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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing an alternative assessment framework for undergraduate accountancy modules in Open Distance Learning (ODL) / Ontwikkeling van 'n alternatiewe assesseringsraamwerk vir voorgraadse rekeningkundige modules in oop afstandsonderrig (OAO) / Ukwakhiwa kwenye indlela yesakhiwo sohlelo lokuhlola amamojuli abafundi beziqu zokuqala ze-accountancy ohlelweni lokufunda ukude (ODL)

Swart, Odette 22 August 2019 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Worldwide, students compete for a limited number of places at universities. By increasing the use of distance education, more students could have access to tertiary education. The problem addressed in this study related to the challenges faced by an ODL university to assess undergraduate modules in accounting sciences by way of technology-enhanced, non-venue-based alternative assessments, instead of the traditional venue-based examinations. The purpose of the current study was to develop an alternative assessment framework for ODL undergraduate accounting sciences modules as a possible solution to the assessment challenges faced by accounting graduates and universities in an ODL environment. The legitimacy of qualifications was considered by reviewing the identity verification of students and other ethical issues, as well as the influence on the accreditation by professional and other regulatory and governing bodies. Institutional and neo-institutional theories were used within the ODL context as foundational principles. Design-based research was used to develop two conceptual frameworks – one based on the theoretical elements and the other on non-venue-based alternative assessments in the ODL context. The two conceptual frameworks were evaluated using interviews conducted with ODL lecturers and members of professional accounting bodies. Thereafter, the data were analysed using thematic analysis. Triangulation was used as a final evaluation of the conceptual frameworks by analysing comments from students included in reports from an alternative assessment pilot study. The two conceptual frameworks were combined in one final framework. This final framework demonstrates how the institutional theory affects the institution and, specifically, internal issues. Due to the complexity of the ODL institution, external influences (such as technology) result in aspects of the neo-institutional theory becoming even more relevant to the current study. This complexity, together with the mimetic forces of technology and innovation, creates uncertainty. However, it became clear from the data analysis that coercive and normative forces result in ‘more certainty’. The alignment of these isomorphic forces resulted in legitimacy. Due to the importance of technology in the ODL environment, it became clear that technology should be anthropomorphically considered a stakeholder in the ODL institution. The inclusion of stakeholder theory created improved performance and the potential for innovation in order to ensure the legitimacy of qualifications. / Studente ding wêreldwyd mee vir 'n beperkte aantal plekke in universiteite. Indien die gebruik van afstandsonderrig uitgebrei word, kan meer studente toegang tot tersiêre onderwys kry. Die probleem waarop hierdie studie fokus is die uitdagings van 'n OAO-universiteit om voorgraadse modules in rekeningkundige wetenskappe te assesseer deur middel van tegnologies verbeterde, nie-lokaalgebaseerde alternatiewe assesserings in plaas van die tradisionele, lokaalgebaseerde eksamens. Die doel van die huidige studie was om 'n alternatiewe assesseringsraamwerk vir voorgraadse rekeningkundige wetenskapmodules in OAO te ontwikkel as 'n moontlike oplossing vir die assesseringsuitdagings van rekeningkundige gegradueerdes en universiteite in ’n OAO-omgewing. Die geldigheid van kwalifikasies is oorweeg deur 'n oorsig te doen oor die identiteitsverifiëring van studente en ander etiese aangeleenthede, asook die invloed op die akkreditasie deur professionele en ander regulatiewe beheerliggame. Institusionele en neo-institusionele teorieë is in die OAO-konteks as grondbeginsels gebruik. Ontwerpgebaseerde navorsing is gebruik om twee konseptuele raamwerke te ontwikkel – een gebaseer