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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Silagem de grão de milho reidratado com soro de leite e água / Silage maize grain rehydrated with whey and water

Andrade, Luiz Paulo de 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-02T13:55:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiz Paulo de Andrade Dissertacao.pdf: 1041310 bytes, checksum: 2f93e6e6a802137d5b7cf724994ac377 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / Given the intensification of animal production , the use of technology Wet grain silage can contribute significantly to improving productivity indices , highlighting the economic importance of this as a constituent of food rations . The objective of this research was to investigate the nutritional value of silage maize grain rehydrated at different moisture contents . The experiment was conducted at the Faculty of Agronomy of the University José do Rosário Vellano , Campus Alfenas - MG . The experimental design was completely randomized with a 3x2x2 , and ( rehydration grain at three moisture contents ; rehydrated in saline and water with and without inoculant ) totaling 12 treatments and 4 replications ; Results concerning the characteristics bromatological underwent to analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) using the statistical program SISVAR ( FERREIRA , 2003) . It was found lower pH in silage inoculated when there rehydration with acid whey . Inoculation biological silage moisture corn resulted in higher concentration of lactic acid . Inoculation of silage resulted in higher concentrations of acetic and propionic acid . The propionic acid concentration remained similar between treatments evaluated in this study , although the concentration was low in all of them . Rehydrated silages with whey had higher dry matter silages compared with rehydrated with water . The concentration of protein (CP ) in silage moisture corn was only changed due to the liquid used in rehydration . The NDF was reduced by rehydration with acid whey , whether or not the application of the inoculant . The concentration of ADF increased linearly in the control treatment due to rehydration using acid whey , while the inoculated silage , there was greater concentration rehydration by 40%. / Diante da intensificação da produção animal, o emprego da tecnologia da ensilagem de grãos úmidos pode contribuir significativamente para melhoria dos índices de produtividade, destacando-se a importância econômica deste alimento como constituinte de rações. Objetivou-se com esta pesquisa, estudar o valor nutricional da silagem de grão de milho reidratado à diferentes teores de umidade . O experimento foi conduzido na faculdade de agronomia da Universidade José do Rosário Vellano, Campus de Alfenas - MG. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado num esquema fatorial 3x2x2, sendo( reidratação do grão em três teores de umidade; reidratado com soro e água e com e sem inoculante) totalizando 12 tratamentos e 4 repetições; Os resultados referentes às características bromatólogica foram submetidos a análises de variância (ANOVA) utilizando-se o programa estatístico SISVAR (FERREIRA, 2003). Constatou-se menor valor de pH na silagem inoculada quando houve reidratação com soro ácido de leite. A inoculação biológica da silagem de grão úmido de milho resultou em maior concentração de ácido lático. A inoculação das silagens resultou em maiores concentrações de ácido acético e propiônico. A concentração de ácido propiônico permaneceu semelhante entre os tratamentos avaliados neste estudo, embora a concentração tenha sido baixa em todos eles. As silagens reidratadas com soro de leite apresentaram teores de matéria seca maiores quando comparadas com silagens reidratadas com água. A concentração de proteína (PB) na silagem de grão úmido de milho somente foi alterada devido ao líquido utilizado na reidratação. A concentração de FDN foi reduzida pela reidratação com soro ácido de leite, independente da aplicação ou não do inoculante. A concentração de FDA aumentou linearmente na silagem controle devido à reidratação utilizando-se soro ácido de leite, enquanto na silagem inoculada, constatou-se maior concentração pela reidratação a 40%.

Výroba a charakterizace medoviny vyráběné různými technologickými postupy / Production and characterization of mead produced by different technologies

Kilian, David January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the technology of producing mead from the chosen kind of honey with a variety of sugar concentrations with the use of modern producing technological procedures with the cold and hot process. The theoretical part is focused on the history of mead and its technological development. It focuses, in detail, on modern large scale technologies – both cold and also the hot process. In the practical part of the thesis, the production of samples of mead with various sugar concentrations from three kinds of honey with the use of two technological processes (hot and cold process) was conducted firstly. Secondly, the characteristics of the samples were conducted from the view of the volume of HMF – Hydroxymethylfurfural, ethanol, glucose, fructose, the chosen organic acids and elements with sensory analysis. The prepared samples were compared and discussed concerning differences to find out the differences of the use of the two manufacturing technologies (cold and hot process), the chosen kinds of honey and the influence of sugar before the fermentation on the final product.

