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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D Product Display in eCommerce websites : Study on the impact of 3D product display for the online user experience

Ya, Wen, Xing, Yihan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Alternativa grundlösningar till betong vid byggnation av småhus.En jämförelse av olika husgrunder ur hållbarhet- och fuktperspektiv / ALTERNATIVE SUSTAINABLE FOUNDATION METHODS. A comparative study of different house foundations with regards to sustainability and potenital for water damage

Sandborg, Robert, Larsson, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
The construction industry today is responsible for approximately 3-4% of the global carbon footprint, which is mainly due to the production of cement, one of the main components of concrete. The substitution of concrete for more sustainable, circular and biobased materials has become more prominent when it comes to the construction of buildings in general. However, concrete is completely dominant when building house foundations.  When society strives for a sustainable future, the construction industry must adjust and build more sustainable. The carbon footprint of concrete must decrease or be replaced completely by an environmentally friendly material but still maintain similar capacity. Reinforced concrete can currently be replaced by materials such as wood when building other construction components, however it is hard to replace in the foundation. This makes it appropriate to explore different alternative foundation methods. Therefore, the goal of this study is to investigate different established or conceptual foundation methods that could potentially replace concrete foundations when constructing smaller buildings. Examine their potential and limits and assess whether the methods can compete with reinforced concrete today. A literature study and interviews has been carried out.  The three different studied methods involve, Foam glass foundation (Koljern), wood foundation and ground screw.    Wood foundation is still a conceptual method which in theory should work. Although there are risks involving using organic materials such as wood when constructing a foundation, considering the soil stores water. Foam glass foundation (Koljern), combined with steel beams is a Swedish technology developed to replace reinforced concrete foundations for smaller buildings. It is a waterproof solution produced to minimize the environmental impact of house foundations.  Ground screw is an environmentally friendly option developed to maximize effectiveness building foundations. The ground screws are screwed directly into the ground carrying the weight of the building and keeping it off the ground. This means no preparatory work of the ground needs to be carried out. Mainly produced for smaller constructions such a decks and sheds, however there are possibilities to build larger constructions, such as houses.  The results of the data that has been compiled from various scientific studies and the interviews that were carried out, showed that there are no real competitive foundation methods to concrete regarding the three main aspects studied. / Byggsektorn står idag för en stor mängd CO2 utsläpp och betong är en stor faktor. Ungefär 3–4% av världens utsläpp globalt kommer från tillverkning av cement, vilket är en av huvudkomponenterna i betong (Svensk Betong 2022). Betongen har börjat substitueras mot mer hållbara, cirkulära och biobaserade alternativ med tiden. Ett område emellertid som betongen är helt dominant på marknaden är grunden. När dagens samhälle strävar efter en hållbarare framtid måste byggbranschen anpassa sig och bygga klimatsmartare. Utsläppen av betong måste kunna förminskas eller så måste den kunna ersättas med ett bättre material som samtidigt kan upprätthålla den funktion som krävs. Den armerade betongen kan redan idag ersättas med exempelvis trä vid byggnation av alla andra stomdelar, men ej i grunden. Detta gör det angeläget att utforska alternativa lösningar till betonggrunder.  Denna undersökning syftar därför till att utforska etablerade eller konceptuella lösningar som potentiellt skulle kunna ersätta betong vid grundkonstruktioner för småhus. Studera dess möjligheter samt begränsningar kring att konkurrera med armerad betong och ta fram en mer hållbar men samtidigt konkurrenskraftig lösning. En Litteraturstudie har utförts samt ett antal intervjuer. De tre grundläggningar som undersökts är platta på mark i trä, Koljern-grund och markskruv. Trägrunden är en konceptuell lösning som i teorin bör fungera. Däremot är medför det risker att konstruera en grundlösning i organiska material, eftersom marken är en riskmiljö ur ett fuktperspektiv.  Koljern-tekniken är cellglaselement kombinerade med lättreglar i stål som kan ersätta armerad betong i grunden vid byggnation av småhus. Koljern-tekniken är en fuktsäker lösning framtagen för att minska klimatavtrycken av grundkonstruktioner. Markskruv är en klimatsmart grundlösning framtagen för att minimera byggtiden vid fabricering av fundament. Markskruven skruvas direkt ned i marken som konstruktionen kan vila på. Dränering och schaktning krävs således inte. Tekniken är främst framtagen för mindre konstruktioner som altaner och skjul, men det finns även möjligheter att bygga småhus. Slutsatsen löd att ingen av de alternativa lösningarna som undersöktes kunde konkurrera med en betongplatta idag.

