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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of non-destructive test methods for predicting the static bending stiffness and strength properties of thermally modified timber

Shuchan, Pu January 2017 (has links)
Non-destructive technologies have been applied on predicting the stiffness and strength properties of timber for decades. However, these technologies have rarely been investigated on predicting the properties of thermally modified timber. This study was performed to investigate the non-destructive technologies on estimating of the strength and stiffness properties of thermally modified timber. The material that was utilized for study is full-size structural Norway spruce. Twenty-five thermally modified boards were investigated by applying both non-destructive technologies and static bending test; 25 unmodified boards were used as a control group. Timber grader MTG and Sylvatest Trio are two non-destructive tools that were used for the determining the modulus of elasticity (MOE): MTG is an application of resonance frequency technology and Sylvatest Trio is an application of time-of-flight technology (TOF). The results show that both non-destructive technologies provide good results (??2=0.70 from MTG and??2=0.58 from Sylvatest Trio) on estimating the stiffness properties while poor resultson predicting the strength properties of thermally modified boards.The result shows anoverestimation of modulus of elasticity (MOE) from time-of-flight test compared withthe MOEs gathered from static bending test and resonance frequency test for both thermally modified boards and unmodified ones. The stiffness properties of boards after thermal modification reduced slightly (6.5%) compared with unmodified timbers; while strength properties of thermally modified boards decreased (37.5%) significantlycompared with control group.This study is a part of a bigger study performed at Linneaus University by Joran vanBlokland.

Parallel Aes diffusion inter block diffusion at bit level and compression / Parallel Aes diffusion inter block diffusion at bit level and compression

Shah, Milap January 2020 (has links)
Information is an intelligent data through which knowledgeable and usable things can be convicted or interpreted in a proper manner. With the advancement of technology, transmission of information over the network has come a trend. This information must be transmitted securely over the network. Data security was not a problem if a secure channel was provided for single transmission. It is a necessity to convert the information into an unintelligible form for transmitting it over an unsecured channel. Encryption is a technique through which original information can be converted into unintelligible form. As time has elapsed, various encryption algorithms are employed so that information can be transmitted securely over an unsecured channel. Unless an intruder accesses the encrypted text, he / she cannot gain any information from that text. But as the new algorithms are designed, all the algorithms are challenged and their cryptanalysis is available. In the year 1998, Advanced Encryption Standards (A (S)) were proposed and later it was widely accepted as the most secure encryption algorithm that can be used to encrypt the information so that it can be transmitted securely and unsecured. fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who takes four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. than all sequential AЕs. All the algorithms are challenged and their cryptanalysis is available. In the year 1998, To make A morS more fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. Advanced Encryption Standards (AЕS) was proposed and later it was widely accepted as the most secure encryption algorithm that can be used to encrypt the information so that it can be transmitted securely over an unsecured channel. To make A morS more fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. Advanced Encryption Standards (AЕS) was proposed and later it was widely accepted as the most secure encryption algorithm that can be used to encrypt the information so that it can be transmitted securely over an unsecured channel. To make A morS more fixed to a new scheme called Parallel AЕS, was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS. was an employee who took four blocks of 16 bytes at a time to generate four blocks of 16 bytes of text, thus providing diffusion of blocks at exchange. By doing this parallel A stoodS stood to be much firmer than sequential AЕS.

Design of a innovative ceramic product for the "Cosentino Design Challenge 14"

Mateo Martinez, Julia January 2020 (has links)
HejVän is an exclusive piece of furniture designed for the Hall of your house inspired by Swedish Design. The concept has been designed implementing the behavior of Swedish society and crafts, this can be seen in the use of materials, the smart mirror, the hangers or the dry shoe system. The furniture is all made by Cosentino materials to garantee exclusivity and durability, with the exception of the hangers and the back plates, which are made of pine wood, a fundamental element of Scandinavian design.

