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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Investigation of One-Dimensional Storage Tank Models and the Development of Analytical Modelling Techniques

Unrau, Cody 06 1900 (has links)
To assess the long-term performance of a solar thermal system, mathematical models that accurately capture the effects of heat transfer within and interactions between individual components are required. For solar domestic hot water systems, the components can include the solar collectors, storage tanks, heat exchangers, pumps, and associated piping. In addition, weather data and demand profiles are also required. Simplified models for each component are needed to reduce the computational time required to run long-term simulations. The simplified models, however, must also be sufficiently accurate in order to provide meaningful system-level results. Accurate prediction of the temperature profiles in the storage tanks of these systems is important since the temperature within the tank has a large impact on the efficiency of the entire system. TRNSYS, which is a commercial code commonly used for such simulations, contains a variety of different one-dimensional storage tank models. Previous research has indicated that these models have deficiencies in predicting experimental data. Therefore, this thesis is focussed on the analysis of the tank modelling used in TRNSYS. Results of this thesis show that the poor predictions are a result of numerical diffusion due to insufficient grid resolution. The correct theoretical profiles could be obtained by using a large number of nodes. However, this would lead to a significant increase in computational time. Alternative modelling strategies were also developed using analytical techniques to more accurately predict the temperature profiles within a storage tank while keeping a relatively low computational cost. Different models were created which considered the different mixing mechanisms present in a storage tank, such as increasing inlet temperatures with time, heat losses to the surroundings, tank wall heat conduction, and inlet jet mixing. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Experimental and Modeling Studies of the Methane Steam Reforming Reaction at High Pressure in a Ceramic Membrane Reactor

Hacarlioglu, Pelin 10 December 2007 (has links)
This dissertation describes the preparation of a novel inorganic membrane for hydrogen permeation and its application in a membrane reactor for the study of the methane steam reforming reaction. The investigations include both experimental studies of the membrane permeation mechanism and theoretical modeling of mass transfer through the membrane and simulation of the membrane reactor with 1-D and 2-D models. A hydrothermally stable and hydrogen selective membrane composed of silica and alumina was successfully prepared on a macroporous alumina support by chemical vapor deposition in an inert atmosphere at high temperature. Before the deposition of the silica-alumina composite, multiple graded layers of alumina were coated on the alumina support with a mean pore size of 100 nm by the sequential application of three boehmite sols with gradually decreasing sol particle sizes of 630, 200 and 40 nm, respectively. The resulting supported composite alumina-silica membrane had high permeability for hydrogen in the order of 10-7 mol m-2 s-1 Pa-1 at 873 K with a H2 /CH4 selectivity of 940 and exhibited much higher stability to water vapor at the high temperature of 873 K. In addition, the same unusual permeance order of Heï¼ H2ï¼ Ne previously observed for the pure silica membrane was also observed for the alumina-silica membrane, indicating that the silica structure did not change much after introduction of the alumina. The permeation of hydrogen and helium through vitreous glass and silica membranes was modeled using ab initio density functional calculations. Comparison of the calculated activation energies to those reported for vitreous glass (20—40 kJ mol -1) indicated the presence of 5- and 6-membered siloxane rings, consistent with the accepted structure of glass as a disordered form of cristobalite. The experimental studies of the steam reforming of methane were examined at various temperatures (773-923 K) and pressures (1-20 atm) with a commercial Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst in a hydrogen selective silica-alumina membrane reactor and compared with a packed bed reactor. One-dimensional and two-dimensional modeling of the membrane rector and the packed bed reactor were performed at the same conditions and their performances were compared with the values obtained in the experimental study. Improved methane conversions and hydrogen yields were obtained in the membrane reactor compared to the packed bed reactor at all temperatures and pressures. From the two modeling studies, it was also found out that the two-dimensional model performed better in the membrane reactor case especially at higher pressures. / Ph. D.

Simulation and modelling of the performance of radial turbochargers under unsteady flow

