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Oscilações intrasazonais no Indo-Pacífico e na zona de convergência do Atlântico Sul: estudo observacional e numérico / Intraseasonal oscillations at the Indo-Pacific and in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone: Observational and numeric studyBarbosa, Augusto Cesar Barros 27 April 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi particularmente motivado pela necessidade de se compreender a variabilidade do sinal intrasazonal relacionado a eventos extremos da Oscilação de Madden-Julian (OMJ) fator consensual na mudança do clima em diversas regiões do globo terrestre, em virtude de seus padrões de teleconexão atmosférica. Tal necessidade exige habilidades diferenciadas, como as apresentadas para o modelo OLAM v3.3 no decorrer do presente estudo. Foram utilizados dados observacionais da Reanálises II do NCEP (campo de vento em 200 e 850 mb) assim como variáveis obtidas por satélites (Radiação de Onda Longa Emergente ROL) para avaliar a estrutura atmosférica na escala de tempo intrasazonal. O campo diário de TSM foi assimilado pelo modelo numérico como principal forçante atmosférica para a geração do sinal intrasazonal; além disso, aninhamentos de grade foram acionados para melhor resolver os processos de menor escala essenciais para formar os processos na grande escala, os quais são intrínsecos ao sinal intrasazonal. Métodos estatísticos com um nível de significância em 5% foram aplicados para validar os resultados obtidos com a modelagem numérica em detrimento as observações. As observações mostraram que o ano de 2002 apresentou uma maior variabilidade intrasazonal na região do INDO-PACÍFICO associada a eventos da OMJ em relação aos outros anos em análise, tanto para o verão quanto para o inverno no HS. De outra forma, para a modelagem numérica, os anos de 2001/2002 apresentaram maior variabilidade na escala de tempo intrasazonal na região de controle INDI com forte influência remota na região da América do Sul/ZCAS para o verão de 2002. O estudo de caso observacional de 22 de dezembro de 2002, mostrou que o principal mecanismo para a interação remota entre a região de controle INDI e a ZCAS2 foi gerado por uma combinação entre o PSA-curto e o guia preferencial de ondas 2. A modelagem numérica sugere que a variabilidade intrasazonal representada pelo modelo OLAM v3.3 independe da distribuição temporal dos campos de TSM. No entanto, evidências mostraram que o sinal modelado será tanto melhor quanto maior a variabilidade da energia intrasazonal no campo de TSM assimilado pelo modelo numérico. Em detrimento à convenção de Grell, a parametrização de cúmulos profundo do tipo Kuo apresentou maior variabilidade temporal na região de controle INDI para a DIV200mb em todo período analisado, favorecendo uma maior atividade convectiva para aquela região, inclusive na escala de tempo intrasazonal. Sucessivos aninhamentos de grade sugerem que a energia intrasazonal tende a aumentar significativamente à medida que se aumenta o número de grades aninhadas. Para o estudo de caso de 01 de julho de 2001, via modelagem numérica, foram necessários 30 dias para a OMJ inverter seu padrão na região de controle INDI, e somente após essa inversão foi encontrado atividade convectiva na escala de tempo intrasazonal sobre a região da ZCAS. Dessa forma, o OLAM v3.3 superestima o tempo de meio ciclo dessa oscilação e consequentemente o tempo de resposta sobre a AS, em particular na região da ZCAS2. Outro aspecto relevante se refere à diferença na quantidade de energia intrasazonal que o OLAM v3.3 simula na região INDI quando há aninhamento de grade na região da ZCAS. Este fato, juntamente com a inversão de sinal descrita acima, sugere uma interação do tipo gangorra convectiva entre a região INDI e a região ZCAS. O espectro de energia da TSO para a divergência ao nível de 200 mb, mostrou que o OLAM v3.3 subestima a energia do sinal intrasazonal na região do oceano Índico em quase a metade do valor real observado. Todavia, as observações mostraram que a energia espectral intrasazonal da divergência em 200 mb na região de controle ZCAS2, para a escala de 43 dias, foi da ordem de 0,42 x 10-10 s-2, resultando em uma diferença positiva de 0,08 x 10-10 s-2 em relação ao valor numérico obtido. Por fim, a metodologia do traçado de raios mostrou que os números de onda 2, 3 e 4 são bem