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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disputes in the Digital era : the evolution of dispute resolution and the model ODR system / Les différends à l'ère numérique : l'évolution de la résolution des différends et le modèle du système ODR

Lekkas, Zissis 27 April 2015 (has links)
Le sujet de la thèse est la résolution en ligne des litiges (ODR) et l'objectif de la thèse est de proposer un modèle de système ODR basé sur l'expérience du mouvement de résolution des différends. ODR n’est pas un phénomène isolé de ces derniers temps, mais en raison de l'évolution des conflits et la résolution des différends. Initialement, les différends survenus entre les parties à la proximité géographique et pour laquelle les tribunaux traditionnels sont le principal moyen de résolution. Cependant, comme les gens ont commencé à voyager de plus grandes distances et de communiquer de loin, les conflits ont évolué comme ils ont augmenté en nombre, sont devenus frontière plus complexe et de plus en plus transversale. Résolution des différends évolués en règlement des différends parallèle et alternatif (ADR) a été utilisée. Cependant, les conflits ont évolué une fois de plus quand le monde est entré dans l'ère numérique. Non seulement les conflits sont devenus encore plus transfrontalier, mais de nouveaux conflits sont apparus qui proviennent exclusivement dans le cyberespace. Afin de satisfaire aux exigences de l'ère numérique, la résolution des différends fit sortir le concept de l'ODR. ODR est née de la combinaison de l'ADR et de la technologie de l'information et de la communication (TIC) de l'ère numérique. D'autres moyens de règlement des différends ont été transférés dans le monde virtuel et ont donné naissance à la résolution des litiges en ligne. ADR et ODR sont examinés largement, et l'examen comprend leurs concepts, leur origine, les principales formes de négociation, de médiation et d'arbitrage et leurs équivalents en ligne, ainsi que leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. La thèse illustre l'évolution des conflits et la résolution des différends de l'ère analogique, lorsque la résolution des différends était face à face, à l'ère du numérique, lorsque les différends sont réglés dans le cyberespace. Il démontre que l'ODR est une nécessité de l'ère numérique, mais aussi qu'il a le potentiel pour être un moyen révolutionnaire, efficace et réussi à résoudre les différends; d'une manière qui sera l'avenir de la résolution des différends. Sur la base de l'expérience accumulée par l'examen de l'évolution de la résolution des différends et sur ? Lla base des conclusions tirées, la thèse formule une proposition pour le système ODR. La thèse décrit le système ODR, de son processus en trois étapes et la nécessité de l'arbitrage en ligne, sur le réseau ODR, la régulation du système ODR, l'architecture technologique des fournisseurs ODR, leur financement, ainsi que les mesures nécessaires de la sensibilisation et la confiance afin que ODR remplit son plein potentiel. / The subject of the thesis is Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and the aim of the thesis is to propose a model ODR system based on the experience of the dispute resolution movement. ODR is not an isolated phenomenon of recent times but a result of the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution. Initially, disputes occurred between parties with geographical proximity and for which traditional courts were the principal way of resolution. However, as people started to travel further distances and communicate from afar, disputes evolved as they increased in number, became more complex and increasingly cross border. Dispute resolution evolved in parallel and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) was employed. However, disputes evolved once more when the world entered into the digital era. Not only disputes became yet again increasingly cross-border, but new disputes appeared that arose solely in cyberspace. In order to satisfy the requirements of the digital era, dispute resolution brought forth the concept of ODR. ODR arose from the combination of ADR and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) of the digital era. Alternative means of dispute resolution were transferred to the virtual world and gave birth to Online Dispute Resolution. ADR and ODR are examined extensively, and the examination includes their concepts, their origin, the main forms of negotiation, mediation and arbitration and their online equivalents, as well as their advantages and drawbacks.The thesis illustrates the evolution of disputes and dispute resolution from the “analog” era, when dispute resolution was face to face, to the “digital” era, when disputes are resolved in cyberspace. It demonstrates that ODR is a necessity of the digital era but also that it has the potential to be a revolutionary, effective and successful way to resolve disputes; a way that will be the future of dispute resolution. Based on the experience accumulated by examining the evolution of dispute resolution and based on the conclusions drawn, the thesis formulates a proposal for the ODR system. The thesis describes the ODR system, from its three step process and the necessity of online arbitration, to the ODR network, the regulation of the ODR system, the technological architecture of ODR providers, their funding, as well as the necessary steps of creating awareness and trust so that ODR fulfils its fullest potential.

