4, LiClO4, LiCF3SO3) tem despertado grande interesse devido ao enorme potencial de aplicação em dispositivos eletroquímicos. Nestes sistemas sólidos, a macromolécula atua como solvente para o sal que fica parcialmente dissociado na matriz polimérica originando a condutividade iônica. Na tentativa de se obter complexos cada vez mais condutivos, novos sistemas tem sido propostos. Dentre eles destacam-se a formação das blendas poliméricas. Neste trabalho foram feitas investigações por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN) para se estudar a dinâmica (iônica e molecular) das blendas [POEx:PEG1-x]8LiBF4 (x=0.75, 0.50 e 0.25). Para isso realizaram-se medidas de largura de linha e taxa de relaxação dos núcleos de 1H e 19F entre - 80°C à + 80°C na freqüência de 36 MHz. Também foram feitas medidas de análise térmica (DSC) e condutividade (?). Em algumas das composições de blendas, os dados extraídos das medidas da taxa de relaxação do 1H, revelaram dinâmicas das cadeias poliméricas do POE e PEG ocorrendo separadamente. Foi observado através da análise das medidas de ressonância do 19F, que os movimentos parecem ocorrer de forma independente aos movimentos segmentários das cadeias. / Polymeric electrolytes made from POE and a alkaline metal salt (LiBF4, LiClO4, LiCF3SO3) have shown great potential in the application of electrochemical devices. In this solid systems, a macromolecule act as solvent for a salt to become partially dissociated in the polymeric matrix originating an ionic conductivity. In the attempt to obtain complexes even more conductive, new systems are proposed. Among these complexes one has distinction, polymeric blends. Investigations have been made by use of Ressonance Magnetic Nuclear (NMR), to study the ionic and molecular dynamics of this blends [POEx:PEG1-x]8LiBF4 (x=0.75, 0.50 e 0.25). For this, measurements of line width and relaxation rates of 1H and 19F in the range of -80°C to + 80°C with frequency of 36 MHz, have been done and also measurements of thermal analyse (DSC) and conductivity (?). For some blend compositions, the relaxation rate of the 1H revel that polymeric chain dynamics of POE and PEG occurs separately. It was seen by the analyse of NMR 19F measurements that the movements of the groups (BF4)- , dissociated by the polymeric matrix, seem to occur independently of the segmentary movements of the chains.
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Interpretation of the chemical shielding of hexacoordinated Co(III) complexes: a collaborative study by 59Co NMR spectroscopy and density functional theory.January 1996 (has links)
by Chan Chun-Chung, Jerry. / The "59" in Co in title is superscript. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 157-170). / DESCRIPTIVE NOTE --- p.iii / Chapter CHAPTER ONE: --- A BRIEF SURVEY OF TRANSITION METAL NMR STUDIES --- p.1 / Chapter 1.0 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Solution NMR Of Transition Metals --- p.2 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Parametrization Model of Chemical Shifts --- p.4 / Chapter 1.2 --- Theoretical Calculation of the Chemical Shielding Constants of Transition Metals --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3 --- Solid State NMR of Transition Metals --- p.7 / Chapter 1.4 --- Scope of the Thesis --- p.9 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO: --- THEORY AND BACKGROUND --- p.10 / Chapter 2.0 --- Introduction --- p.10 / Chapter 2.1 --- The Origin of Chemical Shielding --- p.10 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- The Ramsey Shielding Tensor Equation with Gauge Origin Chosen at the Nucleus --- p.13 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- The Ramsey Shielding Tensor Equation with Arbitrary Gauge Origin --- p.20 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- The Physical Picture Associated with the Ramsey Shielding Equation --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2 --- Ab Initio Shielding Calculation --- p.24 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Coupled Hartree-Fock Method --- p.25 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Gauge Dependence Problem --- p.27 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Post Hartree-Fock Methods --- p.29 / Chapter 2.3 --- Density Functional Theory --- p.30 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- The Hohenberg-Kohn Theorems --- p.30 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- The Kohn-Sham Approach --- p.35 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Approximation to the Exchange- Correlation Energy --- p.37 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE: --- INTERPRETATION OF 59Co NMR SHIELDING USING THE HARD AND SOFT ACID-BASE CONCEPT -- INSIGHT INTO THE RELATIVE MAGNITUDE OF THE NEPHELAUXETIC AND THE SPETROCHEMICAL EFFECT --- p.39 / Chapter 3.0 --- Introduction --- p.39 / Chapter 3.1 --- Theory --- p.42 / Chapter 3.2 --- Evaluation of the Model --- p.45 / Chapter 3.3 --- Application to the Studies of trans-[Co(en)2X2](3+2n) + in Different Solvents and the Determination of the Spectrochemical Trend --- p.54 / Chapter 