Improving Processes Within Waste Management : A case study in a SME / Processförbättring inom skrothantering : En fallstudie i små till medelstora företag

Hong, Willy, Turnesjö, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of how SMEs can promote the efficiency of their waste management processes. In particular, to identify the causes of employee non-compliance within waste management procedures. This overarching purpose of identifying causes of non-compliance and improving the process is reflected in the following research questions. RQ1: What are the causes of procedural employee non-compliance within current waste management processes? RQ2: How can current waste management processes be improved? Method – A single case study was carried out in order to answer the research questions. To gain insight in relevant theory supporting both the qualitative and quantitative data gathered in the case study, a literature review was conducted and acted as the foundation for the theoretical framework. The data was collected through means of observations and interviews. Results – The interviews revealed a moderate degree of non-compliance of employees in the waste process in SMEs. The factors influencing this non-compliance are primarily a lack of knowledge, brought on by improper introduction process and a general high degree of complexity. In order to improve the handling of waste, there should be a larger focus on a thorough introduction process in order to reduce the amount of short-term memory processing by employees. As for process specific improvements, removing wastes and standardization should be of primary concern. Lastly, in order to maintain social sustainability, the needs and experience of the employees should be considered before making improvements to waste management processes. Implications – This case study offers insights into what drives acts of non-compliance in waste management processes and possible improvements that can be derived from studying them. Therefore, this thesis can be used as a foundation for SMEs seeking to improve their waste management processes. Keywords – Waste, Waste Management, Social Sustainability, Processes, Process Improvement, Cognitive Ergonomics, Improvement Work, Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME).

Programmering i matematikundervisningen : En studie om några gymnasielärares syn på potentiella fördelar och nackdelar för elevers lärande imatematik / Programming in teaching mathematics : A study of the views of some high-school teachers on potential advantages and disadvantages for students’ learning in mathematics

Sandell, Markus January 2017 (has links)
Skolverket har beslutat att programmering från och med hösten 2018 kommer att ingå i kursplanerna för flera matematikkurser på gymnasiet. Detta motiveras genom att man anser att svenska skolan bör hänga med i den snabba digitaliseringen som sker i samhället idag. Denna studie syftar till att bidra med kunskap kring lärares perspektiv på hur ett införande av programmering i kursmålen i matematik kan påverka elevers lärande i matematik. Det empiriska underlaget till undersökningen har bestått i att 11 gymnasielärare i matematik med teknisk utbildning har svarat på en enkät med både öppna frågor samt svarsalternativfrågor. Resultatet visar att lärarna överlag är positiva till att ha programmering i matematikämnet men de ser ett problem i att det kan ta tid från annan matematikundervisning. De anser också i likhet med Digitaliseringskommisionens analys att det finns ett stort behov av att vidareutbilda matematiklärare i programmering. Potentiella fördelar som lärarna ser är att programmering kan användas som ett verktyg för att hjälpa eleverna förstå matematiskt innehåll, men också att det kan hjälpa eleverna att utveckla de matematiska förmågorna som finns i ämnesplanen. Det finns också ett visst stöd i tidigare forskning att programmering kan bidra till utvecklandet av problemlösningsförmågan i första hand. En annan potentiell fördel är att vissa elever kan bli mer intresserade av matematik om programmering införs i undervisningen. Vilka åsikter lärare har om programmering i matematiken är något som i förlängningen påverkar matematikundervisningen. Då detta inte är något som undersökts i hög grad tidigare syftar därför denna studie till att bidra med kunskap i denna fråga. / The National Agency for Education has decided that programming from autumn 2018 will be included in the syllabuses for several mathematics courses in upper secondary school. The motivation for this is the view that Swedish school should be involved in the rapid digitization that is taking place in society today. This study aims at contributing knowledge about teachers’ perspectives on how the introduction of programming in the course objectives in mathematics could affect students’ learning in mathematics. The empirical basis of the study consists of a questionnaire with both open questions and check questions which has been answered by 11 high school teachers in mathematics with technical education. The result shows that teachers overall are positive about programming in the mathematical subject but they see a problem in that it may take time from other mathematics teaching. They also consider, like the Digitalization Commission’s analysis, that there is a great need to further educate mathematics teachers in programming. Potential benefits the teachers see is that programming can be used as a tool to help students understand mathematical content, but also that it can help students to develop the mathematical abilities contained in the subject plan. There is also some support in previous research that programming can contribute to the development of problem solving skills. Another potential advantage is that some students may become more interested in math if programming is introduced in the teaching. What opinions teachers have about programming in mathematics is something that in the long run affects mathematics education. As this is not something that has been investigated to a large extent earlier, this study therefore aims at contributing knowledge on this issue.