The approximation of Cartesian coordinate data by parametric orthogonal distance regression

Turner, David Andrew January 1999 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the approximation of Cartesian coordinate data by parametric curves and surfaces, with an emphasis upon a technique known as parametric orthogonal distance regression (parametric ODR). The technique has become increasingly popular in the literature over the past decade and has applications in a wide range of fields, including metrology-the science of measurement, and computer aided design (CAD) modelling. Typically, the data are obtained by recording points measured in the surface of some physical artefact, such as a manufactured part. Parametric ODR involves minimizing the shortest distances from the data to the curve or surface in some norm. Under moderate assumptions, these shortest distances are orthogonal projections from the data onto the approximant, hence the nomenclature ODR. The motivation behind this type of approximation is that, by using a distance-based measure, the resulting best fit curve or surface is independent of the position or orientation of the physical artefact from which the data is obtained. The thesis predominately concerns itself with parametric ODR in a least squares setting, although it is indicated how the techniques described can be extended to other error measures in a fairly straightforward manner. The parametric ODR problem is formulated mathematically, and a detailed survey of the existing algorithms for solving it is given. These algorithms are then used as the basis for developing new techniques, with an emphasis placed upon their efficiency and reliability. The algorithms (old and new) detailed in this thesis are illustrated by problems involving well-known geometric elements such as lines, circles, ellipse and ellipsoids, as well as spline curves and surfaces. Numerical considerations specific to these individual elements, including ones not previously reported in the literature, are addressed. We also consider a sub-problem of parametric ODR known as template matching, which involves mapping in an optimal way a set of data into the same frame of reference as a fixed curve or surface.

Office Disciplinary Referral Patterns of American Indian Students in Special Education

Whitford, Denise K. January 2014 (has links)
Office disciplinary referrals (ODR) and classroom exclusions among students from minority backgrounds have been a persistent concern for decades. The purpose of this dissertation was to assess disciplinary characteristics of American Indian students in special education. More specifically, the purpose was to determine (a) the rate at which American Indian students in special education programs received ODRs in comparison to students in special education programs of differing races/ethnicities significantly represented in the population, (b) the rate at which American Indian boys in special education programs received ODRs in comparison to American Indian girls in special education programs, (c) the rate at which American Indian students in special education programs received ODRs in comparison to American Indian students who were not in special education programs, (d) the specific types of ODRs American Indian students in special education received, and (e) the impact race/ethnicity had on administrative decisions stemming from behavior violations. Logistic regression was used to examine ODRs for 10,469 students from kindergarten through 12th grade in two Southwestern public school districts with a large combined American Indian population (23.2%). Results indicated that although American Indian students in special education are less likely to obtain an ODR than Caucasian students in special education, and those ODRs are most often given for defiance, disrespect, and noncompliance, American Indian students in special education are still more likely to be given out-of-school suspensions and expulsions as an administrative consequence, than Caucasian students also in special education. Additionally, American Indian boys in special education were referred more than four times higher than American Indian girls in special education. Implications for practice and directions for future research which highlight culturally responsive disciplinary practices are provided.

Modelování protokolů pro management na úrovni L2 / Modelling of L2 Management Protocols

Rajca, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with modelling and simulation of management protocols on the data-link layer in OMNeT++ tool. Namely protocol CDP, LLDP and ODR routing. These protocols are described in the first thesis' half and in the second half is described their design and implementation in ANSA project. Correctness of implementation is verified by comparison between simulated and real network examples. Also dependencies on module DeviceConfiguratoru were removed from ANSAINET library.

A Systematic Replication of a Survey of School Administrators’ and Teachers’ Views Of Discipline Referrals for Students With and Without Disabilities

Burton, Amanda 01 May 2017 (has links)
This study investigated time lost to office discipline referrals (ODRs), systematically replicating a prior study (Church, 2015) in rural school districts. An on-line survey asked administrators, general education, and special education teachers in four county districts for: a) demographic information; 2) estimated minutes lost to ODRs generally, specific ODR types, and for students with (SWD) or without disabilities (not SWD); and, 3) whether the respondent’s school implemented School-wide Positive Behavior Supports (SWPBS). ODRs generally took 16.9 minutes. Special Education teachers’ time (mean 23.6 min.), was Lost time was affected by ODR type (aggression, noncompliance, disruption mean 23 min.; not finishing work, inappropriate language, cell phone use mean 12.33 min.) and disability (SWD mean 20.2 min; Not SWD mean 15.17 min). Respondents reporting SWPBs had longer ODR times (mean 19.13 min.) than respondents without SWPBS (mean 16.77 min.). Implications for future research and the evaluation of SWPBS programs were discussed.

Konfliktlösning inom elektronisk handel ur ett konsumentperspektiv. / Dispute resolution in Internet commerce: A consumer rights perspective.

Delis, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Ny teknik ger konsumenter nya förutsättningar att handla på nätet, så kallad e-handel. Genom e-handel ges konsumenter större valmöjligheter och företag utsätts även för större krav att konkurrera med varandra, eftersom konsumenten har större tillgång till information för att fatta beslut kring köp av olika produkter. E-handeln har ökat i omfattning under de senaste åren, där det varje dag blir fler konsumenter som använder Internet för att handla olika produkter och tjänster. Genom att omfattningen av e-handeln ökar och tekniken utvecklas, blir även kraven på att konsumenterna skyddas mot oseriösa aktörer större. För att följa med i denna nya utveckling måste det finnas möjligheter för en konsument att lösa en eventuell konflikt med en näringsidkare. Frågan som uppkommer är hur konsumentskyddet inom EU kan utvecklas för att gynna relationerna mellan konsumenter och företag samt att främja och utveckla den gränsöverskridande handeln på den inre marknaden.</p><p>I uppsatsen kommer läsaren få en inblick i den problematik en konsument ställs inför, när denne hamnar i en konflikt med en näringsidkare angående en produkt eller tjänst som inhandlats via Internet, antingen här i Sverige eller utomlands. Alternativa tvistlösningsmekanismer kommer att undersökas samt i vilken utsträckning lagstiftningen inom konsumentskyddsområdet ger tillräckligt skydd för konsumenter vid e-handel. Tänkt målgrupp för uppsatsen är dels företag som erbjuder e-handel till sina kunder inom segmentet konsumentprodukter, dels jurister eller juridikstuderande som är intresserade av att få en inblick i EU:s konsumentskyddsregler samt hur alternativa tvistlösningssystem kan användas för att lösa denna typ av konflikter.</p>

