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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Partage des métaux entre liquide sulfuré et liquide silicaté : Expérimentation, modélisation et applications aux gisements de sulfures magmatiques / Metal partitioning between sulfide and silicate liquids : Experiments, modeling and applications to magmatic sulfide ore deposits

Ferraina, Clément 17 April 2018 (has links)
Comprendre l’enrichissement des liquides sulfurés en éléments chalcophiles et sidérophiles pouvantmener à la formation de gisements de sulfures magmatiques.Le premier objectif de cette thèse a été de quantifier les variations des coefficients de partage (Dsul/sil)de Co, Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt et Au dans des conditions crustales typiques des intrusions de la région deNoril’sk-Talnakh (Russie), par le biais d’une étude expérimentale en autoclave à chauffage interne,effectuée à 1200 °C, 70 MPa, sous différentes fugacités d’oxygène.Les résultats montrent que les Dsul/sil de Pd, Ag, Pt et Au augmentent avec la teneur de ces élémentsdans le liquide sulfuré, indiquant qu’ils ne suivent pas la loi de Henry, au contraire de ceux de Co, Ni, etCu. Ces Dsul/sil permettent de reproduire les teneurs en métaux des sulfures naturels de la région deNoril’sk, à partir d’un magma parent plus enrichi en Pd et Pt que les laves de la région, et en invoquantl’interaction entre des masses de liquide silicaté et de liquide sulfuré pour pouvoir enrichir ce dernier(facteur R entre 300 et 1000 pour les sulfures massifs et entre 300 et 6000 pour les disséminés).Le second objectif de cette thèse a été de modéliser, par une approche thermodynamique, les variationsdes Dsul/sil en fonction des conditions magmatiques. Ce modèle décrit les variations des Dsul/sil avec latempérature, la pression, la fugacité d’oxygène et la chimie des liquides, et suggère que les magmasmafiques à l’équilibre avec les liquides sulfurés les plus enrichis sont ceux qui ont les plus faiblestempératures et pressions, et les fugacités d’oxygène les plus élevées. / A comprehensive knowledge of metal partitioning between sulfide liquid and silicate melt is essential tounderstand sulfide liquid enrichment in chalcophile and siderophile elements that can lead to theformation of magmatic sulfide ore deposits.The first aim of this thesis was to quantify the partition coefficients (Dsul/sil) for Co, Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag, Pt andAu at crustal conditions relevant to the Noril’sk-Talnakh region (Russia), through an experimental studyconducted in internal heated pressure vessels at 1200 °C, 70 MPa, and under variable oxygenfugacities.Our results show that Dsul/sil for Pd, Ag, Pt and Au increase with the content of the element in the sulfideliquid, showing that they do not follow Henry’s law, in contrast to those for Co, Ni, and Cu. These Dsul/silcan reproduce the metal contents of natural sulfides of the Noril’sk region, starting from a parent magmaPd- and Pt-richer than the lavas of the region, and invoking an interaction between the masses of silicateliquid and sulfide liquid in order to enrich the latter.The second objective of this thesis was to model Dsul/sil variations as a function of magmatic conditions,using a thermodynamic approach. This modeling allows investigating the variations of Dsul/sil withtemperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity and the compositions of both liquids and suggests that the maficmagmas with the lowest temperatures and pressures and the highest oxygen fugacities are those inequilibrium with the most enriched sulfide liquid.

