Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oseltamivir"" "subject:"oseltamirir""
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Use of oseltamivir in canine parvoviral enteritisSavigny, Michelle R. Macintire, Douglass K., January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Auburn University, 2008. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-36).
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Caractérisation in vitro des capacités réplicatives de souches saisonnières d'influenza résistantes à l'oseltamivirSimon, Philippe 17 April 2018 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, les capacités réplicatives de virus saisonniers de sous-types N H1N1 et A/H3N2 résistants à l'oseltamivir ont été étudiées au moyen d'expériences in vitro simples et de modélisation mathématique. Pour la souche A/Brisbane/ 59/2007 (H1N1) nous avons démontré que la mutation H274Y de la neuraminidase (NA), responsable de la majorité des cas de résistance à l'oseltamivir, cause une augmentation de la latence d'environ 7 h comparé à seulement 1 à 3 h pour le virus sauvage. Cette latence augmentée est compensée par une infectivité augmentée d'environ 12 fois par rapport au virus sauvage. Ces résultats, obtenus à l'aide d'un modèle mathématique, fournissent une explication sur la dissémination de la mutation H274Y dans les souches saisonnières de virus A/ H1N1 depuis 2007-2008. Nous avons aussi étudié les capacités réplicatives in vitro pour des souches A/California/7/2004 (H3N2) résistantes à l'oseltamivir isolées d'un patient immunosupprimé. La perte de capacité réplicative causée par le simple mutant E119V est partiellement compensée chez le double mutant E119V-I222V La croissance du double mutant E119V-I222V en milieu liquide est similaire à celle du virus sauvage alors que le simple mutant accuse un retard de croissance d'environ 12 h. Les tailles des plages de lyses en milieu semi-solide sont systématiquement plus petites pour le simple mutant E119V et plus grosses pour le double mutant E119V-I222V L'effet cytopathique commence entre 24 et 36 h pour le virus sauvage et le double mutant mais seulement à 48 h pour le simple mutant. Finalement, l'activité enzymatique de la NA du double mutant (ratio Vmax : 0,51 par rapport à la souche sauvage) est augmentée de 47% comparé à celle du simple mutant (ratio Vmax : 0,04). Read more
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Desfechos das gestações expostas ao vírus H1N1 e ao Oseltamivir no Rio Grande do Sul durante a pandemia de 2009Silva, André Anjos da January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda como questão central o desfecho das gestações expostas ao vírus Influenza A (H1N1) e, consequentemente, ao seu tratamento com o fármaco oseltamivir durante a pandemia do ano 2009. O vírus influenza A H1N1 é produto de vários rearranjos genéticos entre cepas dos vírus influenza previamente circulantes, alguns destes exclusivos de suínos ou de aves, e que se tornaram capazes de infectar humanos. A epidemia de influenza A (H1N1) teve início no México, e expandiu-se rapidamente para países do mundo inteiro, sendo declarada pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), aproximadamente dois meses após o aparecimento dos primeiros casos. As gestantes são consideradas um grupo de risco para complicações graves relacionadas ao vírus influenza H1N1, com grande morbidade e mortalidade observadas em epidemias anteriores do vírus Influenza. Quanto aos efeitos sobre o embrião-feto, os estudos a respeito do potencial teratogênico do vírus influenza ainda são limitados. A literatura não demonstrou, até o momento, efeitos adversos desse vírus sobre o embrião-feto. O tratamento específico consiste no uso de inibidores da neuraminidase, zanamivir e oseltamivir, dos quais apenas o último está disponível no Brasil. O objetivo geral da tese é avaliar as gestações expostas ao vírus H1N1 e submetidas ao tratamento com Fosfato de Oseltamivir. Os objetivos específicos são comparar gestantes expostas e não-expostas ao vírus Influenza A H1N1 quanto aos desfechos maternos e perinatais; avaliar os potenciais efeitos adversos da medicação em gestantes expostas ao oseltamivir; e avaliar a saúde e o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor das crianças expostas durante a gravidez ao oseltamivir. