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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Tkadlec, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This final thesis concerns the new building of mixed-use building in Zlin. It has two floors partly below ground level and two floors above ground. There are garages, cellar boxes and nonresidential spaces. There are offices and their hinterland and one flat in the 2nd floor. There are residental units in the 3rd and 4th floor. The building is designed in irregular shape. The roof is flat. There is the contact thermal insulation. There are designed gas boilers for heating. The supporting structure of the ceiling is monolithic concrete slab.

Sidlo stavební firmy / Head Office building company

Malý, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis processes project documentation for headquarters of construction company. Main purpose of building is to facilitate administrative nd manufacturing needs of the company. Building contains of reception, offices, meeting room, restrooms and lock rooms for employees, elevator and workshops. There is underground garage in the basement. Building is going to be situated in Stritez u Policky. Building takes up 1088m2 of land. Vertical structures are mainlymade of concrete and brick blocks. Horizontal structures are made of reinforced concrete panels, roof structure is made of wooden trusses.

Polyfunkční dům, ulice Přístavní, Praha 7 / The building, Přístavní street, Praha 7

Degr, Luboš January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this Diploma Thesis is newly built polyfunctional building in the Prague – Holešovice. Building land is slightly sloping. The building will be followed by the surrounding buildings. The building consists of seven floors. The floor underground technical spaces and collective garages. On the ground floor are two commercial spaces and reception. In the second to fifth floor are office space. The top floor is a penthouse with terraces. The building is designed as a monolithic reinforced concrete skeleton accompanied by a facade wall and the wall forming the core. The core consists of a elevator and a staircase. Floor slabs is continuous reinforced concrete slab with capitals. The façade of the building is divided by pilasters, stone cladding. Root at the penthouse is composed of a terrace with vegetation. Ground floor consists of shop windows with sun screens. All designs are in accordance to the valid ČSN code.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt ve Žďáře nad Sázavou / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Apartment-type Real Estate in Žďár nad Sázavou

Úradníček, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis survey on juxtaposition single methods that the use for evaluation real property type flat. From methods exploited for evaluation avails administrative way evaluation, for assesment usual price will used method direct comparison. Confrontation flats will effected in locality Žďár nad Sázavou, subject evaluation will houses about sizes 2+1. Work includes description given to areas and maps in her situation in the marketplace with houses periods.

Víceúčelový objekt v Opavě / The Multipurpose Building in Opava

Gross, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the processing of design documentation for realization of the new-build multipurpose building in Opava. The building is designed on the grounds of a former dairy in the Krnovská street where the demolition of obsolete buildings passed off recently. Now are these areas designed to build up again. Designed object will function as a multipurpose building with the operation of a restaurant on the 1st floor, office spaces on the 2nd floor and dwelling units on the 3rd floor. Part of the first floor is a mass garage primarily intended for residents of dwelling units with a total of 9 parking places. It is designed eight dwelling units in total of which six are one-room flats and two are four-room flats. Plan shape of the building is rectangular. The londbearing structure of the building is a reinforced concrete prefabricated precast concrete frame founded on cast-in-place concreted pads. Infill walls are clay brick. The building is roofed with warm flat roof. Dominant features of the building are large glass areas in all floors, metal ventilated facade and loggias of dwelling units. The drawings are processed in AutoCAD programme.

Étude descriptive qualitative de l'exercice du leadership stratégique de directions des soins infirmiers visant la qualité des soins des établissements de santé en réforme au Québec

