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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale et numérique du comportement hygrothermique de blocs préfabriqués en béton de chanvre / Experimental and numerical study of the hygrothermal behavior of precast hemp concrete blocks

Seng, Billy 07 September 2018 (has links)
Le béton de chanvre est un matériau de construction biosourcé pouvant répondre aux problématiques environnementales actuelles. Utilisé comme matériau de remplissage avec une bonne capacité isolante, il possède également la capacité de réguler l'humidité relative intérieure. Son comportement hygrothermique complexe résulte notamment de performances thermiques et hydriques interdépendantes. La prédiction de ces effets est réalisée à l'aide de modélisation et simulation de transferts hygrothermiques. Toutefois, l'utilisation de données d'entrée les plus représentatives possibles de la réalité est nécessaire. Les méthodes de caractérisation courantes ont souvent été développées pour des matériaux conventionnels et peuvent montrer des limites dans le cas de matériaux biosourcés. L'objectif principal de ces travaux est de déterminer les propriétés hygrothermiques d'un bloc de béton de chanvre préfabriqués à l'échelle industrielle, de mieux appréhender cette caractérisation et de décrire son comportement hygrothermique via des simulations numériques. Le matériau étudié est formulé à partir d'un liant pouzzolanique et de granulats de chènevotte. Une partie de ce travail de thèse a donc porté sur la caractérisation des propriétés physiques, thermiques et hydriques du béton de chanvre étudié ainsi que sur les méthodes de mesure. Pour chaque paramètre hygrothermique étudié, plusieurs méthodes ont été confrontées afin d'en évaluer l'impact. Dans la mesure du possible, l'influence de la température et de l'humidité sur les différents paramètres a également été estimée. Un modèle de transferts hygrothermiques est proposé avec une évaluation d'ordre de grandeur dans le cas du béton de chanvre à partir des propriétés de la littérature. Ce modèle est appliqué à une étude expérimentale à l'échelle de la paroi, dans une enceinte bi-climatique, mettant en avant l'impact de la sorption et du changement de phase sur les transferts de chaleur. En ce qui concerne les propriétés thermiques, l'étude expérimentale à l'échelle du matériau met en évidence l'impact significatif du protocole expérimental sur le résultat de mesure, en particulier pour la chaleur massique. Pour les propriétés hydriques, les essais mettent en avant l'intérêt de réaliser une étude paramétrique de type round-robin sur les matériaux biosourcés. [...] / Hemp concrete is a bio-based construction material able to meet current sustainable issues. Used as filling and insulating material, it has the capacity to regulate the indoor relative humidity. Its complex hygrothermal behavior results on interdependent thermal and hydric performances. The prediction of the hygrothermal effect is performed through heat and moisture transfer modeling and simulation. However, the use of representative inputs is necessary. Standard characterization methods have often been developed for usual building material and can show some limitations in the case of bio-based material. The main objective of these works is to determine the hygrothermal properties of a precast hemp concrete produced at industrial scale, have a better understanding of this characterization and describe its hygrothermal behavior through numerical simulations. The studied material is based on pozzolanic binder and hemp aggregates. One part of this work deals with the characterization of the physical, thermal and hydric properties of the studied material and with the measurement methods. For each hygrothermal properties, several methods have been confronted. If possible, the temperature and humidity influences have been appraised. A heat and moisture transfer model is proposed with a scale analysis based on hemp concrete properties from the literature. This model has been applied to wall scale experiments highlighting the impact of sorption and phase change phenomena on the heat transfers. With regards to the thermal properties, the experimental study at material scale highlights the significant impact of the experimental protocol on the result of the measure, particularly for the specific heat capacity. For hydric properties, the studies put forward the interest of performing a parametric round-robin test dedicated to bio-based materials. An air permeability measurement protocol designed for regular concrete has been adapted in order to evaluate the performance of a very permeable material such as the hemp concrete. The numerical model is validated on a test from a standard and a test from the literature. It manages to describe test with usual ambient solicitations performed in the bi-climatic chamber.

