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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the selection of haul truck operators in an open-pit mine

Pelser, Marikie Karen 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to determine the concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the prediction of haul truck operator (N=128) performance in an open-pit mine. Specific aims were to determine the nature of the relationship between learning potential and psychomotor ability; whether there are higher order cognitive or psychomotor factors present in the combined use of the TRAM 1 and Vienna Test System measures; and the relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of haul truck operator performance. The validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures was partially supported. A positive correlation between general (cognitive) ability (g) and psychomotor ability was reported. Factor analysis provided relatively consistent evidence for a general (cognitive) ability factor (g) underlying performance on all measures. The relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of performance could not be established. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Construction de méthodes et d'outils de planification pour l'industrie minière du phosphate en contexte de Lean Management / Construction of scheduling methods and tools for the phosphate mining industry in the context of Lean Management / إنشاء طرق وأساليب التخطيط اللازمة في إدارة الصناعة المعدنية للفوسفاط في Lean Management إطار نهج سياسة

Azzamouri, Ahlam 05 December 2018 (has links)
La demande mondiale en ressource minérale en général et celle du phosphate en particulier connait une forte croissance depuis plusieurs années. C’est dans ce contexte tendu que chaque industriel cherche à être pionnier et à réduire ses coûts afin d’assurer sa pérennité tout en étant soumis aux contraintes légales dans une perspective de développement responsable. Face à des enjeux comparables, plusieurs industries manufacturières se sont orientées avec succès depuis plusieurs décennies vers l’approche japonaise du Lean Management. C’est pour cette raison que nous avons réfléchi à proposer à travers ce projet de recherche une méthodologie pour le Lean Mining Responsable visant à améliorer l’efficacité et l’efficience de l’industrie minière. L’ensemble des méthodes, briques logicielles et concepts proposés dans cette thèse ont été construit à partir d’un retour d’expérience réalisé sur le système minier d’extraction du phosphate de l’axe centre de l’OCP SA. Nos travaux, réalisés sous la forme d’une recherche action, se caractérisent par des apports à 3 niveaux :Apports méthodologiques ; nous proposons la Méthodologie ASCI-LM pour évaluer l’impact sur l’organisation industrielle liés à la mise en place d’outils et de méthodes en contexte minier. Cette approche constitue un guide méthodologique permettant une recherche action dans le contexte de l’industrie minière. Ce guide méthodologique explique comment formaliser les modèles de connaissance (cartographie des flux) et comment imbriquer les modèles informatiques permettant d’évaluer informatiquement des scenarios organisationnels liés à des problèmes de coordination des activités en contexte minier.Briques logicielles pour l’aide à la décision ; l’interdépendance spatio-temporelle qui caractérise la chaîne minière, rend difficile la prédiction de l’impact de la décision prise. Ce point est un facteur-clé qui explique la démotivation de l’industrie minière à l’égard de la mise en œuvre du Lean Mining. Un système d’aide à la prise de décision pour l’industrie minière aura comme objectif de pouvoir reproduire la réalité et par la suite de tester l’impact de différentes décisions en prenant compte de : l’état du gisement, le programme de maintenance, la disponibilité des machines, les demandes à satisfaire… Les décisions prises dans le processus extractif auront comme impact sur : l’évolution des stocks de minerai, l’occupation des machines mobilisées, la satisfaction de la demande… Nous proposons deux briques logicielles dont la première porte sur la planification minière pour assurer un pilotage intégré de la mine et aider à la prise de décision dans un délai court. La deuxième brique logicielle que nous avons imaginée évalue / optimise les méthodes d’organisations industrielles de la mine lors de la constitution des « mélanges » de minerai ; le mélange de minerai constitue l’output commercialisable du système minier et qui est envoyé aux clients internes ou externes de la supply chain minière. Nouvelles méthodes d’organisation industrielle ; Nous avons proposé une méthode de constitution des mélanges de minerai qui change complètement celle utilisée actuellement. Cette dernière est basée sur une logique de nomenclature figée alors que nous proposons des nomenclatures dynamiques que nous avons appelés « blending dynamique ». Ces nomenclatures dynamiques visent à définir les mélanges optimaux qui varient au fil du temps en fonction des minerais extrait du chantier et de leur composition chimique. Malgré les réticences qui pouvaient y avoir pour adopter cette approche (ce qui est logique dans une organisation « historique »), les mineurs ont montré un grand intérêt vis-à-vis de l’approche qui a été validée sur le terrain et qui est même généralisable sur d’autres contextes. / Global demand for mineral resources in general, and phosphate in particular, has been growing strongly for several years. In this increased competitive environment, every industry seeks to be pioneering and to reduce its costs to ensure its sustainability while complying with new responsible development regulations. Faced with this kind of challenges, a number of manufacturing industries have turned to the Japanese Lean Management approach. With this in mind, we designed our research project to develop a Lean Sustainable Mining methodology aimed at improving the mining industry’s efficiency and effectiveness at the OCP-SA center axis phosphate mine. We first conducted a detailed review of the Lean Mining (LM) literature to assess how well such an approach had already been implemented, which points are directly relevant to the mine and which are not. We also reviewed the implementation methodologies and assessed how effectively they were used. This analysis highlighted multiple shortcomings including in relation to the methodological approaches, the software bricks for decision support systems, the industrial organization methods and adequate factoring in of all energy-related aspects.We first recommend applying the ASCI (Analyze, Specification, Conception, Implementation) methodology to LM in order first to identify all the steps upstream of development of the relevant knowledge model and then the associated action model. This phase was developed based on a thorough analysis of mine soil characteristics in order to build a robust knowledge base. This methodology was then applied to the Ben Guerir mine. We believe that this methodological approach will be found useful by other industries in their effort to switch to LM.Our next step was to construct a model based on discrete event simulation for short-term decision support of mine extraction planning. This model closely matches current extractive process operations (drilling, blasting, etc.) and takes into account all the constraints whether they be in relation to the field (geology, blocks, state of the initial system, distances, ...) or to the equipment (capacity differences, technical downtime, ...). Other considerations that we factored in include the decisions taken upstream of the chain (priority source layers, maintenance program, orders, among others). The model yields the following output: deposits blocks to be extracted in order to meet the demand defined over the planning horizon, the equipment Gantt to define the route to be taken by each piece of equipment and the cumulative feed curves for extracted source layers. The purpose is to extract material required by the downstream blending process, while avoiding any non-value added activities, and to improve overall chain performance.The phosphate industry needs to define the blends used to produce the ore qualities to be shipped to domestic and international customers. We have proposed a new method for optimal definition of these blends designed to replace fixed bills of materials by dynamic ones that change over time. Our "dynamic blending" model serves to define, based on available source layer stocks i) the feedings to be conveyed from the deposit to the stock and ii) the optimal quantities to be extracted from each layer while meeting the customer’s quality specifications charter. The purpose of this approach is to produce the right quality, preserve the phosphate-rich layers for the future, streamline stocks and ensure a connection between the pushed upstream flow (deposit) and the pulled downstream flow (definition of blends). / إن الطلب العالمي على الموارد المعدنية بشكل عام، والفوسفاط على وجه الخصوص، يزداد بسرعة منذ عدة سنوات. وفي هذا السياق الذي يعنى بمنافسة قوية بين الأطر الفعالة، يسعى كل مصنع الى أن يكون الرائد في مجاله، وأن يقلل من تكاليف الإنتاج من أجل ضمان متانته في إطار خضوعه لقيود قانونية تحت منظور التنمية المسؤولة. في إطار مواجهة قضايا مماثلة، انتقلت العديد من الصناعات التحويلية، بنجاح لعدة عقود، إلى تطبيق النهج الياباني Lean Management. ولهذا السبب، فكرنا من خلال مشروع البحث هذا في اقتراح منهجية من أجل Lean Mining مسؤول، هدفه تحسين كفاءة وفعالية صناعة المعادن. جميع الطرق والمنهجيات ومفاهيم البرمجيات المقترحة في هذه الأطروحة يتم بناؤها على أساس تجارب منجزة على نظام الصناعة المعدنية لاستخراج الفوسفاط للمحور المركزي لـ OCP-SA. يتميز عملنا، الذي تم تنفيذه على شكل بحث-عملي، بمساهمات على 3 مستويات:مساهمات منهجية: نقترح منهجية ASCI-LM لتقييم تأثير تنفيذ أساليب على المنظمة الصناعية المتعلقة بالصناعة المعدنية. هذا النهج هو عبارة عن دليل منهجي للبحث-العملي في هذا المجال، الذي يشرح كيفية إضفاء الطابع الرسمي على نماذج المعرفة (رسم خرائط التدفقات) وكيفية تضمين النماذج المعلوماتية التي تجعل من الممكن تقييم سيناريوهات تنظيمية تتعلق بمشاكل التنسيق بين الأنشطة في سياق الصناعة المعدنية.أسس البرمجيات لدعم اتخاذ القرار: إن الترابط الزمكاني الذي يميز سلسلة التعدين اللوجستيكية يجعل من الصعب التنبؤ بأثر القرار المتخذ. هذا الترابط يعتبر العامل الرئيسي الذي يفسر إبطاء صناعة التعدين فيما يتعلق بتطبيق ونهج سياسة Lean Mining. يهدف نظام دعم القرار الخاص بصناعة التعدين إلى إعادة إنتاج الواقع ومن ثم اختبار أثر القرارات المتخذة، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار: هيئة المنجم، برنامج الصيانة، توفر الآلات، المطالب الواجب تلبيتها ... القرارات التي اتخذت في سلسلة عملية الاستخراج سيكون لها تأثير على: تطور مخزونات المادة الخام، مدى استعمال الآلات المخصصة لذلك، و تلبية المطالب ... نقترح اسسين اثنين من البرمجيات: يتناول الأول تخطيط التعدين لضمان الإدارة المتكاملة للمنجم والمساعدة في اتخاذ القرار في وقت قصير. أما الثاني فيهتم بتقييم / تحسين أساليب التنظيم في المنجم أثناء تكوين "خليط" انطلاقا من المواد الخام؛ ويعتبر هذا الأخير الناتج النهائي القابل للتسويق في إطار النظام اللوجستيكي للتعدين، ويتم إرساله إلى الزبناء الداخليين أو الخارجيين لسلسلة التوريد.أساليب جديدة للتنظيم الصناعي: لقد اقترحنا طريقة لتكوين خليط من المواد الخام والتي تختلف تماما عن الطريقة المستخدمة حاليًا. وتستند هذه الأخيرة على منطق التركيبة الثابتة في حين أننا نقترح تركيبات ديناميكية أطلقنا عليها إسم "المزج الديناميكي". تهدف هذه التسميات الديناميكية إلى تحديد الخلطات المثالية التي تتغير بتغير الوقت، اعتمادًا على المواد الخام المستخرجة وتركيبتها الكيميائية. وبالرغم من الإحجام عن تبني هذا النهج (وهو أمر طبيعي في إطار تنظيم ذو أسس "تاريخية عريقة")، فقد أظهر عمال المناجم اهتماما كبيرا بالنهج المقترح والذي تم التحقق من مصداقيته في هذا المجال والذي من الممكن تعميمه في مجال صناعي آخر.

