Spelling suggestions: "subject:"0ptical betworks"" "subject:"0ptical conetworks""
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Estratégias de controle dinâmico de caminhos ópticos sobre redes fotônicas WDM utilizando inteligência de enxame. / Strategies for dynamic lightpath control in WDM photonic networks using swarm intelligence.Iope, Rogério Luiz 02 March 2011 (has links)
Uma das premissas fundamentais em redes fotônicas baseadas na tecnologia de multiplexação por comprimento de onda (WDM) é o controle dos caminhos ópticos. Um caminho óptico, ou caminho de luz, é uma conexão puramente óptica estabelecida entre dois nós da rede, que pode atravessar diversos nós intermediários. Para dar suporte eficiente à demanda exigida de uma rede WDM sobre a qual executam aplicações de alto desempenho, os caminhos ópticos devem ser estabelecidos e encerrados dinamicamente, de tal forma que as rotas e os comprimentos de onda escolhidos minimizem a probabilidade de ocorrência de bloqueios de conexão por falta de recursos disponíveis. O elemento central de uma rede WDM é o sistema que controla os comutadores ópticos, determina as rotas, aloca os comprimentos de onda, e estabelece, mantém e encerra as conexões ópticas entre os nós da rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar estratégias de roteamento e de atribuição de comprimentos de onda para redes fotônicas usando heurísticas baseadas em inteligência de enxame. Os resultados demonstram que as estratégias desenvolvidas apresentam baixa probabilidade de bloqueio de requisições e buscam, sempre que possível, os caminhos de menor custo. As estratégias desenvolvidas levam em conta o dinamismo da rede, sendo as decisões de caminho baseadas em dados atualizados em cada nó da rede em tempo real, sem a necessidade do conhecimento global do estado da rede em cada nó. / A fundamental aspect of photonic networks based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology is the control of optical paths. An optical path, or lightpath, is a purely optical connection established between two network nodes, which can pass through several intermediate nodes. To efficiently support the demands required from a WDM network that runs high performance applications, the optical paths should be established and finished dynamically, in such a way that the selected routes and wavelengths tend to minimize the blocking probability due to the lack of available resources. The central element of a WDM network is the system that controls the optical switches, determines routes, allocates the wavelengths, and establishes, maintains and finishes connections between optical network nodes. The purpose is to present strategies for routing and wavelength assignment over photonic networks using heuristics based on swarm intelligence. Results show that the developed strategies exhibit low blocking probability of requests and find the paths of minimum cost whenever possible. The strategies developed take into account the dynamics of the network, and decisions are based on updated data at each network node in real time without the need of a complete knowledge of network state at each node.
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Criptografia ?ptica mediante controle anal?gico da amplitude e do atraso de fatias espectrais: an?lise para sinais NRZ e DQPSK / Optical cryptography through analog control of amplitude and delay of spectral slices: anlysis for NRZ and DQPSK signalsFossaluzza Junior, Luiz Antonio 23 November 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-23 / This work investigates a technique to encrypt the optical signal for Transparent Optical Network, TON, in order to safeguard the confidentiality and guarantee the security of informations that are transmitted through the Telecommunications Network. The technique is assessed on the physical layer of the reference model for open systems interconnection, OSI, and consists of slicing spectrally optical signal and to apply various attenuations and delays to each of the slices spectral considered. These slices are multiplexed and the resulting signal, which will be propagated by an optical network transparent, it will be ideally unintelligible to eavesdropper who try to steals it. At this point is possible to evaluate the quality of the encryption used by measuring the output of the encoder the bit error rate, BER, the encrypted signal, BERC. In principle, as highest BERC,it will be lowest the probability of an eavesdropper decode the signal. To get to your destination, the signal is received in the decoder circuit, which has the same physical structure of the circuit which encoded the original signal. The application of the factors of attenuation and delay in this distorted signal is adjusted for the reconstruction of optical signal generated by the transmitter. On the output of decoder, performs the measurement of BER of signal decoded, the BERD. Ideally, BERD must be the lowest possible. For technique evaluation, it was simulated, with the version 8.7 of the software VPITransmissionMaker, of company VPIPhotonics Inc, the operation of the devices of cryptography, propagation and the elements of decoded signal. All simulations considered that the spectral slicing was carried out by means of filters with ideal profile. The results indicates that the BERC may reach up to 42% and 24%, to encrypted signals with modulation on-off Keying non return to zero (NRZ-OOK) and differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) respectively, and that both are free of errors (BERD< 10-15 for the signal NRZ-OOK and BERD< 10-6 for DQPSK modulation) when decoded. / Este trabalho aborda uma t?cnica para criptografar o sinal ?ptico em redes ?pticas transparentes (Transparent Optical Network, TON), de modo a salvaguardar o sigilo e garantir a seguran?a das informa??es que s?o transmitidas atrav?s da Rede de Telecomunica??es. A t?cnica avaliada ? relativa ? camada f?sica do modelo de refer?ncia para interconex?o de sistemas abertos (open systems interconnection, OSI) e consiste em dividir espectralmente um sinal ?ptico e em aplicar diferentes atenua??es e atrasos a cada uma das fatias espectrais consideradas. A seguir essas fatias s?o multiplexadas e o sinal resultante, que ser? propagado por uma rede ?ptica transparente, estar? idealmente inintelig?vel para intrusos que tentem furt?