Simulating Flood Propagation in Urban Areas using a Two-Dimensional Numerical Model

Gonzalez-Ramirez, Noemi 12 May 2010 (has links)
A two-dimensional numerical model (RiverFLO-2D) has been enhanced to simulate flooding of urban areas by developing an innovative wet and dry surface algorithm, accounting for variable rainfall, and recoding the model computer program for parallel computing. The model formulation is based on the shallow water equations solved with an explicit time-stepping element-by-element finite element method. The dry-wet surface algorithm is based on a local approximation of the continuity and momentum equations for elements that are completely dry. This algorithm achieves global volume conservation in the finite element, even for flows over complex topographic surfaces. A new module was implemented to account for variable rainfall in space and time using NEXRAD precipitation estimates. The resulting computer code was parallelized using OpenMP Application Program Interface, which allows the model to run up to 5 times faster on multiple core computers. The model was verified with analytical solutions and validated with laboratory and field data. Model application to the Malpasset dam break and Sumacarcel flooding event show that the model accurately predicts flood wave travel times and water depths for these numerically demanding real cases. To illustrate the predictive capability of the enhanced model, an application was made of the city of Sweetwater flooding in Miami-Dade County, FL caused by the Hurricane Irene. The simulation starts with dry bed and rainfall is provided by NEXRAD estimates. Integrating NEXRAD rainfall estimates, developing a novel dry-wet area algorithm and parallelizing RiverFLO-2D code, this dissertation presents a proof of concept to accurately and efficiently predict floods in urban areas, identifying future improvements along this line of research.

Numerical Modeling of a Ligamentous Lumbar Motion Segment

Denoziere, Guilhem 01 June 2004 (has links)
Eight out of ten people in the United States will have problems with low back pain at some point in their life. The most significant surgical treatments for low back pain can be distributed into two main groups of solutions: arthrodesis and arthroplasty. Spinal arthrodesis consists of the fusion of a degenerated functional spine unit (FSU) to alleviate pain and prevent mechanical instability. Spinal arthroplasty consists of the implantation of an artificial disc to restore the functionality of the degenerated FSU. The objective of this study is to analyze and compare the alteration of the biomechanics of the lumbar spine treated either by arthrodesis or arthroplasty. A three-dimensional finite element model of a ligamentous lumbar motion segment, constituted of two FSUs, was built and simulated through a static analysis with the finite element software ABAQUS. It was shown that the mobility of the segment treated by arthrodesis was reduced in all rotational degrees of freedom by an average of approximately 44%, relative to the healthy model. Conversely, the mobility of the segment treated by arthroplasty was increased in all rotational degrees of freedom by an average of approximately 52%. The FSU implanted with the artificial disc showed a high risk of instability and further degeneration. The mobility and the stresses in the healthy FSU, adjacent to the restored FSU in the segment treated by arthroplasty, were also increased. In conclusion, the simulation of the arthroplasty model showed more risks of instability and further degeneration, on the treated level as well as on the adjacent levels, than in the arthrodesis model.

A Process-Based Model for Beach Profile Evolution

Demir, Huseyin 17 September 2007 (has links)
Beach profile models predict the changes in bathymetry along a line perpendicular to the shoreline. These models are used to forecast bathymetric changes in response to storms, sea level rise or human activities such as dredging and beach nourishment. Process-based models achieve this by simulating the physical processes that drive the sediment transport as opposed to behavior models which simulate observed profile changes without resolving the underlying processes. Some of these processes are wave shoaling and breaking, boundary layer streaming, and offshore-directed undertow currents. These hydrodynamic processes control the sediment processes such as sediment pick-up from the bottom, diffusion of the sediment across the water column and its advection with waves and currents. For this study, newly developed sediment transport and boundary layer models were coupled with existing models of wave transformation, nearshore circulation and bathymetry update, to predict beach profile changes. The models covered the region from the dry land to a depth of 6-8 meters, spanning up to 500 meters in the cross-shore direction. The modeling system was applied at storm time scales, extending from a couple of hours to several days. Two field experiments were conducted at Myrtle Beach, SC, involving the collection of wave, current and bathymetric data as a part of this study. The results were used to calibrate and test the numerical models along with data from various laboratory studies from the literature. The sediment transport model computes the variation of sediment concentrations over a wave period and over the water column, solving the advection-diffusion equation using the Crank-Nicholson finite-difference numerical scheme. Using a new approach, erosion depth thickness and sediment concentrations within the bed were also predicted. The model could predict sediment transport rates for a range of conditions, within a factor of two. It successfully computed the sediment concentration profile over the water column and within the bed and its variation throughout a wave period. Erosion depth and sheet flow layer thickness were also predicted reasonably well. Wave heights across the profile were predicted within ten percent when the empirical wave breaking parameter was tuned appropriately. Mean cross-shore velocities contain more uncertainty, even after tuning. The importance of capturing the location of the maximum, near-bottom, cross-shore velocity when predicting bar behavior was shown. Bar formation, erosion, accretion, onshore and offshore bar movement were all computed with the model successfully