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte prospectivo não controlado que avaliou gestantes com exposição ao vírus H1N1 e ao tratamento com Fosfato de Oseltamivir. A amostra consistiu nas 589 gestantes com sintomas suspeitos de Influenza A notificadas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação - Influenza (SINAN-Influenza banco de dados do estado do Rio Grande do Sul). Os seguimentos de 424 gestantes foram realizados por contato telefônico, visita domiciliar, dados de prontuário médico ou Declaração de Nascido Vivo, por uma equipe treinada. . Foram obtidos 243 resultados de exames de PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Houve 163 (67%) casos confirmados de H1N1 e 80 (33%) Influenza não-H1N1. Houve 24 óbitos maternos, sendo 18 em H1N1. Houve 8 natimortos, sendo 5 filhos de gestantes expostas ao H1N1. Não houve diferença nos desfechos perinatais. Apenas um caso de malformação congênita (fenda palatina) foi observado em um bebe não exposto ao oseltamivir. Uso de oseltamivir foi identificado em 221 pacientes. Dessas, 86 gestantes apresentaram PCR positivo para Influenza A (H1N1) e 51 estavam no grupo não- H1N1. Reações adversas foram relatadas em 92 (42%) gestantes. Houve um maior número de reações adversas relatadas em pacientes não-H1N1 após o uso do oseltamivir. Ocorreram menos óbitos maternos (7,2%) nas que receberam oseltamivir comparativamente a 34,7% das mulheres que não foram tratadas (OR: 0,14, IC95%: 0,04-0,42, p=0,0003). Da mesma forma a frequência de natimortos foi menor (2,2%) nas tratadas, em comparação a 13,0% das não tratadas (OR: 0,15, IC95%: 0,03-0,89, p=0,03). Atrasos afetando dois ou mais marcos do desenvolvimento foram relatados em 10 (19,2%) de 52 crianças expostas ao oseltamivir durante o período gestacional e seguidas por no mínimo 36 meses. Essa frequência está acima do esperado para a população brasileira (15%). Em conclusão, espera-se que o presente trabalho seja capaz de contribuir para um melhor entendimento a respeito do potencial teratogênico do vírus Influenza A (H1N1) e de seu tratamento com o fármaco oseltamivir. Estudos futuros serão decisivos no estabelecimento de condutas clínicas no que diz respeito ao tratamento e manejo geral dessa condição nesse grupo específico de pacientes. / The present investigation approaches as central issue the outcomes of pregnancies exposed to the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and, consequently, to its treatment with the drug oseltamivir during the pandemic in the year 2009. The Influenza A H1N1 virus is the product of multiple genetic rearrangements among strains of influenza that had previously been circulating. Some of these were unique to swine and birds and became capable of infecting humans. The influenza A (H1N1) epidemic began in Mexico and rapidly spread to other countries around the world and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) approximately two months after the first cases appeared. Pregnant women are considered to be a group at risk of serious complications related to the H1N1 influenza virus, with high morbidity and mortality observed in previous Influenza virus epidemics. As for effects on the embryo/fetus, there are still few studies on the teratogenic potential of the influenza virus. The literature has not demonstrated, so far, adverse effects of this virus on the embryo/fetus. The specific treatment is the use of the neuraminidase inhibitors, zanamivir and oseltamivir, of which only the latter is available in Brazil. The general aim of this work is to evaluate pregnancies exposed to the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and submitted to treatment with Oseltamivir Phosphate. Specific objectives are to compare pregnant women exposed and not exposed to the Influenza A H1N1 virus as on maternal and perinatal outcomes; evaluate potential adverse effects of medication in pregnant women exposed to oseltamivir; and evaluate the health and neurodevelopment in children exposed during pregnancy to oseltamivir. We performed an uncontrolled prospective cohort study that evaluated pregnancies with exposure to the H1N1 Influenza virus and its treatment with Oseltamivir Phosphate. The sample consisted of 589 pregnant women with suspected symptoms of Influenza A who were reported in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases - Influenza (SINAN-Influenza, Rio Grande do Sul Database). Follow-up of 424 pregnancies was conducted via telephone, home visit, medical records or Live Birth Certificate, by a trained team. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) was performed in 243 individuals. There were 163 (67%) confirmed cases of H1N1 and 80 (33%) non-H1N1 Influenza virus. There were twenty-four maternal deaths, 18 of these were H1N1+ patients. Eight stillbirths were reported, five of these were for H1N1+ pregnant women. There were no differences in perinatal outcomes. Only one cleft palate was reported in a newborn whose mother did not use oseltamivir. Use of oseltamivir phosphate was identified in 221 patients. Of this, there were 86 confirmed cases of Influenza A (H1N1) and 51 non-H1N1 Influenza virus. Adverse reactions were reported in 92 (42%) pregnancies. There were a higher number of adverse effects reported in non-H1N1 patients after the use of oseltamivir. There were fewer maternal deaths (7.2%) in those who received oseltamivir compared to 34.7% of women who were not treated (OR: 0.14, CI95%: 0.04-0.42, p=0.0003). Similarly, the frequency of stillbirth was lower (2.2%) in treated as compared to 13.0% of the untreated women (OR: 0.15, CI95%: 0.03- 0.89, p=0.03). Developmental delay in two or more skills was reported in 10 (19.2%) of 52 children exposed prenatally to oseltamivir and followed for at least 36 months. This rate is above of expected for the Brazilian population (15%). In conclusion, it is expected that this work can contribute to a better understanding towards the potential teratogenic effect of Influenza A (H1N1) virus and its treatment with oseltamivir. Future studies will be decisive to the establishment of clinical practices about treatment and general management of this condition in this specific group of patients. Read more
