Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lil content"" "subject:"lil ccontent""
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Comparative Mapping of QTLs Affecting Oil Content, Oil Composition, and other Agronomically Important Traits in Oat (Avena sativa L.)Hizbai, Biniam T. January 2012 (has links)
Groat oil content and composition are important quality traits in oats (Avena sativa L). These traits are controlled by many genes with additive effects. The chromosomal regions containing these genes, known as quantitative trait loci (QTL), can be discovered through their close association with markers. This study investigated total oil content and fatty acid components in an oat breeding population derived from a cross between high oil ('Dal') and low oil ('Exeter') parents. A genetic map consisting of 475 DArT (Diversity Array Technology) markers spanning 1271.8 cM across 40 linkage groups was constructed. QTL analysis for groat oil content and composition was conducted using grain samples grown at Aberdeen, ID in 1997. QTL analysis for multiple agronomic traits was also conducted using data collected from hill plots and field plots in Ottawa, ON in 2010. QTLs for oil content, palmitic acid (16:0), stearic acid (18:0), oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2) and linolenic acid (18:3) were identified. Two of the QTLs associated with oil content were also associated with all of the fatty acids examined in this study, and most oil-related QTL showed similar patterns of effect on the fatty acid profile. These results suggest the presence of pleiotropic effects on oil-related traits through influences at specific nodes of the oil synthesis pathway. In addition, 12 QTL-associated markers (likely representing nine unique regions) were associated with plant height, heading date, lodging, and protein content. The results of this study will provide information for molecular breeding as well as insight into the genetic mechanisms controlling oil biosynthesis in oat.
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Relações genéticas entre produtividade de óleo e podridão vermelha das raízes em soja / Genetic relations between oil yield and sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybeanOliveira, Inocencio Junior de 19 May 2011 (has links)
A demanda por óleos vegetais tem sido crescente, principalmente para utilização como fonte de energia renovável na forma de biodiesel. Somando-se a isso, a podridão vermelha das raízes da soja (PVR), ou síndrome da morte súbita, causada pelo fungo Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines, tornou-se uma doença preocupante para os sojicultores, técnicos e pesquisadores, sendo uma estratégia recomendada a adoção de um sistema de controle integrado em que a utilização de cultivares tolerantes é um componente indispensável. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a possibilidade de se reunir em uma mesma planta de soja genes para alta produtividade de óleo e para tolerância a PVR. O sistema genético compreendeu um dialelo parcial 7x7, envolvendo sete genitores com alta produtividade de óleo e sete genitores tolerantes a PVR. A maioria dos genitores compreendeu linhagens experimentais desenvolvidas no Setor de Genética Aplicada às Espécies Autógamas (ESALQ/USP). Os experimentos envolveram as plantas F2, na safra 2008/2009 e progênies F2:3, na safra 2009/2010, para avaliação de caracteres agronômicos, do teor de óleo e produtividade de óleo em campo experimental; já a avaliação da reação a PVR foi realizada em progênies F2:4, em casa de vegetação com inoculação artificial do patógeno, por meio de uma escala de notas para a severidade dos sintomas radiculares. Além disso, por meio de marcadores microssatélites fez-se um estudo de genética de associação entre os marcadores e os caracteres reação a PVR e teor de óleo em três populações. Os resultados evidenciaram a existência de variabilidade nos genitores e nas progênies para todos os caracteres avaliados. O genitor com a maior capacidade geral de combinação e média de teor de óleo foi a cultivar A 7002; por outro lado, os menores valores foram verificados em PI 520733 e IAC 100. Os cruzamentos mais produtivos em óleo foram aqueles que envolveram o genitor A 7002, exceto quando este foi cruzado com IAC 100. Dez cruzamentos (USP 70004 com USP 14-10-38, USP 14-01-20, USP 14-13-16 e M-Soy 8001; USP 14-10-38 com USP 70057 e USP 70080; M-Soy 8001 com USP 70006, USP 70080 e USP 70123; e USP 14-01-20 x USP 70006) destacaram-se por originar a maioria de suas progênies com as melhores características em todos os caracteres, ou seja, apresentaram ciclo precoce ou semi-precoce, altura média, plantas eretas e com valor agronômico bom ou médio, alta produtividade de grãos e de óleo, alto teor de óleo e tolerância a PVR. Nenhum cruzamento originou a maioria de suas progênies com as piores características em todos os caracteres. Teor de óleo apresentou baixa correlação genética com altura da planta na maturidade, acamamento, valor agronômico, produtividade de grãos e reação a PVR. PVR apresentou baixa correlação genética com acamamento, produtividade de grãos, teor de óleo, produtividade de óleo; entretanto, foi possível obter progênies com alta produtividade de grãos e de óleo e tolerantes a PVR. Os marcadores microssatélites mostraram-se polimórficos e, foram associados dois locos SSR ao caráter teor de óleo e outros dois locos ao caráter reação a PVR. / The demand for vegetable oils has increased, mainly because of its use as a renewable energy source like biodiesel. Moreover, the sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybean, caused by the fungus Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines, has become a worrying disease for soybean producers, technicians and researchers, and the adoption of an integrated control system using tolerant cultivars as an essential component has been a recommended strategy. This work aimed to verify the possibility of gathering genes for high oil yield and tolerance to SDS in the same soybean plant. The genetic system comprised a partial diallel 7x7 involving seven parents with high oil yield and seven parents tolerant to SDS. Most of the parents were experimental lines developed at the Sector of Genetics Applied to Self-Pollinated Species (ESALQ/USP). The 2008/2009 trials involved the F2 plants, and the 2009/2010 trials involved the evaluation of F2:3 progenies traits, such as agronomic characters, oil content and oil yield in the experimental field; whereas the analysis of the SDS reaction was tested in F2:4 progenies, in a greenhouse with artificial inoculation of the pathogen through a rating scale for severity of radicular symptoms. Moreover, a study of genetic association among microsatellite markers and the characters reaction to SDS and oil content in three populations was performed. The results showed the existence of variability in parents and progenies for all characters. The parent who had the highest general combining ability and average oil content was the cultivar A 7002; on the other hand, the lowest values were found in PI 520733 and IAC 100. The crosses that originated the best oil content progenies have involved the parent A 7002, except when it was crossed with IAC 100. Ten crosses (USP 70004 with USP 14-10-38, USP 14-01-20, USP 14-13-16 and M-Soy 8001; USP 14-10-38 with USP 70057 and USP 70080; M-Soy 8001 with USP 70006, USP 70080 and USP 70123; USP 14-01-20 x USP 70006) distinguished from the others by originating the majority of their progenies with the best features in all traits, in other words, showed early and semi-early maturity, medium height, upright plants, good or average agronomic value, high grain and oil yield, high oil content and tolerance to SDS. None of the crosses originated the majority of their progeny with the worst characteristics in all traits. Oil content showed low genetic correlation with plant height at maturity, lodging, agronomic value, yield and reaction to SDS. SDS showed a low genetic correlation with lodging, grain yield, oil content, oil yield. However, it was possible to obtain progenies with high grain and oil yield and tolerance to SDS. The microsatellite markers were polymorphic and, moreover, two SSR loci were associated with the character oil content and other two loci to the character SDS reaction.