Formalisation et automatisation de YAO, générateur de code pour l’assimilation variationnelle de données

Nardi, Luigi 08 March 2011 (has links)
L’assimilation variationnelle de données 4D-Var est une technique très utilisée en géophysique, notamment en météorologie et océanographie. Elle consiste à estimer des paramètres d’un modèle numérique direct, en minimisant une fonction de coût mesurant l’écart entre les sorties du modèle et les mesures observées. La minimisation, qui est basée sur une méthode de gradient, nécessite le calcul du modèle adjoint (produit de la transposée de la matrice jacobienne avec le vecteur dérivé de la fonction de coût aux points d’observation). Lors de la mise en œuvre de l’AD 4D-Var, il faut faire face à des problèmes d’implémentation informatique complexes, notamment concernant le modèle adjoint, la parallélisation du code et la gestion efficace de la mémoire. Afin d’aider au développement d’applications d’AD 4D-Var, le logiciel YAO qui a été développé au LOCEAN, propose de modéliser le modèle direct sous la forme d’un graphe de flot de calcul appelé graphe modulaire. Les modules représentent des unités de calcul et les arcs décrivent les transferts des données entre ces modules. YAO est doté de directives de description qui permettent à un utilisateur de décrire son modèle direct, ce qui lui permet de générer ensuite le graphe modulaire associé à ce modèle. Deux algorithmes, le premier de type propagation sur le graphe et le second de type rétropropagation sur le graphe permettent, respectivement, de calculer les sorties du modèle direct ainsi que celles de son modèle adjoint. YAO génère alors le code du modèle direct et de son adjoint. En plus, il permet d’implémenter divers scénarios pour la mise en œuvre de sessions d’assimilation.Au cours de cette thèse, un travail de recherche en informatique a été entrepris dans le cadre du logiciel YAO. Nous avons d’abord formalisé d’une manière plus générale les spécifications deYAO. Par la suite, des algorithmes permettant l’automatisation de certaines tâches importantes ont été proposés tels que la génération automatique d’un parcours “optimal” de l’ordre des calculs et la parallélisation automatique en mémoire partagée du code généré en utilisant des directives OpenMP. L’objectif à moyen terme, des résultats de cette thèse, est d’établir les bases permettant de faire évoluer YAO vers une plateforme générale et opérationnelle pour l’assimilation de données 4D-Var, capable de traiter des applications réelles et de grandes tailles. / Variational data assimilation 4D-Var is a well-known technique used in geophysics, and in particular in meteorology and oceanography. This technique consists in estimating the control parameters of a direct numerical model, by minimizing a cost function which measures the misfit between the forecast values and some actual observations. The minimization, which is based on a gradient method, requires the computation of the adjoint model (product of the transpose Jacobian matrix and the derivative vector of the cost function at the observation points). In order to perform the 4DVar technique, we have to cope with complex program implementations, in particular concerning the adjoint model, the parallelization of the code and an efficient memory management. To address these difficulties and to facilitate the implementation of 4D-Var applications, LOCEAN is developing the YAO framework. YAO proposes to represent a direct model with a computation flow graph called modular graph. Modules depict computation units and edges between modules represent data transfer. Description directives proper to YAO allow a user to describe its direct model and to generate the modular graph associated to this model. YAO contains two core algorithms. The first one is a forward propagation algorithm on the graph that computes the output of the numerical model; the second one is a back propagation algorithm on the graph that computes the adjoint model. The main advantage of the YAO framework, is that the direct and adjoint model programming codes are automatically generated once the modular graph has been conceived by the user. Moreover, YAO allows to cope with many scenarios for running different data assimilation sessions.This thesis introduces a computer science research on the YAO framework. In a first step, we have formalized in a more general way the existing YAO specifications. Then algorithms allowing the automatization of some tasks have been proposed such as the automatic generation of an “optimal” computational ordering and the automatic parallelization of the generated code on shared memory architectures using OpenMP directives. This thesis permits to lay the foundations which, at medium term, will make of YAO a general and operational platform for data assimilation 4D-Var, allowing to process applications of high dimensions.

