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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klassrumsledare : En kvalitativ studie om grundskolelärares ledarroll i klassrummet i en mångkulturell arbetsmiljö

Cotal San Martin, Nirvana January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Designing technical information : Challenges regarding service engineers’ information-seeking behaviour

Lundin, Jonatan January 2015 (has links)
There is a gap of knowledge regarding relevant aspects of users’ information-seekingbehaviours. The research presented in this thesis aims at gaining a deeper knowledge about such behaviours and discussing the consequences the behaviours may have on the design practice of technical communicators when designing technical information during product development. The information needs of users, and where they go to obtain information to satisfy these needs, are considered relevant aspects. The research presented in this thesis is limited to service engineers performing maintenance in a workshop. The objective is to try to frame the information needs service engineers give evidence of in a work task and map where they go to satisfy these needs. An ethnographic research approach were selected where empirical data was collected, analysed and interpreted from a theoretical viewpoint: a synthesis of Byström and Hansen’s Conceptual Framework for Tasks in Information Studies and Systemic-Structural Theory of Activity. Seven in-house aftermarket service engineers where observed by means of participant observation while performing maintenance work tasks on machine equipment taken out of service in a maintenance workshop in Sweden.The results reveal that these service engineers gave evidence of fifty (50) different information needs, that they actively searched and selected four (4) types of sources of information to satisfy these needs, but also that service engineers seldom seek instructions. The consequence for technical communicators having the intention of designing to satisfy the cognitive information needs of individuals, is that it is a challenge to satisfy every information need. The information needs unique to any one individual and those depending on the work task context, as well as those that are specific to a work role in an organisation rather than to the machine equipment, are challenging to satisfy. This research indicates that the same type of information is used to satisfy different types of information needs. The information designed to satisfy a specific information need may thus be used to satisfy an entirely different need. / INNOFACTURE - innovative manufacturing development

Andas i fyrkant, leva i bubbla : En kvalitativ studie om algoritmers hjälp och stjälp kring självbekräftelse på Instagram

Åkesson, Elin, Jansson, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
In today's society all of your questions can be answered through a visit at Google. We’re constantly connected to the internet and cookies do not only refer to those sweet baked goodies you wish to fill your stomach with. But the question is how aware we are on the effects each data collected has on us? The idea for this essay is to see what Swedes think about algorithms, filter bubbles, echo chambers and integrity in relation to perceived self-affirmation. Do cookies and algorithms work as a help or a hindrance? We have been doing interviews with 11 people in the ages 19 - 36 of which six people stated to be men and five women. The issues we wanted to investigate have been the following: To what extent are users aware of the impact of Instagram's algorithms? Have users changed the way they use Instagram after the advent of personal algorithms? If so, in what way and why? How does the number of likes affect the user's self-image and the image of others? We can see that the knowledge levels of Instagram's algorithm is low. Users are struggling with their own theories about what can increase interaction with other accounts to meet their needs - but find little or none interest in finding out the facts. As far as the algorithms' influence on self-esteem is concerned, it is high. Rather, the major difference we experience lies in the study of the uprising of the new system under #RIPINSTAGRAM which determined users' strong resistance to Instagram's adjustments. Nowadays, the attitudes toward those personal algorithms are not as strongly negative, at least not on a conscious level. This seems to have leached over time, potentially as a side effect of simply getting used to the forum's new layout.

Physics Identity Development and Student Participation - A Case Study Through the Lens of Activity Theory

Lindberg, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
When highschool students apply for university physics programs they are taking a significant stepdown a path suggestively leading them closer to becoming physics community members. Highschoolstudents’ ideas of what physicists do at work might however differ from what physicists actuallydo. In order to inspire highschool students to do physics and give them a better understanding ofwhat physicists do at work, four highschool students at a Swedish highschool were invited to do alaboratory project at Uppsala University, Sweden. To understand how student attitudes may have been affected by the project and to analyze the process in search of finding out more about what waschallenging for the students, the author of this paper attended several laboratory sessions to observethe students, interviewed the students, and had the students take a pre- and post standardizedtest, before and after the laboratory period to compare their attitudes toward physics with those of experts. Theoretical frameworks of identity negotiation and student participation, and activity theory were used to identify what enabled or hindered the students and the professor in terms of succesfully completing the project. Other than finding out about changes in student attitudes, one goal ofthis study was to produce suggestions for improvements on how the laboratory project could be designed for future installments. The results showed that both the students and the professor weresuccesfull in achieving their objectives but that there were several problems that arose during theprocess that caused the project from progressing optimally. From the observation data and relevanttheory, a set of suggestions for project improvements were generated. Though the standardized testfor comparing students attitudes with those of experts did not reveal anything significant, it wasclear from the interviews with the students had been inspired to do more physics and that theirperspective on what physicist do had shifted closer to represent what physicist actually do at work.