Tectônica e proveniência do grupo Santa Bárbara, região de Minas do Camaquã - RS

Bicca, Marcos Muller January 2013 (has links)
A região de estudo localiza-se na porção da Bacia do Camaquã, sendo classicamente conhecida com “Janela Bom Jardim”. Esta área já foi intensamente estudada, principalmente em decorrência dos depósitos minerais amplamente distribuídos. Apesar disso ainda não existe um consenso com relação à evolução tectônica da região, desde processos formadores da bacia até eventos pósdeposicionais, como também com relação ao seu posicionamento estratigráfico dentro da sequência deposicional da Bacia do Camaquã. Dessa forma, este trabalho vem contribuir e acrescentar aos modelos anteriores com dados geocronológicos e termocronológicos, aplicados diretamente às rochas sedimentares da região, bem como, novos dados de estrutural. Para tanto, submetemos seis amostras de rochas sedimentares da região de Minas do Camaquã à análise pelo método U-Pb com LA-ICP-MS e SHRIMP, aplicado a zircões detríticos, no intuito de mapear possíveis áreas fonte dos sedimentos como também, propor uma idade máxima de deposição para a sequência. Estas mesmas amostras foram utilizadas para separação de apatitas para análise termocronológicas (traços de fissão em apatitas), com o objetivo de caracterizar eventos de soerguimento e denudação relacionados à tectônica que afetou a área. O estudo de proveniência possibilitou identificar uma grande contribuição de zircões de idade Brasiliana, principalmente do final do Neoproterozóico e secundariamente populações de zircões de idade Paleoproterozóica, principalmente relacionadas ao Ciclo Transamazônico. A população principal foi correlacionada às intrusões graníticas do Terreno Taquarembó, e possivelmente contribuições do Batólito Pelotas, como também, das sequências vulcano-sedimentares mais antigas da própria Bacia do Camaquã. As idades Paleoproterozóicas foram atribuídas á rochas do Complexo Granulítico Santa Maria Chico e Complexo Encantadas, como também, zircões retrabalhados das rochas metassedimentares do Complexo Metamórfico Porongos. Ainda foi possível estimarmos a idade máxima de deposição da sequência em 554 Ma a partir do grão de zircão mais jovem datado posicionando estas rochas dentro do intervalo deposicional do Grupo Santa Bárbara. A análise por traços de fissão em apatitas permitiu identificar quatro populações de idades principais. Estas populações foram atribuídas à influência de dois eventos orogênicos na margem sul – ocidental do Gondwana: Famatiniana e Gondwanides. O primeiro evento é bem documentado pelas populações de 407-362 Ma e o segundo pelas populações de 302 Ma e 242-211 Ma. A quarta população (133 Ma) foi registrada em uma única amostra indicando um evento térmico ocasionado por intrusões vulcânicas associadas ao vulcanismo Paraná-Etendeka (Cretáceo inferior). Por fim, dados estruturais permitiram identificar uma evolução tectônica complexa, marcada por processos relacionados formação da bacia até reativações pósdeposicionais. Os eventos D1 e D2 foram associados a esforços gerados durante os estágios finais do Ciclo Brasiliano, com campos de tensão S10E-N10W e SE-NW, respectivamente. Um evento D3 com campo de tensão W-L registra reativações causadas pela Orogenia Famatiniana. O evento D4 marcado por uma compressão NNE-SSW e uma extensão NE-SW são relacionados aos processos tectônicos Triássicos (Orogenia Gondwanides). Um último evento D5 extensional (L-W) foi correlacionado aos processos de separação do Gondwana. / The study area is located in the southern portion of the Camaquã Basin, being classically known as "Bom Jardim Window". This area has been intensely studied, mainly due to the ore deposits widely distributed. Yet there is still no consensus regarding the tectonic evolution of the region, since basin inception processes until postdepositional events, but also regarding its stratigraphic position within the depositional sequence Basin Camaquã. Thus, this work contributes to previous models with geochronological and thermochronological data, applied directly to the sedimentary rocks of the region, as well as new structural data. Therefore, we submitted six samples of sedimentary rocks from the Camaquã Mines region to U-Pb method with LA-ICP-MS e SHRIMP applied to detrital zircons in order to map possible source areas of the sediments, as well as, proposing a maximum depositional age for the sequence. These same samples were used for apatite separation for thermochronological analysis (apatite fission tracks), with the aim of characterizing uplift and denudation events related to tectonics process that affected the area. Provenance study enabled us to identify a large contribution of Brasiliano zircon ages, especially from Late-Neoproterozoic and secondarily, zircons populations of Paleoproterozoic age, mainly related to Trans-Amazonian Cycle. The main population was correlated with granitic intrusions from Taquarembó Terrene and possibly contributions from Pelotas Batholith, as well as, from older volcano-sedimentary sequences of the Camaquã Basin. Paleoproterozoic ages were assigned to rocks of Santa Maria Chico Granulitic Complex and Encantadas Complex, as well as, reworked zircons from metasedimentary rocks of Porongos Metamorphic Complex. Still it was possible to estimate the maximum deposition age of the sequence on 554 Ma from the youngest zircon grain dated. Previous isotopic data allow positioning these rocks within the depositional range of Santa Bárbara Group. Apatite fission track analysis identified four main ages populations. These populations were attributed to the influence of two orogenic events on the Southwestern margin of Gondwana: Famatinian and Gondwanides. The first event is well documented by the 407-362 Ma age populations and the second by the 302 Ma and 242-211 Ma. The fourth population (133 Ma) was recorded in only one sample indicating a thermal event caused by volcanic intrusions associated with volcanism Paraná-Etendeka (Lower Cretaceous). Finally, structural data allowed identifying a complex tectonic evolution, characterized by basin inception processes until post-depositional reactivations. The events D1 and D2 were associated with stresses generated during the final stages of the Brazilian Cycle with stress fields of S10E-SE-NW and SE-NW, respectively. A third event (D3) with W-L stress field records the reactivation Famatinian Orogeny. The D4 event marked by a NNE-SSW compression and a NE-SW extension related to Triassic tectonic processes (Gondwanides Orogeny). One last extensional (W-L) event (D5) was correlated to the processes of separation of Gondwana.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de metodologia para estudos de simulação dinâmica na cadeia do minério de ferro. / Development and application methodology for dynamic simulation studies of the iron ore supply chain.