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Desfechos das gestações expostas ao vírus H1N1 e ao Oseltamivir no Rio Grande do Sul durante a pandemia de 2009Silva, André Anjos da January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda como questão central o desfecho das gestações expostas ao vírus Influenza A (H1N1) e, consequentemente, ao seu tratamento com o fármaco oseltamivir durante a pandemia do ano 2009. O vírus influenza A H1N1 é produto de vários rearranjos genéticos entre cepas dos vírus influenza previamente circulantes, alguns destes exclusivos de suínos ou de aves, e que se tornaram capazes de infectar humanos. A epidemia de influenza A (H1N1) teve início no México, e expandiu-se rapidamente para países do mundo inteiro, sendo declarada pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), aproximadamente dois meses após o aparecimento dos primeiros casos. As gestantes são consideradas um grupo de risco para complicações graves relacionadas ao vírus influenza H1N1, com grande morbidade e mortalidade observadas em epidemias anteriores do vírus Influenza. Quanto aos efeitos sobre o embrião-feto, os estudos a respeito do potencial teratogênico do vírus influenza ainda são limitados. A literatura não demonstrou, até o momento, efeitos adversos desse vírus sobre o embrião-feto. O tratamento específico consiste no uso de inibidores da neuraminidase, zanamivir e oseltamivir, dos quais apenas o último está disponível no Brasil. O objetivo geral da tese é avaliar as gestações expostas ao vírus H1N1 e submetidas ao tratamento com Fosfato de Oseltamivir. Os objetivos específicos são comparar gestantes expostas e não-expostas ao vírus Influenza A H1N1 quanto aos desfechos maternos e perinatais; avaliar os potenciais efeitos adversos da medicação em gestantes expostas ao oseltamivir; e avaliar a saúde e o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor das crianças expostas durante a gravidez ao oseltamivir. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte prospectivo não controlado que avaliou gestantes com exposição ao vírus H1N1 e ao tratamento com Fosfato de Oseltamivir. A amostra consistiu nas 589 gestantes com sintomas suspeitos de Influenza A notificadas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação - Influenza (SINAN-Influenza banco de dados do estado do Rio Grande do Sul). Os seguimentos de 424 gestantes foram realizados por contato telefônico, visita domiciliar, dados de prontuário médico ou Declaração de Nascido Vivo, por uma equipe treinada. . Foram obtidos 243 resultados de exames de PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Houve 163 (67%) casos confirmados de H1N1 e 80 (33%) Influenza não-H1N1. Houve 24 óbitos maternos, sendo 18 em H1N1. Houve 8 natimortos, sendo 5 filhos de gestantes expostas ao H1N1. Não houve diferença nos desfechos perinatais. Apenas um caso de malformação congênita (fenda palatina) foi observado em um bebe não exposto ao oseltamivir. Uso de oseltamivir foi identificado em 221 pacientes. Dessas, 86 gestantes apresentaram PCR positivo para Influenza A (H1N1) e 51 estavam no grupo não- H1N1. Reações adversas foram relatadas em 92 (42%) gestantes. Houve um maior número de reações adversas relatadas em pacientes não-H1N1 após o uso do oseltamivir. Ocorreram menos óbitos maternos (7,2%) nas que receberam oseltamivir comparativamente a 34,7% das mulheres que não foram tratadas (OR: 0,14, IC95%: 0,04-0,42, p=0,0003). Da mesma forma a frequência de natimortos foi menor (2,2%) nas tratadas, em comparação a 13,0% das não tratadas (OR: 0,15, IC95%: 0,03-0,89, p=0,03). Atrasos afetando dois ou mais marcos do desenvolvimento foram relatados em 10 (19,2%) de 52 crianças expostas ao oseltamivir durante o período gestacional e seguidas por no mínimo 36 meses. Essa frequência está acima do esperado para a população brasileira (15%). Em conclusão, espera-se que o presente trabalho seja capaz de contribuir para um melhor entendimento a respeito do potencial teratogênico do vírus Influenza A (H1N1) e de seu tratamento com o fármaco oseltamivir. Estudos futuros serão decisivos no estabelecimento de condutas clínicas no que diz respeito ao tratamento e manejo geral dessa condição nesse grupo específico de pacientes. / The present investigation approaches as central issue the outcomes of pregnancies exposed to the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and, consequently, to