Spelling suggestions: "subject:"other engineering"" "subject:"other ingineering""
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Robustness simulation ofbus crew schedules : Case Study Frihamnen Depot (Stockholm)LLORET CENDALES, KEVIN January 2019 (has links)
This thesis develops a model aimed at predicting the performance of bus crew schedules and study their operational capacity to face disruptions, that is, its robustness. It is based on the relation among schedule deviation, passengers and slack times, considered as non-productive times before trips.Optimization of Public Transport is a challenge that main cities are facing since this type of transport is the backbone of mobility. New powerful versions of transport planning software are providing more optimal schedules to operators, therefore decreasing their costs, but increasing the risk of delays due to more gathered schedules that can cause fines and passengers’ dissatisfaction.A trade-off between production and fines costs is needed to find the optimal slack times. To reach that goal, the Frihamnen bus depot in Stockholm (Sweden) was selected as case study, having historical data of all their lines for last year. A regression model for schedule deviation was calculated which served to create a computer tool in Microsoft Excel, giving the possibility to checking the performance of new schedules based on that historical data.The results showed an inverse relation between schedule deviation and slack times. Moreover, short non-productive times before trips also mean high delays on departures. A positive output is that adding a stop of at least 10% of the total trip time, the first departure would be on time or 2 minutes late as maximum. Several software developers are applying similar studies to their products to keep optimizing bus schedules while taking an economic and social approach.
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Simulation-based evaluation of a new floating vehicle speeding detection methodYang, Wentao January 2019 (has links)
Driving too fast is one of the major causes that lead to road crashes. A new speed enforcement management method based on autonomous vehicle technologies has the potential to enhance the speed limit compliance and improve traffic safety. This paper investigates the performance of this method in the detection stage under different scenarios. 27 scenarios are generated using microscopic simulation in VISSIM to collect performance data of this method. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to examine the performance difference between scenarios, including the detectable distance, the number of lanes, the speed of the measuring vehicle, the flow of the traffic, the desired average speed of the traffic, and the desired speed variance of the traffic. As a result, the influences of the factors on the performance of the method are distinguished. The detectable distance, the speed of the measuring vehicle and the flow of traffic have non-linear effects on the number of detected speeding vehicles. The measuring vehicle can interact with more speeding vehicles when the average speed of the traffic is high and the speed variance is small.
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Geographically Weighted Regression as a Predictive Tool for Station-Level Ridership : The Case of StockholmOunsi, Karim January 2019 (has links)
This thesis studies a new regression method, Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR)to predict ridership at the station level for future stations. The case study of Stockholm’s blue lineis used as new stations will be built by 2030. This paper is written in English.Historically, linear regression methods, independent of the geographical location of theobservations, was and is still used as the Ordinary Least Square regression method. With the riseof GIS-softwares these last decades, geographically dependent regression can be used and previouspreliminary studies have shown a dependency between ridership and location of the station withinthe network.GWR equations for new stations are determined and used to predict their respectiveridership. GIS-data was collected using Geodata and Traffikverket (Traffic Authority) andridership as well as socio-economic related material for the base year of 2016 was used in order todetermine, first, significant variables from a group of candidate ones (Workers, number of buslines and type of change were chosen) and, second the OLS and GWR equations. Significances ofboth models were compared and the OLS equation was used in order to determine the hypotheticalridership of the new stations if they were present in 2016. GWR equations were then determinedusing these calculated ridership of these new stations. Having all GWR equations (each stationhaving its own equation), ridership was thus predicted for the new stations for 2030 usingassumptions and planned, programmed development around the stations (population, apartment tobe built…) and compared with the official predictions.The results show that the GWR method, generally, overpredicts ridership when comparedto the official predictions. Many reasons can explain this overprediction like the assumptions madewith regards to the number of buses as well as the method followed to calculate the number ofworkers around each station.Three main conclusions were drawn for this case study. One main conclusion, specific forthis study and two other, more general, conclusions were deduced from this study. First, GWR isa good predicting tool for future stations that are close to most currently available stations. Second,GWR is a good predicting method for stations where limited changes in the future environmentwill occur.