3.4 --- "Simultaneous Determination of the Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constant, Chemical Shift Anisotropy and Rotational Correlation Time in trans-Na[Co(acac)2(NO2)2], trans- [Co(acac)2(NH3)2 ]I, trans-[Co(acac)2(CH3NH2)2]I and trans-[Co(acac)2(NH3)(NO2)]" --- p.59 / Chapter 3.5 --- Summary --- p.64 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR: --- DENSITY FUNCTIONAL STUDY OF THE ELECTRONIC STRUCTURES OF [Co(NH3)5X](3+n)+ USING DIFFERENT POPULATION AND BONDING ANALYSIS METHODS --- p.66 / Chapter 4.0 --- Introduction --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1 --- Computational Details --- p.69 / Chapter 4.2 --- Bond Covalency Analysis of [Co(NH3)5X](3+n)+ --- p.71 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Mayer Bond Order Analysis --- p.71 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Natural Population Analysis --- p.73 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Natural Bond Orbital Analysis --- p.76 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Mulliken Population Analysis --- p.82 / Chapter 4.3 --- Summary --- p.86 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE: --- DENSITY FUNCTIONAL STUDY OF 59Co CHEMICAL SHIELDING CONSTANTS --- p.87 / Chapter 5.0 --- Introduction --- p.87 / Chapter 5.1 --- SOS-DFPT-IGLO Calculations of 59Co NMR Shielding Parameters of Hexacoordinated Diamagnetic Co(III) Complexes --- p.90 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Computational Details --- p.91 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- Basis Sets and XC Functional for 59Co Shielding Calculations --- p.92 / Chapter --- 59Co NMR Shielding Calculation of [Co(CN)6]3- --- p.92 / Chapter --- Nearest Neighbour Effect --- p.94 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- Comparison of the Calculated and Experimental 59Co Chemical Shift Anisotropy and Asymmetry Factor --- p.95 / Chapter 5.1.4 --- Comparison of the Calculated and Experimental 59Co Isotropic Chemical Shifts --- p.97 / Chapter --- Reproducing the Experimental Trend by SOS-DFPT-IGLO? --- p.99 / Chapter --- Local and Non-local Paramagnetic Shielding Contributions --- p.103 / Chapter 5.1.5 --- General Comments of the Calculated Results --- p.104 / Chapter 5.2 --- A Comparative Study of the Calculation of 59Co NMR Shielding Constants of Hexacoordinated Diamagnetic Co(III) Complexes Using SOS-DFPT-IGLO and Hybrid DFT-GIAO Methods --- p.105 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Computational Details --- p.106 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Comparison of DFT-IGLO-Becke/Perdew and DFT-GIAO-Becke/Perdew --- p.106 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- DFT-GIAO-B3LYP --- p.108 / Chapter 5.2.4 --- Summary --- p.111 / Chapter CHAPTER SIX: --- STUDY OF THE SHIELDING CONSTANTS OF DIAMAGNETIC HEXACOORDINATED Co(III) COMPLEXES BY POLYCRYSTALLINE 59Co NMR AND DENSITY FUNCTIONAL THEORY --- p.112 / Chapter 6.0 --- Introduction --- p.112 / Chapter 6.1 --- Solid State NMR Technique for Quadrupolar Nuclei --- p.112 / Chapter 6.2 --- Static Powder Lineshape Analysis --- p.114 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Excitation of Quadrupolar Nuclei --- p.114 / Chapter --- Selective and Partially Selective Excitation --- p.116 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- Spin Echo Pulse Sequence --- p.117 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- Lineshape Simulation --- p.120 / Chapter 6.3 --- Solid State 59Co NMR Study of Hexacoordinated Co(III) Complexes --- p.124 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- Experimental --- p.124 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- Simulation Details --- p.125 / Chapter --- [Co(NH3)4CO3]NO3 --- p.127 / Chapter --- [Co(en)2CO3]Cl and [Co(en)2NO3](NO3)2 --- p.130 / Chapter --- cis-[Co(en)2(N02)2]NO3 and cis-[Co(en)2(N3)2]NO3 --- p.133 / Chapter --- K3[Co(CN)6] --- p.133 / Chapter --- "Co(acac)3, K3[Co(NO2)6] and [Co(en)3]X3 (X = C1, Br, I)" --- p.137 / Chapter 6.4 --- Dependence of 59Co Shielding Calculation on Basis Sets and Exchange Correlation Functional --- p.143 / Chapter 6.4.1 --- CSA and η calculations of [Co(NH3)4C03] Br --- p.144 / Chapter 6.4.2 --- CSA and η Calculations of [Co(NH3)6]C13 --- p.147 / Chapter 6.4.3 --- Shielding Calculations of Larger Co(III) Complexes at B3PW91/6311+G* Level --- p.149 / Chapter 6.5 --- Summary --- p.153 / Chapter CHAPTER SEVEN: --- CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK --- p.154 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.157 / APPENDIX A MATHEMATICAL DETAILS FOR THE DERIVATION OF THE RAMSEY SHIELDING EQUATION --- p.171 / APPENDIX B ANALYSIS OF THE SIGN OF PARAMAGNETIC AND DIAMAGNETIC SHIELDING --- p.178 / APPENDIX C GENERALIZATION OF EQUATION [3.4] TO INCLUDE THE EFFECT OF π-BONDING --- p.181 / APPENDIX D GEOMETRY OPTIMIZATION OF CoH AND CoO --- p.183 / APPENDIX E A NON-LINEAR ITERATIVE LEAST SQUARE FITTING PROCEDURE FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SOLID STATE NMR STATIC SPECTRUM OF QUADRUPOLAR NUCLEUS --- p.187
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