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Наслеђивање садржаја уља у зрну хибрида кукуруза зубана, полузубана и тврдунаца / Nasleđivanje sadržaja ulja u zrnu hibrida kukuruza zubana, poluzubana i tvrdunaca / Inheritance of oil content in dent, semi dent and flint kernel type of maizeSrećkov Zorana 05 March 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду је проучаван начин наслеђивања приноса зрна и морфолошких својстава биљке и клипа, као и садржај уља у зрну, у две групе хибрида које су настале укрштањем две инбред линије са повећаним садржајем уља у зрну (1109/IV НС и 1039/IV НС) и шест тестера (НС 27/18, 568/II НС, 922 НС, 15 А НС, А-1 и А-729-5). У наслеђивању приноса зрна по биљци, компонентни приноса и морфолошких својстава, главну улогу има доминантан ефекат гена. У наслеђивању садржаја уља у зрну једино је код хибрида 1109/IV НС x 568/II НС, у обе године проучавања установљен значајнији ефекат адитивних гена. Утврђено је и значајно присуство неповољне интеракције између доминантних гена. За масу 1000 зрна код четири хибрида (1039/IV НС x НС 27/18, 1039/IV НС x 568/II НС, 1039/IV НС x НС 15 А и 1039/IV НС x А-1), као и за висину биљке и клипа код 1039/IV НС x НС 15 А, односно за висину биљке код 1039/IV x 568/II НС установљена је интеракција условљена комплементарним деловањем гена. У раду је одређења херитабилност у ужем, односно ширем смислу. За принос зрна по биљци установљене су средње вредности херитабилности у ширем смислу, и ниске и средње вредности херитабилности у ужем смислу, док су за остала проучавана својства установљене средње и високе вредности херитабилности у ширем смислу, и средње вредности херитабилности у ужем смислу.</p> / <p>U radu je proučavan način nasleđivanja prinosa zrna i morfoloških svojstava biljke i klipa, kao i sadržaj ulja u zrnu, u dve grupe hibrida koje su nastale ukrštanjem dve inbred linije sa povećanim sadržajem ulja u zrnu (1109/IV NS i 1039/IV NS) i šest testera (NS 27/18, 568/II NS, 922 NS, 15 A NS, A-1 i A-729-5). U nasleđivanju prinosa zrna po biljci, komponentni prinosa i morfoloških svojstava, glavnu ulogu ima dominantan efekat gena. U nasleđivanju sadržaja ulja u zrnu jedino je kod hibrida 1109/IV NS x 568/II NS, u obe godine proučavanja ustanovljen značajniji efekat aditivnih gena. Utvrđeno je i značajno prisustvo nepovoljne interakcije između dominantnih gena. Za masu 1000 zrna kod četiri hibrida (1039/IV NS x NS 27/18, 1039/IV NS x 568/II NS, 1039/IV NS x NS 15 A i 1039/IV NS x A-1), kao i za visinu biljke i klipa kod 1039/IV NS x NS 15 A, odnosno za visinu biljke kod 1039/IV x 568/II NS ustanovljena je interakcija uslovljena komplementarnim delovanjem gena. U radu je određenja heritabilnost u užem, odnosno širem smislu. Za prinos zrna po biljci ustanovljene su srednje vrednosti heritabilnosti u širem smislu, i niske i srednje vrednosti heritabilnosti u užem smislu, dok su za ostala proučavana svojstva ustanovljene srednje i visoke vrednosti heritabilnosti u širem smislu, i srednje vrednosti heritabilnosti u užem smislu.</p> / <p>In the present study, a mode of inheritance of grain yield, plant and ear morphological traits, as well as kernel oil content was observed in two groups of test-crosses, made by crossing two inbred lines with high oil content (1109/IV NS and 1039/IV NS) and six testers (NS 27/18, 568/II NS, 922 NS, 15 A NS, A-1 i A-729-5). The dominance gene effects for grain yield and morphological traits of plant and ear were more important than additive gene effects. For kernel oil content dominance was more important for almost all studied test-crosses. Additive gene effect was more important than dominance only for hybrid 1109/IV NS x 568/II NS. A significant presence of duplicate type of epistasis was determined. Besides of duplicate epistasis complementary type of epistasis was detected at four hybrids (1039/IV NS x NS 27/18, 1039/IV NS x 568/II NS, 1039/IV NS x NS 15 A, 1039/IV NS x A-1) for 1000-kernel weight. Also this type of epistasis was detected for plant and ear height at 1039/IV NS x NS 15 A, and for plant height at 1039/IV NS x 568/II NS. In the present study broad- and narrow-sense heritability have been evaluated. Medium broad-sence heritability, and low and medium narrow-sence heritability was detected for grain yield per plant, while for the other medium and high broad-sence heritability, as well as medium narrow-sence heritability have been determined.</p>
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Uticaj kvaliteta semena na dinamiku razvoja, prinosi kvalitet suncokreta / The effect of seed quality on the developmentaldynamics, yield and quality of sunflowerMrđa Jelena 30 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Izvod<br />IZ<br />Pet hibrida suncokreta (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111 i Sumo 2 OR) gajena su tokom<br />vegetacionih sezona 2010. i 2011. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i<br />povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, na Rimskim šančevima i na oglednom polju Poljoprivredne stručne<br />službe Zrenjanin. Laboratorijski deo ogleda izveden je u Laboratoriji za ispitivanje semena<br />Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo iz Novog Sada i Biohemijskoj laboratoriji<br />Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li semenski<br />materijal, poreklom sa istog lokaliteta i iste parcele, u procesu dorade semena tj. odvajanja<br />semena po frakcijama menja kvalitet, kao i da li ovakav način dorade semenskog materijala<br />utiče na prinos i komponente prinosa semena, kao i na sadržaj i prinos ulja odabranih<br />hibrida suncokreta. Takođe, cilj je bio i da se utvrdi da li nedostatak primarnog korena kod<br />ponika suncokreta dovodi do statistički značajnog smanjenja prinosa semena i ulja, kao i<br />kakav uticaj ima na komponente prinosa suncokreta. Analizirane su sledeće osobine:<br />klijavost i vigor semena, enzimska aktivnost, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije (po<br />biljnim organima i ukupno po biljci), visina stabla, prečnik glave, prinos semena, masa 1000<br />semena, sadržaj ulja i prinos ulja. Statistička obrada podataka izvršena je primenom analize<br />varijanse trofaktorijalnog ogleda, prema modelu podeljenih parcela. Iz tabele analize<br />varijanse je prikazana verovatnoća značajnosti razlika po F-testu, a na osnovu učešća u<br />sumi kvadrata tretmana određen je procentualni udeo svakog faktora u ukupnoj<br />varijabilnosti. Takođe su izračunate i LSD vrednosti za poređenje razlika između tretmana<br />posmatranog faktora, na pragovima značajnosti od 1 i 5%. Utvrđena je i korelaciona<br />zavisnost posmatranih osobina. Rezultati analize varijanse pokazali su visoko značajno<br />učešće glavnih faktora (godine, lokaliteta, frakcije semena, tipa ponika), kao i njihovih<br />međusobnih interakcija za većinu ispitivanih osobina. Na vrednosti ispitivanih osobina<br />najveći uticaj imala je godina istraživanja, a zatim lokalitet. Frakcija semena je imala visoko<br />značajan uticaj na klijavost semena, nicanje u polju, nakupljanje suve materije, prinos<br />semena i prinos ulja. Tip ponika je imao visoko značajan uticaj na enzimsku aktivnost</p> / <p>Five sunflower hybrids (Sremac, Oliva, Cepko, NS-H-111, and Sumo 2 OR) were grown in<br />2010 and 2011, on experimental fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi<br />Sad - Rimski Šančevi, and experimental fields of the Agricultural Service Zrenjanin.<br />Laboratory tests were conducted at Laboratory for Seed Testing of the Institute of Field<br />and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, and Biochemical Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture,<br />University of Novi Sad. The aim of this research was to determine whether seed material<br />from the same locality and the same field lot changes quality during seed processing, i.e.<br />dividing seed lot into fractions, and additionally whether this type of seed processing<br />affects seed yield, seed yield components, oil yield, and oil content of the selected<br />sunflower hybrids. The aim was also to determine if missing primary root in sunflower<br />seedlings results in statistically significant decrease of seed and oil yield, and establish how<br />it influences sunflower yield components. The following traits were examined: seed<br />germination and vigour, enzymatic activity, field emergence, dry matter accumulation (in<br />plant organs and in the whole plant), stem height, head diameter, seed yield, 1000 seed<br />mass, oil content and oil yield. Statistical analysis of data was performed by analysis of<br />variance of the trifactorial trial using the split-plot design model. Table of analysis of<br />variance shows the probability of significance of differences by F-test, and based on the<br />participation in the treatment sum of squares, percentage ratio of each factor was<br />calculated in the total variability. LSD values at 1 and 5% were computed to compare<br />differences between treatments of the observed factor. Correlation dependence between<br />the observed traits was determined. Results of the analysis of variance showed a highly<br />significant participation of the main factors (year, locality, seed fraction, type of seedling),<br />and their mutual interactions for the majority of the examined traits. Year and locality had<br />the highest effect on the value of the examined traits. Seed fraction had highly significant<br />effect on seed germination, emergence, dry matter accumulation, seed yield, and oil yield.<br />Type of seedling had a highly significant effect on the enzymatic activity, seed yield, oil<br />content, and oil yield.</p>
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Resposta da canola a fontes, doeses e parcelamento de nitrogênio, em Toledo PR / Response of canola to nitrogen fertilizationKaefer, João Edson 25 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The canola term is an acronym for Canadian Oil Low Acid and was adopted as the standard to indicate low levels of erucic acid and glucosinolates. In general, tropical soils are poor in available nitrogen (N) because of the low stocks of organic matter, requiring the external supply of N to meet the demands of the culture. Among the main sources of N used in the culture of canola are nitrogen fertilizers urea and ammonium sulfate. Besides the choice of fertilizer nitrogen source related to N, to adjust the timing of nitrogen application at the time of greatest demand increased demand will increase crop production efficiency In view of this, six experiments were carried out from May 2009 to April 2010. These experiments were mainly aimed at evaluating the response of canola to nitrogen sources and application methods (seeding and / or coverage) of nitrogen fertilizer. All experiments were conducted in the experimental units at the Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR - Toledo campus. To attend the responses of canola relative to rates and N sources were implanted three experiments in randomized blocks in a 7x2 factorial arrangement, consisting of seven levels of nitrogen at sowing (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 kg ha -1) and two N sources (ammonium sulphate and urea), with four replications. To attend the responses of canola on the forms of nitrogen application and nitrogen sources were implanted