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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ordning, spänning och nyfikenhet : en berättarteknisk undersökning av P3 Historias podcasts

Strandberg, Julia January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Mission of Supplying Maputo with Freshwater : A political and environmental water history

Hake, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Foreign students, loneliness, and the Swedish language : Analysis of social and cultural experiences of creating a community in Uppsala / Analys av sociala och kulturella erfarenheter av att skapa en gemenskap i Uppsala : Analys av sociala och kulturella erfarenheter av att skapa en gemenskap i Uppsala

Wester, Lars January 2022 (has links)
This Bachelor thesis is about international students, who travelled to Uppsala to study abroad during the autumn exchange term, which took place between September 2021 and January 2022. Four students from different countries were interviewed about their cultural and social experiences when the students studied abroad and how they oriented themselves in a foreign environment. This thesis focuses on sensory anthropology, which is a subfield. The sensorial aspects are about the international student's experiences, and the primary ones are light and darkness, space, flavours, and memories. When it comes to local belonging and imagined communities, the sensory aspects are about the value of individual experiences as well as the collective aspect of establishing a new community. In the period where international students learned, they clarified whether they felt like locals belonging to Uppsala.  When it comes to whether the students feel a sense of local belonging in Uppsala, the students' own educational experiences, local belonging, and communities in their home countries are compared to the Swedish students' existing communities at Uppsala. Foreign students also describe their native languages and their encounters with the Swedish language, and how the contrast resulted in feelings of exclusion from Swedish society

Kugghjulets smörjmedel : Kommunikatörens funktion i en organisation / The cogwheels lubricant : The communicators function in a organization

Ekman, Emmy January 2018 (has links)
What does a communicator do? That's a question that's not too unusual for those who doesn't work like one to ask when a communicator present their profession. That's why following case study with qualitative interviews examines how a public administration in Växjö kommun perceives the profession. With four focus groups with different professions tries with the author to describe the concept of being a communicator and what communication means to the organization.   It showed in the result that a communicator most parts work in the background. That a communicator is a "ghostwriter" if so prefers. The one who works as a communicator has a mission to be there for the whole organization to help the coworkers and the manager with the communication problems and challenges they may have. They help the organization and then become the lubricant to the cogwheels which may be similar to an organization.   It's not just the organization that the communicator is supposed to be available for. They should also serve the audience that the organization may have. In this case the citizens of the county.   The result showed that trust can be built up with the help of communication. Both internal and external. The responsible for the issue would stand up for himself. The communicator could help the responsible one with the communication but not the one to send out the message. / Vad gör en kommunikatör? Det är en fråga som inte är allt för ovanlig för utomstående att ställa när en sådan presenterar sitt yrke. Därför presenteras i följande fallstudierapport med hjälp av en kvalitativ intervjustudie hur en förvaltning i Växjö kommun uppfattar yrket. Med hjälp av fyra fokusgrupper med olika yrkesinriktningar reder de tillsammans med författaren ut vad begreppet innebär och vad kommunikation innebär för organisationen.   Det visade sig i resultatet att en kommunikatör i stora delar arbetar i det dolda. Att en kommunikatör är en ”spökskrivare” om så vill. Den som arbetar som kommunikatör har som uppgift att finnas tillgänglig för hela organisationen för att hjälpa medarbetarna och cheferna med de kommunikativa frågor och utmaningar som de kan tänkas stå inför. De hjälper organisationen och blir då smörjmedlet till de kugghjul som kan liknas med en organisation.   Det är inte bara organisationen som kommunikatören ska finnas tillgänglig för utan  ska även tjäna den målgrupp som organisationen kan tänkas ha. I detta fallet finns den till för att svara medborgarna i Växjö kommun på deras frågor som de har främst via det sociala mediet Facebook.   Resultatet i den här undersökningen visade även att det med hjälp av kommunikation går att bygga upp ett förtroendekapital, både internt och externt. Detta genom att den ansvarige för det aktuella problemet skulle stå för sin sak och att kommunikatören gärna fick hjälpa den ansvarige med kommunikativa frågor men inte vara den som skrev under med sin namnteckning eller var ansiktet utåt för organisationen om viktig information och kommunikation ska hanteras.

"Hans sexliv har ju förmodligen inte fuckats upp liksom" : Sexualitet, femininitet och kroppslighet efter sexuella övergrepp

D'Ubaldo-Gauffin, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Based on semi-structured interviews, which have been interpreted through thematic analysis, this study sets out to explore four women’s experiences of sexual assault and its impact on their sexuality. It also aims at inquiring into what their stories can tell us about bodies and sexuality in general. This study draws on an understanding of sexuality and bodies as both discursive and material, and extends this insight to also include materiality’s potential to act against discourse. The analysis shows that the women experience sexual assault as in various ways affecting their sexuality and wellbeing negatively. While showing that their sexuality and bodily behaviour during sex is shaped and controlled by power and that this can be reinforced after sexual assault, it is also emphasised that their experiences lead to a less regulated sexuality and therefore to new sexual and bodily opportunities beyond passivity and objectification. In sum, the study suggests that the understanding of sexual assault as highly and negatively affecting women’s sexuality needs to be nuanced.

