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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biometria ocular e sua relação com sexo, idade, tamanho e peso em cães da raça Cavalier King Charles Spaniel / Ocular biometry and its relation with gender, age, size, weight and dimensionsof the head in Cavalier king Charles Spaniels

Squarzoni, Renata 09 February 2011 (has links)
O crescimento e as dimensões das estruturas oculares em cães de diversas raças têm sido objeto de estudo. Sabe-se que quanto mais longilíneo o crânio, maior o comprimento axial do bulbo ocular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi acompanhar o desenvolvimento das dimensões dos componentes oculares (comprimento axial, espessura da lente, profundidade da câmara anterior e da câmara vítrea) e relacionar as medidas com o sexo, a idade, tamanho, medidas do crânio e peso de cães da raça Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, uma raça braquicéfala. Foram realizadas 117 medidas biométricas oculares em cães variando entre 15 dias e 36 meses de idade, não sedados, sentados ou deitados em posição esternal, utilizando-se ultrassonografia modo-B com transdutor microconvexo de 8 MHz. No momento de cada medida ocular os cães foram pesados e as medidas de comprimento, altura, distâncias fronto-occipital, fronto-nasal, bizigomática e circunferência do crânio foram registradas. As estruturas oculares mostraram uma curva de rápido crescimento entre 15 dias e 4 meses de idade e uma curva suave de crescimento até os 12 meses, idade em que cessou o crescimento do cão (altura e comprimento). Os machos apresentaram medidas maiores de altura, comprimento e crânio do que fêmeas, porém não houve diferença significativa entre os parâmetros de biometria ocular de machos e fêmeas. O valor médio de comprimento axial do bulbo para cães adultos (acima de 12 meses) foi de 18,10 ± 0,48 mm, para a espessura da lente, de 7,15 ± 0,16 mm, para profundidade da câmara anterior, de 2,05 ± 0,37 mm e para a profundidade da câmara vítrea, de 8,91 ± 0,30 mm. Não houve diferença entre as medidas dos olhos direito e esquerdo. Os resultados sugerem que a curva de crescimento ocular acompanha a curva de crescimento do cão, fato semelhante ao que ocorre em diferentes espécies estudadas por outros autores. Em cães adultos, não foi observada relação entre as medidas dos componentes oculares e as medidas de altura, comprimento, peso e tamanho do crânio. Foi estabelecida uma tabela de crescimento correlacionando comprimento axial do bulbo e idade do cão com a finalidade de padronizar esses dados para a raça. / Ocular biometry and ocular growth has been studied in dogs of different breeds. It\'s already known that dogs with longer skulls have longer axial length of the eye. This study aimed to evaluate the development of ocular dimensions (axial length of the bulbus, lens thickness, anterior and vitreous chamber depth) in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, a braquicephalic breed, and its relationship to age, gender, weight, height and lenght of the dog and dimensions of the head. Ocular dimensions were obtained from 117 measurements between 15 days and 3 years old, in standing nonsedated animals using B-mode ultrasound with an 8 MHz curvilinear probe. At the same time the dogs were weighted and height, length and head dimensions (head circumference, fronto-occipital, fronto-nasal distance and bizigomatic distances) were recorded. The ocular parameters showed a rapid growth curve from 15 days to 4 months and then a slow curve until 12 months, same age that the height and length ceased its growth. Males showed significant higher measurements of height, length and head parameters than females, but no difference in ocular biometry was found between males and females. The mean value for axial lenght for adults (over 12 months) was 18,10 ± 0,48 mm, for lens thickness was 7,15 ± 0,16 mm, for anterior chamber depth was 2,05 ± 0,37 mm and for vitreous chamber depth was 8,91 ± 0,30 mm. There was no significant difference between left and right eyes. Results suggest that eye growth curves accompanies dogs height, length, head size growth curves, what is similar to the data found in different species studied by other authors. There was no relation between eye parameters and dog\'s height, length, head size or weight in adult individuals. A table was established correlating axial length of the bulbus and age to be used as a reference for the breed.