Cremonese, Dennis Travagini 07 February 2014 (has links)
Este estudo propõe uma metodologia para a simulação dinâmica da cadeia de produção mineral. A metodologia proposta permite que modelos complexos sejam construídos rapidamente e com precisão, reduzindo os custos de estudos nas fases de projeto e possibilitando reduções mais expressivas nos custos de implantação e operação do empreendimento. A metodologia proposta abrange todas as etapas de estudo desde a formulação do problema a ser analisado até a implementação dos resultados e foi aplicada em um projeto, durante as fases de FEL 2 e 3 (Projeto Conceitual e Básico). O projeto estudado consiste da produção de produtos de minério de ferro de uma empresa de mineração em Corumbá/MS, incluindo lavra, beneficiamento e transporte do minério beneficiado por ferrovia até o porto de Santos/SP. São apresentadas as premissas, dados de entrada e conceitos para criação de um modelo que integre Pátio de Estocagem da Usina de Beneficiamento, Ferrovia e Porto, além dos dados de saídas do modelo necessários para avaliação e suas análises. Com base nos resultados obtidos foram identificados as ações que podem ser tomadas para o aumento da eficiência do trabalho de modelagem. A aplicação da metodologia proposta permitiu comprovar que um modelo integrado de simulação, envolvendo as diferentes atividades da cadeira de produção mineral, oferece uma visão global dos processos envolvidos e facilita a tomada de decisão. / This study proposes a methodology for dynamic simulation of the mineral supply chain. The proposed methodology allows complex models to be built quickly and accurately, reducing the costs of studies in the design phases and enabling more substantial reductions in the costs of implementation and operation of the enterprise. The proposed methodology covers all stages of study since the problem formulation to be analyzed until the results implementation and was applied in a project, during the phases of FEL 2 and 3 (Pre-Feasibility and Feasibility Study). The project studied consists of the production of iron ore products from a mining company in Corumbá/MS, including mining, beneficiation and transportation of the processed ore by rail to the port of Santos/SP. Assumptions, input data and concepts to create a model that integrates the Stockyard of the Beneficiation Plant, Rail and Port are presented, beyond the outputs data of the model necessary for the assessment and analysis. Based on the results obtained were identified actions that can be taken to increase the efficiency of modeling work. The application of the proposed methodology allowed to demonstrate that an integrated simulation model, involving different activities of the mineral supply chain, provides an overview of the involved process and facilitates decision making.

Design of regional pillars for the Khuseleka Ore Replacement Project (KORP) - UG2

