Spelling suggestions: "subject:"omega"" "subject:"ômega""
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Maternal Dietary Restriction and the Effects of Postweaning Nutrition on Fetal Development, Insulin Signalling, Glucose Metabolism and Body Composition In C57BL/6J MiceChun, Lauren 25 July 2012 (has links)
Mice (C57BL/6J: B6) exposed to maternal dietary restriction (DR) exhibited fetal growth- restriction and as adults develop symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. We aimed to determine the impact of DR on fetal hepatic gluconeogenic pathway and insulin sensitivity in late gestation. Second, we aimed to determine whether a postweaning diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids would alter the development of glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and obesity in DR male offspring. The reduced rate of fetal glycogen synthesis by DR male offspring and altered hepatic gene expression of enzymes involved in insulin signalling and glucose metabolism suggest abnormal fetal development in response to DR that may contribute to the later development of the metabolic syndrome. The postweaning omega-3 diet improved obesity, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in both DR and control males. These data suggest that nutrition in pregnancy and postnatal life play important roles in determining life-long metabolic health.
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Anticonvulsant Effects of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in RodentsTaha, Ameer 17 January 2012 (has links)
The present research examined the hypothesis that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids would increase seizure threshold in rats in vivo, and reduce neuronal excitability in mouse hippocampal slices. Seizure thresholds were measured in rats using the maximal pentylenetetrazol and electrical stimulation seizure tests following α-linolenic acid (ALA) or docosahexaenoic acid administration. ALA raised seizure threshold in the maximal PTZ seizure test, but this effect probably occurred because ALA displaced DHA from liver to the brain. DHA itself was therefore tested in the PTZ and electrical stimulation seizure tests. Direct administration of DHA by subcutaneous injection raised seizure thresholds in the PTZ seizure test, which models tonic-clonic attacks in humans. Dietary enrichment with DHA raised afterdischarge seizure thresholds in the cortex and amygdala, which model simplex and complex partial seizures in humans, although this effect took some time to occur. In vitro, the application of DHA also reduced the incidence of excitatory sharp waves in mouse hippocampal slices. This effect did not appear to be due to either an increase in GABAergic inhibitory tone, nor to a decrease in glutamatergic drive. The fatty acid composition of phospholipids and unesterified fatty acids were measured in the brain following microwave fixation in order to determine whether the effects of DHA on seizure thresholds were due to its de-esterification from the phospholipid membrane. The assay surprisingly revealed that subcutaneous administration of DHA at a dose that raised seizure threshold, increased unesterified arachidonic acid, but not unesterified DHA concentrations during seizures. The results of these studies support the hypothesis that DHA raises seizure threshold in rats, and reduces neuronal excitability in vitro. The effects of DHA on seizure threshold are possibly mediated by the de-esterification of arachidonic acid, which is known to have effects on the voltage-dependent sodium channel.
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Maternal Dietary Restriction and the Effects of Postweaning Nutrition on Fetal Development, Insulin Signalling, Glucose Metabolism and Body Composition In C57BL/6J MiceChun, Lauren 25 July 2012 (has links)
Mice (C57BL/6J: B6) exposed to maternal dietary restriction (DR) exhibited fetal growth- restriction and as adults develop symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. We aimed to determine the impact of DR on fetal hepatic gluconeogenic pathway and insulin sensitivity in late gestation. Second, we aimed to determine whether a postweaning diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids would alter the development of glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and obesity in DR male offspring. The reduced rate of fetal glycogen synthesis by DR male offspring and altered hepatic gene expression of enzymes involved in insulin signalling and glucose metabolism suggest abnormal fetal development in response to DR that may contribute to the later development of the metabolic syndrome. The postweaning omega-3 diet improved obesity, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in both DR and control males. These data suggest that nutrition in pregnancy and postnatal life play important roles in determining life-long metabolic health.