Treatment of acid mine lakes

Schipek, Mandy 26 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Mining of lignite in Lusatia has a long history of over 100 years. The extracted brown coal is utilized to generate electricity in three large power plants: Jänschwalde, Boxberg, and Schwarze Pumpe. With an annual carbon dioxide (CO2) output of approximately 50 million tons, these power plants are among Germany’s large-scale CO2 emitters. The environmental impact from open-pit mining is of a considerable degree and currently poses a challenging problem. The groundwater deficit in 1990 was 7 billion m3 over a surface area of approximately 2100 km2 (Luckner, 2006a) and was bisected in value until today. Due to the decline of mining activity and the termination of mine drainage at most open pits in the Lusatian region, the groundwater table has recovered forming 28 pit lakes (Zschiedrich, 2011). The majority of the post mining lakes do not meet the quality standards for pH, iron or sulfate parameters; because of pyrite oxidation that produces acid mine drainage (Luckner, 2006b, Klapper and Schultze, 1995, Schultze et al., 2010). The post mining lakes in Lusatia have low pH values (3 – 4), high sulfate contents (up to 2800 ppm) as well as high iron concentrations (100 – 150 ppm). Lakes are flooded by groundwater and using surface water from Spree and Neisse River to achieve fast filling and dilution; however, due to the limited availability of surface water, further rehabilitation strategies for the region had to be investigated. Between 1970 and 1990, approximately 26 million m3 of suspended fly ash were deposited in the lake Burghammer and settled as an ash body at its base; where it may be used for rehabilitation. In a first experiment conducted in 2001 material from the ash body was picked up and redistributed throughout the lake. By this treatment the pH of the lake was raised temporarily; however, a sustainable remediation was not achieved. Based on these experiments it was investigated whether the ash reacts more sufficiently through additional CO2 injection or not. Aim was to combine the rehabilitation of acid mine lakes with the utilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. The CO2 sequestration is achieved through the generation and accumulation of carbonates in the lake. The following equations describe the precipitation of carbonate by using CO2 and alkaline earth cations M: CO2 + MO → MCO3 (s) CO2 + M(OH)2 → MCO3 (s) + H2O Therefore, neutral pH conditions are necessary for the long-term accumulation of carbonates in the lakes. In laboratory investigations it was shown, that the 20 to 30 years old fly ash deposits of lake Burghammer can be used for carbonate sequestration and lake water treatment. Bivalent ions (Ca2+, Mg2+) are eluable and available for carbonate precipitation; on average we assumed 1 wt.-% of reactive calcium to be contained in the settled ash sediments. Settled fly ash sediments are less reactive than fresh fly ash from a power plant (e.g. Schwarze Pumpe). During batch experiments, we increased the buffering capacity to maximum values of 7 mmol/L. Beforehand no buffering capacity exists due to the low pH of 2.9 in the lake. Batch investigations provided a sequestration potential of 17 g CO2/kg ash sediment; in comparison fresh fly ash results in a sequestration potential of 33 g CO2/kg ash (Schipek and Merkel, 2008b, Schipek and Merkel, 2008a, Schipek, 2009). Based on the laboratory results a field experiment was conducted. In this field experiment gas injection lances were installed to a sediment depth of 12 m. Gaseous CO2 was applied with a pressure of 2.2 bar and 2.2 m³/h for 3 months and lake water was monitored during injection. Variations in total inorganic carbon due to diffusion processes of CO2 saturated pore waters could be observed. As the pilot experiment comprised only a small area of lake Burghammer no initial neutralisition (e.g. by a suction excavator) was possible. Thus, no further changes in water chemistry were observed. Drilling cores in the vicinity of the injection area provided mineralogical and geochemical conditions before and after CO2 treatment. No trace metal mobilization was found during CO2 injection. Most elements showed decreasing trends or didn’t change significantly. Calculated saturation indices for calcite indicated equilibrium conditions or slightly oversaturated conditions (SICalcite,average +0.12; SICalcite,median +0.31). Geochemical and mineralogical investigations proved that CO2 sequestration is possible with an average precipitation rate of 0.5 wt.-% (2.2 g CO2/kg). The maximum rate for carbonate precipitation was determined with 7.4 wt.-% Calcite, according to 32.6 g CO2 per kilogram treated ash. Besides the use of the settled fly ash as neutralizing agent in acidic mining lakes, laboratory and field investigations were conducted in order to improve in-lake liming. In batch and columns experiments, different liming agents (synthetic marble powder and industrial products) were tested and investigated. Significant differences in reactivity were obvious at pCO2 > 3.8 • 10-4 atm. Ions typical for acid mine drainage (e.g. Mn2+, Cd2+, SO42-) do have different effects on the kinetic of carbonate dissolution. Manganese concentrations typical for acidic mining lakes inhibit calcite dissolution. Cadmium has as well a significant influence on dissolution and kinetics. Only circa 50 % of the calcium concentration was reached with cadmium as inhibitor compared to the dissolution in pure water. Increased CO2 partial pressure might be used to compensate inhibtion by material impurities and/or water constituents. Column experiments showed that a multi-stage application of liming agent increases the efficiency of a lake treatment. The combination of a first application of calcite (up to pH 4.5) and further application of Ca(OH)2 seemed to be the most promising method. This treatment sheme was successfully applied in lake Burghammer from March 2009 – December 2010 (initial neutralisation and 6 follow-up treatments). Finally, it can be concluded, that in lignite mining districts in-lake treatment of acidic mining lakes is a seminal method to handle water quality problems. Using gaseous CO2 in combination with industrial by-products can be accounted as sustainable method for CO2 sequestration and for treatment of AMD. The advantage for mining areas lays in the prevention during treatment of acid mine lakes. Nevertheless, this method presents only a niche solution due to the dependence on alkaline materials, e.g. fly ash. The development of further strategies and optimization during lake water treatment by in-lake liming might improve the effectiveness of the method. Using calcite instead of NaOH or CaO as liming agent will provide advantages in being more economic and ecological (CO2 bilance). In order to enhance efficiency the use of calcite in combination with CO2 can be a worth considering suggesting. If meteorological parameters (wind) and lake specific characteristics (morphology, currents, etc.) will be considered efforts and costs for in-lake liming will be minimized. / Der Abbau von Braunkohle im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier hat seit über 100 Jahren Tradition. Die abgebaute Braunkohle wird dabei hauptsächliche zur Energieerzeugung in den drei großen Kraftwerken Jänschwalde, Boxberg und Schwarze Pumpe genutzt. Mit einem jährlichen Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) – Ausstoß von circa 50 Millionen Tonnen gehören diese Kraftwerke zu Deutschlands größten CO2-Emittenten. Der Einfluss auf die Umwelt durch Tagebau-Betrieb ist von beträchtlichem Ausmaß und bringt große Probleme mit sich. Im Jahr 1990 betrug