Ferrada-Videla, Marcela 01 1900 (has links)
L’exercice du leadership stratégique de directions des soins infirmiers (DIRSI), dans une visée de qualité des soins infirmiers dans des établissements de santé, demeure peu documenté malgré l’impact important des soins infirmiers sur la performance des organisations. Ce type de leadership réfère à la capacité de la directrice des soins infirmiers (DSI) et de son équipe, positionnées aux échelons supérieurs dans l’organisation, de travailler stratégiquement avec d’autres directions pour dispenser des soins de qualité, efficaces et efficients aux personnes et à leurs proches. But de l’étude : Décrire l’exercice du leadership stratégique de DIRSI dans une visée de qualité des soins infirmiers, dans des établissements de santé du Québec, en utilisant un cadre de référence basé sur des éléments tirés de deux modèles soit : An Integrative Model of Strategic Leadership (Boal et Hooijberg, 2000) et Fitting Strategic Leadership Into the Strategic Framework (Hambrick, 1989). Méthodologie : Une recherche qualitative descriptive a été réalisée auprès de cadres infirmiers supérieurs et intermédiaires des DIRSI du Québec. L’échantillon était composé de trente-cinq (N=35) participantes issues de 18 DIRSI des 34 établissements de santé et des services sociaux, soit une participation de 53 % des DIRSI du Québec. Trois groupes de discussion et 31 entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisés. Résultats : Il appert que pour exercer un leadership stratégique, les DIRSI devraient : 1) s’approprier le positionnement stratégique pour influencer la qualité des soins infirmiers, 2) développer et communiquer une vision claire de la qualité des soins, 3) faire des choix stratégiques, systématiques et mesurés, axés sur la qualité des soins infirmiers pour guider la contribution, 4) recadrer les rôles pour augmenter l’influence à l’égard de la qualité des soins infirmiers, 5) être partie prenante des processus décisionnels stratégiques, 6) développer la capacité politique pour influencer la qualité des soins infirmiers et 7) établir des alliances stratégiques et collaboratives axées sur la qualité des soins infirmiers. De plus, la crédibilité clinique et l’équipe formée aux cycles supérieurs et en nombre suffisant favorisent l’exercice du leadership stratégique de la DIRSI. La culture organisationnelle et la taille de l’établissement contraignent l’exercice du leadership stratégique de la DIRSI. Enfin, l’efficacité du leadership stratégique exercé par les DIRSI dépend de la capacité de celles-ci de trouver un juste équilibre dans la réalisation de la gouvernance des soins infirmiers (hiérarchique et transversale) en vue d’une contribution optimale à la qualité des soins infirmiers. Conclusion : Les résultats indiquent que l’exercice du leadership stratégique des DIRSI génère des zones d’influence qui permettent d’améliorer la contribution de celles-ci à la qualité des soins et même à la qualité globale des organisations. Les DIRSI pourront se référer à ces résultats pour continuer à développer des stratégies visant à améliorer la qualité des soins infirmiers dans des organisations en constante évolution et dont la complexité grandit / In spite of the significant impact of nursing on the performance of health care organizations, the practice of chief nursing offices’ strategic leadership oriented towards high quality of nursing care remains poorly documented. This type of leadership refers to the ability of the chief nursing officer and her team, positioned in the health care organization’s higher levels, to work strategically with other executives so as to provide effective and efficient health care to patients and their relatives. Aim of the study: To describe the strategic leadership practice of chief nursing offices regarding the quality of nursing care in the health care organizations of Quebec. This is done using a frame of reference based on elements from two models: An Integrative Model of Strategic Leadership (Boal et Hooijberg, 2000) and Fitting Strategic Leadership Into the Strategic Framework (Hambrick, 1989). Method: A qualitative descriptive research was conducted among senior and middle managers of Quebec’s chief nursing offices. The sample consisted of thirty-five (N=35) participants from 18 chief nursing offices out of the 34 health care organizations, corresponding to a participation of 53% of Quebec’s chief nursing offices. Three focus groups as well as 31 semi-structured interviews were conducted. Findings: It appears that in order to practice strategic leadership, chief nursing offices should: 1) take ownership of their strategic positioning to influence the quality of nursing care, 2) develop and communicate a clear vision of quality nursing care, 3) make strategic, systematic and measured, choices focused on the quality of nursing care to guide the contribution, 4) reframe the roles to increase the influence regarding the quality of nursing care, 5) be involved in strategic decision-making process, 6) develop political capacity to influence the quality of nursing care and 7) establish strategic and collaborative alliances focussed on the quality of nursing care. Moreover, the clinical credibility and a team comprising an adequate number of educated (graduate-level) people, promotes the strategic leadership practice of chief nursing offices. The culture and size of the organization are the organizational components that constrain the practice of chief nursing offices’ strategic leadership. Finally, the efficiency of the strategic leadership practiced by the chief nursing offices depends on their ability to strike the right balance between hierarchical and transversal governance for an optimal contribution to the quality of nursing care. Conclusion: Results indicate that the practice of strategic leadership generates influential areas, allowing not only the improvement of the chief nursing offices’ contribution to the quality of nursing care, but also to the overall quality of the organizations. Chief nursing offices can refer to these results in order to continue the development of strategies aimed at improving the quality of nursing care in constantly evolving organizations of increasing complexity. / El ejercicio del liderazgo estratégico por parte de las direcciones de enfermería, centrado en la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería ha sido poco documentado, no obstante el impacto que este genera en la eficiencia global de los establecimientos de salud. Este tipo de liderazgo se refiere a la capacidad de la directora de enfermería y de su equipo, ubicados en los altos mandos de la organización, de trabajar estratégicamente con otras direcciones para garantizar una prestación de cuidados de enfermería, de calidad, eficientes y eficaces a la persona y a su entorno. Objetivo: Describir el ejercicio del liderazgo estratégico de las direcciones de enfermería, centrado en la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería, en los establecimientos de salud de Quebec, utilizando algunos elementos de dos modelos: An Integrative Model of Strategic Leadership (Boal et Hooijberg, 2000) y Fitting Strategic Leadership Into the Strategic Framework (Hambrick, 1989). Método: Estudio cualitativo de tipo descriptivo realizado con enfermeras administrativas de nivel superior e intermedio, de las direcciones de enfermería del Quebec. La muestra ha sido constituida por treinta y cinco (N=35) participantes provenientes de 18 de los 34 establecimientos de salud lo que representa el 53 % de las direcciones de enfermería del Quebec. Tres grupos de discusión y 31 entrevistas semi-estructuradas fueron realizados. Resultados: Se constata que para ejercer liderazgo estratégico, las direcciones de enfermería deberían : 1) apoderarse el posicionamiento estratégico para influenciar la calidad del cuidado de enfermería, 2) desarrollar y comunicar una visión clara de la calidad del cuidado de enfermería, 3) tomar opciones estratégicas, sistemáticas y medibles, centradas en la calidad del cuidado de enfermería, 4) alinear los roles para aumentar la influencia en la calidad del cuidado de enfermería, 5) desarrollar la capacidad política para influenciar la calidad del cuidado de enfermería, 6) ser parte integrante de los procesos decisionales estratégicos y 7) establecer alianzas estratégicas y colaborativas enfocadas en la calidad del cuidado de enfermería. Además, se constata que la credibilidad clínica y el equipo formado con estudios universitarios de nivel superior y en número suficiente favorecen el ejercicio de liderazgo estratégico de las direcciones de enfermería. Por otra parte, la cultura organizacional y el tamaño del establecimiento obstaculizan el ejercicio de liderazgo estratégico de las direcciones de enfermería. Finalmente, la eficacia de liderazgo estratégico de las direcciones de enfermería depende de su capacidad para ejercer una gobernanza de enfermería equilibrada (jerárquica y transversal) contribuyendo de manera óptima a la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería. Conclusión: los resultados indican que el ejercicio de liderazgo estratégico por parte de las direcciones de enfermería genera zonas de influencia permitiéndoles mejorar su contribución a la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería e incluso la gestión de la calidad total de las organizaciones de salud. Las direcciones de enfermería podrán referirse a estos resultados para continuar desarrollando estrategias enfocadas en la mejora continua de la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería en organizaciones que están en constantes cambios cada día más complejos.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Mikudík, Patrik January 2022 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is to elaborate the project documentation of a newbuilt multifunctional building in Považská Bystrica. The multifunkcional building is designed as a three-storey without basemen. In the first ground floor there are dental and gynecological surgeries with facilites, a cafe and director's office. In the second there are office spaces with facilities for rent. On the level of the third floor there are two-rooms flats and one four-room flat, while there are also storage spaces for each of the flats. The building of the multifunctional house is based on reinforced concrete foundations. The vertical construction system consist of reinforced concrete perimeter walls and perimeter reinforced concrete columns in combination with an internal load-bearing walls of the reinforcing core of the building. The partition walls are designed as a plasterboard walls. The horizontal load-bearing structures are made of reinforced concrete prestressed panels. The roofing of the building is designed as a flat one-layer roof. The roof of the terrace consist of an extensive vegetation flat one-layer roof. The roofing of the awning at the main entrance to the building is design as a reinforced concrete monolithic console with one-layer flat roof a skylight. The building is insulated with the external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS). The façade of the communication core of the building is made of brick cladding. The rest of the façade is made of a thin layer white plaster.