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The Development and Assessment of Rapid Methods for Fatty Acid ProfilingMetherel, Adam Henry January 2012 (has links)
Fatty acid profiling provides information on dietary intakes and an understanding of lipid metabolism. High throughput techniques such as fingertip prick (FTP) sampling has gained popularity in recent years as a simplified method for basic research, and could be further used to assess disease risk in the population, and other similar high-throughput techniques have the potential to assist in the monitoring and labeling of fatty acids in the food supply. With the advancement of high-throughput sample analysis techniques, a more complete understanding of storage stability is required as a larger volume of samples are produced with equal amounts of time to analyze them. Energy-assisted analysis techniques have the potential to help ameliorate some of these issues. Presently, FTP blood, whole blood and salmon storage stability is assessed under various storage conditions, and both microwave-assisted direct transesterification and indirect ultrasound-assisted extraction techniques are assessed. It is determined that storage of FTP blood and whole blood samples at -20°C results in significant and nearly complete highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) degradation compared to all other temperatures examined. This degradation is determined to be the result of hemolysis and subsequent iron release from erythrocytes initiating fatty acid peroxidation reactions. Direct transesterification of FTP blood is reduced from as long as three hours to one minute with microwave-assisted energy and fatty acid extraction from ground flaxseed is reduced to 40 minutes from as long as 24 hours without compromising fatty acid profiles. Results of the current study provides insight into the storage stability of food sample and blood samples collected via high-throughput techniques, and provides support for the utilization of further high-throughput energy-assisted analytical methods that can help to minimize the potentially detrimental effects that long-term storage can have on fatty acid profiles.
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Omega-3 Enrichenment and Oxidative Stability of Broiler Chicken MeatPerez De La Ossa, Tulia Ines 11 1900 (has links)
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancers. Enriching broiler meat opportunities lack research on product quality. The fatty acid (FA) profile of birds fed flaxseed for various periods was analyzed. Another experiment assessed FA profile and oxidation products in frozen-raw and cooked thigh meat in birds fed 20% linPRO (50% extruded flaxseed) with antioxidant combinations. Males deposited more omega-3 in breast meat than females. It required 26.2 d (10%flax) or 11.3 d (17%flax) feeding to achieve the 300 mg omega-3/100g of breast. Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids were deposited in the phospholipids whereas a-linolenic acid associated with triacylglycerols. Oxysterol appearance was reduced in thighs of high vitamin E birds while the high selenium treatment had no effect or even raised oxysterols during roasting. Antioxidants inhibited thiobarbuturic reactive acid substances in stored frozen-raw meat. Stability of omega-3 broiler meat was improved with increased dietary antioxidant levels. / Food Science and Technology
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Untersuchung der lokalen Viruslast bei der felinen Gingivo-Stomatitis nach der Kombinationstherapie mit felinem rekombinantem Omega-InterferonKernmaier, Alice Maria 15 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Aus dem Patientengut einer Fachklinik für Klein- und Heimtiere wurden 11 nicht vorbehandelte Katzen zwischen einem und zwölf Jahren mit mittel- bis hochgradiger Gingivo-Stomatitis ausgewählt. Diese wurden für zwölf Wochen (84 Tage) stationär aufgenommen und nach einem standardisierten Therapiekonzept behandelt: Am ersten Tag erfolgte nach dentalem Röntgen eine umfassende Zahnsanierung. An den Tagen 0, 14, 28, 42 und 84 wurde Interferon (Virbagen Omega® des Herstellers Virbac S.A.