over three experiments, which are conducted in randomized blocks in a 5x2 factorial arrangement consisting of five forms of nitrogen in the seeding and / or in coverage, respectively (0 and 0, 120 and 0, 0 and 120, 40 and 80, 80 and 40 kg N ha-1) and two nitrogen sources (ammonium sulphate and urea), with four replications. The coverage fertilization was performed in stage B4. The six experiments were carried out in three production cycles, two experiments in each cycle, corresponding to the following sowing dates: cycle 1: 12/05/2009; cycle 2: 20/06/2009 and cycle 3: 23/04 / 2010. All treatments received a fertilizer equivalent to 300 kg ha-1 00-25-25 formulation, each plot received the amount of nitrogen corresponding to the predetermined treatment. For the six experiments were evaluated the basal diameter, plant height, number of plants m-2, dry leaves, dry weight of stem + petioles, inflorescence dry mass, total plant dry mass, leaf area, area ratio of leaf, mass of pods per plant, weight per pod, weight of grains per pod, thousand grain weight, yield, leaf N content, protein and oil content in grain and oil yield per hectare. The results show that the variables were not influenced by sources of nitrogen fertilizer, ammonium sulfate and urea, for any of the six experiments conducted. The response to N rates influence these variables measured, and the higher productivity achieved with 88 kg ha-1 N. The increase of N doses promotes an increase in the protein reducing therefore the oil content in grains. The forms of nitrogen application also influenced the variables measured, and the best results achieved by the split of applying fertilizer at planting one-third and two-thirds coverage (40 and 80 kg N ha-1) / O termo canola é um acrônimo de CANadian Oil Low Acid e foi adotado como padrão para indicar baixos teores de ácido erúcico e glucosinolatos. De um modo geral, os solos tropicais apresentam baixa disponibilidade de nitrogênio (N) em função dos baixos estoques de matéria orgânica, exigindo o fornecimento externo de N para suprir as demandas da cultura. Dentre as principais fontes de N utilizados na cultura da canola estão os adubos nitrogenados uréia e sulfato de amônio. Além da escolha do adubo nitrogenado relacionado à fonte de N, ajustar o momento da aplicação do N ao momento de maior demanda da cultura aumenta a eficiência de produção. Visando instrumentar decisões relativas a estas alternativas de manejo, foram desenvolvidos quatro experimentos no período de maio de 2009 a abril de 2010. Estes experimentos tiveram como principal objetivo avaliar a resposta da canola a fontes, doses e momento de aplicação do N em Toledo Pr. Todos os experimentos foram conduzidos na unidade experimental da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná PUCPR - campus Toledo. Para quantificar as respostas da canola relativas a doses e fontes de N foram implantados dois experimentos de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 7x2, constando de sete doses de N na semeadura (0; 20; 40; 60; 80; 100 e 120 kg ha-1 de N) e duas fontes de N (sulfato de amônio e uréia), com quatro repetições. Para quantificar as respostas da canola relativas ao momento de aplicação e às fontes de N foram implantados mais dois experimentos, sendo estes conduzidos em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 5x2, constando de cinco combinações de momento de aplicação do N, na semeadura e/ou em cobertura, respectivamente (0 e 0; 120 e 0; 0 e 120; 40 e 80; 80 e 40 kg ha-1 de N) e duas fontes de N (sulfato de amônio e uréia), com quatro repetições. A adubação em cobertura foi realizada no estádio B4. Os quatro experimentos foram implantados em duas épocas de semeadura: 12/05 e 23/04. Todos os tratamentos receberam a adubação correspondente a 300 kg ha-1 de N, P2O5 e K2O na formulação 00-25-25 aplicado na semeadura, além da quantidade de N correspondente ao tratamento pré-estabelecido. Nos quatro experimentos foram avaliados o diâmetro basal, altura de planta, número de plantas m-2, massa seca de folhas, massa seca de caule+pecíolo, massa seca de inflorescência, massa seca da parte aérea, área foliar, razão de área foliar, massa de síliquas por planta, massa por síliqua, massa de grãos por síliqua, massa de mil grãos, produtividade, teor de N foliar, teor de proteína e óleo nos grãos e rendimento de óleo por hectare. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as variáveis avaliadas não foram influenciadas pelas fontes de N utilizadas, sulfato de amônio e uréia, para nenhum dos quatro experimentos conduzidos. Quanto à resposta às doses de N estas influenciaram as variáveis mensuradas, sendo a maior produtividade alcançada com 88 kg ha-1 de N. O aumento nas doses de N promove um incremento nos teores de proteína reduzindo, por consequência o teor de óleo nos grãos. O momento de aplicação do N também influenciou as variáveis mensuradas, sendo os melhores resultados alcançados pelo parcelamento da adubação aplicando-se um terço na semeadura e dois terços em cobertura (40 e 80 kg ha-1 de N)
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Relações genéticas entre produtividade de óleo e podridão vermelha das raízes em soja / Genetic relations between oil yield and sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybeanInocencio Junior de Oliveira 19 May 2011 (has links)