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Har lärares psykosociala arbetsmiljö påverkats av karriärstegsreformen och lärarlönelyftet?Fiedler, Lotta January 2019 (has links)
Under åren 2013 – 2018 har två statliga lönereformer genomförts, som huvudsakligen riktar sig till lärare i Sverige. Riksrevisionen gjorde 2017 en granskning av de två reformerna i vilken man fann att sammanhållningen mellan lärare påverkats negativt. Denna undersökning startar i Riksrevisionens granskning och mina erfarenheter som facklig representant. Undersökningen ger en bild av vad lärares uppfattning är i en kommun. Den visar att arbetsgivaren behöver utveckla arbetet med information och kommunikation vid förändringsarbete. Statens lärarlönesatsningar har medfört både positiva och negativa effekter på lärares arbetsmiljö. Det finns anledning att arbeta för ökad transparens i informationen om lönereformerna och att involvera lärarna i arbetet. För att förbättra arbetsklimatet på skolorna är en rekommendation att göra lärarna delaktiga i arbetet med framtida förändringar och arbeta för tydliga löneprocesser. Detta för att ge förutsättningar för goda och hållbara arbetsmiljöförhållanden. / Employers are responsible for the work environment of all employed and shall achieve a good work environment. The state has implemented two salary reforms for teachers in Sweden during the period 2013 - 2018. The Swedish national audit office has made an audit of the Teacher salary boost and the Teacher career reform. They found a deterioration of cohesion between teachers. This investigation starts in my experiences as a union representative and in the Swedish National Audit Office report of the Teacher salary boost and the Teacher career reform. It gives a picture of the teachers´ opinion about the reforms. The result shows that the employer needs to develop the work with information and communication at change work. The state salary reforms have given both positive and negative effects on teachers´ work environment. There is reason to work for increased transparency in information about the reforms and to involve the teachers in the work. To improve working climate at schools, the recommendation is to make the teachers participant in future work at change processes and to work for clearer processes. This will give the basis for good and sustainable working conditions.
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Inlandsbanan – befintliga spår, ny trafik : Förutsättningar för regional spårtrafik i glesbebyggda områdenLIDSTRÖM OLSSON, DANIEL January 2019 (has links)
When the car dependency grew under many decades in Sweden parts of the rail network was shutdown or got reduced traffic due to the diminishing demand for rail travel. The railway lines affectedwere primarily those in rural areas with an already low number of travellers. One of these linesthreatened to be shut down was the line called Inlandsbanan (Inland line). Inlandsbanan was savedby the municipalities located along the line who now manage the railway by a co-owned company.Since the railway became managed by the co-owned company the railway has mostly been used fortourist-oriented traffic and freight traffic.Today the conditions are different, the demand for rail travel has increased due to a general highertransport demand and an increased environmental awareness. This study has been carried out tofind out if there is possibility to re-establish regional rail traffic for passengers on Inlandsbanan.The study has been carried out using statistics of current travel volumes and inhabitants in thepopulation centres along the line. This data has been analysed with support from earlier studiesregarding regional rail traffic and public transport in rural areas. As an extra tool in the study asimulation program has been used to estimate the travel demand for the line.The study found that the current low speed on Inlandsbanan is the biggest obstacle for implementingan attractive regional rail service on the line. The train is too slow in comparison to the car andtherefore it is not able to gain any considerable share of the total amount of travellers. It is possibleto replace regional bus service at some parts of the line since the train has some minor time gaincompared to the current bus service and the train could also offer a higher level of comfort.
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Gångavstånd för resor med elsparkcykel : En studie baserat på elsparkcykelaktören Voi Technology i StockholmBERG WINCENT, BOEL January 2019 (has links)
Electric scooters, or e-scooters as they also are called, were launched in California in USA as a bike share system, in 2017. A year later, in September 2018, the Swedish company Voi Technology launched the first e-scooters in Stockholm, Sweden. Bike share systems has been around since the 1960s but has grown substantially in the past 15 years. New technical solutions have solved past problems with theft and payment in bike shares. Since e-scooters are new, there is a lack of research and knowledge about practical use. The study aims to examine how long users of e-scooters walk to utilize the service. Travel data from Voi Technology is used to determine walking distance. The distance from the location where the app was opened to the location where the e-scooter trip begun was measured. The result was also compared the walking distance of other bike share systems and travelers of public transportation. The majority of e-scooter users walk less than 100 meters and 38 per cent walk less than 50 meters. The users have the shortest walking distance in the morning and the longest in the afternoon. During the weekend's users walk further than in weekdays. The users who travel longer distances with the e-scooters don’t walk further than other users. About a third of the users walk in the opposite direction of travel, to some extent, to catch an e-scooter. That indicates that the aim of the user in general seems to be to always have the shortest possible walking distance to the e-scooter.