Screening biotechnologického potenciálu vybraných zástupců rodu Geobacillus a dalších příbuzných rodů / Screening of biotechnological potential of selected members of the genus Geobacillus and other related genuses

Kouřilová, Xenie January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with selected thermophilic representatives of genera Geobacillus, Saccharococcus and Bacillus, taking screening of its biotechnological potential into account. Bacteria from the first two genera came from Czech and German collection of microorganisms, while bacteria of genus Bacillus were natural isolates. Researched strains were examined from a viewpoint of carbon source utilization and furthermore, production of biosurfactants, extracellular hydrolytic enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase, cellulase, xylanase), organic acids, antimicrobial agents and microbial plastics – polyhydroxyalkanoates was also tested. Bacteria S. thermophilus, G. uzenensis and G. zalihae evinced a substantial ability of biosurfactant production. Strains G. jurassicus, G. uzenensis, G. gargensis and G. lituanicus were capable of intensive production of all tested, technologically significant enzymes. Highest antimicrobial effects were reached with bacteria G. stearothermophilus and G. thermocatenulatus. Largest production of acetic acid was achieved with G. jurassicus and lactic acid with G. thermodenitrificans. Ability to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates was proved at genotype level by some cultures only, however at fenotype level, response was negative. On the contrary, bacteria genus Bacillus were able to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates, although in small amounts under given circumstances. With remaining researched metabolites, production ability was considerably lower, compared to genera Geobacillus and Saccharococcus.

Chemická charakterizace vín z vybraných PIWI odrůd / Chemical composition of wine produced from PIWI cultivars

Michálková, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deasl with the chemical charakterization of wine from selected PIWI varieties. The theoretical part describes the general origin and reason for breeding PIWI varieties, a closer characterization of selected three PIWI varieties, Johaniter, Hibernal and Solaris. The next part is devoted to the description of analytical methods that were used to determine the chemical characteristics. The experimental part is developed to the determination of chemical characteristics, namely general characteristics such as alcohol, total phenols, phenolic substances, volatile substances and elemental composition. The results show that are differences between wines from selected PIWI varieties in therms of chemical composition. The most represented organic acid was in the range of 735,1-1286,2mg/l malic acid. This was followed by acetic in the range of 100-400mg/l. The antioxidant activity was determined in the range of 0,2988-0,9683 mmol/l of Trollox and content of total phenols 273,5-390,3mg/l. Of the phenolic substances, gallic acid was the most represented, ranging from 6,9-13,9mg/l. As another, abundant phenolic substances, catechin in the range of 1,6-6,0mg/l was detected. Of the determined elements, phosphorus in the range of 165,4-450,5mg/l was the most represented. Representatives of ethyl ester, ethyl acetate, decanoic acid ethyl acetate and hexanoic acid ethyl ester, were detected as the most abundant volatiles. From the measured data it was evident that wines from PIWI varieties different from standard varieties, especially in the profile of aromatic substances.

Plant nutrient mobilization and acquisition strategies: adaptation to water and nutrient availability

Stock, Svenja 25 March 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Variation of Fruit Quality Traits in Apricot as Sources for Nutraceutical Breeding