das Grundwasser-Defizit im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier 7 Milliarden m³ auf einer Fläche von circa 2100 km² (Luckner, 2006a). Dieses Defizit hat sich bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt halbiert. Durch den Rückgang der Bergbauaktivitäten und die Beendigung der Wasserhaltungsmaßnahmen in den meisten Tagebauen, hat der ansteigende Grundwasserspiegel 28 Tagebaufolgeseen geschaffen (Zschiedrich, 2011). Der überwiegende Teil der Tagebaufolgeseen ist aufgrund der Pyritoxidation, welche AMD (acid mine drainage) produziert, hinsichtlich der Wasserqualitätsparameter stark beeinflusst (Luckner, 2006b, Klapper and Schultze, 1995, Schultze et al., 2010). Die Tagebaufolgeseen im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier sind durch niedrige pH-Werte (3 – 4), hoche Sulfat-Konzentrationen (bis zu 2800 ppm) und hohe Eisengehalte (100 – 150 ppm) gekennzeichnet. Die entstehenden Seen sind hauptsächlich durch aufsteigendes Grundwasser und Oberflächenwasser aus den Flüssen Spree und Neisse geflutet. Aufgrund der geringen Verfügbarkeit von Oberflächenwasser mussten weitere Sanierungsmaßnahmen für die Region untersucht werden. Zwischen 1970 und 1990 wurden im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer circa 26 Millionen m³ Flugasche-Suspension als Aschekörper abgelagert, wobei eine Nutzung zu Sanierungszwecken angedacht war. Im Rahmen einer Aschesedimentumlagerung im Jahr 2001 wurde der pH-Wert des Seewassers kurzzeitig angehoben, eine nachhaltige Sanierung fand jedoch nicht statt. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde im Rahmen dieser Dissertation untersucht, ob die abgelagerten Aschesedimente nachhaltiger durch Einsatz von CO2 reagieren. Ziel war es die Sanierung von Tagebaufolgeseen mit der Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken zu kombinieren. Diese CO2-Sequestrierung sollte durch die Bildung und Ablagerung von Carbonaten im Seesediment erfolgen. Die Gleichungen (1) und (2) beschreiben dabei die Fällungsreaktion von Carbonaten aus CO2 mit dem Alkalimetall M (aus Oxiden bzw. Hydroxiden): CO2 + MO → MCO3 (s) CO2 + M(OH)2 → MCO3 (s) + H2O Zur Carbonatfällung und nachhaltigen Ablagerung sind neutrale pH-Bedingungen notwendig. In Laboruntersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die 20 bis 30 Jahre alten Flugaschesedimente zur CO2-Sequestrierung in Kombination mit Seewasserbehandlung genutzt werden können. Zweiwertige Ionen (Ca2+, Mg2+) sind aus den Aschesedimenten eluierbar und stehen für die Fällungsreaktion zur Verfügung. Durchschnittlich 1 Masse-% reaktives Calcium befindet sich in den Sedimenten. Die abgelagerten Aschesedimente sind dabei weniger reaktiv als frische Flugaschen aus Kohlekraftwerken (z.B. Schwarze Pumpe). In Batch-Versuchen mit Tagebaufolgesee-Wasser konnte die Säure-Pufferkapazität auf maximal 7 mmol/L erhöht werden. Sequestrierungs-Raten von 17 g CO2/kg Aschesediment wurden im Rahmen der Versuche erreicht. Im Vergleich dazu betrugen die Sequestrierungs-Raten in Versuchen mit frischen Flugaschen bis 33 g CO2/kg Asche (Schipek and Merkel, 2008b, Schipek and Merkel, 2008a, Schipek, 2009). Auf Grundlage dieser Laborergebnisse wurde ein Feldversuch im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer geplant. Während diesem wurden Gasinjektionslanzen bis in eine Sedimenttiefe von 12 m im abgelagerten Aschesediment installiert. Gasförmiges CO2 wurde mit einem durchschnittlichen Druck von 2.2 bar und 2.2 m³/h für eine Dauer von 3 Monaten injiziert. Während dieser Zeit fand ein kontinuierliches Monitoring des Seewassers im Bereich der Injektion statt. Veränderungen des Gehaltes an TIC (total inorganic carbon) aufgrund von Diffusionprozessen von CO2-gesättigtem Porenwasser aus dem Aschekörper waren beobachtbar. Da der Feldversuch nur in einem begrenzten Bereich des Tagebaufolgesees Burghammer stattfand und keine Initialneutralisierung vorsah, konnten keine weiteren, großmaßstäblichen Veränderungen im Wasserkörper festgestellt werden. Bohrkernentnahmen im Umfeld des Behandlungsgebietes lieferten Aussagen bezüglich der mineralogischen und geochemischen Beschaffenheit vor und nach CO2-Injektion. Im Porenwasser wurde keine Spurenmetall-(re)-mobilisierung durch die Behandlung mit CO2 festgestellt. Nahezu alle Elemente zeigten einen abnehmenden Trend durch die Behandlung mit CO2, bzw. keine signifikanten Veränderungen. Modellierte Sättigungsindizes für Calcit wiesen auf Gleichgewichtsbedingungen oder leichte Übersättigung bzgl. Calcit hin (SICalcit, Mittelwert +0.12; SICalcit, Median +0.31). Geochemische und mineralogische Untersuchungen zeigten, daß CO2-Sequestrierung mit einer durchschnittlichen Fällungsrate von 0.5 Masse-% (2.2 g CO2/kg Aschesediment) erreicht wurde. Die maximale Fällungsrate wurde mit 7.4 Masse-% Calcit bestimmt, dies entspricht einer Festlegung von 32.6 g CO2/ kg Aschesediment. Neben der Nutzung der abgelagerten Aschesedimente zur Behandlung des Tagebaufolgeseewassers wurden desweiteren Labor- und Feldversuche durchgeführt um In-Lake-Behandlungen mit industriellen Kalkprodukten zu optimieren. In Batch- und Säulenversuchen wurden verschiedene Kalkprodukte (synthetisches Marmorpulver und industrielle Produkte) getestet und untersucht. Signifikante Unterschiede auf die Reaktivität wurde bei erhöhten CO2-Partialdrücken (pCO2 > 3.8 • 10-4 bar) beobachtet. Wasserinhaltsstoffe, die typisch für AMD sind (z.B.. Mn2+, Cd2+, SO42-) zeigten einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Calcit-Lösungskinetik. Mangankonzentrationen, wie sie in Lausitzer Tagebaufolgeseen vorkommen, zeigten – ebenso wie Cadmium - eine inhibitierende Wirkung auf die Kinetik. Im Vergleich zu Versuchen mit destilliertem Wasser wurden nur ungefähr 50 % der Calcium-Gleichgewichtskonzentration mit Cadmium als Inhibitor erreicht. Erhöhte CO2-Partialdrücke könnten genutzt werden, um die inhibitierende Wirkung von vorhanden Materialverunreinigungen und/oder Wasserinhaltsstoffen zu kompensieren. Säulenversuche zeigten, dass der mehrstufige Einsatz von Kalkprodukten die Effizienz während einer Seewasserbehandlung erhöht. Die Kombination einer Erstbehandlung mit Kalksteinmehl (bis pH 4.5), und einer Behandlungsfortsetzung mit Ca(OH)2 erwies sich als wirkungsvollste Methode. Dieses Behandlungsschema (Initialneutralisation, 6 Nachfolgebehandlungen) wurde im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer von März 2009 – Dezember 2010 erfolgreich angewandt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass in ehemaligen Bergbaurevieren die In-Lake-Behandlung von Tagebaufolgeseen eine zukunftsträchtige Methode zur Behandlung von Wasserqualitätsproblemen darstellt. Die Nutzung von gasförmigen CO2 in Kombination mit industriellen „Abfall-Produkten“ kann als nachhaltige Methode zur CO2-Sequestrierung und zur Behandlung von AMD bezeichnet werden. Der Vorteil in Bergbaurevieren liegt dabei in der Vorbeugung der Entstehung von Wasserqualitätsproblemen. Dennoch stellt diese Methode nur eine Nischenlösung aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit der alkalischen Materialien (Flugasche) dar. Die Entwicklung und Optimierung weiterführender Strategien zur In-Lake-Behandlung durch Kalkung wird zur Effizienzerhöhung beitragen. Die Nutzung von Kalksteinmehl anstelle von NaOH bzw. CaO als Neutralisationsprodukt wird Vorteile hinsichtlich ökonomischer und ökologischer Sicht (CO2-Bilanz) mit sich führen. Um die Effizienz beim Einsatz von Kalksteinmehl zu steigern, kann der Einsatz von CO2 in Betracht gezogen werden. Sobald meteorologische Parameter (Wind) und see-spezifische Merkmale (Morphologie, Strömungen, etc.) berücksichtigt werden, kann der Aufwand und die Kosten für In-Lake-Behandlungen minimiert werden.