-lo. Nesse ponto ? poss?vel avaliar a qualidade da criptografia utilizada, medindo-se na sa?da do codificador a taxa de erro de bit (bit error rate, BER) do sinal criptografado, BERC. Em princ?pio, quanto maior BERC, menor a probabilidade de um intruso decodificar o sinal. Ao chegar ao seu destino, o sinal ? recebido no circuito decodificador, que possui a mesma estrutura f?sica do circuito que codificou o sinal original. A aplica??o dos fatores de atenua??o e atraso neste sinal distorcido ? ajustada para a reconstru??o do sinal ?ptico gerado pelo transmissor. Na sa?da do decodificador, efetua-se a medi??o da BER do sinal decodificado, BERD. Idealmente, BERD deve ser a menor poss?vel. Para avalia??o da t?cnica, simulou-se, com a vers?o 8.7 do software VPITransmissionMaker, da empresa VPIPhotonics Inc, a opera??o dos dispositivos de criptografia, da propaga??o e dos elementos de decriptografia do sinal. Todas as simula??es consideraram que o fatiamento espectral foi realizado por meio de filtros com perfil ideal. Os resultados indicam que a BERC pode atingir at? 42% e 24%, para sinais codificados com modula??o n?o retorno ao zero com chaveamento on-off (non return to zero on-off keying, NRZ-OOK) e por deslocamento de fase diferencial em quadratura (differential quadrature phase shift keying, DQPSK) respectivamente, e que ambos n?o apresentam erros (BERD< 10-15 para o sinal NRZ-OOK e BERD< 10-6 para a modula??o DQPSK) quando decodificados.
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Proposta de extensão do protocolo PCE considerando parâmetros de QoT para roteamento inter-domínios em redes GMPLS. / Proposal for a PCE protocol extension considering QoT parameters to be used in inter-domain routing in GMPLS networks.Tombi, Ricardo Girnis 30 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise sobre a Arquitetutra PCE (Path Computation Element), como alternativa para o roteamento inter-domínios em redes heterogêneas, ou seja, em ambientes onde ocorre a integração do domínio óptico, das redes de transporte ópticas, com o domínio eletrônico, das redes convencionais, tratando inclusive com questões de qualidade de transmissão do sinal óptico, ou QoT (Quality of Transmission). Os objetivos e o funcionamento do mecanismo do PCE em redes integradas são detalhados. São apresentados também os conceitos e definições das redes ópticas, bem como seus principais elementos, a proposta de interconexão das mesmas com as redes convencionais provendo uma rede única e integrada, o papel dos planos de controle, e os principais mecanismos de roteamento. A análise do PCE foi direcionada para o comportamento do principal protocolo utilizado na sua arquitetura, denominado PCE Protocol. De forma mais específica, foi realizada a análise de suas mensagens de requisição de rotas e das mensagens de respostas a estas requisições, e sua interferência no tráfego dos enlaces das redes onde são introduzidas. A partir daí é apresentada uma proposta de extensão de parâmetros para o protocolo PCE Protocol, com o objetivo de atender necessidades específicas de QoT, baseado em estudos das particularidades das características das transmissões ópticas. A partir destas definições, foram realizadas análises adicionais a fim de verificar o impacto com relação ao tráfego gerado em enlaces de diferentes larguras de banda, com a definição original do protocolo, e com a extensão proposta, permitindo uma comparação entre ambos. / This thesis presents an analysis of Path Computation Element Architecture (PCE) as an alternative to be implemented in heterogeneous network inter-domain routing, in other words, environments where optical domains are integrated with the electronic domains of conventional networks. Also, the ability of PCE to manage issues regarding the transmission quality of the optical signal, the QoT (Quality of Transmission), is presented. Objectives and functionality of the PCE mechanism in integrated networks is detailed. Concepts and definitions regarding optical networks and their main elements, the aim of interconnection with conventional networks to build a unified and integrated network, the role of control planes, and the main routing mechanisms are also presented. The analysis of the PCE was focused on the behavior of its main protocol, called PCE Protocol. Specifically, the analysis was performed on both its request and response messages, in addition, the interference in the traffic of the links where these messages had been introduced was also analyzed. Afterwards, an extension of the PCE Protocol parameters was proposed based on the study of optical transmission characteristics, with the aim of meeting specific QoT requirements. From these definitions, further analyses of the impact on the traffic in links with different bandwidths were performed, using the PCE protocol, with and without the proposed extension, allowing a comparison between them.