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Self-leadership and the applicability of implementation intentionsGuerster, Martin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Trajectory generation for safe overtaking maneuver inautonomous vehicles : Evaluated in lane merging scenario utilizing a trajectory plannerBHANA, MOAAJ January 2018 (has links)
More than 1.2 million people die each year due to road traffic injuries [1]. In order to reduce traffic accidents and human errors, autonomous vehicles is been the subject of intense research. To improve the driving experience, automotive companies have developed Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) such as Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and Lane Keeping Aid (LKA) which aim to make driving safer and more comfortable. One particularly interesting maneuver is the lane change. Lane change maneuver is one of the riskiest maneuvers that a driver has to perform on a highway, and can be perceived as challenging since it involves changes in both the longitudinal and lateral velocities, direction and as well as movement in the presence of other moving vehicles. This thesis seeks to evaluate how different prediction model of the trajectory planner will affect collision risk, comfort and result in an increasing rate of successful overtakes. An trajectory-planning algorithm will be reliable in making smarter decisions for performing a safe overtaking maneuver’s and constantly generate discrete trajectory profile with respect to the parameters of the vehicle in front. Future motion is predicted using prediction models linking control inputs, vehicle properties and external conditions to the evolution of the state of the vehicle. The vehicle should be able to avoid collisions at the point of convergence where two lane road merges into a single lane road and therefore, motion only in the longitudinal direction is considered for the evaluation. The prediction model chosen for this thesis is constant acceleration (CA) and constant velocity (CV). The project is part of a large EU-project called SafeCOP (Safe Cooperating CyberPhysical Systems) usingWireless Communication which aims at developing a complete prototype of an intelligent transport system. A great amount of trajectory generation techniques have been surveyed and quartic polynomial is selected for trajectory generation as it has many benefits of having a low computational cost and the continuous concatenation of curves is possible. It is important in the trajectory planner to cancel out trajectories which would dynamically not be feasible and result in an increase risk of collision with the surrounding vehicle. The two chosen prediction models were evaluated for three different scenarios on which they are tested and their results is compared. For the different scenarios addressed in this thesis Constant Acceleration (CA) prediction model gave better result when compared to Constant Velocity (CV) prediction model and had an lower risk of collision which increases the number of successful overtakes. While doing so the jerk dynamic constraints were always considered to ensure that the trajectory generated are within the comfort zone of the passenger.
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@Risk som beslutsverktyg vid uppstart av ett bolag i USA : Monte Carlo-simuleringHager, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Entreprenörer och start-ups står inför många utmaningar och en framtid som kännetecknas av osäkerhet och risktagande. Teknikutvecklingen leder till optimering inom alla områden och företag försöker minimera kostnader och maximera vinster och effektivitet. Stora företag har ofta tillgång till beslutskonsulter och beslutsstöd såsom Monte Carlo-simuleringar för att förutsäga framtida scenarier. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla ett beslutsstöd för småföretagare, en simuleringsmodell, konstruerad för att fånga relevanta aspekter av osäkerhet och modellera framtida scenarier. En deterministisk resultatbudget i Excel är ryggraden i denna modell och de stokastiska Monte Carlo-simuleringarna skapas med Excel plug-in funktionen @Risk. En serie moduler tillhandahåller nödvändiga data för att beräkna företagets vinst över fem år och simulerar två parallella affärsmodeller. Input till modellen är produktionskostnader, prissättning och antal sålda enheter. Monte Carlo-simuleringarna visar fördelarna med de två affärsmodellerna och indikerar de aspekter som har störst påverkan på vinsten. Beslutsstödet kan användas som stöd för beslutsfattande och som grund för samtal med potentiella partners.
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Sola solarium, ingen bra idé! : En broschyr om solariesolandets riskerRudqwist, Hilda January 2014 (has links)
Jag har i mitt examensarbete undersökt hur man skulle kunna gå till väga för att skapa ett material med huvudfokus på illustrationer om solariesolandets risker. Det illustrativa materialet riktar sig till ungdomar i årskurs 7 och ska få dem att bli medvetna om de konsekvenser som kan drabba den som väljer att sola solarium. Jag redogör i arbetet hur jag med hjälp av litteraturstudier och undersökningar gått till väga för att komma fram till vilket bildspråk, format och redskap som bäst lämpar sig för att på ett tydligt och lättförståeligt sätt ge ungdomar i årskurs 7 grundläggande information om solariesolandets risker. / In this report I explain how one can provide an illustrative material about the risks of solarium tanning. I describe how I, with the help of literature studies and other research, come to the conclusion of which visualization technique is best suited to provide a Middle school pupil the basic information of these risks.
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