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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výzkum sklivce a vitreoretinálního rozhraní u mikrovaskulárních chorob sítnice se zaměřením na oční komplikace diabetes mellitus. / Research of vitreous and vitreoretinal interface in microvascular retinal disorders focussed on eye complications of diabetes mellitus

Křížová, Libuše January 2016 (has links)
In this work I present conclusions of clinical-laboratory research focused on the patients with diabetic macular edema (DME). We performed biochemical and immunochemical analyses of vitreous samples that were collected during the pars plana vitrectomy. Moreover, at patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) we assessed morphological characteristics of DME using optical coherence tomography (OCT). According to our findings, the vitreous and serum concentrations of uric acid and glucose were significantly higher in patients with diabetic retinopathy and DME compared to controls. Also total ratio (serum/ vitreous concentration) of uric acid and glucose was in diabetics significantly higher than in controls. The most important determinant of increasing concentration of both uric acid and glucose in the vitreous was the grade of diabetic retinopathy. Moreover, we demonstrated significant correlation between vitreous concentration of uric acid and concentration of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in patients with DME and NPDR. We found further, that the volume of the macula (cube volume - CV) computed with the software of Cirrus HD-OCT correlates in diabetics significantly with the vitreous VEGF concentration, but not with uric acid. This OCT parameter could be used to...
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Výzkum sklivce a vitreoretinálního rozhraní u mikrovaskulárních chorob sítnice se zaměřením na oční komplikace diabetes mellitus. / Research of vitreous and vitreoretinal interface in microvascular retinal disorders focussed on eye complications of diabetes mellitus

Křížová, Libuše January 2016 (has links)
In this work I present conclusions of clinical-laboratory research focused on the patients with diabetic macular edema (DME). We performed biochemical and immunochemical analyses of vitreous samples that were collected during the pars plana vitrectomy. Moreover, at patients with non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) we assessed morphological characteristics of DME using optical coherence tomography (OCT). According to our findings, the vitreous and serum concentrations of uric acid and glucose were significantly higher in patients with diabetic retinopathy and DME compared to controls. Also total ratio (serum/ vitreous concentration) of uric acid and glucose was in diabetics significantly higher than in controls. The most important determinant of increasing concentration of both uric acid and glucose in the vitreous was the grade of diabetic retinopathy. Moreover, we demonstrated significant correlation between vitreous concentration of uric acid and concentration of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in patients with DME and NPDR. We found further, that the volume of the macula (cube volume - CV) computed with the software of Cirrus HD-OCT correlates in diabetics significantly with the vitreous VEGF concentration, but not with uric acid. This OCT parameter could be used to...
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Quantitative Analyse retinaler Veränderungen bei nichtglaukomatösen Optikusatrophien mit Hilfe der Optischen Kohärenztomographie

Kühn, Elisabeth 28 April 2011 (has links)
Nichtglaukomatöse Optikusatrophien führen nicht nur zu einer Verminderung der Dicke der retinalen Nervenfaserschicht (RNFL) sondern auch zu einer Reduktion des Makulavolumens. In dieser Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe der optischen Kohärenztomographie (OCT) untersucht, welche Schichten der Makula von Dickenveränderungen als Folge einer Optikusatrophie betroffen sind. Es wurden 27 Patienten mit nichtglaukomatösen Optikusatrophien unterschiedlicher Ätiologie (postneuritische, hereditäre und traumatische Atrophien) und 21 augengesunde Kontrollpersonen untersucht. OCT-Scans der RNFL und der Makula wurden mit Hilfe des Stratus OCT 3000 (Carl Zeiss Meditec) durchgeführt. Die axialen Reflektivitätsprofile der radialen Scans wurden aus den exportierten JPEG-Bildern an zwölf Punkten in je 1,5mm Entfernung von der Foveola vermessen und gemittelt. Das charakteristische Reflektivitätsprofil mit fünf Intensitätsmaxima und vier Intensitätsminima wurde der Lokalisation der einzelnen Makulaschichten zugeordnet. Die von nichtglaukomatöser Optikusatrophie betroffenen Augen wiesen im Vergleich zu den Augen der augengesunden Normalpersonen signifikant (p<0,05) reduzierte RNFL-Dicken (um 35,5% reduziert) und Makulavolumen-Werte (um 11,8% reduziert) auf. Bei allen untersuchten Formen der Optikusatrophie waren nicht nur die makuläre Nervenfaserschicht (MNFL) sondern alle inneren Schichten der Makula verdünnt. Die mittlere Reduktion betrug 21,2% für die MNFL, 39,7% für die Ganglienzellschicht, 33,2% für die innere plexiforme Schicht und 9,4% für die innere Körnerzellschicht im Vergleich zu den Werten der Normalpersonen. Veränderungen der äußeren Netzhautschichten traten nur bei den posttraumatischen Atrophien auf. Eine Beurteilung der Dicke aller einzelnen Netzhautschichten aus OCT-Scans ist mit Hilfe geräteintegrierter Software bisher noch nicht möglich. Die quantitative Analyse der axialen Reflektivitätsprofile aus exportierten OCT-Bildern stellt eine geeignete Methode zur Beschreibung des Verlaufs und der Lokalisation von Makulaveränderungen bei Optikusatrophien verschiedener Genese dar.
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3D handheld endoscope for optical coherence tomography of the human oral mucosa in vivo