representados pelo OLAM v3.3 na região tropical, corroborando com a habilidade do modelo em reproduzir os padrões de teleconexão atmosférica gerados no evento da OMJ de 01 de julho de 2001. / This work was particularly motivated by the need to understand the variability of the intraseasonal signal, in relation to extreme events of the Madden-Julian Oscillation consensual factor in the weather changes at different regions of the globe, due its atmospheric teleconnection patterns. For this need, it\'s totally necessary special skills, such as those presented in this job for the OLAM model v3.3. In this job, observational datasets were used from the Reanalysis II/NCEP (wind fields at 200 and 850 mb), as also variables obtained by satellites (OLR) to assess the atmospheric profile in the intraseasonal time scale. The SST daily field was assimilated by the numerical OLAM model v3.3 to forcing the sign in the intraseasonal time scale. However, mesh refinement level also was activated for better resolve the smaller scale processes essentials to form key processes in large scale and relevant to intraseasonal signs generation. Statistical methods with 5% significance level, were applied to validate the results obtained with the numerical modeling in detriment to the observational results. The observations has shown that the year 2002 presented a higher intraseasonal variability in the INDO-PACIFIC region associated with MJO events, in detriment of the other years under review, both for summer as for Austral winter. Otherwise, for the numerical modeling, the years 2001/2002 presented higher variability in the intraseasonal time scale over the Indian ocean region showing strongest remote influences over the South America/SACZ to the Austral summer of 2002. The observational case study of December 22, 2002, showed that the main mechanism for the remote interaction between control region over Indian ocean and the SACZ2 control region, was generated by combination among a short-PSA and a preferential wave guide 2. The numerical modeling suggests that the intraseasonal variability represented by the OLAM model v3.3 is independent of the temporal distribution of the SST fields. However, evidences has shown that the sign will be better represented how much greater the intraseasonal energy variability in the SST fields assimilated by the numerical model. In detriment to Grell\'s convention, the Kuo\'s deep cumulus parameterization has showed greater temporal variability in the Indian ocean region for the divergence at 200 mb throughout analyzed period, favoring convective activity in the intraseasonal time scale for that region. Successive nesting grids suggests that the intraseasonal energy tends to increase significantly, when increases the number of nested grids. For the case study of July 1, 2001, via numerical modeling, were necessary 30 days to reverse the MJO\'s signal pattern in the Indian ocean region, and only after this reversal, was found convective activity in the intraseasonal time scale over the SACZ region. Thus, the results obtained with the OLAM model v3.3 suggests overestimation of the half cycle of oscillation and, consequently, the time response over the South America region, in particular over the SACZ2 region. Another important aspect refers to the difference at the intraseasonal energy amount simulated by the OLAM model v3.3 for the Indian ocean region, when is applied nesting grids over the SACZ region. This fact, together with the sign inversion described above, suggests an interaction of the type \"convective seesaw\" between the Indian ocean region and the SACZ region. The wavelets power spectrum for the divergence at 200 mb has shown that OLAM model v3.3 underestimates the intraseasonal signal energy over the Indian ocean region in about half the actual value observed. However, observations has shown that the spectral intraseasonal energy of the divergence at 200 mb in the ZCAS2 region, for 43 day\'s scale, was approximately 0.42 x 10-10 s-2, resulting in a positive difference of 0.08 x 10-10 s-2 in relation to the numerical value obtained. Finally, the methodology of the ray tracing showed that wave numbers 2, 3 and 4 were well represented by the OLAM model v3.3 for the tropical region, confirming the model ability to reproduce the atmospheric teleconnection patterns, as shown for MJO\'s event July 1, 2001.