Gómez Martínez, Helena 23 December 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Actualmente, hay un progresivo interés por una dieta equilibrada y saludable, rica en frutas y verduras con un efecto positivo en la salud y, particularmente, con alto contenido en antioxidantes. Paralelamente existe una demanda, por parte del consumidor, de fruta de alta calidad que tenga un sabor equilibrado y que recuerde a las variedades tradicionales. Todo ello ha propiciado que los programas de mejora genética también tengan como objetivo la mejora de la calidad de la fruta, tanto en propiedades fisicoquímicas del fruto como de su perfil nutricional. Desde este punto de vista, el albaricoque es un fruto muy completo ya que es una fuente extraordinaria de fibra, vitaminas, compuestos fenólicos y ácidos orgánicos. Sus propiedades hacen posible su consumo tanto en fresco o como procesado, lo que es aprovechado por las industrias agroalimentaria, farmacéutica y cosmética para la elaboración de una amplia variedad de productos. En el Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) se está llevando a cabo un programa de mejora para la obtención de nuevas variedades de albaricoquero que, además de solucionar factores que afectan directamente a la producción, como son la autocompatibilidad o resistencia a Sharka, también tiene por objetivo la mejora de la calidad de la fruta. Como primer paso en todo programa de mejora, en este trabajo se han identificado fuentes de variación entre la colección de accesiones del banco de germoplasma del IVIA, quedando detallada la composición del perfil para los principales azúcares, ácidos orgánicos, compuestos fenólicos y de vitamina C. Además, se ha identificado una mayor concentración de compuestos en la piel del fruto que en su pulpa, lo que hace de este tejido una fuente de compuestos de interés para la industria. Por otro lado, para un mejor conocimiento del control genético del metabolismo de azúcares, se estudió la expresión de los genes clave implicados en esta ruta (SUS, SPS y FK), relacionados con QTLs previamente descritos en materia de sólidos solubles. Además, también se reforzó el estudio con el correspondiente análisis filogenético entre diferentes especies, observándose el grado de conservación entre las mismas y confirmándose el alto grado de sintenia en el género Prunus. Con relación a los compuestos fenólicos, se ha analizado la expresión de genes implicados en puntos críticos de la ruta metabólica (DRF, PAL y FLS). Nuestros resultados revelaron que las variedades más rojizas se asocian a una mayor expresión de ParDFR y ParPAL2, así como también que las diferencias de expresión entre parálogos podría deberse a la presencia de un BOXCOREDLPAL, relacionado también con los genes implicados en la síntesis de antocianinas (ParDFR, ParFLS2 y ParPAL2). Paralelamente, también se estudió el efecto genético que ejerce sobre su descendencia la variedad 'Goldrich', uno de los principales genitores empleados en el programa de mejora para la introgresión de la resistencia a Sharka, concluyendo que favorece la concentración de neoclorogénico y clorogénico, así como en la expresión génica de ParPAL1. / [CA] Actualment, hi ha un progressiu interés per una dieta equilibrada i saludable, rica en fruites i verdures amb un efecte positiu en la salut i, particularment, amb alt contingut en antioxidants. Paral·lelament existeix una demanda, per part del consumidor, de fruita d'alta qualitat que tinga un sabor equilibrat i que recorde a les varietats tradicionals. Tot això, ha propiciat que els programes de millora genètica també tinguen com a objectiu la millora de la qualitat de la fruita, tant en propietats fisicoquímiques del fruit com del seu perfil nutricional. Des d'aquest punt de vista, l'albercoc és un fruit molt complet ja que és una font extraordinària de fibra, vitamines, compostos fenòlics i àcids orgànics. Les seues propietats fan possible el seu consum tant en fresc com processat, sent també aprofitat per les indústries agroalimentària, farmacèutica i cosmètica per a l'elaboració d'una àmplia varietat de productes. A l'Institut Valencià d'Investigacions Agràries (IVIA) s'està duent a terme un programa de millora per a l'obtenció de noves varietats d'albercoquer que, a més de solucionar factors que afecten directament la producció, com són l'autocompatibilitat o resistència a Sharka, també té per objectiu la millora de la qualitat de la fruita. Com a primer pas en qualsevol programa de millora, en aquest treball s'han identificat fonts de variació entre la col·lecció d'accessions del banc de germoplasma de l'IVIA, quedant detallada la composició del perfil per als principals sucres, àcids orgànics, compostos fenòlics i de vitamina C. A més, s'ha identificat una major concentració de compostos en la