Walther, Julia, Schnabel, Christian, Ebert, Nadja, Baumann, Michael, Koch, Edmund 06 September 2019 (has links)
The early non-invasive diagnosis of epithelial tissue alterations in daily clinical routine is still challenging. Since optical coherence tomography (OCT) shows the potential to differentiate between benign and malignant tissue of primal endothelium, OCT could be beneficial for the early diagnosis of malignancies in routine health checks. In this research, a new handheld endoscopic scanning unit was designed and connected to a spectral domain OCT system of our workgroup for the in vivo imaging of the human oral mucosa.

Imaging of nanoparticle-labeled stem cells using magnetomotive optical coherence tomography, laser speckle reflectometry, and light microscopy

Cimalla, Peter, Werner, Theresa, Winkler, Kai, Mueller, Claudia, Wicht, Sebastian, Gaertner, Maria, Mehner, Mirko, Walther, Julia, Rellinghaus, Bernd, Wittig, Dierk, Karl, Mike O., Ader, Marius, Funk, Richard H. W., Koch, Edmund 09 September 2019 (has links)
Cell transplantation and stem cell therapy are promising approaches for regenerative medicine and are of interest to researchers and clinicians worldwide. However, currently, no imaging technique that allows three-dimensional in vivo inspection of therapeutically administered cells in host tissues is available. Therefore, we investigate magnetomotive optical coherence tomography (MM-OCT) of cells labeled with magnetic particles as a potential noninvasive cell tracking method. We develop magnetomotive imaging of mesenchymal stem cells for future cell therapy monitoring. Cells were labeled with fluorescent iron oxide nanoparticles, embedded in tissue-mimicking agar scaffolds, and imaged using a microscope setup with an integrated MM-OCT probe. Magnetic particle-induced motion in response to a pulsed magnetic field of 0.2 T was successfully detected by OCT speckle variance analysis, and cross-sectional and volumetric OCT scans with highlighted labeled cells were obtained. In parallel, fluorescence microscopy and laser speckle reflectometry were applied as two-dimensional reference modalities to image particle distribution and magnetically induced motion inside the sample, respectively. All three optical imaging modalities were in good agreement with each other. Thus, magnetomotive imaging using iron oxide nanoparticles as cellular contrast agents is a potential technique for enhanced visualization of selected cells in OCT.
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Toward a comprehensive interpretation of intravital microscopy images in studies of lung tissue dynamics

Gaertner, Maria, Schirrmann, Kerstin, Schnabel, Christian, Meissner, Sven, Kertzscher, Ulrich, Kirsten, Lars, Koch, Edmund 09 September 2019 (has links)
Intravital microscopy (IVM) is a well-established imaging technique for real-time monitoring of microscale lung tissue dynamics. Although accepted as a gold standard in respiratory research, its characteristic image features are scarcely understood, especially when trying to determine the actual position of alveolar walls. To allow correct interpretation of these images with respect to the true geometry of the lung parenchyma, we analyzed IVM data of alveoli in a mouse model in comparison with simultaneously acquired optical coherence tomography images. Several IVM characteristics, such as double ring structures or disappearing alveoli in regions of liquid filling, could be identified and related to the position of alveoli relative to each other. Utilizing a ray tracing approach based on an idealized geometry of the mouse lung parenchyma, two major reflection processes could be attributed to the IVM image formation: partial reflection and total internal reflection between adjacent alveoli. Considering the origin of the reflexes, a model was developed to determine the true position of alveolar walls within IVM images. These results allow thorough understanding of IVM data and may serve as a basis for the correction of alveolar sizes for more accurate quantitative analysis within future studies of lung tissue dynamics.
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In vivo imaging of human oral hard and soft tissues by polarizationsensitive optical coherence tomography

Walther, Julia, Golde, Jonas, Kirsten, Lars, Tetschke, Florian, Hempel, Franz, Rosenauer, Tobias, Hannig, Christian, Koch, Edmund 09 September 2019 (has links)
Since optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides three-dimensional high-resolution images of biological tissue, the benefit of polarization contrast in the field of dentistry is highlighted in this study. Polarization-sensitive OCT (PS OCT) with phase-sensitive recording is used for imaging dental and mucosal tissues in the human oral cavity in vivo. An enhanced polarization contrast of oral structures is reached by analyzing the signals of the co- and crosspolarized channels of the swept source PS OCT system quantitatively with respect to reflectivity, retardation, optic axis orientation, and depolarization. The calculation of these polarization parameters enables a high tissue-specific contrast imaging for the detailed physical interpretation of human oral hard and soft tissues. For the proof-of-principle, imaging of composite restorations and mineralization defects at premolars as well as gingival, lingual, and labial oral mucosa was performed in vivo within the anterior oral cavity. The achieved contrast-enhanced results of the investigated human oral tissues by means of polarizationsensitive imaging are evaluated by the comparison with conventional intensity-based OCT.