A demanda por óleos vegetais tem sido crescente, principalmente para utilização como fonte de energia renovável na forma de biodiesel. Somando-se a isso, a podridão vermelha das raízes da soja (PVR), ou síndrome da morte súbita, causada pelo fungo Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines, tornou-se uma doença preocupante para os sojicultores, técnicos e pesquisadores, sendo uma estratégia recomendada a adoção de um sistema de controle integrado em que a utilização de cultivares tolerantes é um componente indispensável. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a possibilidade de se reunir em uma mesma planta de soja genes para alta produtividade de óleo e para tolerância a PVR. O sistema genético compreendeu um dialelo parcial 7x7, envolvendo sete genitores com alta produtividade de óleo e sete genitores tolerantes a PVR. A maioria dos genitores compreendeu linhagens experimentais desenvolvidas no Setor de Genética Aplicada às Espécies Autógamas (ESALQ/USP). Os experimentos envolveram as plantas F2, na safra 2008/2009 e progênies F2:3, na safra 2009/2010, para avaliação de caracteres agronômicos, do teor de óleo e produtividade de óleo em campo experimental; já a avaliação da reação a PVR foi realizada em progênies F2:4, em casa de vegetação com inoculação artificial do patógeno, por meio de uma escala de notas para a severidade dos sintomas radiculares. Além disso, por meio de marcadores microssatélites fez-se um estudo de genética de associação entre os marcadores e os caracteres reação a PVR e teor de óleo em três populações. Os resultados evidenciaram a existência de variabilidade nos genitores e nas progênies para todos os caracteres avaliados. O genitor com a maior capacidade geral de combinação e média de teor de óleo foi a cultivar A 7002; por outro lado, os menores valores foram verificados em PI 520733 e IAC 100. Os cruzamentos mais produtivos em óleo foram aqueles que envolveram o genitor A 7002, exceto quando este foi cruzado com IAC 100. Dez cruzamentos (USP 70004 com USP 14-10-38, USP 14-01-20, USP 14-13-16 e M-Soy 8001; USP 14-10-38 com USP 70057 e USP 70080; M-Soy 8001 com USP 70006, USP 70080 e USP 70123; e USP 14-01-20 x USP 70006) destacaram-se por originar a maioria de suas progênies com as melhores características em todos os caracteres, ou seja, apresentaram ciclo precoce ou semi-precoce, altura média, plantas eretas e com valor agronômico bom ou médio, alta produtividade de grãos e de óleo, alto teor de óleo e tolerância a PVR. Nenhum cruzamento originou a maioria de suas progênies com as piores características em todos os caracteres. Teor de óleo apresentou baixa correlação genética com altura da planta na maturidade, acamamento, valor agronômico, produtividade de grãos e reação a PVR. PVR apresentou baixa correlação genética com acamamento, produtividade de grãos, teor de óleo, produtividade de óleo; entretanto, foi possível obter progênies com alta produtividade de grãos e de óleo e tolerantes a PVR. Os marcadores microssatélites mostraram-se polimórficos e, foram associados dois locos SSR ao caráter teor de óleo e outros dois locos ao caráter reação a PVR. / The demand for vegetable oils has increased, mainly because of its use as a renewable energy source like biodiesel. Moreover, the sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybean, caused by the fungus Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines, has become a worrying disease for soybean producers, technicians and researchers, and the adoption of an integrated control system using tolerant cultivars as an essential component has been a recommended strategy. This work aimed to verify the possibility of gathering genes for high oil yield and tolerance to SDS in the same soybean plant. The genetic system comprised a partial diallel 7x7 involving seven parents with high oil yield and seven parents tolerant to SDS. Most of the parents were experimental lines developed at the Sector of Genetics Applied to Self-Pollinated Species (ESALQ/USP). The 2008/2009 trials involved the F2 plants, and the 2009/2010 trials involved the evaluation of F2:3 progenies traits, such as agronomic characters, oil content and oil yield in the experimental field; whereas the analysis of the SDS reaction was tested in F2:4 progenies, in a greenhouse with artificial inoculation of the pathogen through a rating scale for severity of radicular symptoms. Moreover, a study of genetic association among microsatellite markers and the characters reaction to SDS and oil content in three populations was performed. The results showed the existence of variability in parents and progenies for all characters. The parent who had the highest general combining ability and average oil content was the cultivar A 7002; on the other hand, the lowest values were found in PI 520733 and IAC 100. The crosses that originated the best oil content progenies have involved the parent A 7002, except when it was crossed with IAC 100. Ten crosses (USP 70004 with USP 14-10-38, USP 14-01-20, USP 14-13-16 and M-Soy 8001; USP 14-10-38 with USP 70057 and USP 70080; M-Soy 8001 with USP 70006, USP 70080 and USP 70123; USP 14-01-20 x USP 70006) distinguished from the others by originating the majority of their progenies with the best features in all traits, in other words, showed early and semi-early maturity, medium height, upright plants, good or average agronomic value, high grain and oil yield, high oil content and tolerance to SDS. None of the crosses originated the majority of their progeny with the worst characteristics in all traits. Oil content showed low genetic correlation with plant height at maturity, lodging, agronomic value, yield and reaction to SDS. SDS showed a low genetic correlation with lodging, grain yield, oil content, oil yield. However, it was possible to obtain progenies with high grain and oil yield and tolerance to SDS. The microsatellite markers were polymorphic and, moreover, two SSR loci were associated with the character oil content and other two loci to the character SDS reaction.