op die teoretiese elemente en die ander op nie-lokaalgebaseerde alternatiewe assesserings in die OAO-konteks. Die twee konseptuele raamwerke is geëvalueer aan die hand van onderhoude met OAO-dosente en lede van professionele rekeningkundige liggame. Hierna is die data deur middel van tematiese analise ontleed. Triangulasie is gebruik as 'n finale evaluering van die konseptuele raamwerke deur die kommentaar van studente wat in verslae van 'n alternatiewe assesseringsvoorstudie ingesluit is, te evalueer. Die twee konseptuele raamwerke is in een finale raamwerk gekombineer. Hierdie finale raamwerk demonstreer hoe die institusionele teorie die instelling en, spesifiek, interne aangeleenthede beïnvloed. As gevolg van die kompleksiteit van die OAO-instelling, veroorsaak eksterne invloede (soos tegnologie) dat die neo-institusionele teorie selfs meer relevant vir die huidige studie word. Hierdie kompleksiteit, tesame met die mimetiese magte van tegnologie en innovasie, skep onsekerheid. Dit is egter duidelik uit die data-analise dat dwang- en normatiewe magte ‘meer sekerheid’ veroorsaak. Die belyning van hierdie isomorfiese magte veroorsaak geldigheid. As gevolg van die belangrikheid van tegnologie in die OAO-omgewing, is dit duidelik dat tegnologie antropomorfies beskou moet word as 'n belanghebber in die OAO-instelling. Die insluiting van die belanghebbende teorie het verbeterde prestasie en die potensiaal vir innovasie tot gevolg gehad, om sodoende die geldigheid van kwalifikasies te verseker. / Emhlabeni wonke, abafundi bazabalazela ukuthola ithuba lokungena kwizindawo ezingamanyuvesi amancane ngenani. Ngokukhulisa izinga lokusetshenziswa kohlelo lokufunda ukude, abafundi abaningi bebangakwazi ukungena emazikweni ezemfundo aphakemeyo. Inkinga exazululwa kulolu cwaningo imayelana nezinselelo ezibhekene nenyuvesi yohlelo lwe-ODL ukuhlola amamojuli asesigabeni seziqu zokuqala kwisayensi ye-accounting ngendlela yoncedo lobuchwepheshe, ngezinye izinhlelo zokuhlola ezingenziwa endaweni eyodwa, kunokusebenzisa uhlelo olwejwayelekile lokuhlolwa okwenziwa endaweni eyodwaethize. Inhloso yocwaningo lwamanje kwaye kungukwakha esinye isakhiwo sokuhlola samamojuli esayensi ye-accounting yeziqu zokuqala, lokhu kwenziwa njengekhambi elingaxazulula izinselelo zokuhlola ezibhekene nabafundi besifundo se-accounting kanye namanyuvesi akusizinda sohlelo lwe-ODL. Udaba lokuba semthethweni kweziqu luye lwabhekwa ngokubuyekeza ukuqinisekiswa kwamagama abafundi kanye nezinye izindaba ezimayelana nemigomo yokuziphatha, kanye nomthelela phezu kokwamukelwa kwamaprofeshinali kanye nezinye izinhlaka eziqinisa umthetho kanye nezinye izinhlaka eziphetheyo. Amathiyori eziko kanye nalawo ohlelo olusha lwamaziko asetshenziswe ngaphakathi kwesizinda se-ODL njengemigomo eyisisekelo. Ucwaningo olususelwa kwidizayini lusetshenziswe ukwakha izinhlaka ezimbili zegama – olunye uhlaka lususelwe kwizinto zethiyori kanye nakwezinye izinhlelo zokuhlola ezingasuselwa ezindaweni ezimile ngaphakathi kwesizinda se-ODL. Izinhlaka ezimbili zezakhiwo ziye zahlolwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezenziwa abafundisi be-ODL kanye namalungu wezinhlangano eziprofeshinali zesifundo se-accounting. Ngemuva kwalokho, idatha ihlaziywe ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya isihloko. Unxantathu wezinhlolovo (triangulation) usetshenziswe njengohlelo lokugcina lokuhlola izakhiwo zegama ngokuhlaziya izimvo ezivela kubafundi ezixutshwe kwimibiko evela ohlelweni lokuhlolwa kwesivivinyo socwaningo.Lezi zakhiwo zamagama ezimbili zihlanganiswe kuhlaka olulodwa lokugcina. Lolu hlaka lwesakhiwo lukhombisa indlela umqondo weziko othinta ngayo iziko, ikakhulu, izinto ezingaphakathi. Ngenxa yengxubevange yeziko elinohlelo lwe-ODL, imithelela evela ngaphandle (enjengobuchwepheshe) idala izinto ezihambelana nomqondo omusha weziko oya ngokuya uhambisane nesifundo samanje socwaningo. Le ngxubevange indawonye nemimoya yobuchwepheshe kanye namaqhinga amasha, kuletha isimo esingenakuqinisekiswa. Yize kunjalo, kuya ngokucaca ukusukela ekuhlaziyweni kwedatha ukuthi imimoya ephoqayo kanye naleyo eyejwayelekile idala isimo esingaziwa. Ukuhambisana kwalawa mandla okudalwe yizinto ezisemthethweni. Ngenxa yokubaluleka kobuchwepheshe kwisizinda se-ODL, kuye kwacaca ukuthi ubuchwepheshe kufanele buthathelwe phezulu njengesidlalindima kwiziko le-ODL. Ukufakwa komqondo womdlalindima kudale umsebenzi omuhle othuthukile kanye namathuba okuveza amaqhinga amasha ukuze kuqinisekiswe isimo sokuqinisekisa iziqu ukuthi zibe semthethweni. / College of Accounting Sciences / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Support for students with disabilities in open distance e-learning