Biophotonic Investigation of Cardiac Structure and Hemodynamics During Embryogenesis UsingOptical Coherence Tomography

Pedersen, Cameron James 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Senzorické a senzitivní dysfunkce u neurodegenerativních postižení bazálních ganglií. / Sensory and sensitive dysfunctions in neurodegenerative disorders of the basal ganglia.

Kopal, Aleš January 2019 (has links)
Complex functions of the basal ganglia are affected by numerous sensory and sensitive stimuli. In our studies, we investigated parameters of sense of smell and vision in neurodegenerative diseases of the basal ganglia - Parkinson's disease (PD) and Huntington's disease (HD). In the first study, we use Odourized Markers Test (OMT) to determine its applicability in PD patients, and to determine whether it distinguishes olfactory disorders between neurodegenerative and other disorders. Results show that OMT is applicable for PD patients and comparable to Sniffin' Sticks as it demonstrates gains of lower scores in PD patients compared to healthy subjects, but they do not differentiate other etiology of olfactory disorders. In the next study, we tested the pleasantness of odor stimulants in PD patients using New test of odor pleasantness (NTOP). We investigated suitability and validity of its use. We found that PD patients had lower odor rating score compared to healthy group correlated with Sniffin' Sticks and OMT. In the following study, we examined whether PD patients with visual hallucinations (PDH+) have structural retinal changes measured by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and functional retinal changes examined by 2,5% contrast sensitivity test compared to PD patients without hallucinations...
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Évaluation morphologique de la rétine par histologie et tomographie par cohérence optique (OCT) suite à rétinopexie transsclérale chez le lapin

Vanore, Maria 11 1900 (has links)
La rétinopexie transsclérale est une technique de laser non invasive, visant à créer des ancrages de la rétine dans la choroïde, par la formation de multiples lésions de photocoagulation correspondant à des brulures focales reconnues comme cicatrices coagulatives atrophiques. Cette technique est utilisée chez l’humain, surtout chez l’enfant, en prévention d’un décollement de rétine. Malgré la procédure de laser, un re-décollement de la neurorétine est toujours possible. Cette technique est utilisée chez le chien, mais son application pourrait être utilisée sur un éventail d’espèces plus large, si un suivi des lésions de photocoagulation pouvait être effectué dans le temps afin de s’assurer de la conformité des cicatrices choriorétiniennes. La tomographie par cohérence optique (OCT), grâce à son grand pouvoir de résolution, de l’ordre de microns, pourrait être un outil efficace permettant de vérifier la structure des lésions de photocoagulation in vivo. À cet effet, notre étude a évalué la corrélation entre les coupes sagittales de lésion de photocoagulation, par histologie et OCT, en utilisant le lapin comme modèle animal. Notre étude a illustré la corrélation entre les images de photocoagulation à l’histologie et à l’OCT aux jours (J) 1, 7, 21 et 42 après le traitement laser. La diminution graduelle de la neurorétine, avec un aspect atrophique apparent dès J7, était visible dans les images d’histologie et d’OCT. L’hyperpigmentation histologique avait une claire correspondance avec l’hyper-brillance de la coupe OCT à J42. L’OCT semble être un outil précis et efficace pour le suivi d’une cicatrice choriorétinienne, effectuée au laser diode 810 nm. / Trans-scleral retinopexy is a non-invasive laser technique, aiming at anchoring the retina to the choroid, by producing multiple photocoagulation lesions corresponding to focal burns, named atrophic coagulating scars. This technique is used in humans, especially in children, to prevent retinal detachment. Despite the laser procedure, a re-detachment of the neuroretina is still possible. This technique is used mostly in dogs, but its application could be extended to other species, if a follow-up of the lesions could be carried out over time to ensure the conformity of the chorioretinal scars. Optical coherence tomography (OCT), thanks to its very high-resolution power, in the order of microns, could be an effective tool to evaluate photocoagulation lesions in vivo. For this purpose, a correlation between sagittal sections of photocoagulation lesions by histology and OCT was performed, using the rabbit as an animal model. Our study illustrated a comparison between histology and OCT photocoagulation images at days (D) 1, 7, 21 and 42 after laser treatment. The gradual decrease in neuroretinal thickness, with an atrophic appearance, was present as early as D7, and visible in both histology and OCT. The histological hyperpigmentation clearly corresponded to the hyper-brilliance of the OCT images at D42. The OCT appears to be a precise and effective tool for the follow-up over time of a chorioretinal scar, performed with an 810 nm diode laser.
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