En kvalitativ studie om fritidslärarens reflektioner kring uppdraget att arbeta med IT i fritidshem / A qualitative study about after School program. : Teacher´s reflections of the mission of working with IT in the after school program

Börjesson, Caroline, Lundkvist, Natalia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

En studie av cosplayutövares hantverk i relation till personlig identitet / A study of cosplayers craft in relation to personal identity

Norling, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Today cosplay is a constant growing subculture of people dressing up in costumes of their favourite fictional characters partaking in geek culture. This group of people have different ways of practicing cosplay. They go to conventions, meet up on online forums like Facebook and share their experiences and interests with each other. The focus of cosplay is for the person to transform them self with costumes that the cosplay practitioners or also known as “cosplayers.” have bought ore crafted themselves. This study focusses on analysing the thought process of cosplayers in relation to crafting a cosplay costume and how it relates to cosplayers personal identity. What is typical in crafting cosplay costumes and how does it differ between cosplayers in relation to the costumes purpose and cosplayers personal identity? This study uses mixed method research and is based on a survey of active cosplayers and their opinions of cosplay craft. The study uses social identity theory to analyse the cosplayers answers and how it effects the way they choose to practice cosplay. The result of this study show that cosplayers closely identify themselves with their craft in way that creates a cosplay identity. The cosplayers cosplay identity is how they relate their own way of cosplay inside the cosplay community. If they are a competing cosplayer, non-competing cosplayer, Armor specialist or the seamstress.          Keywords; Cosplay, personal identity, Cosplay competition, craft, textiles

Att dela börda och ansvar : Hur sexualitet, ansvar, reproduktion och maskulinitet konstrueras i forskning om hormonella preventivmedel för män

Ahlbom, Nathalie January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

SASHIKO Japanskt broderi i textilslöjdsundervisningen

Eliasson, Inga-Lill January 2018 (has links)
Studien bygger på mitt eget intresse för broderitekniken Sashiko. Jag valde attpröva sashiko som arbetsområde i undervisningen då jag arbetade somtextillärare. Jag upplevde att sashiko kunde anpassas till styrdokumenten, atteleverna kunde arbeta på olika nivåer och att resultatet av det de producerade blevväldigt lyckat. Icke desto mindre tyckte både jag och eleverna att det var ett roligtoch utvecklande arbetsområde. Ämnesområdet är nytt i undervisningen och jagville utveckla min kunskap om hur andra lärare planerar, genomför och utvärderarsin undervisning i sashiko. Jag har intervjuat fyra textillärare om deras innehålloch metoder i undervisningen. Studien har utgått från läroplansteorin, och jag haranvänt en halvstrukturerad intervjumetod. Textillärarna har svarat på frågor somrör det didaktiska fältet i undervisningen. Deltagarna i studien har utvecklatundervisningen i sashiko utifrån sitt eget intresse för tekniken. Att den gereleverna rika möjligheter till egna val framhåller de som en viktig faktor till denpositiva inställning eleverna har till tekniken. Studien slår bland annat fast attlärarna saknar läromedel i sin undervisning, de efterlyser mer tid att träffakolleger och att de ser stora möjligheter att utveckla sashiko i undervisningen.Tidigare studier har visat att lärare ofta hämtar inspiration från tidigare praktik,egen skolgång, VFU eller traditioner i yrket, vilket inte lärarna i föreliggandestudie gjort.

Your Exotic, Your Victim, Your Terrorist. : Visual storytelling to challenge the Western stigma of Arab women living in areas of conflict.

Alchalabi, Hayfaa January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore how illustrative storytelling can challenge the western stigma of Arab women in areas of conflict. This exploration will be done through an analysis on the history and the current visualization of Arab women in the west and a series of illustrations I will be creating that propose a narrative opposing this visualization. My study will show how the visual references used for my research have had a major effect in shaping the image of the Arab women in the west. The aim of this project is to use the same characteristics that fall under the stereotypical visualizations of Arab women to challenge the stigma of classifying these women as; the terrorist, the exotic, and/or the oppressed. The purpose of my project is to create a change in the way the western audience perceives Arab women in areas of conflict. I will therefore analyze in this essay how western media and art have shaped the collective view the west has on Arab women. Furthermore, the essay will explain how storytelling proposes a rejection to the static depiction of Arab women in western media and introduces instead an element of an evolving story. This project proposes a sustainable way of looking at gender and conflict in the Arab world provoking questions around the visualization of these women and creating discussions about the accuracy of the perception the west has created. This in turn re-contextualizes the visualization of the identity of Arab women in the west with the aim of breaking the objectification these women.

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