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Influence of soil water management on plant growth, essential oil yield and oil composition of rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium spp.)Eiasu, B.K. (Bahlebi Kibreab) 17 October 2009 (has links)
Introducing effective irrigation management in arid and semi-arid regions, like most areas of South Africa, is an indispensable way of maximising crop yield and enhancing productivity of scarce freshwater resources. Holistic improvements in agricultural water management could be realised through integrating the knowledge of crop-specific water requirements. In order to develop effective irrigation schedules for rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium capitatum x P. radens), greenhouse and field experiments were conducted at the Hatfield Experimental Farm of the University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa, from 28 October 2004 to 2006. Results from 20, 40, 60 and 80% maximum allowable depletion (MAD) levels of the plant available soil water (ASW) indicated that plant roots extracted most of the soil water from the top 40 cm soil layer, independent of the treatment. Both essential oil yield and fresh herbage mass responded positively to high soil water content. Increasing the MAD level to 60% and higher resulted in a significant reduction in herbage mass and essential oil yields. An increase in the degree of water stress apparently increased the essential oil concentration (percentage oil on fresh herbage mass basis), but its contribution to total essential oil yield (kg/ha oil) was limited. There was no significant relationship between MAD level and essential oil composition. For water saving without a significant reduction in essential oil yield of rose-scented geranium, a MAD of 40% of ASW is proposed. Response of rose-scented geranium to a one-month irrigation withholding period in the second or third month of regrowth cycles showed that herbage mass and oil yield were positively related. Herbage yield was significantly reduced when the water stress period was imposed during the third or fourth month of regrowth. A remarkable essential oil yield loss was observed only when the plants were stressed during the fourth month of regrowth. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) was higher in stressed plants, especially when stressed late, but oil yield dropped due to lower herbage mass. The relationship between essential oil composition and irrigation treatments was not consistent. Water-use efficiency was not significantly affected by withholding irrigation in the second or in the third month of regrowth. With a marginal oil yield loss, about 330 to 460 m3 of water per hectare per regrowth cycle could be saved by withholding irrigation during the third month of regrowth. The overall results highlighted that in water-scarce regions withholding irrigation during either the second or the third month of regrowth in rose-scented geranium could save water that could be used by other sectors of society. In greenhouse pot experiments, rose-scented geranium was grown under different irrigation frequencies, in two growth media. Irrigation was withheld on 50% of the plants (in each plot) for the week prior to harvesting. Herbage and essential oil yields were better in the sandy clay soil than in silica sand. Essential oil content (% oil on fresh herbage mass basis) apparently increased with a decrease in irrigation frequency. Both herbage and total essential oil yields positively responded to frequent irrigation. A one-week stress period prior to harvesting significantly increased essential oil content and total essential oil yield. Hence, the highest essential oil yield was obtained from a combination of high irrigation frequency and a one-week irrigation-withholding period. In the irrigation frequency treatments, citronellol and citronellyl formate contents tended to increase with an increase in the stress level, but the reverse was true for geraniol and geranyl formate. Leaf physiological data were recorded during the terminal one-week water stress in the glasshouse pot trial. Upon rewatering, stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Rt) were significantly lower in the less often irrigated than in the more often irrigated treatments, while leaf water potential (yw) and relative water content (RWC) were the same for all plants, indicating that water stress had an after-effect on Gs and Rt. At the end of the stress period, Gs, Rt, yw and RWC were lower in the plants from the more often irrigated than from the less often irrigated treatments. Irrespective of irrigation treatment, one type of non-glandular and two types (different in shape and size) of glandular trichomes were observed. In water stressed-conditions, stomata and trichome densities increased, while the total number of stomata and trichomes per leaf appeared to remain more or less the same. Water stress conditions resulted in stomatal closure. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted
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Evaluation of Ethiopian nigerseed (Guizotia abyssinica Cass) production, seed storage and virgin oil expressionMelaku, Eneyew Tadesse 29 January 2015 (has links)
Das Ziel der experimentellen Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf den Ertrag, die Saatgutqualität unter verschiedenen Lagerungsbedingungen sowie die Effizienz der Expression vonRamtillkraut (Guizotia abbysinica Cass.). In Feldversuchen wurden folgende Varianten untersucht, Sorten ‚Fogera‘ und ‚Kuyu‘, Saatgutaufwand von 5, 10, 15 kg ha-1, ein Stickstoffaufwand von 13, 23 und 33 kg ha-1, sowie eine differenzierte Wasserversorgung an zwei Standorten (Adet und Koga). In Adet wurde der höchste Saatgut Ertrag mit 1.384,60 kg ha-1 ermittelt, Erträgen in Koga (ohne Bewässerung) mit 1.064,72 kg ha-1 und 967,00 kg ha-1 (mit Bewässerung). Der höchste Ölgehalt wurde im Saatgut aus Koga (ohne Bewässerung) mit 41,54% ermittelt, gefolgt von Koga (mit Bewässerung) 39,59% und Adet mit 38,67%. Signifikante Unterschiede wurden zwischen den N-Aufwandmengen in Koga mit Bewässerung und Saatgutmengen in Adet ermittelt. Die Unterschiede bei den Fettsäuregehalten in Adet waren nicht signifikant. Der Alpha-Tocopherol Gehalt betrug 80 mg pro 100 g bei hoher Saatdichte und hoher N-Düngung. Hinsichtlich des Verfahrens des Ölpressens, wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen Effizienz und Temperatur ermittelt. Die Dauer der Konditionierung und die Vorschubgeschwindigkeit sind negative korreliert gleichfalls mit der Effizienz der Expression. Die Temperaturen von 70°C und 80°C zeigten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Ölausbeute, dagegen war der der Einfluss von 90°C statistisch signifikant. / The aim of this study was to investigate factors influencing seed yield, postharvest handling, and the oil expression efficiency for nigerseed (Guizotia abbysinica Cass.). Based on field study on two varieties, two locations, three seed rates and three fertilizer rates the highest mean nigerseed yield was 1384.6 kg ha-1 at Adet location (rain fed) followed by location Koga (rain) with 1064.7 kg ha-1 and Koga (irrigation) with 967.0 kg ha-1 showing significant difference. The oil content by location was 41.54% for Koga (rain) followed by 39.59 and 38.67% for Koga (irrigation) and Adet (rain) respectively showing significant difference whereas the Ash content showed a reverse trend of oil content. Fatty acid composition did not show significant difference in any treatment. Significant mean alpha-tocopherol of 80 mg/100 g (70 to 89 mg/100 g) was attained for increasing seed and nitrogen rates. Based on two temperatures and seven relative humidities model evaluation and monolayer moisture content estimation, Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) models was found to best suit both varieties as compared to Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET), and modified Chung &Pfost. For oil expression efficiency, 90ºC seed conditioning showed significant effect compared to 80 and 70ºC however conditioning times and feed rates did not differ significantly.