Biometria ocular e sua relação com sexo, idade, tamanho e peso em cães da raça Cavalier King Charles Spaniel / Ocular biometry and its relation with gender, age, size, weight and dimensionsof the head in Cavalier king Charles Spaniels

Renata Squarzoni 09 February 2011 (has links)
O crescimento e as dimensões das estruturas oculares em cães de diversas raças têm sido objeto de estudo. Sabe-se que quanto mais longilíneo o crânio, maior o comprimento axial do bulbo ocular. O objetivo deste trabalho foi acompanhar o desenvolvimento das dimensões dos componentes oculares (comprimento axial, espessura da lente, profundidade da câmara anterior e da câmara vítrea) e relacionar as medidas com o sexo, a idade, tamanho, medidas do crânio e peso de cães da raça Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, uma raça braquicéfala. Foram realizadas 117 medidas biométricas oculares em cães variando entre 15 dias e 36 meses de idade, não sedados, sentados ou deitados em posição esternal, utilizando-se ultrassonografia modo-B com transdutor microconvexo de 8 MHz. No momento de cada medida ocular os cães foram pesados e as medidas de comprimento, altura, distâncias fronto-occipital, fronto-nasal, bizigomática e circunferência do crânio foram registradas. As estruturas oculares mostraram uma curva de rápido crescimento entre 15 dias e 4 meses de idade e uma curva suave de crescimento até os 12 meses, idade em que cessou o crescimento do cão (altura e comprimento). Os machos apresentaram medidas maiores de altura, comprimento e crânio do que fêmeas, porém não houve diferença significativa entre os parâmetros de biometria ocular de machos e fêmeas. O valor médio de comprimento axial do bulbo para cães adultos (acima de 12 meses) foi de 18,10 ± 0,48 mm, para a espessura da lente, de 7,15 ± 0,16 mm, para profundidade da câmara anterior, de 2,05 ± 0,37 mm e para a profundidade da câmara vítrea, de 8,91 ± 0,30 mm. Não houve diferença entre as medidas dos olhos direito e esquerdo. Os resultados sugerem que a curva de crescimento ocular acompanha a curva de crescimento do cão, fato semelhante ao que ocorre em diferentes espécies estudadas por outros autores. Em cães adultos, não foi observada relação entre as medidas dos componentes oculares e as medidas de altura, comprimento, peso e tamanho do crânio. Foi estabelecida uma tabela de crescimento correlacionando comprimento axial do bulbo e idade do cão com a finalidade de padronizar esses dados para a raça. / Ocular biometry and ocular growth has been studied in dogs of different breeds. It\'s already known that dogs with longer skulls have longer axial length of the eye. This study aimed to evaluate the development of ocular dimensions (axial length of the bulbus, lens thickness, anterior and vitreous chamber depth) in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, a braquicephalic breed, and its relationship to age, gender, weight, height and lenght of the dog and dimensions of the head. Ocular dimensions were obtained from 117 measurements between 15 days and 3 years old, in standing nonsedated animals using B-mode ultrasound with an 8 MHz curvilinear probe. At the same time the dogs were weighted and height, length and head dimensions (head circumference, fronto-occipital, fronto-nasal distance and bizigomatic distances) were recorded. The ocular parameters showed a rapid growth curve from 15 days to 4 months and then a slow curve until 12 months, same age that the height and length ceased its growth. Males showed significant higher measurements of height, length and head parameters than females, but no difference in ocular biometry was found between males and females. The mean value for axial lenght for adults (over 12 months) was 18,10 ± 0,48 mm, for lens thickness was 7,15 ± 0,16 mm, for anterior chamber depth was 2,05 ± 0,37 mm and for vitreous chamber depth was 8,91 ± 0,30 mm. There was no significant difference between left and right eyes. Results suggest that eye growth curves accompanies dogs height, length, head size growth curves, what is similar to the data found in different species studied by other authors. There was no relation between eye parameters and dog\'s height, length, head size or weight in adult individuals. A table was established correlating axial length of the bulbus and age to be used as a reference for the breed.