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Análise de redes ópticas sem comutação usando o método do tráfego aleatório equivalente. / Analysis of optic nets without commutation using the method of the random traffic equivalent.Campos, José Augusto Ferraz de 26 July 2002 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é utilizar o método do tráfego aleatório equivalente para analisar e dimensionar redes ópticas sem comutação para arquitetura de nível único. Uma modelagem analítica, baseada nesse método, que possibilita otimizar os parâmetros da rede considerando padrões mínimos de desempenho é descrita. A rede em estudo utiliza apenas um nó, onde se realizam as funções de roteamento passivo. Em anexo ao nó existem seqüências de conversores de comprimentos de onda gerenciados por um controlador de rede. A estrutura da rede consiste de um certo número de redes ópticas passivas (PONs) conectadas às portas do nó. Essas PONs são distribuídas pela área geográfica onde estão os clientes a serem atendidos. O acesso ao meio constituído pelas PONs é disciplinado por meio da utilização de um esquema WDMA / TDMA administrado pelo controlador de rede. Os comprimentos de onda pertinentes a cada PON conectada a uma porta de entrada do nó são alocados de tal forma que cada um deles se direciona a uma diferente porta de saída e, por conseguinte, a uma diferente PON de destino. Uma conexão entre dois terminais é estabelecida pela seleção de um intervalo de tempo (slot de tempo) pertinente ao comprimento de onda que conecta suas respectivas PONs através do nó. Caso esse comprimento de onda já esteja com sua capacidade plenamente utilizada, conexões adicionais podem ser estabelecidas utilizando-se um comprimento de onda direcionado a uma seqüência de conversores de comprimentos de onda anexa ao nó. Após a conversão, é utilizado outro comprimento de onda que é direcionado pelo nó à PON de destino. A modelagem analítica investigada é utilizada para obter as relações entre os parâmetros da rede, possibilitando a escolha dos seus melhores valores. / The purpose of this work is to use the equivalent random traffic method for analysis and dimensioning of switchless optical networks for single-layer architecture. This work reports an analytical model that allows the network dimensioning according to some relevant design parameters and the required system performance. The analyzed network is based on a single node providing passive routing functions. Wavelength converter arrays, controlled by a network controller, are added in the node. The network structure consists of a set of passive optical networks (PONs) connected to the node ports. Those PONs are distributed along the geographical area where the customers to be assisted are. The access to the medium constituted by the PONs is disciplined through the use of a WDMA / TDMA scheme administered by the network controller. The pertinent wavelengths to each PON connected to an input port of the node are allocated in such a way that each one is addressed to a different output port and, consequently, to a different destination PON. A connection between two terminals is set up by the selection of a time slot pertinent to the wavelength that connects its respective PONs through the node. If the capacity of the wavelength is fully used, additional connections can be established by the use of wavelength directed to a wavelength converter array enclosed to the node. After the conversion, another wavelength addressed by the node to the destination PON is used. The connections achieved between the network parameters are detailed to allow the choice of the best network parameters.