pell del fruit que en la seua polpa, convertint aquest teixit en una font de compostos d'interés per a la indústria. D'altra banda, per a un millor coneixement del control genètic del metabolisme de sucres, es va estudiar l'expressió dels gens clau implicats en aquesta ruta (SUS, SPS i FK), relacionats amb QTLs prèviament descrits en matèria de sòlids solubles. A més, també es va reforçar l'estudi amb la corresponent anàlisi filogenètica entre diferents espècies, observant-se el grau de conservació entre les mateixes i confirmant-se l'alt grau de sintenia al gènere Prunus. En relació amb els compostos fenòlics, s'ha analitzat l'expressió de gens implicats en punts crítics de la ruta metabòlica (DRF, PAL i FLS). Els nostres resultats van revelar que les varietats més vermelles s'associen a una major expressió de ParDFR i ParPAL2, així com també que les diferències d'expressió entre paràlogs podria deure's a la presència d'un BOXCOREDLPAL, relacionat també amb els gens implicats en la síntesi de antocianines (ParDFR, ParFLS2 i ParPAL2). Paral·lelament, també es va estudiar l'efecte genètic que exerceix sobre la seua descendència la varietat 'Goldrich', un dels principals genitors empleats al programa de millora per a la introgressió de la resistència a Sharka, concloent que afavoreix la concentració de neoclorogènic i clorogènic, així com en l'expressió gènica de ParPAL1. / [EN] Nowadays, there is a growing interest in a balanced and healthy diet, rich in fruit and vegetables with a positive effect on health and, particularly, with high antioxidant content. Simultaneously exists a consumer demand for high quality fruit with a balanced flavour and reminiscent of traditional varieties. As a result, breeding programmes are also aimed at improving the quality of the fruit, both in terms of the physicochemical properties of the fruit and its nutritional profile. From this point of view, the apricot is a complete fruit as far it is an extraordinary source of fibre, vitamins, phenolic compounds, and organic acids. Apricot properties make it possible to consume fruits both fresh and processed, which is exploited by the agri-food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries for the production of a wide variety of products. At the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA) a breeding program is carrying out to obtain new apricot varieties but also to solve factors that directly affect production, such as self-compatibility or resistance to Sharka, but also is aimed to improve fruit quality. As the first step in any breeding program, this work has identified sources of variation among the collection of accessions in the IVIA's apricot collection, detailing the composition profiles for the main sugars, organic acids, phenolic compounds, and vitamin C. In addition, a higher concentration of compounds has been identified in the peel than in the flesh, which makes this tissue a source of compounds of interest for the industry. On the other hand, for a better knowledge of the genetic control of sugar metabolism, the expression of the key genes involved in this pathway (SUS, SPS and FK), related to QTLs previously described in soluble solids, was studied. In addition, the study was also supported with the corresponding phylogenetic analysis among different species, revealing the level of conservation among them and confirming the high level of synteny in the genus Prunus. Regarding phenolic compounds, the expression of genes involved in critical points of the metabolic pathway (DRF, PAL and FLS) was analysed. Our results revealed that the red-blushed accessions are associated with a higher expression of ParDFR and ParPAL2, and the expression differences among paralogues could be due to the presence of a BOXCOREDLPAL, also related to genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis (ParDFR, ParFLS2 and ParPAL2). Simultaneously, the genetic effect in the offspring of 'Goldrich', one of the main genitors used at the breeding program for the introgression of Sharka resistance, was also studied. Results revealed that it improves the concentration of neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acids, as well as the genetic expression of ParPAL1. / Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la ayuda predoctoral FPI-INIA-2015, del Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), bajo el proyecto FPI2015-0042 con la denominación ‘CPD2015-0245 Mejora sostenible de albaricoquero y melocotonero’ y desarrollado en el Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), dependiente de la Generalitat Valenciana. / Gómez Martínez, H. (2021). Variation of Fruit Quality Traits in Apricot as Sources for Nutraceutical Breeding [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/178973 / TESIS / Compendio