Ditlhale, Tumelo Warren Gobusamang 28 April 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Tswana and Afrikaans / People who graduated from higher education, whether they attended classes on campus or studied via a distance mode of learning, have not only been educated but are also able to participate in and contribute positively to the political, social and economic forums in their immediate environments and within their country. Progressing through the higher education system successfully is not easy since there are many challenges to overcome. Students With Disabilities (SWD) face even greater challenges in making their way through the system to emerge triumphantly as graduates. Institutions of higher learning, including Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) facilities, must provide support to SWD in order to facilitate their learning experience so that they are better equipped to succeed. Therefore, it is vital to promote access to higher education for people with disabilities and to provide support, such as making assistive technologies and human services available, for SWD within ODeL institutions. This qualitative study was exploratory in nature and used a multiple case study research design in the chosen area to investigate the provision of support for SWD in the ODeL institution. Data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews and a document analysis, and these two methods of data gathering assisted with triangulation. The research findings revealed differences between the findings that were obtained through the responses received from teacher and staff member participants. The research findings also revealed differences between the findings that were obtained through the responses received from the participants, in general, and those obtained through the document analysis. The findings obtained through responses received from teacher participants showed that support for SWD was more evident at the school level than at the ODeL institution, that is, at the tertiary level of education. The document analysis of the policies of the ODeL institution revealed that the policies were general and did not specifically relate to the needs of SWD. At the same time, the findings in this dissertation of limited scope showed that the use of technology and the availability of assistive devices were more prominent at the school level than at the ODeL institution. / Batho ba ba alogang go tswa mo ditheong tse kgolwane tsa Thuto, ba tswa ba ka bo ba rutilwe le go ithuta ka go tsenela dikamuso (attending lecturers) mo khemphaseng kgotsa ba rutilwe le go ithuta ka thutotlhaeletsano, ga ba rutega fela mme ba kgona gape le go nna le seabe le go abelana ka tshiamo mo diforamong tsa sepolotiki, tsa seloago le tsa seikonomi mo ditikologong tse ba iphitlhelang ba le mo go tsona naga ka bophara. Go tsweletsa dithuto mo setheong sa thuto e kgolwane ka katlego ga go bonolo ka gonne go na le dikgwetlho di le dintsi tse o tshwanelwang ke go di fenya. Baithuti ba ba tshelang-ka-bogole (Students with disabilities -SWD) ba lebagane le dikgwetlho tse dikgolo thata mo setheong sa thuto e kgolwane, go ka ipona kwa bofelelong e le dialogane tse di atlegileng. Ditheo tsa thuto e kgolwane, go akaretsa le tsa tlamelo ya thutotlhaeletsano ka mafarafatlha ntle le maparego (ODeL), di tshwanelwa ke go tshegetsa SWD mo dithutung tsa bone gore batle ba atlege. Ka jalo, go botlhokwa go rotlweetsa phitlhelelo ya thuto e kgolwane go batho ba ba tshelang ka bogole le go ba tshegetsa, jaaka go ka ba direla le go ba neela thekenoloji tsa thuso le ditirelo tsa thuso-ka-batho. Tshegetse fela jaaka e tshwanetse go SWD ba ba mo ODeL. Patlisiso e ya khwaletatifi, e tlhametswe go utulola mme ebile e dirisitse mefuta e le mentsi ya go batlisisa ka ga mokgwa wa go tshegetsa SWD mo ODeL. Tshedimosetso kgotsa dinewane di kokoantswe ka go dirisa seripa sa