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Oscilações intrasazonais no Indo-Pacífico e na zona de convergência do Atlântico Sul: estudo observacional e numérico / Intraseasonal oscillations at the Indo-Pacific and in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone: Observational and numeric studyAugusto Cesar Barros Barbosa 27 April 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho foi particularmente motivado pela necessidade de se compreender a variabilidade do sinal intrasazonal relacionado a eventos extremos da Oscilação de Madden-Julian (OMJ) fator consensual na mudança do clima em diversas regiões do globo terrestre, em virtude de seus padrões de teleconexão atmosférica. Tal necessidade exige habilidades diferenciadas, como as apresentadas para o modelo OLAM v3.3 no decorrer do presente estudo. Foram utilizados dados observacionais da Reanálises II do NCEP (campo de vento em 200 e 850 mb) assim como variáveis obtidas por satélites (Radiação de Onda Longa Emergente ROL) para avaliar a estrutura atmosférica na escala de tempo intrasazonal. O campo diário de TSM foi assimilado pelo modelo numérico como principal forçante atmosférica para a geração do sinal intrasazonal; além disso, aninhamentos de grade foram acionados para melhor resolver os processos de menor escala essenciais para formar os processos na grande escala, os quais são intrínsecos ao sinal intrasazonal. Métodos estatísticos com um nível de significância em 5% foram aplicados para validar os resultados obtidos com a modelagem numérica em detrimento as observações. As observações mostraram que o ano de 2002 apresentou uma maior variabilidade intrasazonal na região do INDO-PACÍFICO associada a eventos da OMJ em relação aos outros anos em análise, tanto para o verão quanto para o inverno no HS. De outra forma, para a modelagem numérica, os anos de 2001/2002 apresentaram maior variabilidade na escala de tempo intrasazonal na região de controle INDI com forte influência remota na região da América do Sul/ZCAS para o verão de 2002. O estudo de caso observacional de 22 de dezembro de 2002, mostrou que o principal mecanismo para a interação remota entre a região de controle INDI e a ZCAS2 foi gerado por uma combinação entre o PSA-curto e o guia preferencial de ondas 2. A modelagem numérica sugere que a variabilidade intrasazonal representada pelo modelo OLAM v3.3 independe da distribuição temporal dos campos de TSM. No entanto, evidências mostraram que o sinal modelado será tanto melhor quanto maior a variabilidade da energia intrasazonal no campo de TSM assimilado pelo modelo numérico. Em detrimento à convenção de Grell, a parametrização de cúmulos profundo do tipo Kuo apresentou maior variabilidade temporal na região de controle INDI para a DIV200mb em todo período analisado, favorecendo uma maior atividade convectiva para aquela região, inclusive na escala de tempo intrasazonal. Sucessivos aninhamentos de grade sugerem que a energia intrasazonal tende a aumentar significativamente à medida que se aumenta o número de grades aninhadas. Para o estudo de caso de 01 de julho de 2001, via modelagem numérica, foram necessários 30 dias para a OMJ inverter seu padrão na região de controle INDI, e somente após essa inversão foi encontrado atividade convectiva na escala de tempo intrasazonal sobre a região da ZCAS. Dessa forma, o OLAM v3.3 superestima o tempo de meio ciclo dessa oscilação e consequentemente o tempo de resposta sobre a AS, em particular na região da ZCAS2. Outro aspecto relevante se refere à diferença na quantidade de energia intrasazonal que o OLAM v3.3 simula na região INDI quando há aninhamento de grade na região da ZCAS. Este fato, juntamente com a inversão de sinal descrita acima, sugere uma interação do tipo gangorra convectiva entre a região INDI e a região ZCAS. O espectro de energia da TSO para a divergência ao nível de 200 mb, mostrou que o OLAM v3.3 subestima a energia do sinal intrasazonal na região do oceano Índico em quase a metade do valor real observado. Todavia, as observações mostraram que a energia espectral intrasazonal da divergência em 200 mb na região de controle ZCAS2, para a escala de 43 dias, foi da ordem de 0,42 x 10-10 s-2, resultando em uma diferença positiva de 0,08 x 10-10 s-2 em relação ao valor numérico obtido. Por fim, a metodologia do traçado de raios mostrou que os números de onda 2, 3 e 4 são bem representados pelo OLAM v3.3 na região tropical, corroborando com a habilidade do modelo em reproduzir os padrões de teleconexão atmosférica gerados no evento da OMJ de 01 de julho de 2001. / This work was particularly motivated by the need to understand the variability of the intraseasonal signal, in relation to extreme events of the Madden-Julian Oscillation consensual factor in the weather changes at different regions of the globe, due its atmospheric teleconnection patterns. For this need, it\'s totally necessary special skills, such as those presented in this job for the OLAM model v3.3. In this job, observational datasets were used from the Reanalysis II/NCEP (wind fields at 200 and 850 mb), as also variables obtained by satellites (OLR) to assess the atmospheric