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QTLs for oil content and their relationships to other agronomic traits in an European x Chinese oilseed rape population / QTL für Ölgehalt und deren Beziehung zu anderen agronomischen Eigenschaften in einer Europäisch x Chinesischen Winterraps-PopulationZhao, Jianyi 14 November 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Могућност гајења иђирота (Acorus calamus L.) у циљу смањења притиска на природну популацију / Mogućnost gajenja iđirota (Acorus calamus L.) u cilju smanjenja pritiska na prirodnu populaciju / Possibility of cultivating sweet flag (Acorus calamus L.) in the purpose of lowering the pressure on the natural populationŠkobić Slađana 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p> Acorus calamus L. је вишегодишња зељаста биљка влажних подручја, чија су лековита својства одавно позната. Дрогу иђирота чини ризом који се употребљава као чај, прах, сок, гел, уље или крема. Због прекомерне експлоатације и високог степена угрожености ове дивље лековите биљне врсте у Србији је уведена забрана његовог сакупљања из природе. Да би се задовољила повећана потражња од стране индустрија које га користе, гајење иђирота се намеће као једно од најпрагматичнијих решења. За потребе утврђивање начина гајења, прво се приступило истраживању услова успевања и варирање својстава иђирота са пет локалитета природних станишта: Обедска бара, Делиблатска пешчара, Засавица, Раковац и Дубовац. Потом је заснован двогодишњи пољски оглед на ком је испитиван утицај примене основних агротехничких мера, односно густине садње и ђубрења азотом, на својства биљака. Оглед је постављен 2013. године, на подручју засеока Ћумуране у насељу Рипањ. Код биљка са природних станишта и са огледног поља праћена су следећа својства: висина биљака, дужина ризома, број и дужина бочних грана на ризому, број пупољака на ризому и бочним гранама, број нодуса на ризому и бочним гранама, проценат суве материје ризома, маса свежег и сувог ризома, однос масе свежег и сувог ризома. Код гајених биљака праћен је и принос свежег и сувог ризома. Код свих узорака иђирота испитиван је садржај и састав етарског уља из ризома. Идентификоване су, такође, најзаступљеније компоненте и утврђен је садржаја β-азарона. За утврђивање нивоа плоидије популација из Србије рађено је пребројавање хромозома. Испитивањем биљака са природних станишта, констатовано је да на већину њихових морфолошких одлика, локалитет није имао утицаја. Утицај локалитета испољен је само на: број нодуса на ризому (највећи је био у Дубовцу - 58 а најмањи на Обедској бари - 15), проценат суве материје (највећи је био у Раковцу - 50,2%, а најмањи на Делиблатској пешчари - 37,9%) и однос масе свежег и сувог ризома (највећи је на Делиблатској пешчари - 2,64, а најмањи у Раковцу - 1,90). У пољском огледу добијени су следећи резултати: висина биљака је била највећа при најмањој густини усева (35000 биљака/ha) и најмањој дози азота (60 kg/ha) дужина ризома, као и број и дужина њихових бочних грана су највећи при средњој густини садње (48000 биљака/ha) и најмањој дози азота; број пупољака на ризому има највећу вредност при најмањој густини садње и најмањој дози азота. Број пупољака прве бочне гране је био највећи на највећој густини садње (62000 биљака/ha) и при најмањој дози азота, а број нодуса на ризому није зависио од густине садње, као ни од доза ђубрења. Највећа маса свежег и сувог ризома остварена је при средњој густини садње (48000 биљака/ha) и најмањој (62000 биљака/ha) дози азота, док је проценат суве материје био највећи при највећој густини и најмањој дози азота (60 kg/ha). На однос масе свежег и сувог ризома утицај нису имали ни ђубрење ни густина</p><p>садње усева, док су приноси свежег и сувог ризома били највећи на највећој густини садње и при најмањој дози азота. Садржај етарског уља иђирота из природе није показао значајна одступања између локалитета. Садржај етарског уља ризома гајеног иђирота опадао је са порастом густине садње, док различите дозе азота нису утицале на ову особину. Максимална концентрација β-азарона у етарском уљу иђирота са природног станишта била је 17,07 % (локалитет Раковац), док је највећи садржај β-азарона код гајеног иђирота био 21,41 %. Повећана концентрација β- азарона се објашњава интензивнијим метаболизмом азота, због повећане количине из ђубрива. обијени резултати потврђују да је концентрација β-азарона у етарском уљу ризома иђирота слична резултатима из других земаља Европе. Бројањем хромозома утврђено је да иђирот припада триплоидном, европском варијетету Аcоrus cаlаmus vаr. cаlаmus.</p> / <p> Acorus calamus L. je višegodišnja zeljasta biljka vlažnih područja, čija su lekovita svojstva odavno poznata. Drogu iđirota čini rizom koji se upotrebljava kao čaj, prah, sok, gel, ulje ili krema. Zbog prekomerne eksploatacije i visokog stepena ugroženosti ove divlje lekovite biljne vrste u Srbiji je uvedena zabrana njegovog sakupljanja iz prirode. Da bi se zadovoljila povećana potražnja od strane industrija koje ga koriste, gajenje iđirota se nameće kao jedno od najpragmatičnijih rešenja. Za potrebe utvrđivanje načina gajenja, prvo se pristupilo istraživanju uslova uspevanja i variranje svojstava iđirota sa pet lokaliteta prirodnih staništa: Obedska bara, Deliblatska peščara, Zasavica, Rakovac i Dubovac. Potom je zasnovan dvogodišnji poljski ogled na kom je ispitivan uticaj primene osnovnih agrotehničkih mera, odnosno gustine sadnje i đubrenja azotom, na svojstva biljaka. Ogled je postavljen 2013. godine, na području zaseoka Ćumurane u naselju Ripanj. Kod biljka sa prirodnih staništa i sa oglednog polja praćena su sledeća svojstva: visina biljaka, dužina rizoma, broj i dužina bočnih grana na rizomu, broj pupoljaka na rizomu i bočnim granama, broj nodusa na rizomu i bočnim granama, procenat suve materije rizoma, masa svežeg i suvog rizoma, odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod gajenih biljaka praćen je i prinos svežeg i suvog rizoma. Kod svih uzoraka iđirota ispitivan je sadržaj i sastav etarskog ulja iz rizoma. Identifikovane su, takođe, najzastupljenije komponente i utvrđen je sadržaja β-azarona. Za utvrđivanje nivoa ploidije populacija iz Srbije rađeno je prebrojavanje hromozoma. Ispitivanjem biljaka sa prirodnih staništa, konstatovano je da na većinu njihovih morfoloških odlika, lokalitet nije imao uticaja. Uticaj lokaliteta ispoljen je samo na: broj nodusa na rizomu (najveći je bio u Dubovcu - 58 a najmanji na Obedskoj bari - 15), procenat suve materije (najveći je bio u Rakovcu - 50,2%, a najmanji na Deliblatskoj peščari - 37,9%) i odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma (najveći je na Deliblatskoj peščari - 2,64, a najmanji u Rakovcu - 1,90). U poljskom ogledu dobijeni su