Lärares och elevers arbetsmiljö avseende luftkvalité / Teachers’ and Students’ Working Environment in Terms of Air Quality

Thelin, Elena, Modin, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Inomhusluftens kvalitet påverkas direkt av antal människor i lokalen och är ett problematiskt arbetsmiljöområde, bl. a. i skolmiljöer. Antalet elever beräknas fortsätta öka de närmaste åren i Stockholms skolor och det finns risk för att befintliga ventilationssystem i vissa fall inte räcker till. Syftet i detta arbete var att undersöka och analysera lärares och elevers arbetsmiljö avseende luftkvalité. Frågor som var av extra intresse var bland annat: hur CO2-halter, temperatur och luftfuktighet varierar i samband med lektioner; om mätinstrument och mätmetoden som används i kommunens projekt är tillräckligt pålitliga; samt om skolorna klarar den ökade elevpopulationen utifrån bibehållen luftkvalité. Teorianalysen i arbetet visade att många skolor inte får godkänt på OVKkontroller och har brister i ventilationssystemet. Det är svårt för skolorna att klara ett ökat antal elever utan att förbättra ventilationen och för att kunna uppfylla ventilationskraven från Arbetsmiljöverket. Metoden som användes var mätningar som samlades in och analyserades kvantitativt. Resultatet av mätningarna visade att temperatur och luftfuktighet ligger på en bra nivå. Generellt överstiger CO2-halter inte 1000 ppm men ackumuleras under dagen vilket kräver åtgärder, endast ett fåtal mätningar uppvisade dock CO2-halter som översteg 1000 ppm. I vissa skolor som var med i analysen bedömdes att ett ökat elevantal inte är möjligt med bibehållen luftkvalité, fler åtgärder kommer krävas av kommunen. Analys av mättekniken som använts visar att validiteten i mättekniken kan förbättras liksom att flera mätpunkter bör användas i klassrummet. Beräkningar av uteluftflöde som behövs för ett klassrum kan göras genom att utgå ifrån krav som Arbetsmiljöverket ställer, men det är inte alltid möjligt att öka uteluftflöde. Detta arbete har hittat ett fåtal alternativ för ökat luftflöde, när ventilationssystemet visar sig vara underdimensionerat för befintligt antal elever. / Indoor air quality is directly affected by the number of people and is a problematic area in school environments. The number of students is expected to increase in coming years in the Stockholm schools and there is a risk that existing ventilation system is not enough efficient. Aim of this study was to investigate and analyse the teachers and students working environment on the air quality. Questions of extraordinary interest were for example: how does CO2 concentrations, temperature and humidity vary during lessons; are measuring instruments and method used in municipal project sufficiently reliable; and can schools handle the increased student population on the basis of maintaining air quality. Theory analysis in this study showed that many schools does not pass the OVKcontrols and that they have deficient ventilation. It will be difficult for the schools to cope with an increased number of students, without improving the ventilation to be able to meet the requirements for ventilation from the Swedish Work Environment Authority. The method used was measurements that were collected and analysed air quality quantitatively. The results of the measurements showed that the temperature and humidity is at a acceptable level. Overall, the CO2 concentrations did not exceed 1 000 ppm but accumulate during the day which require actions, yet a few measured concentrations did exceed the limit of 1000 ppm. Some schools that were included in the analysis will not be able to maintaining air quality show at an increasing population of students, more action will be required by the municipality. Analysis of the measurement technique used shows that the validity of the technique can be improved as well as the need for a number of measurement points to be used in the classroom. Measurement of outside airflow needed for a classroom can be made by emanuate from the requirements of Swedish Work Environment Authority, but it is not always possible to increase outside airflow in the existing ventilation system. This work points at a few options for increased airflow when the ventilation system is found to be under-dimensioned for the existing number of students.