Uticaj prevremenog rođenja na rast oka i proces emetropizacije / The impact of preterm birth on eye growth and process of emmetropisation

Grgić Zorka 31 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Stopa prematuriteta konstantno raste, a sve vi&scaron;e prevremeno rođenih beba koje prežive neonatalni i perinatalni period zahteva adekvatno sistemsko i oftalmolo&scaron;ko praćenje i tretman. Prematuritet sam po sebi, predstavlja rizik za razvoj vida. Taj rizik dodatno povećava prisustvo prematurne retinopatije i refraktivnih mana. Skrining i tretman promena na retini u sklopu prematuriteta, kao i optička korekcija refraktivnih mana obezbeđuju uslove za razvoj vida. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi promene biometrijskih karakteristika oka prematurusa, sa i bez prematurne retinopatije, tokom &scaron;estogodi&scaron;njeg praćenja, utvrditi refraktivni status ove dve grupe dece sa &scaron;est godina, te povezati promene biometrijskih karakteristika oka sa refrakcijom. U ispitivanje je uključeno 192 prevremeno rođena deteta (384 oka). Vr&scaron;ena su tri pregleda, u uzrastu od 3 meseca, 12 meseci i 6 godina starosti. Nakon prvog pregleda ispitivani uzorak je, u zavisnosti od nalaza na očnom dnu, podeljen na bebe sa prematurnom retinopatijom i bebe bez ovog oboljenja, a kako bi se uporedile proučavane karakteristike. U sva tri navedena uzrasta je pregledano očno dno i merene su tri glavne biometrijske karakteristike koje utiču na refraktivni status: aksijalna dužina oka, dubina prednje očne komore i debljina očnog sočiva. Sa &scaron;est godina je određena refrakcija, uključujući zakrivljenost rožnjače odnosno kornealni astigmatizam, vidna o&scaron;trina bez korekcije refraktivne mane, a zatim i nakon korekcije. Ostali neophodni podaci su dobijeni iz medicinske dokumentacije. Pokazano je da prematurna retinopatija utiče na refraktivni status i vidni ishod sa &scaron;est godina, pre svega uticajem na zakrivljenost rožnjače, aksijalnu dužinu oka i dubinu prednje očne komore, dok su promene debljine očnog sočiva bez posebnog značaja. Vidne o&scaron;trine oba oka u pred&scaron;kolskom uzrastu prevremeno rođene dece sa prematurnom retinopatijom su statistički značajno manje kada se uporede sa vidnim o&scaron;trinama prevremeno rođene dece bez retinopatije, ali razlika u ovim dvema vrednostima gubi statističku značajnost nakon optičke korekcije. Učestalost astigmatizma u prematurnoj populaciji sa 6 godina je visoka, a od onih koji imaju astigmatizam u tom uzrastu, vi&scaron;e od dve trećine je imalo prematurnu retinopatiju. Ukupna učestalost miopije, hipermetropije i emetropije u prematurnoj populaciji sa 6 godina je 18,9%, 54,7% i 13,2%, a preostalih 13,2% su anizometropi. U vi&scaron;e od trećine dece, sa prematurnom retinopatijom u najranijem uzrastu, sa &scaron;est godina postoji gubitak vidne sposobnosti, koji je najče&scaron;će blag, no može biti i potpun.</p> / <p>The number of babies born prematurely is constantly growing, so more and more of them need appropriate systemic and ophthalmologic monitoring and treatament. Prematurity itself, represents a risk for the development of vision. This risk further reinforces the presence of retinopathy of prematurity and refractive errors. Screening and treatment of retinopathy, as well as optical correction of refractive errors provide adequate conditions for the development of vision. The aim of this study was to determine changes of biometric features of eyes of the prematurely born infants, with and without retinopathy of prematurity, during the six-year follow-up. We also want to determine the refractive status of these two groups of children in the six year, and to link changes of biometric features with their eye refraction. The study included 192 prematurely born children (384 eyes). The examinations were performed at 3 months, 12 months and 6 years and they included fundus examination and measurements of the ocular axial length, anterior chamber depth and lens thickness. After dividing the subjects into two groups, based on the results of the fundus examination at 3 months, the results of the children with and without retinopathy were compared. At the age of six we also determine the refraction of eyes, including the curvature of the cornea and corneal astigmatism, visual acuity without correction of refractive error, and then after it. Other necessary data were obtained from medical documentation. It is shown that retinopathy of prematurity affects the refractive status and visual outcome at sixth year, primarily by the changes of curvature of the cornea, the axial length of the eye and the depth of the anterior chamber, while the change in the lens thickness has no significance. Visual acuity in both eyes in the preschool age preterm born children with retinopathy of prematurity are significantly less, when compared to visual acuity in preterm infants without retinopathy, but the difference in these two values lost statistical significance after optical correction. The rate of astigmatism in preterm population of six years is high, and of those who have astigmatism in this age group, more than two-thirds had retinopathy of prematurity. The overall incidence of myopia, hypermetropia and emetropia in the prematurely born, six years old children is 18.9%, 54.7% and 13.2%, and the remaining 13.2% have anisometropia. In more than a third of children with retinopathy of prematurity at an early age, with six years, there has been loss of visual acuity, which is usually mild, but it can be complete.</p>