Organic acid coated magnetic nanparticles as adsorbent for organic pollutants in aqueous solution.

Masuku, Makhosazana Nancy 03 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Chemistry Department, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) are water pollutants that appear very often in chemical and petrochemical wastewaters due to gasoline leakage from storage tanks and pipelines. These BTX compounds can cause adverse health effects on humans even at very low concentrations. Amongst the available pollutant removal methods from wastewater, adsorption has been used due to its ease of operation, simplicity and cost-effectiveness. Different adsorbents have been used for BTX removal, however the use of Magnetite-organic acid composites as an adsorbent seems to offer a much cheaper alternative. This work seeks to develop a one-step microwave synthesis and optimization of magnetite-oleic (MNP-OA) and magnetite-palmitic (MNP-PA) acid) composites. Response surface methodology was used to optimize the magnetite-organic acid composites. The optimum conditions estimated for MNP-OA acid composite were 78.3 % Fe content, 1561.9 S/cm conductivity, 82.2, 84.1, 85.3 mg/g for BTX adsorption capacity. The MNP-PA composite were 75.6 % Fe content, 1325.66 S/cm conductivity, 60.55, 64.47, 63.06 mg/g for BTX adsorption capacity. The materials were characterized, and the adsorption process was optimized for BTX removal from aqueous solution. X-ray analysis confirmed the formation of magnetite by the presence of both ferric and ferrous ion states on the surface. It was noted that after modification, the magnetite-organic acids characteristics peaks became broad and the height of the peaks decreased indicating that surface modification with organic acid controls the crystallinity of the material. The average cystalline size of MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were 19.7, 17.1 and 17.9 nm. FTIR analysis confirmed the target materials were produced and also to determine if the organic acids were imobilised on the surface of the magnetite. TEM images presented that the MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were spherical in shape with particle average sizes of 18.4 ± 0.5, 15.6 ± 0.5 and 16.5 ± 0.5 nm. The magnetite-organic acids show the particles with better isolated as compared to that of the MNP. The BET isotherms of the materials were described by a type IV characteristic related to uniform mesoporous materials. The magnetic saturation value for MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were 62.9, 59.0 and 51.0 emu/g. The decrease in magnetization was explained by the presence of the non-magnetic layer on magnetite surface. The pHpzc of MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were 6.9, 6.4 and 6.1. The decrease in pHpzc aftern modification was due to the charging acid-base interaction mechanism of metal oxide nanoparticles. The optimum pH for the adsorption of BTX onto MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites was determined to be pH 7 for benzene, pH 8 for toluene and xylene. Among the three pollutants, xylene had the highest adsorption capacity followed by toluene and benzene. The optimum adsorbent dose for the adsorbents for the adsorption process was 0.1 g/dm3. The effect of time on the uptake of BTX onto MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites show that initial adsorption of BTX occured between 0 and 3 min of contact time. The effect of initial concentration results shows the initial concentration of BTX increases from 100 to 350 mg/dm3 with an increase in adsorption capacity. The results suggest that the adsorption process is controlled by concentration driving force. The experimental data was fitted to the pseudo-first and pseudo-second-order kinetic models for all adsorbents and all pollutants. The pseudo-second-order models showed good correlation as compared to the first-pseudo model. Desorption studies for benzene, toluene and xylene using the pure magnetite, magnetite-palmitic and magnetite oleic acid composites indicate adsorption mrchanism can be explained in relation to acid–base chemistry. Electron donation from the phenyl ring of each benzene, toluene and xylene compound to surface iron atoms of magnetite has been suggested. The CH3OH and H2O desorbing agents were used and regeneration using five cycles show that the percentage desorption decreses from Benzene < Toluene < Xylene. The reduction in adsorption capacity after the cycles are attributed to decomposition of the adsorbents active sites and mass loss of the sample.


Diana M Ramirez Gutierrez (8158146) 17 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Feedstock variability represents a challenge in the adoption of lignocellulosic biomass for biofuels and biochemicals production, due to the differences in critical chemical and physical properties like lignin content, and water absorption respectively. Thus, difficult continuous manufacturing processes in biorefineries, hinder the transition from liquid feedstocks to renewable materials that consisting of solid particles. Modeling of flow properties based on rheological measurements of treated biomass is a quantitative metric for identifying if different feedstocks form pumpable slurries. Additionally, the correlation of yield stress to physical and chemical properties gives a measure that accounts for the variability in the processing design. This research models rheological properties and relates these to compositional data from different non-pretreated fractions of corn stover biomass slurries. Slurries were formed with solids concentrations of 300 g/L in a 6 hours fed-batch process using the commercial enzymes Celluclast 1.5L or Ctec-2 at 1FPU/g or 3 FPU/g of dry solids, basis to enable the liquefaction (i.e., slurry-forming) mechanism. We found that insoluble lignin content of the different fractions was related to water absorption in pellets and free water on slurries and that free water was a good indicator of the potential for a material to form slurry. Higher flowability (lower yield stress) was found at higher content of lignin, particularly for materials containing 26% lignin where yield stress was reduced to 254Pa when compared with mixtures of 14% lignin that presented yield stresses of around 4000 Pa. We show that rheology modeling linked to compositional characteristics for biomass slurries can be used to predict material flow behavior in a biorefinery to optimize and achieve high solids loadings that enhance the production of ethanol for biofuels. This insight and the ability to form high concentration slurries before pretreatment holds the potential to develop new processing strategies that could help to foster a more efficient and sustainable bio-based industry. </p>