profile in the intraseasonal time scale. The SST daily field was assimilated by the numerical OLAM model v3.3 to forcing the sign in the intraseasonal time scale. However, mesh refinement level also was activated for better resolve the smaller scale processes essentials to form key processes in large scale and relevant to intraseasonal signs generation. Statistical methods with 5% significance level, were applied to validate the results obtained with the numerical modeling in detriment to the observational results. The observations has shown that the year 2002 presented a higher intraseasonal variability in the INDO-PACIFIC region associated with MJO events, in detriment of the other years under review, both for summer as for Austral winter. Otherwise, for the numerical modeling, the years 2001/2002 presented higher variability in the intraseasonal time scale over the Indian ocean region showing strongest remote influences over the South America/SACZ to the Austral summer of 2002. The observational case study of December 22, 2002, showed that the main mechanism for the remote interaction between control region over Indian ocean and the SACZ2 control region, was generated by combination among a short-PSA and a preferential wave guide 2. The numerical modeling suggests that the intraseasonal variability represented by the OLAM model v3.3 is independent of the temporal distribution of the SST fields. However, evidences has shown that the sign will be better represented how much greater the intraseasonal energy variability in the SST fields assimilated by the numerical model. In detriment to Grell\'s convention, the Kuo\'s deep cumulus parameterization has showed greater temporal variability in the Indian ocean region for the divergence at 200 mb throughout analyzed period, favoring convective activity in the intraseasonal time scale for that region. Successive nesting grids suggests that the intraseasonal energy tends to increase significantly, when increases the number of nested grids. For the case study of July 1, 2001, via numerical modeling, were necessary 30 days to reverse the MJO\'s signal pattern in the Indian ocean region, and only after this reversal, was found convective activity in the intraseasonal time scale over the SACZ region. Thus, the results obtained with the OLAM model v3.3 suggests overestimation of the half cycle of oscillation and, consequently, the time response over the South America region, in particular over the SACZ2 region. Another important aspect refers to the difference at the intraseasonal energy amount simulated by the OLAM model v3.3 for the Indian ocean region, when is applied nesting grids over the SACZ region. This fact, together with the sign inversion described above, suggests an interaction of the type \"convective seesaw\" between the Indian ocean region and the SACZ region. The wavelets power spectrum for the divergence at 200 mb has shown that OLAM model v3.3 underestimates the intraseasonal signal energy over the Indian ocean region in about half the actual value observed. However, observations has shown that the spectral intraseasonal energy of the divergence at 200 mb in the ZCAS2 region, for 43 day\'s scale, was approximately 0.42 x 10-10 s-2, resulting in a positive difference of 0.08 x 10-10 s-2 in relation to the numerical value obtained. Finally, the methodology of the ray tracing showed that wave numbers 2, 3 and 4 were well represented by the OLAM model v3.3 for the tropical region, confirming the model ability to reproduce the atmospheric teleconnection patterns, as shown for MJO\'s event July 1, 2001.
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Vzdělávání žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem na českých a maltských školách / The Education of Immigrant Pupils in Czech and Maltese SchoolsVosáhlová, Daniela January 2021 (has links)
The master thesis focuses on education of immigrant pupils in Czech and Maltese schools. The aim of the thesis was to describe what particular measures the schools choose and what methods the teachers use to alleviate the impact of the language barrier in both environments and then to compare the results between each other. The research is of qualitative nature, with the research strategy being a multiple case study. The data collection was realised through observations in class, interviews with the school leadership, teachers and pupils and the analysis of digitalized materials. The case is represented by a particular school and the research was conducted at two schools in Czech and two schools in Maltese environment. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part aims its attention at the themes of appropriate approach towards the education of immigrant pupils, explanation of the Maltese education system, legislation of both countries on the issue of education of immigrant pupils and the theme of teacher training focused on education of these pupils provided at the Faculty of Education of Charles University. The practical part then develops the themes elaborated in the theoretical one and it mentions what findings the survey discovered. Last chapter of the thesis...
