Spelling suggestions: "subject:"omega"" "subject:"ômega""
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Apologetika křesťanství Teilharda de Chardin / Teilhard de Chardin's apologetics of ChristianityProcházka, Leoš January 2017 (has links)
The thesis "Teilhard de Chardin's apologetics of Christianity" starts with a brief introduction to apologetics and fundamental theology in general, on the basis of Teilhard's thought, presents the main critical comments and addresses the methodological question of the approach to his thinking. In the main part, develops the structure of apologetics from the phenomenological description of the world's evolution, from the particles and animals through the emergence of consciousness and man. This is showed on the basis of the "law of complexity and consciousness", which shows the increase of consciousness with the increase of the complexity. And then, through noogenesis (evolution of the spirit), it reaches the point of Omega. The thesis addresses the question of the legitimacy of such extrapolation and continues to the philosophical deduction of Omega's characteristics, as essentially transcendent, to an entropy independent, attractive and present. From the philosophically introduced point of Omega, seeks to show the possibility of identifying Christ of revelation with the Omega point through the theological reflection, as proof and defense of the truth of Christianity. The thesis tries to critically evaluate the apologetics thus built, to elaborate the philosophical view and to evaluate the...
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Kan omega-3 fettyror eller en kombination av omega-3 och omega-6 fettsyror användas som behandling till barn som har diagnostiserats med ADHD?Lidholm, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) är en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning som påverkar många barn i Sverige. Symtomen inkluderar ofta svårigheter att uppmärksamma information, ökad impulsivitet och hyperaktivitet, vilket kan göra det svårt för barnen med ADHD, att fungera i skolan eller i sociala sammanhang. Det är viktigt att diagnostisera och behandla ADHD så tidigt som möjligt för att hjälpa barnen att hantera sina utmaningar och lyckas i skolan och i livet. Forskning tyder på att tillskott av omega-3 och omega-6 fettsyror kan ha positiva effekter på ADHD-symtom, som minskad impulsivitet, hyperaktivitet och ouppmärksamhet. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att undersöka huruvida omega-3 och omega-6 fettsyror kan användas som en del av en behandling hos barn som har diagnostiserats med ADHD. En sökning i Pubmed utfördes för att få fram den senaste forskningen kring ADHD, omega-3 och omega-6 fettsyror. Utifrån angivna exklusions och inklusionskriterier valdes fem artiklar ut som undersökte om tillskott med omega-3 och omega-6 fettsyror kan vara en behandlingsmetod för barn med ADHD. Sammanfattningsvis tyder forskning på att tillskott av omega-3 fettsyror kan ha positiva effekter på ADHD-symtom. Det kan vara ett användbart tillägg till konventionell behandling, men är inte en ersättning för den. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att bestämma den optimala användningen och doseringen av dessa tillskott i behandlingen av ADHD.
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Effekten av omega 3 och omega 6. Är det framtidens skydd mot cancer mammae? En litteraturstudieGarin, Maria, Nilsson, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Cancer mammae är den mest förekommande cancerformen hos kvinnor världen över. Etiologin är för närvarande relativt okänd. I decennier har det förts en diskussion huruvida kost har ett samband med denna fruktade cancerform. Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att sammanställa litteratur rörande omega 3 och omega 6 för att undersöka om det finns ett samband med cancer mammae. Litteraturstudiens metod grundar sig på Forsberg & Wengström (2010). Enbart artiklar med kvantitativ design inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Granskning och kvalitetsbedömning av artiklarna gjordes individuellt och sedan gemensamt för att försäkra hög kvalitetsgrad. Tio artiklar av varierande kvalitet inkluderades i litteraturstudien. Resultatet av de tio sammanställda artiklarna tyder på att omega 3 fettsyrorna EPA och DHA har en skyddande effekt mot cancer mammae hos postmenopausala kvinnor. Fettsyran omega 6 visade inte något signifikant resultat. Ytterligare granskning av befintliga studier samt vidare forskning rörande berört ämne bör göras för att kunna implementera denna information i en evidensbaserad omvårdnad. / Cancer mammae is the most common cancer among women worldwide. The etiology is currently relatively unknown. For decades there has been discussion whether the diet has a connection with this dreaded form of cancer. The purpose of this systematic review was to compile literature on omega 3 and omega 6 to examine whether there is a link with cancer mammae. Literature study's methodology is based on Forsberg & Wengström (2010). Only articles with a quantitative design were included in this study. Review and evaluate of the quality of articles were made individually and then jointly to ensure high-quality degree. Ten items of varying quality were included in this study. The results of the ten consolidated articles suggest that omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA have a protective effect on cancer mammae in postmenopausal women. Fatty acid omega 6 showed no significant results. Further analysis of existing studies and further research into the substance concerned should be made to implement this information in an evidence based nursing.