Etablissement numérique et expérimental d'un dispositif nébuliseur pour l'aérosolthérapie / Numerical and experimental design of a jet nebulizer device for aerosol therapy

Lelong, Nicolas 23 September 2013 (has links)
L’aérosolthérapie a pour objectif de délivrer un médicament dans les voies respiratoires. Le nébuliseur pneumatique est un dispositif permettant de générer des gouttelettes de liquide de diamètre micrométrique. Son processus d’atomisation a cependant été peu analysé. Ainsi, les performances du nébuliseur, caractérisées par le diamètre des gouttes et la masse de médicament inhalable par le patient, et atteignent un palier. Notre travail consiste à utiliser un modèle numérique diphasique en 3D basé sur une géométrie donnée et paramétré sous ANSYS Fluent. Plusieurs méthodes sont utilisées pour caractériser expérimentalement la génération de l’aérosol : l’ombroscopie, la diffractométrie laser et l’anémométrie phase Doppler. Notre modèle est validé par rapport aux données expérimentales et peut donc être exploité pour analyser les processus de génération. L’influence de plusieurs paramètres physiques sur les caractéristiques de l’aérosol produit est étudiée. Ainsi, l’étape de génération de gouttelettes est optimisée pour le développement d’un nouveau nébuliseur. Le transport des gouttes aux poumons du patient est optimisé empiriquement. / The purpose of aerosol therapy is to deliver drugs into respiratory airways. The jet nebulizer is a device used to generate liquid droplets with a diameter lower than 5 μm. However its atomization process was not much analyzed. Nebulizer performances, which are characterized with droplet size and drug mass inhaled by the patient, are empirically optimized and have reached a plateau. Our work consists in setting a 3D diphasic numerical model on ANSYS Fluent, based on a given geometry. Several methods are used to experimentally characterize aerosol generation: shadowgraphy, laser diffractometry and phase Doppler anemometry. Our model is validated by experimental data and helps predicting generation processes. The influence of several geometric and physical parameters on the output is studied. From these data, droplet generation is optimized for the development of a new nebulizer. Droplet transport to the patient lungs is empirically optimized.

Étude numérique et expérimentale des transferts couplés de masse et de chaleur dans l’absorbeur d’une machine à absorption ammoniac-eau. / Numerical and experimental study of coupled mass and heat transfers in the absorber of an ammonia-water absorption chiller.