its treatment with the drug oseltamivir during the pandemic in the year 2009. The Influenza A H1N1 virus is the product of multiple genetic rearrangements among strains of influenza that had previously been circulating. Some of these were unique to swine and birds and became capable of infecting humans. The influenza A (H1N1) epidemic began in Mexico and rapidly spread to other countries around the world and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) approximately two months after the first cases appeared. Pregnant women are considered to be a group at risk of serious complications related to the H1N1 influenza virus, with high morbidity and mortality observed in previous Influenza virus epidemics. As for effects on the embryo/fetus, there are still few studies on the teratogenic potential of the influenza virus. The literature has not demonstrated, so far, adverse effects of this virus on the embryo/fetus. The specific treatment is the use of the neuraminidase inhibitors, zanamivir and oseltamivir, of which only the latter is available in Brazil. The general aim of this work is to evaluate pregnancies exposed to the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and submitted to treatment with Oseltamivir Phosphate. Specific objectives are to compare pregnant women exposed and not exposed to the Influenza A H1N1 virus as on maternal and perinatal outcomes; evaluate potential adverse effects of medication in pregnant women exposed to oseltamivir; and evaluate the health and neurodevelopment in children exposed during pregnancy to oseltamivir. We performed an uncontrolled prospective cohort study that evaluated pregnancies with exposure to the H1N1 Influenza virus and its treatment with Oseltamivir Phosphate. The sample consisted of 589 pregnant women with suspected symptoms of Influenza A who were reported in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases - Influenza (SINAN-Influenza, Rio Grande do Sul Database). Follow-up of 424 pregnancies was conducted via telephone, home visit, medical records or Live Birth Certificate, by a trained team. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) was performed in 243 individuals. There were 163 (67%) confirmed cases of H1N1 and 80 (33%) non-H1N1 Influenza virus. There were twenty-four maternal deaths, 18 of these were H1N1+ patients. Eight stillbirths were reported, five of these were for H1N1+ pregnant women. There were no differences in perinatal outcomes. Only one cleft palate was reported in a newborn whose mother did not use oseltamivir. Use of oseltamivir phosphate was identified in 221 patients. Of this, there were 86 confirmed cases of Influenza A (H1N1) and 51 non-H1N1 Influenza virus. Adverse reactions were reported in 92 (42%) pregnancies. There were a higher number of adverse effects reported in non-H1N1 patients after the use of oseltamivir. There were fewer maternal deaths (7.2%) in those who received oseltamivir compared to 34.7% of women who were not treated (OR: 0.14, CI95%: 0.04-0.42, p=0.0003). Similarly, the frequency of stillbirth was lower (2.2%) in treated as compared to 13.0% of the untreated women (OR: 0.15, CI95%: 0.03- 0.89, p=0.03). Developmental delay in two or more skills was reported in 10 (19.2%) of 52 children exposed prenatally to oseltamivir and followed for at least 36 months. This rate is above of expected for the Brazilian population (15%). In conclusion, it is expected that this work can contribute to a better understanding towards the potential teratogenic effect of Influenza A (H1N1) virus and its treatment with oseltamivir. Future studies will be decisive to the establishment of clinical practices about treatment and general management of this condition in this specific group of patients. Read more
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Desfechos das gestações expostas ao vírus H1N1 e ao Oseltamivir no Rio Grande do Sul durante a pandemia de 2009Silva, André Anjos da January 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda como questão central o desfecho das gestações expostas ao vírus Influenza A (H1N1) e, consequentemente, ao seu tratamento com o fármaco oseltamivir durante a pandemia do ano 2009. O vírus influenza A H1N1 é produto de vários rearranjos genéticos entre cepas dos vírus influenza previamente circulantes, alguns destes exclusivos de suínos ou de aves, e que se tornaram capazes de infectar humanos. A epidemia de influenza A (H1N1) teve início no México, e expandiu-se rapidamente para países do mundo inteiro, sendo declarada pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), aproximadamente dois meses após o aparecimento dos primeiros casos. As gestantes são consideradas um grupo de risco para complicações graves relacionadas ao vírus influenza H1N1, com grande morbidade e mortalidade observadas em epidemias anteriores do vírus Influenza. Quanto aos efeitos sobre o embrião-feto, os estudos a respeito do potencial teratogênico do vírus influenza