Stora glaspartiers påverkan på vanligt förekommande småhus i Umeå idag / The impact of large glass sections on commonly occurring detached houses in Umeå today

Olsson, Elias January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Målstrukturering för efterlevnad av Dataskyddsförordningens krav : En kvalitativ studie om mål och målstrukturer enligt värdefokuserat tänkande inom en offentlig verksamhet

Lockington Chambel, Emma January 2024 (has links)
Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka vilka mål en offentlig verksamhet har vid uppfyllandet av kraven i Dataskyddsförordningen. En kvalitativ metodik har tillämpats med åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter inom tre funktioner inom den undersökta verksamheten – styrning, verksamhetsledning och tjänstemän. Det teoretiska ramverket för studien är värdefokuserat tänkande, och resultatavsnittet inkluderar en beskrivning av Dataskyddsförordningen enligt respondenterna och därefter en redovisning av målstrukturerna för respektive respondent. Baserat på resultatet fokuserar diskussionen på utvecklandet av målstrukturerna, distinktionen mellan fundamentala och instrumentella mål, hur värdefokuserat tänkande har använts för att formulera målstrukturerna samt ett avsnitt med fokus på hur de enskilda intervjuerna bidrar till att ge en helhetsbild av verksamhetens dataskyddsarbete och hur resultatet kopplar an till beslutskontexten avseende hur Dataskyddsförordningens krav direkt påverkar beslutsfattande och åtgärdsplanering inom verksamheten. En slutsats som kan dras är att målen och målstrukturerna för varje respondent reflekterar deras unika utmaningar och behov, och de övergripande fundamentala målen förblir relativt enhetliga och inriktade på att säkerställa efterlevnad av Dataskyddsförordningen. Målstrukturerna kan möjligen bidra till att hjälpa verksamheten hantera komplexa beslutssituationer samtidigt som den undersökta verksamheten bibehåller centrala värderingar som integritet, säkerhet och transparens kopplat till dataskyddsrelaterade frågor. / This thesis aims to explore the objectives that a public operation has when fulfilling the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. A qualitative methodology has been applied, including eight semi-structured interviews across three functions within the studied organization – governance, management, and officials. The theoretical framework for the study is value-focused thinking, and the results section includes a description of the General Data Protection Regulation according to the respondents, followed by a presentation of the structures of the objectives for each respondent. Based on the results, the discussion focuses on the development of the structures of the objectives, the distinction between fundamental and instrumental objectives, how value-focused thinking has been used to formulate the structures of the objectives, and a section focusing on how the individual interviews contribute to an overall picture of the organization’s data protection work, and how the results connects to the decision-making context regarding how the General Data Protection Regulation requirements directly affect decision-making and action planning within the organization. A conclusion that can be drawn is that the objectives and the structures of the objectives for each respondent reflect their unique challenges and needs, and that the overall fundamental objectives remain relatively uniform and focused on ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation. The structures of the objectives may potentially help the organization manage complex decision-making situations while maintaining core values such as integrity, security, and transparency related to data protection issues.

Strategic integration of Explainable AI in Recruitment: Towards a framework for Ethical decision-making and Stakeholder confidence

Ghoneim, Mohamed January 2024 (has links)
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) integration has become an important topic in the rapidly evolving recruitment landscape in order to maintain ethical decision-making and increase stakeholder confidence. This thesis investigates the integration of XAI models into hiring procedures, aiming to establish a transparent and consistent decision-making environment that mitigates potential biases and addresses ethical concerns inherent in AI-driven systems. The research envisions a future where AI not only supports but enhances the capabilities of HR professionals and hiring managers by providing deeper insights and more precise candidate evaluations. By doing so, the study contributes valuable insights aimed at optimizing recruitment processes, thereby increasing efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process. The research explores how XAI can support and enhance the capabilities of HR professionals and hiring managers by providing deeper insights and more accurate evaluations of candidates. It also assesses the practical implications of employing XAI, its impact on recruitment outcomes, and the ethical dimensions of utilizing such advanced technologies in organizational settings.