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Implementation of High-Speed 512-Tap FIR Filters for Chromatic Dispersion CompensationBae, Cheolyong, Gokhale, Madhur January 2018 (has links)
A digital filter is a system or a device that modifies a signal. This is an essential feature in digital communication. Using optical fibers in the communication has various advantages like higher bandwidth and distance capability over copper wires. However, at high-rate transmission, chromatic dispersion arises as a problem to be relieved in an optical communication system. Therefore, it is necessary to have a filter that compensates chromatic dispersion. In this thesis, we introduce the implementation of a new architecture of the filter and compare it with a previously proposed architecture.
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Mistura de quatro ondas na propagaÃÃo de pulsos Ãpticos ultra-curtos em fibras com dispersÃo decrescente para sistemas WDM / Mixture of four waves in the propagation of ultra-short optical pulses in fiber wither dispersion decreasing for WDM systemsLorenna Maia Fernandes 07 December 2005 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Serà estudado nesta dissertaÃÃo o comportamento da propagaÃÃo de trÃs tipos de pulsos Ãpticos (Solitons, Quasisolitons e Gaussianos) ultracurtos na regiÃo de 1.55μm e a eficiÃncia de conversÃo destes na geraÃÃo de pulsos por meio do fenÃmeno nÃo-linear de mistura de quatro ondas (FWM) em uma fibra comum e em fibras com dispersÃo decrescente em sistemas multiplexados por divisÃo de comprimento de onda (WDM). Para tal usamos seis diferentes perfis de dispersÃo; Constante, Linear, LogarÃtmico, Gaussiano, Exponencial e HiperbÃlico; nas simulaÃÃes da propagaÃÃo dos pulsos atravÃs de 100 Km de fibras.Na anÃlise dos resultados observamos que a eficiÃncia de conversÃo decai quando aumentamos a separaÃÃo entre os canais independentemente do perfil. Dentre estes perfis para os trÃs tipos de pulsos quando na separaÃÃo de canal de 0.2nm o HiperbÃlico apresentou a maior eficiÃncia, sendo de aproximadamente 1000 vezes maior em magnitude se comparada aos perfis Constante, Linear e LogarÃtmico.Para o pulso Gaussiano, exceto pelo perfil HiperbÃlico todos os outros perfis apresentaram a mesma eficiÃncia a partir da separaÃÃo de 0.675nm. Os pulsos Soliton e Quasisoliton tambÃm apresentam tal exceÃÃo no perfil Exponencial. A eficiÃncia de conversÃo ao longo do comprimento da fibra foi analisada para os trÃs tipos de pulsos em cada um dos seis perfis. Em todos os tipos de pulsos os perfis que apresentaram maior eficiÃncia de conversÃo, em ordem decrescente foram o HiperbÃlico, o Exponencial e o Gaussiano. Os outros trÃs, Constante, Linear e LogarÃtmico, apresentaram eficiÃncias muito prÃximas nos trÃs tipos de pulsos. Durante a propagaÃÃo observamos a presenÃa de pulsos gerados pela instabilidade modulacional para os trÃs tipos de pulsos nos perfis Constante, Linear, LogarÃtmico, Gaussiano e Exponencial. Entretanto apÃs percorrido aproximadamente 20Km a instabilidade modulacional desaparece nos trÃs primeiros perfis e nos outros dois o fenÃmeno permanece atà o final da propagaÃÃo na maioria dos casos. Em todos os casos estudados houve um aumento da eficiÃncia de conversÃo do pulso no canal 3 quando do incremento da potÃncia dos pulsos incidentes nos canais 1 e 4. A anÃlise do fator de compressÃo mostrou que os pulsos Soliton e Quasisoliton no canal 1 apresentaram alargamento na maioria dos perfis. E o pulso Gaussiano no canal 1 sà apresentou alargamento no perfil HiperbÃlico. No canal 4 o pulso Soliton sà apresentou compressÃo no perfil HiperbÃlico, o pulso Quasisoliton apresentou alargamento somente nos perfis Exponencial e Constante, no pulso Gaussiano todos os perfis apresentaram compressÃo, exceto o Constante que ao fim da propagaÃÃo obteve o mesmo valor que no inÃcio desta. A compressÃo do pulso gerado no canal 3 em todos os casos apresentou uma forte oscilaÃÃo nos primeiros 20 Km propagados e nos pulsos Soliton e Quasisoliton o perfil Gaussiano apresentou uma variaÃÃo brusca depois de percorrido 60 Km e estabilizando-se antes do fim da propagaÃÃo. / This dissertation will study the behavior of the propagation of three types of optical pulses (Solitons, Quasisolitons and Gaussianos, short ultra in the area of 1.55μm) and their efficiencies of conversion in the generation of pulses through the non linear phenomenon of