Yield and quality of pomegranate on selected geographical areas in Western Cape Province, South Africa

Mashavhathakha, Khathutshelo Logan 09 1900 (has links)
The pomegranate fruit is one of the high valued crops, but there is insufficient information regarding the fruit properties in South Africa. The aim of the study was to evaluate the physico-chemical properties as well as total phenols, anthocyanin, antioxidant, organic sugars and acids of cultivar Wonderful on three locations of the Western Cape. This study was conducted on mature pomegranate fruits harvested in the 2012 and 2013 seasons. Fruit weight (g), length (mm), and width (mm), peel/aril colour and total arils weights (g) were measured. Fruits were also analysed for total soluble solids (TSS) or °Brix), titratable acidity (TA) and juice pH. Results of the study showed that there were significant differences in all measured factors with the exception of % aril yield between the three locations. Though varied per season, fruits produced at Bonnievalle had better physical and chemical properties than at the other localities. With the exception of Aril hue angle, all measured parameters had significant interaction effect regardless of locality (P<0.05). Total soluble solids content varied from 16.0–17.3 (°Brix), pH values from 2.7–3.0, titratable acid content varied from 1.3–1.7 and maturity index from 9.7–13.4. The anthocyanin, total phenols and antioxidant were in order of 772–1134; 1611–1834 and 12.57–14.84. Organic acids (Citric and Malic) showed differences while Acetic acid was not significant in all areas and organic sugar (fructose, Glucose and Sucrose) all had significant differences. It can also be concluded that changes in colour of peel and arils of pomegranate (cv. Wonderful) was mostly as a result of seasonal variation as well as growing area as evident by the interaction between both main factors. / Agriculture / M.Sc (Agriculture)

Yield and quality of pomegranate on selected geographical areas in Western Cape Province, South Africa

Mashavhathakha, Khathutshelo Logan 09 1900 (has links)
The pomegranate fruit is one of the high valued crops, but there is insufficient information regarding the fruit properties in South Africa. The aim of the study was to evaluate the physico-chemical properties as well as total phenols, anthocyanin, antioxidant, organic sugars and acids of cultivar Wonderful on three locations of the Western Cape. This study was conducted on mature pomegranate fruits harvested in the 2012 and 2013 seasons. Fruit weight (g), length (mm), and width (mm), peel/aril colour and total arils weights (g) were measured. Fruits were also analysed for total soluble solids (TSS) or °Brix), titratable acidity (TA) and juice pH. Results of the study showed that there were significant differences in all measured factors with the exception of % aril yield between the three locations. Though varied per season, fruits produced at Bonnievalle had better physical and chemical properties than at the other localities. With the exception of Aril hue angle, all measured parameters had significant interaction effect regardless of locality (P<0.05). Total soluble solids content varied from 16.0–17.3 (°Brix), pH values from 2.7–3.0, titratable acid content varied from 1.3–1.7 and maturity index from 9.7–13.4. The anthocyanin, total phenols and antioxidant were in order of 772–1134; 1611–1834 and 12.57–14.84. Organic acids (Citric and Malic) showed differences while Acetic acid was not significant in all areas and organic sugar (fructose, Glucose and Sucrose) all had significant differences. It can also be concluded that changes in colour of peel and arils of pomegranate (cv. Wonderful) was mostly as a result of seasonal variation as well as growing area as evident by the interaction between both main factors. / Agriculture / M. Sc (Agriculture)

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