Konfliktlösning inom elektronisk handel ur ett konsumentperspektiv. / Dispute resolution in Internet commerce: A consumer rights perspective.

Delis, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Ny teknik ger konsumenter nya förutsättningar att handla på nätet, så kallad e-handel. Genom e-handel ges konsumenter större valmöjligheter och företag utsätts även för större krav att konkurrera med varandra, eftersom konsumenten har större tillgång till information för att fatta beslut kring köp av olika produkter. E-handeln har ökat i omfattning under de senaste åren, där det varje dag blir fler konsumenter som använder Internet för att handla olika produkter och tjänster. Genom att omfattningen av e-handeln ökar och tekniken utvecklas, blir även kraven på att konsumenterna skyddas mot oseriösa aktörer större. För att följa med i denna nya utveckling måste det finnas möjligheter för en konsument att lösa en eventuell konflikt med en näringsidkare. Frågan som uppkommer är hur konsumentskyddet inom EU kan utvecklas för att gynna relationerna mellan konsumenter och företag samt att främja och utveckla den gränsöverskridande handeln på den inre marknaden. I uppsatsen kommer läsaren få en inblick i den problematik en konsument ställs inför, när denne hamnar i en konflikt med en näringsidkare angående en produkt eller tjänst som inhandlats via Internet, antingen här i Sverige eller utomlands. Alternativa tvistlösningsmekanismer kommer att undersökas samt i vilken utsträckning lagstiftningen inom konsumentskyddsområdet ger tillräckligt skydd för konsumenter vid e-handel. Tänkt målgrupp för uppsatsen är dels företag som erbjuder e-handel till sina kunder inom segmentet konsumentprodukter, dels jurister eller juridikstuderande som är intresserade av att få en inblick i EU:s konsumentskyddsregler samt hur alternativa tvistlösningssystem kan användas för att lösa denna typ av konflikter.

Analýza proudění v semi-hermetickém pístovém kompresoru / The flow analysis inside semi-hermetic reciprocating compressor

Bouchal, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is CFD simulation of flow inside CO2 semi-hermetic reciprocating compressor Stream manufactured by Emerson. The goal of this thesis is to analyze critical points inside the compressor with regard to excessive entrainment of oil by flowing refrigerant by means of CFD simulation using ANSYS CFX. Simulation for both single-phase and two-phase flow is part of the thesis and results from them are analysed.

Mimosoudní řešení sporů v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Out-of-court dispute resolution within international business transactions

Hebká, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with out-of-court dispute resolution within international business transactions. Its goal is an analysis of those methods of dispute resolution that may be encountered both in practice and specialized literature and determination of their basic characteristics that allow comparison. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first two chapters are of general nature and specify the content of the given topic. The third chapter establishes the framework of relevant law and the subsequent chapters are concerned with the online dispute resolution with the help of modern technology. The first chapter is composed of three parts. The first part defines the notions of out-of-court dispute resolution and alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and explains the relation between those two notions that are not considered synonymous. The second part describes the common features of the out-of-court dispute resolution methods. To the contrary, the third part points out the differences between them and groups the particular methods based on various criteria. The second chapter defines the international business transactions and focuses on international or foreign element and its determination. The third chapter provides an overview of the legal framework relevant to the topic. In its four parts...

The Use of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support at a Rural High School to Decrease Disruptive Behavior for Both Typical Students and Students Identified with Special Needs.

Blevins, Leia Dowdy 15 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
There is ever-increasing pressure on school officials to provide a safe school environment that is conducive to learning. There is also a growing concern from teachers and administrators that many students are unrecognized for their continual appropriate behavior(s), in part, because of the attention consumed by both challenging students and students with exceptional talents and abilities. In response, a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) approach is growing in popularity to address both of these issues. SWPBS is implemented across an entire school population and involves all individuals whether they are challenging, exceptional, or typical. The initial research shows encouraging results and supports the effectiveness of a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support program. This study focused on the development, implementation, and results of a SWPBS program at a rural high school. Data collected included office daily referrals, suspensions, expulsions, attendance, and the number of reinforcers (Mo-Bucks) distributed by staff. Outcome data indicated that compared to the year prior to the SWPBS program's implementation, there was a reduction in office daily referrals, a reduction in expulsions, and an increase in attendance. The results of this 3-year study supported the effectiveness of SWPBS as an intervention for reducing disruptive behaviors at the high school level for typical students as well as for students with special needs.

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