Desenvolvimento de uma sistemática de melhoria do desempenho econômico de indústrias extrativas : o caso de uma mineração a céu aberto / Development of a systematic of economic performance improvement of Extractive Industries – the case of an open-pit mining

Schäfer, Fábio January 2012 (has links)
Em função da globalização, os ambientes empresariais estão se tornando mais competitivos; assim, aumenta a preocupação e a necessidade de se prover um sistema de informações gerenciais que seja eficaz, confiável e relevante para auxiliar os gestores a tomarem decisões inteligentes. Com a utilização de princípios e métodos de custeio vinculados aos serviços inerentes aos métodos e operações de lavra, este trabalho tem como primeiro objetivo identificar e compreender as deficiências dos atuais sistemas de custeio e de produção e estruturar uma sistemática que apoie a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro nas minerações a céu aberto. O segundo objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o método do custo-padrão vinculado à produção e às regras de negócio e validá-lo mediante a comparação do realizado versus previsto nas minerações a céu aberto, através da utilização de conceitos de desperdícios, do princípio do custeio por absorção parcial, do controle e gestão de custos e de produção para avaliação de resultados. A unidade de extração mineral estudada utiliza o método de lavra por bancadas em cava e terceiriza as operações de descobertura, perfuração, detonação, escavação, carregamento e transporte. A empresa contratada utiliza o princípio de custeio por absorção total e o método de custeio de centros de custos. Assim, a sistemática que apoia a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro juntamente com o método do custo-padrão foi validada e desenvolvida em três serviços terceirizados com o objetivo de verificar a sua funcionalidade e a sua praticidade. Portanto, as novas informações gerenciais auxiliam o gestor identificar a produtividade e a lucratividade do empreendimento e os resultados dos serviços e de suas operações, além de todos os custos gerenciais já existentes. / In the light of globalization, the enterprise environments are becoming more competitive; thus, increases the concern and the need to provide a management information system that is effective, reliable and relevant to assist managers to make intelligent decisions. With the use of principles and costing methods linked to services inherent in mining operations and methods, this work is intended mainly identify and understand the weaknesses of the current costing and production system and structure a systematic that supports performance evaluation productive-economic-financial in surface mining. The second objective of this work is to use standard cost method linked to production and business rules and validate it by comparing the accomplished against foreseen in surface mining, through the use of concepts of wastes, the principle costing of partial absorption, cost control and management for production to evaluation of results. The mineral extraction unit studied uses the open pit mining method and outsources the mining operations of pre stripping, drilling, blasting, rock excavation, loading and transportation. The outsourced company uses the costing principle of total absorption and the costing method is the cost centers. Thus, the systematic that support the evaluation of productive-economic-financial performance and the standard cost method were developed and validated in three outsourced services with the goal of verifying its functionality and practicality. Therefore, the new management information assists the manager to identify the productivity and profitability of the enterprise and the results of its operations and services, in addition to all of the existing management costs.

The concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the selection of haul truck operators in an open-pit mine

Pelser, Marikie Karen 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to determine the concurrent validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures for the prediction of haul truck operator (N=128) performance in an open-pit mine. Specific aims were to determine the nature of the relationship between learning potential and psychomotor ability; whether there are higher order cognitive or psychomotor factors present in the combined use of the TRAM 1 and Vienna Test System measures; and the relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of haul truck operator performance. The validity of learning potential and psychomotor ability measures was partially supported. A positive correlation between general (cognitive) ability (g) and psychomotor ability was reported. Factor analysis provided relatively consistent evidence for a general (cognitive) ability factor (g) underlying performance on all measures. The relative contribution of learning potential and psychomotor ability in the prediction of performance could not be established. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Desenvolvimento de uma sistemática de melhoria do desempenho econômico de indústrias extrativas : o caso de uma mineração a céu aberto / Development of a systematic of economic performance improvement of Extractive Industries – the case of an open-pit mining

Schäfer, Fábio January 2012 (has links)
Em função da globalização, os ambientes empresariais estão se tornando mais competitivos; assim, aumenta a preocupação e a necessidade de se prover um sistema de informações gerenciais que seja eficaz, confiável e relevante para auxiliar os gestores a tomarem decisões inteligentes. Com a utilização de princípios e métodos de custeio vinculados aos serviços inerentes aos métodos e operações de lavra, este trabalho tem como primeiro objetivo identificar e compreender as deficiências dos atuais sistemas de custeio e de produção e estruturar uma sistemática que apoie a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro nas minerações a céu aberto. O segundo objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o método do custo-padrão vinculado à produção e às regras de negócio e validá-lo mediante a comparação do realizado versus previsto nas minerações a céu aberto, através da utilização de conceitos de desperdícios, do princípio do custeio por absorção parcial, do controle e gestão de custos e de produção para avaliação de resultados. A unidade de extração mineral estudada utiliza o método de lavra por bancadas em cava e terceiriza as operações de descobertura, perfuração, detonação, escavação, carregamento e transporte. A empresa contratada utiliza o princípio de custeio por absorção total e o método de custeio de centros de custos. Assim, a sistemática que apoia a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro juntamente com o método do custo-padrão foi validada e desenvolvida em três serviços terceirizados com o objetivo de verificar a sua funcionalidade e a sua praticidade. Portanto, as novas informações gerenciais auxiliam o gestor identificar a produtividade e a lucratividade do empreendimento e os resultados dos serviços e de suas operações, além de todos os custos gerenciais já existentes. / In the light of globalization, the enterprise environments are becoming more competitive; thus, increases the concern and the need to provide a management information system that is effective, reliable and relevant to assist managers to make intelligent decisions. With the use of principles and costing methods linked to services inherent in mining operations and methods, this work is intended mainly identify and understand the weaknesses of the current costing and production system and structure a systematic that supports performance evaluation productive-economic-financial in surface mining. The second objective of this work is to use standard cost method linked to production and business rules and validate it by comparing the accomplished against foreseen in surface mining, through the use of concepts of wastes, the principle costing of partial absorption, cost control and management for production to evaluation of results. The mineral extraction unit studied uses the open pit mining method and outsources the mining operations of pre stripping, drilling, blasting, rock excavation, loading and transportation. The outsourced company uses the costing principle of total absorption and the costing method is the cost centers. Thus, the systematic that support the evaluation of productive-economic-financial performance and the standard cost method were developed and validated in three outsourced services with the goal of verifying its functionality and practicality. Therefore, the new management information assists the manager to identify the productivity and profitability of the enterprise and the results of its operations and services, in addition to all of the existing management costs.

Desenvolvimento de uma sistemática de melhoria do desempenho econômico de indústrias extrativas : o caso de uma mineração a céu aberto / Development of a systematic of economic performance improvement of Extractive Industries – the case of an open-pit mining

Schäfer, Fábio January 2012 (has links)
Em função da globalização, os ambientes empresariais estão se tornando mais competitivos; assim, aumenta a preocupação e a necessidade de se prover um sistema de informações gerenciais que seja eficaz, confiável e relevante para auxiliar os gestores a tomarem decisões inteligentes. Com a utilização de princípios e métodos de custeio vinculados aos serviços inerentes aos métodos e operações de lavra, este trabalho tem como primeiro objetivo identificar e compreender as deficiências dos atuais sistemas de custeio e de produção e estruturar uma sistemática que apoie a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro nas minerações a céu aberto. O segundo objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o método do custo-padrão vinculado à produção e às regras de negócio e validá-lo mediante a comparação do realizado versus previsto nas minerações a céu aberto, através da utilização de conceitos de desperdícios, do princípio do custeio por absorção parcial, do controle e gestão de custos e de produção para avaliação de resultados. A unidade de extração mineral estudada utiliza o método de lavra por bancadas em cava e terceiriza as operações de descobertura, perfuração, detonação, escavação, carregamento e transporte. A empresa contratada utiliza o princípio de custeio por absorção total e o método de custeio de centros de custos. Assim, a sistemática que apoia a avaliação do desempenho econômico-financeiro juntamente com o método do custo-padrão foi validada e desenvolvida em três serviços terceirizados com o objetivo de verificar a sua funcionalidade e a sua praticidade. Portanto, as novas informações gerenciais auxiliam o gestor identificar a produtividade e a lucratividade do empreendimento e os resultados dos serviços e de suas operações, além de todos os custos gerenciais já existentes. / In the light of globalization, the enterprise environments are becoming more competitive; thus, increases the concern and the need to provide a management information system that is effective, reliable and relevant to assist managers to make intelligent decisions. With the use of principles and costing methods linked to services inherent in mining operations and methods, this work is intended mainly identify and understand the weaknesses of the current costing and production system and structure a systematic that supports performance evaluation productive-economic-financial in surface mining. The second objective of this work is to use standard cost method linked to production and business rules and validate it by comparing the accomplished against foreseen in surface mining, through the use of concepts of wastes, the principle costing of partial absorption, cost control and management for production to evaluation of results. The mineral extraction unit studied uses the open pit mining method and outsources the mining operations of pre stripping, drilling, blasting, rock excavation, loading and transportation. The outsourced company uses the costing principle of total absorption and the costing method is the cost centers. Thus, the systematic that support the evaluation of productive-economic-financial performance and the standard cost method were developed and validated in three outsourced services with the goal of verifying its functionality and practicality. Therefore, the new management information assists the manager to identify the productivity and profitability of the enterprise and the results of its operations and services, in addition to all of the existing management costs.

Influence des incertitudes géométriques et de la méthode de modélisation dans l'analyse de stabilité des talus rocheux : application aux mines à ciel ouvert / Influence of geometrical uncertainties and modeling method on stability analysis of fractured rock masses : application to open-pit mines