Soler Blanco, Pablo 27 April 2020 (has links)
[ES] Está fuera de toda duda que la industria del automóvil está viviendo una profunda transformación que, durante los últimos años, ha progresado a un ritmo acelerado. Debido a la crecientemente estricta regulación sobre emisiones contaminantes y la necesidad de satisfacer la siempre creciente demanda de movilidad sostenible, es necesario que los motores de combustión modernos reduzcan su consumo y emisiones manteniendo el rendimiento del motor. Para enfrentarse a este desafío, los ingenieros de investigación y desarrollo han redoblado sus esfuerzos a la hora de diseñar y mejorar los modelos unidimensionales, hasta el punto en el que el desarrollo de modelos 1D así como la simulación juegan un papel fundamental en los primeras etapas de diseño de nuevos motores y tecnologías. Al mismo tiempo, la tecnología de turbosobrealimentación se ha consolidado como una de las más efectivas a la hora de construir motores de alta eficiencia, lo que ha hecho evidente la importancia de comprender y modelar correctamente los efectos asociados a los turbogrupos. Particularmente, los fenómenos que ocurren en la turbina en condiciones de flujo fuertemente pulsante han demostrado ser complicadas de modelar y sin embargo decisivas, ya que los códigos de simulación son especialmente útiles cuando son diseñados para trabajar en condiciones realistas. Este trabajo se centra en mejorar los modelos unidimensionales actuales así como en desarrollar nuevas soluciones con el objetivo de contribuir a una mejor predicción del comportamiento de la turbina sometida a condiciones de flujo pulsante. Tanto los esfuerzos realizados en los trabajos experimentales como en los de modelado se han producido para poder proporcionar métodos que sean fáciles de adaptar a las diferentes configuraciones de turbogrupo usadas en la industria, por ello, pueden ser aplicados por ejemplo en turbinas de entrada simple y también en las cada vez más usadas turbinas de entrada doble. En cuanto al trabajo de modelado en la parte de turbina de entrada simple, el foco se ha puesto en presentar una versión mejorada de un código quasi-2D. La validación del modelo se basa en los datos experimentales que están disponibles de trabajos enteriores de la literatura, proporcionando una comparación completa entre los modelos quasi-2D y el clásico modelo 1D. La presión a la entrada y salida de la turbina se ha descompuesto en ondas que viajan hacia delante y hacia atrás por medio de la descomposición de presiones, empleando la componente reflejada y transmitida para verificar la bondad del modelo. El trabajo experimental de esta tesis se centra en desarrollar un nuevo método para ensayar cualquier turbina de doble entrada sometida a condiciones de flujo fuertemente pulsante. La configuración del banco de gas se ha diseñado para ser suficientemente flexible como para realizar pulsos en las dos ramas de entrada por separado, así como para usar condiciones de flujo caliente o condiciones ambiente con mínimos cambios en la instalación. La campaña experimental se usa para validar un modelo integrado unidimensional de turbina tipo twin scroll con especial foco en las componentes reflejada y transmitida para analizar el desempeño del modelo su capacidad de predicción de la acústica no lineal. Finalmente, después de desarrollar el trabajo experimental y de modelado, se presenta un procedimiento para caracterizar el sonido y ruido de la turbina por medio de matrices de transferencia acústica que es comparado con el código unidimensional completo. En este sentido, el método proporciona una herramienta útil y fácil de implementar para simulaciones en tiempo real que aplica de una manera práctica el trabajo de modelado expuesto a lo largo de esta tesis. / [CA] Està fora de tot dubte que la indústria de l'automòbil està vivint una profunda transformació que, durant els últims anys, ha progressat a un ritme accelerat. A causa de la creixentment estricta regulació sobre emissions contaminants i la necessitat de satisfer la sempre creixent demanda de mobilitat sostenible, és necessari que els motors de combustió moderns reduïsquen el seu consum i emissions mantenint el rendiment del motor. Per a enfrontar-se a aquest desafiament, els enginyers de recerca i desenvolupament han redoblat els seus esforços a l'hora de dissenyar i millorar els models unidimensionals, fins al punt en el qual el desenvolupament de models 1D així com la simulació juguen un paper fonamental en les primeres etapes de disseny de nous motors i tecnologies. Al mateix temps, la tecnologia de turbosobrealimentación s'ha consolidat com una de les més efectives a l'hora de construir motors d'alta eficiència, la qual cosa ha fet evident la importància de comprendre i modelar correctament els efectes associats als turbogrupos. Particularment, els fenòmens que ocorren en la turbina en condicions de flux fortament polsant han demostrat ser complicades de modelar i no obstant això decisives, ja que els codis de simulació són especialment útils quan són dissenyats per a treballar en condicions realistes. Aquest treball se centra en millorar els models unidimensionals actuals així com a desenvolupar noves solucions amb l'objectiu de contribuir a una millor predicció del comportament de la turbina sotmesa a condicions de flux polsant. Tant els esforços realitzats en els treballs experimentals com en els de modelatge s'han produït per a poder proporcionar mètodes