Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cumber theory"" "subject:"1umber theory""
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An Exploration of Mathematical Applications in CryptographyKosek, Amy 22 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Second moment of the central values of the symmetric square L-functionsLam, Wing Chung 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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An Intrinsic Theory of Smooth Automorphic RepresentationsMoore, Daniel Ross 02 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Normal Numbers with Respect to the Cantor Series ExpansionMance, Bill 03 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Residual Intersections and Their GeneratorsYevgeniya Vladimirov Tarasova (13151232) 26 July 2022 (has links)
<p>The goal of this dissertation is to broaden the classes of ideals for which the generators of residual intersections are known. This is split into two main parts.</p>
<p>The first part is Chapter 5, where we prove that, for an ideal I in a local Cohen-Macaulay ring R, under suitable technical assumptions, we are able to express s-residual intersections, for s ≥ μ(I) − 2, in terms of (μ(I) − 2)-residual intersections. This result implies that s- residual intersections can be expressed in terms of links, if μ(I) ≤ ht(I) + 3 and some other hypotheses are satisfied. In Chapter 5, we prove our result using two different methods and two different sets of technical assumptions on the depth conditions satisfied by the ideal I. For Section 5.2 and Section 5.3 we use the properties of Fitting ideals and methods developed in [33] to prove our main result. In these sections, we require I to satisfy the Gs condition and be weakly (s − 2)-residually S2. In Section 5.4, we prove analogous results to those in Section 5.2 and Section 5.3 using disguised residual intersections, a notion developed by Bouca and Hassansadeh in [5].</p>
<p>The second part is Chapter 6 where we prove that the n-residual intersections of ideals generated by maximal minors of a 2 × n generic matrix for n ≥ 4 are sums of links. To prove this, we require a series of technical results. We begin by proving the main theorem for this chapter in a special case, using the results of Section 6.1 to compute the generators of the relevant links in a our special case, and then using these generators to compute the Gro ̈bner Basis for the sum of links in Section 6.2. The computation of the Gro ̈bner basis, as well as an application of graph theoretic results about binomial edge ideals [17], allow us to show that our main theorem holds in this special case. Lastly, we conclude our proof in Section 6.3, where we show that n-residual intersections of ideals generated by maximal minors of 2 × n generic matrices commute with specialization maps, and use this to show that the generic n-residual intersections of ideals generated by maximal minors of a 2 × n generic matrix for n ≥ 4 are sums of links. This allows us to prove the main theorem of Chapter 6.</p>
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Asymptotics of Hecke operators for quasi-split simple groupsEikemeier, Christoph 15 September 2022 (has links)
“Can one hear the shape of a drum?” This seemingly innocent question spawned a lot of research in the early 20th century. Even though the answer is “No, we can't”, we can hear the volume. This is known as Weyl's Law.
In a more modern context, we can use new methods to study similar questions. More precisely, we can study locally symmetric spaces and the algebra of invariant differential operators. Generalizing the above, we can incorporate Hecke operators and find asymptotic formulas for their traces.
We study this problem in a global context, namely if the underlying group is the group of adelic points of a quasi-split, simple reductive group.
Our main tool is the Arthur-Selberg trace formula. The spectral side is dealt with, utilizing a condition on the normalizing factors of certain intertwining operators. The geometric side is more complicated and needs a more refined analysis. Most importantly, the test functions need to be specifically crafted to ensure compact support on the one hand, and sufficiently strong estimates on the other. The resulting geometric side can be split according to the Bruhat decomposition and treated separately, using various methods from reduction theory to algebraic and analytic number theory.
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Case studies of employee participation programs in construction and their effects on absenteeismCox, Robert F. 21 October 2005 (has links)
In recent years, the construction industry has shown a steady decline in productivity and worker morale, while experiencing an increase in absenteeism (Maloney, 1991; CII, 1982). This has had a tremendous economic and motivational impact. This dilemma coupled with the fast-paced growth of competition has led many construction companies to look for new ways to improve overall performance and reduce absenteeism. For over twenty years construction researchers have proposed various employee participation programs (EPP’s) as a possible management method to counter the decline in productivity. The suggested modern styles of management included applications such as: quality circles, goal setting, participative decision making, work crew selection, work teams, and more recently, Total Quality Management / Continuous Improvement Programs. While these past research efforts proposed such approaches, they are still not considered standard practices for the industry. Some leading edge contractors are working towards adaptation of these new management methods in hopes of leading their competition. This research studies four construction firms and their efforts to implement Employee Participation Programs (EPP’s) as part of their movement towards improving quality management. Each of the four cases utilized a “top-down” implementation approach which began with the management, executive, office staff, and supervisory personnel (company level). At the time of this study, the case companies had not established EPP’s at the field level of their organizations. The research investigates employee participation programs and their effects on absenteeism. The research utilized F-Tests (analysis of variance), factor analyses, T-tests, and regression analyses in support of its findings. The overall results show that EPP’s can have a negative influence on the variation in absenteeism behaviors. The findings indicate that the EPP’s affects over time increase as the program matures. The study concluded that employee perception of their significance and their proximity to the participation played a major role in the overall effects on absenteeism. The study found that the decision / problem environment was the single best predictor of changes in absence behaviors. Significant absenteeism trends were identified in Post-EPP measurement periods. The outcomes of this study were secured through the development and pilot use of the Employee Participation Program Profile Classification System (EPP-PCS). / Ph. D.