four waves mixture (FWM) in a common fiber and in fibers with decreasing dispersion in systems multiplexados by wavelength division (WDM). Six different dispersion profiles were used during the simulations of propagation of the pulses through 100km of fibers: Constant, Linear, Logarithmic, Gaussiano, Exponential and Hyperbolic. The analysis of the results concluded that the efficiency of conversion declines when he/she increases the separation of the channels independently of the profile. The Hyperbolic profiles presented the largest efficiency when in the separation of channel of 0.2nm, being of approximately 1000 times larger in magnitude if compared to the other profiles Constant, Lineal and Logarithmic. In the pulse Gaussiano all profiles presented the same efficiency starting from the separation of 0.675nm, except for the Hyperbolic profile. While in the Soliton and Quasisoliton pulses, the Exponential profiel also presents such exception. The conversion efficiency along the length of the fiber was analyzed for the three types of pulses for each one of the six profiles. For all of the types of pulses the profiles that presented larger efficiency in decreasing order were, the Hyperbolic, the Exponential and Gaussiano. The other three, Constant, Lineal and Logarithmic, presented very close efficiencies for the three types of pulses.
The presence of pulses generated by the instability modulacional for the three types of pulses in the profiles Constant, Lineal, Logarithmic, Gaussiano and Exponential was observed during the propagation. After travelling approximately 20Km the instability modulacional disappears in the first three profiles in all types of pulses while in the other two profiles the phenomenon stays until the end of the propagation in most of the cases. There was an increase of the efficiency of the conversion of the pulse in the channel 3 when of the increment of the potency of the incident pulses in the channels 1 and 4 in all the three
types of pulses in each one of the six profiles. The analysis of the compression factor indicated that the pulse generated in the channel 3 by mixture of four waves (FWM) and the incident pulse in the channel 4 always presented
compression during the propagation. The incident pulse in the channel 1 also presented compression in most of the profiles and in the Hyperbolic profile it presented strong
enlargement attributed to the loss of energy. In the pulse generated in the channel 3 in all of the cases a strong oscillation was observed in the first 20 Km while in the Soliton and Quasisoliton pulses the Gaussian profile presented an abrupt variation after traveling 60 Km and being stabilized before the end of the propagation. This analysis concludes that the control of the efficiency of conversion and of the compression factor in the generation of mixture of four waves is made possible by the use of fiber optic with decreasing dispersion.
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Proposta de extensão do protocolo PCE considerando parâmetros de QoT para roteamento inter-domínios em redes GMPLS. / Proposal for a PCE protocol extension considering QoT parameters to be used in inter-domain routing in GMPLS networks.Ricardo Girnis Tombi 30 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma análise sobre a Arquitetutra PCE (Path Computation Element), como alternativa para o roteamento inter-domínios em redes heterogêneas, ou seja, em ambientes onde ocorre a integração do domínio óptico, das redes de transporte ópticas, com o domínio eletrônico, das redes convencionais, tratando inclusive com questões de qualidade de transmissão do sinal óptico, ou QoT (Quality of Transmission). Os objetivos e o funcionamento do mecanismo do PCE em redes integradas são detalhados. São apresentados também os conceitos e definições das redes ópticas, bem como seus principais elementos, a proposta de interconexão das mesmas com as redes convencionais provendo uma rede única e integrada, o papel dos planos de controle, e os principais mecanismos de roteamento. A análise do PCE foi direcionada para o comportamento do principal protocolo utilizado na sua arquitetura, denominado PCE Protocol. De forma mais específica, foi realizada a análise de suas mensagens de requisição de rotas e das mensagens de respostas a estas requisições, e sua interferência no tráfego dos enlaces das redes onde são introduzidas. A partir daí é apresentada uma proposta de extensão de parâmetros para o protocolo PCE Protocol, com o objetivo de atender necessidades específicas de QoT, baseado em estudos das particularidades das características das transmissões ópticas. A partir destas definições, foram realizadas análises adicionais a fim de verificar o impacto com relação ao tráfego gerado em enlaces de diferentes larguras de banda, com a definição original do protocolo, e com a extensão proposta, permitindo uma comparação entre ambos. / This thesis presents an analysis of Path Computation Element Architecture (PCE) as an alternative to be implemented in heterogeneous network inter-domain routing, in other words, environments where optical domains are integrated with the electronic domains of conventional networks. Also, the ability of PCE to manage issues regarding the transmission quality of the optical signal, the QoT (Quality of Transmission), is presented. Objectives and functionality of the PCE mechanism in integrated networks is