que siguen fàcils d'adaptar a les diferents configuracions de turbogrupo usades en l'indústria, per això, poden ser aplicats per exemple en turbines d'entrada simple i també en les cada vegada més usades turbines d'entrada doble. Pel que fa al treball de modelatge en la part de turbina d'entrada simple, el focus s'ha posat a presentar una versió millorada d'un codi quasi-2D. La validació del model es basa en les dades experimentals que estan disponibles de treballs anteriors de la literatura, proporcionant una comparació completa entre els models quasi-2D i el clàssic model 1D. La pressió a l'entrada i eixida de la turbina s'ha descompost en ones que viatgen cap avant i cap enrere per mitjà de la descomposició de pressions, emprant la component reflectida i transmesa per a verificar la bondat del model. El treball experimental d'aquesta tesi se centra en desenvolupar un nou mètode per a assajar qualsevol turbina de doble entrada sotmesa a condicions de flux fortament pulsante. La configuració del banc de gas s'ha dissenyat per a ser prou flexible com per a realitzar polsos en les dues branques d'entrada per separat, així com per a usar condicions de flux calent o condicions ambient amb mínims canvis en la instal·lació. La campanya experimental s'usa per a validar un model integrat unidimensional de turbina tipus twin-scroll amb especial focus en les components reflectida i transmesa per a analitzar l'acompliment del model la seua capacitat de predicció de l'acústica no lineal. Finalment, després de desenvolupar el treball experimental i de modelatge, es presenta un procediment per a caracteritzar el so i soroll de la turbina per mitjà de matrius de transferència acústica que és comparat amb el codi unidimensional complet. En aquest sentit, el mètode proporciona una eina útil i fàcil d'implementar per a simulacions en temps real que aplica d'una manera pràctica el treball de modelatge exposat al llarg d'aquesta tesi. / [EN] It is beyond all doubt that the automotive industry is living a deep transformation that, during the last years, has progressed at an ever accelerating rate. Due to the increasingly stringent pollutant emission regulations and the necessity to fulfil an ever growing demand for sustainable mobility, the modern internal combustion engines are required to strongly reduce the fuel consumption and emissions, while keeping the engine performance. In order to confront this challenge, engine research and development engineers have redoubled their efforts in designing and improving one-dimensional codes, to the point that the development of 1D models and simulation campaigns play a major role in the early steps of designing new engines or technologies. At the same time as the turbocharging technology has arisen as one of the most effective and extended solutions for building high efficient engines, the importance of understanding and modelling correctly the turbocharger effects has become evident. In particular, the phenomena that occurs in the turbine under highly pulsating conditions have proven to be challenging to model and yet decisive, as simulation codes are especially useful when they are designed to work under realistic conditions. This work focusses on the improvement of current one-dimensional models as well as in the development of new solutions with the aim of contributing to a better prediction of the turbine performance under pulsating conditions. Both experimental and modelling efforts have been made in order to provide methods that are easily adaptable to different turbocharger configurations used in the industry, so they can be applied for example in single turbines and also in the increasingly used two-scroll turbine technology. Regarding the modelling work of the single entry turbine part, the work has been focused in presenting an improved version of a quasi-2D code. The validation of the model is based on the experimental data available from previous works of the literature, providing a complete comparison between the quasi-2D and a classic 1D model. By means of a pressure decomposition, the pressure at the turbine inlet and outlet has been split into forward and backward travelling waves, employing the reflected and transmitted components to verify the goodness of the model. The experimental work of the thesis is centred in developing a new method in order to test any two-scroll turbine under highly pulsating flow conditions. The gas stand setup has been designed to be flexible enough to perform pulses in both inlet branches separately as well as to use hot or ambient conditions with minimal changes in the installation. The experimental campaign is used to fully validate an integrated 1D twin-scroll turbine model with special focus in the reflected and transmitted components for analysing the performance of the model and its non-linear acoustics prediction capabilities. Finally, after the experiment and modelling work is developed, a procedure to characterise the turbine sound and noise by means of acoustic transfer matrices is presented and tested against the fully one-dimensional code. In this sense, this method provides a useful and easily-implementable tool for fast and real time simulations that applies in a practical way the modelling work exposed along this thesis. / Soler Blanco, P. (2020). Simulation and modelling of the performance of radial turbochargers under unsteady flow [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/141609

