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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centro Administrativo del Deporte Olimpico del Peru

Gomez Lavi, Carlos Arnulfo, Vasquez Ferreccio, Alejandro January 2017 (has links)
El trabajo a desarrollar se inscribe en el área de la Arquitectura Administrativa y Deportiva. Se trata específicamente de diseñar un espacio que contenga las sedes administrativas requeridas del Deporte Olímpico Nacional, además de áreas afines con la educación y cultura deportiva. En el Perú, en la actualidad no existe un local con la complejidad y tipo del proyecto, ya que los centros administrativos de deportes con los que contamos en nuestro País, no poseen una programación como la propuesta. Nuestro punto de partida está basado en rescatar las Federaciones con carácter olímpico ubicadas en el Estadio Nacional y en la Villa Deportiva Nacional (VIDENA), y agruparlas con las demás Federaciones Olímpicas para obtener un cambio en todos los aspectos deportivos, organizándolas bajo una sola institución, con la finalidad de mejorar la administración de todo evento deportivo tanto a nivel nacional e internacional y generar una mejor integración entre las instituciones vinculadas con la promoción, proyección y desarrollo de los deportes olímpicos, reuniendo así las condiciones adecuadas para un mayor orden dentro de las Federaciones y Comité Olímpico. El Centro Administrativo del Deporte Olímpico del Perú (CADOP) contribuye y aporta a la sociedad bienestar, mayores espacios de integración e interacción y calidad de vida. No sólo es importante porque agrupando a la administración deportiva en un solo edificio genera orden y desarrollo dentro del deporte y sus actividades, sino que a su vez, al tener espacios afines en educación y cultura deportiva incentiva a la sociedad a una vida más sana, genera que más personas practiquen deporte, que estén orgullosos de los logros de su país, y que tengan ejemplos en deportistas destacados que puedan admirar y emular con sus acciones. El proyecto tiene una programación completa en cuanto a la administración deportiva, además esta complementada con espacios educativos y culturales, y también por servicios comunes. Se puede realizar capacitaciones, cursos, conferencias, exposiciones, entre otras actividades. Aparte que posee extensiones grandes de jardines, más del 75% del terreno son áreas verdes, los cuales no sólo se limitan a la superficie donde se ubica el proyecto sino que tiene parques en los pisos superiores, los cuales se complementan con la plaza central del edificio, el cual puede ser visto desde todos las zonas de la torre. Con la importancia que cada día más el deporte está cobrando en nuestra sociedad, creemos que un proyecto como este sería de beneficio para el país y ayudaría a acelerar el desarrollo y crecimiento del deporte en el Perú.

Goethe in Vicenza 1952

Peters, Friedrich Ernst January 2012 (has links)
Besichtigung des Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza mit einer Führung durch einen deutschlandbegeisterten Italiener, der, neuer Architekt des Goethe-Mythos, des Dichters Aufenthalt in Vicenza für die Reisenden neu erfindet.

15 minutersstaden: För en hållbar stadsutveckling i Villaggio Olimpico, Rom / Huynh Akrawi

Huynh, Victoria, Akrawi, Vehin January 2023 (has links)
The 15-minute city is an ideal that has taken hold in many places around the world. The new urban planning concept is increasingly being discussed and implemented. Rome is one of the cities where the concept has gained a strong foothold. In spring 2023, an urban development project called 15 municipalities, 15 projects for the city in 15 minutes was launched in Rome. The project aims to decentralize the city centre to even out the unevenly distributed resources in the city to reduce car use. The concept aims to create self-sufficient neighborhoods where residents' destinations can be reached within short walking and cycling distances. Our bachelor thesis examines the implementation of the 15-minute city in the Villaggio Olimpico district of Rome. The aim of the work is to examine the strategies used by officials to promote the values referred to in the concept and the challenges faced by the Villaggio Olimpico urban development project. The area's modernist and dysfunctional built environment will be transformed in order to enhance and ensure the quality of life of its citizens. The project includes measures to promote transport efficiency and the activation of dilapidated public activity spaces to bring more life and activity to the area. For the implementation of the study, empirical data has been collected through document, interview and field studies. The theoretical framework consists of urban critic Jane Jacobs, urban planning icon Jan Gehl, architect Robert Lavelid and urban planning researcher Moa Tunström and their theories on what is required for successful planning for sustainable cities. The results of the study show that the concept is used as a strategic tool to counteract the car and the transport habits of the population to promote walking, cycling and public transport. Villaggio Olimpico plans to apply the values of the 15-minute city by activating and restoring degraded green and public spaces to create an attractive urban environment, as well as infrastructure investments that promote green transport choices.


MARCELA PAQUELET FONSECA 22 August 2017 (has links)
[pt] O Programa Ginásio Experimental Olímpico (GEO) foi implementado pela Prefeitura Municipal do Rio de Janeiro para atender alunos dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental com vocação para o esporte, buscando a formação de excelência do aluno-atleta-cidadão em algumas escolas de horário integral da rede. Desenvolvemos um estudo de caso sobre a implementação do programa em uma das unidades, localizada no bairro Caju. Realizamos entrevistas com técnicos responsáveis pelo programa nos órgãos municipais e instituições que participaram na implementação do projeto e com a equipe de gestão e professores da escola. Aplicamos um questionário aos atores escolares, reunimos documentos sobre o modelo em questão e realizamos observação do cotidiano escolar. Concluímos que a localização da escola influenciou a evolução da demanda de vagas nesse modelo de escola possivelmente em maior medida que as características do projeto propriamente dito. As regulamentações pouco claras favoreceram a discricionariedade dos atores escolares ampliando a margem de tomadas de decisão com base em suas crenças e valores pessoais. As exigências impostas a um modelo criado para atender também à uma demanda por escolas eficazes na rede, assim como a histórica cultura de pouca valorização do papel da educação física e do esporte no contexto escolar também pareceram influenciar tanto a discricionariedade dos atores quanto o estabelecimento da cultura organizacional da escola estudada. Os dados analisados indicaram que o processo seletivo dos professores, os valores motivados pelas ações esportivas e o tempo ampliado de permanência de professores e alunos pareceram influenciar positivamente o clima escolar. / [en] The Olympic Experimental Gymnasium (OEG) Program was implemented by the Municipal Government of Rio de Janeiro, to attend students of the final years of Elementary School with talent for sports, seeking the excellence training of student-athlete-citizen in some full-time schools of the network. A case study on the implementation of the program was developed in one of the units, located in the Caju neighborhood. We conducted interviews with technicians responsible for the program in the municipal agencies and institutions that participated in the implementation of the project, with the management team and teachers of the school. We applied a questionnaire to the school actors, gathered documents about the model in question and made observation as participants in the school everyday. We conclude that the location of the school influenced the evolution of demand for positions in this school model possibly to a greater extent than the characteristics of the project itself. The unclear regulations favored the discretion of school characters by broadening the scope for decision-making based on their personal beliefs and values. The demands imposed on a model created to meet also a demand for effective schools in the network, as well as the historical culture of little appreciation of the role of physical education and sport in the school context, also seemed to influence both the discretion of the characters and the establishment of the organizational culture of the school studied. The data analyzed indicated that the selection process of the teachers, the values motivated by the sports actions and the extended time of permanence of teachers and students appeared to positively influence the school environment.

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