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Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the Human Diet: Implications for Cognition, Mood, and Neural DevelopmentVierheller, Pamela Diane 13 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Efeito dos ácidos graxos ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre o risco cardiovascular de indivíduos adultos: estudo clínico de prevenção primária. / Effect of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids on cardiovascular risk in adults: primary prevention clinical trial.Pappiani, Caroline 23 May 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morte no mundo, sendo muitos dos fatores de risco passíveis de prevenção e controle. Embora as DCV sejam complexas em sua etiologia e desenvolvimento, a concentração elevada de LDL-c e baixa de HDL-c constituem os fatores de risco modificáveis mais monitorados na prática clínica, embora não sejam capazes de explicar todos os eventos cardiovasculares. Portanto, investigar como intervenções farmacológicas e nutricionais podem modular parâmetros oxidativos, físicos e estruturais das lipoproteínas pode fornecer estimativa adicional ao risco cardiovascular. Dentre os diversos nutrientes e compostos bioativos relacionados às DCV, os lipídeos representam os mais investigados e descritos na literatura. Nesse contexto, os ácidos graxos insaturados (ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9) têm sido foco de inúmeros estudos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação com ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos em indivíduos adultos com múltiplos fatores de risco e sem evento cardiovascular prévio. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, baseado em intervenção nutricional (3,0 g/dia de ácidos graxos) sob a fórmula de cápsulas contendo: ômega-3 (37 por cento de EPA e 23 por cento de DHA) ou ômega-6 (65 por cento de ácido linoleico) ou ômega-9 (72 por cento de ácido oleico). A amostra foi composta por indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 30 e 74 anos, apresentando pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco: Dislipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesidade e Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica. Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética, os indivíduos foram distribuídos nos três grupos de intervenção. No momento basal, os indivíduos foram caracterizados quanto aos aspectos demográficos (sexo, idade e etnia) e clínicos (medicamentos, doenças atuais e antecedentes familiares). Nos momentos basal e após 8 semanas de intervenção, amostras de sangue foram coletadas após 12h de jejum. A partir do plasma foram analisados: perfil lipídico (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG), apolipoproteínas AI e B, ácidos graxos não esterificados, atividade da PON1, LDL(-) e auto-anticorpos, ácidos graxos, glicose, insulina, tamanho e distribuição percentual da LDL (7 subfrações e fenótipo A e não-A) e HDL (10 subfrações). O efeito do tempo, da intervenção e associações entre os ácidos graxos e aspectos qualitativos das lipoproteínas foram testados (SPSS versão 20.0, p <0,05). RESULTADOS: Uma primeira análise dos resultados baseada em um corte transversal demonstrou, por meio da análise de tendência linear ajustada pelo nível de risco cardiovascular, que o maior tercil plasmático de DHA se associou positivamente com HDL-c, HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Observou-se também que o maior tercil plasmático de ácido linoleico se associou positivamente com HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Esse perfil de associação não foi observado quando foram avaliados os parâmetros dietéticos. Avaliando uma subamostra que incluiu indivíduos tabagistas suplementados com ômega-6 e ômega-3, observou-se que ômega-3 modificou positivamente o perfil lipídico e as subfrações da HDL. Nos modelos de regressão linear ajustados pela idade, sexo e hipertensão, o DHA plasmático apresentou associações negativas com a HDLPEQUENA. Quando se avaliou exclusivamente o efeito do ômega-3 em indivíduos tabagistas e não tabagistas, observou-se que fumantes, do sexo masculino, acima de 60 anos de idade, apresentando baixo percentual plasmático de EPA e DHA (<8 por cento ), com excesso de peso e gordura corporal elevada, apresentam maior probabilidade de ter um perfil de subfrações de HDL mais aterogênicas. Tendo por base os resultados acima, foi comparado o efeito do ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos. O ômega-3 promoveu redução no TG, aumento do percentual de HDLGRANDE e redução de HDLPEQUENA. O papel cardioprotetor do ômega-3 foi reforçado pelo aumento na incorporação de EPA e DHA, no qual indivíduos com EPA e DHA acima de 8 por cento apresentaram maior probabilidade de ter HDLGRANDE e menor de ter HDLPEQUENA. Em adição, observou-se também que o elevado percentual plasmático de ômega-9 se associou com partículas de LDL menos aterogênicas (fenótipo A). CONCLUSÃO: Ácidos graxos plasmáticos, mas não dietéticos, se correlacionam com parâmetros cardiometabólicos. A suplementação com ômega-3, presente no óleo de peixe, promoveu redução no TG e melhoria nos parâmetros qualitativos da HDL (mais HDLGRANDE e menos HDLPEQUENA). Os benefícios do ômega-3 foram particularmente relevantes nos indivíduos tabagistas e naqueles com menor conteúdo basal de EPA e DHA plasmáticos. Observou-se ainda que o ômega-9 plasmático, presente no azeite de oliva, exerceu impacto positivo no tamanho e subfrações da LDL. / INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide and many of the risk factors are likely to prevention and control. While CVD are complex in their etiology and development, a high concentration of LDL-c and low HDL-c are the most investigated modifiable risk factors in clinical practice, although they are not able to explain all cardiovascular events. So investigate how nutritional and pharmacological interventions can modulate oxidative, physical and structural parameters of lipoproteins can provide additional estimate for cardiovascular risk. Among the many nutrients and bioactive compounds related to CVD, lipids represent the most investigated and described in the literature. In this context, the unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9) have been focus of numerous studies. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of supplementation with omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 on cardiometabolic parameters in adults with multiple risk factors and without previous cardiovascular event. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clinical trial, randomized, double-blind, based on nutritional intervention (3.0 g/day of fatty acids) containing: omega-3 (37 per cent EPA and 23 per cent DHA) or omega-6 (65 per cent linoleic acid) or omega-9 (72 per cent of oleic acid). Subjects of both sexes, aged between 30 and 74 years old, with at least one of the following risk factors: hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity and hypertension were included. After Ethics Committee approval, the subjects were distributed on the three intervention groups. At baseline the demographic (gender, age and ethnicity) and clinical (medications, current diseases and family history) data were evaluated. At baseline and after 8 weeks of intervention, blood samples were collected after 12 hours of fasting. From the plasma were analyzed: lipid profile (TC, LDLc, HDL-c, TG), apolipoproteins AI and B, non esterified fatty acid, PON1 activity, LDL (-) and autoantibodies, fatty acids, glucose, insulin, size and distribution of LDL (7 subfractions and phenotype) and HDL (10 subfractions). The effect of time, intervention and associations between fatty acids and qualitative aspects of lipoproteins were evaluated (SPSS version 20.0, p <0.05). RESULTS: A first analysis of the results based on a cross sectional study showed through the linear trend analysis, adjusted by the level of cardiovascular risk, that the highest tertile of plasma DHA was positively associated with HDL-c, HDLLARGE and LDL size and inversely with HDLSMALL and TG. The highest tertile of plasma linoleic acid was positively associated with HDLLARGE and LDL size and negatively with HDLSMALL and TG. This association was not observed when we evaluated the dietary parameters. A sample including smokers supplemented with omega-6 and omega-3 showed that omega-3 positively modify the lipid profile and HDL subfractions. In linear regression models adjusted for age, sex and hypertension, plasma DHA showed negative associations with HDLSMALL. When only assessed the effect of omega-3 in smokers and non-smokers, the results showed that smokers, male, over 60 years old, with low percentage of EPA and DHA (<8 per cent ), overweight and/or obese and high body fat have an increased chance to have HDL subfractions profile less cardioprotective. Based on the above results, we compared the effect of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 on cardiometabolic parameters. The omega-3 decreased TG, increase the percentage of HDLLARGE and decrease HDLSMALL. The cardioprotective role of the omega-3 was enhanced by increasing the incorporation of EPA and DHA, in which subjects with more than 8 per cent of EPA and DHA were more likely to have HDLLARGE and lower HDLSMALL. In addition, it was also observed that higher omega-9 plasma levels was associated with less atherogenic LDL particles (phenotype A). CONCLUSION: Plasma fatty acids, but not dietary, correlate with cardiometabolic parameters. Supplementation with omega-3, present in fish oil, promoted reduction in TG and improved the qualitative parameters of HDL (more HDLARGE and less HDLSMALL). The benefits of omega-3 were particularly significant in smokers and those with lower baseline content of EPA and DHA. It was also observed that omega-9, present in olive oil, had a positive impact on the size of LDL.