ainda são limitados. A literatura não demonstrou, até o momento, efeitos adversos desse vírus sobre o embrião-feto. O tratamento específico consiste no uso de inibidores da neuraminidase, zanamivir e oseltamivir, dos quais apenas o último está disponível no Brasil. O objetivo geral da tese é avaliar as gestações expostas ao vírus H1N1 e submetidas ao tratamento com Fosfato de Oseltamivir. Os objetivos específicos são comparar gestantes expostas e não-expostas ao vírus Influenza A H1N1 quanto aos desfechos maternos e perinatais; avaliar os potenciais efeitos adversos da medicação em gestantes expostas ao oseltamivir; e avaliar a saúde e o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor das crianças expostas durante a gravidez ao oseltamivir. Foi realizado um estudo de coorte prospectivo não controlado que avaliou gestantes com exposição ao vírus H1N1 e ao tratamento com Fosfato de Oseltamivir. A amostra consistiu nas 589 gestantes com sintomas suspeitos de Influenza A notificadas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação - Influenza (SINAN-Influenza banco de dados do estado do Rio Grande do Sul). Os seguimentos de 424 gestantes foram realizados por contato telefônico, visita domiciliar, dados de prontuário médico ou Declaração de Nascido Vivo, por uma equipe treinada. . Foram obtidos 243 resultados de exames de PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Houve 163 (67%) casos confirmados de H1N1 e 80 (33%) Influenza não-H1N1. Houve 24 óbitos maternos, sendo 18 em H1N1. Houve 8 natimortos, sendo 5 filhos de gestantes expostas ao H1N1. Não houve diferença nos desfechos perinatais. Apenas um caso de malformação congênita (fenda palatina) foi observado em um bebe não exposto ao oseltamivir. Uso de oseltamivir foi identificado em 221 pacientes. Dessas, 86 gestantes apresentaram PCR positivo para Influenza A (H1N1) e 51 estavam no grupo não- H1N1. Reações adversas foram relatadas em 92 (42%) gestantes. Houve um maior número de reações adversas relatadas em pacientes não-H1N1 após o uso do oseltamivir. Ocorreram menos óbitos maternos (7,2%) nas que receberam oseltamivir comparativamente a 34,7% das mulheres que não foram tratadas (OR: 0,14, IC95%: 0,04-0,42, p=0,0003). Da mesma forma a frequência de natimortos foi menor (2,2%) nas tratadas, em comparação a 13,0% das não tratadas (OR: 0,15, IC95%: 0,03-0,89, p=0,03). Atrasos afetando dois ou mais marcos do desenvolvimento foram relatados em 10 (19,2%) de 52 crianças expostas ao oseltamivir durante o período gestacional e seguidas por no mínimo 36 meses. Essa frequência está acima do esperado para a população brasileira (15%). Em conclusão, espera-se que o presente trabalho seja capaz de contribuir para um melhor entendimento a respeito do potencial teratogênico do vírus Influenza A (H1N1) e de seu tratamento com o fármaco oseltamivir. Estudos futuros serão decisivos no estabelecimento de condutas clínicas no que diz respeito ao tratamento e manejo geral dessa condição nesse grupo específico de pacientes. / The present investigation approaches as central issue the outcomes of pregnancies exposed to the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and, consequently, to its treatment with the drug oseltamivir during the pandemic in the year 2009. The Influenza A H1N1 virus is the product of multiple genetic rearrangements among strains of influenza that had previously been circulating. Some of these were unique to swine and birds and became capable of infecting humans. The influenza A (H1N1) epidemic began in Mexico and rapidly spread to other countries around the world and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) approximately two months after the first cases appeared. Pregnant women are considered to be a group at risk of serious complications related to the H1N1 influenza virus, with high morbidity and mortality observed in previous Influenza virus epidemics. As for effects on the embryo/fetus, there are still few studies on the teratogenic potential of the influenza virus. The literature has not demonstrated, so far, adverse effects of this virus on the embryo/fetus. The specific treatment is the use of the neuraminidase inhibitors, zanamivir and oseltamivir, of which only the latter is available in Brazil. The general aim of this work is to evaluate pregnancies exposed to the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and submitted to treatment with Oseltamivir Phosphate. Specific objectives are to compare pregnant women exposed and not exposed to the Influenza A H1N1 virus as on maternal and perinatal outcomes; evaluate potential adverse effects of medication in pregnant women exposed to oseltamivir; and evaluate the health and neurodevelopment in children exposed during pregnancy to oseltamivir. We performed an uncontrolled prospective cohort study that evaluated pregnancies with exposure to the H1N1 Influenza virus and its treatment with Oseltamivir Phosphate. The sample consisted of 589 pregnant women with suspected symptoms of Influenza A who were reported in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases - Influenza (SINAN-Influenza, Rio Grande do Sul Database). Follow-up of 424 pregnancies was conducted via telephone, home visit, medical records or Live Birth Certificate, by a trained team. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) was performed in 243 individuals. There were 163 (67%) confirmed cases of H1N1 and 80 (33%) non-H1N1 Influenza virus. There were twenty-four maternal deaths, 18 of these were H1N1+ patients. Eight stillbirths were reported, five of these were for H1N1+ pregnant women. There were no differences in perinatal outcomes. Only one cleft palate was reported in a newborn whose mother did not use oseltamivir. Use of oseltamivir phosphate was identified in 221 patients. Of this, there were 86 confirmed cases of Influenza A (H1N1) and 51 non-H1N1 Influenza virus. Adverse reactions were reported in 92 (42%) pregnancies. There were a higher number of adverse effects reported in non-H1N1 patients after the use of oseltamivir. There were fewer maternal deaths (7.2%) in those who received oseltamivir compared to 34.7% of women who were not treated (OR: 0.14, CI95%: 0.04-0.42, p=0.0003). Similarly, the frequency of stillbirth was lower (2.2%) in treated as compared to 13.0% of the untreated women (OR: 0.15, CI95%: 0.03- 0.89, p=0.03). Developmental delay in two or more skills was reported in 10 (19.2%) of 52 children exposed prenatally to oseltamivir and followed for at least 36 months. This rate is above of expected for the Brazilian population (15%). In conclusion, it is expected that this work can contribute to a better understanding towards the potential teratogenic effect of Influenza A (H1N1) virus and its treatment with oseltamivir. Future studies will be decisive to the establishment of clinical practices about treatment and general management of this condition in this specific group of patients. Read more
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Évaluation de l'impact de la mutation de résistance à l'oseltamivir (H275Y) sur les capacités réplicatives et la virulence du virus pandémique A(H1N1) pdm09Pinilla, Lady Tatiana 19 April 2018 (has links)
Les inhibiteurs de neuraminidase (INAs) sont présentement la seule classe d’antiviral disponible commercialement pour traiter et prévenir les infections à virus influenza saisonnières et pandémiques. Le virus pandémique de 2009 était naturellement résistant aux adamantanes, mais sensible à l’oseltamivir et au zanamivir. Toutefois, plus de 1.5% de cas de résistance à l’oseltamivir ont été recensés suite à l’utilisation de l’antiviral en traitement ou en prophylaxie. La plupart d’entre eux possèdent une mutation ponctuelle (cytosine par thymidine) à la position 823, qui est à l’origine de la substitution d’une histidine par une tyrosine à la position 275 dans la séquence d'acides aminés de la neuraminidase (H275Y). Étant donné que le nombre d'antiviraux disponibles pour traiter et prévenir les infections à virus influenza est très limité (le zanamivir est le seul antiviral disponible commercialement pour traiter les souches pandémiques résistantes aux adamantanes et à l'oseltamivir), il est très important de comprendre les mécanismes qui causent la résistance aux INAs et d'établir un programme qui permet de surveiller l'évolution des souches résistantes aux antiviraux. / One class of anti-influenza agents; the neuraminidases inhibitors (NAIs), is the only choice commercially available for treatment and prophylaxis of seasonal and pandemic influenza infections. The pandemic 2009 Influenza virus, A(H1N1)pdm09, was naturally resistant to adamantanes but susceptible to the NAI: oseltamivir and zanamivir. However, more than 1.5% of cases of oseltamivir resistance have been reported during treatment and prophylaxis and most of them carried a single nucleotide mutation (cytosine to thymidine) at position 823 that resulted in a histidine to tyrosine mutation at position 275 in the neuraminidase sequence (H275Y). Considering that the number of available anti-influenza drugs is very restricted (zanamivir is now the only commercially available drug for treatment of the adamantane- and oseltamivir-resistant A(H1N1)pdm09 strains), it is important to understand mechanisms of resistance to NAIs and to perform a surveillance program for evolution of such drug-resistant variants. Read more
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Encefalopatía no fatal por influenza AH1N1 en paciente pediátricoValdivia-Tapia, María del Carmen, Carreazo, Nilton Yhuri 20 July 2016 (has links)
Niña de dos años con fiebre y síntomas catarrales que presenta convulsiones focales de hemicuerpo derecho, las cuales
persisten adicionándose signos de hipertensión endocraneana. Se identifica Influenza AH1N1 mediante reacción de cadena
de polimerasa en hisopado nasofaríngeo. Paciente evoluciona favorablemente con medidas de soporte. No recibió Oseltamivir.