®, Carros Cedex, Frankreich) unter Sedation lokal, d.h. submukosal mit 1 ME/kg KGW injiziert. An den Tagen 56, 58, 60 und 62 erfolgte die Interferongabe systemisch. Begleittherapien wurde nach Bedarf eingesetzt, jedoch ohne die Verwendung von Glukokortikoiden und Hormonpräparaten. Verfüttert wurde ausschließlich Futter des Herstellers Royal Canin®, Köln, in den ersten 14 Tagen das Feuchtfutter Royal Canin convalescence support®, ab Tag 15 Royal Canin intestinal® Feucht- und Trockenfutter. An allen Behandlungstagen wurden zur qualitativen Virusbestimmung Tupferproben der am stärksten entzündeten Bezirke entnommen, die Maulhöhle nach einem festen System abfotografiert und die Veränderungen in Formblättern (Stärke der Faucites, Gingivitis, Buccostomatitis, Größe der Fläche und Art der Veränderung) und Grafik-charts festgehalten. Am ersten und letzten Tag wurden außerdem Biopsien zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Viruslast entnommen. Die Entwicklungen in folgenden Bereichen wurden anhand fixer Kriterien 14-tägig festgehalten: Allgemeinzustand, Schmerzen bei der Maulöffnung, Halitosis/zäher Speichel, Größe der Mandibularlymphknoten, Appetit, Schmerzen bei Futter-aufnahme oder Gähnen, Hypersalivation, Aktivität, Putztrieb und Zugänglichkeit. Die klinischen Verbesserungen waren bei allen Tieren schon nach 14 Tagen augenfällig. Der Hauptvorstellungsgrund der Besitzer, Appetitlosigkeit und Schmerzen bei der Futteraufnahme waren einer fast ungestörten Futteraufnahme gewichen, diese konnte in den folgenden Wochen kaum noch optimiert werden. Die entzündlichen Ulzerationen und Proliferationen der Maulhöhle halbierten sich innerhalb der ersten 14 Tage, nach 84 Tagen war der Heilungsprozess bei acht der elf Katzen abgeschlossen. Die persistierenden Proliferationen der restlichen Katzen waren allerdings nicht entzündlich und beeinflussten die Futteraufnahme nicht. Allgemeinzustand, Aktivität, Putztrieb und Zugänglichkeit stiegen bei zehn von elf Katzen bis zum 42. Tag etwa linear auf artspezifisches Normalniveau an und blieben hier konstant. Hypersalivation und Schwellung der Mandibularlymphknoten legte sich, so vorhanden, bei allen Tieren bis auf zwei innerhalb von 28 Tagen, bei diesen beiden war bis zum 84. Tag nur eine geringgradige Verbesserung zu beobachten. Nach der systemischen Vier-Tages-Therapie wurde ein erneutes Aufflackern der Gingivo-Stomatitis etwa auf das Niveau des 56. Tages beobachtet, allerdings ohne Folgen für die Verhaltensparameter. Eine Reduktion der Viruslast konnte trotz der eindrucksvollen Verbesserungen im klinischen Bereich in keinem Fall festgestellt werden. Die FIV/FeLV-positiven Katzen sprachen langfristig wesentlich schlechter auf das Therapiekonzept an als die übrigen Probanden. Daher gilt es bei diesen Tieren vor Interferoneinsatz kritisch zwischen den nicht unerheblichen Kosten und der zweifelhaften Prognose abzuwägen. Generell kann das Therapiekonzept Zahnsanierung – Interferon – Begleittherapie nach erfolgtem FIV/FeLV-Test bei der felinen Gingivo-Stomatitis als klinisch erfolgreich betrachtet werden.
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Assessment of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid incorporation in broiler chicken meat following the consumption of omega-3 rich vegetable oils.Kartikasari, Lilik Retna January 2009 (has links)
Dietary omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LCPUFAs), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA, 22:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), have beneficial health effects and hence increasing the consumption of these fatty acids is recommended by health authorities. The most common dietary source of EPA, DPA and DHA is seafood, but few Australians habitually consume fish and on average eat less than one meal of fish per week. Thus if Australians are to meet the dietary guidelines for n-3 fatty acid intake, there is a need to develop a source of n-3 rich foods that fit into a typical Australian diet. Feeding fish oils rich in n-3 LCPUFA to chickens has proven problematic due to alteration in organoleptic properties. The incorporation of vegetable oils rich in n-3 PUFA, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) into the diet of chickens is potentially an alternative way to provide meat rich in n-3 LCPUFAs as ALA is the precursor of EPA and DHA. However, most vegetable oils also contain the n-6 (n-6) PUFA, linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6) which competes with ALA for the same enzymes in their metabolism to LCPUFA. This thesis addressed two crucial issues relating to the conversion of ALA into EPA, DPA and DHA of chicken tissues. The objectives of the first experiment were to examine the effects of increasing the ALA content of diets on the conversion of ALA into EPA, DPA and DHA by measuring their accumulation in chicken meat (breast and thigh) and to determine if there was an optimum level of ALA (at a fixed level of LA) in this process. The ratio of LA to ALA of the diets ranged from 10.5:1 to 0.6:1. The findings in this study demonstrated that there was no optimum level of dietary ALA and as indicated by the observation that EPA, DPA and DHA continued to increase in breast and thigh as the ratio of LA to ALA decreased in the diet. In general, DPA achieved higher levels than DHA. The experimental diets with the lowest LA to ALA ratio elevated the incorporation of EPA and DHA into breast and thigh meat to levels 5 and 4-fold, respectively relative to birds fed the highest LA to ALA ratio. In