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ON GENERALIZED DEFORMATION PROBLEMSQiurui Li (20379240) 08 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Let (R,m) be a Noetherian local ring and I an ideal with finite projective dimension. If R/I satisfies some property P, it is natural to ask whether R would also satisfy this property P. This is called the generalized deformation problem. In this paper we discuss some properties that would satisfy this problem. There are two main parts for this paper. In the first part we focus on F-singularities of characteristic p. We show that F-injective satisfies this problem for the Cohen-Macaulay ring case and F-rational satisfies this problem for the excellent ring case. In the second part there is no restriction on the characteristic of R, we show that when R is catenary and equidimensional with I perfect, then the Serre's Condition R_k would satisfy the problem. And the Serre's Condition Sk, R_k+S_{k+1}, normal rings, reduced rings and domains would always satisfy this problem.</p>
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The Asymptotics of Some Signed Partition NumbersTaylor S Daniels (19206913) 27 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Applications of the Hardy-Littlewood Method to a class of partition generating functions, in which partitions are weighted (or "signed") using certain functions from multiplicative number theory.</p>
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Combinatorial Number Theory, Recurrence of Operators and Linear DynamicsLópez Martínez, Antoni 07 September 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La tesis "Teoría Combinatoria de Números, Recurrencia de Operadores y Dinámica Lineal" se sitúa dentro del estudio de la dinámica de operadores lineales, o Dinámica Lineal. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar múltiples nociones de recurrencia, que pueden presentar los sistemas dinámicos lineales, y que clasificaremos mediante la Teoría Combinatoria de Números.
La Dinámica Lineal estudia las órbitas generadas por las iteraciones de una transformación lineal. Las propiedades más estudiadas en esta rama durante los últimos 30 años han sido la hiperciclicidad (existencia de órbitas densas) y el caos (con sus múltiples definiciones), siendo esta un área de investigación muy activa y obteniéndose un considerable número de resultados profundos e interesantes. Nosotros nos centraremos en la recurrencia, propiedad muy estudiada para sistemas dinámicos clásicos no lineales, pero prácticamente nueva en Dinámica Lineal pues no es hasta 2014, con el artículo de Costakis, Manoussos y Parissis titulado "Recurrent linear operators", cuando se empieza a estudiar esta noción de manera sistemática en el contexto de operadores actuando en espacios de Banach.
La situación básica de la que parte nuestro estudio es la siguiente: "T : X ---> X" será un operador lineal y continuo actuando sobre un F-espacio "X" , aunque a veces necesitaremos que el espacio subyacente "X" sea un espacio de Fréchet, de Banach o de Hilbert. Dado un vector "x" y un entorno "U" de "x" estudiaremos el conjunto de retorno "N_T(x,U) = { n : T^n(x) está en U }" y dependiendo de su tamaño, observado mediante la Teoría Combinatoria de Números, diremos que el vector "x" presenta una propiedad de recurrencia u otra.
La memoria de la tesis se ha realizado por compendio de artículos y consta de cuatro capítulos y un apéndice:
1. Adaptación de la "versión de autor" del artículo "Frequently recurrent operators. Journal of Functional Analysis, 283 (12) (2022), artículo núm. 109713, 36 páginas". En este se definen por primera vez las fuertes nociones de recurrencia reiterada, U-frecuente y frecuente, y sus propiedades básicas son estudiadas. Finalmente se generaliza el estudio mediante el concepto de F-recurrencia, que se conecta con la noción de
2. Adaptación al formato de la tesis de la "versión de autor" revisada del artículo "Recurrence properties: An approach via invariant measures. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 169 (2023), 155-188". En este se relaciona la recurrencia de operadores con la Teoría Ergódica y los sistemas dinámicos que conservan la medida.