Nguyen, Anh Tuan 11 December 2015 (has links)
La stabilité des exploitations à ciel ouvert (mines ou carrières) excavées dans des massifs rocheux dépend de leur géométrie, des caractéristiques géométriques de la fracturation (orientation et espacement) du massif et des caractéristiques mécaniques du massif et des discontinuités. L'évaluation du risque d'instabilité rocheuse dépend de la quantité et la qualité des informations disponibles sur le massif rocheux et des méthodes d'analyse mises en œuvre pour évaluer le comportement mécanique de l'assemblage de blocs rocheux. Différents sites de talus naturels, d'excavation routière et de carrières et mines à ciel ouvert présentés dans le mémoire montrent que les informations connues peuvent beaucoup varier d'un site à l'autre. Les étapes de collecte et de synthèse des données, puis de modélisation afin d'analyser la stabilité d'une pente rocheuse conduisent à des incertitudes. Le mémoire traite plus particulièrement de l'influence des incertitudes géométriques et différentes méthodes de regroupement des fractures en familles sont explorées. La combinaison du travail proposé par différents auteurs conduit à une nouvelle méthode nommée PSMY. Cette méthode ainsi que la méthode spectrale ont été programmées sous l'environnement Mathematica et les résultats sont comparés à des regroupements "manuels" réalisé avec le logiciel DIPS. Les méthodes de regroupement sont présentées selon le pourcentage d'orientations classé par la méthode. L’orientation et l’espacement des familles de fractures sont ajustées à des lois statistiques. Les paramètres statistiques sont comparés en fonction de la méthode regroupement. Ces paramètres influencent la construction d'un modèle géométrique du massif rocheux appelé DFN (Discrete Fracture Network). L'influence des regroupements sur l'analyse de stabilité est étudiée à partir de modélisation stochastiques à l'équilibre limite utilisant les logiciels SWEDGE et RESOBLOK. Ces logiciels ne prennent pas en compte les mêmes incertitudes et en sortie ils fournissent des indicateurs de stabilité différents. Une analyse de sensibilité des indicateurs (nombre de blocs instables, volume moyen du bloc instable, volume total instable) aux méthodes de regroupement et aux orientations de talus est réalisée. Une analyse de variance permet de préciser l'influence de ces deux facteurs. Une évaluation de l’état de stabilité global du massif, en fonction de la cohésion et de l'angle de frottement est proposée. L'influence de la méthode de modélisation est évoquée en comparant des calculs tridimensionnels à l'équilibre limite et des modélisations bidimensionnel et tridimensionnels en éléments discrets rigides ou déformables. Un couplage entre le logiciel RESOBLOK (équilibre limite) et LMGC90 (éléments discrets) permet de comparer les analyses pour une même géométrie. Pour le cas de la déviation d'Ax-les-Thermes et certaines configurations géométriques instables l’influence des paramètres de modèles sur stabilité du talus est testée. Plusieurs variantes sont comparées. La simulation d’une excavation en 3D multi phases est réalisée et l’indice de mobilisation est étudié pour comparer les divers types de contacts dans LMGC90 par rapport à l’éventuel glissement des blocs dans les étapes successives / The stability of open-cast operations (mines or quarries), excavated in rock mass depends on their geometry, the geometrical characteristics of the rock mass fractures (orientation and spacing) and the mechanical characteristics of the rock mass and the discontinuities. The assessment of the rock instability risk depends on the quantity and quality of the available information on the rock mass and the analysis methods used for the evaluation of the mechanical behavior of the rock block collection. Different sites of natural rock slopes, of road cuts, and of open-cast mines and quarries, described in the present document, show that the known information can vary a lot from one site to the other. The steps of data gathering and analysis, then the modelling step used to analyze the stability of the rock slope, lead to uncertainties. The present work deals in particular with the influence of the geometrical uncertainties, and the different clustering methods, to define families of fractures, are examined. The combination of works suggested by several authors leads to a new method called PSMY. This method, together with the spectral method, was coded in the Mathematica platform, and the obtained results are compared with "hand-made" clusters, done with the DIPS software. The clustering methods are presented according to the ratio of classified orientations. The orientation and spacing of fracture families are fitted by statistical law. The statistical parameters are compared according to the clustering method used. These parameters have an influence on the construction of the rock mass geometrical model, called DFN (Discrete Fracture Network). The influence of the clusters on the stability analysis is studied from the stochastic models based on the limit equilibrium analysis, in the SWEDGE and RESOBLOK software. These programs do not take into account the same uncertainties, and as a result, they give different stability indicators. A sensitivity analysis of these indicators (number of unstable blocks, average volume of unstable blocks, and total volume of unstable blocks) versus the clustering methods used, and the orientation of the slopes, is carried out. A variance analysis allows an evaluation of the influence of these factors. The assessment of the global stability condition of the rock mass, depending on the cohesion and the friction angle, is proposed. The influence of the modeling method is analyzed by comparing 3D calculations using the limit equilibrium calculations, and 2D and 3D models using discrete rigid and deformable blocks. A coupling between RESOBLOK (limit equilibrium) and LMGC90 (discrete elements) allows the comparison of results on the same original geometry. For the case of Ax-les-Thermes road-cut, and for various unstable geometries, the influence of the model parameters is tested. Several cases are compared. The 3D simulation of an excavation, at different steps, is performed, and the mobilization index is studied, in order to compare several types of contacts, within the LMGC model, in relation to the possible sliding of blocks, at those different steps

Transportation system selection in open-pit mines (Truck-Shovel and IPCC systems) based on the technical, economic, environmental, safety, and social (TEcESaS) indexes

Abbaspour, Hossein 12 January 2021 (has links)
The production of raw materials through mining projects is nowadays very challenging, mainly due to the rapid progress in the industrial and technological fields. On the one hand, they have to fulfill industries' requirements in their demand for materials while making a profit based on the current technologies. On the other hand, they should consider all other limitations, primarily environmental and social challenges that are confronting. The transportation system in any mining project is one of the most significant parts, especially in the technical and economic issues. It must transfer the planned volume of ore/waste that the whole stream of the mining process would not be interrupted and, it can cover the technical challenges and the costs imposed on the project. Additionally, it should be designed and selected to have the lowest environmental impact and the highest safety during the operation. Accordingly, a transportation system selection process that considers all these factors is one of the challenging issues in any mining project. Although the Truck-Shovel system is known as the conventional transportation in open-pit mines, which is preferable because of the low capital cost and high flexibility, it still imposes a high rate of operating costs, safety issues as well as environmental footprints. In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (IPCC) systems are the alternative transportation systems for the Truck-Shovel systems, in which the material is crushed inside the mine’s pit limit and transferred into the outside through conveyor belts. Although these systems are not new, they are mostly neglected as a transportation option basically due to the high capital cost and low flexibility. On the contrary, they can offer more environmentally friendly and safer working areas and a lower operating cost. According to these facts, each transportation system is preferable in a couple of technical, economic, environmental, safety, and social issues. Accordingly, in each circumstance, one or more of these systems can be used in the mining project. However, there is not yet a way or tool that investigates the transportation system selection along with the mine life that takes into account all of these factors. To fill this gap, this project aims to define a model to introduce all these elements while it is interactively connected throughout the mine life. For this and as the first step, the system dynamics modeling is defined and used to build the model for all the technical, economic, environmental, safety, and social factors. As an output of this step, software entitled “TEcESaS Indexes” is designed and produced through Venapp that makes working with the model comfortable. As the second step, a selection method based on the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is performed that the transportation system selection regarding all the mentioned factors can be made. As the output in this step, the “Sustainability Index” software programmed in the Java language is developed. Considering a hypothetical copper open-pit mine as the case study and implementing the designed software, the results show although the Truck-Shovel system should be used in the first two years of the project (2016 and 2017) in the single expert and deterministic mode, the Fully Mobile In-Pit Crushing and Conveying (FMIPCC) system shows the highest sustainability index among other transportation systems from 2018 until the end of the mine life. While in the group decision making and deterministic simulation, the Truck-Shovel system should be utilized from 2016 to 2020. Additionally, in the group decision making and stochastic mode, the FMIPCC is the selected transportation system with the highest sustainability index probability.