Synthesis of the 1D modelling of turbochargers and its effects on engine performance prediction

Dombrovsky, Artem 05 June 2017 (has links)
Low fuel consumption is one of the main requirement for current internal combustion engines for passenger car applications. One of the most used strategies to achieve this goal is to use downsized engines (smaller engines while maintaining power) what implies the usage of turbochargers. The coupling between both machines (the turbocharger and the internal combustion engines) presents many difficulties due to the different nature between turbomachines and reciprocating machines. These difficulties make the optimal design of the turbocharged internal combustion engines a complicated issue. In these thesis a strong effort has been made to improve the global understanding of different physical phenomena occurring in turbochargers and in turbocharged engines. The work has been focused on the 1D modelling of the phenomena since 1D tools currently play a major role in the engine design process. Both experimental and modelling efforts have been made to understand the heat transfer and gas flow processes in turbochargers. Previously to the experimental analysis a literature review has been made in which the state of the art of heat transfer and gas flow modelling in turbochargers have been analysed. The experimental effort of the thesis has been focused on measuring different turbochargers in the gas stand and the engine test bench. In the first case, the gas stand, a more controlled environment, has been used to perform tests at different conditions. Hot tests with insulated and not insulated turbocharger have been made to characterise the external heat transfer. Moreover, adiabatic tests have been made to compare the effect of the heat transfer on different turbocharger variables and for the validation of the turbine gas flow models. In the engine test bench full and partial load tests have been made for model validation purposes. For the models development task, the work has been divided in heat flow models and gas flow models. In the first case, a general heat transfer model for turbochargers has been proposed based on the measured turbochargers and data available from previous works of the literature. This model includes a procedure of conductive conductances estimation, internal and external convection correlations and radiation estimation procedure. In the case of the gas flow modelling, an extended model for VGT performance maps extrapolation for both the efficiency and the mass flow has been developed as well as a model for discharge coefficient prediction in valves for two stage turbochargers. Finally, the models have been fully validated coupling them with a 1D modelling software simulating both the gas stand and the whole engine. On the one hand, the results of the validation show that compressor and turbine outlet temperature prediction is highly improved using the developed models. This results prove that the turbocharger heat transfer phenomena are important not only for partial load and transient simulation but also in full loads. On the other hand, the VGT extrapolation model accuracy is high even at off-design conditions. / El bajo consumo de combustible es uno de los principales requerimientos de los motores de combustión interna actuales para aplicaciones de coches de pasajeros. Una de las estrategias más usadas para conseguir ese fin es el uso de motores "downsized" (motores más pequeños con la misma potencia) lo que implica el uso de turbocompresores. El acoplamiento entre ambas máquinas (el turbocompresor y el motor de combustión alternativo) presenta muchas dificultades debido a la diferente naturaleza entre las turbomáquinas y las máquinas alternativas. Estas dificultades convierten el diseño óptimo de los motores de combustión interna sobrealimentados en un asunto complicado. En esta tesis se ha realizado un importante esfuerzo para mejorar el entendimiento global de los diferentes fenómenos físicos que ocurren en los turbocompresores y en los motores sobrealimentados. El trabajo se ha centrado en el modelado 1D de los fenómenos puesto que las herramientas 1D juegan actualmente un papel principal en el proceso de diseño del motor. Se han realizado tanto esfuerzos experimentales como de modelado para el entendimiento de los procesos de transmisión de calor y de flujo de gases en turbocompresores. Previamente al análisis experimental se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura disponible en la que se ha analizado el estado del arte del modelado de transmisión de calor y flujo de gases en turbocompresores. El esfuerzo experimental de la tesis se ha centrado en la medida de diferentes turbocompresores en el banco de gas y en el banco motor. En el primer caso, se ha utilizado el banco de gas, un ambiente más controlado, para realizar ensayos en diferentes condiciones. Se han realizado ensayos calientes con y sin aislamiento del turbocompresor para caracterizar el flujo de calor externo. Además, se han realizado ensayos adiabáticos para comparar el efecto de la transmisión de calor sobre diferentes variables del turbocompresor y para la validación