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Efeito dos ácidos graxos ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre o risco cardiovascular de indivíduos adultos: estudo clínico de prevenção primária. / Effect of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids on cardiovascular risk in adults: primary prevention clinical trial.Caroline Pappiani 23 May 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças cardiovasculares (DCV) são a principal causa de morte no mundo, sendo muitos dos fatores de risco passíveis de prevenção e controle. Embora as DCV sejam complexas em sua etiologia e desenvolvimento, a concentração elevada de LDL-c e baixa de HDL-c constituem os fatores de risco modificáveis mais monitorados na prática clínica, embora não sejam capazes de explicar todos os eventos cardiovasculares. Portanto, investigar como intervenções farmacológicas e nutricionais podem modular parâmetros oxidativos, físicos e estruturais das lipoproteínas pode fornecer estimativa adicional ao risco cardiovascular. Dentre os diversos nutrientes e compostos bioativos relacionados às DCV, os lipídeos representam os mais investigados e descritos na literatura. Nesse contexto, os ácidos graxos insaturados (ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9) têm sido foco de inúmeros estudos. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o efeito da suplementação com ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos em indivíduos adultos com múltiplos fatores de risco e sem evento cardiovascular prévio. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego, baseado em intervenção nutricional (3,0 g/dia de ácidos graxos) sob a fórmula de cápsulas contendo: ômega-3 (37 por cento de EPA e 23 por cento de DHA) ou ômega-6 (65 por cento de ácido linoleico) ou ômega-9 (72 por cento de ácido oleico). A amostra foi composta por indivíduos de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 30 e 74 anos, apresentando pelo menos um dos seguintes fatores de risco: Dislipidemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Obesidade e Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica. Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética, os indivíduos foram distribuídos nos três grupos de intervenção. No momento basal, os indivíduos foram caracterizados quanto aos aspectos demográficos (sexo, idade e etnia) e clínicos (medicamentos, doenças atuais e antecedentes familiares). Nos momentos basal e após 8 semanas de intervenção, amostras de sangue foram coletadas após 12h de jejum. A partir do plasma foram analisados: perfil lipídico (CT, LDL-c, HDL-c, TG), apolipoproteínas AI e B, ácidos graxos não esterificados, atividade da PON1, LDL(-) e auto-anticorpos, ácidos graxos, glicose, insulina, tamanho e distribuição percentual da LDL (7 subfrações e fenótipo A e não-A) e HDL (10 subfrações). O efeito do tempo, da intervenção e associações entre os ácidos graxos e aspectos qualitativos das lipoproteínas foram testados (SPSS versão 20.0, p <0,05). RESULTADOS: Uma primeira análise dos resultados baseada em um corte transversal demonstrou, por meio da análise de tendência linear ajustada pelo nível de risco cardiovascular, que o maior tercil plasmático de DHA se associou positivamente com HDL-c, HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Observou-se também que o maior tercil plasmático de ácido linoleico se associou positivamente com HDLGRANDE e tamanho de LDL e negativamente com HDLPEQUENA e TG. Esse perfil de associação não foi observado quando foram avaliados os parâmetros dietéticos. Avaliando uma subamostra que incluiu indivíduos tabagistas suplementados com ômega-6 e ômega-3, observou-se que ômega-3 modificou positivamente o perfil lipídico e as subfrações da HDL. Nos modelos de regressão linear ajustados pela idade, sexo e hipertensão, o DHA plasmático apresentou associações negativas com a HDLPEQUENA. Quando se avaliou exclusivamente o efeito do ômega-3 em indivíduos tabagistas e não tabagistas, observou-se que fumantes, do sexo masculino, acima de 60 anos de idade, apresentando baixo percentual plasmático de EPA e DHA (<8 por cento ), com excesso de peso e gordura corporal elevada, apresentam maior probabilidade de ter um perfil de subfrações de HDL mais aterogênicas. Tendo por base os resultados acima, foi comparado o efeito do ômega-3, ômega-6 e ômega-9 sobre os parâmetros cardiometabólicos. O ômega-3 promoveu redução no TG, aumento do percentual de HDLGRANDE e redução de HDLPEQUENA. O papel cardioprotetor do ômega-3 foi reforçado pelo aumento na incorporação de EPA e DHA, no qual indivíduos com EPA e DHA acima de 8 por cento apresentaram maior probabilidade de ter HDLGRANDE e menor de ter HDLPEQUENA. Em adição, observou-se também que o elevado percentual plasmático de ômega-9 se associou com partículas de LDL menos aterogênicas (fenótipo A). CONCLUSÃO: Ácidos graxos plasmáticos, mas não dietéticos, se