Treatment of acid mine lakes: lab and field studies

Schipek, Mandy 22 November 2011 (has links)
Mining of lignite in Lusatia has a long history of over 100 years. The extracted brown coal is utilized to generate electricity in three large power plants: Jänschwalde, Boxberg, and Schwarze Pumpe. With an annual carbon dioxide (CO2) output of approximately 50 million tons, these power plants are among Germany’s large-scale CO2 emitters. The environmental impact from open-pit mining is of a considerable degree and currently poses a challenging problem. The groundwater deficit in 1990 was 7 billion m3 over a surface area of approximately 2100 km2 (Luckner, 2006a) and was bisected in value until today. Due to the decline of mining activity and the termination of mine drainage at most open pits in the Lusatian region, the groundwater table has recovered forming 28 pit lakes (Zschiedrich, 2011). The majority of the post mining lakes do not meet the quality standards for pH, iron or sulfate parameters; because of pyrite oxidation that produces acid mine drainage (Luckner, 2006b, Klapper and Schultze, 1995, Schultze et al., 2010). The post mining lakes in Lusatia have low pH values (3 – 4), high sulfate contents (up to 2800 ppm) as well as high iron concentrations (100 – 150 ppm). Lakes are flooded by groundwater and using surface water from Spree and Neisse River to achieve fast filling and dilution; however, due to the limited availability of surface water, further rehabilitation strategies for the region had to be investigated. Between 1970 and 1990, approximately 26 million m3 of suspended fly ash were deposited in the lake Burghammer and settled as an ash body at its base; where it may be used for rehabilitation. In a first experiment conducted in 2001 material from the ash body was picked up and redistributed throughout the lake. By this treatment the pH of the lake was raised temporarily; however, a sustainable remediation was not achieved. Based on these experiments it was investigated whether the ash reacts more sufficiently through additional CO2 injection or not. Aim was to combine the rehabilitation of acid mine lakes with the utilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. The CO2 sequestration is achieved through the generation and accumulation of carbonates in the lake. The following equations describe the precipitation of carbonate by using CO2 and alkaline earth cations M: CO2 + MO → MCO3 (s) CO2 + M(OH)2 → MCO3 (s) + H2O Therefore, neutral pH conditions are necessary for the long-term accumulation of carbonates in the lakes. In laboratory investigations it was shown, that the 20 to 30 years old fly ash deposits of lake Burghammer can be used for carbonate sequestration and lake water treatment. Bivalent ions (Ca2+, Mg2+) are eluable and available for carbonate precipitation; on average we assumed 1 wt.-% of reactive calcium to be contained in the settled ash sediments. Settled fly ash sediments are less reactive than fresh fly ash from a power plant (e.g. Schwarze Pumpe). During batch experiments, we increased the buffering capacity to maximum values of 7 mmol/L. Beforehand no buffering capacity exists due to the low pH of 2.9 in the lake. Batch investigations provided a sequestration potential of 17 g CO2/kg ash sediment; in comparison fresh fly ash results in a sequestration potential of 33 g CO2/kg ash (Schipek and Merkel, 2008b, Schipek and Merkel, 2008a, Schipek, 2009). Based on the laboratory results a field experiment was conducted. In this field experiment gas injection lances were installed to a sediment depth of 12 m. Gaseous CO2 was applied with a pressure of 2.2 bar and 2.2 m³/h for 3 months and lake water was monitored during injection. Variations in total inorganic carbon due to diffusion processes of CO2 saturated pore waters could be observed. As the pilot experiment comprised only a small area of lake Burghammer no initial neutralisition (e.g. by a suction excavator) was possible. Thus, no further changes in water chemistry were observed. Drilling cores in the vicinity of the injection area provided mineralogical and geochemical conditions before and after CO2 treatment. No trace metal mobilization was found during CO2 injection. Most elements showed decreasing trends or didn’t change significantly. Calculated saturation indices for calcite indicated equilibrium conditions or slightly oversaturated conditions (SICalcite,average +0.12; SICalcite,median +0.31). Geochemical and mineralogical investigations proved that CO2 sequestration is possible with an average precipitation rate of 0.5 wt.-% (2.2 g CO2/kg). The maximum rate for carbonate precipitation was determined with 7.4 wt.-% Calcite, according to 32.6 g CO2 per kilogram treated ash. Besides the use of the settled fly ash as neutralizing agent in acidic mining lakes, laboratory and field investigations were conducted in order to improve in-lake liming. In batch and columns experiments, different liming agents (synthetic marble powder and industrial products) were tested and investigated. Significant differences in reactivity were obvious at pCO2 > 3.8 • 10-4 atm. Ions typical for acid mine drainage (e.g. Mn2+, Cd2+, SO42-) do have different effects on the kinetic of carbonate dissolution. Manganese concentrations typical for acidic mining lakes inhibit calcite dissolution. Cadmium has as well a significant influence on dissolution and kinetics. Only circa 50 % of the calcium concentration was reached with cadmium as inhibitor compared to the dissolution in pure water. Increased CO2 partial pressure might be used to compensate inhibtion by material impurities and/or water constituents. Column experiments showed that a multi-stage application of liming agent increases the efficiency of a lake treatment. The combination of a first application of calcite (up to pH 4.5) and further application of Ca(OH)2 seemed to be the most promising method. This treatment sheme was successfully applied in lake Burghammer from March 2009 – December 2010 (initial neutralisation and 6 follow-up treatments). Finally, it can be concluded, that in lignite mining districts in-lake treatment of acidic mining lakes is a seminal method to handle water quality problems. Using gaseous CO2 in combination with industrial by-products can be accounted as sustainable method for CO2 sequestration and for treatment of AMD. The advantage for mining areas lays in the prevention during treatment of acid mine lakes. Nevertheless, this method presents only a niche solution due to the dependence on alkaline materials, e.g. fly ash. The development of further strategies and optimization during lake water treatment by in-lake liming might improve the effectiveness of the method. Using calcite instead of NaOH or CaO as liming agent will provide advantages in being more economic and ecological (CO2 bilance). In order to enhance efficiency the use of calcite in combination with CO2 can be a worth considering suggesting. If meteorological parameters (wind) and lake specific characteristics (morphology, currents, etc.) will be considered efforts and costs for in-lake liming will be minimized. / Der Abbau von Braunkohle im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier hat seit über 100 Jahren Tradition. Die abgebaute Braunkohle wird dabei hauptsächliche zur Energieerzeugung in den drei großen Kraftwerken Jänschwalde, Boxberg und Schwarze Pumpe genutzt. Mit einem jährlichen Kohlenstoffdioxid (CO2) – Ausstoß von circa 50 Millionen Tonnen gehören diese Kraftwerke zu Deutschlands größten CO2-Emittenten. Der Einfluss auf die Umwelt durch Tagebau-Betrieb ist von beträchtlichem Ausmaß und bringt große Probleme mit sich. Im