detailed. Concepts and definitions regarding optical networks and their main elements, the aim of interconnection with conventional networks to build a unified and integrated network, the role of control planes, and the main routing mechanisms are also presented. The analysis of the PCE was focused on the behavior of its main protocol, called PCE Protocol. Specifically, the analysis was performed on both its request and response messages, in addition, the interference in the traffic of the links where these messages had been introduced was also analyzed. Afterwards, an extension of the PCE Protocol parameters was proposed based on the study of optical transmission characteristics, with the aim of meeting specific QoT requirements. From these definitions, further analyses of the impact on the traffic in links with different bandwidths were performed, using the PCE protocol, with and without the proposed extension, allowing a comparison between them.
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Estratégias de controle dinâmico de caminhos ópticos sobre redes fotônicas WDM utilizando inteligência de enxame. / Strategies for dynamic lightpath control in WDM photonic networks using swarm intelligence.Rogério Luiz Iope 02 March 2011 (has links)
Uma das premissas fundamentais em redes fotônicas baseadas na tecnologia de multiplexação por comprimento de onda (WDM) é o controle dos caminhos ópticos. Um caminho óptico, ou caminho de luz, é uma conexão puramente óptica estabelecida entre dois nós da rede, que pode atravessar diversos nós intermediários. Para dar suporte eficiente à demanda exigida de uma rede WDM sobre a qual executam aplicações de alto desempenho, os caminhos ópticos devem ser estabelecidos e encerrados dinamicamente, de tal forma que as rotas e os comprimentos de onda escolhidos minimizem a probabilidade de ocorrência de bloqueios de conexão por falta de recursos disponíveis. O elemento central de uma rede WDM é o sistema que controla os comutadores ópticos, determina as rotas, aloca os comprimentos de onda, e estabelece, mantém e encerra as conexões ópticas entre os nós da rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar estratégias de roteamento e de atribuição de comprimentos de onda para redes fotônicas usando heurísticas baseadas em inteligência de enxame. Os resultados demonstram que as estratégias desenvolvidas apresentam baixa probabilidade de bloqueio de requisições e buscam, sempre que possível, os caminhos de menor custo. As estratégias desenvolvidas levam em conta o dinamismo da rede, sendo as decisões de caminho baseadas em dados atualizados em cada nó da rede em tempo real, sem a necessidade do conhecimento global do estado da rede em cada nó. / A fundamental aspect of photonic networks based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology is the control of optical paths. An optical path, or lightpath, is a purely optical connection established between two network nodes, which can pass through several intermediate nodes. To efficiently support the demands required from a WDM network that runs high performance applications, the optical paths should be established and finished dynamically, in such a way that the selected routes and wavelengths tend to minimize the blocking probability due to the lack of available resources. The central element of a WDM network is the system that controls the optical switches, determines routes, allocates the wavelengths, and establishes, maintains and finishes connections between optical network nodes. The purpose is to present strategies for routing and wavelength assignment over photonic networks using heuristics based on swarm intelligence. Results show that the developed strategies exhibit low blocking probability of requests and find the paths of minimum cost whenever possible. The strategies developed take into account the dynamics of the network, and decisions are based on updated data at each network node in real time without the need of a complete knowledge of network state at each node.
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Integrated Optoelectronic Devices and System Limitations for WDM Passive Optical NetworksTaebi Harandi, Sareh January 2012 (has links)
This thesis puts focus on the technological challenges for Wavelength Division Multiplexed Passive Optical Network (WDM-PON) implementation, and presents novel semiconductor optical devices for deployment at the optical network unit (ONU). The first-ever reported L-band Reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) is presented based on InP-base material. A theoretical model is developed to estimate the optical gain and the saturation power of this device compared to a conventional SOA. Experiments on this device design show long-range telecom wavelength operation, with polarization-independent gain of greater than 20 dB, and low saturation output power of 0 dBm suitable for PON applications.