Mutsvanga, Clarence January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering, Johannesburg 2017 / Depletion of mineral resources is a reality of mining. It is critical that as resources get depleted, new reserves are subsequently opened up continuously if a mine is to continue operating. Failure to open up new reserves will result in a mining operation running out of reserves and ultimately ceasing operations. Besides the economic considerations of an ore reserve such as the grade and tonnage, stability of the mining operation is of equal importance. A mine should remain stable for the entire period that it remains operational. Pillars play a critical role in ensuring the stability of an excavation; actually, regional pillars ensure the overall stability of a mine. It therefore goes without saying, pillar design is an integral component of any successful mine design. This project was undertaken with the objective of ensuring that the new reserves being opened up in the Khuseleka Ore Replacement Project (KORP) section are not only profitable, but also stable. This was done through a) maximisation of extraction ratio, thereby maximising the mines’ profitability. b) designing the regional pillar layout for the KORP section using current empirical and numerical pillar design methods and comparing the results to come up with the most optimal design. c) ensuring the stability of the on and off reef mine infrastructure by determining the Rockwall Condition Factor (RCF) values on the footwall infrastructure due to pillars left above and thus prevent damage to these excavations through stress induced failures. Consideration was given to the standard Khuseleka footwall infrastructure layouts for the design based on the planning department’s layout of haulages and crosscuts for the KORP section. The layout of the footwall excavations indicated that the pillars would be differently sized thereby having an influence on the APS, pillar strength and factors of safety of the regional pillars. d) numerical modelling analysis of the effects of leaving stabilizing pillars on the 27 raise line where the haulages intersect the reef horizon. The methodology employed for this undertaking involved a critical literature review of existing pillar design methods, applying and comparing them, and coming up with an economic and safe design. To be able to design a pillar layout that met the objectives listed above, engineering design principles had to be applied. It involved gathering the relevant geological and geotechnical information required as input parameters for the different empirical and numerical analyses methods. What came out from this project was that each method employed yielded its own set of results. This highlighted the need to understand the context under which a design is carried out and the shortcomings of each method employed. It showed how important it is to have all the relevant information of not only the characteristics of the rock mass in which an excavation will be made, but also on the strengths and limitations of the tools available to design a structure. It highlighted the fact that to minimize uncertainty and have a more robust design, it was necessary to spend time and effort in gathering as much relevant data as possible. In the end engineering judgment was used to decide on the best method or system to employ in the design of the pillars. / XL2018


EDUARDO SILVA MAIA 21 October 2011 (has links)
[pt] A tendência mundial de aumento da quantidade de finos (sinter feed e pellet feed) nas lavras de minério de ferro tem elevado a importância dos processos de aglomeração, em especial a pelotização, que tem por característica produzir pelotas de excelente qualidade química e alta resistência mecânica, além de ser um processo menos poluente que a sinterização. Atualmente, as jazidas de minério de ferro em lavra no Brasil, exploram minérios predominantemente hematíticos (hematita e/ou itabirito). Apesar do país não possuir tradição na exploração de minérios magnetíticos, existem ocorrências destes que vêm despertando crescente interesse, sendo, contudo, necessário à adequação das etapas do beneficiamento mineral e dos parâmetros operacionais da pelotização. O presente trabalho, fruto de uma interação da empresa Metal Data S/A e o Grupo de Siderurgia do DEMa/PUC-Rio, trata do estudo da pelotização de um minério de ferro magnetítico, proveniente de uma jazida brasileira em fase de pesquisa mineral, com o objetivo de analisar sua viabilidade exploratória para produção de pelotas a serem utilizadas como matéria prima na indústria siderúrgica. Os procedimentos experimentais foram divididos em três etapas: tratamento do minério, pelotização e redução, buscando assim, definir uma rota de tratamento do minério e, posteriormente, a caracterização química, mecânica e metalúrgica das pelotas produzidas. Foram estudados três tipos de misturas para a pelotização, envolvendo oito diferentes concentrados. Os resultados indicaram que o minério magnetítico é passível de concentração e capaz de produzir um pellet feed de qualidade, utilizando rota de beneficiamento com operações unitárias típicas. Este material mostrou potencial para a formação de pelotas cruas em discos de laboratório e, após as operações de queima, produziu pelotas que apresentaram granulometria entre 9,5 e 16,0 mm, resistência à compressão de 126 a 339 kg/pelota, índice de tamboramento de 67,7 a 94,9 %, porosidades de 23,8 a 40,74%, grau de metalização de 30 a 75%, entre outras. / [en] The global increasing trend of producing iron ore fines (sinter feed and pellet feed) has also increased the importance of the agglomeration processes, in particular the pelletizing, which has as main characteristic to produce high quality pellets with excellent mechanical resistance, besides being a less polluting process than the sintering. Currently, Brazilian mines exploit mainly hematite deposits (hematite and / or itabirite ores). Although the country has no tradition in exploiting magnetite minerals, there is a growing interest trend in magnetite occurrences, although it might be necessary to adequate mineral processing and pelletizing operating parameters when using such ore. This work is a result of an interaction between the company Metal Data S/A and the Siderurgy Group of the DEMa/PUC-Rio and describes the pelletizing process using magnetite iron ore from a Brazilian deposit in exploration stage, in order to evaluate its suitability for exploratory pellet production to be used as feedstock in the steel industry. The experimental procedures were divided into three steps - ore processing, pelletizing and reduction, aiming to define the ore treatment route and chemical, mechanical and metallurgical characteristics of the produced pellets. Three types of mixtures for pelletizing were analysed, involving eight different concentrates. The results indicated that the magnetite ore is likely to concentrate and capable of producing a pellet feed with adequate quality, using a processing route with typical unit operations. It was observed that this materal has a potential for the formation of green pellets in the laboratory pelletizing disc and, after burning operations, produced pellets that had particle size between 9.5 and 16.0 mm, compression strength from 126 to 339 kg / pellet, tumble index from 67.7 to 94.9%, porosity from 23.8 to 40.74%, degree of metallization from 30 to 75%, among others.