de los modelos de flujo de gases de la turbina. En el banco motor se han realizado ensayos a plena carga y a cargas parciales para usarlos en la validación. Para la tarea del desarrollo de los modelos, el trabajo se dividió en modelos de flujo de calor y modelos de flujo de gases. En el primer caso, se ha propuesto un modelo general de transmisión de calor para turbocompresores basado en los turbocompresores medidos y en datos disponibles de trabajos previos de la literatura. Este modelo incluye un procedimiento para la estimación de las conductancias conductivas, correlaciones de convección interna y externa y un procedimiento de estimación de la radiación. En el caso del modelado de flujo de gases, se ha desarrollado un modelo extendido para la extrapolación de mapas de funcionamiento de TGV tanto para el rendimiento como para el gasto másico además del modelo de predicción de coeficientes de descarga en válvulas de turbocompresores de doble etapa. Finalmente, los modelos han sido completamente validados con su acoplamiento a un software de modelado 1D simulando tanto el banco de turbos como el motor completo. Por un lado, los resultados de la validación señalan que la predicción de las temperaturas de salida de compresor y turbina mejora notablemente usando los modelos desarrollados. Este resultado demuestra que los fenómenos de transmisión de calor son importantes no sólo en simulaciones de cargas parciales y de transitorios sino también en plenas cargas. Por otro lado, la precisión del modelo de extrapolación de TGV es alta incluso en condiciones fuera de diseño. / El baix consum de combustible és un dels principals requeriments dels motors de combustió interna actuals per a aplicacions de cotxes de passatgers. Una de les estratègies més usades per a aconseguir eixe fi és l'ús de motors "downsized" (motors més xicotets amb la mateixa potència) el que implica l'ús de turbocompressors. L'adaptament entre ambdues màquines (el turbocompressor i el motor de combustió alternatiu) presenta moltes dificultats degut a la diferent naturalesa entre les turbomàquines i les màquines alternatives. Estes dificultats convertixen el disseny òptim dels motors de combustió interna sobrealimentats en un assumpte complicat. En esta tesi s'ha realitzat un important esforç per a millorar l'enteniment global dels diferents fenòmens físics que ocorren en els turbocompressors i en els motors sobrealimentats. El treball s'ha centrat en el modelatge 1D dels fenòmens ja que les ferramentes 1D juguen actualment un paper principal en el procés de disseny del motor. S'han realitzat tant esforços experimentals com de modelatge per a l'enteniment dels processos de transmissió de calor i de flux de gasos en turbocompressors. Prèviament a l'anàlisi experimental s'ha realitzat una revisió de la literatura disponible en què s'ha analitzat l'estat de l'art del modelatge de transmissió de calor i flux de gasos en turbocompressors. L'esforç experimental de la tesi s'ha centrat en la mesura de diferents turbocompressors en el banc de gas i en el banc motor. En el primer cas, s'ha utilitzat el banc de gas, un ambient més controlat, per a realitzar assajos en diferents condicions. S'han realitzat assajos calents amb i sense aïllament del turbocompressor per a caracteritzar el flux de calor extern. A més, s'han realitzat assajos adiabàtics per a comparar l'efecte de la transmissió de calor sobre diferents variables del turbocompressor i per a la validació dels models de flux de gasos de la turbina. En el banc motor s'han realitzat assajos a plena càrrega i a càrregues parcials per a usar-los en la validació. Per a la tasca del desenvolupament dels models, el treball es va dividir en models de flux de calor i models de flux de gasos. En el primer cas, s'ha proposat un model general de transmissió de calor per a turbocompressors basat en els turbocompressors mesurats i en dades disponibles de treballs previs de la literatura. Este model inclou un procediment per a l'estimació de les conductàncies conductivas, correlacions de convecció interna i externa i un procediment d'estimació de la radiació. En el cas del modelatge de flux de gasos, s'ha desenvolupat un model estés per a l'extrapolació de mapes de funcionament de TGV tant per al rendiment com per al gasto màssic a més del model de predicció de coeficients de descàrrega en vàlvules de turbocompressors de doble etapa. Finalment, els models han sigut completament validats amb el seu adaptament a un software de modelatge 1D simulant tant el banc de turbos com el motor complet. D'una banda, els resultats de la validació assenyalen que la predicció de les temperatures d'eixida de compressor i turbina millora notablement usant els models desenrotllats. Este resultat demostra que els fenòmens de transmissió de calor són importants no sols en simulacions de càrregues parcials i de transitoris sinó també en plenes càrregues. D'altra banda, la precisió del model d'extrapolació de TGV és alta inclús en condicions fora de disseny. / Dombrovsky, A. (2017). Synthesis of the 1D modelling of turbochargers and its effects on engine performance prediction [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/82307