The Effects of the ADA on Group Practice

Frierson, J G. 01 March 1992 (has links)
In this article, James Frierson, J.D., outlines the requirements for group practices under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Rules concerning required changes take effect in January of 1993 (and sooner for some groups), making it imperative that group practices be aware of the new law.

The doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in the Trinitarian theology of Basil of Caesarea

Fischer, Zachary 02 1900 (has links)
This paper explores the importance of the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in Basil of Caesarea's Trinitarian writings. In order to judge the importance of the doctrine for Basil, its impact on all of his exegetical and dogmatic writings on the Trinity were surveyed and evaluated. In his writings, Basil repeatedly addresses his belief that the Father and the Son is the one, eternal God. He considered this possible due to the Son's eternal generation from the substance of the Father. Basil considered the eternal generation of the Son to be both a scripturally warranted and philosophically coherent doctrine that explains how the Father and Son are indelibly same in substance and truly distinct persons. This study concludes that the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son is essential to Basil's Trinitarian theology throughout his life. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

The doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in the Trinitarian theology of Basil of Caesarea

Fischer, Zachary 02 1900 (has links)
This paper explores the importance of the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son in Basil of Caesarea's Trinitarian writings. In order to judge the importance of the doctrine for Basil, its impact on all of his exegetical and dogmatic writings on the Trinity were surveyed and evaluated. In his writings, Basil repeatedly addresses his belief that the Father and the Son is the one, eternal God. He considered this possible due to the Son's eternal generation from the substance of the Father. Basil considered the eternal generation of the Son to be both a scripturally warranted and philosophically coherent doctrine that explains how the Father and Son are indelibly same in substance and truly distinct persons. This study concludes that the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son is essential to Basil's Trinitarian theology throughout his life. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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