Relationships between deformation and mesothermal veins in the Sunshine Mine Area, Coeur d'Alene district, Idaho

Ferraro, Jaclyn Marie 01 December 2013 (has links)
The Coeur d'Alene district in northern Idaho is a world class Pb-Ag mesothermal vein system that has produced about 360 million ounces of silver, lead, and zinc since the 1880s. Despite the long history of exploration and production, the district does not have a predictive model for exploration based on a sound understanding of structural controls on the silver ore deposits; this is certainly the case for the Sunshine Mine and surrounding area. Fault kinematic history in the district shows a regional scale fault system reactivated over time with dextral, sinistral, and dip-slip displacement. The fault system is superimposed on regional deformation fabrics that were examined for this study in the Sunshine Mine area. Cleavage sets observed in the Sunshine mine area, distinguished by orientation and superposition relationships, are consistent with the findings of Smith (2004) which defined cleavage sets referred to as S1, S2, and S3. Two additional deformation fabrics that appear spatially tied to fault zones formed between development of cleavages S2 and S3. The multiple cleavages, fault zones, and their intersections are interpreted to act as pathways for hydrothermal fluids associated with vein formation and silver ore deposition. Thin section kinematic analysis of vein and shear zone samples defined a dip-slip sense of shear associated with the Sterling vein. Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) analysis of vein and shear zone samples failed to define a lattice preferred crystallographic orientation that defined shear sense. Similarly, cathodoluminescence (CL) analysis of thin section textures failed to define a dominant shear sense and fault kinematics. Nevertheless, additional study using these techniques is warranted. Both field observation and thin section analysis demonstrate a direct relationship between shear zones, veins, and mineralization potential, clarifying the need for detailed fault maps for the Sunshine Mine area and Coeur d'Alene district.

Autour d'une conjecture de B. Gross relative à l'existence de corps de nombres de groupe de Galois non résoluble et ramifiés en un unique premier p petit

Lesseni, Sylla 06 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
La présente étude vise à vérifier la conjecture faite par B. Gross relative à l'existence de corps de nombres de groupe de Galois non résoluble et ramifiés en un unique premier p < 11.<br />À travers ce travail, nous nous intéressons au cas des corps de nombres de degré n ≤ 9. Après quelques rappels généraux sur les outils utilisés, on présente les méthodes pratiques permettant de vérifier cette conjecture.<br />Les travaux de J. Jones ont montré que les corps de nombres de degré 5 et 6 vérifiant ces types de ramification ont tous un groupe de Galois résoluble.<br />Dans le cas du degré 7, S. Brueggeman a abouti au même résultat que le travail sus cité.<br />Nos travaux dans le cas des degrés 8 et 9 montrent que sous GRH ou de façon inconditionnelle, la ramification en 5 n'est pas possible. À l'issue des recherches numériques, les seules tables obtenues sont celles de la ramification en p = 2 en degré 8 et celles de la ramification en p = 3 en degré 9. Les corps obtenus ont tous un groupe de Galois résoluble, montrant ainsi que cette conjecture de B. Gross n'est pas vérifiée pour les corps de nombres de degré n ≤ 9.

Étude des mécanismes hydrologiques du transport de solutés dans les aquifères superficiels des bassins versants sur socle.