Biometry and visual function of a healthy cohort in Leipzig, Germany

Zocher, Maria Teresa, Rozema, Jos J., Oertel, Nicole, Dawczynski, Jens, Wiedemann, Peter, Rauscher, Franziska G. January 2016 (has links)
Background: Cross-sectional survey of ocular biometry and visual function in healthy eyes across the life span of a German population aged 20 to 69 years (n = 218). Subject number in percent per age category reflected the percentage within the respective age band of the population of Leipzig, Germany. Methods: Measurements obtained: subjective and objective refraction, best-corrected visual acuity, accommodation, contrast sensitivity, topography and pachymetry with Scheimpflug camera, axial length with non-contact partial coherence interferometry, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography of the retina. Pearson correlation coefficients with corresponding p-values were given to present interrelationships between stature, biometric and refractive parameters or their associations with age. Two-sample T-tests were used to calculate gender differences. The area under the logarithmic contrast sensitivity function (AULCSF) was calculated for the analysis of contrast sensitivity as a single figure across a range of spatial frequencies. Results: The results of axial length (AL), anterior chamber depth (ACD) and anterior chamber volume (ACV) differed as a function of the age of the participants (rho (p value): AL −0.19 (0.006), ACD −0.56 (< 0.001), ACV-0.52 (< 0.001)). Longer eyes had deeper ACD (AL:ACD 0.62 (< 0.001), greater ACV (AL:ACV 0.65 (< 0.001) and steeper corneal radii (AL:R1ant; R2ant; R1post; R2post 0.40; 0.35; 0.36; 0.36 (all with (< 0.001)). Spherical equivalent was associated with age (towards hyperopia: 0.34 (< 0.001)), AL (−0.66 (< 0.001)), ACD (−0.52 (< 0.001)) and ACV (−0.46 (< 0.001)). Accommodation was found lower for older subjects (negative association with age, r = −0.82 (< 0.001)) and contrast sensitivity presented with smaller values for older ages (AULCSF −0.38, (< 0.001)), no change of retinal thickness with age. 58 % of the study cohort presented with a change of refractive correction above ±0.50 D in one or both eyes (64 % of these were habitual spectacle wearers), need for improvement was present in the young age-group and for older subjects with increasing age. Conclusion: Biometrical data of healthy German eyes, stratified by age, gender and refractive status, enabled cross-comparison of all parameters, providing an important reference database for future patient-based research and specific in-depth investigations of biometric data in epidemiological research. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov # NCT01173614 July 28, 2010

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