sledeći rezultati: visina biljaka je bila najveća pri najmanjoj gustini useva (35000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha) dužina rizoma, kao i broj i dužina njihovih bočnih grana su najveći pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj dozi azota; broj pupoljaka na rizomu ima najveću vrednost pri najmanjoj gustini sadnje i najmanjoj dozi azota. Broj pupoljaka prve bočne grane je bio najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje (62000 biljaka/ha) i pri najmanjoj dozi azota, a broj nodusa na rizomu nije zavisio od gustine sadnje, kao ni od doza đubrenja. Najveća masa svežeg i suvog rizoma ostvarena je pri srednjoj gustini sadnje (48000 biljaka/ha) i najmanjoj (62000 biljaka/ha) dozi azota, dok je procenat suve materije bio najveći pri najvećoj gustini i najmanjoj dozi azota (60 kg/ha). Na odnos mase svežeg i suvog rizoma uticaj nisu imali ni đubrenje ni gustina</p><p>sadnje useva, dok su prinosi svežeg i suvog rizoma bili najveći na najvećoj gustini sadnje i pri najmanjoj dozi azota. Sadržaj etarskog ulja iđirota iz prirode nije pokazao značajna odstupanja između lokaliteta. Sadržaj etarskog ulja rizoma gajenog iđirota opadao je sa porastom gustine sadnje, dok različite doze azota nisu uticale na ovu osobinu. Maksimalna koncentracija β-azarona u etarskom ulju iđirota sa prirodnog staništa bila je 17,07 % (lokalitet Rakovac), dok je najveći sadržaj β-azarona kod gajenog iđirota bio 21,41 %. Povećana koncentracija β- azarona se objašnjava intenzivnijim metabolizmom azota, zbog povećane količine iz đubriva. obijeni rezultati potvrđuju da je koncentracija β-azarona u etarskom ulju rizoma iđirota slična rezultatima iz drugih zemalja Evrope. Brojanjem hromozoma utvrđeno je da iđirot pripada triploidnom, evropskom varijetetu Acorus calamus var. calamus.</p> / <p> Acorus calamus L. is a perennial herbaceous plant found in wet areas, whose medicinal properties have been long known. The drug of sweet flag is made from the rhizome which is used as tea, powder, juice, gel, oil or cream. Because of overexploitation and the high degree of endangerment of this wild medicinal plant species in Serbia collecting was banned. In order to meet the increased demand for this plant by industries that use it, cultivation of sweet flag is emerging as one of the most pragmatic solutions. For the purpose of determining the method for plant growth, the first approach was studying the growing conditions and the variation of properties of sweet flag from five natural habitats: Obedska pond, Deliblato Sands, Zasavica, Rakovac and Dubovac.After that a two-year field experiment was designed in which the effect of application of basic agrotechnical measures, i.e., different planting density and doses of nitrogen fertilization on the plants, was studied. The experiment was set up in 2013, in the area of the hamlet Ćumurana in the settlement Ripanj. In plants from natural habitats and the experiment, the following properties were measured: the height of the plants, the length of the rhizome, the number and length of lateral branches on the rhizome, the number of buds on the rhizome and lateral branches, the number of leaf scars on the rhizome and lateral branches, the percentage of dry matter of the rhizome, the mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome, the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome. In the experiment with cultivated plants, the yield of the fresh and the dry rhizome was also measured. For all samples of sweet flag, the content and composition of the essential oil from the rhizome was measured. Also, the main components were identified and the content of the β-asarone was determined. For the purposes of identifying the ploidy, i.e., which varieties the sweet flag from Serbia belongs to, counting of chromosomes was done. By examining plants from natural habitats, it was noted that the site had no influence on the majority of morphological features of plants. The impact of the sites was manifested only in the number of leaf scars (the largest number was in Dubovac-58,0 and the smallest number was in Obedska pond-15,0), percentage of dry matter (the largest percentage was in Rakovac-50.2% and the smallest percentage was in Deliblato Sands-37,9 %) and the ratio of mass between a fresh and a dry rhizome (the largest ratio was in Deliblato Sands-2,6 and the smallest ratio was in Rakovac-2,2). In the field experiment, the following results were obtained: the height of the plants is the largest at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and lowest nitrogen dosage (60 kg/ha), the length of the rhizome, as well as number and length of lateral branches of the rhizome are largest at medium planting density (48000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha), the number of buds on the rhizome has the highest value at the lowest planting density (35000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrogen (60 kg/ha). The number of buds on the first lateral branch was largest at the largest planting density (62000 plants/ha) and the lowest dosage of nitrog (60 kg/ha) , and the number of leaf scars on the rhizome does</p><p>not depend on the planting dosage or the dosage of fertilizing. The largest mass of the fresh and the dry rhizome is accomplished at medium planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen, while the percentage of dry matter was largest at the largest density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The fertilization and the crop density had no effect on the ratio of mass between the fresh and the dry rhizome, while the yields of the fresh and the dry rhizome were largest at the largest planting density and the lowest dosage of nitrogen. The content of essential oils of natural sweet flag showed no significant discrepancies between the sites. The content of essential oil of cultivated sweet flag rhizomes declined with the increase of planting density, while different nitrogen doses had no effect on this property. The maximum concentration of β-asarones in the essential oil of natural sweet flag was 17,07 % (Rakovac), while the largest content of β-asarones in cultivated sweet flag was 21,41 %. The larger concentration of β-asarones is explained through increased nitrogen metabolism, because of increased amounts of fertilizer. The results confirm that the concentration of β-asarone in the essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes is similar to the concentration of essential oil of sweet flag rhizomes from Europe. By counting the chromosomes it is established that sweet flag belongs to the triploid, European variety of Аcоrus cаlаmus vаr. cаlаmus.</p>
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