Next, the effect of the amplified spontaneous emission noise of RSOA devices on WDM-PON system is investigated. It is shown through theoretical modeling and simulations that the RSOA noise combined with receiver noise statistics increase probability of error, and induce considerable power penalties to the WDM-PON system. By improving the coupling efficiencies, and by distributing more current flow to the input of these devices, steps can be taken to improve device noise characteristics.
Further, in spectrally-spliced WDM-PONs deploying RSOAs, the effect of AWG filter shape on system performance is investigated. Simulation modeling and experiments show that deployment of Flat-band AWGs is critical for reducing the probability of error caused by AWG spectral shape filtering. Flat-band athermal AWGs in comparison to Gaussin-shape counterparts satisfy the maximum acceptable error probability requirements, and reduce the power penalty associated with filtering effect. In addition, detuning between two AWG center wavelengths impose further power penalties to the WDM-PON system.
In the last section of this thesis, motivated by RSOA device system limitations, a novel injection-locked Fabry-Perot (IL-FP) device is presented which consists of a gain section monolithically integrated with a phase section. The gain section provides locking of one FP mode to a seed source wavelength, while the phase modulator allows for adjusting the wavelength of the internal modes by tuning bias current to maintain mode-locking. This device counters any mode drifts caused by temperature variations, and allows for cooler-less operation over a wide range of currents.
The devices and the performance metrics subsequently allow for a hybrid integration platform on a silicon substrate and integrate many functionalities like reflective modulator with thin film dielectric filter and receiver on a single chip for deployment at the user-end of future-proof low cost WDM-PONs.
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Fault Localization in All-Optical Mesh NetworksAli, Mohammed Liakat January 2013 (has links)
Fault management is a challenging task in all-optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks. However, fast fault localization for shared risk link groups (SRLGs) with multiple links is essential for building a fully survival and functional transparent all-optical mesh network.
Monitoring trail (m-trail) technology is an effective approach to achieve the goal, whereby a set of m-trails are derived for unambiguous fault localization (UFL). However, an m-trail traverses through a link by utilizing a dedicated wavelength channel (WL), causing a significant amount of resource consumption. In addition, existing m-trail methods incur long and variable alarm dissemination delay.
We introduce a novel framework of real-time fault localization in all-optical WDM mesh networks, called the monitoring-burst (m-burst), which aims at initiating a balanced trade-off between consumed monitoring resources and fault localization latency. The m-burst framework has a single monitoring node (MN) and requires one WL in each unidirectional link if the link is traversed by any m-trail. The MN launches short duration optical bursts periodically along each m-trail to probe the links of the m-trail. Bursts along different m-trails are kept non-overlapping through each unidirectional link by scheduling burst launching times from the MN and multiplexing multiple bursts, if any, traversing the link. Thus, the MN can unambiguously localize the failed links by identifying the lost bursts without incurring any alarm dissemination delay. We have proposed several novel m-trail allocation, burst launching time scheduling, and node switch fabric configuration schemes. Numerical results show that the schemes, when deployed in the m-burst framework, are able to localize single-link and multi-link SRLG faults unambiguously, with reasonable fault localization latency, by using at most one WL in each unidirectional link.
To reduce the fault localization latency further, we also introduce a novel methodology called nested m-trails. At first, mesh networks are decomposed into cycles and trails. Each cycle (trail) is realized as an independent virtual ring (linear) network using a separate pair of WLs (one WL in each direction) in each undirected link traversed by the cycle (trail). Then, sets of m-trails, i.e., nested m-trails, derived in each virtual network are deployed independently in the m-burst framework for ring (linear) networks. As a result, the fault localization latency is reduced significantly. Moreover, the application of nested m-trails in adaptive probing also reduces the number of sequential probes significantly. Therefore, practical deployment of adaptive probing is now possible. However, the WL consumption of the nested m-trail technique is not limited by one WL per unidirectional link. Thus, further investigation is needed to reduce the WL consumption of the technique.
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