Triché, Delphine 02 December 2016 (has links)
Les machines frigorifiques à absorption ammoniac-eau sont prometteuses dans les domaines de la climatisation solaire et de la valorisation des rejets thermiques pour l’industrie. Pour permettre à ces machines de devenir compétitives par rapport aux systèmes à compression mécanique de vapeur, l’amélioration de leur efficacité et la baisse de leur coût sont nécessaires. C’est dans ce contexte que s’inscrit ce travail de thèse.L’étude se concentre sur l’absorbeur qui est un des composants les plus critiques de la machine à absorption en matière de taille, de coût et d’efficacité. L’objectif est d’étudier numériquement et expérimentalement les transferts couplés de masse et de chaleur dans l’absorbeur dans le but de prédire et d’améliorer ses performances.Deux absorbeurs à film tombant sont étudiés, dans lesquels la solution pauvre et la vapeur entrent en haut et le fluide caloporteur entre en bas. Le premier est un échangeur à plaques soudées et le deuxième est un échangeur à plaques et joints avec des dimensions et des profils de plaques différents.L’analyse expérimentale de ces deux absorbeurs est réalisée dans des conditions réelles de fonctionnement sur un prototype instrumenté de machine à absorption ammoniac-eau de 5 kW. Ce dispositif permet une analyse globale des débits de vapeur absorbés, des flux thermiques évacués et des efficacités d’absorption. Une analyse plus locale est aussi réalisée à l’aide de mesures de températures à l’intérieur des canaux de refroidissement dans l’absorbeur plaques et joints. Les résultats montrent une importante corrélation entre la puissance frigorifique produite par la machine à absorption et les performances de l’absorbeur. Mais ce prototype étant une machine réelle, les variables d’entrée de l’absorbeur ne peuvent pas être contrôlées. Un modèle numérique est donc nécessaire pour dissocier l’impact des différentes variables sur les performances de l’absorbeur.Un modèle 1D d’un absorbeur à film tombant est donc développé. Il est basé sur des bilans de masses, d’espèces et d’énergies, des équations de transferts de masse et de chaleur et des conditions d’équilibre à l’interface liquide-vapeur. Les résistances aux transferts de masse sont considérées dans les phases liquide et vapeur et des corrélations empiriques sont utilisées pour calculer les coefficients de transfert de masse et de chaleur.Ce modèle est validé expérimentalement avec les données globales aux bornes des deux absorbeurs et avec les mesures de températures le long des canaux du fluide de refroidissement puisqu’une différence maximale de 15% est observée. Il permet donc l’analyse détaillée des phénomènes de transferts de masse et de chaleur le long de l’absorbeur et facilite l’étude du procédé d’absorption.Enfin, une étude de sensibilité paramétrique est réalisée avec ce modèle pour discuter des résultats expérimentaux et pour identifier les pistes d’amélioration des performances de l’absorbeur et donc de la machine à absorption. / Ammonia-water absorption chillers are promising both for solar air conditioning and for industry processes. To become competitive compared to electric compression chillers, their efficiency needs to be improved and their cost has to be decreased. This thesis study takes place in this context.The focus is put on the absorber, which is one of the most critical component of absorption chillers in terms of compactness, cost and efficiency. The purpose is to study numerically and experimentally coupled heat and mass transfers which occur in the absorber in order to predict and improve its overall performances.Two falling film absorbers are analysed. In both of them, the poor solution and the vapour enter at the top and the coolant fluid enters at the bottom of the absorber. The first absorber is a brazed plate heat exchanger and the second is a gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchanger with different geometric dimensions and plates corrugations.The experimental study of these two absorbers is performed in real working conditions on an instrumented ammonia-water absorption chiller prototype of 5 KW. Thanks to this device, a global analysis of vapour absorbed mass flow rates, absorbed heat fluxes and mass effectiveness is achieved. A local analysis is also performed thanks to temperature measures inside channels of coolant fluid in the gasketed plate-and-frame heat exchanger. Results show a strong correlation between the absorption chiller cooling capacity and the absorber performances. However, since this prototype is a real chiller, absorber inlet variables cannot be controlled. Thus, a numerical model is necessary to dissociate the impact of these variables on the absorber performances.A 1D numerical model of the absorber is developed. It is based on mass, species and enthalpy balances, mass and heat transfer equations and equilibrium conditions at the vapour/solution interface. Mass transfer resistances in both liquid and vapour phases are considered while heat and mass transfer coefficients are calculated using empirical correlations.This model is validated experimentally with global data at the inlet and the outlet of the absorber and temperature measures along the absorber coolant fluid channels. A maximal relative error of 15 % is observed. Therefore, a detailed analysis of combined heat and mass transfers along the absorber and the absorption process study is performed thanks to this model.A parametric study is also performed with this model to discuss experimental results and find ways to improve the absorber performances and thus the absorption chiller performances.

Estudo probabilístico do comportamento de ancoragens helicoidais baseado em dados de campo e de modelos testados em centrífuga / Probabilistic study of the behaviour of helical anchors based on field data and centrifuge model tests