3. Adaptación de la "versión de autor" del preprint "Questions in linear recurrence: From the T+T-problem to lineability". Se resuelve negativamente un problema abierto de 2014: Sea "T : X ---> X" un operador recurrente. ¿Es cierto que el operador "T+T" es recurrente en "X+X"? Para resolverlo introducimos la casi-rigidez, que será, para la recurrencia, la noción análoga a la propiedad débil-mezclante (topológica) para la transitividad/hiperciclicidad; y luego construimos operadores recurrentes pero no casi-rígidos en todo espacio de Banach infinito-dimensional y separable.
4. Adaptación de la "versión de autor" revisada del preprint " Recurrent subspaces in Banach spaces". En este se estudia la propiedad de espaciabilidad (existencia de un subespacio vectorial cerrado y de dimensión infinita) para el conjunto de vectores recurrentes.
- Apéndice. Para conseguir un carácter auto-contenido hemos añadido un apéndice con los resultados básicos de Teoría Combinatoria de Números que se han utilizado en los trabajos que componen la memoria.
Siguiendo la normativa establecida por la Escuela de Doctorado también se incluye:
- Introducción;
- Discusión general de los resultados;
- Conclusiones. / [CAT] La tesi "Teoria Combinatòria de Nombres, Recurrència d'Operadors i Dinàmica Lineal" se situa dins de l'estudi de la dinàmica d'operadors lineals, o simplement Dinàmica Lineal. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar múltiples nocions de recurrència, que poden presentar els sistemes dinàmics lineals, i que classificarem mitjançant la Teoria Combinatòria de Nombres.
La Dinàmica Lineal estudia les òrbites generades per les iteracions d'una transformació lineal. Les propietats més estudiades en aquesta branca de les matemàtiques als darrers 30 anys han estat la hiperciclicitat (existència d'òrbites denses) i el caos (amb les seves múltiples definicions), sent aquesta una àrea de recerca molt activa i obtenint-se un considerable nombre de resultats profunds i interessants. Nosaltres ens centrarem en la recurrència, propietat molt estudiada per a sistemes dinàmics clàssics no lineals, però, pràcticament nova en Dinàmica Lineal doncs no és fins al 2014, amb l'article de Costakis, Manoussos i Parissis titulat "Recurrent linear operators", quan es comença a estudiar aquesta noció de manera sistemàtica en el context d'operadors actuant en espais de Banach.
La situació bàsica de la qual parteix el nostre estudi és la següent: "T : X ---> X" serà un operador lineal i continu actuant sobre un F-espai "X", encara que de vegades necessitarem que l'espai subjacent X siga un espai de Fréchet, de Banach o de Hilbert. Llavors, donat un vector "x" i un entorn "U" de "x" estudiarem el conjunt de retorn "N_T(x,U) = { n : T^n(x) està en U }" i depenent de la seva mida, observada des del punt de vista de la Teoria Combinatòria de Nombres, direm que el vector "x" presenta una o altra propietat de recurrència.
La memòria de la tesi s'ha realitzat per compendi d'articles i consta de quatre capítols i un apèndix:
1. Adaptació de la "versió d'autor" revisada de l'article "Frequently recurrent operators. Journal of Functional Analysis, 283 (12) (2022), article núm. 109713, 36 pàgines". En aquest es defineixen per primera vegada les nocions de recurrència reiterada, U-freqüent i freqüent, i les seves propietats bàsiques són estudiades. Finalment es generalitza l'estudi mitjançant el concepte de F-recurrència, que es connecta amb la noció de F-hiperciclicitat.
2. Adaptació al format de la tesi de la "versió d'autor" revisada de l'article "Recurrence properties: An approach via invariant measures. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 169 (2023), 155-188". Es relaciona la recurrència d'operadors amb la Teoria Ergòdica i els sistemes dinàmics que conserven la mesura.
3. Adaptació de la "versió d'autor" del preprint "Questions in linear recurrence: From the T+T-problem to lineability". En aquest es resol un problema obert de l'any 2014: Siga "T : X ---> X" un operador recurrent. És cert que l'operador "T+T" és recurrent en "X+X"? Per resoldre'l introduïm la quasi-rigidesa, que serà, per a la recurrència, la noció anàloga a la propietat feble-barrejant (topològica) per a la transitivitat/hiperciclicitat; i després construïm operadors recurrents però no quasi-rígids en tot espai de Banach infinit-dimensional i separable.