Rouxel, Matthieu 14 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les bassins versants reposant sur un socle géologique peu perméable et peu profond, les nappes superficielles de versant jouent un rôle prépondérant non seulement dans la genèse des débits mais également dans le transfert des solutés. Ces nappes, caractérisées par de fortes variations saisonnières des niveaux piézométriques, se développent dans un matériau aquifère constitué principalement de roche altérée et de matériaux non consolidés dont les propriétés hydrodynamiques restent peu étudiées. La connaissance du fonctionnement hydrologique et hydrochimique de ces systèmes, des processus qui déterminent les voies de transfert des solutés et leur temps de résidence dans le milieu, est essentielle en particulier dans un contexte où la recherche est de plus en plus sollicitée pour évaluer les effets de changements de pratiques agricoles sur les pollutions diffuses. Le travail présenté ici vise à comprendre les processus de transfert de solutés et de dénitrification dans les aquifères superficiels à partir de l'étude d'un aquifère d'un bassin versant élémentaire expérimental de l'ouest de la France, appartenant à l'ORE AgrHys. L'analyse repose sur les données acquises sur un dispositif instrumental original permettant un suivi spatial et temporel du niveau de la nappe et de sa composition chimique sur un versant. Les propriétés hydrodynamiques du matériau aquifère ont été étudiées au laboratoire et in situ, ce qui a permis de calibrer un modèle hydrologique à base physique et en 2D (développé avec le code Hydrus 2D) simulant de manière satisfaisante la dynamique saisonnière des niveaux piézométriques dans le versant. Les relations mises en évidence entre le cycle hydrologique et les variations intra-annuelles de la composition chimique, nous permettent de proposer un modèle conceptuel synthétisant les mécanismes mis en jeu dans le transfert d'un soluté conservatif dans la nappe. Une étude de la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la composition isotopique de l'azote et de l'oxygène du nitrate n'a pas révélé la présence d'une dénitrification apparente dans l'aquifère. Enfin, un modèle de transport des solutés basé sur le modèle hydrologique calibré précédemment a permis de tester les hypothèses émises à partir des données expérimentales. La principale conclusion de ce travail est que les nappes superficielles de versant présentent une variabilité spatiale et temporelle importante, qui résulte de processus de mélange à partir de compartiments dont la contribution varie saisonnièrement. En période hivernale, la recharge rapide des nappes par des écoulements préférentiels joue un rôle important dans les variations de composition chimique de la partie supérieure de la nappe, ce que la plupart des modèles actuels ne permettent pas de prendre en compte.

Mineral Reactions and Slag Formation During Reduction of Olivine Blast Furnace Pellets

Ryösä, Elin January 2008 (has links)
The present work focuses on mineral reactions and slag formation of LKAB olivine iron ore pellets (MPBO) subjected to reducing conditions in the LKAB experimental blast furnace (EBF). The emphasis is on olivine reactions with surrounding iron oxides. Many factors influence the olivine behaviour. The study was performed by use of micro methods; optical microscopy, micro probe analysis, micro Raman and Mössbuer spectroscopy and thremodynamic modeling. During manufacturing, in oxidising atmosphere at high temperature (1350°C), olivine alterations occur through slag formation and rim reactions with iron oxides and other additives. To be able to describe olivine behaviour in the rather complex blast furnace reduction process one has to consider factors such as reactions kinetics, reduction degree of iron oxides, vertical and horizontal position in the furnace and reactions with alkali. Samples were collected from the EBF both from in shaft probing during operation and from excavation following quenching of the EBF. The initial slag forming olivine consist of primary forsterite – (Mg1.9Fe0.1)SiO4 – with inclusions of hematite and an amorphous silica rich phase, a first corona with lamellae of magnesioferrite, olivine and orthopyroxene, a second corona of amorphous silica and magnesioferrite. During reduction in the upper shaft in the EBF (700-900°C) Fe3+ reduces to Fe2+. The amorphous silica in the second corona absorbs alkali, Al, Fe2+, Mg, and Ca and form glasses of varying compositions. The lamellae in the first corona will merge into a single phase olivine rim. With further reduction the glasses in the second corona will merge with the olivine rim forming an iron rich olivine rim and leaving the elements that do not fit into the olivine crystal lattice as small silicate glass inclusions. Diffusion of magnesium and iron between olivines and iron oxides increase with increasing temperature in the lower shaft of the EBF (750-1100°C). In the cohesive zone of the EBF (1100-1200°C) Fe2+ is not stable any longer and Fe2+ will be expelled from the olivine as metallic iron blebs, and the olivine will form a complex melt with a typical composition of alkali-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2. Alkali plays an important role in this final olivine consumption. The quench time for samples collected with probes and excavation are minutes respectively hours. A study of the quench rate’s effect on the phases showed no differences in the upper shaft. However, in the lower shaft wüstite separates into wüstite and magnetite when wüstite grows out of its stability field during slow cooling of excavated samples. There is also a higher alkali and aluminium deposition in the glass phases surrounding olivines in excavated pellets as a result of alkali and aluminium gas condensing on the burden in the EBF during cooling. Coating applied to olivine pellets was studied in the EBF with the aim to investigate its behaviour, particularly its ability to capture alkali. The coating materials were kaolinite, bauxite, olivine and limestone. No significant reactions were observed in the upper shaft. In the lower shaft a majority of the phases were amorphous and reflecting the original coating compositions. Deposition from the EBF gas phase occurs and kalsilite (KAlSiO4) is found in all samples; coating used for binding alkali is redundant from a quality perspective.