Modeling of a spiral-wound reverse osmosis process and parameter estimation

Al-Obaidi, Mudhar A.A.R., Kara-Zaitri, Chakib, Mujtaba, Iqbal 10 September 2016 (has links)
Yes / Reverse osmosis system has been widely used for the separation of organic and non-organic pollutants present in wastewater. The main aim of this study is to develop a one dimensional steady state model based on the three-parameter Spiegler-Kedem methodology using the gPROMS software and validate it by assessing the performance of membrane rejection for the separation data of aqueous solutions of phenol under different concentrations and pressures. Considerations of the variance of pressure, flow rate, solute concentration, solvent and solute fluxes and mass transfer coefficient along the feed channel were included in the model. Furthermore, an optimization methodology for the gEST parameter estimation tool has been developed in the gPROMS and used with experimental data in order to estimate the best values of the separation membrane parameters and the friction parameter. The simulation results of this model have been corroborated by experimental data.

Evaluating Innovative Nutrient Management Options and Seasonal Groundwater Recharge Dynamics in an Agricultural Source Water Protection Area

Brook, Jacqueline Marie 29 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents two interrelated studies that consider nutrient management and seasonal changes in recharge on agricultural lands within the context of source water protection. The research focuses first on the management of the risk to groundwater quality through the implementation of various nutrient management practices and secondly considers the dynamic nature of the transport pathway to the groundwater system associated with seasonal changes in climate and hydrology. The combined results provide insight into several of the key factors influencing the protection of groundwater sources within the agricultural landscape. Field work was completed between 2009 and 2010 on an agricultural field near the City of Woodstock, Ontario. The site is located within a source water protection area; the two-year travel time zone of the Thornton Well Field which represents the primary water supply for the City of Woodstock and which has experienced chronic increases in nitrate concentrations over the last few decades. The wells are completed in glacial overburden consisting of intermingling sand and gravel till aquifers which overly a limestone bedrock aquifer. Agricultural best or beneficial management practices (BMPs) field have been implemented and monitored since 2004. The BMPs were adopted in order to reduce nitrogen losses to the aquifer, and consisted of a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates over a series of agricultural fields located near the well The first study is a one year experiment designed to compare alternative nutrient management practices for corn. Combinations of fertilizer treatments with or without a legume cover crop (red clover) were assessed. The fertilizer treatments studied were: a polymer coated urea (slow-release fertilizer) applied at planting, a conventional urea applied at planting, side-dress treatment of a solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water containing 28% nitrogen with two different application rates applied in the early summer, and a control. The legume cover crop was incorporated in the soil in the previous fall, and acts as a slow release fertilizer as nitrogen is made available to the following crop as the plants decompose. Treatments were compared based on crop yield, overall economic return, and the potential for nitrate leaching. The potential for nitrate leaching was evaluated with bi-weekly shallow soil core during the growing season, and deep soil cores taken before planting, after harvest and the following spring. The deep cores allowed changes in nitrate storage below the rooting zone to be assessed. The results of this study highlight the importance of timing of fertilizer applications and rate of fertilizer applications. Treatments which provide a delay in the release or application of fertilizer, the polymer-coated urea, the calculator-rate side-dress and the clover cover crop, were found to be advantageous. The polymer-coated urea treatments and side-dress treatments were found to reduce leaching compared to the conventional urea treatment. Treatments with the clover cover crops were not found to reduce crop yields or increase leaching potential, and lower fertilizer costs associated to this practice were found to have a positive economic effect. Plots treated with the high-rate side-dress fertilizer application lost more nitrate to the subsurface compared to the other treatment options, and an economic disadvantage was observed as yields did not compensate for higher fertilizer costs. The study highlights the advantages of the different treatments under study, which may be used to inform policy makers and farmers in the selection of economically and environmentally sustainable nutrient management BMP options. Groundwater monitoring at the site over the years has indentified interesting recharge dynamics, particularly in the vicinity of an ephemeral stream which develops annually during spring and winter melt events in a low lying area of the study site. It was hypothesized that rapid recharge could occur beneath the stream allowing for surface water to quickly reach groundwater, posing a threat to municipal water wells. The current framework of source water protection does not take into account the potential risk posed by this type recharge event. At this field site, rapid infiltration associated with this type of event may pose a risk to drinking water quality due to the proximity of the stream to the pumping wells and the nature of the aquifer. The second study examines rapid groundwater recharge processes beneath the ephemeral stream during the course of a spring melt in 2010. The goals of the study were to quantify recharge at one location beneath the stream and to assess whether temperature variations above the water table can be used as a tracer to reasonably estimate recharge during a short live recharge event. A novel housing for the temperature sensors was designed in order to deploy and position them into gravelly materials within the vadose zone, which reduced the potential for the formation of preferential pathways and permitted the retrieval of the sensors at a later date. Field data were collected during the course of the spring melt period from a network of groundwater monitoring wells and subsurface temperature sensors. Spatial and temporal changes in groundwater geochemistry, hydraulic head and temperature were were used to characterize recharge dynamics at the field site. Recharge beneath a segment of the ephemeral stream was quantified through the numerical analysis of the field data using Hydrus 1-D, a one-dimensional numerical model designed to simulate soil water flow and heat transport in variably saturated porous media. Site specific data were used to create the model domain, provide estimates of physical parameters, and to define initial and time variable boundary conditions. Model parameters were first calibrated by simulating periods where it was expected that soils would be gravity drained with minimal soil water flow, and then further refined by simulating the period when the ephemeral stream was present. A final set of parameters was determined, and the initial gravity drained conditions were re-simulated. The model was able to reproduce field observations under different flow scenarios using the final set of parameters, suggesting that the conceptual model and final model domain representative of the actual field conditions. The successful simulation of the field data sets under the different flow scenarios also increases confidence in the uniqueness of the model results. The model estimated that 0.15 m of recharge occurred beneath the instrumented site during the period between March 9th and March 22nd of 2010 when the ephemeral stream was present. This represents approximately a third of the expected total annual recharge for this location. Regional changes in hydraulic head, groundwater temperature and groundwater chemistry provided additional insight into the dynamic nature of the recharge process during the spring meld period and further illustrated the spatial variability of the aquifers’ response to the stream. The study found that the use of temperature as a tracer provided useful and quantifiable insight into recharge phenomena. The results of this study suggest that high rates of rapid recharge occur beneath the ephemeral stream, and are spatially variable. This type of focused infiltration that occurs during the spring melt may represent a risk to municipal water quality if the infiltrating waters are carrying contaminants.