4. Adaptació de la "versió d'autor" del preprint "Recurrent subspaces in Banach spaces". S'inclou l'estudi de la propietat d'espaiabilitat (existència d'un subespai vectorial tancat i de dimensió infinita) per al conjunt de vectors recurrents.
- Apèndix:Per aconseguir un caràcter auto-contingut hem afegit un apèndix amb resultats bàsics de Teoria Combinatòria de Nombres que es donen per suposats en els treballs que componen la memòria.
Seguint la normativa establerta per l'Escola de Doctorat també s'inclou:
- Introducció;
- Discussió general dels resultats;
- Conclusions. / [EN] The thesis "Combinatorial Number Theory, Recurrence of Operators and Linear Dynamics" is part of the study of the dynamics of linear operators, simply called Linear Dynamics. The objective of this work is to study multiple notions of recurrence, that linear dynamical systems can present, and which will be classified through Combinatorial Number Theory.
Linear Dynamics studies the orbits generated by the iterations of a linear transformation. The two most studied properties in this branch of mathematics during the last 30 years have been hypercyclicity (existence of dense orbits) and chaos (with its multiple definitions), being this a very active research area with a considerable number of exceptionally deep but also interesting results. We will focus on recurrence, a property widely studied in the classical setting of non-linear dynamical systems, but practically new with respect to Linear Dynamics since it was not until 2014, with the article by Costakis, Manoussos and Parissis entitled "Recurrent linear operators", when this notion started to be systematically studied in the context of operators acting on Banach spaces.
The basic situation from which our study starts is the following: "T : X ---> X" will be a continuous linear operator acting on an F-space "X", although sometimes we will need the underlying space X to be a Fréchet, Banach or Hilbert space. Given a vector "x" and a neighbourhood "U" of "x" we will study the return set "N_T(x,U) = { n : T^n(x) is in U }" and depending on its size, observed from the Combinatorial Number Theory point of view, we will say that the vector "x" presents one property of recurrence or another.
The thesis memoir is a compendium of articles and it has four chapters and one appendix:
1. Adaptation of the revised "author version" of article "Frequently recurrent operators. Journal of Functional Analysis, 283 (12) (2022), paper no. 109713, 36 pages". Here, the strong notions of reiterative, U-frequent and frequent recurrence are defined for the first time, and their basic properties are studied. The theory is finally generalized through the concept of F-recurrence, which is connected to the notion of F-hypercyclicity.
2. Adaptation of the revised "author version" of article "Recurrence properties: An approach via invariant measures. Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées, 169 (2023), 155-188". In this chapter the recurrence properties for linear operators are related to Ergodic Theory and measure preserving systems.
3. Adaptation of the revised "author version" of the preprint "Questions in linear recurrence: From the T+T-problem to lineability". We solve in the negative an open problem posed in 2014: Let "T : X ---> X" be a recurrent operator. Is it true that the operator "T+T" is recurrent on "X+X"? In order to do that we establish the analogous notion, for recurrence, to that of (topological) weak-mixing for transitivity/hypercyclicity, namely quasi-rigidity; and then we construct recurrent but not quasi-rigid operators on every separable infinite-dimensional Banach space.
4. Adaptation of the revised "author version" of the preprint "Recurrent subspaces in Banach spaces". In this chapter we study the spaceability (existence of an infinite-dimensional closed subspace) for the set of recurrent vectors.
- Appendix. Looking for a self-contained text we have added an appendix with some of the basic Combinatorial Number Theory results that are taken for granted along the different chapters/articles forming this memoir.
Following the regulations established by the Doctoral School the next sections are also included:
- Introduction;
- General discussion of the results;
- Conclusions. / This thesis has been written at the “Institut Universitari de Matemàtica Pura i Aplicada”
(IUMPA) of the “Universitat Politècnica de València” (UPV), during the period of enjoyment
of a scholarship of the “Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario” granted by the
“Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades”, reference number: FPU2019/04094.
The research exposed has also been partially funded by the project “Dinámica de operadores”
(MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Project PID2019-105011GB-I00), thanks to which the
author carried out a 3-month research stay in Lille, France (September-December 2021), that
was supervised by Professor Sophie Grivaux; and also by the travel grant awarded by the
“Fundació Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer” which allowed the author to carry out a 3-month research
stay in Mons, Belgium (April-June 2023), supervised by Professor Karl Grosse-Erdmann. / López Martínez, A. (2023). Combinatorial Number Theory, Recurrence of Operators and Linear Dynamics [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196101 / Compendio
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