Undersökning av användarbehov av automatisk relationsextraktion i texter i militära ledningssystem / Investigation of User Needs for Automatic Relation Extraction in Texts within Military Command and Control Systems

Olesen, Mathilda January 2022 (has links)
Att strukturera upp och analysera stora mängder data är tidskrävande och därmed existerar ett behov av automatiserade metoder för att extrahera information ur stora mängder ostrukturerad text. Språkteknologi (eng. natural language processing, NLP) handlar om att ge datorer förmågan att bearbeta, tolka och hämta information ur mänskligt språk. Ett steg i processen av att implementera tekniker som t.ex. kan sammanfatta texter, är uppgiften med relationsextraktion. Målet med relationsextraktion är att automatiskt extrahera relationer mellan entiteter i en text. Artificiell intelligens (AI) tillämpas inom flertalet områden för att effektivisera processer och reducera resurser. Genom att extrahera relationer ur en stor mängd text kan arbete kring analys av dokument effektiviseras. Under de senaste åren har effektivare modeller inom automatisk relationsextraktion tagits fram då maskininlärning har tillämpats i området. Detta examensarbete syftar till att genom användarinvolvering identifiera hur automatisk relationsextraktion kan underlätta arbete i militära staber. Metoder för datainsamling är workshop med deltagare som har relevanta erfarenheter inom militära staber, observation samt enkät. Den data som dessa metoder producerade analyserades genom en induktiv tematisk analys som resulterade i underlättande av arbete genom följande teman: resurseffektivitet, stötta samarbete, förbättra planering samt avlasta kognitiv belastning. Under workshoppen identifierades tekniker för samtliga teman där t.ex teknik som sköter orderhantering underlättar arbete genom både resurseffektivitet och genom att stötta samarbete. Deltagarna ansågs ha ett tillräckligt lärande under workshoppen för att deras diskussioner ska bedömmas relevanta för studien. Arbetets slutsatser är att automatisk relationsextraktion kan underlätta arbete i militära staber genom implementering av tekniker inom tidigare nämnda teman. Det finns dock behov inom organisationen som måste uppfyllas för att detta ska uppnås. Bland dessa behov finns det fysiska behovet av att tekniken måste vara tillförlitlig. Rekommendationer för vidare forskning är att implementera och utvärdera teknik för orderhantering eller tekniker som kopplar till planeringsprocessen i en militär stab. Orderhantering rekommenderas för att det ska underlätta både med resurseffektivitet samt att stötta samarbete. Implementera tekniker inom planeringsprocessen rekommenderas för att majoriteten av deltagarna under workshoppen prioriterade detta område högst. / To structure and analyze large amounts of data is time-consuming and there exists a need for automatic methods for extracting information from large amounts of unstructured text. Natural language processing (NLP) gives computers the ability to process, interpret and retrieve information from the human language. One step in the process of implementing technologies that for example can summarize texts, is the problem of relation extraction. The purpose of relation extraction is to extract relations between entities in texts. Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in a variety of areas to make processes more effective and reduce resourses. By extracting relations from a large amount of text, analysis of documents get more effective. In recent years more effective methods for relationship extraction has emerged with the usage of machine learning. This thesis aims to investigate through use involvement how relation extraction can faciliate work within military staffs. Methods for data collection are workshop with participants with relevant work experience within military staffs, observation and survey. Collected data was analyzed using a inductive thematic analysis that resulted in faciliation of work through the following themes: resource efficiency, faciliate cooperation, improve planning and reduce cognitive load. Participants of the workshop are deemed to have gathered knowledge of relation extraction during the workshop for their discussions to be relevant for the study. The conclusions of this thesis are that relationship extraction can faciliate work within a military staff within the earlier mentioned themes. There are, however, some criteria that the technologies must meet in order for those themes to be achieved. One of these criteria is that the result of the relationship extraction must be reliable. Recommendations for future work is to implement and evaluate technology that manages orders or is related to the planning process within a military staff. Technology that manages orders faciliates in both resource efficiency and to facilitate cooperation. The reason for implementation within the planning process is that this is the area that the participants of the workshop prioritized the highest.