correlacionam com parâmetros cardiometabólicos. A suplementação com ômega-3, presente no óleo de peixe, promoveu redução no TG e melhoria nos parâmetros qualitativos da HDL (mais HDLGRANDE e menos HDLPEQUENA). Os benefícios do ômega-3 foram particularmente relevantes nos indivíduos tabagistas e naqueles com menor conteúdo basal de EPA e DHA plasmáticos. Observou-se ainda que o ômega-9 plasmático, presente no azeite de oliva, exerceu impacto positivo no tamanho e subfrações da LDL. / INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide and many of the risk factors are likely to prevention and control. While CVD are complex in their etiology and development, a high concentration of LDL-c and low HDL-c are the most investigated modifiable risk factors in clinical practice, although they are not able to explain all cardiovascular events. So investigate how nutritional and pharmacological interventions can modulate oxidative, physical and structural parameters of lipoproteins can provide additional estimate for cardiovascular risk. Among the many nutrients and bioactive compounds related to CVD, lipids represent the most investigated and described in the literature. In this context, the unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9) have been focus of numerous studies. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of supplementation with omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 on cardiometabolic parameters in adults with multiple risk factors and without previous cardiovascular event. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Clinical trial, randomized, double-blind, based on nutritional intervention (3.0 g/day of fatty acids) containing: omega-3 (37 per cent EPA and 23 per cent DHA) or omega-6 (65 per cent linoleic acid) or omega-9 (72 per cent of oleic acid). Subjects of both sexes, aged between 30 and 74 years old, with at least one of the following risk factors: hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity and hypertension were included. After Ethics Committee approval, the subjects were distributed on the three intervention groups. At baseline the demographic (gender, age and ethnicity) and clinical (medications, current diseases and family history) data were evaluated. At baseline and after 8 weeks of intervention, blood samples were collected after 12 hours of fasting. From the plasma were analyzed: lipid profile (TC, LDLc, HDL-c, TG), apolipoproteins AI and B, non esterified fatty acid, PON1 activity, LDL (-) and autoantibodies, fatty acids, glucose, insulin, size and distribution of LDL (7 subfractions and phenotype) and HDL (10 subfractions). The effect of time, intervention and associations between fatty acids and qualitative aspects of lipoproteins were evaluated (SPSS version 20.0, p <0.05). RESULTS: A first analysis of the results based on a cross sectional study showed through the linear trend analysis, adjusted by the level of cardiovascular risk, that the highest tertile of plasma DHA was positively associated with HDL-c, HDLLARGE and LDL size and inversely with HDLSMALL and TG. The highest tertile of plasma linoleic acid was positively associated with HDLLARGE and LDL size and negatively with HDLSMALL and TG. This association was not observed when we evaluated the dietary parameters. A sample including smokers supplemented with omega-6 and omega-3 showed that omega-3 positively modify the lipid profile and HDL subfractions. In linear regression models adjusted for age, sex and hypertension, plasma DHA showed negative associations with HDLSMALL. When only assessed the effect of omega-3 in smokers and non-smokers, the results showed that smokers, male, over 60 years old, with low percentage of EPA and DHA (<8 per cent ), overweight and/or obese and high body fat have an increased chance to have HDL subfractions profile less cardioprotective. Based on the above results, we compared the effect of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 on cardiometabolic parameters. The omega-3 decreased TG, increase the percentage of HDLLARGE and decrease HDLSMALL. The cardioprotective role of the omega-3 was enhanced by increasing the incorporation of EPA and DHA, in which subjects with more than 8 per cent of EPA and DHA were more likely to have HDLLARGE and lower HDLSMALL. In addition, it was also observed that higher omega-9 plasma levels was associated with less atherogenic LDL particles (phenotype A). CONCLUSION: Plasma fatty acids, but not dietary, correlate with cardiometabolic parameters. Supplementation with omega-3, present in fish oil, promoted reduction in TG and improved the qualitative parameters of HDL (more HDLARGE and less HDLSMALL). The benefits of omega-3 were particularly significant in smokers and those with lower baseline content of EPA and DHA. It was also observed that omega-9, present in olive oil, had a positive impact on the size of LDL.