Jahr 1990 betrug das Grundwasser-Defizit im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier 7 Milliarden m³ auf einer Fläche von circa 2100 km² (Luckner, 2006a). Dieses Defizit hat sich bis zum heutigen Zeitpunkt halbiert. Durch den Rückgang der Bergbauaktivitäten und die Beendigung der Wasserhaltungsmaßnahmen in den meisten Tagebauen, hat der ansteigende Grundwasserspiegel 28 Tagebaufolgeseen geschaffen (Zschiedrich, 2011). Der überwiegende Teil der Tagebaufolgeseen ist aufgrund der Pyritoxidation, welche AMD (acid mine drainage) produziert, hinsichtlich der Wasserqualitätsparameter stark beeinflusst (Luckner, 2006b, Klapper and Schultze, 1995, Schultze et al., 2010). Die Tagebaufolgeseen im Lausitzer Bergbaurevier sind durch niedrige pH-Werte (3 – 4), hoche Sulfat-Konzentrationen (bis zu 2800 ppm) und hohe Eisengehalte (100 – 150 ppm) gekennzeichnet. Die entstehenden Seen sind hauptsächlich durch aufsteigendes Grundwasser und Oberflächenwasser aus den Flüssen Spree und Neisse geflutet. Aufgrund der geringen Verfügbarkeit von Oberflächenwasser mussten weitere Sanierungsmaßnahmen für die Region untersucht werden. Zwischen 1970 und 1990 wurden im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer circa 26 Millionen m³ Flugasche-Suspension als Aschekörper abgelagert, wobei eine Nutzung zu Sanierungszwecken angedacht war. Im Rahmen einer Aschesedimentumlagerung im Jahr 2001 wurde der pH-Wert des Seewassers kurzzeitig angehoben, eine nachhaltige Sanierung fand jedoch nicht statt. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde im Rahmen dieser Dissertation untersucht, ob die abgelagerten Aschesedimente nachhaltiger durch Einsatz von CO2 reagieren. Ziel war es die Sanierung von Tagebaufolgeseen mit der Reduktion von CO2-Emissionen aus Kohlekraftwerken zu kombinieren. Diese CO2-Sequestrierung sollte durch die Bildung und Ablagerung von Carbonaten im Seesediment erfolgen. Die Gleichungen (1) und (2) beschreiben dabei die Fällungsreaktion von Carbonaten aus CO2 mit dem Alkalimetall M (aus Oxiden bzw. Hydroxiden): CO2 + MO → MCO3 (s) CO2 + M(OH)2 → MCO3 (s) + H2O Zur Carbonatfällung und nachhaltigen Ablagerung sind neutrale pH-Bedingungen notwendig. In Laboruntersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die 20 bis 30 Jahre alten Flugaschesedimente zur CO2-Sequestrierung in Kombination mit Seewasserbehandlung genutzt werden können. Zweiwertige Ionen (Ca2+, Mg2+) sind aus den Aschesedimenten eluierbar und stehen für die Fällungsreaktion zur Verfügung. Durchschnittlich 1 Masse-% reaktives Calcium befindet sich in den Sedimenten. Die abgelagerten Aschesedimente sind dabei weniger reaktiv als frische Flugaschen aus Kohlekraftwerken (z.B. Schwarze Pumpe). In Batch-Versuchen mit Tagebaufolgesee-Wasser konnte die Säure-Pufferkapazität auf maximal 7 mmol/L erhöht werden. Sequestrierungs-Raten von 17 g CO2/kg Aschesediment wurden im Rahmen der Versuche erreicht. Im Vergleich dazu betrugen die Sequestrierungs-Raten in Versuchen mit frischen Flugaschen bis 33 g CO2/kg Asche (Schipek and Merkel, 2008b, Schipek and Merkel, 2008a, Schipek, 2009). Auf Grundlage dieser Laborergebnisse wurde ein Feldversuch im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer geplant. Während diesem wurden Gasinjektionslanzen bis in eine Sedimenttiefe von 12 m im abgelagerten Aschesediment installiert. Gasförmiges CO2 wurde mit einem durchschnittlichen Druck von 2.2 bar und 2.2 m³/h für eine Dauer von 3 Monaten injiziert. Während dieser Zeit fand ein kontinuierliches Monitoring des Seewassers im Bereich der Injektion statt. Veränderungen des Gehaltes an TIC (total inorganic carbon) aufgrund von Diffusionprozessen von CO2-gesättigtem Porenwasser aus dem Aschekörper waren beobachtbar. Da der Feldversuch nur in einem begrenzten Bereich des Tagebaufolgesees Burghammer stattfand und keine Initialneutralisierung vorsah, konnten keine weiteren, großmaßstäblichen Veränderungen im Wasserkörper festgestellt werden. Bohrkernentnahmen im Umfeld des Behandlungsgebietes lieferten Aussagen bezüglich der mineralogischen und geochemischen Beschaffenheit vor und nach CO2-Injektion. Im Porenwasser wurde keine Spurenmetall-(re)-mobilisierung durch die Behandlung mit CO2 festgestellt. Nahezu alle Elemente zeigten einen abnehmenden Trend durch die Behandlung mit CO2, bzw. keine signifikanten Veränderungen. Modellierte Sättigungsindizes für Calcit wiesen auf Gleichgewichtsbedingungen oder leichte Übersättigung bzgl. Calcit hin (SICalcit, Mittelwert +0.12; SICalcit, Median +0.31). Geochemische und mineralogische Untersuchungen zeigten, daß CO2-Sequestrierung mit einer durchschnittlichen Fällungsrate von 0.5 Masse-% (2.2 g CO2/kg Aschesediment) erreicht wurde. Die maximale Fällungsrate wurde mit 7.4 Masse-% Calcit bestimmt, dies entspricht einer Festlegung von 32.6 g CO2/ kg Aschesediment. Neben der Nutzung der abgelagerten Aschesedimente zur Behandlung des Tagebaufolgeseewassers wurden desweiteren Labor- und Feldversuche durchgeführt um In-Lake-Behandlungen mit industriellen Kalkprodukten zu optimieren. In Batch- und Säulenversuchen wurden verschiedene Kalkprodukte (synthetisches Marmorpulver und industrielle Produkte) getestet und untersucht. Signifikante Unterschiede auf die Reaktivität wurde bei erhöhten CO2-Partialdrücken (pCO2 > 3.8 • 10-4 bar) beobachtet. Wasserinhaltsstoffe, die typisch für AMD sind (z.B.. Mn2+, Cd2+, SO42-) zeigten einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Calcit-Lösungskinetik. Mangankonzentrationen, wie sie in Lausitzer Tagebaufolgeseen vorkommen, zeigten – ebenso wie Cadmium - eine inhibitierende Wirkung auf die Kinetik. Im Vergleich zu Versuchen mit destilliertem Wasser wurden nur ungefähr 50 % der Calcium-Gleichgewichtskonzentration mit Cadmium als Inhibitor erreicht. Erhöhte CO2-Partialdrücke könnten genutzt werden, um die inhibitierende Wirkung von vorhanden Materialverunreinigungen und/oder Wasserinhaltsstoffen zu kompensieren. Säulenversuche zeigten, dass der mehrstufige Einsatz von Kalkprodukten die Effizienz während einer Seewasserbehandlung erhöht. Die Kombination einer Erstbehandlung mit Kalksteinmehl (bis pH 4.5), und einer Behandlungsfortsetzung mit Ca(OH)2 erwies sich als wirkungsvollste Methode. Dieses Behandlungsschema (Initialneutralisation, 6 Nachfolgebehandlungen) wurde im Tagebaufolgesee Burghammer von März 2009 – Dezember 2010 erfolgreich angewandt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass in ehemaligen Bergbaurevieren die In-Lake-Behandlung von Tagebaufolgeseen eine zukunftsträchtige Methode zur Behandlung von Wasserqualitätsproblemen darstellt. Die Nutzung von gasförmigen CO2 in Kombination mit industriellen „Abfall-Produkten“ kann als nachhaltige Methode zur CO2-Sequestrierung und zur Behandlung von AMD bezeichnet werden. Der Vorteil in Bergbaurevieren liegt dabei in der Vorbeugung der Entstehung von Wasserqualitätsproblemen. Dennoch stellt diese Methode nur eine Nischenlösung aufgrund der Verfügbarkeit der alkalischen Materialien (Flugasche) dar. Die Entwicklung und Optimierung weiterführender Strategien zur In-Lake-Behandlung durch Kalkung wird zur Effizienzerhöhung beitragen. Die Nutzung von Kalksteinmehl anstelle von NaOH bzw. CaO als Neutralisationsprodukt wird Vorteile hinsichtlich ökonomischer und ökologischer Sicht (CO2-Bilanz) mit sich führen. Um die Effizienz beim Einsatz von Kalksteinmehl zu steigern, kann der Einsatz von CO2 in Betracht gezogen werden. Sobald meteorologische Parameter (Wind) und see-spezifische Merkmale (Morphologie, Strömungen, etc.) berücksichtigt werden, kann der Aufwand und die Kosten für In-Lake-Behandlungen minimiert werden.

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