Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ordered logistic regression"" "subject:"6rdered logistic regression""
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Health Risk Perception for Household Trips and Associated Protection Behavior During an Influenza OutbreakSingh, Kunal 29 January 2018 (has links)
This project deals with exploring 1) travel-related health risk perception, and 2) actions taken to mitigate that health risk. Ordered logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with the perceived risk of contracting influenza at work, school, daycare, stores, restaurants, libraries, hospitals, doctor’s offices, public transportation, and family or friends’ homes. Based on the models, factors influencing risk perception of contracting influenza in public places for discretionary activities (stores, restaurants, and libraries) are consistent but differ from models of discretionary social visits to someone’s home. Mandatory activities (work, school, daycare) seem to have a few unique factors (e.g., age, gender, work exposure), as do different types of health-related visits (hospitals, doctors’ offices). Across all of the models, recent experience with the virus, of either an individual or a household member, was the most consistent set of factors increasing risk perception. Using such factors in examining transportation implications will require tracking virus outbreaks for use in conjunction with other factors.
Subsequently, social-health risk mitigation strategies were studied with the objective of understanding how risk perception influences an individual’s protective behavior. For this objective, this study analyzes travel-actions associated with two scenarios during an outbreak of influenza: 1) A sick person avoiding spreading the disease and 2) A healthy person avoiding getting in contact with the disease. Ordered logistic regression models were used to identify factors associated with mitigation behavior in the first scenario: visiting a doctor’s office, avoiding public places, avoiding public transit, staying at home; and in the second scenario: avoiding public places, avoiding public transit, staying at home. Based on the models for Scenario 1, the factors affecting the decision of avoiding public places, avoiding public transit, and staying at home were fairly consistent but differ for visiting a doctor’s office. However, Scenario 2 models were consistent with their counterpart mitigation models in Scenario 1 except for two factors: gender and household characteristics. Across all the models from Scenario 1, gender was the most significant factor, and for Scenario 2, the most significant factor was the ratio of household income to the household size. / Master of Science / Transmission of a communicable disease depends on the social interactions of the members of society. Generally, individuals associate their health-protection behavior to the perception of health risk associated with that activity. Hence, individuals with high health-risk perception are likely to participate in a protective action to reduce the threat of getting infected with influenza. However, in some cases, even if a high health risk is perceived, an individual might have a decreased likelihood to take actions to mitigate that risk. This behavior could be associated with their inability to carry out recommendations, such as vaccination (due to the cost of vaccination) or adopting protective behaviors such as social isolation (switching from public transit to personal vehicle due to the associated cost). This behavior, of either adopting or rejecting protective action, can be explained by protection motivation theory. This theory explains the individual’s perception of the severity of an event (i.e., threat appraisal), and individual’s expectancy of carrying out recommendations (risk mitigation strategies) to reduce threat (i.e., coping appraisal). Both, health risk perception and risk-mitigation strategies are studied for changes in travel decisions.
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It Deepens Like a Coastal Shelf: Educational Mobility and Social Capital in GermanyStephany, Fabian 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The prospects for the next Generation - whether young people, regardless of
their backgrounds, have equal chances of social success - pose a momentous problem for
modern societies. Inequality of opportunity, often reflected by social immobility, is a threat
to the egalitarian promise and the stability of your society. This work argues that social
capital transmission plays an important role for the chances of social success in Western
societies. For the example of Germany, it is reasoned that weak social capital environments
deepen existing disadvantages. Even though all levels of education are easily accessible
and affordable, Germany has one of the lowest levels of educational mobility among the
industrialized countries of the world. Problems appear to be systematic, since the decision
regarding entry into higher secondary education is made at early age and is left, in most
cases, with the parents, who rely on their own educational trajectory. Outside of the school
environment, differences in social capital inheritance explain educational immobility. With
the use of the German Socio-Economic Panel survey from 1984 to 2014, various analyses
about the relation between social capital and educational success are performed. Social
capital, which is helpful for educational and social success, clearly depends on the educational
family background. This indirect link has been disregarded in past contributions.
Alternative forms of schooling, such as comprehensive and all-day education, as well as a
delay of the decision regarding entry into higher education, could help improving unequal
social capital inheritance.