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There is interest in increasing the content of omega-3 (n-3; e.g., linolenic acid [C18:3n3]) fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in bovine milk, primarily because of their beneficial effects on human health. One strategy to alter bovine milk fatty acid composition is the dietary inclusion of flaxseed, which is a rich source of C18:3 n-3. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of extrusion processing of flaxseed and the inclusion of condensed tannins (CT) in a flaxseed supplement on omasal flow of nutrients, ruminal fermentation characteristics, animal performance, and milk fatty acid profiles in dairy cattle. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (712.7 ± 92.3 kg body weight; 116.5 ± 17.5 days-in-milk at the beginning of the study) were assigned to four dietary treatments in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square design consisting of 28-d periods with 20 d of dietary adaptation. Four cows in one Latin square were ruminally-cannulated to allow ruminal and omasal sampling. Cows were fed either a control diet (CTL) or one of 3 treatment diets that consisted of the daily substitution of 3 kg (DM basis) of the CTL concentrate pellet with 3 kg (DM basis) of either a non-extruded flaxseed and pea product (55% flax¬seed, 36% peas, 8% alfalfa, 1% antioxidant; designated RAW), a extruded flaxseed and pea product (55% flaxseed, 36% peas, 8% alfalfa, 1% anti¬oxidant; designated LPR), or a extruded flaxseed and high-tannin fava bean product (55% flaxseed, 36% high-tannin faba beans, 8% alfalfa, 1% antioxidant; designated LPF). Diets were fed twice daily as total mixed rations. Omasal flow of nutrients was estimated using the omasal sampling technique using iNDF as the single indigestible marker. Dry matter intake was lower (P = 0.01) in cows fed the flaxseed diets (24.0 kg/d) compared to those fed CTL (25.9 kg/d). Milk yield was higher (P = 0.02) in cows fed the LPR diet ( 44.4 kg/d) compared to those fed the RAW diet ( 42.3 kg/d); and tended to be higher (P = 0.07) in cows fed the flaxseed diets compared to those fed the CTL diet. Milk fat yield was unaffected by dietary treatment (P = 0.94), whereas milk protein yield tended (P = 0.10) to increase in cows fed the flaxseed diets compared to those fed the CTL diet. No detrimental effects of dietary treatments on ruminal fermentation and omasal flow of microbial protein were observed. The omasal flow of C18:3 n-3 was higher in cows fed the flaxseed diets compared to those fed the CTL diet (P = 0.04), with the RAW diet (56.9 g/d) having the highest flow of C18: 3n-3 compared to the other diets (LPR = 14.0 g/d; LPF = 14.8 g/d). The omasal flow of total CLA isomers were higher (P = 0.03) in cows fed the LPF diet (6.06 g/d) compared to those fed the LPR diet (3.70 g/d). The C18:3 n-3 content in milk fat (% of fatty acid methyl esters) was higher in cows fed the LPR diet (0.950%) compared to those fed the RAW diet (0.745%). The level of total CLA isomers in milk was also higher in cows fed the LPR diet (0.845%) compared to those fed the RAW diet (0.308%). These results demonstrated that feeding extruded flaxseed products is more effective than feeding whole flaxseed at improving the fatty acid composition of milk fat without negatively impacting animal performance and ruminal fermentation; however, the inclusion of CT in the extruded flaxseed product had no additional benefit.
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Thraustochytrids as a food source in aquacultureJaritkhuan, Somtawin January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Proteomic analysis of the effects of omega-3 fatty acids on human hepatocarcinomaJor, Wing-yan, Irene., 左穎欣. January 2008 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Biological Sciences / Master / Master of Philosophy
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A study into the inhibitory effects of omega-3 fatty acids upon hepatocyte and macrophage mediated inflammationWong, Yun-en, Olive., 王韻恩. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Surgery / Master / Master of Medical Sciences
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