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An?lise molecular da muta??o HIS275TIR isolada na Neuraminidase do H1N1 resistente ao oseltamivirManso, Dalila Nascimento 19 April 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-04-19 / A mais recente pandemia do v?rus influenza ocorreu no ano de 2009, causada pela cepa do influenza A (H1N1), e popularmente conhecida como gripe A ou gripe su?na, gerou preocupa??o aos ?rg?os mundiais de sa?de. Com um quadro sintom?tico que inclui febre, tosse, inflama??o na garganta na maioria dos casos, alguns pacientes, principalmente imunossuprimidos que podem apresentar complica??es que evoluem ao ?bito. A transmiss?o do v?rus ocorre atrav?s do contato entre pessoa a pessoa e seu mecanismo de infec??o se d? a partir das duas glicoprote?nas de superf?cie, a hemaglutinina e a neuraminidase. A hemaglutinina atua se ligando aos receptores do ?cido si?lico favorecendo a entrada do v?rus nas c?lulas-alvo e a neuraminidase cliva as c?lulas do receptor de res?duos do ?cido si?lico, onde as novas part?culas virais est?o se ligando. Atrav?s dessa quebra haver? libera??o das novas part?culas virais, que atrav?s da hemaglutinina invadir?o novas c?lulas. Baseado nisso, f?rmacos foram desenvolvidos com intuito de inibir a a??o da neuraminidase, os chamados inibidores da neuraminidase que interferem na libera??o dessas novas part?culas virais evitando a dissemina??o da infec??o no trato respirat?rio. Dentre estes inibidores o oseltamivir ? o f?rmaco de escolha para profilaxia e tratamento da gripe A; por?m, relatos de resist?ncia a esse f?rmaco foram descritos, o que causou preocupa??o nos profissionais da sa?de e governantes. A muta??o mais encontrada ? a HIS275TIR, onde a histidina ? substitu?da por uma tirosina, promovendo uma s?rie de altera??es conformacionais que diminuem a afinidade do f?rmaco pelo v?rus originando a resist?ncia. A partir da obten??o de dados cristalogr?ficos e simula??o computacional, calculamos a energia de intera??o da neuraminidase selvagem e com a presen?a da muta??o HIS275TIR ligadas ao oseltamivir utilizando a Teoria Funcional da Densidade (DFT) e do M?todo de Fracionamento Molecular com Capas Conjugadas (MFCC). Obtivemos 115 res?duos de intera??o para a neuraminidase selvagem (cristal 4B7R) e 109 res?duos de intera??o para o cristal com a neuraminidase mutante (3CL0). Os resultados foram avaliados de acordo com a relev?ncia dos valores energ?ticos para energias repulsivas e energias atrativas. Os c?lculos energ?ticos realizados confirmaram a redu??o da afinidade da cepa contendo a muta??o HIS275TIR e destacaram a import?ncia energ?tica do s?tio ativo da neuraminidase mostrando que os principais res?duos energ?ticos s?o encontrados nele tornando um alvo para obten??o de novos f?rmacos devido a sua conserva??o. As altera??es causadas pela substitui??o do amino?cido histidina por uma tirosina levaram a uma s?rie de mudan?as conformacionais nos amino?cidos vizinhos que provocaram altera??es eletrost?ticas resultando na resist?ncia ao f?rmaco. A partir desse estudo ser? poss?vel conhecer melhor as intera??es moleculares da neuraminidase mutante e posteriormente projetar novos designs de f?rmacos para serem elaborados e se tornarem mais eficientes na intera??o com as cepas mutantes desse v?rus. / The latest influenza pandemic occurred in the year 2009, caused by the strain of influenza A (H1N1), and popularly known as influenza A or swine flu, generated concern to the global health agencies. With a symptomatic picture that includes fever, cough, throat inflammation in most cases, some patients, mainly immunosuppressed, that can to present complications that evolve to death. Transmission of the virus takes place through contact between person to person and its mechanism of infection occurs from the two surface glycoproteins, hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. The hemagglutinin acts by binding to the sialic acid receptors favoring the entry of the virus into the target cells and the neuraminidase cleaves the receptor cells of sialic acid residues, where the new viral particles are binding. Through this breakdown there will be release of the new particles that through hemagglutinin will attack new cells. Based on these, drugs were developed in an attempt to inhibit the action of neuraminidase, so called neuraminidase inhibitors that interfere in the release of these new viral particles avoiding the spread of infection in the respiratory tract. Among the inhibitors, oseltamivir is the drug of choice for prophylaxis and treatment of influenza A, but reports of resistance to this drug have been described, which has caused concern in health professionals and rulers. The HIS275TIR mutation is most commonly found, where histidine is replaced by a tyrosine, promoting a series of conformational changes that decrease the affinity of the drug for the virus causing resistance. Based on crystallographic data and computational simulation, we calculated the interaction energy of the wild neuraminidase and the presence of the HIS275TIR mutation bonded to oseltamivir using the Functional Density Theory (DFT) and the Molecular Fractionation with Conjugated Caps (MFCC). We obtained 115 interaction residues for the wild neuraminidase (4B7R crystal) and 109 interaction residues for the crystal with the mutant neuraminidase (3CL0). The results were evaluated according to the relevance of the energy values for repulsive energies and attractive energies. The energetic calculations confirmed the reduction of the affinity of the strain containing the HIS275TIR mutation and highlighted the energy importance of the active site of the neuraminidase, showing that the main energy residues are found in it becoming a target for obtaining new drugs due to its conservation. The changes caused by the substitution of the amino acid histidine for a tyrosine led to a series of conformational changes in the neighboring amino acids that provoked electrostatic changes resulting in the resistance to the drug. From this study, it will be possible to know better the molecular interactions of the mutant neuraminidase and subsequently to project new drugs designs to be elaborated and become more efficient in the interaction with the mutant strains of this virus. Read more