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Komparace integrace žáka-cizince ve Francii a v České republice / Comparison of the school integration of immigrant children in France and in the Czech RepublicMohrová, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: Title of the thesis: Comparison of the school integration of immigrant children in France and in the Czech Republic Keywords: ENAF, FLS, CLA, CLIN, primo-arrivant, integration, inclusion, French education system, Czech education system, pupil - foreigners in secondary school Abstract: The thesis Comparison of the school integration of immigrant children in France and in the Czech Republic, with the aim of providing a comprehensive description and comparison of the integration of immigrant children into French and Czech schools. I would like to find new ways of managing the problem in the Czech Republic by comparing these two approaches to educational systems for pupils with special educational needs. The work is based on my own experience with this problem in Czech Republic and the reality in France, also draws on interviews with educators and practitioners and is supported by a separate survey which was conducted among teachers in the Czech Republic and France.
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Práce s textem a rozvíjení čtenářské gramotnosti minoritních skupin / Working with text and development of reading knowledge in minorit groupsVejlupek, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Title: Working with text and development of reading knowledge in minorit groups Michal Vejlupek My diploma theme with title, Working with text and development of reading knowledge in minorit groups is about reading and reading literacy. It was concerned with the definition of these conceptions with an outline of its development. Described the historical evolution of the education methods of the first reading focused on understanding. From minority groups concentrates on Vietnamese ethnic group and on their day-to-day problems in Czech Republic emphasized on their different communication. Approaching issues of the children with different mother tongues and the education methods in Czech Republic related to this dissimilarity (OBL) which is at the beginning. In practice part of my diploma there is a research of differences between Vietnamese and Czech students. My results confirm no differences between them. Vietnamese children are worse than Czech in understanding but deficiency is low. Results of reading questionnaire show no big differences also.
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Impacts of the Madden-Julian oscillation on intraseasonal precipitation over northeast BrazilValad?o, Cati Elisa de Avila 14 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-06-10T19:29:13Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
CatiElisaDeAvilaValadao_TESE.pdf: 22074758 bytes, checksum: 702cc3f01b20335c0a4d7438f5c6a479 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-13T22:20:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
CatiElisaDeAvilaValadao_TESE.pdf: 22074758 bytes, checksum: 702cc3f01b20335c0a4d7438f5c6a479 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-13T22:20:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
CatiElisaDeAvilaValadao_TESE.pdf: 22074758 bytes, checksum: 702cc3f01b20335c0a4d7438f5c6a479 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-08-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / The impacts of the Madden?Julian Oscillation (MJO) on precipitation over Northeast
Brazil (NEB, also known as Nordeste) are evaluated based on daily raingauge data
from 492 stations over 30-year period (1981-2010). Composites of precipitation, outgoing
longwave radiation and moisture-flux anomalies are performed for each phase of the
MJO based on the Jones?Carvalho MJO index. To distinguish the MJO signal from other
patterns of climate variability, daily data are filtered using a 20 - 90 day band-pass filter;
only days classified as MJO events are considered in the composites.
A preliminary analysis based on precipitation data was conducted for a small scale
area located in NEB?s semiarid interior, in an area known as Serid?. The Serid? is one of
the driest regions in NEB, and is recognized by the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification as particularly vulnerable to desertification. Composites of rainfall anomalies
were computed for each of the eight phases of the MJO during February-May, which
is Serid??s main rainy season. Results showed that the rainfall patterns in Serid? undergo
substantial changes (from enhancement to suppression) as the convective center of the
MJO propagates eastward. When combining the MJO signals for wet and dry phases, the
difference represents about 50 - 150% modulation of the mean rainfall over Serid?.