Svenska Akademiens litteratursyn : En retorikvetenskaplig analys av motiveringarna för Nobelpriset i litteratur

Ojala Ahlgren, Noah January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Demokrati i Rörelse : En retorisk-ekologisk analys av retoriseringen av den israeliska regeringens förslag att minska Högsta domstolens inflytande över israelisk politik

Skytén, Aron January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis examines the ongoing protests in Israel against the proposed judicial overhaul, which seeks to curtail the Supreme Court's power to overrule and veto parliamentary decision-making. By employing theories of rhetorical ecology, rhetorization, and ideographs, this study presents a novel method called "ideographic tracking," derived in part from Laurie E. Gries' iconographic tracking method. The aim is to counter the prevailing narrative of a unified pro-democratic movement opposing the new right-wing government's proposed legal reforms. The thesis evaluates central ideographs and the divergent definitions attributed to them, ultimately shedding light on the prevalence of pluralistic opinions within the protest movement. The findings challenge the dominant narrative that portrays the protests as a homogenous pro-democratic force opposing the right-wing government's proposed legal reform. Instead, the ideographic tracking method uncovers a multifaceted landscape of opinions, reflecting a more nuanced understanding of the protest movement. By showcasing the plurality of voices and interpretations, this research contributes to a more comprehensive and accurate representation of the ongoing protests in Israel.

Turist eller modern kolonisatör? : En begreppsutredande analys av begreppen turism, migration och kolonisalism som definition av svenska migranter på Costa del Sol

Ewert, Elsa January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Dans på Svenska - Trender och tendenser i musikläggningen på Sveriges Radio.

Lindström, Ana January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att öka kunskapen om musikens plats i dagens public service-radio. Specifikt vilka faktorer som styr musikvalet i Sveriges Radios program och kanaler. Studien ger också en fördjupad kunskap om världsmusik som begrepp. De frågor som ställs är vilka faktorer som styr musikläggingen i P3 och P4 jämfört med P1 som är kanalen för talade program och genreprogram som Folkmusiken i P2 samt hur begreppen folkmusik och världsmusik förstås. Detta undersöker jag genom en fallstudie av samlingsskivan Dans På Svenska med remixad svensk folkmusik. Studien har sina utgångspunkter i receptionsteori, genreteori och semiotiskt perspektiv och datainsamlingen har genomförts med den kvalitativa forskningsintervjun som metod. Tre informanter är anställda på Sveriges Radio och ansvarar för att planera musiken i sändning. En ytterligare informant är skivbolagsgrundare på Nordic Bass och som släppt samlingsskivan Dans På Svenska.  Forskningsresultatet visar tendenser på ett omvänt maktförhållande där musikaktören Spotify konkurrerar om titeln som Sveriges nya gatekeeper. Tidigare forskning visar också att Sveriges Radio speglade den samtida synen på folkmusik fram till början 1950-talet då attityden förändrades. Resultatet visar att begrepp som världsmusik är otidsenligt och att folkmusiken fortfarande är i ständig förändring.

Den nya Museipolitiken / The New Politics of Museum Management

Ekström, Nelly January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The Unknown Trade Conflict An analysis of the 2019 trade conflict between Japan and South Korea

Wyn-Jones, Morgan January 2021 (has links)
According to most mainstream theories of international relations, Japan and South Korea should be able to cooperate and have cordial relations. However, this does not seem to be the case. This points to a gap in understanding of how historical issues affect bilateral relations. Thus, this thesis attempts to explain and explore why and how Japan-Korean relations deteriorated as a result of the forced labour issue. It is discovered that the issue is connected to a larger web of issues between the two countries relating to history and the conflict is a continuation of a long running series of issues. Motivation, identity and politics are used to explain why relations routinely deteriorate. The paper concludes South Koreas identity is strongly connected to the legacy of anti-colonialism making an important part of the country’s nationalism, making it a useful tool for politicians to gain domestic favour. Further domestic backlash in Japan make them unable to go further in terms of politics of contrition. / 要約  国際政治論の一般的な論理によって日韓関係は協力的で交友的であるべき。しかし、実際に そうでもない。このことは、歴史問題が国際関係に及ぼす影響というものが十分に認識 されていないことを示している。本論文に元徴用工問題のために日韓関係が悪化した理由 を説明や探検と目的する。本紛争は前の紛争の連続性があるし他の日韓関歴史問題と繋がり があると結論できる。動機、アイデンティティと政治的な理由は定期的な悪化を説明する。 韓国の反植民地アイデンティティは韓国のナショナリズムに強く繋がりがるので国内政治的 な選択としてとして便利である.しかも日本国内の「跳ね返る」のため政治の選択肢として 韓国の要求を従うことができない。

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