Beta Bag Retainer

Karlsson, Christian, Dinh, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
Medicin och vaccin förvaras i injektionsflaskor. Flaskorna förseglas med gummiproppar somsitter kvar även när sjuksköterskan för nålen genom dem för att nå innehållet. Innan medicinkan lagras i injektionsflaskor måste gummipropparna steriliseras för att säkerställa att ingenkontaminering kan ske och att medicineringen för patienten är ren. Gummipropparna somanvänds inom läkemedelsindustrin behöver därmed genomgå en steriliseringsprocess. Iprocessen stoppas propparna in i Tyvek-Beta Bags och placeras på perforerade plåtar på envagn. Vagnen placeras i en autoklav som utsätter påsarna för ånga med temperaturer mellan121 och 134°C samt vakuum. Under steriliseringsprocessen utsätts påsen för spänningar ochblåses upp som en ballong vilket resulterar i påfrestning vid huvudet/öppningen.I projektet Beta Bag Retainer har en två studenter från Högskolan i Halmstad samarbetat medGetinge Sterilization AB utvecklat en låsanordning som låser fast Beta Bagen på plåten samt germöjlighet att optimera lasten och därmed öka kapaciteten under steriliseringsprocesserna.Projektet har genomförts genom användning av Set-based design och agil produktutveckling.Låsanordningen är användarvänlig, lätt att montera och anpassad efter Getinge Sterilizationsexisterande produkter samt en kravspecifikation. / Medicine and vaccines are stored inside injection vials. The bottles are sealed with rubber stoppersthat remain in place even when the nurse moves the needle through them to reach the contents.Before medicine can be stored in vials, the rubber stoppers must be sterilized to ensure that nocontamination can occur and that the medication for the patient is safe.The rubber stoppers used in the pharmaceutical industry need to go through a sterilization process.In this process, the stoppers are put into Tyvek bags called BetaBags and placed on perforatedshelves on a trolley. The trolley is placed inside an autoclave that exposes the bags to steam attemperatures between 121 and 134°C as well as vacuum. During the sterilization process, the bagis subjected to tension when inflated like a balloon which also is putting pressure on thehead/opening of the bag.In the Beta Bag Retainer project, the project group has developed a locking device that keeps thebag in place which gives the opportunity to optimize the load and thereby increase capacity duringthe sterilization process. The lock is user-friendly and mainly works with Getinge Sterilizationsexisting products. The project group has worked with Set-based Design and agile production todevelop a solution that achieves all the requirements and demands from the company. The solutionis a user friendly locking device, which is easy to keep clean and to assemble onto perforatedshelves.

A comparative study of the wild berry industry’s innovation system in Sweden and Finland : Conditions affecting the prospect of an industry development

Markgren, Rebecca, Walldén Cerna, Felicia January 2022 (has links)
Sweden has yet to fully explore its industry regarding wild berries, with the resource patiently waiting in the forest to be used, with great potential for future endeavors. When it comes to wild berry related innovations, not much has happened in Sweden in the last couple of decades, with the technique of freezing houses being the most recent. Another country close to Sweden with possibly a more developed wild berry industry is Finland, which leads to the aim of this study which is to conduct a comparative study based on the separate countries’ innovation systems through a company perspective. The study was conducted by a comparative approach with data collected via literature studies and interviews gathered with purposive sampling. To further investigate the differences between the two countries facilitating and hindering aspects, a performance matrix was applied. These were ultimately connected with functions of innovation development based on the innovation system approach, and a reflection on cumulative causation. The results indicated most facilitating aspects in Sweden as originating from demand side actors, and most hindering aspects as originating from actors third party and companies. In Finland, most facilitating aspects come from companies and third parties, and most hindering aspects also come from third parties as well as supplier/ labor actors. The innovation system analysis found Finland to have more facilitating aspects relating to functions contributing to the inception of innovations while compared to Sweden. The study concluded that Sweden has great opportunities to flourish in the industry, however the interplay between actors should follow a more Finnish approach.