Then a comprehensive analysis of the role of the MJO in modulating the spatiotemporal
variation of NEB?s precipitation was performed, considering all four seasons. The
results showed strong seasonality of the MJO impact on precipitation. The most spatially
coherent signals of precipitation anomalies occurred in the austral summer, when about
80% of the raingauge stations showed increased precipitation during phases 1 - 2 and
suppressed precipitation in phases 5 - 6 of the oscillation.
Although the MJO impacts precipitation on intraseasonal timescales in all seasons in
most locations, these impacts vary in magnitude and depend on the phase of the oscillation.
Precipitation anomalies over NEB are explained by the interaction of convectively
coupled Kelvin-Rossby waves with the dominant climatic features in each season. During
the austral summer and spring, westerly regimes increased precipitation over most NEB.
In the austral winter and fall, precipitation anomalies exhibited more complex spatial variability.
In these seasons precipitation anomalies in eastern coastal areas depended on the
strength of the South Atlantic anticyclone, which is largely modulated by Rossby waves.
The strengthening of the anticyclone intensified the convergence of the trade winds in
coastal areas and precipitation windward of the coastal range. Conversely, the intensification
of the subsidence was responsible for precipitation deficits in the lee side of the
range. These conditions were typically observed when easterly regimes dominate over
tropical South America and NEB, decreasing moisture flow from the Amazon. / Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar os impactos da oscila??o de Madden-Julian (OMJ) na precipita??o da regi?o Nordeste do Brasil (NEB). Para tanto foram utilizados dados di?rios de precipita??o baseados em 492 pluvi?metros distribu?dos na regi?o e cobrindo um per?odo de 30 anos (1981 ? 2010). As an?lises atrav?s de composi??es de anomalias de precipita??o, radia??o de onda longa e fluxo de umidade, foram obtidas com base no ?ndice da OMJ desenvolvido por Jones-Carvalho. Para distinguir o sinal da OMJ de outros padr?es de variabilidade clim?tica, todos os dados di?rios foram filtrados na escala de 20 ? 90 dias; portanto somente dias classificados como eventos da OMJ foram considerados nas composi??es.
Uma an?lise preliminar baseada apenas nos dados de precipita??o foi feita para uma pequena ?rea localizada no interior semi?rido do NEB, conhecida como Serid?. Essa microrregi?o ? uma das ?reas mais secas do NEB e foi reconhecida pela Conven??o das Na??es Unidas para o Combate ? Desertifica??o e Mitiga??o dos Efeitos das Secas como particularmente vulner?vel ? desertifica??o. Composi??es de anomalias de precipita??o foram feitas para cada uma das oito fases da OMJ durante Fevereiro-Maio (principal per?odo chuvoso da microrregi?o). Os resultados mostraram a exist?ncia de varia??es significativas nos padr?es de precipita??o (de precipita??o excessiva ? deficiente) associados ? propaga??o da OMJ. A combina??o dos sinais de precipita??o obtidos durantes as fases ?midas e secas da OMJ mostrou que a diferen?a corresponde cerca de 50 ? 150% de modula??o das chuvas na microrregi?o.