Evaluating Innovative Nutrient Management Options and Seasonal Groundwater Recharge Dynamics in an Agricultural Source Water Protection Area

Brook, Jacqueline Marie 29 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents two interrelated studies that consider nutrient management and seasonal changes in recharge on agricultural lands within the context of source water protection. The research focuses first on the management of the risk to groundwater quality through the implementation of various nutrient management practices and secondly considers the dynamic nature of the transport pathway to the groundwater system associated with seasonal changes in climate and hydrology. The combined results provide insight into several of the key factors influencing the protection of groundwater sources within the agricultural landscape. Field work was completed between 2009 and 2010 on an agricultural field near the City of Woodstock, Ontario. The site is located within a source water protection area; the two-year travel time zone of the Thornton Well Field which represents the primary water supply for the City of Woodstock and which has experienced chronic increases in nitrate concentrations over the last few decades. The wells are completed in glacial overburden consisting of intermingling sand and gravel till aquifers which overly a limestone bedrock aquifer. Agricultural best or beneficial management practices (BMPs) field have been implemented and monitored since 2004. The BMPs were adopted in order to reduce nitrogen losses to the aquifer, and consisted of a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates over a series of agricultural fields located near the well The first study is a one year experiment designed to compare alternative nutrient management practices for corn. Combinations of fertilizer treatments with or without a legume cover crop (red clover) were assessed. The fertilizer treatments studied were: a polymer coated urea (slow-release fertilizer) applied at planting, a conventional urea applied at planting, side-dress treatment of a solution of urea and ammonium nitrate in water containing 28% nitrogen with two different application rates applied in the early summer, and a control. The legume cover crop was incorporated in the soil in the previous fall, and acts as a slow release fertilizer as nitrogen is made available to the following crop as the plants decompose. Treatments were compared based on crop yield, overall economic return, and the potential for nitrate leaching. The potential for nitrate leaching was evaluated with bi-weekly shallow soil core during the growing season, and deep soil cores taken before planting, after harvest and the following spring. The deep cores allowed changes in nitrate storage below the rooting zone to be assessed. The results of this study highlight the importance of timing of fertilizer applications and rate of fertilizer applications. Treatments which provide a delay in the release or application of fertilizer, the polymer-coated urea, the calculator-rate side-dress and the clover cover crop, were found to be advantageous. The polymer-coated urea treatments and side-dress treatments were found to reduce leaching compared to the conventional urea treatment. Treatments with the clover cover crops were not found to reduce crop yields or increase leaching potential, and lower fertilizer costs associated to this practice were found to have a positive economic effect. Plots treated with the high-rate side-dress fertilizer application lost more nitrate to the subsurface compared to the other treatment options, and an economic disadvantage was observed as yields did not compensate for higher fertilizer costs. The study highlights the advantages of the different treatments under study, which may be used to inform policy makers and farmers in the selection of economically and environmentally sustainable nutrient management BMP options. Groundwater monitoring at the site over the years has indentified interesting recharge dynamics, particularly in the vicinity of an ephemeral stream which develops annually during spring and winter melt events in a low lying area of the study site. It was hypothesized that rapid recharge could occur beneath the stream allowing for surface water to quickly reach groundwater, posing a threat to municipal water wells. The current framework of source water protection does not take into account the potential risk posed by this type recharge event. At this field site, rapid infiltration associated with this type of event may pose a risk to drinking water quality due to the proximity of the stream to the pumping wells and the nature of the aquifer. The second study examines rapid groundwater recharge processes beneath the ephemeral stream during the course of a spring melt in 2010. The goals of the study were to quantify recharge at one location beneath the stream and to assess whether temperature variations above the water table can be used as a tracer to reasonably estimate recharge during a short live recharge event. A novel housing for the temperature sensors was designed in order to deploy and position them into gravelly materials within the vadose zone, which reduced the potential for the formation of preferential pathways and permitted the retrieval of the sensors at a later date. Field data were collected during the course of the spring melt period from a network of groundwater monitoring wells and subsurface temperature sensors. Spatial and temporal changes in groundwater geochemistry, hydraulic head and temperature were were used to characterize recharge dynamics at the field site. Recharge beneath a segment of the ephemeral stream was quantified through the numerical analysis of the field data using Hydrus 1-D, a one-dimensional numerical model designed to simulate soil water flow and heat transport in variably saturated porous media. Site specific data were used to create the model domain, provide estimates of physical parameters, and to define initial and time variable boundary conditions. Model parameters were first calibrated by simulating periods where it was expected that soils would be gravity drained with minimal soil water flow, and then further refined by simulating the period when the ephemeral stream was present. A final set of parameters was determined, and the initial gravity drained conditions were re-simulated. The model was able to reproduce field observations under different flow scenarios using the final set of parameters, suggesting that the conceptual model and final model domain representative of the actual field conditions. The successful simulation of the field data sets under the different flow scenarios also increases confidence in the uniqueness of the model results. The model estimated that 0.15 m of recharge occurred beneath the instrumented site during the period between March 9th and March 22nd of 2010 when the ephemeral stream was present. This represents approximately a third of the expected total annual recharge for this location. Regional changes in hydraulic head, groundwater temperature and groundwater chemistry provided additional insight into the dynamic nature of the recharge process during the spring meld period and further illustrated the spatial variability of the aquifers’ response to the stream. The study found that the use of temperature as a tracer provided useful and quantifiable insight into recharge phenomena. The results of this study suggest that high rates of rapid recharge occur beneath the ephemeral stream, and are spatially variable. This type of focused infiltration that occurs during the spring melt may represent a risk to municipal water quality if the infiltrating waters are carrying contaminants.