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Readjusting Historical Credit Ratings : using Ordered Logistic Regression and Principal ComponentAnalysisCronstedt, Axel, Andersson, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Readjusting Historical Credit Ratings using Ordered Logistic Re-gression and Principal Component Analysis The introduction of the Basel II Accord as a regulatory document for creditrisk presented new concepts of credit risk management and credit risk mea-surements, such as enabling international banks to use internal estimates ofprobability of default (PD), exposure at default (EAD) and loss given default(LGD). These three measurements is the foundation of the regulatory capitalcalculations and are all in turn based on the bank’s internal credit ratings. Ithas hence been of increasing importance to build sound credit rating modelsthat possess the capability to provide accurate measurements of the credit riskof borrowers. These statistical models are usually based on empirical data andthe goodness-of-fit of the model is mainly depending on the quality and sta-tistical significance of the data. Therefore, one of the most important aspectsof credit rating modeling is to have a sufficient number of observations to bestatistically reliable, making the success of a rating model heavily dependenton the data collection and development state.The main purpose of this project is to, in a simple but efficient way, createa longer time series of homogeneous data by readjusting the historical creditrating data of one of Svenska Handelsbanken AB’s credit portfolios. Thisreadjustment is done by developing ordered logistic regression models thatare using independent variables consisting of macro economic data in separateways. One model uses macro economic variables compiled into principal com-ponents, generated through a Principal Component Analysis while all othermodels uses the same macro economic variables separately in different com-binations. The models will be tested to evaluate their ability to readjust theportfolio as well as their predictive capabilities. / Justering av historiska kreditbetyg med hjälp av ordinal logistiskregression och principialkomponentsanalys När Basel II implementerades introducerades även nya riktlinjer för finan-siella instituts riskhantering och beräkning av kreditrisk, så som möjlighetenför banker att använda interna beräkningar av Probability of Default (PD),Exposure at Default (EAD) och Loss Given Default (LGD), som tillsammansgrundar sig i varje låntagares sannoliket för fallissemang. Dessa tre mått ut-gör grunden för beräkningen av de kapitaltäckningskrav som banker förväntasuppfylla och baseras i sin tur på bankernas interna kreditratingsystem. Detär därmed av stor vikt för banker att bygga stabila kreditratingmodeller medkapacitet att generera pålitliga beräkningar av motparternas kreditrisk. Dessamodeller är vanligtvis baserade på empirisk data och modellens goodness-of-fit,eller passning till datat, beror till stor del på kvalitén och den statistiska sig-nifikansen hos det data som står till förfogande. Därför är en av de viktigasteaspekterna för kreditratingsmodeller att ha tillräckligt många observationeratt träna modellen på, vilket gör modellens utvecklingsskede samt mängdendata avgörande för modellens framgång.Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är att, på ett enkelt och effektivt sätt, skapaen längre, homogen tidsserie genom att justera historisk kreditratingdata i enportfölj med företagslån tillhandahållen av Svenska Handelsbanken AB. Jus-teringen görs genom att utveckla olika ordinala logistiska regressionsmodellermed beroende variabler bestående av makroekonomiska variabler, på olikasätt. En av modellerna använder makroekonomiska variabler i form av princi-palkomponenter skapade med hjälp av en principialkomponentsanalys, medande andra modelelrna använder de makroekonomiska variablerna enskilt i olikakombinationer. Modellerna testas för att utvärdera både deras förmåga attjustera portföljens historiska kreditratings samt för att göra prediktioner.
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產險業信用評等模式之研究-美國產險公司之實證分析施佳華 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以美國接受A.M.Best評等之產險公司為研究對象,運用三種統計方法:多元區別分析(Multiple Discriminant Analysis,MDA)、羅吉斯迴歸(Unordered Logistic Regression,ULR)、順序性羅吉斯迴歸(Ordered Logistic Regression,OLR),來建構產險公司之信用評等模式。樣本選擇方面:估計樣本,選取美國1993年到1996年接受A.M.Best評等之產險公司327家;保留樣本,為1997年78筆資料。
在決定研究對象之初,因考慮到國內產險公司接受評等之家數不多,且年數又太短,資料數量無法據以建立評等模式,因而決定以美國的產險公司為對象,再以台灣樣本作為保留樣本,預測之等級結果僅供參考之用。 / Three possible models of the P-L Insurers rating process are estimated and compared:1. Muitiple Discriminant Model, 2. Unordered Logistic Model, 3. Ordered Logistic Model. Each model is estimated for a sample of 327 American P-L insurance companies using the same 38 independent variables. The three estimated models are then employed to predict ratings for a holdout sample of 78 companies. The study analyzes 1993 through 1997 data for a sample of P-L insurers that acquired A.M.Best Financial strength ratings between December 31,1993, and December 31, 1997. Empirical evidence suggests that even when models with the same basic structure were compared, differences in estimation procedures resulted in quite different coefficient estimates and classifications. The muitiple discriminant model clearly outperformed the regression model, while the unordered logistic model was clearly superior to the ordered logistic model.
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