Zorany Suley Zapata Mosquera 13 April 2015 (has links)
Na prática de fundações por estacas helicoidais submetidas a esforços de tração (também conhecidas como ancoragens helicoidais) frequentemente são observadas discrepâncias entre valores de capacidade de carga previstos por métodos teóricos e medidos em provas de carga. Entre outros fatores, estas diferenças ocorrem pelo fato de nenhum dos métodos teóricos existentes considerarem adequadamente o efeito da instalação no comportamento deste tipo de ancoragem. Durante a penetração por rotação das hélices da estaca/ancoragem no terreno, os parâmetros de resistência e de rigidez do solo penetrado, e as tensões radiais em torno da estaca são modificados. O nível de degradação do solo que suportará as cargas aplicadas na ancoragem é dependente do tipo e características do solo, e do número e geometria das hélices. Diante deste cenário de incertezas provenientes do efeito da instalação, duas distintas abordagens probabilísticas são apresentadas nesta dissertação. A primeira abordagem tem o intuito de verificar o efeito da variabilidade de distintas variáveis influentes no comportamento de ancoragens helicoidais. Para este fim, foi utilizado o método de expansão em Polinômio de Caos, baseado na modelagem numérica de ancoragens helicoidais em areia, calibrada com os resultados medidos em modelos testados em centrifuga. Foi verificado nesta parte o nível de influência de cada parâmetro de entrada do solo no comportamento carga x deslocamento da ancoragem. No segundo enfoque, foi proposto e avaliado um modelo probabilístico para simular a curva carga x deslocamento, obtida em provas de carga. Nesta parte, foi realizada uma análise de confiabilidade para verificação do estado limite de serviço de ancoragens helicoidais baseada em resultados de provas de carga executadas no Brasil. São também apresentadas nesta análise as incertezas provenientes da variabilidade do fator de torque utilizado na verificação da capacidade de carga durante a instalação da ancoragem. / Discrepancies between predicted and measured results of uplift capacity of helical piles (or helical anchors) have been commonly observed in the practical experience. Among other factors, these differences occur because the existing theoretical methods do not consider adequately the installation effect on the behavior of this type of anchor. During the anchor installation, the penetration by rotation of the helical plates into the ground modifies the soil strength and stiffness parameters, and the radial stresses around the pile. The degradation degree of the soil penetrated is dependent on the type and characteristics of the soil, and also on the number and geometry of helices. Against this background of uncertainty due to the installation effect, two different probabilistic approaches are presented in this dissertation. The first approach is used to verify the effect of the variability of different influential variables on the behavior of helical anchors. For this purpose, the probabilistic method named Sparse Polynomial Chaos Expansion was used, based on the numerical modeling of helical anchors in sand, calibrated with measured results obtained from reduced models tested in centrifuge. As a result, the level of influence of each soil input parameter on the anchor load-displacement behavior is presented. In the second approach, a probabilistic model to simulate the load-displacement curve obtained in load tests was proposed and evaluated. For this part, a reliability analysis was performed to check the serviceability limit state of helical anchors, based on the results of field load tests performed in Brazil. In addition, the uncertainties arising from the variability of the torque factor were evaluated. The torque factor is frequently used to verify the uplift capacity of helical anchors during installation.

Simulação numérica do comportamento de conectores de cisalhamento tipo crestbond / Numerical simulation of the behavior of crestbond shear connectors

Silva, Halley Pereira da 28 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 5185340 bytes, checksum: 2affa702a631cd03bd10eb05ee16522a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-28 / In the latest years, several studies about shear connectors in perforated flat steel plates have been conducted in order to assess its application in composite structures of steel and concrete, including experimental and numerical approaches. Nevertheless, the behavior of these connectors remains a subject of investigation. This work presents the development of a numerical model capable of simulating the behavior of steel-concrete connection with Crestbond shear connectors using the Finite Element Method. The numerical analysis was performed using the ABAQUS software, considering the elastoplastic behavior for steel and the Concrete Damage Plasticity model for concrete. In order to validate the numerical model, experimental results obtained by Veríssimo (2007) and Oliveira (2007) were used for comparisons. In numerical simulations were evaluated the influence of concrete constitutive model, and the influence of the steelconcrete connection representation using two strategies: Tie restrictions and contact interactions between surfaces. These strategies proved to be able to adequately represent the phenomena observed in laboratory tests, especially those that used contact interactions between surfaces. The numerical model is suitable for simulating the structural behavior of Crestbond connectors, being able to represent the interaction between steel and concrete, to characterize the maximum load resisted by the connection and to characterize the deformation of the connector, providing a useful tool for several other studies. / Nos últimos anos, vários estudos sobre conectores de cisalhamento em chapas planas de aço perfuradas têm sido conduzidos, com vistas à sua aplicação em estruturas mistas de aço e concreto, incluindo abordagens experimentais e numéricas. Apesar disso, o comportamento desses conectores ainda permanece como objeto de investigações. Neste trabalho, apresenta-se o desenvolvimento de um modelo numérico capaz de simular o comportamento da ligação aço-concreto com conectores de cisalhamento Crestbond, utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos. A análise numérica foi feita por meio do software ABAQUS, considerando-se o comportamento elastoplástico para o aço e a aplicação do Modelo de Dano Plástico para o concreto. Para validação do modelo numérico, foram utilizados resultados experimentais obtidos por Veríssimo (2007) e por Oliveira (2007). Nas simulações numéricas foram avaliadas a influência do modelo constitutivo do concreto e a influência do modo de representação da ligação aço-concreto através de duas estratégias: utilização de restrições tipo Tie e utilização de interações de contato entre superfícies. Estas estratégias mostraram-se capazes de representar adequadamente os fenômenos observados nos ensaios de laboratório, principalmente quando se utilizaram interações de contato entre superfícies. O modelo numérico desenvolvido é adequado para a simulação do comportamento estrutural dos conectores Crestbond, sendo capaz de representar a interação entre aço e concreto, de caracterizar a carga máxima resistida pela conexão e de caracterizar as deformações do conector, constituindo uma ferramenta útil para vários outros estudos.