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Temporal Trends and Patient Factors Associated with Oseltamivir Administration in Hospitalized Children with Influenza 2007-2020Walsh, Patrick 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Mechanisms of resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors in influenza A viruses and evaluation of combined antiviral therapyPizzorno, Mario Andres 23 April 2018 (has links)
Les inhibiteurs de la neuraminidase (INAs) jouent un rôle central dans le contrôle des infections grippales, tant dans le cas des épidémies et des pandémies comme chez les patients immunosuprimés et d'autres patients à risque. Cependant, le développement et la dissémination de la résistance compromettent l'utilité à long terme de cette intervention. En fait, le problème de la résistance aux INAs a été mis en évidence pendant les épidémies de grippe annuelles de 2007-09, avec la dissémination globale d’une variante de la souche A(H1N1) saisonnière résistante à l'oseltamivir. Dans ce cas, les observations préliminaires ont spéculé avec l'existence d'un ensemble de mutations “permissives” qui auraient facilité cette transmission mondiale. Heureusement, l'émergence et la propagation mondiale de la souche pandémique en 2009 a mené au remplacement de la souche saisonnière A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1) résistante à l'oseltamivir, par le virus A(H1N1)pdm09 naturellement sensible aux INA, et, par conséquent, l'oseltamivir a récupéré son utilité clinique. En fait, la plupart des virus A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) et B circulants à ce jour restent sensibles à l'oseltamivir, avec seulement 1-2% de souches résistantes. Néanmoins, le nombre croissant de souches résistantes récemment détectées en l’absence de traitement fait craindre que ce problème puisse encore augmenter. À cet égard, l'impact de l'émergence et la dissémination de la résistance sur le choix limité des antiviraux actuellement disponibles renforce la nécessité d’une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à ce phénomène ainsi que de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. Les différentes études présentées dans le cadre de cette thèse convergent vers l'objectif général de mieux décrire les mécanismes de développement de la résistance aux INAs dans les virus de la grippe. En outre, nous prévoyons que les thérapies combinées pourraient induire une meilleure réponse virologique et immunologique par rapport à la monothérapie antivirale. À la fin, nous nous attendons à ce que notre travail ait un impact sur la gestion des infections grippales en guidant la surveillance mondiale des marqueurs potentiels de résistance, ainsi qu’en proposant des traitements novateurs qui minimisent le développement de souches résistantes. / Neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) play a central role in the control of influenza infections, with important implications in the management of outbreaks and pandemics as well as in immunocompromised and other at risk patients, with both prophylactic and therapeutic indications. However, the development and dissemination of antiviral drug resistance represents a major limitation that compromises the long-term usefulness of this intervention. Actually, the problem of resistance to NAIs was highlighted by the worldwide dissemination of the oseltamivir-resistant seasonal A(H1N1) neuraminidase H274Y variant during the 2007-09 annual influenza epidemics. In that case, preliminary observations speculated with the existence of a set of “permissive” mutations that could have facilitated this global transmission. Fortunately, the antigenic shift that enabled the emergence of and global spread of the 2009 pandemic strain meant the replacement of the oseltamivir-resistant seasonal A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1) virus by the naturally NAI-susceptible A(H1N1)pdm09 virus, and, consequently, oseltamivir recovered its clinical utility. In fact, most of the circulating A(H1N1)pdm09, A(H3N2) and B viruses remain susceptible to oseltamivir with only 1-2% of tested strains exhibiting phenotypic or genotypic evidence of resistance. Nevertheless, the growing number of resistant strains recently detected in the absence of therapy raises concern that this problem could increase. In that regard, the impact of the emergence and dissemination of resistance on the limited choice of antivirals currently available underscores a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon as well as the necessity for innovative therapeutic approaches. The different studies presented in this thesis converge to the general objective of better describing the mechanisms underlying the development of resistance to NAIs in influenza viruses. Also, we anticipate that combination therapies will induce better virological and immunological responses compared to antiviral monotherapy. In the end, we expect that our work will have an impact on the management of influenza infections by guiding the global surveillance of potential drug resistance markers, as well as proposing innovative ways to improve the clinical outcome and minimizing the development of drug-resistant strains. Read more
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