Em seguida, uma investiga??o abrangente sobre o papel da OMJ sobre toda a regi?o Nordeste foi feita considerando-se as quatro esta??es do ano. Os resultados mostraram que os impactos da OMJ na precipita??o intrassazonal do NEB apresentam forte sazonalidade. A maior coer?ncia espacial dos sinais de precipita??o ocorreram durante o ver?o austral, quando cerca de 80% das esta??es pluviom?tricas apresentaram anomalias positivas de precipita??o durante as fases 1 ? 2 da OMJ e anomalias negativas de precipita??o nas fases 5 ? 6 da oscila??o. Embora impactos da OMJ na precipita??o intrassazonal tenham sido encontrados na maioria das localidades e em todas as esta??es do ano, eles apresentaram varia??es na magnitude dos sinais e dependem da fase da oscila??o. As anomalias de precipita??o do NEB observadas s?o explicadas atrav?s da intera??o existente entre as ondas de Kelvin-Rossby acopladas convectivamente e as caracter?sticas clim?ticas predominantes sobre a regi?o em cada esta??o do ano. O aumento de precipita??o observado sobre a maior parte do NEB durante o ver?o e primavera austrais encontra-se associado com o fluxo de umidade de oeste (regime de oeste), o qual favorece a atividade convectiva em amplas ?reas da Am?rica do Sul tropical. Por outro lado, as anomalias de precipita??o durante o inverno e outono austrais apresentaram uma variabilidade espacial mais complexa. Durante estas esta??es, as anomalias de precipita??o observadas nas esta??es localizadas na costa leste do NEB dependem da intensidade do anticiclone do Atl?ntico Sul, o qual ? modulado em grande parte por ondas de Rossby. As caracter?sticas topogr?ficas do NEB parecem desempenhar um papel importante na variabilidade observada na precipita??o, principalmente nestas ?reas costeiras. A intensifica??o do anticiclone aumenta a converg?ncia dos ventos al?sios na costa contribuindo para a ocorr?ncia de precipita??o observada ? barlavento do planalto da Borborema. Por outro lado, o aumento da subsid?ncia parece ser respons?vel pelos d?ficits de precipita??o observados ? sotavento. Tais condi??es mostraram-se t?picas durante o predom?nio do regime de leste sobre a regi?o tropical da Am?rica do Sul e o NEB, durante o qual ocorre uma diminui??o no fluxo de umidade proveniente da Amaz?nia.
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Přístupy k výuce dětí ze socio-kulturně slabého prostředí Francie a České republiky / Approaches to teaching children from socio-culturally weak backgrounds in France and the Czech RepublicSchusová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The presented study is designed as a comparative theoretical work, comparing two concepts of the approach to the education of children from socio-culturally deprivational background, with a focus on pupils with different mother tongues. The countries, whose educational systems are compared, are selected on the basis of my longterm pedagogical experience - France and the Czech Republic. The work detects the development of pro-inclusive measures in the school systems of both countries, the development and comparison of existing legislative measures, and together with a research probe within this education and examples of practice from the French allophone education has the potential to give a comprehensive picture of this educational domain. The presented material aims to support the discussion in the field of education of children - pupils and students with different mother tongues - in the Czech Republic.
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Žák s odlišným mateřským jazykem jako součást třídy / Pupils with the different language background in a primary school classGunišová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
In my work I deal with the clarification of the current situation of the work with pupils foreigners at primary school with regard to the definition and differentiation of the terms pupil with different maternity language and pupil foreigner. I also deal with the factors that influence their being in the class collective with respect to the home and school environment. The thesis also explains the complexities of Czech as a foreign language. In the practical part I focus on the factors of events in the classroom and their degree of influence on the pupil with OMJ, which is assessed on the basis of interviews and case studies of pupils with OMJ and questionnaires of other classmates. I also describe the assessment of the class team, including the pupils with OMJ, who are part of it, from my own point of view like of view of the class teacher. Keywords: Pupils with the different language background, pupils` obstacles, supporting teacher, Czech as a foreign language, communication with parents
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Žák s odlišným mateřským jazykem / Pupil with different mother tongueZimová, Marie January 2021 (has links)
Abstract: Diploma thesis called Pupil with a different mother tongue concerns the topic of pupils with a home language different from the language of communication of the country they are in. In the theoretical part, the thesis describes the situation of these pupils in the Czech republic and in the world, especially the topic of bilingualism which reflects the situation of pupils with a different home language which already use the second language in various degrees. Next, it deals with intercultural communication, support of these pupils in school and methods of maintaining both languages (native and second). Practical part is based on observation of bilingual children in a particular Czech school in England, further on analyzed language utterances of children with a different home language and on semi-structured interviews with some bilingual families (children and parents) in England and in the Czech republic. Interviews concern the maintenance of mother language and situations regarding usage of both languages by questioned children in families and in school. The aim of the thesis is to describe the situation of pupils with a different home language in family and in school in England and in the Czech republic and to find out how families deal with maintenance of mother language and which of both...
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