Utilização de modelos de cálculo para projeto de edifícios de paredes de concreto armado moldadas no local. / The use of design models for project of reinforced concrete wall buildings casted in place.

Thales Couto Braguim 02 August 2013 (has links)
Desde meados de 2007, um aumento significativo de unidades construídas pelo sistema Paredes de concreto tem influenciado o mercado da construção habitacional no Brasil. Em abril de 2012, foi publicada uma norma brasileira que trata exclusivamente desse sistema. Além disso, o desafio em minimizar o déficit habitacional estimula a utilização desse método alternativo, pois quando aplicado adequadamente proporciona alta produtividade e menor custo em relação a outros métodos construtivos. Por essas razões, é importante conhecer quais modelos de cálculo são seguros e pertinentes para a análise estrutural de edificações construídas pelo sistema Paredes de Concreto. Neste trabalho são avaliados, por meio da comparação de resultados, quatro modelos de cálculo, dos quais dois são numéricos, utilizados para o pré-dimensionamento e dimensionamento de paredes de concreto armado, moldadas no local. Este tipo de estrutura tem sido bastante utilizada na construção de edifícios. Deste modo utilizou-se como estudo de caso, um projeto adaptado de um edifício real com quinze pavimentos tipo, para a aplicação dos modelos de cálculo e algumas normas de projeto. Os dois modelos numéricos foram desenvolvidos no software SAP2000, baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos, considerando análise elástica linear. O primeiro discretiza as paredes com elementos de casca e o segundo com elementos de barra. A interação entre o solo e a estrutura não foi considerada neste trabalho. Normas de projeto foram comparadas na etapa de pré-dimensionamento quanto às resistências últimas à compressão com objetivo de avaliar a recente norma brasileira. A verificação ao dimensionamento das paredes quanto às tensões normais de compressão e tração e tensões de cisalhamento foi realizada baseada nas expressões da NBR 16055:2012. Por fim, verificou-se o Estado Limite de Serviço das deformações excessivas globais, referentes à movimentação lateral do edifício e a estabilidade global do edifício estudado, pela NBR 6118:2007. / Since 2007, a significant use of the system known as Concrete Wall has been influenced the Brazilian residential construction market. In April 2012, a Brazilian code exclusively devoted to this system was published. Besides that, the challenge in reducing housing deficit estimulate the use of this alternative method, because when properly applied it provides high productivity and lower costs compared with other construction methods. For these reasons it is important to evaluate which designing models are safe and appropriate to structural analysis of buildings constructed in Concrete Wall system. In this work it is evaluated, through results comparison, four designing models, of which two are numerical, used to pre-design and to design reinforced concrete walls casted in place. This kind of structure has been widely used in buildings construction. Thus, an adapted project from a real building with fifteen floors was used as a case study in order to apply the designing models and some project design codes. Both numerical models were developed in SAP2000 software, based on Finite Element Method, considering elastic linear analysis. The former used shell elements to represent the walls and the latter used frame elements. The soil-structure interaction has not been considered in this work. Project design codes were compared at the pre-design stage in terms of the ultimate compression resistance, aiming evaluate the recent Brazilian code. The check of normal stress of compression, normal stress of tension, and shear stress, was made based on NBR 16055:2012 expressions. Finally, the service limit state related to global excessive deformation due to the lateral movement of the building and the global stability was verified through NBR 6118:2007.

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