Svensk Internet of Things-utveckling : En intervjustudie som undersöker det svenska IoT-klimatet / Swedish Internet of Things development : An interview study that investigates the swedish IoT climate

Schill, Philip January 2017 (has links)
Den här rapporten diskuterar svårigheter med "Internet of Things"-utveckling. Artiklar och rapporter inom området har sammanställts för att ta reda på hur IoT-utveckling skiljer sig från annan typ av utveckling. Dessutom utförs en intervjustudie där svenska IoT-utvecklare beskriver hur de löser de listade programmeringsutmaningarna. Enligt den här undersökningen har utvecklarna i olika företag ofta samma problematik och deras lösningar är snarlika. / This report discusses the difficulties with "Internet of Things"-development. Various articles and reports in the same area have been compiled in order to find out where IoT-development differs from other types of development. In addition, an interview study was conducted in which Swedish IoT developers answer how they solve the challenges listed from this report. According to this survey, developers in different companies often have the same problems and their solutions are often similar.

Clojure som första programspråk : En studie om funktionell programmering med grundskollärare / Clojure as first programming language : A study of functional programming with primary teachers

Johansson, Jonas, Johansson, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Den svenska grundskolans läroplan har reviderats till att innehålla programmering från och med den 1 juli 2018. Detta medför flera val av hur programmeringsundervisning skall utformas bland annat val av programspråk och programmeringsparadigm. I denna studie undersöks det funktionella programspråket Clojure som introduktionsspråk för grundskollärare utan tidigare programmeringserfarenhet. Syftet har varit att ta reda på vilka utmaningar de mött vid programmeringen. En kombination av metoder har använts för att ta reda på detta. Studien har genomförts med 13 grundskollärare som deltagit i en introduktionskurs i Clojure. Med hjälp av verktyget Codepad har kursdeltagarnas knapptryck spelats in när de programmerat. Dessa inspelningar har sedan använts för att utföra intervjuer med metoden stimulated recall där intervjudeltagarna fick se sin egen Codepadinspelning och sedan berättat om deras resonemang kring koden. Metoden att kombinera kodinspelning med stimulated recall har genererat stora mängder både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data och därmed gett en tydlig bild av hur kursdeltagarna har programmerat i Clojure. Av studiens resultat framkommer att kursdeltagarnas största utmaning är programspråkets syntax. Detta stämmer överens med tidigare studier som visar att syntax är den vanligaste utmaningen för nybörjare även i andra programspråk. Vi ser därför inga specifika egenskaper hos Clojure som skulle motivera att välja bort varken det eller det funktionella paradigmet i introduktionskurser i programmering. / The Swedish primary school curricula have been revised to include programming as of July 1, 2018. This entails several choices of how programming education should be designed, among other things, the choice of programming languages and programming paradigms. In this study, the functional programming language Clojure is examined as an introductory language for primary school teachers without previous programming experience. The purpose has been to find out what challenges they encountered in programming. For this a combination of methods has been used. The study has been conducted with 13 primary school teachers who participated in an introductory course in Clojure. Using the tool Codepad, the participants’ every key press has been recorded when programming. These recordings were then used to conduct interviews with the method stimulated recall, where the interviewees saw their own Codepad recordings and then explained their reasoning about the code. The method of combining code recordings with stimulated recall has generated large amounts of both quantitative and qualitative data, thus giving a clear picture of how the course participants have programmed in Clojure. The study results show that the participants’ greatest challenge is the syntax of the programming language. This is consistent with previous studies that show that syntax is the most common challenge for novice programmers, even in other programming languages. We therefore see no specific characteristics of Clojure that would hinder it, or the functional paradigm, in introductory courses in programming.

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