contrast, arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6) in all groups reduced with decreasing LA to ALA ratio in the diets. The results indicated that the dietary treatments did not significantly change the growth performance of chickens. The objective of the second experiment was to assess the regulatory effect of dietary LA on the conversion of ALA into EPA, DPA and DHA. While in the first experiment the diets varied in the level of ALA but had a constant LA level, in this experiment the level of ALA in the diets was held constant and the level of LA was varied. The LA to ALA ratio of experimental diets ranged from 1.4:1 to 2.1:1. The results of this study indicated that the highest LA to ALA ratio (2.1:1) resulted in the lowest n-3 LCPUFAs, EPA, DPA and DHA in meat samples. For example, the total n-3 LCPUFA levels in the breast meat of birds fed with the lowest LA to ALA ratio was 16% higher than the n-3 LCPUFA in the breast of birds fed the highest LA to ALA ratio. This study indicated that the strongest influence on EPA, DPA and DHA accumulation in chicken tissues was the level of ALA in the diet. The experimental diets did not appear to affect the growth performance of chickens. In conclusion, increasing the ALA content of chicken diets may result in a meat source high in n-3 LCPUFAs that may reduce pressure on diminishing marine stocks as well as offering health benefits to Australians. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1369065 / Thesis (M.Ag.Sc.) - University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2009
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Omega-3 fatty acids and depression in the perinatal periodRees, Anne-Marie, Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW January 2009 (has links)
Omega-3 fatty acids are increasingly recognised as playing an important role in human brain development and mental health. The polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) include omega-3 and omega-6 fats which are essential fatty acids (EFAs), consumed via the diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly abundant in fish oils. The omega-3 fatty acids are being focused on for their role in depression, the main types being docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is abundant in neural tissue, and also eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which is biologically very active. There is an emerging literature in relation to omega-3 fatty acid blood levels in depression and the effects of treatment with omega-3. Strong epidemiological evidence has also been published indicating an association between a population's fish intake and depression rates. A specific research focus on omega-3 as a treatment for depression in the perinatal period is also starting to emerge. The importance of this particular area is enhanced by the knowledge that omega-3 depletion occurs during the perinatal period due to fetal diversion for neurodevelopment. In view of the lay public promotion of omega-3 and its appeal to women as a 'natural therapy', there is a need to scientifically evaluate its effectiveness to treat depression in the perinatal period. It is also important to investigate omega-3 as an alternative to antidepressants given the ongoing uncertainties regarding their safety in pregnancy. In this thesis a literature review presents current research relating to this field. This is followed by a description of the methodology and results for the two trials conducted. The results of the double-blind randomised placebo controlled trial of omega-3 as a treatment for depression in the perinatal period were essentially negative. However this result is limited by the small sample size in the study and therefore it may be unwise to interpret the result as conclusive. The case-control study confirmed the hypothesis that omega-3 levels were more depleted in depressed women compared to non-depressed women. A discussion of the results and trial limitations then follows in the thesis. It is concluded that further larger studies are warranted in this area.
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Determination of the nutritional value, protein quality and safety of krill protein concentrate isolated using an isolelectric solubilization/precipitation techniqueGigliotti, Joseph Christopher. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--West Virginia University, 2007. / Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains vii, 44 p. : ill. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 30-33).
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Photoproduktion von p-1hn0w pi 0 omega] am Proton bei Energien bis zu 3 GeV Messungen mit dem Crystal-Barrel-Detektor an ELSAJunkersfeld, Jörg Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Bonn, Univ., Diss., 2005
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