Ore Petrography and Geochemistry of some REE-bearing Fe-oxide Assemblages from the Idkerberget Deposit, Bergslagen, Sweden

Sahlström, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
The mine dumps of Kiruna-type apatite-iron oxide ore in Bergslagen, South Central Sweden, contain elevated amounts of rare earth elements (REEs). A recently started project at Uppsala University has been initiated to study these ores among others in order to document occurrences of REEs and other critical elements in the mine dumps. In this study a selection of samples from the Idkerberget deposit have been studied with respect to their geochemistry and petrography with a special focus on REE-bearing phases. In addition, their mining potential and their relationship to related ore deposits such as Blötberget, Grängesberg and Kiirunavaara have been considered. The bulk geochemistry of the ores was analyzed using ICP-ES and ICP-MS. Polished sections of the ore samples were studied using ore microscopy, SEM-EDS and WDS microprobe technique. The results indicate that the ores consist mainly of magnetite and hematite, with minor silicates, flourapatite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, monazite-(Ce), allanite-(Ce), thorium silicate, titanite and zircon. Most REEs were originally hosted in flourapatite, but metamorphic and/or hydrothermal overprinting has resulted in complex textures and neomineralisation involving exotic REE-bearing minerals such as monazite-(Ce), allanite-(Ce) and secondary flourapatite. These features have also been observed in the related ore deposits nearby. The ores are enriched in REEs by factors between 1 and 9 compared to crustal values, with LREEs being the most enriched. These enrichments are rather low compared to other REE-ores currently being mined, but the easy access to the ores could mean that mining can be profitable with the current demand of these commodities. / Varphögar av apatitjärnmalm av Kirunatyp ifrån järnmalmsbrytning i Bergslagen, Sydcentrala Sverige, innehåller förhöjda halter av sällsynta jordartsmetaller. Ett projekt vid Uppsala Universitet undersöker förekomster av sällsynta jordartsmetaller och andra kritiska element i varphögar bland annat från apatitjärnmalmer. I denna studie har prover från ett av Bergslagens apatitjärnmalmsfält, Idkerberget, undersökts geokemiskt och petrografiskt med fokus på faser som innehåller sällsynta jordartsmetaller. Deras utvinningspotential och deras relation till liknande förekomster såsom Blötberget, Grängesberg samt Kiirunavaara har också tagits i beaktning. Bulkgeokemin i proverna analyserades med ICP-EM och ICP-MS. Polerprov av malmerna undersöktes medelst optisk mikroskopi, SEM-EDS samt med WDS-mikrosondteknik. Resultaten visar att malmerna framförallt består av magnetit och hematit, med mindre mängder silikater, flourapatit, pyrit, kopparkis, monazit-(Ce), allanit-(Ce), thoriumsilikat, titanit och zirkon. Sällsynta jordartsmetaller är i huvudsak bundna i flourapatit, men metamorfa och/eller hydrotermala processer har resulterat i nybildningen av exotiska mineral såsom monazit-(Ce), allanit-(Ce), och sekundär flourapatit. Dessa egenskaper har även observerats i apatitjärnmalmer från andra platser. Proverna från Idkerberget har 1-9 gånger högre koncentration av sällsynta jordartsmetaller än jordskorpan generellt, och lätta sällsynta jordartsmetaller är de mest anrikade. Dessa halter är relativt låga jämfört med sällsynta jordartsmalmer som bryts i dagsläget, men eftersom materialet förekommer i enorma varphögar gör tillgängligheten att metallerna ändå kan utvinnas med vinst om efterfrågan på denna resurs består.

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