Modélisation de la régression des combustibles liquéfiables dans un moteur hybride / Modeling of liquefying fuel regression rates in hybrid propulsion

Lestrade, Jean-Yves 13 December 2012 (has links)
Le dimensionnement préliminaire d’un propulseur hybride passe par une phase d’essais à échelle réduite afin de caractériser entre autre la loi de régression du couple oxydant/combustible envisagé pour remplir les besoins de la mission en terme de performances, durée de fonctionnement, etc. Afin de limiter le recours à ces campagnes expérimentales onéreuses et génératrices de délais pour les industriels, il est nécessaire de développer des outils numériques fiables permettant de prévoir rapidement, sous différentes conditions de fonctionnement et géométries de chambre de combustion, la loi de régression d’un couple oxydant/combustible. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une modélisation monodimensionnelle du mécanisme de régression des combustibles liquéfiables. Cette classe de combustibles offre des vitesses de régression trois à cinq fois plus élevées que celles rencontrées avec les combustibles généralement utilisés en propulsion hybride (PBHT par exemple). Ce modèle se base alors sur le transport de la phase gazeuse et du film liquide se développant sur le combustible solide, la vitesse de régression dépendant des transferts de masse et d’énergie entre ces trois phases. Afin de valider cette approche et l’architecture du code Hydres conçu pour la résolution de ce modèle et la prévision des performances propulsives d’un moteur hybride, des campagnes expérimentales ont été réalisées sur les bancs d’essais Hycarre et Hycom. Ces essais ont également permis de développer une technique de mesure permettant l’obtention de la vitesse de régression instantanée du combustible, conduisant à la restitution de la loi de régression instantanée du couple oxydant/combustible. / The preliminary design of a hybrid rocket engine requires lab-scale tests to characterize the regression law of the oxidizer/fuel pair intended to fulfil the mission needs in terms of performances, etc. To limit these costly and potentialy delaying experimental campaigns, it is necessary to develop reliable numerical tools to quickly predict the regression law of the oxidiser/fuel pair under different operating conditions and with different combustion chamber geometries. The objective of the thesis is to develop a one-dimensional model of the regression mechanism of liquefying fuels. These particular fuels offer regression rates three to five times higher than those found with classic polymers used in hybrid propulsion (eg. HTPB). The model is based on the transportof the gaseous flow and the liquid film which is developing along the solid fuel grain. The regression rate depends on mass and energy transfers between these three phases. To validate this approach and the Hydres numerical tool, specifically designed to solve this model and forecast the performances of a hybrid engine, experimental tests were performed with the Hycarre and Hycom facilities. These tests also allowed for the development of a technique to measure the instantaneous regression rate of the solid fuel, providing directly the instantaneous regression law of the oxidizer/fuel pair.

An Experimental and Computational Study of Surge in Turbocharger Compression Systems

Dehner, Richard D. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Application of Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling in Riverine Systems Using HEC-RAS

Alzahrani, Abdulaziz S. 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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