dipotsolotso le go sekaseka tokamana, mme mekgwa e mebedi e, e thusitse ka go netefatsa diphitlheleo tse di bonweng. Diphitlhelelo tsa patlisiso di bontshitse dipharologano magareng ga diphitlhelelo tse di bonweng go tswa go barutabana kwa sekolong le go tswa go badiri kwa ODeL. Diphitlhelelo tsa patlisiso, di tlhagisitse gape dipharologano magareng ga diphitlhelelo tse di bonweng go tswa go banna-le-seabe, ka kakaretso, le tse di bonweng go tswa mo go sekasekeng tokamana. Diphitlhelelo tse di bonweng go tswa go barutabana, di bontshitse gore tshegetso ya SWD e tlhomame kwa sekolong go na le kwa ODeL, e leng setheo sa thuto e e kgolwane. Tshekatsheko ya tokomana ya dipholisi tsa ODeL, e bontsitse fa dipholisi e le tsa kakaretso fela mme di sa tote ka tlhamalalo ditlhokego tsa SWD. Go ntse go le jalo, diphitlhelelo tsa tlhotlhomisi e e lekanyeditsweng mothamo, di bontshitse fa tiriso ya thekenoloji le go nna teng ga didiriswa-thuso, di tlhomame kwa sekolong go na le kwa ODeL. / Mense wat aan hoëronderwysinstellings gradueer, of hulle klasse op kampus bygewoon het of deur 'n afstandsmetode van leer studeer het, is nie slegs onderrig nie, maar hulle kan ook deelneem aan en positief bydra tot die politieke, sosiale en ekonomiese forums in hul onmiddellike omgewing en in hul land. Dit is nie maklik om suksesvol deur die hoëronderwysstelsel te vorder nie, omdat daar baie struikelblokke is om te oorkom. Studente met gestremdhede (SMG) het selfs meer uitdagings om hul weg deur die stelsel te baan en triomfantlik as graduandi te verrys. Hoëronderriginstellings, insluitende oop e-afstandsleer (ODeL) -fasiliteite, moet ondersteuning aan SMG bied om hul leerervarings te fasiliteer sodat hulle beter toegerus is om sukses te behaal. Dit is daarom noodsaaklik om toegang tot hoër onderwys en ondersteuning aan mense met gestremdhede te bied, soos om hulptegnologieë en menslike dienste aan SMG in ODeL-instellings beskikbaar te stel. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was verkennend van aard en het 'n veelvoudige gevallestudie-ontwerp in die gekose veld gebruik om die voorsiening van ondersteuning aan SMG in 'n ODeL-instelling te ondersoek. Data is versamel deur semigestruktureerde onderhoude en 'n dokumentonleding; hierdie twee metodes van dataversameling het met triangulasie gehelp. Navorsingsbevindings het verskille aangedui tussen die data wat verkry is van die onderwyser en die van deelnemende personeellede se reaksies. Navorsingsbevindings het ook verskille aangedui tussen die data wat verkry is van deelnemers se reaksies oor die algemeen en die wat deur dokumentontleding verkry is. Die bevindings wat deur die onderwyserdeelnemers verkry is, het aangedui dat ondersteuning aan SMG duideliker op skoolvlak was as by die ODeL-instelling; dit is op tersiêre vlak van onderwys. Die dokumentontleding van die ODeL-instelling se beleide het aangedui dat die beleide algemeen was nie spesifiek met SWD se behoeftes verband hou nie. Terselfdertyd het die bevindings van hierdie verhandeling van beperkte omvang getoon dat die gebruik van tegnologie en die beskikbaarheid van hulptoestelle meer prominent was op skoolvlak as by die ODeL-instelling. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Open Distance Learning)

Entwicklung des Kommunikationsteilsystems für ein objektorientiertes, verteiltes Betriebssystem

09 November 1998 (has links)
Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines Kommunikationsteilsystems fuer das Experimentiersystem CHEOPS zur Ermoeglichung einer Interobjektkommunika- tion zwischen Objekten auf dem gleichen bzw. verschiedenen Systemen. Ausgangspunkte stellen dabei eine verfuegbare Implementation eines Ethernet- Treibers der Kartenfamilie WD80x3 fuer MS-DOS, eine geforderte Kommunikations- moeglichkeit mit UNIX-Prozessen sowie die dort benutzbaren Protokoll-Familien dar. Die Arbeit beschaeftigt sich mit der Analyse und Konzipierung des Ethernet- Treibers sowie der Internet-Protokoll-Familie fuer CHEOPS als auch deren Implementation resultierend in einem minimalen Grundsystem. Weiterhin wird ein erster Entwurf fuer ein spaeter weiterzuentwickelndes bzw. zu vervoll- staendigendes Netz-Interface vorgeschlagen und durch eine Beispiel-Implemen- tierung belegt.

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