The way forward, humans and AI together? : Investigating the use of AI as an enabler in digital transformation initiatives

Zetterberg, Arvid, Pettersson Palestro, Simon January 2024 (has links)
Digital transformation and the process of large organizational change is a complex undertaking. To ease the process, organizations can employ champions who act as facilitators, guiding individuals towards a desired outcome. In this study, we explore the function and purpose of champions, investigate which qualities and responsibilities can be emulated by AI, and the resulting implications for organizations. A qualitative research strategy was conducted through semi-structured interviews with experienced professionals in the area of digital transformation and AI.  The findings of the thesis prove the effectiveness of a top-down and bottom-up approach in overcoming resistance to change, where champions play a pivotal role as enablers. In practice however, challenges in time constraints and lack of recognition hinder the effectiveness of champions. Our findings show that AI, specifically foundation models with related techniques, can shoulder a significant part of the champions responsibilities. Knowledge sharing is central to change and an AI solution can enhance the access to organizational knowledge through continuous availability and consistent communication, guiding users through complex processes and systems. Limitations in the technique are found in offering proactive support and understanding implicit and nuanced organizational processes. The organizational implications reside in navigating the rapid advancements of AI, as organizations need to promote continuous learning and standardize processes to maximize the value of foundation models. Remaining model agnostic is important, andÄmdeveloping AI and data governance frameworks is essential to ensure alignment with the overall organizational strategy.  What is clear is that foundation models and the new generation of AI mark the beginning of a technological shift. AI should be viewed as a collaborative tool to enhance productivity, which will necessitate a shift in roles and responsibilities towards strategic and critical thinking. To maintain a competitive edge, organizations must dedicate time and resources to adopt new AI technologies.


Giragos, Sevag, Fazekas, Peter January 2024 (has links)
This thesis focuses on enhancing the internal cooling mechanisms of ABB’s Omnicore V400XT control cabinets, which are integral to robotic operations. The research aims to mitigate thermal inefficiencies and eliminate hot spots by improving air distribution within the cabinets. SolidWorks flow simulations and experimental validationswere employed to assess various fan housing designs and air chamber configurations. Results indicate that the introduction of an elevated air chamber outlet significantly improves air distribution, ensuring higher air velocities across critical components. This modification also presents the challenge of air potentially exiting the chamber prematurely, thus reducing the cooling efficiency through convection and conduction. Experimental data corroborate that while the elevated air chamber outlet enhances air distribution, the overall average temperature within the cabinet remains largely unaffected by different fan designs. This suggests that the rotational force exerted by the fan directs airflow towards the cabinet walls rather than the components, limitingthe cooling efficiency. Tools such as Simscape and 3D printing were utilised for prototype development and testing. These findings provide a cost-effective approach to improving thermal management in robotic control cabinets, potentially setting a new standard for industrial applications. This comprehensive approach aims to enhance the efficiency and reliability of robotic control systems, contributing to the advancement of industrial automation.

Lasttester av implementationer av FHIR-stardarden

Piirainen, Päivi January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Aspizua, Lucía January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT This project deals with the search of the most proper offshore foundation to install in the Baltic Sea, in order to reduce costs and environmental impact. A pre-study was performed to define the Baltic Sea conditions and the required knowledge for the following steps. Afterwards, the specifications were set and clarified, and then the concept analysis phase was started. The analysis phase included the description of each one of the current foundations, those which are considered conventional foundations and those which are innovative ones. In order to evaluate these concept foundations, selection methods were used to assess the most relevant features of these foundations which should fulfil the requirements. The concepts ranking was studied and it led to the final results. Two different outcomes were obtained; such as, innovative concepts, which obtained the first position in this report; and conventional concepts, as a second finding. The continuous contact with different experienced professionals of this sector was essential during the whole project, in order to obtain advices, experienced knowledge and feedback.

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